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Touhou Draft - Yet Again.

Wen Yang

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picking Reimu B for DDC.

Randomizing for Sifer:

4, 4, -> Marisa A, MoF

6 -> Marisa B UFO

Sifer also gets Marisa A for SA by default.

Picking Border Team for IN.

also, since nobody else is still picking for EoSD, might as well put my final pick in ahead of time. Reimu A there.

Edited by Wen Yang
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And drafting is done.

Please post the difficulty you will play each game in here. Each game may have a different difficulty level.

I will play all the games on Normal.

Deadline for submitting a Replay of the first game, EoSD, is on the 15th of September, 12:00 PM GMT+7.

Edited by Wen Yang
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Embodiment of Scarlet Devil: Normal

Perfect Cherry Blossom: Normal

Imperishable Night: Easy

Mountain of Faith: Normal

Subterranean Animism: Easy

Undefined Fantastic Object: Normal

Ten Desires: Normal

Double Dealing Character: Normal

Guess which ones I do poorly at.

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Bal, you better win UFO and TD, and Kay should also do great in UFO!

Good luck to all the players (especially nii-chan). I might submit an unranked replay for UFO, if that's okay with Kopf.

Edited by Z.M.
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I'm just going to nitpick SA stuff since that's the only game I remotely care about.

  • Very interesting that Kopf went for ReimuC on his very first pick. A good safety net by having essentially full power at 3.00, but I'm wondering how that's gonna go with how fritzy the shot control is. One of the more reasonable Satori fights too.
  • Aki goes for best OTP on Yukareimu, forward focus. Bosses gonna die pretty fast, but definitely something to watch out during this route's Satori fight.
  • Kay picks the most versatile Patche type which happens to be Proto's favorite. Needs some fast fingers for maximum utilization on the Fire (forward focus) and Water (large spread) types. Might not really use Earth (wide-angle spread) for its shotgun much, but we'll see.
  • Emerald also takes on the last solid pick on Nitori's missiles. Shield bomb excellent for getting through SA's dense bullet patterns relatively unscathed, and maybe learn some from them. Delayed forward focus is less desirable than Yukari's version, but it's a fair trade.
  • Balcerzak goes for an interesting pick on the Suika semi-homing, the weakest shot type in the game. Foregoing Alice's higher power for a better chance at actually hitting something, and perhaps an easier Satori fight, albeit longer. Much longer.
  • Lastly, Sifer gets Alice on default. Probably the worst shot type to die on with SA's power recovery system, but it has a lot of bombs for a good deathbomber, and a solid amount of boss rape on unfocused.

Good luck to all!

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Bal, you better win UFO and TD, and Kay should also do great in UFO!

Good luck to all the players (especially nii-chan). I might submit an unranked replay for UFO, if that's okay with Kopf.

Thankyou~ :3

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Embodiment of Scarlet Devil: Normal

Perfect Cherry Blossom: Normal

Imperishable Night: Normal

Mountain of Faith: Normal

Subterranean Animism: Easy

Undefined Fantastic Object: Normal

Ten Desires: Normal

Double Dealing Character: Normal

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EoSD - All shot types are good in EoSD imo, though I'd consider MarisaB [sifer and Kay-nee] to be the best for scoring since Master Spark can kill those enemies that leave really quickly. Master Spark also helps with bombskipping tough spells, though when it comes to bosskilling, MarisaA [Akki] has very high power to slay bosses easily. I'm surprised nobody else took MarisaA, which is my personal favorite in EoSD. ReimuB [Emily and Bal] can hit pretty hard at shotgun range and the spread helps a lot during the stage parts. I don't really like ReimuA [Wen Yang] because of how weak it is, but the homing shots help with scoring when you're hogging the auto-collect line and killing enemies regardless of where they spawn.

