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TearRing Saga! My Blind Playthrough - Finale


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I have the crazy relationship chart in front of me, and I still have no idea what Holmes meant about Lionheart sharing an uncle with king Dagnell. Plus, he's already Dagnell's brother-in law, since he's Queen Maria's sibling, If he's "basically Dagnell's cousin", so is Maria. And she married him. Can't have a Kaga game without some amount of inbreeding, it seems.

This was a cool map though. I usually never bothered going through the front gate and just had the cavalry circle around while the slower, tankier dudes would only make a token effort at fighting down there. Probably a better strategy too if you don't have Narron and Zieg to plow through everything.

I know I already posted that hint but this time it's for real:
> The caves are a point of no return for Holmes's storyline. Make sure to stock up (and do the Verje thing) before entering them.

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Should have definitely put together that the house was a secret shop, especially after the last one. D'oh.

Good to know that this character is nice enough to drop by the convoy before wandering off lol. It's interesting that the game would do that to begin with; hopefully it's no one I desperately need pls not Narron

Kate was...really disappointing with her promotion, to say the least. Still, since there's not really an EXP penalty in this game, and she has a good set of supports she still seems decent. I just wish she were better because I like Kate haha. I can't believe that the Sol isn't personal by the way. That sounds broken haha.

Yeah, I misspoke when I said the sprites were different; palette is definitely a more appropriate word for what I meant.

That relationship chart sounds neat. It's be cool if you dropped it here sometime once it's no longer spoilerific; I'd definitely like to check that out. I liked that map as well, it seemed like there were multiple ways to tackle it. I'm just kinda stubborn haha.

I assume most of you that posted have seen this, but for those who have not


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The grind is real, man. As you've probably noticed with the latest chapter title, map/chapter numbers do not progress with "Extra Skirmishes", so as long as you read the map title cards, you shouldn't need to worry about that.

Speaking of titles, most characters do change their nickname upon promotion, but not all of them. Among those you've met, Arkis, Kreiss, Garo, Julia and Krishna get their new nickname only upon learning a specific skill. Some like Enteh and Raffin have a title change as you progress through the story and learn more about them (Enteh became a Cleric of Water when you visited the Temple of Mars). And then you've got Plum and Lyria who get a new nickname from dancing/singing a hundred million times.

A few details on skills to answer what you mentioned in the video:
* Don't teach Canto to Mel, she's gonna learn it in like, two levels. There honestly aren't that many mounted units that don't learn it on their own. Right now, Kreiss and Mintz are your best candidates for it. Raphael too if you wanna keep using him. Kate learns it on her own, but it's at level 27, so she's also a candidate for the scroll.
* All skills you learn from leveling are indeed personal, so Shigen won't be learning the same skills as Vega.... although, in the case of Draco, all the swordmasters do learn it eventually, as well as Runan/Holmes, and the Ledan nobility.
* Adept is Spd% activation and it's absolutely glorious.

For next map:

> There are a total of 8 character conversations on this crazy ass map, but only six free deployment slots! To save you some saving/reloading time, bring Samson, Alicia, Sun, Mahter, Frau and you'll see all of them. Samson and Alicia's bring you goodies. There is another one for Raffin, but uh, yeah, he's over in Runan's team being an awesome dracoknight.

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Despite what the description implies, the Dragon Breath can not actually overcome the Dragon Scale. So Katri would not have been able to hurt Kranion either.

It's such a shame that those sweet dragon animations are so underused since the AI always goes for the Large Breath.

Anyway, neither of the two Star weapons you got is a personal weapon. It's not a personal weapon unless the description specifically says that only a certain character can use it. So I'm not sure how the game decides how to apply those stars. The only practical effect of them seems to be that they can't be repaired by ordinary Repair Hammers.

Maruje would have actually gotten another Sylphid if he was in Holmes group when he went to the Temple of Mars. But that would mean that you couldn't have gotten that Salia Codex that he got you on Runan's route. Of course the main benefit of sending Maruje to Holmes is seeing him getting dissed by Alicia.

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There are a couple ways to handle Kranion early, the Dragon VS Dragon method was mentionned in the comment, or you could give Martel a Main Gauche and lure it away, since Large Breath is super inaccurate. Of course, blindly flailing in panic is a quite entertaining method as well.

