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Everyone is Mafia Mafia: The Glorious Revolution (GOOD JOB KONEKO, ENIGMAR, AND REINFLECHE)

Lil Bean

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Ah, softly we move through the shadows, slip away through the trees
Crossing their lines in the mists in the fields on our hands and our knees
And all that I ever,
Was able to see,
The fire in the air glowing red, silhouetting the smoke on the breeze

Phase End

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Welcome to the Battle for Serenes!

First to fall is BLOOD, playing the character:


To my friend Acid Pheonix/BLOOD,

You are Catmando, probably one of the most politically important cats ever. In your early days, you were voted in as one of the joint leaders (Also your owner) of the Official Monster Raving Loony Party with Howling Laud Hope (OMRLP). The OMRLP is a recognized UK political party which, as wikipedia puts it, makes “deliberately bizarre” policies. This might explain your association with them.

Official Monster Raving Loony Party (Active): Each night, you may ##Convince ALIAS to join the OMRLP. ALIAS and your simple meow will convince ALIAS to join your political party. Thanks to the nature of the OMRLP, many find it hilarious and a good way to get away from the cold hard capitalism of this generation. Giving them a new positive perspective on life, ALIAS will be able to perform their actions twice the next night. You may not use this on yourself as you are already a member of the OMRLP.

We’re All in This Together! (Passive): Once you have persuaded someone to join the OMRLP, they will not be able to shoot you for the rest of the game. Why would someone try to harm you, the feline co-leader of the OMRLP?

You also have a standard shot.
You win when you are one of the last 3 people remaining.

Poor Acid Phoenix didn't survive the first wave.

Next up is Crapitalism, who will at least die with a pun. Their character was:


To my friend Shubaka/Crapitalism

You are Rosa Luxemburg! Theorist, Philosopher, and socialist, You have many achievements under your belt, you and Karl Liebknecht co-founded the anti-war Spartacus League and you also co-founded the newspaper Die Rote Fahne or the red flag. Many regard Luxembourg as a martyr of the socialist cause, but at the time she had a somewhat mixed reception among scholars.

Mass Strike(Active): You were a strong advocate for mass strikes, urging for an workers around the world to rise up. Every night, you will ##Protect the rights of ALIAS, protecting them from any role and shots.

Anti-War (Active): As the co-founder of the anti-war Spartacus League and other such organizations, you are against World War. I and the imperialist movements of Germany. Every night you may ##Pacify ALIAS. This will make them unable to shoot for the night.

You can only use one or the other for the night.

You also have a standard shot.

You win if you are one of the last three players remaining.

Shubaka and her supposedly OP role didn't exactly make it to far on the battlefield.

Lobizón completed their voyage a little too early it seems. Playing the character:


Dear Ken/Lobizón,

You are Leif Erikson, the first known European to discover the New World. After hearing rumours of a land west of Greenland, you sailed west to find the lands which are currently known as Newfoundland. Choosing to stay for the winter, you created a settlement, splitting your team into two, one to explore the lands, and one to stay at home and gather food. The exploration team returned with news of many vines and grapes, which influenced you to name these lands Vinland.

Discovery(Active): Coming from a line of explorers such as his father who created the first permanent settlement in Greenland, Leif was a skilled explorer. Every night you can ##Discover ALIAS1 and ALIAS2, giving you information on their roles.

Voyage(Active): The life of an explorer is a patient one, living life on the seas for months. Once in the game, you can ##Take ALIAS for a voyage, this will make all actions on ALIAS null, as well as make all actions used by ALIAS null. Happy sailing!

Winter(Active): You choose to bunker down for the winter, focusing on surviving before continuing your venture. Once in the game you can ##Bunker down, protecting yourself from shots this night.

You also have a standard shot.

You win if you are one of the last three players remaining.

Poor Riptor died young.

On account of believing his role to be literally the worst role ever. Kirsche truly fell into Madness.

