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A Collection of FE Writings

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Here are a bunch of Fire Emblem fanfict things that I have written.

First, we have a little world-building for Gallia and Laguz-Beorc relations. Then a good deal of Jugdrali world-building touching on a variety of topics.

Afterwards, we have my own rewriting of Fates in 28 chapters. Only the beginning 6 chapters and Conquest have been completed and thus presented however. Ignore anything concerning gameplay I wrote into the Conquest storyline though. Also, I made a couple of geographical changes to the Fates world which should make the plot more understandable. The Bottomless Canyon has been flattened to plains and highlands with crags only in the southernmost portion. A ravine with a bottom replaces the canyon, and over it is at least one great stone bridge. These lands form what I call interchangeably the borderlands/Centralia (a kingdom that Nohr and Hoshido partitioned like Poland). Around where the Bottomless Canyon dot is on the in-game Fates map is where the Valla Mountains located north of Nohr and Hoshido begin. Cheve is north of the desert (which Nohr does not control), triangulated between Macarath, Border Walls, and Ice Tribe Village. The islands where the Sevenfold Sanctuary was are now the Kohgan Islands. Also, Corrin is the blood child of Sumeragi and Mikoto, as are Takumi and Sakura. 

Enjoy if there is anything enjoyable about these.

Beorc of Gallia


·  Although the population of Gallia is overwhelmingly Beast Laguz (~95%), there is a Beorc population within the country. The exact origins of the earliest Beorc population in Gallia is uncertain. However, it is clear that Laguz of Beast and Bird and Beorc alike lived in Gallia roughly at the time of the Kingdom of Begnion’s founding. These numbers of Beorc and Laguz, like the numbers of them found in all of the distant and nominally Begnionite lands that later formed the Kingdoms of Gallia, Crimea, Daein, Phoenicis and Kilvas, were small and scattered. Certainly, the numbers were too small to establish anything of a formal state. Later Beorc outlaws, slaves, and others seeking to flee civilization for one reason or another would come to Gallia as well.

·  When the Beast Laguz, yearning for freedom from Begnionite slavery, began a mass movement to the forests of Gallia to establish their own country, some Beorc within those forests fled for Begnion, others cooperated with Begnion in an effort to cull the subhumans, yet others worked with the Beast Tribe or tried to live in a bubble aloof from the struggle. Once Gallian independence was granted, it resulted in further movements of Beorc out of Gallia, which occurred without significant issue.

·  Yet during the two Gallian Wars, the Beast Laguz sought to make use of the Beorc within their forests. The Beast Laguz recognized right away the value of Beorc to their cause. The Beorc possessed certain skills in various trades and practical arts that the Laguz lacked, and the Beast Laguz wanted to exploit these abilities. The Beasts thus engaged in various degrees of exploitation of Beorc. In the most mild cases, the Beasts promised to leave Gallian Beorc otherwise alone in exchange for a quota of goods or labor. In the worst cases, pillaging and kidnapping of Gallian Beorc occurred. Begnionite forces sent to subdue the Beasts, if they were not slain, were rendered slaves, particularly if they were nonmilitary or non-fighting and of those much sought talents. Rape was very rare, the loss of a Laguz’s powers to conception being a great deterrent. However, a few Branded/Parentless nonetheless owed their existence to the savagery of war. Laguz who lost their powers were generally ostracized.

·  Even after the Gallian Wars ended, Gallia continued to raid Begnion and Crimean border towns for Beorc to serve Gallia. Gallia proved willing to respond to Crimea’s calls for diplomacy and the development of strong ties between the two countries, and as a result, state-sponsored kidnapping of Crimean Beorc went away with time- though individual Beasts seeking personal Beorc slaves continued to occur on a small scale. The Gallian government tried to curtail this practice, but was never wholly successful. Due to the greater belligerence of Begnion, Gallia was slower to abandon the practice of crossing the border mountains or skirting the edge of Crimea and raiding Begnion’s westernmost towns. Yet, eventually this practice too was abandoned by the Gallian state, partly because Crimeans disliked Gallians crossing into their country for such vile actions.

·  Once Gallia was independent, the next question became what to do with the Beorc population which remained within the country. Forcing the Beorc out was one option that was thought about, but rejected due to the value of Beorc. Yet, granting the Beorc full Gallian citizenship was not considered, Gallian nationality was to be distinctly Laguz, inclusive of the Birds and Dragons, but generally Beast. The ultimate solution was the establishment of Beorc enclaves across Gallia. Each enclave- a village or series of villages, would be governed by a group of Beorc elite from that particular enclave, headed by a magistrate. Each enclave would be assigned a Gallian overseer, who would be chosen from the government of the enclave’s neighboring Laguz community.

o   The overseers could be cruel and abusive, which occasionally spurred on rebellions in the enclaves or resulted in passive resistance by the enclave (a silent refusal to work as hard as they could). Yet magistrates could also be an ill to their own community, and overseers would possibly step in and replace these magistrates according to the Beorc enclave’s demands. The duty of collecting taxes for the Gallian state was assigned to the magistrate, but the power to enforce this collection was assigned to the overseer. Basically, if the magistrate disobeyed or failed to collect taxes, the overseer could use force as punishment.

o   Migration out of an enclave to another required permission from the overseer’s office, and was generally easily, but not freely, granted. Travel to a Laguz community in Gallia required a bit more effort to obtain, some form of proof had to be shown. Travel outside of Gallia required an overseer’s personal consent, and the reason for such travel had to be highly important. Gallia did not want to lose its precious Beorc population to out-migration.

o   With regards to laws, each enclave had its own set of laws, which applied to affairs wholly within the enclave. Gallia tried to impose a measure of conformity to these internal enclave laws across the kingdom, but largely left them alone. Gallian law was applied in instances where the enclave Beorc interacted with the Laguz communities. Inter-enclave interactions were regulated by a special set of laws that blended together what Gallian Beasts saw as being the best of intra-enclave laws, and Gallian law, reflecting Gallian concerns with maintaining control of the enclaves and exploiting them.

o   Beorc of other countries who wished to enter Gallia were generally turned away, unless they were clearly engaged in commerce, or if they possessed documentation from a government or official of at least some note. All Beorc were encouraged to either set up their own accommodations, or to seek them in the nearest enclave, though if necessary Laguz did provide for the outsider Beorc, particularly if they were diplomats. Leaving Gallia, traveler Beorc would be inspected again to ensure that neither enclave Beorc were not concealed among them, nor kidnapped Laguz were hidden away.

o   Improvements in the relations between Gallia and Crimea, and Begnion too, resulted in the condition of enclave Beorc gradually improving in Gallian society. At the very best, Gallian Beorc were permitted to travel to Melior or even Sienne, where they could pursue an education amongst the finest Beorc scholars. On a more common basis, some of the more draconian restrictions were removed, and migration out of Gallia for good was permitted- though carefully monitored and restricted when need be. Beorc traveling into Gallia experienced a minor uptick resulting from greater freedom for the enclaves and travelers alike- though the majority of Beasts remained wary of wicked humans. At times, the enclave community slightly rose due to immigration. Though still denied full Gallian citizenship, these Beorc subjects the Beast rulers began to treat with greater respect.

o   The enclave Beorc developed their own sense of self-identity in their isolation. Initially, they saw themselves as Begnionite, but when Crimea arose, some switched their self-affiliation to that of Crimea. Yet as more and more time passed, though the sense of being foreigners in the forest remained, association with Begnion, Crimea, or even Daein receded. The enclave Beorc saw themselves not as Gallians, and they did not necessarily embrace a love for the Beasts, but as something distinct. They embraced their forested settings, their scattered communities, they weren’t wholly civilized, but they neither were they brutes, they had the best of both the pre- and post-civilization worlds and none of the ill of either. The improvement in the condition of the enclaves bolstered these sentiments, even though travel aboard occasionally resulted in individuals who on return wanted to convert the enclaves to a Crimean, Begnionite or pan-Beorc society. Travelers to the Gallian enclaves commented on the distinct dress, food, culture and dialects of the enclaves, some were denunciatory, others found the enclaves to be very friendly. One of the latter was a mercenary knight named Greil.

Church of Bragi


·      Bragi, the crusader who founded Edda and wielded the Valkyrie staff, established what following his death became known as the Church of Bragi. The Twelve Crusaders are treated by the faith as demigods, and it invokes their virtues and acts as models for humanity. The faith approves of celibacy, but is equally accepting of marriage, partly due to the need to keep Bragi’s bloodline alive. The Church coexists with the religious traditions of old in Jugdral in relative peace.

·      The CoB is most influential in Grannvale of course, but it has branches in each and every country. Edda’s location led the faith to spread easily to the Thracian Peninsula, and the Miletos District. When Bragi decided to construct the Tower of Bragi (called that following Bragi’s death- he never lived to see it completed) in remembrance of the Mairan Loptyrists who gave him shelter, Agustria’s flourishing Church began. Silesse and Issach saw their Churches arise later, after missionaries crossing sea and sand arrived. Verdane, ruled by barbarians and lacking a crusader founder of their own, are largely devoid of the Church of Bragi, but the faith has taken hold in the northeastern region, where influences from neighboring Agustria and Grannvale have taken hold.

·      Religion and Politics:

·      Politics and the Church of Bragi interact in different ways across Jugdral. Often, the politics and society of a given country influence the nature of the CoB there.

o   In Grannvale, the CoB is the official state religion. Edda serves as both the capital of the Grannvale branch and the entire Church of Bragi. The Church of Bragi has the right to appoint its own officials, though it is willing to take advice concerning appointments from the crusader-blooded Dukes and the King, if the Church sees them as pious. The Church is free from taxation and landholdings large, though priests duly serving in political roles are required to pay taxes on their wealth. Yet as a result, the Church in Grannvale is the wealthiest and most decorated of them all.

§  Ideally, the Duke of Edda and the Pontifex of the Church of Bragi would both be one with the Brand of Bragi, or at least a lesser direct descendant. However, Bragi recognized from the case of the Myran Loptyrists that dark bloodlines do not always breed evil, and came to the reciprocal conclusion that holy bloodlines may not always breed good, thus, he declared in the earliest Church rules that purity and nobility of the heart and soul, not of blood, should be the ultimate determinate as to who leads the faith. Even if the truly pious are not always chosen to pontificate, this directive made the separation of the Edda Dukedom and the Bragi bloodline from the Church of Bragi possible in theory from the earliest days.

o   Agustria’s Church is headquartered on Orgahill. The Nordion-Agusty split of the Hezul bloodline created a mess for the Church- should the Church ask Agusty or Nordion for advice on ecclesiastical appointments? Ultimately, it was decided that any ruler in Agustria of direct crusader descent who displayed piety should be consulted concerning such appointments should the Church seek such advice. In practice, this was a nightmare, nobles would show the Church a very esoteric and often fabricated genealogy pointing to some crusader connection to gain a little power over the Church. Nobles only had the power to advise concerning appointments in their lands, easy enough, but Nordion-Agusty still proved thorny. If the King of Agustria was deemed pious, his advice would be used for appointments, if not and the Lord of Nordion was pious, he instead would be consulted. Of course, Church officials did not always agree on who was pious, and sometimes both Agusty and Nordion were consulted, independently at that. This threw the whole political arrangement between Agusty and Nordion in question. While the Church could and often did appoint without advice from rulers, their concerns during the crisis of the Hezul bloodline and rule of Agustria, combined with the insistence of Agusty to assert its supremacy by offering advice when it wasn’t necessarily wanted, forced them to accept advice and general political interference more than it would have wanted. In terms of patronage, the Agustrian Church is second in splendor compared to Grannvale, but actual landholdings, particularly of a contiguous nature, exceed that of Grannvale. This has much to do with the population density being higher in Grannvale vs. Agustria, thus land is less contested in Agustria and easier to give away. Agustrian Bragism also has more hermitages and smaller, but more numerous monasteries.

o   Silesse is home to yet another distinct form of the Church of Bragi. Monasticism prospers in Silesse, with large monasteries and hermitages in the mountains alike doing well. The quantity of priests in towns and villages alike is less than satisfactory, but monks do arrange occasional tours through locales, nobles and the wealthy fund trips to monasteries for the masses, and some less prominent monasteries are located near towns and villages. This emphasis on monasticism is linked to a focus on self-reflection and self-deprivation, to warm oneself with their inner fire in a land where snow frequently consumes the outside world. The administrative center of the Church is in Silesse, and the faith enjoys a cozy relationship with the King of Silesse. From Silesse, ships sail to Grannvale to communicate with the central Church structure. From Sallane, ships sail to Orgahill to visit the Tower of Bragi, whose inhabitants are more Silessean than of any other single country including Agustria. The scholarly tradition in Silesse is strong in the priesthood, both in theology and other fields.

o   Issach’s branch of the CoB is rather aloof from the political scene. As only the five Kingdoms-in-Issach and some of the greatest nobles in terms of territory and power are secure from being destroyed in the internal wars, the clergy does not seek patronage from below. What the Issach Church of Bragi lacks in grandeur owing to less patronage and smaller political subunits, it makes up for in fecundity. The ratio of priests to lay is quite high in Issach, with most priests living in modest dwellings, their homes doubling as their churches, engaging fully in the labors of the common-folk, and taking the oath of marriage. Priests as a result are literal fathers, passing their profession onto at least a couple of their brood. A very earthly Church indeed. Ironically, this earthiness makes lower priests treated not too differently from ordinary peasants, and hence put under politics. In an attempt to strengthen their authority, the Church administration is centered in Issach, but ultimately the Church elite have less sway over the bulk of the priesthood than elsewhere due to the size of the clergy and their small and scattered districts, as well as the lack of funds.

o   The Manster District’s CoB is at its strongest in the west, closer to Edda, but the branch’s capital is in Alster, closer to the center of the Manster District. Power among the clergy is rather evenly spread out, with councils in Alster the usual faire for determining the religion’s policies. This egalitarian approach to power is befitting of the Manster District and its rather decentralized political structure.

o   In the Kingdom of Thracia, the priesthood has little independence. The autocratic King of Thracia reserves the right to interfere with the faith as he sees fit, and high church officials always require his approval for appointment. To avoid punishment, the Bragi Church chooses to act cautiously in Thracia, though it knows the King wants its blessings and occasionally uses this as a tool to squeeze out a little extra wiggle room. Although the Bragi faith incorporates a vast array of virtues, including strength, in Thracia its detractors label it as passive, weak, and too forgiving. The traits frequently emphasized as being truly Thracian are endurance, valor, and retributive justice, traits derived from the harsh geography of South Thracia and the challenges its imposes on its inhabitants. These virtues are also derived from the Kingdom of Thracia’s undying yearning to reunify the peninsula and vanquish the cruel Manster District. The Church is taxed, its landholdings smaller and less secure, and priests are required to perform “useful” work as well, monastics receive little support. Restrictions are placed on how many can enter the clergy in a given year, and they are forced to take an oath to the King of Thracia. A low ratio of priests to lay has resulted from this. Many of the less selfless clergy balk at the idea of serving in Thracia, the conditions are just plain bad there.

o   The Miletos District established its own unique form for the Church of Bragi. Lacking any crusader to call their own, the Church in Miletos developed some interesting traits to compensate. Ecstatic piety, miracles, and charismatic priests, later seen as saints by the populace, served to satisfy the want of the holy uniquely in Miletos. These things existed elsewhere, but Miletos nonetheless became noted for them. Lacking genealogies, the oligarchs of Miletos turned to pilgrimages to Darna and other holy places aboard, as well as patronage of the Church of Bragi, churches, monasteries, charities, and theology and the religious arts to flaunt their status- just like many nobles elsewhere. Official endorsement of the Church of Bragi is up to the individual political unit to decide, though even without endorsement, the Bragi Church holds sway over the populace. The Bragi Church faces no challenges to appointments by the political rulers, but they are mildly taxed and regulated as a result. The Church’s administrative center in Miltetos District is in Chronos. The Church elite are generally not of the ecstatic nature, but permit it so as long a few basic precepts are obeyed.

o   Yied Desert’s tiny population consists mostly of desert dwellers at Phinora, a very small kingdom in its own right, built around a few oases and underground water deposits. Darna has similar water supplies, with the ruler known as the Steward of Darna, for the holy place belongs to no one. Each venue has a sufficient priests and notable monasteries, but outsiders are relied on to fill the otherwise largely empty monasteries. Yied, as the refuge of the Loptyr Cult, is devoid of the Church of Bragi.

o   Verdane’s Church of Bragi is based near Evans, where Agustria and Grannvale influences have taken hold. Though a few warlords have converted to Bragism, most oppose it, and the Church is in a precarious position, relying on outside support to stay afloat.