Among the lil' NPC details you missed, Resshea's Shram spear is 1~2 range... and so is Verna's 2x lance. As for Katrina, I wouldn't say someone with a 80 crit sword is the weakest link of anything. Maybe Sennet or Tia, rather. Also, Temujin's score is one third of a dragon's. Dude is absolutely barbaric. As for where you heard about Rishel, Meriel mentioned him all the way back when she joined: it's her brother. Rishel left the Water Shrine at some point... then Meriel went after him...then Renee went after her... then Attrom went after her. *cue Benny Hill music*

Sennet and Tia are pretty interesting on their own. There's a little more we'll learn about them, but they already have lots of similarities with Alm and Celica. Sennet is implied to be the prince of the "evil empire" just like Alm, Tia is the supposed heir to the kingdom that has a strong tie to earth (the Shrine of Earth is in Leda, and Mila was the Earth Mother). She's also the only character in the game with both magic and weapons, like Celica.
In a way, Tearring Saga is a story about not-Alm and not-Celica doing their thing with their own party of badasses, while you focus on the adventures of not-Leif and Holmes... Holmes being his own damn man. It's kind of a cool concept and, as far as themes are concerned, I think it makes for a fine homage to the series. More than Awakening's time-travel-dimension-hopping bs, that's for sure.

Next couple of maps don't really have anything to hint at, so just in case you blaze through several chapters at once, I'll drop this now:
> You have three maps (two chapters, one skirmish) left to trigger the "Shigen died" event. You'll want to trigger it on one of these three maps (the skirmish, ideally).

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Silly Ahab trying to go on the offensive with such few troops under his command.

And I'm sorry to confirm this after you already had all this trouble with the recording but you did indeed miss out on Bud and Rishel. Unfortunately Bud takes her sweet time and only shows up at turn 6. I was hoping that the two of them would join anyway, like Sharon and Billford do, but alas that's apparently not the case.

Also, I somehow never noticed that Rishiel has 1 base movement. Sweet! He is not the only one btw. That Lionel fellow who you had to reject in favor of Ezekiel had no less then 2 base movement in addition to his high Movement growth. That guy is absolutely hilarious on indoor maps.

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Yeah, I had a feeling I missed Rishel when he didn't appear in any cutscene after the fight haha. That battle is pretty quick so it's not a huge deal or anything. Also, never have I ever wanted to restart a game so badly just to see one fictional character put another in their place. Just another reason that Alicia is awesome and Maruj sucks I guess haha.

Looking back, Richards entire group was insanely OP. I didn't notice some of the smaller details there, like the 80 crit on Katrina's sword. I noticed the Magic + Sword thing on Tia but I must've cut the part where I mentioned that. Oh well. She really is Not!Celica though.

'Nother part for you all. Sadly I lost what amounts to the first ~15 minutes of this recording so I had to redo it, but that's alright. Really wish there would have been a bit more indication with Bud though, so I'll have to go back and redo the second map. 

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Weird, I remembered this map being played slow and careful, but I guess you're full of surprises. Then again, I think this is the point where my Yunis get into their stride and I start robbing every enemy blind, which might be the reason for the slow playstyle hehe.

I do like how, when Katri saved Mariano, the game sorta prepared the terrain for Zachariah. The first time, she saves this pirate scoundrel who only amounts to being a joke character and also kind of a dick and we can all make fun of her poor decisions in life. The second time, it's a generic enemy general.... who turns out to not only be important to the plot (and to her), but also a very nice and helpful guy!
While I'm not as enthused as you about Katri as a character, I do appreciate that little bait-n-switch they did here. You do you with the pure altruism, Katri, and don't let anybody tell you otherwise. :^_^:

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Yea I tend to go balls to the wall a lot in these games. I think it's because the older games punish you sooooo much more for taking them slowly, Thracia and FE6 in particular hate you whenever you decide to slow down. I kinda regret not leveling Juni because that sounds like fun, not even gonna lie. 

I think I like Katri so much because of her interactions with Holmes and this headcannon I have where she's kinda just a ding dong. The game never really corrected me on that so I just rolled with it haha.

This game is trying to kill me, I know it. 

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Here's a rough idea of what to at the second route split:


Arkis recruits a character. There's some complications to this which are kinda bullshit but we'll get to that.

Kreiss gets to complete his event. 

