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Hi, I´m new to Serenesforest.

Last months I´ve been playing a little bit with Awakening and Fates´s story.

If your are interested, post your ideas.

This post contains Big Spoilers for Awakening and some Mild Spoilers for Fates

The first thing I want to share is Chrom´s dad, I made a base design for it and I think it is pretty cool.

One thing I noticed is that I´m not that great at drawing armor, so if you´d like to help me with that I would really appreaciate it.

Once I get Fates next month and clear the story modes, I´ll update on the story itself, so you´ll have to wait a little bit until the main story.

For some time it will be some designs I make or some mini stories that will shape the main story.

Well, here comes Chrom´s Dad

I am not that great with names, but my idea for his name is Rodrik.

He is an only child.

In this story, he is the first blue haired descendant that wasn´t born with his brand.

For that reason, he isn´t able to wield Falchion.

His base class is an Axe Lord, but his class is War Lord, they can use Axes and Swords.

I don´t know what his Personal Skill would be.

Since his parents loved him very much, they forged a special axe made of extremely rare silver that uses the Argent Gem´s Power.

He still goes into a rampage and tries to anihilate the Grimleals.

I´ll attach the photos in the next few days since I´m having Internet trouble right now.

Update #1

Now, I´ll talk a bit about the main thing of this mashup.

Since I haven´t played Fates, but I know a bit of the story, this may change in the future.

The idea is that after the end of Fire Emblem Fates, the Invisible Path, Kamui, Aqua, and Lilith go through a portal and got to Chrom´s world. They get separated in the way, and Kamui appears near the time and place where Chrom finds Robin, but he can´t remember well what happened to him.

I´ll update after the game comes out, to avoid people getting mad with me.

Edited by Sasa
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