·      Internal Disputes:

o   The Church of Bragi is not immune to internal disputes or tensions. Among the debates that have happened are where to locate the central Church. Traditionalists, also called Eddists, point to Edda, where Bragi, the faith’s founder, established his rule and first organized the new faith. Heimists, emphasize Heim is the leader of the Twelve Crusaders and the greatest of them all, and as the Church of Bragi is ultimately contemplation of the ways of the crusaders, Behalla should be the capital of the Church. The Ultramarians, or Orgaians as they were also called, seek a Church more aloof from politics, and desire to establish the Tower of Bragi and Orgahill as the capital of the Church. To do this, the Church seeks Agustria (and Silesse and Grannvale to abandon their ambitions to claim the island) to relinquish control over Orgahill, and for all countries to recognize Orgahill as an independent country directly ruled by the Church of Bragi. Darnaists follow the logic of the Orgaians, but choose Yied Desert as their refuge from politics. Yet others still have made calls to abandon a central location for the religion, instead arranging for councils to meet at temporary locations chosen in advance for discussing matters concerning the entire Church. Fortunately, all this talk has been minor, and Edda remains the faith’s capital.


Myran Loptyrism


A History of Myran Loptyrism


·      Myran Loptyrism is a deviation of the standard Loptyrism that dominated Jugdral during the Loptyrian Era (447-632). The standard religion emphasized Loptyr as the greatest of the gods, and the only one deserving worship. The institution of Loptyrianism throughout Jugdral was disruptive, as was the whole of Loptyrian rule, as it demanded that traditional forms of worship be overthrown in favor of Loptyr alone and absolutely.

·      Myran Loptyrism was a syncretic religion, meaning it blended together aspects of other faiths in an effort to reconcile them, though it saw itself as True and Real and not simply as a pragmatic invention- as any real religion would. Myran Loptyrism believed that darkness was not inherently evil, and that certain actions and things associated with darkness which were normally portrayed negatively, were not necessarily evil. Loptyr in this deviation, was not quite the cruel fiend who occupied the Emperor’s body, but a figure, though still with edges, who was given equal weight in a pantheon of other deities.

·      Myran Loptyrism was not founded by Myra, prince of the Loptyr Empire, its founders dated back before him, about a generation, or 30 years, after the Loptyr Empire’s founding. Nonetheless, when Myra discovered this softer deviation of the Loptyrian faith, he embraced it wholeheartedly and became its champion.

·      During the earliest days, Myrans were looked upon by the orthodoxy and the Loptyrian government as crazed nobodies to be looked upon with utter indifference. Loptyr, in his human host, laughed at this nonsense which attempted to define him as something which he was not at all- they wanted to love him, but did so most stupidly. Initially, the peoples of Grannvale were distrustful of the Myrans, as they hated the Loptyr Empire. But, gradually as the masses adjusted to the seemingly permanent rule by the Loptyr Empire, many accepted Loptyr, and outside of the political elite, Myran Lopytrism was generally more palatable than the orthodoxy and thus generally preferred. Nonetheless, non-Loptyrian worship held much of its ground despite persecution by the Empire, and some who practiced either form of Loptyrism did so only on the surface, maintaining their traditional beliefs behind the scenes.

·      The Lopytrian Empire contented itself with what appeared to be absolute rule over the faith of the people, yet it gradually became clear that there was deviation. Myran Loptyrism’s success amongst the people gradually led its leaders to be influenced by the people’s demands, which often ran contrary to what the Empire wanted. The Empire took serious issue with its clergy backing the causes of the people, and began efforts to kill Myran Loptyrism. Clerics known or believed to be of Myran leanings were frequently interrogated, and the more vocal of them were arrested and killed. However, Myran worship was allowed to continue uneasily, it could not be political, and the Empire began efforts to strengthen the orthodoxy, but it was allowed to continue existing, on the logic that select acts and a bit of pressure could strangle this nuisance in time.

·      Lopytrian Imperial Prince Myra came to learn of Myran Loptyrism, outside of the official imperial depiction of it, around the age of 20 or so, and for more than a decade, was utterly enthralled by it. During this time, Myra became disillusioned with the Loptyrian Empire in its current state, and sympathetic to both the peoples of Jugdral and the deviant Loptyrists, Myra began to seek reform within the Empire. His efforts blocked at every turn, and gradually coming under greater suspicion, with the unintended effect of increasing the persecution of the deviant Loptyrists, Myra felt that much good would be lost if he did not act now. Thus, with careful preparations taking several years, Myra initiated a rebellion against the Loptyr Empire in 535.

·      This rebellion shocked the Loptyr Empire, peasants joined Myra in revolt and some of the elite converted or sympathetic to the alternative Loptyran tradition joined on with Myra too. Yet, the military might of the Empire lay squarely against Myra’s rebellion, and it would prove decisive. Though initially a bit hesitant, Myra with the people’s urgings, decided he would overthrow the current emperor, his brother, and take the throne for himself. Failures within the rebel camps led to a pitched battle between the Imperial Army and the rebel forces, and as would be expected, a formal fight proved disastrous for the rebels. The rebellion was officially silenced in the year 548, the year of that decisive battle.

·      Myra himself barely escaped the chaos of the battle, was injured in the process, and had to be hurried into hiding. Myra was dead within a few years from complications from his injuries. In the meanwhile, Myran Loptyrists were now brutally massacred and tortured as seditious threats by the Empire, though followers continued to bravely conceal themselves in public while practicing in secret. Myrans flocked to the more distant parts of the Empire and took up their practice there, living in secret communities for as long as they could.

·      Myra was survived by his children however. His first wife died of childbirth, and his children from her had by that point either been killed in the revolt or had perished of natural causes. Myra took a new wife after he declared the rebellion, and he sired several children with her, but only one managed to survive to reproductive age. Said child, once they were the sole survivor of Myra, was secreted away to the deepest forests of Verdane for their own safety, with hopes amongst the Myran Loptyrists that they would lead a new revolt and take the imperial throne one day. Nonetheless, the total defeat in battle and the very real possibility of losing the Myran lineage led the Myrans to choose the path of passive resistance for the time being.

·      Despite its failures, about two or three decades after the end of the rebellion, anti-Loptyrian sentiments began to come to the surface again across Jugdral, and small scale resistances began to form. The Lopytrian Empire entered a new phase of its existence, during which it continued to flourish, but peripheral resistance of low threat levels existed. The Empire had no troubles adjusting to constant crushing of these resistances, but despite dips to near nonexistence, small continental resistance efforts continued for the next half-century or so. The Myran Loptyrists were generally friendly to rebels, any aloofness from them originated wholly out of a concern for the faith’s survival- they had to pick their relations carefully.

·      The year 611 proved to be turning a point in Jugdrali history, almost a century had passed since the last great rebellion, and now, a new one began. The Myrans bestowed their full support on the rebels this time, initially to their gain, but ultimately to their loss.

·      When the Loptyr Empire was undone in 648, the Myrans were in a difficult position. While the rest of Jugdral cheered on the fall of the Loptyr Empire and began to undo everything Loptyrian, the Myrans found themselves, by association with the Empire, at risk of being wiped out. The children of Myra (both literal and non-literal) turned to the Crusaders, asking for help, the Crusaders promised to do what they would to bring toleration for the Myrans to be, while at the same time urging caution to the Myrans. For their part, Myra’s direct descendants swore to abide by celibacy in order to let their cursed blood, the blood that could possibly bring forth the vile Loptyr once more, die out. One descendant of Myra chose not to abide by this practice, and a compromise was reached wherein one descendant of Myra would be permitted to live and bear one child- but no more, and they would be kept under watch. Some Myran Loptyrists praised this decision with enthusiasm, for they cherished Myra’s bloodline, though aware of the potential evil maintaining it held. A large percentage of Myrans chose to live in Verdane, where the Crusaders had not settled nor the Church of Bragi powerful, permitting greater toleration of their beliefs. Other Myrans, more optimistic, chose to continue living elsewhere in Jugdral.

·      The Crusaders failed to abide by their promise to make the world tolerant towards Myran Loptyrists. Bragi Tower, initially constructed as a place for Bragi priests and Myran Loptyrists alike to inhabit, saw its early Myran inhabitants expelled after Bragi’s death. Likewise, Orgahill was expunged of its Myrans and other Loptyrists. Though Bragi and the Crusaders as a whole were tolerant towards the Myrans, and Bragi made explicit mention in his writings of their goodness and why they should be tolerated, such was swept under the rug by the time the Crusaders were all dead. The Myrans were persecuted like orthodox Loptyrists, and were tortured and killed. The lucky ones managed to escape to Verdane, and gathered there in a close-knit community always wary of future persecution, even within this relatively safe territory. Some fled into the Yied Desert, but these ones were forced by the orthodoxy that arrived there first to convert. On the Thracian Peninsula, each side accused the other of being in league with Loptyrists, and those thought to be practicing the dark arts were, when the public did not lynch them before authorities came to arrest the suspected Loptyrists, executed on grounds of treason. Miletos, which lacked a crusader to call its own, was particularly zealous and paranoid in its persecution of supposed Loptyrists.

Kingdom of Issach


·      The Kingdom of Issach, founded by the Crusader Hodr, was internally divided by the founder into 5 lesser kingdoms: Issach, Rivough, Ganeishire, Sophara, and Tirnanog. Each kingdom was granted great political autonomy, though sharing similar economic conditions and culture. Each kingdom was then divided into several sub-units, each with a measure of autonomy. The end result permitted a good deal of civil warfare within Issach, but in practice, this dynamism did not for over a hundred years impair Issach as a strong and sovereign country in Jugdral. No kingdom could be wholly annihilated without the agreement of all the others, and in practice a balance of powers between the kingdoms was maintained among all five kingdoms. A ruling family could be replaced if agreed upon, but not within the Kingdom of Issach, at least not without a grand conference addressing the futures of the Hodr bloodline and the ruler of the Greater Kingdom of Issach.

·      Internationally, the Greater Kingdom of Issach was always represented by a king of the lesser kingdom by the same name, and who was directly descended from Hodr, bearing the holy brand of his bloodline. The King of Issach was expected to consult with the other lesser kingdoms and had to grant them rights to consulates and embassies, but otherwise held full control of foreign policy. Militarily, the forces of the 5 kingdoms swore to unite in case of invasion by a foreign power, and to do the same should a just war aboard be called for.

·      The Rivough Dispute

o  The King of Rivough, in the two decades prior to Jugdrali year 757, began to have disputes with the King of Issach, As the dispute grew, King Manaan tried to resolve it by having his eldest daughter wedded to the Prince of Rivough (he also reaffirmed Crown Prince Maricle as his heir to avoid a Rivough takeover of Issach when he finally died- a good decision, even if it proved ultimately unnecessary). However, the rift between Issach and Rivough continued to grow.

o  Rivough wanted greater freedom in foreign policy and domestic alike, King Manaan refused to grant either demand. As it rested on the Yied southern part of the Yied border, Rivough was relatively close to the rugged-yet-highly-important transitory zone where travelers and trade between Miletos, Grannvale, Manster District, Darna, and Thracia flourished. As Rivough was adjacent to Issach, King Manaan refused to concede any more than the generous terms of autonomy Rivough held as a Kingdom-in-Issach. Tirnanog had been granted a little (but only so much) more autonomy and some additional favors, but only due to its more distant location from Issach and its place on the border with Silesse.

o  What finally happened was war between the kingdoms of Issach and Rivough. Rivough amassed its forces, and added to them sympathizers from Sophara. Sophara was divided in its allegiance, part wanted to stay loyal to King Manaan, fearing a too powerful Rivough, and, liking Issach’s control of foreign policy, feared that greater autonomy for Rivough would undermine it. Other Sopharans chose to align with Rivough, hoping to benefit economically from a more autonomous Rivough and greater autonomy for Sophara. The Sopharan King made the decision to back Issach, and managed to garner support from a majority of Sopharan nobles, though a few of them were flimsy in the loyalty, and would betray if the tides turned. Tirnanog largely sat out the war militarily, with only small numbers of zealous or self-interested nobles and volunteers joining either side. Ganeishire was overwhelmingly in favor of Issach, and sent significant forces to help King Manaan. Lesser Issach obviously supported its King Manaan, but a few nobles on the border with Rivough did betray.

o  In foreign policy, all countries chose to remain neutral and none intervened, though a few chose to make smaller bets by providing war materiel to Issach and or Rivough. The refusal to provide direct support was sufficient to satisfy Greater Issach’s demands that foreigners stay out of inter-kingdom warfare, which other countries hope would be reciprocated by Issach.

o  With a clear lead in manpower and support, Issach managed to defeat Rivough on the battlefield in a brief war. Not willing to surrender after a decisive battle turned the tides definitely in Issach’s favor, Rivough Castle was put under siege. Though the castle fell and the King of Rivough was captured, the war did not end there. The Prince of Rivough escaped into the countryside, and from there the mountains and Yied Desert. The Prince abandoned his Issachan royal wife and his daughters (they reunited with King Manaan and lived peacefully from then on), but took their son with him. The Prince continued to fight guerrilla-style from there with the help of those still loyal to him.

o  King Manaan sent forces to capture the renegade Prince of Rivough, though they never succeeded in this task. Manaan also had to deal with the future of Rivough Kingdom. Given the Prince of Rivough’s continued resistance and his very active participation in the war, the 3 other Kingdoms-in-Issach had no qualms with disenfranchising him of the throne of Rivough. King Manaan then made two decisions, both of which failed. The first was to name his eldest daughter or one of her daughter heirs, and to wed them to a lesser noble who would then take the title of King of Rivough. This smelled too much of a plot to strengthen Issach’s power and defied traditional inheritance rules, and was rejected by the 3 kingdoms for those reasons. Recognizing that the other Kingdoms-in-Issach wanted someone without close ties to Issach to ascend to Rivough’s throne, King Manaan appointed a provisional royal governor of Rivough, who would rule until a conference attended by the four Kings in Issach reached a consensus on who would become their coequal. The governor was initially looked upon favorably, but when it was discovered he reported directly to Issach’s Prince Maricle, it was feared that Issach was over-asserting itself again and a new governor who reported to a council of representatives of all four Kingdoms-in-Issach was appointed after protest. In the end, a new King of Rivough was chosen from a Ganeishire noble family, while Rivough nobles were individually dealt with. Some Rivough nobles retained their titles and estates, others yielded some property to maintain their noble rank, divided noble families saw a particular faction claim the whole, and confiscated estates were given to gentry, warriors, merchants, and courtesans from each of the other four kingdoms. The old Prince of Rivough continued to elude capture and proclaimed the throne to be his, while extolling his son to be the proper heir to Issach as well.

o  The new Rivough King would rule for less than a year in peace. Although the Loptyran Cult had nothing to do with the Rivoughan War in any way, they proved to be master opportunists as they were across the whole Jugdral continent. Taking advantage of the fact Issach military forces were in Yied Desert, and considering that Cigyun’s children were almost in their laps, and that they were successful in manipulating Leptor and Rangobart and Verdane, they decided to take a calculated gamble and fake an Issachan attack on Darna. Thus, Genealogy of the Holy War begins. Issach would lose its fight against Grannvale, and the weakening of Rivough certainly did not help Issach, but even had Rivough not been weakened, it still would have likely lost without superior strategy. Furthermore, the assassination of King Manaan by the Loptyr Cult was a serious setback to the Issachan war effort. On top of this, the assassination of Prince Kurth, necessary to the Loptyrian plans, would force Grannvale to fight Issach to the bitter end.

o  As for the old Prince of Rivough, he would meet a terrible end. When Grannvale passed into Yied on its way to Issach, the Prince would appeal to Grannvale for support in claiming his rightful throne. The Prince and his forces were promised Rivough and all of Issach, and in turn they fought with Grannvale. When the Issach Campaign finally dispatched Prince Maricle and the last of the opposition, the niceties ceased and soon the Prince of Rivough was betrayed and saw his supporters chopped down, he tried to flee, but he too was killed. His son saw the terrible events, and just barely managed to escape it all. Having spent a great deal of his life in turmoil and the harsh nature of the world, the orphaned prince abandoned all naive hopes of becoming some great ruler, choosing instead to fight to survive, the one thing he knew was necessary. He took the new name Galzus, one less fancy than his birth name.