Either Julia or Vega get something special and concerns someone in their backstory that you've heard about way back when Vega was first recruited.

Rishel and Meriel have an event should both be present.

If you had Luka, then he and Raquel have an event but that's of no concern. Basically, it allows Julia to kill human enemies as well and not just monsters.


Plum and Lionheart have an event.

Either Xeno and Juni have an event or Attrom and Lyria have an event. Who gets the event is a not completely obvious choice and may require all 4 to be present in Holmes' army. 

Attrom should be in Holmes route for reasons that will become obvious when you get to the chapter.

Krishna has an event. 

Julia gets something awesome (only relevant if you're using her). This even doesn't require to train her but the one in Runan's route does to some extent so I'd recommend putting Vega in Runan's group and Julia in Holmes's group.

Bud has an event.


Just like last time, Runan's maps are harder while Holmes offer more experience.

You might want a thief in Runan's group. Marvin or whatever his name was is a good choice.

Mel should go with Runan (and thus, Roger too) for an awesome strategy involving her staff and Meriel's event.

I don't think I missed anything.

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Awww, I was just about to post it... ah, fuck it. Here it is. It's got a few precisions that the guide above doesn't, and vice versa, so hey. Teamwork.


On Runan's side:

Kreiss: Finishes Leteena sidequest. May recruit another character depending on a choice you make.

Arkiss: Also recruits that character, regardless of your choice.

Julia: Gets an event that requires fighting and a unique, but not personal weapon.

Vega: Can do Julia's event instead of her. Same reward.

Meriel and Rishel: Get a support and an unique, personal weapon.

Raquel: No events, but can be incredibly helpful with Leteena's sidequest.


On Holmes' side:

Plum and Lionheart: Get a support together. Plum must have her mother's mirror.

Julia: Gets supports and a no-fighting event with a unique reward.

Yuni: Gets an item.

Attrom: Recruits someone.

Xeno and Yuni and Attrom and Lyria: Get a unique event of sorts.

Krishna: Gets a bunch of events.

Bud: Gets an item that you want.


Roger and Mel still can't be separated. But I very much approve of RJW's strategy tip, so probably Runan's route.

Everyone else is free to go either route. Anybody you don't plan on using anymore, just dump them in Holmes's group. They'll get a few lines in a certain event, and there's always the option to make them shopkeepers on Ligria for some nice discounts.


And a couple more general management tips for that split:

Runan still likes higher-level fighters, and Holmes likes trainees. This time however, do leave a few competent footsoldiers in Runan's team, and a few cavaliers in Holmes's. All the rare and good weapons should go to Runan's side, as well as a decent amount of money and all the bridge keys.

But yeah, did you really think that the pre-promote that recruits himself, comes with amazing stats, amazing skills, and has the single best growth rates in the game would come without a catch...? Heh. Kinda glad nobody spoiled that one, because that's usually one of the first things people say about this game's characters. Also, now that Zieg has left, you should check our Kate. She's got a new nickname.

Bud's kinda interesting, because she's a Thief character that's less support and more combat than Yuni. Yuni's got no Str growth (literally), but she has a lot of screentime and will max out on her steal rate stats really fast, and eventually she learns Charm, too. Bud, in comparison, gets actual strength (still at a thief's rates...), and learns some better skills for her development. A strategy I really like for training her is to repeatedly attack Rishel with Slim swords in their recruitment map. Rishel will not counterattack her, and his (unstealable) Sunflame gives him enough defense that she'll keep doing 0 damage... but she'll still get EXP for it. Repeat for a bit and she'll reach level 10, learn Paragon, and be set on her journey to greatness.

Regarding the Rishel-Martel conversation, Maeve crying for her kidnapper does make sense emotionally... He's probably the only person she had any contact with for most of her life, and the only one who cared for her and took care of her. For her young self, he was more or less the only person she had for years, no wonder his death affected her. It's not Stockholm syndrome levels, but it's more or less the same mechanism. =(
Oh, oh, and did you notice? Queen Liza from Wellt is Martel's aunt. You wanna see how interconnected the people in our army are? The Sage of Fire Octavus had four children: Rosa married Narith the psycho (he's the son of the Sage of Light Maios), and bore Meriel and Rishel; Claris married Robert (the brother of Lionheart and Queen Maria) and had the three pegasus sisters; Andre married some random lady and got Renee; and Liza married Raphael, and bore Sasha.
I tell you, this game blows Genealogy out of the water as far as "everyone is someone else's cousin" is concerned.

