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Fire Emblem: The Wargame

False Prophet

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Ok, I know this should have been posted on the Fan Project thread. Pardon the intrusion.

So, here is my original wargame using Cipher Cards:

Fire Emblem: The Wargame

Number of player: 2


- A rectangular area that is divided into 7x7 to 10x10 cells (each cells is the size of a card)

- Two character sheets with all the stats, skills, and equipments of each character

- Character cards: Cipher Cards

- Dices: several d10, d6 and d4

- Tokens: Coins or other trinklets

- Pencils and erasers

Optional: Miniatures from other wargames like Warhammer, Kings of War, etc.


How to play:

- The two players agree on the size of the board, the price threshold, and the type of game: Rout all Enemy, Capture the Throne, etc.

- Each player make a character sheet with the characters that they would bring into the game, complete with the stats and skills from the Codex. The combined price of all base cards (those that presented in the opening of the battle) must not exceed the agreed price threshold.

- The players can choose from a list of prepared scenarios and corresponding maps; or, make an agreement on a custom scenario and map.

- The map is built, with the locations (thrones, pillars, hills, forrests, etc) marked by pieces of paper; or, if available, miniatures from other wargames.

- Two players flip a coin to determine who will go first.

- Two players arrange their troops within agreed areas. The troops list must be presented from one to another. There is a separate list for reinforcement, but the total cost points for the reinforcement is calculated into the overall cost of the army.

(Note: Reinforcement must either appears on stairs, gates, or forts squares. If not, then they must start at the edge of the map. Players can either reveal which turn the reinforcement will appear or not.)

- Before the game, players deploy their units by placing them face-down. If playing Fog of War, then one player’s character cards are put face-down even when the game started, and would only reveal themselves when they are within the line of sight of an enemy card. Face-down cards can not be attacked.

- Upon entering a shop, the character can buy a weapon with the leftover point (that the player has left when they field an army that is under the point quota). The item (represented by an icon) will be placed on the character card. No character can have more than three items. Unit next to Lord card can give or take their items to the Convoy.

(Note: Depends on the card, that character might have already has one item slot occupied - For example, Lodestar Marth has the Falchion.)

- The players take turn commanding their troops, engaging in combat, leveling up and change classes. The game will end when the requirement is finished:

+ Root all enemy

+ Defeat/Rescue specific characters

+ Capture the gate/throne

+ Stealing treasures

+ Defending an area for X turns


- Depend on the type of the unit and weapon, the enemy unit must be within the range of the player's unit to be attacked.

- Hit: The attacker rolls a D6 dice, then follows this fomula:

(Weapon Accuracy + Skill x 2 + Luck / 2 + Support Bonus + S-Rank Bonus) = Hit

- Attack stance: If there is an adjacent unit to the unit initiate the attack, and the attacking unit is not in Pair Up, an attack stance is automatically performed. The attacker follows the same procedure as he has done with his first attack

- Evade: The defender rolls a D6 dice, then follows this fomula:

(Speed x 2 + Luck + Terrain Bonus + Support Bonus) / D6 = Evade

- Guard stance: If the attacked unit is in "Pair up", the second unit could take a hit for the attacked unit. First, the defender roll a d6 to determine whether he can perform a Guard Stance: If it is equal to over 4, then he can. Then, the defender calculated the damage the second unit get by the fomulars bellow.

- Damage: If the Hit point is higher than the Evade point, the defender is hit. His damage is calculated as follow:

+ Physical: (Attack + Weapon Might) - (Defense + Support Bonus + Terrain bonus)

+ Magic: (Magic + Tome Might) - (Resistance + Support Bonus + Terrain bonus)

- The defender now attack the attacking unit with the same procedure above

- Both side recorded the damage they have inflicted on each other on the character sheets.

- EXP:

+ Survive a confrontation but do from 0 to less than 10 damage: 1 EXP

+ Survive a confrontation and do above 10 damages: half of the EXP written on the attacked unit.

+ Kill a unit: EXP received equals to the number written on the defeated unit.

Level Up and Class Change:

- When a character has gained 100 EXP, he undergoes a class change. The player rolls 6 d4 to determine the added HP, Strength, Defence, Speed, Resistance, Luck. The player then pull out the new card with the corresponding level to replace the old card.

- The players have two choice: Either field an already promoted (as in "Promoted Class" like Master Lord, Sniper, etc.) for a higher price, or field an unpromoted card and level up the card. After two level up, the card can class change and replaced with the promoted version of the character without any additional cost.


So, what do you think of it? This game is still unplayable - not until I can make a Characters Book that contains all the stats of each cards. But I would truly be appreciate if someone have time and the cards to stage a mock game to test everything. If you can do so, then please, please tell me all faults that you find with the game.

I include here some hand-drawn maps that I find on the net:

Maps 1.pdf

Edited by False Prophet
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