The Thracian Peninsula


The Origins of the Split:

·               The origins of the splitting of Thracia lay in the tragic deaths of Nova, Dain, and Nova’s husband over a dispute between the two men. The perfect truth concerning what the fatal dispute was about is impossible to know, as no impartial record has been kept on the matter. Using what information can be gathered from a variety of sources, and with careful analysis, only a general idea of what may have caused the rift can be formed.

·         The Clashing Myths of North and South Thracia

·               After the deaths of Nova and Dain, the Manster District and Kingdom of Thracia began eulogizing them and in some time each had constructed their own Chronicle of the history of Thracia and the Crusaders. History, art, propaganda, and myth are intermixed in the Chronicles. The two Chronicles largely share in their depictions of Thracian history from pre-Gran to the Loptyr era.

·               The two Chronicles begin to significantly diverge with their portrayals of the Twelve Crusaders, with a focus on Nova’s and Dain’s perspectives. Both Chronicles praise Nova and Dain, the former is a virtuous warrior of a caring nature, the latter more ferocious and of tougher love. Yet, the Manster Chronicle points out Dain’s flaws in a way the Thracia Chronicle does not, and the Thracia Chronicle points out Nova’s flaws in a way the Manster Chronicle does not. Furthermore, the Manster Chronicle and the Thracia Chronicle each attribute more accomplishments and acts to their favored crusader than to their sibling.

·      After the defeat of the heart of the Loptyr Empire, Nova and Dain set forth to Thracia to free it from what remains of Loptyrian rule and anarchic barbarians as well. A slow start in the westernmost part of the Thracian Peninsula is followed by the decision that Dain and Nova should split their forces in two in order to liberate all of Thracia as quickly as possible. Nova takes the north, and Dain the south. Accompanying Nova is her beloved, one of a number of brothers (4-6) who served valiantly alongside Dain and Nova against the Loptyrian Empire. The conquest of the North is quickly accomplished, and Nova offers to assist her brother in the South. This, is where things really diverge in the Chronicles.

·      In the Thracian Chronicle, Dain accepts her help, but her servants force her to withdraw her offer, saying she is needed to help rule the north, the north must be cultivated with her wisdom so that it may provide the southern campaign with even greater support than she currently is offering. Dain is fine with this, but a year passes, and despite a good harvest in the North, none of the food has yet to reach Dain’s forces. Dain’s generals tell of how the nobles who have surrounded Nova are deceiving her and taking advantage of her kindness, they are lazying about in fertile fields of decadence, while they and their master Dain are fighting selflessly in a barren, cragged land. Dain heeds his generals’ advice and appeals to Nova, but those pesky nobles interfere. Dain turns to his brother-in-law, whom he hopes is free from this corruption and who will speak with his sister, but alas, it appears he has fallen under the spell of the wicked. Dain tries to show him the truth with strong words, but he rebukes Dain harshly, Dain continues to try persuasion, but Nova steps in, upset her brother and beloved are arguing. Nova sees her brother’s righteousness, but has pity for her tainted husband who refuses to relent. The two men draw their spears, unwilling to see either slain, Nova stands between the two and she ultimately dies, hoping it keeps her husband alive and also purges him of corruption.

·      In the Manster Chronicle, Dain rejects Nova’s request, telling her to govern the North instead. Dain’s generals are unhappy with this decision, they are envious of the North and do not see the virtue in fighting through the harsh conditions of the South. Dain’s generals fabricate lies of misrule and corruption in the North, to conceal their own laziness in battle, which Dain would admonish them for, and to hopefully be sent north to rule the fertile plains while the good nobles of currently serving Nova would be forced to fight in the South. Dain asks Nova about misrule, but she says nothing of it exists, and upon repeated request, shows him evidence of the honest prosperity of the North and how it is helping his fighting in the South. Dain’s generals convince him to ignore his sister’s protestations and appoint several of them to positions in the North without her being informed. Nova’s husband encounters these generals and sees how greedy and envious they are, and decides to spare his wife of this serious issue and tells Dain to meet with him. Dain comes to the meeting, but he stands by his generals and several of those who have accompanied him begin hurling insults at Nova’s husband. Deflecting the insults, Nova’s husband is soon surrounded by those generals, he asks they be sent away so he may speak with Dain alone, hopefully convincing him that way. The generals begin roughing him up, and Nova’s husband draws a weapon, injuring the generals, who cry and flee and beg Dain to defend them from this brute. Dain honors his duties to his men and confronts Nova’s husband, who tries to defend himself, but tempers have risen, and Dain decides to duel with Nova’s husband, to reclaim his generals’ honor which has been besmirched by the injuries and claims Nova’s husband has made about them. Nova, who discovered this meeting, enters the scene, is convinced that her brother has been deceived, and ultimately sacrifices herself.

·       Following the tragic incident, deaths occur among both North and South Thracian elite in which the victims claim the other side were the perpetrators. Nova’s and Dain’s young children are protected by Manster nobles and Thracian generals respectively, to ensure they are safe from being murdered or kidnapped. Each child is raised on a heavy dose of bigotry towards the other group, as well as the style of rule they should embrace. The generals and nobles and their supporters form new armies and clash, ending in a decisive battle where both sides take such heavy casualties that they must both withdraw. Fearful the other will strike while they lick their wounds, they heavily fortify the border, subsequent battle bear little fruit due to this fortification effort and the borders of the two new countries forms.

·       Eager to assert themselves, each side rushes the coming of age of their heir.

o  The South wins the race, and proclaims the Kingdom of Thracia, with the new, young (~15) king demanding that the people of the North acknowledge his sovereignty over them, and ordering men of finest merit to advance and make his power felt should the North disobey their divine and omnipotent king. This army, accompanied by its King who safely sits off in the distance from actual combat, engages in an indecisive battle of virtually no real significance, before returning to capital and making much propaganda of the event. The battle is made a stunning victory attributed to the King’s bellicosity which strikes awe into the foe, and he is presented with a finely ornamented standard taken from the enemy, which he promptly calls proof of the luxury of the North, and tramples it beneath his feet. His Majesty declares that the foe’s objective is to starve them all into submission, to make them grovel like dogs by refusing to sell them a single grain of wheat. They may try for weeks, for months, for years, decades, and generations, but never will the true Thracians give up and submit. The King declares that the foe having forced the South under the unending siege, will forever be in a state of war, and in turn the South will forever be placed under martial law. As a result, His Majesty, child of the great and holy warrior Dain, will forever be the Commanding General of the South. All nobles who serve him are likewise his captains, whose status is never fixed, but always reliant on their prowess in opposing the North. All townspeople and peasants are likewise his common soldiers, who will give both their barley and their lives to His Majesty. This seems like a cruel fate, but it is what the wicked of the North have dealt the South, and the only solution is untiring action by each and every Southerner. But, as the South is the child of Dain, it will bear the weight of these burdens, and it shall ultimately prevail against the effeminate and weak North. The Thracian Peninsula shall be reunited, and it shall be by the heirs of Dain and his meritorious men. The miserly, hedonistic North which has captured and manipulated Nova’s lineage beyond all recognition shall be made to pay!

·   After the indecisive battle, the North rushes to crown their new, even younger (~13) King as soon as possible and assert its legitimacy as a state and as the true Thracia. The ceremony is very grand, very manly just like the South’s ceremony, but much more elegant and cultured, unlike the southern barbarians. The heir is told he will be crowned King of Thracia, but then abruptly rejects the title, he instead declares that he will accept nothing more than the Kingship of Leonster, a king the equal of the Kings Manster, Conote, Alster and Melgen, who is no different from the Magistrates of the Free Cities. The Kings, and Magistrates alike protest, for he whom claims to be but the King of Leonster is of holiest blood, it would be improper for even the most humble of Majesties descended from the crusader Nova to be nothing more than equal to those who lack such a blessed lineage. After these protestations, the young King accepts his duty to rule over all of the Thracian Peninsula, but states he unfortunately cannot take the title “King of Thracia” for his subjects in the South dismayingly turn their lances towards him and pit him against his most holy cousin whom they have rendered a beast like themselves. The Kings and Magistrates agree with their young King’s lamentations and tell him to call their domain in which he is the first among equals the Kingdom of Leonster. The heir rejects this suggestion, as Thracia is much more than Leonster, and the two must never be confused as one. The heir asks for a moment to think of a name for their realm, and turns to the King of Manster. He thanks him for his highest service in having recently staved off a relentless attack by those treasonous South Thracians. The King of Manster accepts this praise, but states without all whom wish to serve Nova’s son, he could not have been victorious. Nonetheless, the King of Manster was exceptional the heir proclaims, and given its location on the border between the loyal and the light, and the deceptive and the darkness, it will for as long darkness clings to southern Thracia, be forced to do battle for justice’s sake once and again. This is the struggle for which all of northern Thracia shall give its all now and forever until most sacred unification finally comes. As if an epiphany has struck him, the heir declares that he shall henceforth be known as King of the Manster District, the alliance of brother states dedicated to creating a single divinely ordained rule on the Thracian Peninsula. The Kings of Manster, Alster, Conote, and Melgen promptly altogether placed the crown of both their equal King Leonster and divine sibling King of the Manster District upon the head of the heir. Several of the prominent Magistrates and lesser nobles then presented on behalf of them all other regalia to the King. The nearby priests both Bragist and non-Bragist then anointed the new King with their blessings. In thanks for their blessings, the new King, in his role as King of the Manster District, then one by one reaffirmed each cleric’s and each ruler’s position, giving their rules the sanction of one of holy blood and tying them to the mission of reunifying Thracia.

·   Following the declarations of the two Thracias, The Kingdom of Grannvale declared neutrality in the matter of which was the true Thracia provided that each would permit Grannvale the right to trade with the other. Grannvale also supported a concordat presented by the Church of Bragi in which the neutrality of Bragi clergy in the conflict was upheld. With reservations by both Thracias, they agreed to the concordat at Darna. Later, realities forced the Church of Bragi to draft a second concordat, in which it swore: to never impose North clergy on the South and vice versa, never to use funds collected in the North to better the South and vice versa, and that all pilgrims passing through the border to be subject to inspection. In return, the Bragi Church would not have to anoint new kings of either the North or South as the True King of Thracia (though in practice the Church always bestowed the title and always on both rulers in an assertion of its power). To avoid future restrictions, the Church imposed a policy of screening its clergy for sympathies when sending them to the peninsula if there was reason to fear a priest would act in a way that would impair relations with the two Thracias. Issach and the other countries would later make similar declarations proclaiming neutrality and supporting the Bragi Church.

·       Miletos District

o  With Thracia divided and the border between the two heavily defended in the center, new plans were drafted to invade either from the west or the coastal east. Manster District planned for a naval invasion along the east, but it caught wind of Thracia’s plans to invade over the hills of the west. To trick Thracia, Manster District fortified the towns along its western border and had a sizable army cross westward into territory not claimed by either Dain nor Nova. The plan was to let Thracia attack the north, while initiating a surprise attack and capturing Luthencia by crossing into Thracia from this unclaimed land not monitored by Thracia. That land was in what would become known as the Miletos District.

o  The surprise attack worked only halfway, Thracia did not expect it and took heavy casualties, but the castle did not fall. Holding out and vanquishing many of the returning dragon knights, the Manster Army fled back to the unclaimed territory. Seeking revenge, Thracia pursued the Manster Army into that territory.

o  As it turns out, that land was inhabited, and soon these inhabitants would be subject to the intensity of the Thracian rivalry. As the two rival armies were further from their native lands than they would have liked, they had to turn to imposing military rule, taxes, and outright confiscation of the food and property of the native inhabitants to continue their warring. Their control was strongest in the eastern parts of this unclaimed land, in the west, raiding parties simply took what was needed.

o  The natives protested and established militias to resist rule by either North or South Thracia, neither of which they felt connected to. Bragi missionaries learned of these injustices from their flocks and brought the news to Edda, which could stem the tide of future Thracian reinforcements and thus force the armies to pull out. Grannvale took notice, and paid the travel costs for a group of local notables to come and explain their grievances in Belhalla. Grannvale then asked the two Thracias for their opinions on the matter. They both claimed the land lacked civilization, and most importantly, a ruler of holy blood, which each said they would bestow on the whole territory. They said they would treat it with utmost benevolence once the other gave up their claim to it.

o  Grannvale would have none of it, and issued an ultimatum giving the two Thracias a time to withdraw their forces by or else. Both sides wholly ignored it. In response, The natives, backed by a contingent of Grannvalians, seized a few pieces of territory controlled by each side. The Thracias still unfazed, Grannvale committed itself to liberating the natives from their plight by full out force. The Dukes of Jungby and Chalphy and their assembled armies crossed the channel separating Grannvale from the war zone and began their assault on the South. Edda and Velthomer teamed up eastward, splitting the Manster Army from its connections to Manster itself. In the western portions of the unclaimed lands where Thracian control was weaker, the natives formed their own armies which supported the Grannvale one.

o  Both Thracias remained committed to fighting the other, but now they faced open insurgency in the territories they were clinging to and had to fight a fresh and very powerful and organized new foe. South Thracia yielded first, retreating eastward more and more until they yielded almost all their stolen territory. The Edda-Velthomer Army was blunted by the Manster Army, and with the Jungby-Chalphy Army preoccupied with South Thracia, a pincer attack was not possible. So to destroy the cockiness of Manster, the Edda-Velthomer group advanced eastwards, which it originally planned not to, hoping a march towards Leonster would frighten Manster. Manster was arrogant with its home advantage and counterattacked, but the Edda-Velthomer Army was quick-witted and defeated the interceptors. Seeing a new opportunity, South Thracia aimed to take the North Thracian cities it had originally set its eye on in the beginning, as Grannvale left them unprotected with its march east. Fortunately, reinforcements from Belhalla, cooperating with North Thracians, arrived just in time to save the North Thracian towns from this unexpected attack. Grannvale declared it had no intentions of doing anything other than maintaining the current borders of Thracia, and that was all the defense had accomplished.

o  By this point, the South Thracian Army was barely clinging to the borderlands, and Luthencia was feared to be at risk with the attack at Manster having failed. The Manster Army found its rule totally undone in the territories, and now it faced the possibility of being pincered by Belhalla and Jungby-Chalphy, with no hope of relief with Edda-Velthomer getting closer and closer to Leonster. This was not what that minor incursion on unclaimed territory was intended to accomplish! Both Thracias finally surrendered, Manster admitting defeat first.

o  With heavy fatigue, the two sides agreed to meet in Darna to work out a peace treaty. The final arrangement recognized the independence of what was to be called Miletos, the united government of which was to be formulated and proclaimed at a later unspecified date. Miletos was to give Grannvale trading privileges for a decade as payment for its support, after which the last Grannvalean forces would withdraw from the border and Miletos could trade with the Thracias if so desired. The Thracias were also made to on paper acknowledge the current borders of their countries, and that neither side would attack the other for the next four months. All parties signed the agreement, with the Church of Bragi signing as independently of Grannvale.

o   With the conflict ended, the Miletos District soon became an equal to the other countries of Jugdral. It was a confederation of city states, some larger than others. Many of these states were oligarchies, but a few republics and monarchies existed among them. This government, and indeed the whole country, was largely unchanged in its ways from before the occupation, just it was more formally unified politically and culturally. With a relatively small (but not inept) army, Miletos District’s true power lay in commerce, and Grannvale benefitted heavily from the privileges it had won. Yet when the opportunity arose to begin trade with the Thracias anew, Miletos jumped on it. Both Thracias and Grannvale have since strove to attain economic control over Miletos, though the country’s deft merchants keep the country from turning into the sphere of influence of any foreign power.