Hints for next map:
> You can progress the story as either Runan or Holmes now. Wanna do all Holmes chapters first? Go ahead. Wanna alternate one of each? Feel free!
> For Runan's side, a couple reinforcements have items on them. Might as well wait them out. Nothing too big though.
> For Holmes, I forget if you're forced to, but do stop by Blahd. Also, make a savestate before the choice in Yuni's event. You might wanna see both outcomes before deciding?

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Radiant Dawn probably had the right idea in Part 4, by giving each army access to the same inventory, logic be damned.

Good TFS Vegeta impression btw. I'm glad I wasn't using headphones. And just in case you forgot: The Devil Lance is cursed. Zieg is immune to it's effects but no one else is.

Btw, you see that window that says "Order" on the unit management screen? Maybe you already know this but you can change the mode by pressing Select. "Order" will change to "Move" and you can simply move a unit somewhere else without them swapping positions with another unit. I think it's rather handy when assigning your units between the two armies.

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Yo, been watching this LP on the down low for the past few days. It's nice to see someone else get into TRS and really get to sink their teeth into it, because as you've seen by now, it's a work. This strange lovechid of Gaiden and Thracia with all of its relations, characters, deepest lore, and lots of text. But it's okay because this game is pretty fly.

Also your reactions and commentary have been great and enjoyable, especially that last one in regards to your boy Zieg, so I'm definitely sticking around. ' 3'

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On 11/02/2017 at 4:59 PM, BrightBow said:

And that thing with Plum is just all kinds of disturbing. It obviously doesn't feel very good to deliberately decide to have her get kidnapped in order to get a dancer. More importantly though, Kaga's slave dancers always seem so... fetishy. And not because of their skimpy wardrobe, if it was just about seeing the cleavage of 14 year old girls, then the whole slavery aspect wouldn't be necessary. I am talking more about how they endured so much pain and humiliation, yet they are also aggressively unaffected by all that abuse. Like, Sylvia, Lara and Plum all got their dancing skills literally beaten into them, yet they also find it super fun somehow? To the point where Plum argues with her brother about it in the same scene where he rescues her?

Tear Ring Saga in particular seems to be very confused about where it's going with all of this. The scene where Plum got kidnapped was a very dark scene, with a seemingly harmless old lady being perfectly happy to help a slave trader preying on adolescent girls for a few coins. In this chapter, we've seen the slave trader throwing disgusting insults at Plum and threaten here with violence with the implication that she gets beaten on a regular basis. Yet, the rescuing scene is oddly lighthearted, with the slave trader being allowed to just wander off as if he was just some quirky troublemaker like Team Rocket or whatever.

It's definitely the aspect of Kaga's games that bugs me the most, that's for sure.

I realise I'm a bit late with this but I think that it's unfair to assume that the presentation of it ingame is neccessarily meant to be an approval of it. Like, take the C4 Sylvia and Claude conversation; to me, it comes off as really messed up and tragic, but there's not really an overt skewing of the presentation to reinforce that. I feel the same way about Lara, Plum and Sylvia; it's just there as is and if anything the lack of concern shown by the surrounding characters or even the way the girls themselves respond to it is if anything supposed to be complimented by the player being shocked at how unconcerned everyone is. I do agree that the scene could have been handled differently or better or even in better taste (Bartz reaction primarily really, Holmes is fine since he's an insensitive douche), but I don't think it's fair to assume Kaga thinks lightly of the subject, and in particular, young victims of abuse often do bury their own thoughts about what happened to them and insist its fine/it was good for them/they liked it, etc as a way of coping.



Although on the Bartz thing, because theres a very similar sequence later with Lyria or Yuni (which kinda just makes out the whole thing to be a very normal occurance in their world), and Attrom/Xeno react stronger too, I think maybe what he was going for was more of the focus on Bartz's awkward reaction to seeing Plum in a new light like that esp because of how he reacts in the ending if he saved her...but yeah, sloppy execution isn't neccesarily evidence for some kind of gross attitude on the part of the writer.