PCB - ReimuA [Wen Yang] is too weak imo, and might have issues with bosses. Again, homing shots help with auto-collecting during stage parts. ReimuB [Akki] has a powerful forward shot, but might have issues with stages. MarisaA [sifer] is pretty powerful and is amazing for scoring, but only IF you never bomb (because the Cherry penalty is ridiculous). MarisaB [Emily] isn't as good as MarisaA imo, because as awesome as Master Spark is, it completely wrecks your score. And when it comes to survival, MarisaB is not as good as SakuyaA [Kay-nee] imo, who gets 4 bombs/life (as opposed to Marisa's 2 bombs/life and Reimu's 3 bombs/life) and has access to both spread and focused homing shots. The power is a little weak, and SakuyaB [bal] can dish out more damage at the expense of being tougher to control and having damageless bombs. Both Sakuya shot types are slow in racking up Cherry for score, but they're also penalized the least for bombing/dying.

IN - Border Team [Wen Yang, Bal] is nice and well-balanced, with homing shots (Reimu and Ran), forward focus (Yukari), spirit collision invulnerability, and easy Last Spells. Unfortunately, Border Team needs to face Marisa on Stage 4, who is imo tougher than Reimu. Magic Team [Emily] gets to face Reimu, and can dish out a lot of damage as either Marisa or Alice, but has issues with stage parts due to lack of spread/homing. I would recommend going Marisa Solo for this, actually, though if you do decide to go for the team, you should consider abusing the Malice Cannon, which is triggered by rapidly tapping the focus button to dish out massive damage while both Marisa and Alice's shots are present at the same time. Scarlet Team [Akki] is a combination of a weak shot type in Sakuya (who has nice spread, at least) and a powerful bosskiller in Remilia. Note that Remilia's familiars don't move with Remilia, so you can stick them in front of a boss and dodge anywhere while the familiars continue to dish out damage. The last team, and also my favorite is the Netherworld Team [sifer, Kay-nee] with Youmu+Myon having a powerful forward shot for bosses when Myon is firing forward, while Yuyuko decimates stages with her amazing spread shot (which is quite powerful for spread shot standards). Youmu's 50% human meter also gives the Netherworld Team a scoring advantage, especially if Youmu is running solo. Yuyuko's ability to trivialize stages might be too good to pass up though.

MoF - ReimuA [Wen Yang] is pretty great here and isn't as weak as previous homing Reimus. However, ReimuB [Akki] dishes out a lot of damage, but might face issues with stage parts due to lack of spread/homing. ReimuC [Emily] has great spread for stages, but needs to be close to bosses to have reasonably good damage output, which is generally really risky. MarisaA [sifer] is an interesting shot type, where the options can be lined up horizontally for a wide shot, or vertically so strengthen the forward shot, while focusing locks the arrangement as you move. MarisaB [Kay-nee] has a powerful forward shot like ReimuB, except that it consists of piercing lasers, which is really nice. Finally, my favorite shot type, MarisaC [bal] has short-ranged but wide frostthrowers whose short range can be overcome by placing them in front of bosses and focusing to lock their position. This position lock is also useful during stages, since the options can be placed on one side of the screen while Marisa is in the other side, shooting down enemies that spawn from either side.

SA - The toughest Windows Touhou game imo. ReimuA [Akki] is an excellent shot type, with a powerful forward shot and a great screenwide wide. The options also wrap around the screen, letting her hit both the right and left edge at the same time. Warp gimmick also comes in handy at times. ReimuB [bal] is pretty weak, but the homing shots and auto-collection are both pretty nice. The bomb is not very effective on Normal Mode, though, since the bullet densities aren't quite as ridiculous. ReimuC can fire in any direction, which is really cool but hard to control. It has an amazing bomb though, and is quite affordable too, since the back options already reach maximum power at 3.00 Power. MarisaA [sifer], on the other hand, can go up to 8.00 Power but has a hard time recovering after bombing too much, which is often necessary due to how weak her bombs are at long range. She does have a very useful spread shot and an incredibly powerful forward shot, though I find it quite annoying that the former is achieved by focusing while the latter is the unfocused shot. MarisaB [Kay-nee] has a great spread shot too and adds further utility with a side shot type, an oblique shotgun shot type, and a powerful back shot type. Her forward shot is quite disappointing though, and changing shot types can be quite a bother. Her bomb is also short ranged, but the sheer power of a shotgun bomb on Wood Sign is partially why this is my favorite SA shot type. Lastly, MarisaC [Emily] has some pretty powerful but slow missiles, and a very forgiving but undamaging bomb. Unfortunately, she's not really well equipped to deal with big SA threats imo, so she faces a harder time than other SA shot types.