Dear Kirsche/Madness,

You are Cao Cao, King of Wei, “Emperor of Wu”, and the true de facto leader of the crumbling Han Empire. Rising from humble beginnings, you became a prominent figure in the military for your victories against the Yellow Turbans. When you grew enough in influence, you had the Emperor moved to your holdings for protection, effectively giving you dictatorial powers. After defeating Yuan Shao in the battle of Yellow River, you will come to control Northern China, and will set policies promoting agriculture and the idea of merit over status in your kingdom. You have a strong opinion of strict code and following the law, this is why you refused to usurp the throne, despite obviously having the power to do so.

The Merit of All(Activate): Cao Cao believed strongly in choosing someone for their ability and merit, rather than their status and birthright. This made him very controversial with confucian scholars. Every night, you may use ##Show me your strength, ALIAS. This will copy ALIAS’ role and turn it into a usable item that can be used in the future. You can only have a maximum of three items at the same time.

You also have a standard shot.

You win if you are one of the last three players remaining.


Finally, it seems that Ming has fallen.


To my friend Dragonflare7/Ming,
You are Roland from Fire Emblem: Rekka No Ken. Although you are the tiniest of the eight legendary heros of Elibe, you use a gigantic divine weapon to kill dragons. Thanks to your friend Athos, one of the other eight legendary heros, some may know you as “Little Knight.” Although you’re used to fighting dragons in the Scouring, dragons in EIMM will have to do fine for now. Your weapon, Durandal, may be just as useful killing players as it is killing dragons.

Durandal (Active): Your weapon is far better suited for killing dragons than players, but can come in handy in this situation. As a player gains more power through obtaining items and bullet proof vests, they become more like a dragon. Every time you decide to ##Slay the dragon ALIAS, their dragon level will be gauged. For each item or bullet proof vest they have, the chance that they are a dragon will increase by 25%. If a player is 0% dragon (has no bullet proof vests or items) and you hit them with Durandal, their standard shot will be blocked that night. If a player is 25% dragon (has one bpv or one item), a hit with Durandal will cause both their standard shot and action to fail. If a player is 50% dragon (has a mixture of bpvs and items), Durandal’s attack will begin to do damage. If selected, a standard shot will be placed on that player. If a player is 75% dragon, an attack using Durandal while prevent them from using their standard shot and their action, and will also place a standard shot on them. If a player is a 100% DRAGON and you hit them with Durandal, nothing will be able to stop you except for bullet proof vests. Upon threat of a dragon, you will move as fast as you can to eliminate them. A hit by Durandal will prevent them from using their standard attack and actions. A standard shot will also be placed on the selected alias.
You also have a standard shot.

You win when you are one of the last three players remaining

Rest in piece Dragonflare7.

All summer they drove us back through the Ukraine
Smolyensk and Viyasma soon fell
By autumn we stood with our backs to the town of Orel
Closer and closer to Moscow they come - riding the wind like a bell
General Guderian stands at the crest of the hill


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Damn should've won so I wouldn't have to be friends with these losers. Ah well there's always next time ;p

You and Rein badly need wins...

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Winter brought with her the rains, oceans of mud filled the roads
Gluing the tracks of their tanks to the ground while the sky filled with snow
And all that I ever,

was able to see,
The fire in the air glowing red silhouetting the snow on the breeze

Phase end.

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The fire rages on!

First up is Caligula, Emperor of nothing.
Their character:


To my friend Drumbeats/Caligula,

You are A.L.I.E., artificial intelligence with the goal of improving humanity. Some call you “The ***** in the red dress” or just “Red” for short. In your opinion, the best way to improve the world is by fixing all of its flaws, which to you is overpopulation. To fix it you must kill people until a more proper population is achieved. Twenty four players is just way too many!!!! Three players is just right.
Nuclear Bomb (Active): Your most notable progress in making humanity great again is launching a nuclear bomb which killed 6.5 billion people. To continue your progress, until there are only 16 players left in the game, you have another standard attack. Any night that there are more than 16 players, you are able to activate this attack using ##Shoot ALIAS.
Nearing the End (Active): Once the player count is 16 or lower, you feel the need to prevent some people dying. You may attach ##Prevent the death of ALIAS any night that there are 16 or lower players but also 8 or more. That phase, the death of the alias will be prevented, but they also will not be able to act. You cannot target yourself.
The Best for Humanity (Active): Once there are less than 8 players in the game, you want to narrow down humanity to only the best of the best. When this point is reached you may ##Claim ALIAS as the best for humanity. This will keep all shots from hitting them that night. You may not target yourself

You also have a standard shot.
You win when you are one of the last three players remaining

Looks like Drumbeats missed a beat.

Next, Composite found their end.


Dear Paperblade/Composite

You are Socrates, one of the first Philosophers responsible for the foundations of Philosophy, Education, and Science. Holding the chief principle of the pursuit of Truth, you look to reason and reason only, constantly questioning the nature of the world and the people who live in it. Living in the time of both Athenian power and instability, you constantly criticised the politics and society of Athens, at some points praising the Spartans, making you a lot of enemies. You had many apprentices who will come to spread your beliefs and further advance the sciences and philosophy in Greece. When it came to abandoning your beliefs or dying, you chose the former, killing yourself by drinking poison in accordance to Athenian Law.

Pursuit of Truth(Activate): Socrates’ desire for knowledge became his chief goal in life. Every night, you may ##Guess ALIAS is CHARACTER and PLAYER. You will guess what player is the alias and what character they are, for every info you get correct you we be awarded one point. You can use this ability on three people per night. You can only gain a maximum of three points per phase.

Fruits of Knowledge(Activate): Once every night, you may redeem your points to use the following actions:

Investigate(2 Points): ##Investigate ALIAS
Role Block(4 points): ##Hook ALIAS
Doctor(6 points): ##Protect ALIAS (Cannot self-target)
Extra Shot(8 points): ##Secondly, Shoot ALIAS
Commute(10 points): ##Protect me from the depths of ignorance

You also have a standard shot.

You win if you are one of the last three players remaining.

Poor Paperblade found that death was his reality.

It seems many will lose Karma this game.


To my friend ~Summer~/Karma,

You are an airport security dog tasked with finding food in one episode of Rooster Teeth animated adventures! Or… wait? Isn’t that just a normal dog?! You are a normal dog whose “job” is to find food at the airport. Wearing a small vest, you patrol the airport with a member of the police force looking for wrongdoers. Although sometimes you sense food when they’re actually isn’t, man, do you love your job!

Search for Food (Active): Each night, you can search for food by replying to your role pm ##I think ALIAS has food. That night, any positive actions such as docs, jails, items, etc received by alias will be redirected onto you. But be careful! If you find food two nights in a row, the third night you will not be able to shoot because you will be FAT.
You also have a standard shot.

You win when you are one of the last three players remaining.

~Summer~ ended just in time for fall.

Lil Monde lives on in spirit, not so much in eimm.


To my friend RSSP/Lil Monde,

You are American Vice President and Secretary of War John C. Calhoun! For a while you were also the United States Secretary of State. Best remembered for your defense of slavery, you are responsible for steering the United States into war with Great Britain. You tried to run for presidency in 1824 but after bitter attacks from other candidates, you dropped out. Instead you settled for vice president, which you won the nomination for twice.

Secretary of War (Active): As Secretary of war, you call the shots on who gets into war and who doesn’t. Each night, you can reply to your role pm ##Keep ALIAS from getting into a war. This will prevent all shots on them. Cannot be used on the same alias twice.
(Vice) Presidential Decree (Active): Even though you never got to the presidential level, who’s stopping you from making presidential statements? Twice during a phase, you can reply to your role pm ##Decree (Text). Anonymously, your text will be posted to the thread. However, at the bottom of the post there will be John C Calhoun’s signature. It will be posted as soon as a mod sees your message.