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I'm sure you'll see more of Sierra once you go with Holmes's group, but her thing is that she'll only come rescue Shigen up until now. If she takes Shigen away, he'll return (with her) at the second route split, which is why you might as well get him killed at the last possible moment. If you do not get her to rescue him, she'll only show up a couple chapters before the end of the game, missing out on juicy experience and character development. (Also yes, Holmes's reaction is just that bad. I guess he's so used to having Shigen around he didn't even notice when he was chatting with Katri.)

14 hours ago, Ranger Jack Walker said:

@Miacis Maybe you can explain chapter 25 and what it means for chapter 26 better than me because I don't have any experience with one of the variations.

Ooh boy, let's see...

Well, first off, if you're going with Holmes next, refer to my previous post. If it's Runan again:

> Open only once you've started turn 1 of the chapter proper:



Did someone say desert map?

Did someone say desert map where the hidden items are on 1x1 squares?

Did someone say desert map where the hidden items are on 1x1 squares, with only one thief?

> The last (...?) steps in Letena's quest. Have Kreiss land the killing blow on the wyvern boss named Mark. Man, if only you had someone who deals good damage to fliers without killing them... Then have him visit the house she's staying in.

> There's a route split! If you take the castle to the north, the next chapter will be an outdoors map that relies on cavalry and physics use. It's fairly easy, and yields weapons and a Hero's Crest. If you take the one to the south, you'll get an indoors map the relies on ranged units and thieves. This one is trickier, but gets you a shitton of money, two rare stat boosters, one or more potentially amazing swords and another Knight's Crest. The split lasts only one chapter, with both maps having their own special brand of Bullshit, and I'd recommend using a save(/state) before seizing, to at least see the beginning of each. (Pro MLG points if you play both.) it's Tearring Saga at its stupidest in either case. :^_^:

> There's a recruitable character who will appear in both maps. Map North, you just need to visit a house with Arkis or Kreiss. Map South, she starts recruited from the start but needs to go talk to one of your units who uh... put themselves in a precarious position.

That's about as explainy as I can get without falling into big spoilers, I think.

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2 hours ago, Irysa said:

I realise I'm a bit late with this but I think that it's unfair to assume that the presentation of it ingame is neccessarily meant to be an approval of it. Like, take the C4 Sylvia and Claude conversation; to me, it comes off as really messed up and tragic, but there's not really an overt skewing of the presentation to reinforce that. I feel the same way about Lara, Plum and Sylvia; it's just there as is and if anything the lack of concern shown by the surrounding characters or even the way the girls themselves respond to it is if anything supposed to be complimented by the player being shocked at how unconcerned everyone is. I do agree that the scene could have been handled differently or better or even in better taste (Bartz reaction primarily really, Holmes is fine since he's an insensitive douche), but I don't think it's fair to assume Kaga thinks lightly of the subject, and in particular, young victims of abuse often do bury their own thoughts about what happened to them and insist its fine/it was good for them/they liked it, etc as a way of coping.


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Although on the Bartz thing, because theres a very similar sequence later with Lyria or Yuni (which kinda just makes out the whole thing to be a very normal occurance in their world), and Attrom/Xeno react stronger too, I think maybe what he was going for was more of the focus on Bartz's awkward reaction to seeing Plum in a new light like that esp because of how he reacts in the ending if he saved her...but yeah, sloppy execution isn't neccesarily evidence for some kind of gross attitude on the part of the writer.


I am absolutely not thinking that Kaga is actually approving of the kidnapping and physical and sexual abuse of girls. I don't know what he was going for but even if my worst fears would actually be correct and he consciously put in all that slave girl stuff solely because he has a fetish for it, my worst objection would be that a serious war story is not the right place to indulge in these kind of fantasies. I would still not jump to the conclusion that he actually approves of any of this.

But I can most certainly also imagine that this stuff is simply an attempt to address these horrifying consequences of war in a way that CERO would allow. Lots of possibilities here and nothing really substantial. Which is why judging the character of a person based their creative work is usually not a good idea and indeed quite unfair. At the end of the day, all I can say for certain is that I don't like how the final results looked like.

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30 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

I am absolutely not thinking that Kaga is actually approving of the kidnapping and physical and sexual abuse of girls. I don't know what he was going for but even if my worst fears would actually be correct and he consciously put in all that slave girl stuff solely because he has a fetish for it, my worst objection would be that a serious war story is not the right place to indulge in these kind of fantasies. I would still not jump to the conclusion that he actually approves of any of this.