UFO - ReimuA [Akki] and MarisaA [Emily] are both high-powered forward shot types that can hit really hard but don't spread or home. I prefer MarisaA because her piercing lasers are amazing for taking down UFOs. Both bombs really hurt mobility, especially for MarisaA, so collecting UFO tokens during a bomb isn't that easy. ReimuB [Wen Yang] and SanaeA [Kay-nee] both have homing shots and are pretty good... as long as they don't destroy UFOs too early, or worse, allow UFOs to leave while the homing shots are preoccupied with other enemies. SanaeB [bal] is an awesome shot type with great spread, a good forward shot, and a ridiculously overpowered bomb. She may have issues taking down UFOs though. Lastly, MarisaB [sifer] is an awful shot type, with her wide spread (that even goes behind her!) and bombs being extremely weak.

TD - Reimu [Akki and Wen Yang] finally has both homing and a forward shot, like IN Border Team, which is really awesome. Drawing spirits towards her in Trance Mode is nice for scoring purposes. Marisa [Emily] hits pretty hard but she suffers from narrow range as usual. Her Master Spark lasts for quite a while, letting her collect a lot of spirits, but the reduced mobility makes it hard to shotgun bomb bosses for rapid spirit generation. Sanae [sifer and Bal] is quite easy to use, with a nice spread and bomb, but she lacks the raw power that all the other shot types have. Finally, Youmu [Kay-nee] has an interesting slash that can be incredibly useful when utilized properly, but is difficult to properly master. Her Trance Mode is also a continuous slash, which is really good.

DDC - Whee, my favorite game from the ones in this draft! Both Reimus have homing shots unfocused, but ReimuA [bal] gets a nice homing gohei when focused. It swings in a pretty wide radius so it can hit multiple enemies too, which is nice. I'm surprised Wen Yang didn't pick this, given his obsession with homing shot types. ReimuB [Wen Yang], on the other hand, has a forward shot when focused, like in TD, which is great for bosses. MarisaA [Emily] has a cool flamethrower but it sadly requires you to be at close range to hit hard enough. MarisaB [sifer], on the other hand, gets nice powerful missiles and her bomb can generate auto-collect spoils (life pieces/bomb pieces) easily. SakuyaA [Akki] has a protection bomb (like SA MarisaC) where both the shield generation and shield breaking are auto-collecting, making it easy to rack up resources. Her knives also slow down bullets generated from the enemies they're stuck on to, and tapping the focus button allows her to distribute these knives to multiple enemies very quickly, which is awesome. SakuyaB [Kay-nee] is designed to generate point items and is great for scoring, but requires great skill to use, since she doesn't have anything relevant for survival.

Overall - Akki has the best shot type selection imo, having solid shot types for every single game. Kay-nee's selection is pretty good too, though TD!Youmu and DDC!SakuyaB may be difficult to use but would yield great scores once mastered. Bal has a lot of experience in Touhou, so I assume his choices are of shot types that he's very comfortable with, so he should be playing well. sifer has a few good shot types and a few lame ones, though it doesn't seem like he was exposed to most of the games to begin with. Wen Yang seems to be very determined to secure homing Reimu, while Emily went pure Marisa. I assume these are due to playstyle comfort, so I can only hope that they make good use of their preferred shot type in all games.

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