Universal Beginning of Revised Fates


·   Chapter 1: Corrin wakes up from a bad and mysterious dream (with no reason as to why they experience it, it is for the player really), their servant, Jakob or Felicia, whichever is of the same sex, comes in to check on their master who was yelling in their sleep. Calmed, Corrin is told it is morning, and Corrin begins self-defense training with Xander, (and possibly Leo, Gunter, and or Jakob/Felicia) at their home estate.

·  Chapter 2: Afterwards, Corrin heads off to the Nohrian capital with one servant, the one of the opposite sex, leaving the other behind at the estate. In Krakenburg, they meet with their King Garon, their father, and their little sister Elise. Garon tells them that they are free to wander Krakenburg during a festival, as usual, and to keep safe and aware of thieves and whatnot. Garon is stern, but makes an attempt to show kindness, albeit in an austere way. Corrin thanks their father, and then Elise dashes off with Corrin to take in the joys to be had at the festival. However, Elise at one point runs off to some place they really want to show Corrin, and they expect Corrin to follow them. Unfortunately, Corrin loses sight of Elise, but with Jakob/Felicia, stumbles upon a group of Nohrian soldiers taking without compensation liquor, food and other things from marketplace purveyors. Corrin tell the soldiers to pay up or give back the stuff they’ve taken, or otherwise they’ll tell their father King Garon about this. The soldiers, drunk, reply that which child of Garon are they? He has a brood of some two thousand (just my phrasing of some sort of crude joke designed to comment on Garon’s libido- the child count aspect by the way may be far overstated- a sex hungry king need not have an ocean of illegitimates). Jakob/Felicia warns Corrin they should not involve themselves with this, the soldiers appear armed and not of sound minds, let us return to His Majesty and leave them to him. Corrin however refuses to let these drunkards besmirch the good name of Nohr or inflict injustice on its people. The drunkard soldiers are wild for a fight, and whistle for a few more of their friends to show up. The servant hands Corrin a sword they’ve been carrying, and grab their staff and dagger. The fight begins. One turn in, a couple more drunkard soldiers appear and surround Corrin and Jakob/Felicia, they realize they’ve bitten off too much now. But then reinforcements appear, Elise, Gunter, Camilla and Silas then all appear. Elise was concerned they lost track of Corrin, Camilla and Gunter out of their concern for Corrin each decided to help look. Silas then tells General Gunter he sees what looks like Corrin in the distance, but he also sees weapons drawn. Corrin then notices the four and calls out to them. A drunken soldier then asks if these people know those other two, and Gunter demands to know what they are doing. The drunkard replies they’re New Soldiers (an uncreative name for a soldier in a New Nobility’s military division), they have the right to all the free stuff they want, and they won’t let some Garon spawn tell them otherwise. Gunter says he normally avoids interfering with the affairs of the New Nobility (an avoidance of political intrigue has served Gunter well), but if they threaten prince/cess Corrin’s life, they have an obligation to intervene. Camilla tells the soldiers they won’t let anyone harm their sweet little sibling, and tells Elise it isn’t safe and to go and inform Xander, Leo and Father of this, which she agrees to and thus she leaves. Silas asks General Gunter and Princess Camila if he may help. Camilla says of course, you are Corrin’s dear friend after all. Gunter then cautions Silas that they just became a knight, don’t let that go to your head or you’ll lose it, greenhorn. Silas thanks the legendary General Gunter for his advice. The battle at last resumes with Gunter and Camilla as Jagen types for this fight, Silas can be fed experience however by the way. Winning the fight, Corrin speaks with Camilla and Silas, the latter saying they feel slighted their dear friend ran off to enjoy the festival without them, and speaks of how they’ve finally become a knight. Gunter then bids that Corrin return immediately to His Majesty, and Corrin does. Garon is quite serious when he sees Corrin again, Garon harshly tells Corrin it was irresponsible of them to risk their life like that, it is worth more than the loss of some sundries of the masses. Garon then turns to Xander and tells him to tell Prime Minister Count Iago he will be reprimanded for his failure to discipline his underlings against harming His child Corrin, he doesn’t care if the soldiers were drunk or not. Xander agrees to carrying out His Majesty’s request. Garon then tells Leo to guide Corrin back to their usual estate. Corrin protests however, they want to remain in the capital for a while longer, as they always have. Garon refuses to hear this plea however. Leo responds however that they could bring them to Cheve, the royal estates there are secure, and Corrin has never seen Cheve before. Camilla then comments they will go as well. Garon then accepts this compromise, but reminds Leo that should anything happen to Corrin, they will be responsible for it. Corrin thanks their father and their siblings.

·  Chapter 3: Accompanied by Leo, Camilla, Jakob/Felicia, and Silas alike, Corrin heads for Cheve, where they are delighted by the sight of the place. Later in the evening, Corrin is now exhausted by a day of new sights being seen. Corrin heads to bed. Corrin’s retainer follows, but told by Leo and Camilla they will take care of Corrin tonight, they deserve a break, and the retainer accepts this. Leo and Camilla then talk among each other. Leo states Father has asked them to carry that out again, Camilla states she will make sure Corrin sleeps soundly, as always. She just wishes she could keep one. Leo replies she know full well why she cannot. Leo then states he will prepare things in her chambers, bring Corrin when she is done. The scene then flips to Corrin, who is having nightmares, of the battle they just fought with the drunkards in Krakenburg, and some blurry scenes of similar soldiers attacking them appears in Corrin’s head too. Corrin wakes up sweating, why are they overwhelmed by it now? Why not before? Corrin then returns to sleep, but wakes up the next morning feeling exhausted. Leo tells Corrin to stay in bed then, but Corrin states they really want to see Cheve, even if all can do is walk around. Camilla tells Leo she will keep watch over Corrin, and will let them ride her wyvern if feel too weak to walk. Leo approves, but reminds them to be cautious of Corrin’s health, and he then departs to carry out official business. Camilla, Corrin, and Jakob/Felicia then head out, and Camilla decides to excite Corrin by showing them the vast desert border from the back of her wyvern. Impressed, when Camilla lands, Corrin suddenly gets a bad headache and collapses. The screen then fades as Camilla comments on something that is happening to Corrin, but not shown to the player. The next thing the player sees is Corrin collapsed in the sands with Camilla and others looming over them. Camilla is worried, as are Felicia/Jakob and Silas. They say something happened to Corrin, something crazy, but don’t name it. What is important however, is that they get out of here before desert bandits arrive. Too late! Desert bandits, led by Shura, attack. Camilla tries to fly away with Corrin, but Shura shoots a couple arrows- she won’t as long as he’s around. Now he heard from his cronies some bizarre wyvern was around here, but all he sees is a regular revenant type. Still, a decent catch, alchemists love grinding them up. Plus two promising laborers, a lady of the night, and something else, they should be worth something on the market. The battle in the desert begins. After the fight, Corrin is captured while Camilla is distracted by other bandits. Camilla gives chase, but a hail of arrows forces her to turn back with Silas and Jakob/Felicia. Seeing how Corrin looks like a regal who has never worked a day in their life, so given the inability to perform hard labor, Corrin is useless as a slave. The naive Corrin reveals themselves as a child of King Garon, what a shame, because nobles might, but King Garon definitely doesn’t negotiate hostages (at least anymore). Corrin is then dragged to a Nohrian port and sold to a Hoshidan merchant, with Shura grinning at the silver he’s paid (like some other pre-paper money economies, the Nohrian and Hoshidan economies rest on a small reserve of gold bullion, backed by silver coinage for more expensive purchases in addition to being more widely available than gold for the coffers of administrations and businesses, with copper coinage as day to day cash). The ship suffers from bad weather and sinks, with Corrin washing up on Hoshidan shores.

·  Chapter 4: Corrin wakes up and walks to the nearest town, and begins saying they are a child of King Garon and want to return home. On the way there, Corrin sees a gathering of people watching a procession entering the village, two stand out from among the procession. Corrin yells out to them thinking they must be important. The two take notice, but the village elder tells them to ignore the lunatic, they will do everything in their power to keep such nuisances from bothering Their Majesties while they visit their humble village. Corrin is thus led gently but forcefully away to the small local jail. The elder one (Ryoma) however insists on visiting this lunatic, the younger one (Takumi) adds that it is their duty to care for all of their people, sane and insane alike. While in the jail cell, Corrin thinks on what has happened, and guesses they must be in Hoshido, it looks totally different from what they’ve known. This must be the enemy of Nohr, that which they’ve been told to fear for so long, and it indeeds looks so strange and unwelcoming. Then, the two prominent individuals from earlier enter, and ask the jail guard about Corrin. The guard replies they just showed up earlier today, they’re dressed nothing like a good Hoshidan and keep going on about being a child of Garon or something. The younger one then comments if they are, it’d him give him a good chance to see what this fiend of fiends looks like. The elder one tells the younger not to rush to any conclusions. Corrin is then set free from their cell and presented before the two. Corrin is then told by the jail guard to bow before them, don’t they know who they stand before? Corrin replies no. The guard is about to say who, but, then a ninja shows up and tells the two prominent individuals bandits are attacking the village. The two individuals leave, and Corrin decides to follow, the jail guard honestly doesn’t care what Corrin does he states. Corrin then meets the younger individual, the ninja, and one other (Rinkah fills in here in the actual game, and I’ll go with her, but it could be someone else). Corrin says they want to help, they won’t let bandits attack this place. The younger individual questions why a self-proclaimed child of Garon would help Hoshido. The ninja then replies that this kid looks weak, he can keep an eye on him while he fights. The younger individual approves, even he appreciates the help. The third individual then comments they appear to lack a weapon, and Corrin says they’ve practiced with a sword if they have one. A sword? The younger individual speaks, here, take my mine, all I really need is my bow. Corrin comments, it looks so different from a Nohrian blade. The younger one comments, it’s a sword, how difficult is to use, are you going to take it or not? Corrin says they will and thanks- err, they haven’t gotten a name yet. You don’t know my name? The younger one is upset. The ninja fills in Corrin, he is Kaze, the one he serves is named Takumi, and the third person is Rinkah. Now let’s get to warding off these bandits, Ryoma, the other one you saw earlier, must be halfway through them by now. Corrin, thank you Kaze, Takumi, Rinkah, I’ll show you what I, Corrin, can do. After the battle, Corrin is thanked by Ryoma and Takumi for their help. The village elder then thanks Their Majesties for fighting off that sudden incursion. Ryoma replies it is only part of his duty that he defend Hoshido’s people, and promises to send a garrison to protect the village from further attacks. Takumi thanks the villagers for their hospitality and tells them they’ll be getting back to their tour of Hoshido. “Their Majesties?” Corrin asks if these two are royalty, and Kaze responds that Corrin really has no idea who these two are, quite amazing. But yes, this are Princes Ryoma and Takumi of Hoshido. Corrin thinks this is excellent, now they’ll be able to get home to King Garon at once, father must be terribly worried that I’ve been gone for so long. Ryoma then asks, so you really are the child of Garon? Corrin replies they are, now can you please bring me home at once? Takumi tells Corrin they have no reason to, Garon kidnapped their sibling years ago, now it’s time to get back. Corrin replies father would never do something like that. Takumi replies that he’d expect as much of Garon’s spawn. Corrin states tries to reply, but Ryoma interrupts, and states they will check to confirm if they are a child of King Garon of Nohr, and if so, they promise they’ll be returned. But first, they have to return home to Shirasagi, come with me, and if you’re patient, you’ll be returned home eventually. Ryoma tells Takumi to continue the countryside tour without him, Takumi agrees and asks Kaze and Rinkah to go with Ryoma and Corrin.

·  Chapter 5: Ryoma brings Corrin to the capital, which fills Corrin with a sense of awe. Greeting them at the gate is Princess Hinoka, who is surprised to see Ryoma returned early. Ryoma says he’ll explain later, he would like to see Her Majesty at the moment. This kid is claiming to be a child of King Garon of Nohr, and I require her Her Majesty’s involvement in such a matter. Hinoka understands, and then eyes up Corrin, commenting that this child of Garon doesn’t look very menacing. Ryoma replies that is no surprise- did you really believe all those fantastic stories? Hinoka says no, and states Her Majesty is in the audience chamber. Hinoka then departs. Corrin asks about Her Majesty. Ryoma replies she is Queen Mikoto of Hoshido, who for fifteen years has ruled since my father her husband’s death. She is fair in beauty, manner and intellect, a ruler as worthy of the throne of Hoshido as few others have ever been. Ryoma and Corrin then enter the audience room, where Queen Mikoto sits with Yukimura and Sakura besides her. Concluding the business for the hour at the arrival of Ryoma in the distance, Ryoma walks up to Mikoto, leaving Corrin with Kaze at the entrance, and tells her she didn’t need to do that for him. Mikoto states it was no problem, it is rare that Ryoma returns home early. Ryoma then states he has a matter of import to relay and hands Mikoto a letter. Mikoto opens it, reads it, and tells Yukimura to tend to matters for the next half hour or so, a high speculative affair demands her attention. Yukimura willingly obeys. Mikoto tells Ryoma’s retinue to follow her into a back room. Mikoto asks that the one called Corrin, who claims to be a child of King Garon, to come before her. Corrin does, and bows before Her Majesty, who does indeed seem great as Prince Ryoma told them. Mikoto bids Corrin to raise their head, and Corrin does so. The face suddenly startles Mikoto, and her face reveals the shock for a slight moment. Mikoto tells Corrin to come stand next to her, and asks for their hand. Corrin stretches it out, and Mikoto, staring into Corrin’s eyes, holds Corrin’s hand in silence for a moment. Ryoma then asks Her Majesty is there something wrong. Mikoto then tells her daughter Princess Sakura to escort Corrin to Lady Aqua’s estate, stay there with her and the two of you will keep Corrin company. While you wait at the estate for a reply Corrin, I will look into your claim of being Nohrian royalty and work on sending you home if it proves true. Corrin thanks Her Majesty, who then dismisses Corrin and Sakura, and ask Ryoma to stay, though Kaze and Rinkah are to go with Corrin. Ryoma accepts this. Ryoma then asks Mikoto what was up, Mikoto says she wants him to look into Prince/cess Corrin first. Ryoma says he will, but she is hiding something, and Mikoto responds she cannot say until she has more information. In the meanwhile Corrin guided by Sakura visits Lady Aqua’s estate and meets her, a young woman who by Queen Mikoto’s good graces has been provided for with this estate. Aqua says Corrin may stay as long as Her Majesty demands, and that sister may as well. Corrin asks about Aqua and Sakura calling each other sister, and is told Aqua, though unrelated, has been raised by Queen Mikoto as her own and is thus on filial terms with Mikoto’s blood children. Aqua and Sakura then decide to entertain Corrin with Hoshidan artistic entertainment and food and drink. The scene then switches back to Shirasagi, Ryoma has done the research after a week or two and gives his findings to Queen Mikoto. There is a Prince/cess Corrin, but very little is known. The masses say almost nothing of a Prince/cess Corrin, nor have our spies turned up much else. Given the vast information we have about the other legitimate and recognized children of King Garon: the heir Prince Xander, Prince Leo, and Princesses Camilla and Elise, Corrin’s total secrecy seems bizarre. Queen Mikoto says that Corrin must stay in Hoshido, and that their name must be changed at once. No record of a Prince/cess Corrin in Hoshido must be allowed to remain. Ryoma is shocked to hear Mikoto say this, and asks why, particularly when Corrin wants to return. One, if Corrin’s story is true, Nohr probably already believes the prince/cess is dead or lost to them, best keep it that way. Second, tell no one else this Mikoto adds… *the dialogue cuts to a later point*, (Corrin may be your long lost sibling. Garon promised her child would be taken care of, we have the proof he has been doing so after all. Queen Mikoto refuses to let her dear child, snatched from her so many years ago, leave her again.) Ryoma is astonished by the news. Furthermore, Mikoto relays that Hoshido can now reclaim the borderlands they lost years ago and fulfill King Sumeragi’s failed plan to liberate them all from Nohr. Garon knows he has limited time before I consider the pact broken. With Corrin lost to him, he is likely preparing for an invasion of Hoshido. Ryoma understands this, and decides to begin mobilizing Hoshido’s forces for a preemptive strike. Mikoto states she has had Yukimura quietly begin already. Back to Corrin, with the scene set to night and outside, Corrin is growing impatient, when will they get a chance to return to Nohr? Hinoka then arrives, seeking to check on her sisters and this mysterious guest that Corrin is, and rebukes Corrin’s complaints. They mention how their sibling has been held hostage by Garon for years, surely they can wait. The sisters explain they only have these Dragon’s Tears as proof that they still live. Shown the Dragon’s Tears and allowed to touch one, Corrin states it feels familiar. Corrin then starts seeing flashes of scenes in their head and collapses, with someone watching over them. Corrin then suddenly recalls in full their sealed memories, and shifts into dragon form. The shifted Corrin immediately dashes south towards Shirasagi. Back in Shirasagi, Mikoto receives word that a feral dragon unlike a wyvern (but still a lesser dragon), rare creatures in Nohr and Hoshido, has been spotted to the north and is rampaging this way. Hoshidan soldiers are doing what they can to subdue the beast. Takumi, who is with Mikoto, volunteers to go and help slay the creature, a feral dragon is a miserable sight that must see its insanity end. Mikoto tells Takumi they cannot, that dragon may be Corrin, who, she is almost certain, is their lost sibling. Takumi is astonished, but trusts in his mother’s wisdom and says he’ll go and keep the Hoshidan forces from slaying the dragon. Mikoto approves and Takumi rushes off. To the actual scene of draconic carnage, Hoshidan soldiers have been trying to attack Corrin as they rage through a town on the way to Shirasagi. At last, with Corrin under attack, Hinoka, Aqua, Sakura, Rinkah and Kaze have all caught up. They tell the Hoshidan soldiers to stop this. The soldiers think nothing of the order, a dragon is attacking, they have every right to kill it. Hinoka decides for the group that they must defend Corrin, even if it means harming their own troops. But there is still the matter of keeping Corrin from harming them. Aqua states she may have a solution, and tells everyone to raise their Dragon’s Tears. Channeling their power, Aqua uses the Tears to calm Corrin’s rage enough that she says they will not attack them for now at least. The actual battle at last begins. With victory, Takumi arrives and tells the soldiers to stop, by Queen Mikoto’s decree. The soldiers do so, and Sakura and the others tell Takumi that Corrin is the dragon, Takumi says mother predicted such, and if she is right again, Corrin is Kamui. The sisters are shocked by this news. However, it becomes apparent that the calming of Corrin is starting to wear off. Aqua tells everyone if they add Takumi’s Dragon’s Tear, they can make it last a little longer, but not much more. As they do this, Aqua is suddenly commended for what she has done, the voice is that of Mikoto who arrives not a moment too late. Mikoto tells everyone to hold Corrin back just for another moment, mother will take care of the rest. Calming herself, Mikoto says she is ready, and the exhausted siblings and Aqua release their control over Corrin. Corrin then rushes at Mikoto with everyone watching. Mikoto readies her yumi, her eyes closed, and just as Corrin is about to strike her, she launches the arrow (which has a magical aura around it), and it strikes its target dead in the chest. Corrin roars out and falls to the ground right in front of Mikoto shifting back to normal, much to everyone’s amazement, she is unharmed. Mikoto then walks over the fainted Corrin, utters a little caring mother line, removes the arrow from Corrin and draws a Dragon-stone from them.