But I can most certainly also imagine that this stuff is simply an attempt to address these horrifying consequences of war in a way that CERO would allow. Lots of possibilities here and nothing really substantial. Which is why judging the character of a person based their creative work is usually not a good idea and indeed quite unfair. At the end of the day, all I can say for certain is that I don't like how the final results looked like.

Yeah I'm sorry. I read too much into a few choice lines of yours and a few following posts in terms of assigning intent and kind of overreacted. But when I said approval I didn't really mean...approval as in like, the actual physical act of abusing young girls, more just, validating the viewpoint of it being a relatively trivial thing, that such abuse is not really traumatic, that the responses characters give are reasonable, etc.

Basically more that he intentionally wanted to make light of the subject, which is kind of regressive in itself. I don't think it's trying to make light of it, even in the poorly handled scenes.

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Meriel obtains the Allspark and uses it to great effect.

There are more choice applications for Aura Rain but that one's definitely one of the most defining and immediate, and you get it just before the map too! Kaga works in mysterious ways...

Get ready for Saaand.... Saaand! SAAAAND! [trumpet fanfare]

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Gonna edit this later when the next part finishes uploading, but thanks again you guys for really helping out with the somewhat cryptic stuff in this game. Also, I forgot to mention it, but that Order -> Move command was clutch in sorting the armies.

I'm still convinced that first scene with Shigen was an oversight, but honestly, Holmes is so out of it sometimes I could believe either or. Still, something makes me think that Kaga just got lucky with that one, because if it were with literally any other character, I'd be 100% sure it was a mistake.

I'd basically have been screwed in this desert chapter without that map. Why did they make the triggers 1x1 areas :( It's also a bit weird to me that they don't really indicate a route split on this map, especially considering they did a similar thing in Thracia, only they made it pretty clear that choosing one path over the other would lead to a different result. 

Glad you're enjoying it Mage Knight :D and I have to admit Meriel is pretty hype. Not sure if I should be upset with Kaga for having a Bridge Key drop at the end of that last map, or glad that he gave me a map nuke right before it. It's a very love-hate relationship with this guy haha.

Speaking of hate; Chapter 26. This game is trolling me at this point, I'm sure of it. 



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This was strange. I remember the Condor Squad moving the moment you set foot into the desert. I guess that's the game taking pity on you for doing the Leteena event.

When I went for the Leteena event, I had an absolutely godly Kress. He did get defense on basically every level until he rammed the cap and his other stats were pretty high too. Unfortunately I missed one of the steps of the event, so his godly power ended up being wasted.

Anyway, if you hadn't done the Leteena event, you would have gotten a different priest named Rebecca. She wouldn't have the Silence staff or Elite but she would have started out with Summon. Leteena will learn Summon after a few levels too, though.

And holy shit, I did not know you could copy the enemy.

Also, every unit that has Mug will lower the accuracy and evade of nearby units just like Marchen does.


As for the second map, is it just me or did you get attacked several times by a Thief Sword without losing an item? I thought a Thief Sword always succeeds at stealing an item as long as the user gets to attack and survives. Guess I got that wrong, even though I exploited the hell out of that weapon on my first run.

The chest to the north contains a really good reward. I'm my case I failed to get it though. I'm surprised you had Vege in range for a killing blow on the Thief. To me it seemed impossible to get anyone up there in time.

Also, Rina is another unit with no less then 2 base movement.

And last but not least, Aura Rain will not work against these guys. The only way you can hurt them is through counter attacks. And it's hard to kill enemies that way when they have more then 2 range. Aura Rain might still be useful to deal with the Thief and the reinforcements, though.


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Quality Kaga gameplay.

So yeah, Kreiss murdered some dude who was doing his job and now Letena hates you, but not enough to not join you! Oh, but I do remember having a laugh at the resolution of this event, though. Just a few more maps to go...

Not to be outdone by Kreiss's eternal scrubness, Arkis gets himself into a suicidal position to save Lina(who's junk by the way, if you were thinking she'd be another Est). And he leads you into a map ripped right from Thracia's darkest pits of Hell! For once the Christmas Cavs turned out to be cancer toward your team! Oh, Kaga...

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