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Mechanic Idea (feel free to steal)


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I like FE. I like it a lot. But I was thinking a few nights ago that, well, keeping aside growths, maps don't really change. Fates's Dragon Veins helped a little, but It wasn't enough. So I thought of this idea: the Map Control and Manipulation System, or, M.C.M.S.

As you proceed throughout the map, performing certain actions (killing certain enemies, recruiting or not recruiting characters, answering mid-battle decisions, etc.) changes the map, enemies, or other such things. Let's say that, in a defense mission, you get a question of whether some hot water or oil should be poured on the enemies. Aside from the initial decision changing (hot water deals 5 damage while oil reduces their Speed and Move), it also changes which reinforcements come in (Hot water brings in Connor and his band of Mages and Valkyries while oil brings in Danil and his band of Knights and Cavaliers).

Another idea would be this: You're heading through a camp of mercenaries, with three sub-bosses. The order you kill them in changes the events: The first one killed brings in new reinforcements, the second one brings in a new recruit for you and the final one changes which weapon the boss is equipped with.

I'm not a game designer or coder, but I'd like it if anyone could tell me if it's feasible or interesting. Feel free to discuss the idea or even steal it if you would like. I'm cool with it.

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These are all not relatively difficult individually

The first one requires a LOT of map changes as well as debuff support be extant; though is relatively possible if not even easy (there are plenty of ways to do map changes)--- it would be very tedious because it would require a lot of setup and planning for each map, however.

The second one requires a huge amount of events, and would use up quite a few of the temporary IDs, but not anything impossible.

What would be hard would be implementing both of those in a single map; however; as each has a pretty significant number of moving parts involved in its assembly.

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They would be on separate maps. Anyway, you get the basic idea: The way you play changes how the game plays against you.

It's sort of like Pale Flower of Darkness from FE7: Depending on the map, if you complete the side objective one way you get Karel while if you do it the other way you get Harken. It's like that, but more expanded, done more and with more risks (and rewards).

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This is something I have thought of myself before, since I often see people complain that maps are not creative or interesting enough. They have a point on that, but as B.E. also points out, it might be hard to do. Personally I have wondered why they don't already do this, I imagine they would be capable enough, but who knows.

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Some more ideas:

There's a map full of treasure and enemies guarding it. What reinforcements arrive is based on the ratio of treasure taken:enemies killed. More of the former than the latter makes Heroes and Berserkers appear, while more of the latter than the former brings in Assassins and Tricksters.

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  • 1 month later...

Another idea: There are three bridges over a river with enemies on the other side. Which bridge you cross brings in (or whether you wade/fly across it) changes both the recruitable character and the variety of Asshole Reinforcements.

How fast you beat the map changes your reward: 1-5 turns is a Bolting and Nosferatu, 6-8 gives a Killer Lance and 9 and up is a Steel Axe and Steel Sword.

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