·      Chapter 6: Corrin wakes up next morning in bed with Sakura and Aqua watching over them. Corrin has a headache, and after asking is told they are at a royal estate west of Shirasagi. Sakura and Aqua relay that Corrin turned into a dragon suddenly and went berserk, but Queen Mikoto subdued them and bestowed them with that Dragon-stone, their great inner draconic power, but in a controllable form. Corrin asks where Mother- where is Queen Mikoto? The siblings are surprised, so Corrin remembers. Only vaguely, but yes, Mikoto must be their mother. Mikoto is away in the Hoshidan Capital, trying to get the country together now that they are at war with Nohr. Corrin asks how this could happen. Corrin is told that with them returned to us, Hoshido no longer need obey Nohr’s claims to dominance, and can reclaim the territory they were forced to concede when they were taken hostage. Ryoma, Takumi and Hinoka have all gone to fight. Corrin says they must head to Nohr, they have to ask Father why they lied to them all these years. Father? You mean King Garon? Absolutely not! The Hoshidan sisters refuse to let Corrin leave. But at the least Corrin states, I have to see my other brothers and sisters again. Other siblings? Xander, Leo, Camilla, Elise. Xander? The ladies know it is the name of Nohr’s fearsome elder warrior prince. Ryoma is probably fighting him as we speak. Corrin feels it is then even more urgent that they return, they don’t want their brother to perish. Corrin is told to stay, and has no choice but to, Queen Mikoto forbids you from leaving this place. In the night, Corrin thinks to themselves, so they are really Hoshidan by birth, taken captive by Nohr and lied to all these years. Yet Nohr is what they’ve grown to know, Nohr is what feels familiar, not Hoshido. Corrin decides they must confront both of their families about this, only then can they possibly figure out where they truly belong. But, the estate is no doubt watching out for Corrin, they can’t escape easily. Still, it seems like it had difficult time catching them when they turned into a dragon… The scene shifts to the next morning in Aqua’s room, Sakura runs in and awakes her to the news that Corrin has escaped. and that a dragon has been spotted to the west. Aqua is concerned, and tells Sakura they must hurry after them. Corrin is running low on stamina after having snuck out of the estate and then having sprinted enormous distances only a dragon could through the night, surviving on will and adrenaline alone. Still, Corrin continues. The scene shifts to the battlefield, where indeed Xander and Ryoma are battling, Xander demands to know why Hoshido has broken the nonaggression pact they have forged, do they not know the cost of the pact? Ryoma answers that Xander’s words ring hollow, Kamui, or Corrin as you renamed them, is back in Hoshido now. As of today, we overthrow the yolk of Nohr treacherously forced on us and Centralia fifteen years ago! Xander is aghast, Corrin is alive? But know well Hoshido, that this “yolk” you seek to overthrow, will cost both of countries much precious blood. I give you one last chance to surrender. Ryoma replies, I say the same to you. Xander finishes then it is decided, let our strokes begin this war! Xander and Ryoma begin doing battle. In the skies above, Camilla and Hinoka exchange words and blows. Leo and Gunter, and Takumi and Yukimura, not actually encountering each other, issue orders to the troops and launch magic and arrows on the battlefield. With the carnage beginning, Corrin arrives. The appearance of a roaring dragon, who heads straight for Xander and Ryoma, shifts back to normal and tells everyone to stop is obeyed. All the siblings arrive, and they each make their pleas and tell Corrin to join them, the branch of fate is now to be decided.

Revised Conquest (The overall feel is light (but not lighthearted) fantasy, typical for FE- I opted not for a radical break in that matter; just to get that out of the way and avoid disappointing some as they read it.)


·  Chapter 6- Corrin decides to ally with Nohr, the country they grew up in. After having made this decision, the battle resumes between Nohr and Hoshido. After Corrin helps deal a blow to part of the Hoshidan forces, their Nohrian siblings suggest to them that they withdraw and retire for the day, they have been through a lot. Corrin does so, and wakes up the next morning still rather tired, but cannot rest for long as Xander relays King Garon has asked for Corrin to return to the capital at once. Corrin says they have a lot of questions to ask Father, who has lied to them the entire time, and needs to explain why they were taken hostage. Xander states that Father must have his reasons, Corrin wants to believe that, but has difficulties doing so. Camilla, also present, states that even if he doesn’t, had not Father taken you, you would have never had us as siblings, nor us, you. Corrin admits that, but also admits that their blood siblings could have provided the same love and comfort. Corrin then resigns themselves to their Fate, they have been bred a Nohrian and will do all they can to help it prosper no matter what, though ideally, may Hoshido prosper as well.

·  Chapter 7- While Camilla and Xander continue the battle in the borderlands, Corrin, accompanied by Leo and Elise, return to Krakenburg to go before King Garon and his Prime Minister Count Iago. King Garon states in formal and stern language that he is happy to see his child returned from Hoshido’s clutches. King Garon then proclaims that He hopes Corrin will remain a loyal child of Nohr, and asks if Corrin, in this time of war, would be willing to contribute to easing the effects of this conflict. Corrin replies yes, they are willing. Corrin then uses this moment to ask why their Father never told them of their true origins. Why is it they were never told that they were a Hoshidan royal who was being used a hostage to force Queen Hoshido into yielding to Nohrian supremacy!?! Prime Minister Iago then speaks up and thoroughly condemns Corrin for their insolence before His Majesty. King Garon concurs with Iago, and then asks Corrin if they would have preferred to be left to the care of the grunts who found them and then brought them to the man whom they now call Father. Surely, Corrin’s life would not have been so very fine, and perhaps much shorter, had He not shown his mercy and taken them from the dirty hands of His plebeian soldiers. Corrin should be grateful for what they have been granted, and repay these nearly two decades of luxurious living with just a bit of self-sacrifice. Garon then asks Corrin to leave. They will be sent their next orders once they are ready. Corrin is not finished yet, they ask King Garon what this war is being fought for? Hoshido does not appear so terrible. Garon, already incensed, is made even angrier by this next round of questioning. Leo, who has been watching, silent this whole time, speaks up and says they will spare His Majesty of answering that menial question. Leo states that, as Father had told them just before, it was Hoshido which had struck first in this war that is unfolding, they struck while hiding you (Corrin) thereby breaking the non-aggression pact which had been made with your relocation to Nohr. Now that Hoshido has attacked, Nohr has abandoned all pretenses of reestablishing this non-aggression pact and will not stop until it has attained its goal- the acquisition of glory for His Majesty King Garon. Iago then volunteers to continue Leo’s explanation. Glory is the duty of a King, it bestows them with everlasting fame, and has as its fruits wealth and vitality for the king and His domains. Garon then commends his son and Prime Minister, both serve him well, and he hopes that his child before him will learn to do the same. Corrin departs in silence with their two retainers following, Corrin looks defeated, yet also desirous of speaking more. Elise then arrives and greets Corrin, who as she notices is kind of depressed. Elise asks why. Corrin then states that Father rebuked them sharply after asking about their Hoshidan origin, and says Father didn’t even say why exactly they were being held hostage, or why they were never told about their true origin before. Elise tells Corrin not to worry, and that if they really try, one day Father will explain. Corrin hopes that will be the case. Then, the messenger arrives with King Garon’s orders- Corrin is to head westwards to help defend a province from bandits. Corrin says to Elise that serving Nohr and doing it well should make Father willing to say more, Elise agrees, and Corrin tells the messenger they will depart tomorrow morning sharp. [As Corrin, Elise and retainers are walking together, they suddenly hear a voice, and see a magic crystal appear on the ground. Corrin is told to take the crystal and suddenly all four of them are whisked away to a vast empty castle. A small dragon-like creature appears and explains it is called Lilth (who may be renamed at any time, and used, like all playable characters, as the servant of the castle). Lilith explains she is a special type of dragon a young Astral Dragon. The ancient, most powerful Astral Dragons were those who toyed with time and space, and thus discovered the near-infinity of worlds. Lilith then explains she is a young Astral Dragon, only about a thousand years or two old, who was born in inter-dimensional space and has been looking for a world to watch over ever since. Each Astral Dragon is tasked with finding worlds that speak to them and observing them closely, hoping that one day all of the worlds near-infinite in number may be known to the Astral Dragons as a whole. In addition to observing, Astral Dragons may help those who resonate deeply with them in their chosen worlds, and in doing so become stronger Astral Dragons. Corrin was one such person, and the first person whom Lilith ever resonated with. Lilith explains that the bearer of that crystal, and all who that person cares for, may come to this place, a castle in the inter-dimensional space nearest their world, at any time if they are unstressed (meaning not in battle) and nearby. They can then warp back to precisely where they were before coming here too. Lilith also explains that Corrin has the power of dragons in their veins, so they can shape this place and make it into their own castle. The easiest way to do this is acquire chaotic energies and convert them to astral power, though the energies of order work too. The castle can be highly useful- you can relax and have fun with facilities you can create, or you can get help in your world-changing quests by purchasing new weapons and supplies. Lastly, Lilith can bring Corrin to castles near worlds similar to theirs in the near-infinity, where they may interact with other people that have been chosen by other Astral Dragons.] /My Castle Break/ Corrin then wakes up early the next morning, before the sun even rises, and departs with their two retainers for the westward province. On horseback, the three travel in quietly, contemplating their return to their old estate, with Corrin wishing that life back in what they now see to be the boondocks of the world will have a little bit of the excitement they have come to know in these past three months (I guess that would be an acceptable timeframe). Unfortunately these early hours lend themselves well to highwaymen, and Corrin and their two retainers are attacked by a bunch (Nina’s Bandits- why not? She is recruited later though). Though hope seems lost against so many bandits, suddenly, a defender of justice and a young aspiring knight appear and come to Corrin’s side, Arthur and Silas join! Then, a little bit later, Elise and Effie join. Elise states she is mad Corrin left before they even had a chance to see them off, Corrin explains they weren’t able to sleep well again, and woke up early. With Elise’s help, the highwaymen are vanquished and retreat, and Corrin and Elise watch as the sun starts to rise and decide to journey together to the westward province.

·  Chapter 8- Reaching their destination, Corrin and Elise head to meet with the local authorities, and discover Leo in conversation with the local Prince. Corrin is surprised to see Leo here, they thought they were still in Krakenburg. Leo explains that he is a very busy prince, he is always on the move handling whatever matters Nohr requires of him. Corrin tells Leo why they are here, and Leo takes a moment to explain that King Garon has moved to establish in recent years a new class of nobility, with the goal of rendering Nohr more governable. These new nobles have the titles of Count, Viscount, and Chevalier, and distinctions within each. This new nobility serves in its own bureaucracy, apart from that of the old nobility’s- Archduke, Duke, Baron, and others. The two nobilities are accompanied by similar divisions in the non-noble governing elite. King Garon has been favoring the new institutions and elite he has created, but he has not outright abolished the old, so there is uncertainty, tension, and redundancy in the governing system. (Call it a blend between Peter the Great’s Table of Ranks and Ivan IV’s Oprichnina.) Corrin and Elise are overwhelmed by it all. Leo expected as much, but tells them not to worry. He can handle the complicated stuff, in fact, he just finished resolving the military concerns so as far as the war is concerned, here, just focus on defending the people. Corrin wants to help Leo more, and so does Elise, but they thank him for having done what he has. Leo then says he aim to be halfway to Cheve before nightfall, and departs. Corrin remarks that is a long distance, and sees that Leo must be a hard worker. Anyhow, Corrin and Elise decide to do as Leo suggested, and head to meet with the people of the province. Corrin and Elise learn that northern bandits have seized a few villages on the very edge of Nohr. The local militia is due to leave tomorrow for the Hoshido front, despite their protests to the authorities, so there is nothing that locals can do. Corrin turns to the new nobility, who say they will not help, as the loss of a few unproductive villages matters not to Nohr for the time being, the war takes precedent. Elise, who had gone to the old nobility, states they weren’t all that helpful either, but did manage to get a few of them to lend their support. This being better than nothing, they depart soon. /My Castle Break/ Corrin takes the small force old noble forces and leads them to the outskirts of one of the villages. Corrin speaks aloud to the bandits and bids them to surrender at once, but they laugh it off and Corrin, after repeated warning, orders their forces to strike. The bandits counter, and Corrin loses a chunk of their forces and has to retreat. The bandits decide to take advantage of this and pursue. Not willing to yield, Corrin tries to keep their forces together, though they wish to desert, and fights again some distance outside of villages not occupied by the bandits. Out of nowhere, reinforcements arrive soon into the fight, they are lead by Niles and Odin, who say that Leo was worried something like this might happen, and bid them and a few others loyal to His Foresightedness to stay and help bail out his siblings. With Leo’s retainers’ help, Corrin manages to defeat the bandits. Having liberated the villages, Corrin admits it seems the only thing they can do is fight, and even then they aren’t that good at it. Elise tries to make Corrin feel better.