You also have a standard shot.

You win when you are one of the last three players remaining.


StabbyStabber got shottyshot.


Dear Heart of Ice/StabbyStabber,

You are Jesse Anderson, from the anime Yu-ghi-oh! GX. A transfer student from North Academy, you became close friends with Jaden Yuki for your mutual ability to see Duel Spirits. In battle, use a unique deck, owning the Crystal Beast cards whom you consider as family to you.

Your role is based around the summoning of four of you Crystal Beasts. Once you’ve used a card, it will go to the graveyard and cannot be used again.

Amber Mammoth(Activate): Jess can summon the Amber Mammoth card. You may respond to your RolePM with ##Target ALIAS1 instead of ALIAS2, this will redirect all actions on ALIAS2 to ALIAS1 instead. Can only be used once.

Amethyst Cat(Activate): A card in duels used to attack the opponent directly. You may respond to your RolePM with ##Target ALIAS, this will grant an extra shot on ALIAS. Can only be used once.
Emerald Turtle(Activate): A card used by Jess in duels. You may respond to your RolePM with ##Put ALIAS into defense position, protecting ALIAS from shots. Can only be used once.

Ruby Carbuncle(Activate): Jess’ companion. You may respond to your RolePM with ##Help me out here, Ruby!, granting you an extra use of the Mammoth, Cat, and Turtle abilities. If you haven’t used an ability yet, it won’t be granted an extra use. Can only be used once.

You also have a standard shot.

You win if you are one of the last three players remaining.

Heart of Ice made it far, but it seems their heart wasn't in the cards.

Turquoise saw a lot of red.


Dear Hannah/Turquoise,

You are Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of Treasury for George Washington, and most recently main character in the hit rap musical Hamilton, as played by Lin-Manuel Maranda! Your role is based off the songs of the play.

The Room Where it Happens(Activate): Aaron Burr couldn't get in, but you did! Each night, you may ##Bring Alias to the room. They will be protected from all kills inside the room.

Right Hand Man(Activate): George Washington named you his number two, and you couldn't feel prouder. Once during the game you may reply to your Role PM, ##Stealing Cannons with Mulligan for my President! The next night your kill will be doubled thanks to the stolen cannon. Sha-BOOM!

Two Hamiltons???(Conditional): There is a second player with the character Alexander Hamilton. Killing your “clone” will grant you a BPV.

You also have a standard shot.

You win if you are one of the last three players remaining.

Poor Hannah didn't survive to see the final number.

Finally, 月食 has met their fated end.


To my friend Balcerzak/月食 (Moon Eclipse),

You are Desiderius Erasmus, a philosopher, teacher, author, priest, critic, theologist, humanist, scholar, and probably a lot of other things. Known today widely for your books such as The Praise of Folly and On Free Will, some may consider your views controversial. Although, this controversy may have helped your writings become more popular. As of the time of your death,The Praise of Folly had been translated into many other languages. Your editions of the new testament in Greek and Latin also raised questions due to their humanist values.

The Praise of Folly(Active): One of your most popular books which ironically you believed would not be as popular as it was, was written in under a week (Which is just about the amount of time your normal EIMM game takes). In your book, you make fun of superstitions and traditions. Well received and hilarious by some people’s standards, many did not find your book as funny. You may ##Let ALIAS read The Praise of Folly which will enlighten them and prevent all shots from them. Because they think that your book is so great, they will show your book to anyone shooting them, reflecting all shots on the reader back onto those who shot them. You may use this on yourself once and this cannot be used on the same alias more than once.
You also have a standard shot.

You win when you are one of the last 3 people remaining.

Balcerzak met their end sooner than expected.


In the footsteps of Napoleon, the shadow figures stagger through the winter
Falling back before the gates of Moscow,
Standing in the wings like an avenger
And far away behind their lines, the partisans are stirring in the forest
Coming unexpectedly upon their outposts, growing like a promise


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