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Does the DefeatBoss Pointers ever stop working suddenly?


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Is there anything that would cause DefeatBoss pointer in EA to stop working? As in anything event related to the DefeatBoss quotes and conversations stopped working all of a sudden for my ROM when they previously worked in earlier chapters. I erase all my game data and restarted my hack and played through, anything related to the boss quotes stopped working.

This is for FE7 by the way.

This is the third time that it has happened to me. Are there certain spaces in the so called free section of the ROM that contain important bytes? I feel as if when I get to the 0xD83000 section my ROM starts gtliching out. Notably with Boss Quotes. Specific Boss Quotes, non specific boss quotes, and boss death quotes that all worked previously are now not appearing when the conditions are met (Ex: batta dies and says something, now when he dies nothing happens and any chapter goal related to the boss death does not trigger anymore.

I checked the event IDs in nightmare, check my EA scripts but all I've been changing are dialogue and portraits in Feditor since the time that the ROM was working correctly. I do make sure to not have more than one program open when I save my changes too.

Edited by Ghatsu!
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This has happened to me before for reasons I don't actually understand. One way to fix it is to do the death quote via events and then trigger the 0x02 within that event. It doesn't make any sense but the matter method works like a charm. Search "death quotes by events" on the forums (I'm on my phone so can't link you) if you don't know how to do that.

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I'm not too familiar on how to incoporate the death quotes via eventing. In the "death quotes by event" topic, you provided a sample on how to do this. Am I suppose to put the define DQTableOffset and DeathQuoteTable, and the ORG (0x71ED5C) in the same eventing file as the chapter in which I want the death quote to activate?

With me repeating the DQTableOffset and DeathQuoteTable for every chapter that doesn't have a working Death quote anymore?

Is 0x71ED5C an offset in your ROM or is that the area where the death quotes are located? If it is from your ROM I'd have to change it if I didn't want to overwrite anything?

I had limited success in the past when I tried to put my own custom macros in with EA. But this time, I just get the error message that DeathQuoteTable is not a valid command.

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You're getting that error because you didn't put the #define lines in your definitions or event file.

The offset I used was just an arbitrary offset. Naturally you should have it to whatever offset is free space for you.

the actual text can go in whatever text file you want. You could put it all in a separate text file or the same one as the chapter events. Remember that since you are putting org 0x(offset) it's writing to that location regardless of whether it's in your chapter events or anywhere else

You shouldn't have to keep repeating the #defines if you make the death quotes into a separate text file (which is what I would recommend). This way you control all death quotes from one central location.

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What exactly am I to put into my definitions and event files specifically? I did read the ultimate tutorial but it is just confusing on this subject. I also went into the standard library and looked at the files. I copied the format into a blank text file and included the #include at the top of my eventing file but still get the same no valid command.

So I have this in a text file called DeathQuotes:

#ifdef _FE7_
#define DQTableOffset 0xD82D50
#define DeathQuoteTable(index,CharacterID,ChapterID,TextPointer,EventPointer,TriggerID) "ORG DQTableOffset+(16*index); BYTE CharacterID; BYTE ChapterID; ALIGN 4; 5 HORT TextPointer; ALIGN 4; POIN EventPointer; BYTE TriggerID; ALIGN 4"
And I have " i#include DeathQuotes.txt " at the top of my prologue event file, with " DeathQuoteTable[0x00, Batta, 06, 0x00, BattaDies, 0x2] " inside the file as well.

Do I need to repoint the conversation offsets as well? What is an .event file and how do I go about opening it?

Sorry if this is suppose to be easy, I never quite figured out how to do custom macros. When my fight events didn't work I just defined the fight commands(ex: AttackerCritical, DefendMiss, etc) into a blank text document, named it Fight Event Codes, and it worked.

Edited by Rickochet
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Without looking at the rest of the post because I'm on a phone, you only use square [] brackets for UNIT structs (well, you also use them in LOCA coords but you should be using macros for that)

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I now get these error messages.

File:Prologue Event.txt,Line3: File DeathQuotes.txt not found.: #IncludeDeathQuotes.txt

File Prologue Event.txt,Line 139, Column 21: Didn't reach end, currently at Comma(,)

I do have the #includeDeathQuotes at the top of my prologue event file, is there something else to this I need to do?

Usually when the column error shows up I think it has to do with spacing and formatting right? I tried different combinations of no commas, or commas with space, or just spaces but nothing worked.

Edited by Rickochet
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Oh sorry, my mistake. That was actually a typo on my part in the post and not in the actualy definitions file.

#ifdef _FE7_
#define DQTableOffset 0xD02000
#define DeathQuoteTable(index, CharacterID, ChapterID, TextPointer, EventPointer, TriggerID) "ORG DQTableOffset+(16*index); BYTE CharacterID; BYTE ChapterID; ALIGN 4; 5 HORT TextPointer; ALIGN 4; POIN EventPointer; BYTE TriggerID; ALIGN 4"
This is what my .txt file looks like right now.
This is the top portion of my event file.
#include EAstdlib.event
#include DeathQuotes.txt
ORG 0xD81690


DeathQuoteTable(0x00, Batta, 06, 0x00, BattaDies, 0x2)

And it is with this that the error messengers come up.

Edited by Rickochet
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"DeathQuotes.txt not found" is kind of self explanatory... are you sure the txt is in the same folder?

You also need an #include EAstdlib.event at the beginning of DeathQuotes.txt. I was sure my template had that but I suppose it doesn't; I will update it at some point.

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only the ea standard library goes in ea standard library

don't touch the ea standard library, #includes go in the same folder as either EA or the folder the event file is in

Edited by CT075
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to be safe i would always put them in the same folder as the file your chapter goes into (if i'm assembling "prologue.txt" i want it in the same folder as that)

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