·  Chapter 9- Staying in the backwater province for another week or so, Corrin asks for knowledge as to how the war with Hoshido fares. Nohr has apparently lost the eastern borderlands and has been forced to pull back westward. While a defense of the ravine is holding, Hoshido is pushing strongly against it. Nohr is losing, not badly, but it is losing. Corrin wants to help more, and the opportunity arrives. An official arrives with the order to conscript additional forces, the masses protest- they have already lost their militia- how much more is necessary for the war effort? Corrin intervenes on their behalf, and the official explains these forces are not to be used in combat, rather they are to be used for the rearguard, to protect the western borderlands from minor incursion while Prince Xander and others hold along the ravine. Trusting the official, Corrin persuades them to leave most of the local forces here, and just take them and a small crew. Once in the western borderlands’ capital, Corrin is met by General Gunter, their extremely strict former military mentor for a time. Now that war has broken out, they are one of Nohr’s finest senior generals, with experience going back to some of the internal wars Nohr fought under the prior king. Although aged, he can still put up a solid fight himself, and his mind is still very sharp too. Gunter tells Corrin to adjust to this place for the day, and to come to them tomorrow to receive their orders, Gunter himself must depart as soon as possible. Corrin comes to Gunter, who explains that there is a resistance in the western borderlands, it seeks, as it had fifteen years ago, to achieve independence from Nohr and possibly ally with Hoshido. King Garon refuses to cede the borderlands, so this slippery resistance must be crushed. Gunter also relays that Hoshidans have infiltrated Nohr and they are working with the resistance- dangerous individuals that must be exposed and hanged. So this is what is what constitutes a rearguard action, Corrin mutters. Gunter asks if they object. Corrin does not, they simply weren’t expecting it. Gunter expects well of their former student, do not disappoint. Corrin knows not to. /My Castle Break/ Corrin returns to Elise and explains the task at hand, Corrin has the troops they brought help patrol the city, while they and Elise go together elsewhere. Elise at one point notices someone with really nice hair- a bright blue that shines in comparison to their drab clothing that covers all but a small, unintentional reveal of that hair. Corrin brushes off Elise on this, she has made a number of similar, meaningless remarks along the search for suspicious individuals. Corrin then finally yield to incessant tugging and attention seeking and looks. Corrin is reminded immediately of Aqua and lets out her name, the girl doesn’t notice. Corrin goes up to her and asks her, she speaks softly and says they have the wrong person. Corrin believes this and with Elise returns to their search. Later, as the day and their search approaches its end, the two are about to return to the military HQ in the city, they notice the same girl as before in alone in an alleyway. She runs away and Corrin and Elise follow. Finally, the girl stops in an open area of some slums. The girl tells Corrin to return to Hoshido, Mother misses them so much, so does Sakura, Takumi, Hinoka, and Ryoma. And of course, she, Aqua, who now reveals herself does too. Corrin asks why is she here, Aqua states she was tasked with bringing Corrin back- you returned to us all, only to leave again so soon, return, please. Corrin is torn by this, but speaks in their heart they are Nohrian. Azura tells Corrin they could have everything Nohrian they could want back home, no expense would be too much for them. Corrin is torn still, their heart… Aqua speaks again, their heart, through it flows the blood of Hoshido and Mikoto, but not of Nohr, not of that… Garon! Elise then intervenes- that is too much, leave my sibling alone! Aqua speaks again, you look sweet, care to come back with Corrin? Elise rebukes her. Listen lady, I take back what I said about your hair, now leave Corrin alone, they don’t want to go with you! Corrin speaks, thanks Elise, Aqua, please return to Hoshido and tell them I won’t return, not while Nohr and Hoshido fight, for I must fight to protect Nohr. I was afraid of this, what a tragedy. Shigure, Caeldori, Kaze, seal all possible exits. Suddenly a force of Hoshidans appear in the area. Cue the prep screen (Elise, if alive, will be a forced deploy with a fixed spot near Corrin). As the battle starts, Corrin states this seems like she was assigned to do more than just bring them back. Indeed, Azura replies. The work of my labor is not yet complete, once I have you returned to Hoshido, I will see it done. Garon will surely be angered by the loss of the western borderlands from within. (If Azura is engaged in battle, at least by Corrin, she will comment on being trained not only in the arts of peace, but also in the art of the naginata, a requiem for you all.) On turn 1, all playable characters who are fielded appear in their chosen preparations slots, having caught up to Corrin and Elise. When the battle is over, Aqua will realize that she has lost and bids Corrin once more to come with her, Corrin still refuses and then dashes off. Azura realizes that Corrin cannot be caught now, and that she has jeopardized the Hoshidan effort to aid the resistance in the western borderlands, orders that everyone pull out for now and leave no trace of being here. She has doubly disappointed Queen Mikoto. Kaze, who survived the battle, then asks Aqua if they may stay behind. Aqua asks why. Kaze: well… Corrin returns to the military HQ, where Camilla has been waiting, wanting to check on her little sister and dear Corrin while they were in the area. Corrin and Elise explain what happened, and Camilla hugs them tight and consoles them. Corrin then states that Aqua must have been helping the western borderlands resistance, Camilla says she will get to exterminating it right away, nobody hurts her family- that is why she fights. Corrin heads to bed, and later that night suddenly wakes to a startling sight. Come with me, a mysterious person clad in black holding a dagger to Corrin’s throat and covering Corrin’s mouth with their other hand speaks. Corrin tries to speaks aloud, they know they won’t kill them, and then successfully shouts for help. The person runs with Corrin out a window and onto the streets below. Camilla then barges in to Corrin’s room, sees they are gone, and looks out the window and catches a glimpse of something off. Camilla calls for her wyvern, hops at the window on it, and flies in the thing’s direction. Finding it again, she takes aim and hits it with a spell, freeing Corrin, she then moves in to grab the body of the captor, which she is successful at. Camilla is furious- just who are you? Speak before I start making tiny little cuts all over you with my dull, dull, axe. The person speaks- I was not aware that Nohr’s First Princess knew magic. Camilla responds, I practice a little, darling. Now tell me who you are before I use your arteries as an inkwell. The person responds, torture will have no effect on me. Then speak before your spine is in two. Camilla retorts. The person: … . Oh, playing things that way? I’ll just have to unmask you then. Camilla undoes their hood. Corrin raises, Camilla asks if they are fine, and Corrin replies yes, they are. Looking at their kidnapper/would be assassin, they recognize that person as Kaze. Camilla is about to kill the person, but Corrin tells them to stop. Camilla asks for a good reason to stop, Corrin replies that Kaze is a good, person, they don’t deserve to die. Naive, that is the epitome of one who spares a trained ninja who tried to kidnap them. Corrin doesn’t care, they liked Kaze from before and wants to prove to Aqua that they still care for Hoshido by sparing him. Camila states that they tried to kidnap you, and wouldn’t be surprised if Hoshido had arranged the first attempt (C3). Corrin then suggests making Kaze their servant. Corrin states that if she is that concerned, she should be keeping tabs on Kaze all the time, which would resolve the problem. Kaze then adds he is attached to Hoshido, but if forced to serve Nohr, he would gladly do so for Corrin. Corrin speaks- any objections Camilla? She responds, if you do anything odd, I will kill you you slippery fiend! As it should be, Kaze responds. Corrin then tells them to return to HQ, everyone must be worried.

·  Chapter 10-In the meanwhile, in the eastern borderlands, around noon, all four Hoshidan royals are gathered together with Yukimura and Kotaro. Kotaro then speaks he has received a message, Azura has been forced out of the western borderlands capital too soon to initiate a rebellion. She is retreating to Hoshido at once. Azura also states she came close, but has failed in her other mission- whatever that means. Sakura speaks- Corrin. Oh, that long lost child of Her Majesty? Must hate her if they as soon as they come back, they leave and take up arms against her. Takumi agrees with Kotaro, maybe Corrin really is a child of Garon now. Sakura can hardly believe that- they seemed so nice. Hinoka speaks, perhaps Garon has put Corrin under some spell of his or something- perhaps they can be saved. Ryoma speaks, they will not judge Corrin and why they have chosen Nohr over their homeland yet. But he, like Queen Mikoto is, is hopeful that Corrin may be returned one way or another, sooner or later. But enough about that, more importantly, Azura’s exile from the western borderland makes it more much difficult to invade there, we can no longer use turmoil in the western borderlands to distract Nohr and charge over through the rest of their forces on this side of the borderlands and over ravine in the meantime. Fortunately, Yukimura speaks, that loss can be compensated for, they certainly have plenty of assets for a new strategy that will work just as well. And as a reminder- Queen Mikoto seeks the liberation of both the western and eastern borderlands, that is this war’s goal. However, we do have permission to invade Nohr proper, and though I hesitate to do so, it will likely be necessary to convince Nohr to yield both halves of the borderlands. Hinoka speaks, if that’s the case- then I have an idea as to our next operations… A week or so (or so means more in this case) passes as Corrin helps in the western borderlands, trying to help not just subjugate resistance, but also with logistics and whatnot. Camilla, back from one of many days on the frontline, has bad news for Corrin. Hoshido has destroyed much of the Nohrian fleet and has conquered the Kohgan Islands. How did that happen? Doesn’t Nohr have a clear naval advantage as they were told? Camilla replies, how it happened is uncertain, but what is certain is that Hoshido is moving those ships to Nohr’s southern ports, and fast. The loss was so unexpected and quick, the ports are hardly even defended right now. Xander is busy in the eastern borderlands, Leo is all over the place, Gunter is needed here, and Iago’s group is defending the interior and won’t budge, so I’m going to head south on the double. Corrin and Elise volunteer to go ahead first while Camilla gathers the large forces needed. Camilla tells them not to get hurt, but approves. /My Castle Break/ Corrin and co. make it to Dia in haste, the most vital port of all of Nohr. They ask about the status of the port, and are told Hoshido in the past days has been repelled, but it has destroyed most of the naval defenses and has just landed a huge force and has overwhelmed the soldiers defending the harbor. Corrin boldly goes to the frontline, determined to save Dia at all costs. Cue the prep screen. Takumi leads the aggressors, Oboro, Hinata, how are you two doing? Oboro responds, fine lord Takumi, I’ve taken care of the east, and Hinata’s got the west. Now, lets push inwards! Hinata speaks, yo Takumi, it looks like enemy reinforcements just arrived, and they’re not running, they standing pretty boldly- I like that. Oboro responds, don’t praise the filthy Nohrian enemy! That said, the more there are, the more avenging I can be doing. Hinata speaks again, well they’re aren’t a lot of them it looks like- but you never know when more will be coming, let’s break through quick. Takumi speaks, our forces need time to unload, but we’ll throw as much as we can as fast as we can against the enemy. If things go stale, I’ll shake them up a little bit in our favor, I’ve found just the thing. It might cost us a few ships, but we need this port. Oboro speaks again, let me guess, a Dragon Vein? Yup, and you’ll love what do I with it Hinata, Takumi replies. Hinata- can’t wait! Back to Corrin and co. Corrin tells everyone they just need to hold out until Lady Camilla arrives with her army, until them keep them from getting beyond the harbor and into the city itself. On turn 2, Camilla shows up, Corrin is surprised, Camilla says that Leo came by and is bringing the army here, she came ahead to protect her siblings in this terrible fight, and she brought her retainers Beruka and Selena too. If Takumi was killed before activating the Dragon Vein, he will reappear at the end of the fight and activate it anyhow if the player did not. When the battle ends, Leo finally shows up, he has brought the army with him, but there is no point, the enemy has breached into the city in other locations, they must withdraw, now. Takumi then charges forward and encounters Corrin and co. the dialogue changes a little based on whether Takumi engaged Corrin or not in battle in the fight. Takumi is surprised (if not engaged) that Corrin led the defenders, and (regardless of engagement) demands to know why they sided with Nohr. Corrin speaks that it was what their heart told them, the family and country they felt closest to simply happened to be Nohr. Takumi rejects this, and asks them if they really don’t care about him or Sakura or Hinoka or Ryoma or Mother, or Aqua too? Elise tells them to stop it, Aqua toyed with Corrin enough. Camilla then speaks, Corrin chose us as their family when it mattered most, respect their decision or face the consequence of upsetting me. Corrin thanks their two sisters. Takumi speaks again, so you love the family that robbed you from us so much then? Takumi then starts shooting arrows furiously and rather inaccurately at Elise, Camilla, and Leo, who all happen to be nearby. Then I wanna see if you’ll cry over them at least, ‘cause you won’t shed a tear for me or Mom, you know, your real family! Elise runs off to escape the flurry. Camilla attacks Takumi- nobody tries to hurt her family and gets away with it! Camilla swings her axe at Takumi. Leo follows it up with a spell. Takumi retorts, hah, missed, the both of you two stupid Nohrians! Brash, emotional, yearning for attention- this is a prince of Hoshido? Takumi replies- I’ve managed to take this port haven’t I? Couldn’t have done if i looked as dead (emotionless) as you. Hinata shows up- Takumi, we’re taking the town no problem, everybody’s out of the harbor. Takumi and Hinata then depart, with Takumi uttering some last words to Corrin. Before Leo can go after them, he then speaks- why aren’t enemy ships in the harbor- wait why is there no WATER in the harbor? Suddenly, they see something on the water’s horizon in the distance- a tsunami! Everybody rushes to run away before the wave hits (this is why Takumi wanted to make sure everybody left the harbor area later- to avoid collateral damage- when Hinata spoke, he released his control of the Dragon Vein and let the ocean go back to normal- which meant invariably a tsunami).

·  Chapter 11- Fortunately, Corrin and co. manage to retreat from Dia with minimal casualties, either from the water or the Hoshidan Army. Corrin wants to head back in there and stop Takumi and Hoshido, Camilla agrees. Leo bids the two to halt. They don’t have that kind of power needed to retake the city, they will be mowed down if they try. The last thing he wants is to grant that cocky Hoshidan prince another victory. Abiding by Leo, Corrin and co. withdraw inland and regroup. Leaving Camilla with the army in the field, Corrin and Leo head to Cheve, capital of the Chevois region. There, they are met by Prime Minister Count Iago, who berates them for withdrawing. Corrin tries to explain things, but Iago will have none of it and states that constitutes insubordination and disrespect for His Majesty. Leo apologizes and tells Corrin to keep quiet. Iago gets back to the topic at hand, and states that Hoshido is advancing east from Dia, they’ve taken the port of Crykensia too, and are even landing on the shores further east. If that was not bad enough, Nohr has given up the ravine and pulled westwards. Leo then speaks, so the enemy is moving to join their forces. Very perspective prince, Iago responds, and of course, that is a very dangerous thing for Nohr. Go east and crush the Hoshidan armies before they unify. Leo responds they will do so right away. Halt! I have different orders, straight from His Majesty King Garon, for you Prince Leo. And do you suppose I leave Corrin alone for this absolutely vital task? Camilla’s in the army they’ll be using, no? Do you not admit that Princess Camilla is brilliant on the battlefield? I concede that she is Leo responds. Iago speaks again, excellent, now come with me Leo. And one more thing Corrin- I’ll be sending some reinforcements to you soon, hurry now Corrin, by King Garon’s demand. Corrin departs /My Castle Break/ Corrin returns to Camilla, Elise and the army and relays what they have to do and why Leo is away. Camilla is angry- why does that Iago have to ruin things? Leo is the brightest in the family by far. My axe can’t do half of what a hundredth of his brain can do. About halfway to where the Hoshidan South Army (the one landed amphibiously) should be, Corrin is greeted by the promised reinforcements. Leading these reinforcements is Viscount Hans, a New Noble in the military. Hans gives off a bad first impression, but Corrin and co. must bear with him. Corrin and their army head another quarter of the way towards the enemy’s location- if they defeat the Hoshido South Army, the enemy can be kept apart, making things much easier in this terrible situation. Unfortunately, stopping very briefly near a Nohrian outpost, Camilla and Hans get into a dispute near the outpost’s entrance. Hans’s men are bothering Camilla’s forces, which contain a high percentage of women. Corrin tries to get them to stop fighting. Camilla refuses to continue if Hans’s men continue to be uncouth to her forces. Hans acts like a privileged misogynist pig, which he is, and rebukes Camilla, going so far as to warn her that in battle with Hoshido, his men might, put euphemistically, rape her ladies due to the heat of the battle getting to them. That is the last straw, Camilla then attacks Hans. Hans tells her that they should be working together to fight Hoshido, and threatens there will be consequences for her if she continues, ending with another misogynist remark. Corrin intervenes again, and Camilla states it is too late. Hans says he is ready for her, Camilla threatens to euphemistically castrate him. The two each gather a small group of forces and do battle with each other. Corrin is not sure what to do, but decides to side with neither of them. Cue the the prep screen (note- Camilla, Selena, and Beruka are not usable during this fight). This is our timed-double-boss-Nohr fight Izumo used to be. To win, defeat both Camilla (who, with Selena and Beruka, have fixed stats and inventories) and Hans, before so many turns pass- Hoshido must be stopped from uniting its armies! At the battle’s end, Corrin has managed to exhaust Camilla and Hans, while trying to keep collateral casualties down. Hans is surprised this kid can keep him in order. Camilla states she was only doing this to protect her troops- her fellow friends and family whom she loves more than Nohr itself. Finally, Corrin exhales, we can get back to stopping Hoshido, let’s hurry! They dash onwards, but it is too late. In the distance, they can see a Hoshidan army so large, the two armies must have unified. They don’t have the power needed to stop it, they must retreat northwards at once and join with the rest of Nohr’s forces.

·  Chapter 12- Hoshido continues its relentless advance, the effort to keep the armies apart has failed completely. Corrin and co. retreat to a fortress east of Ft. Dragonfall. There, Hans departs, he has to go inform Iago and King Garon of this little “incident”- you keep my guys though, heh. Camilla is still ticked off by Hans, he leaves Nohr’s defense to us and runs off leaving his lecherous toadies behind! Fortunately, you’re not alone my siblings. Xander walks in and everybody is delighted to see him. Xander explains that Hoshido is relentless, in a couple days time- they’ll be right here. General Gunter is holding the mountain pass north and east of our location, Leo is in Chevois. Chevois, why? A rebellion, backed by Hoshido, has broken out there, it is as much a threat to Nohr as the Hoshidan army we will soon face. Listen everyone, if we lose, we can fall back to Ft. Dragonfall, but that is it. But if we lose Dragonfall too, or if Leo or Gunter should fail, Krakenburg itself will be under threat. Iago’s men and the capital guard are holding it, but I’m understandably very concerned. Corrin, Camilla, and Elise are stunned- it’s do, or Nohr dies. /My Castle Break/ Xander speaks- Hoshido is approaching, everyone, prepare for what may be Nohr’s last chance, we mustn’t lose this one! My kin, I’ll go ahead and distract the enemy’s leader, you ward off enemy incursions (Laslow and Peri join though). This map is large, mostly outdoor, but part indoor, and add a cold, dark, rainy day. Yukimura, the enemy commander, speaks. Attention all who serve Nohr! Surrender and let us proceed to Krakenburg, and your lives may be spared on Queen Mikoto’s decree, if not, expect to perish! Why must Hoshido fight, Corrin exclaims. Ah, Your Majesty, to see you take up arms against your dear mother is saddening; I have orders to take you alive. Never. What a shame, my military genius, moved by Queen Mikoto’s desires, has guided this army here, and we won’t let you stand in our way. Part way into the fight, either after a number of turns, or Yukimura is defeated, NPC Xander appears, as does Ryoma and a load of enemy reinforcements. Xander speaks- Hoshido’s grand prince is strong, just like the stories of Sumeragi he’s heard. Ryoma responds, and Nohr’s first prince is like the tales of Garon he’s been told, but it is clear which of the two was, and is, stronger. Xander states he won’t die just yet, he must defend Nohr! Not if I have a say princeling, Kotaro appears and traps Xander between two groups of Hoshidans. As if that wasn’t enough, Saizo and Kagero of course feature too somewhere on the map. Xander, whose max HP has been cut to 25, will focus on retreating to safety, a game over will happen if he dies. Win now by defeating Yukimura and Ryoma- both marked as bosses, or see to it that Xander reaches safety. Ryoma speaks with Yukimura- how fares the attack (if Yukimura is defeated, his dialogue changes a bit)? We’ve almost succeeded, just a little longer, I must give my remarks to Nohr, though I condemn Corrin for standing among them. Corrin is here? I assumed you tried speaking with them, and it failed. I’ll save my words for now, victory should see them come back home. Whichever victory condition is met (the dialogue changes a little), Yukimura tells Ryoma they are starting to run low on stamina, the progress Hoshido has made in recent weeks is breathtaking, but their troops appear to be on the verge of exhaustion. Ryoma understands, this push was perhaps a little too much for them, we got a bit overambitious. Still, we have the upper hand, lets fall back to our bases and prepare for the long haul. Ask Hinoka how she fares at the mountain pass, and tell her we’re pulling back. Nohr! Let me tell you have not won today, Hoshido’s spirit blazes strongly, King Garon’s head will be ours! And Corrin. Corrin responds, simply… Ryoma. Ryoma responds back, you still appear to be sane and well, thats good, but if we meet as enemies once more, I, as a prince of Hoshido, will uphold my duty, even if it means your life. The remaining enemies withdraw. Kotaro, who withdraws last, speaks, I underestimated Nohr, I wonder who fortune really favors. Now the focus falls back on Nohr. Xander comments, somehow, Nohr has survived, good… Xander collapses. Elise cries out, brother! Corrin speaks, Xander’s injuries don’t look too bad, he must be exhausted. Camilla speaks, we’ve taken heavy blows, but Xander is still alive, with our family intact, Nohr might have chance.

·  Chapter 13- Finally, against impossible odds, Nohr has forced a Hoshidan army to withdraw. Xander congratulates everyone on this effort, and they cheer too. Xander continues, Gunter and Leo have not yielded either thankfully, all locations have held. Nonetheless, Hoshido still occupies a significant amount of Nohr, and Chevois is still in rebellion too. Before Hoshido can retake the offensive, we must move in and reclaim what is ours. Camilla, help me draft a plan to send to King Garon on what to do next. Corrin, Elise, check our forces over, I need to know our current conditions precisely for our next moves. Everybody agrees with Xander’s orders. Three days pass, a messenger arrives at the fortress, it is none other than Prime Minister Count Iago. Iago declares that he and His Majesty have reviewed the proposals and information Leo, Gunter and Xander have all sent them. It is decided that Nohr shall focus on quelling the Chevois revolt; Hoshido will think twice about fighting Nohr when it no longer has Chevois bodies to soak up the casualties, ha ha ha! Xander, though a bit turned off by Iago’s over-competence and brushing off Hoshido’s willingness to fight, finds this plan to be reasonable. Iago speaks once more, Gunter is to be left where he is, he is doing just perfectly for Nohr, though his age has dulled him a little I think- he could have done just a bit better. Likewise, Prince Xander, King Garon bade you stay right here. As for you Prince/cess Corrin, you and the other princesses will go help put down Chevois. Elise speaks, but brother Xander is hurt, can he really handle things alone? What if Ryoma returns? Iago rebukes Elise, hush little princess, he will be fine, he is a dutiful, talented prince, whats a Hoshidan worm to him. Elise responds, have you seen his injuries? Ryoma did that! Prince Xander will lay his life down for King Garon if need be, now be a sweet, quiet little princess, Iago speaks. Xander gets Elise to hold back from further argument with Iago. Iago moves on and criticizes Camilla, as for you elder princess, I overheard from my dear friend and fellow New Noble Hans, nearly as talented at war as I am with so many things, that you started an argument with him. Camilla, filled with rage, I…! No excuses! I’ve sent him to Chevois, I hope you’ll be nice to him this time. Camilla- grr! And you Prince/cess Corrin, Hans criticized you a little, do pay that heed, but otherwise, you’ve done almost as well as I imagined you would. Do keep your sisters in check. Now, I will be returning to Krakenburg, Prince/cess Corrin, do not tarry, and depart with your forces at once, and take the New Nobility forces with you. /My Castle Break/ Corrin and co. leave Xander in at the fortress, hoping the best for him, despite the fact they are leaving him rather undermanned. Reaching Chevois, Corrin and co. meet with Leo, he states he has managed to force Chevois back back to its capital, Cheve. Corrin and co. are amazed, how did he do it? Leo states it took was some serious effort, but things were able to go generally according to his plan. Leo then states that he has connections inside the city, with the pressure of an intense siege he has begun, they should open the gates soon. Now, take your troops and be ready. The gates soon open, just as Leo predicted. Cue the prep screen. When the battle starts, Takumi is talking with Scarlet and Orochi. Scarlet wonders how this could happen, who in all of Chevois would betray for Nohr!?! Takumi responds, whoever it is, I’ll shoot em’ down when its over. Orochi speaks, but first, we have to repel the enemy, if we can force them from the walls, we can stand strong again. Takumi and Scarlet: right! Orochi responds, you two are optimistic, but lets be careful now, Prince Leo is certainly no slouch. When the battle ends, Corrin and co. are confronting Takumi and Orochi, telling them they’re done for. Takumi refuses to accept it, they want to kill their traitor sibling right here right now. Orochi tells Takumi they have to get out of here, Chevois and Hoshido still have a shot together. Takumi responds, urghh, you’re right, now where’s Scarlet, she has to come too? NOW UNLEASH HANS AND THE NEW NOBILITY HORDE! Off screen, not seeing anything, Hans speaks, this girl looks nice, too bad she chose the wrong side. Scarlet shouts in agony. Takumi is desperate to find where Scarlet is and yells out for her. Scarlet, still in fatal agony, utters her last words to Takumi. While Takumi is looking away, a generic New Noble comes up and attacks them. Orochi calls out to Takumi, and Corrin throws themselves between Takumi and the New Noble, taking an injury and saving Takumi. A spell then strikes the New Noble down, and the caster, Leo, appears on the screen and heads over to his siblings. Takumi is left utterly confused. Why? Why did you, save me? Yet, you’ve sided with… monsters! Corrin, just what are you? Orochi tells Takumi that is enough, Queen Mikoto cannot lose them, they’re pulling out now! The two escape. Leo then speaks, I could ask the same. Just why did you save that foolish prince? Elise heads over to Corrin and says they’re hurt, but they can fix them up right now. Camilla speaks, ohhh, you still miss them, don’t you? Corrin speaks, I’m a Nohrian through and through, but I can’t stand the idea of meaningless death and destruction, of Nohrians, or Hoshidans, or anyone. Leo comments, by saving that idiot, you may have only ensured that more will happen, think of the many before you act to save the one next time. Now lets establish an HQ somewhere here in the city and consider what should be done next, no point on getting fixated on our mistakes.

·  Chapter 14- Leo and Corrin and co. discuss what has happened in Cheve. The devastation unleashed by Hans and the New Nobility was terrible, the city has been utterly ransacked. The worst of them only brought out the worst in other soldiers, it was like a disease, and it spread through not just the New Nobles, but all soldiers. Leo states that they found the resistance girl’s body, the one who wore that crimson armor. Leo states he has done autopsies and studied medicine and anatomy before, the injuries, mutilations rather, were indescribable. I cannot scarcely imagine what the end of her life was like. Leo states that they had her body dressed in decent garb, and put it in a coffin and then in a grave whose location he carefully marked down. Chevois was in revolt, it deserved punishment, but her death, like the death of the city, nay the entire province around them, is an utter inhumanity. There is no logic in such destruction, Chevois is going to plummet because of this, and the loss to Nohr will be significant. Camilla speaks, statistics, utility, Leo, is that all you can think of? My heart aches too sister, but someone has to see things from those perspectives here. Take some time to mourn, all of you, just do it without too displaying much emotion, I’d hate for someone to report it to Iago. Corrin speaks, you’re right Leo. Elise then asks Leo if she can help the Chevois out, Leo says she can, but again, do not let anyone take notice who is not certain to be our friend. Corrin speaks again, thank you Leo, and good idea Elise. /My Castle Break/ Corrin, standing in the city looking at things, is approached by Leo. Leo states that Iago and King Garon haven’t issued any new directives to the Chevois forces, they have just let Hoshido retreat without interference. On a positive note, General Gunter and Xander have together forced the enemy to pull back eastwards, they are approaching the western borderlands border. At this rate, Hoshido will be forced out of Nohr. However, they still hold the major port cities of Dia and Crykensia and the lands north of them. I’ve prepared a strike force that should be able to get around the main Hoshidan army in the field and, if all goes well, take Crykensia, which informants tell me is itself undermanned at the moment. Leo tells Corrin to go and join Elise and Camilla, he has to convince Hans, the senior commander here, of this plan before it can begin. It would take too long to confirm it with Krakenburg, by then, the opportunity would have passed. If all goes well, we strike tonight. In the meanwhile, Takumi is seen in Crykensia port with Oboro, looking despondent. Sakura comes up to Takumi and cheers him up, she explains she came here to help rally the troops, but she plans to return to Hoshido soon, on Mother’s request. Hinoka then comes in and sees she has finally found Takumi, and is happy to see Sakura. Hinoka says she heard happened in Chevois was beyond belief, Takumi admits it was awful. Hinoka then asks Takumi if there was anything else, he looks like something is off.  Takumi talks, he met a leader of the Chevois revolt, she was so nice, but he lost her in the chaos, he thinks he heard her die. He won’t forget that scream, it terrified him to the core. Sakura tells Takumi to return to Hoshido, he needs relief from this carnage, it’s too much for him. Takumi states he wants to stay and fight, for Hoshido, for Chevois. Oboro speaks, don’t be like that Lord Takumi, we need to recover from what we’ve seen, you especially our heroic prince. Hinoka then ask one last question- is it true that Corrin was there? Takumi quickly responds. No, they weren’t; there was Prince Leo, he was heartless and deceptive, then there was the Nohrian savages that served him, but I’d didn’t see Corrin anywhere. Now if you don’t excuse me, I’ll board back for home now. Hinoka and Sakura wish Takumi the best, and Hinoka returns to the field while Sakura remains the port city. Oboro asks Takumi why they lied, Takumi says they couldn’t get their hopes up, Corrin tortures him- are they with Hoshido, or not? Are they good, or evil? Oboro says everything will become clear eventually, but what they need to do now is refresh themselves. She’ll get him some loungewear to help him relax. Back to Corrin and co., Leo states that Hans has given his approval for the plan. While they take the strike force and hit Crykensia, Hans will hit the field army while it is turning back towards us and distract it. All he asks is that we leave the city’s riches to him and his crew. Camilla speaks, that hog is planning on doing to Crykensia as he did to Cheve. At this rate he’ll destroy Nohr! I agree sister, fortunately Hoshido has abandoned most of Nohr, hopefully that should constrain our wild boar. Now, the darkest hour is approaching, and the sky is dim, lets move out. Corrin, Leo and co. reach the port of Crykensia without detection, they have to hurry and claim the port before enemy calls for reinforcements are fulfilled. If they fail, they’ll be sandwiched between two Hoshidan armies- Hans can’t be trusted to halt them entirely. Cue the prep screen. To win, seize the docks in before so many turns pass to keep the enemy from reinforcing themselves. After the first turn, the majority of the enemy forces will spawn. Among them are Sakura, who will not realize that Corrin is here due to the dark unless Corrin engages them in battle. Once the docks are secured, a large number of enemy reinforcements from the starting point/port entrance will spawn, led by Hinoka, who again will not see Corrin unless they engage in battle. Now, keep the docks you’ve just seized secure until Hans’s needed but less than ideal help arrives. When the battle ends, Hinoka and Sakura recognize that Corrin is here and asks what they are doing here. Corrin says they are defenders of Nohr, they will not let Hoshido continue occupying any part of the country. Sakura and Hinoka don’t understand, but Hinoka, as a warrior of Hoshido, will fight on, if Corrin has chosen to be a warrior of Nohr. A generic Hoshidan then reports to Hinoka, the enemy’s vanguard is massacring them, they’re almost here! Hinoka and Sakura run off to stop Hans’s men. Corrin then calls out to Leo. Leo speaks, sigh, I told you to think otherwise just before, but you are going to try to get those two out of here and want my help, don’t you? Corrin then responds, Leo, then I’ll do as you- Leo interrupts, no matter, we’ll just have to live with the consequences of your decision, and I’ll have to find joy preparing more plans in a protracted war thanks to you. Camilla, Elise, get those Hoshidan princesses out of here, the one flies on tenma yes? Tell her to take the other and make for one of the escaping Hoshidan ships- Camilla, cover her with your own wyvern for protection if you must. Camilla speaks, if you command it my sweet little brother. Elise speaks, okay, this should be easy! Hinoka and Sakura react, wanting the Nohrians to let go of them. Corrin beseeches them, princesses of Hoshido, go with my sisters, and you will be spared of the sights and terrors that I saw with my own eyes at Cheve. Hinoka then speaks- …! but Takumi said- Leo interrupts, go you two, now. Sakura speaks, sister we mustn’t stay. Hinoka- fine. Hinoka and Sakura depart successfully to sea. Thank you Leo, Corrin speaks. Leo speaks once again, now that that’s past us, shall we go greet our boorish friends?

·  Chapter 15- Hoshido has withdrawn from Crykensia, now, what remains of its hold on coastal Hoshido is shrinking, gradually it is being reduced to the port of Dia, which by itself cannot hold forever. A week-and-a-half has passed since Crykensia’s capture. Corrin and co. rest in Crykensia, watching as Hans once again ravages the city, though it is not quite as severe this time. Leo then states that with Crykensia under its control, Nohr has begun rebuilding its fleet, it will take the battle to the Nohr-Hoshido sea, and beyond that, Hoshido itself. Corrin is delighted at the news, Nohr has been saved from a Hoshidan demise, and will soon be on the offensive. Leo continues, if nothing goes awry, we may be placed in the naval invasion force- care for the sea sibling? Corrin responds sure, but what of Xander and Gunter? Leo gives his answer, momentum has slowed in the borderlands fight, perhaps Iago’s troop reductions at the fortress are to blame in part. We could go there if you sought it and King Garon allowed, but then we might miss the chance to participate in the reclamation of the Kohgan Islands, if you cared about that it is. Corrin speaks, for all there is to hate about war, and surely we’ve seen some of the reasons, I find myself somewhat thrilled with it now. Leo comments, good, do not forget the ills of it, one all too happy to fight, without reason or logic, does both themselves and their country wrong. I admit, both me and Camilla aren’t the best of influences on you and Elise in that regard, but I do restrain myself from unneeded atrocity. I would have taken hostage those princesses as political leverage, and that prince too, but with Hans around, their captivity could only be worse than living, and their abuse would not make Queen Mikoto very happy- contradicting my whole reason for their capture. Corrin speaks again, Leo, you’re- Enough with the praise sibling, I prefer you leave my veil intact. Corrin: I understand. /My Castle Break/ After the passing of about another week, with Corrin and co. in the port, they are getting eager as the first ships will be finished soon. Elise is standing alongside Corrin, commenting on the azure beauty of the sea they are looking upon. Camilla then comes up and tells them Leo has received important orders from Krakenburg, they have to go to him. Elise and Corrin say okay, and Elise departs with Camilla. Corrin takes moment to think as they look over the distance towards Hoshido: Takumi, Hinoka, Ryoma, Sakura, Aqua, Queen Mikoto I’ll be coming soon. Please, don’t put up too much of a fight, the faster it ends, the less time Hans and the New Nobility will have to ruin your world. Elise tells Corrin to come on, they leave. Meeting with Leo, he states that they will be leaving soon. Corrin speaks, what? But what about the fleet? Has things changed in the borderlands, for better or worse? Leo responds: don’t get too attached to the fleet Corrin, we have plenty of time for that, and as for the borderlands, things haven’t changed of late. We are heading to Krakenburg. Camilla asks what Father wants of them, or is it Iago who requests their presence- did we offend those swine of his? Leo responds, though the capital is secure, vital military assets around it, mostly manufactories (not mechanical factories- preindustrial mass production places) and storehouses, have been compromised. Elise asks, how did Hoshido get so close to the capital? Leo has a one word answer- frostbite. Corrin: frostbite? Leo: the Ice Tribe, whose homelands are the vast tundras north and west of Nohr, have turned against Nohr. They also rule over a small range of mountains directly north of Krakenburg. Since time immemorial, the Ice Tribe, or rather, tribes, have both bitten and been bit by Nohr, they have warred with us, and they have coexisted with us, there have even been a few Nohrian kings of their ancestry. Some twenty years ago, Nohr annexed their mountain range- a wholly independent polity next to Nohr’s head, and His Majesty in the past fifteen years has been waging wars in the tundra to mixed results. Now, they rebel. We are to head right past Krakenburg without stopping and take the battle to them, that is our orders. Corrin: like Chevois. Leo responds, Hans will be staying here, but if you care so much, let us quell the revolt quickly. The more breathtaking the fall of the opposition, the more they will be willing to acquiesce in Nohrian rule, and the fewer casualties both sides will suffer. Corrin, you’re right Leo, lets depart. Taking some time to head all the way from the southern extreme of Nohr to the northern one, Corrin and co. finally arrive, near Krakenburg. A generic soldier greets them and tells them they are to retake the mountains, going in for one that is heavily populated, if taken, the enemy, hit and running through much of northern Nohr, will be paralyzed. Leo speaks, from whom, may I politely be permitted to ask, does this strategy come from? The generic responds: they heard that King Garon himself made it up. Father, no surprise he would pay such interest in the Ice Tribe. Why, Corrin asks. Leo responds, they can discuss that later, let us melt the icy threat. Corrin and co depart again and reach the battlefield. Cue the prep screen. When the battle starts, Camilla notices that there are white wings and gold wings, Sky Knights and Kinshi Knights, among the enemy. Corrin also notices, so Hoshido is backing the Ice Tribe revolt, no surprise. Indeed Corrin, most pitiable child, Aqua speaks. Elise: it’s her again, get away from my sibling! My sisters said you spared them from death in Crykensia, yet you stand among their would be murderers. Garon’s strings are trying to curtail your natural instincts, I will sever them. Corrin: no, Aqua, I am bound only by my duty to Nohr, I do not condone the practices of those savages you speak of. Aqua follows up, then why not rebel- just like Chevois? Corrin: well… Camilla covers them, listen we just can’t overthrow Garon while you invade us and try to steal Corrin, it’s a matter of priorities. I see, what a shame Garon has hired his own children to keep you in line Corrin. Camilla, why I ought to- Leo! Why aren’t you saying anything to defend your sibling!? Leo speaks, less talk, more subjugation. Corrin notices Leo is off, Leo, is anything bothering you? Leo responds, it’s nothing, we need to fight. (Flora, though overshadowed by Aqua in this new scenario, does indeed appear on the battlefield.) When the battle is won, the Nohrian siblings confront Aqua. Corrin asks, Aqua, why have you done this. Aqua answers: though I do not care for them, the Ice Tribe is a way of bringing my country, my siblings, and Queen Mikoto my mother, another chance at victory over that insidious tyrant Garon and the country that supports them. Well you can stare into the face of that tyrant if you wish it, King Garon to everyone’s surprised walks onto the dying battlefield. Leo speaks, Your Majesty my Lord Father, what brings you here? Garon responds, I wanted to see the destruction of the Ice Tribe before my own eyes, it would fill me with pleasure. Now, who is this girl I hear you speaking to? A Hoshidan, or one of that icy ulcer? Garon looks at Aqua, noticing her hair, he is very slightly phased. Aqua thinks to herself, I am in no condition to kill him today, I will retreat for now, she lifts her hand in the air, and Shigure comes down on tenma back and takes Aqua away. Corrin, Garon, I swear I will return for the both of you! Garon speaks, why didn’t any of you do anything to stop her? How dare you let her live! Leo speaks, my Lord Father, you look slightly unwell, shall I escort you back? Garon responds, this frostbitten mountain air, how it debilitates me. I will return alone, finish the remnants of the revolt and await my next decree. Garon leaves. Corrin speaks, Father is hardly different from when I saw him last. Camilla speaks, he’s been the same way forever, you’ll get used to it and move on. Elise speaks that she is cold, and asks Corrin to bring her back to base. Corrin responds, they don’t think that Camilla and Leo will mind finishing the enemy, so sure. Aqua, your calm, which I had known only for so long, is totally gone, fury fills you now- what happened?

This is a tad long for post-battle plot, but it is an important moment- the end of C15 and C16 mark the pivoting of the game from Nohr’s survival to Hoshido’s invasion. Corrin is a few days after the putting down of the Ice Tribe revolt called to Krakenburg, Leo is too. Though uncertain as to why just them, Corrin and Leo depart for the capital. There, Leo discovers that they are no longer wanted. Corrin is curious as to why King Garon would change his mind, Leo comments, perhaps it was Iago’s doing, though, maybe not. Corrin: Leo? Leo ignores the question, you I am told, are still wanted. Corrin, go now, Father can be testy as you know. Corrin does, and they quietly walk into King Garon’s bedchambers, players, take note that Iago is not around. King Garon speaks, they thank their child for having served them so well as of late. His kingdom endures due, in small part, to their efforts. Corrin speaks, thanking His Majesty for such words and then humbling themselves by mentioning the sacrifices made by others: their royal siblings, the Nohrian army, and the New Nobility as well (don’t want to offend the King’s creation). King Garon then speaks again, they did not expect their adopted child to do so well, to keep them a non-threat to Nohr’s security, they denied them a full education, both in academic wisdom and in martial virtue. By isolating them from the world, they would never discover their true origins, and would thus never use their position from within nor great talents to secretly undermine it. And yet, here you are. You have been told of your origins, yet you sided with Nohr, and through mortal battle, have served it well. Now, what is it that has driven thee to defy my expectations, to call the King’s judgment into question? Corrin, nervous, responds: love, love for Nohr, for my Nohrian family, for my Nohrian king and father. Garon speaks again, love? Well I hope that love endures. You are dismissed my child; stay in Krakenburg, and call for your sisters and close comrades. Corrin, yes Your Majesty. Corrin leaves. King Garon speaks to himself, banish those thoughts, though they still move you to act.

·  Chapter 16- Corrin and co. rest in Krakenburg, uncertain as to why the king wishes to keep them here. Then, they are called to the audience room (note, while not stated here, several times the speeches are perhaps interrupted to turn to the thoughts/quiet comments of Corrin and the Nohrian royals, and Iago too, to parts of the speech). Prime Minister Count Iago begins to speak, His Majesty King Garon declares that Nohr is once again secure. Furthermore, the King recognizes that the glory which he had begun this war to claim, as a king is rightful to do, has been profusely collected from this most noble defense of his realm from its imminent collapse. Yet, His Majesty wishes to continue this war, not simply for invaluable glory, but for something more- assuring that proper order is instilled in the world. Garon speaks, Iago, enough with you, I shall profess my will in person now. It is so, that for proper harmony in the cosmos, that the succession of those who guide the world, follow the proper laws of succession. However, this is not the case in Hoshido. Fifteen years ago, Mikoto, consort to King Sumeragi, became Queen of Hoshido in her own right. And yet, who is her declared heir? Why, it is Prince Ryoma, yet he, he is not her child by blood, and thus, not truly capable of being called her rightful dynastic heir. Now come forward Corrin, prince/cess of Nohr. Corrin, anxious, out of reflex moves forward and obey. Look before you Nohr, this is Mikoto’s eldest blood child, the true heir to her new dynasty. Now, Corrin, do you find this denial of your proper throne demeaning? Corrin speaks, yes Your Majesty, I find it very demeaning. Then, do you agree, that I, your Lord Father, should restore righteous order to the universe, and convince Her Majesty to admit you the right to succeed to Hoshido’s throne, even if such should require the use of force? Corrin, Your Majesty… I do believe that you should convince Her Majesty Queen Mikoto, by force if need be. King Garon again, then so be it. Should peaceful efforts to persuade Her Majesty to change her ways fail, I should expect that you, my child and Hoshido’s heir, will in procession with Nohr’s army, which I do loan thee, proceed onto Shirasagi and claim your rights to inheritance that way? Corrin, I shall. King Garon one last time, then go forth my diplomats, and should your efforts be meaningless, the righteous order of the world shall be restored by Nohr’s sword! A prince/cess of Nohr is the rightful heir to Hoshido! Cheers fill the audience chamber. King Garon speaks, go my child, and await your destiny. Corrin leaves with Leo, Camilla, and Elise. Once out of there, Leo speaks. You did well Corrin, you played your most unexpected role to a t. Elise speaks, yay, Corrin’s gonna be King/Queen of Hoshido! Camilla speaks, just what was that all about? Why did Father go through all this effort and put Corrin on the spot like that? Leo responds, my guess can called be hardly more than that, King Garon might have felt the original incentive for the war no longer inspired, and hence, concocted a new excuse dressed in gold thread. Corrin speaks, I obeyed, but in truth, I have no desire in replacing Ryoma as Hoshido’s heir. Leo speaks, the logic King Garon used to disinherit the four current heirs to Mikoto was not totally unsound, but it was still clearly contrived. Corrin speaks again, it must have be related to what I told Father and they told me when I met with him alone, but I can’t figure out what exactly. Camilla speaks, you have time to figure things out, until this “diplomacy” he spoke of fails, which should be a few days at least. Things shift to Hoshido, the eastern borderlands exactly, for a moment, several days later. Queen Mikoto, Aqua and the Hoshidan royals are gathered together in light of this announcement. Queen Mikoto begins the conversation, my children, Nohr as you are all aware, believes I have somehow made an error in having chosen Ryoma as my heir. My reign is the continuance of my late husband Sumeragi’s, and thus, there is no ground to their contorted claims. Hinoka speaks, how could Garon fail to mention that he had Sumeragi killed- that is the only reason you became a Queen who ruled alone. Takumi speaks, yeah! And how could Mother even choose her Corrin as her heir when Garon held them hostage all these years and turned them against her? Sakura speak, wait, is what King Garon said true? Ryoma speaks, ignore his words sister. Mother Mikoto, I cannot thank you enough for your generosity towards me, for letting me grow and develop into a true prince worthy of their father’s throne while you have ruled. We are all your children, all your heirs. Sakura speaks again, we all love you Mother, Garon is mistaken. Aqua speaks, I, though not your child Queen Mikoto, love you as a mother for having taken me in for so long. Mikoto speaks again, my children, thank you. Though I love my Corrin, even in Nohr’s service, I will not abide by Garon’s excuses to threaten Hoshido with submission. Now, I will head over the ravine, and deliver our answer. A collective “Mother!” Worry not my children, I will not go alone. May I trust you to prepare my guard? Ryoma speaks, we’ll get it done, your safety is paramount to us all. All but Mikoto and Aqua leave. Aqua speaks, Mother, I have an idea. Mikoto responds. I know exactly what it is, but, let us mock him a little more. /My Castle Break/ The scene shifts back to Nohr. Xander has arrived in Krakenburg, much to the surprise of Corrin and co. Xander states he must see His Majesty, it is about Queen Mikoto’s response to the succession question. Xander is immediately granted an audience and relays that Queen Mikoto has crossed into the western borderlands, into the small part of it still under Hoshidan control, and which denies Nohr the ability to cross the ravine. Her Majesty of Hoshido request that His Majesty of Nohr come to her to discuss the succession issue. King Garon speaks- does she take me for a fool? What, is this duplicitous queen after? I will not come to her. However, I beseech my sons and daughters alike to tally forth and serve as my embassy to her, and that includes “our” child for whose succession I vouch. Are there any objections? Corrin speaks, no, Your Majesty. Hah! What a good child, worthy of a throne! Now depart at once, and make sure your blades are sharp, should diplomacy fail. Corrin and co. depart from Krakenburg and then arrive at the eastern borderlands, Corrin is anxious about seeing Queen Mikoto, their birth mother, once again. The Nohrian siblings try to ease their anxiety. Finally arriving, they see a whole array of Hoshidan soldiers standing in formation, with Queen Mikoto clearly in the center of it all. Her expression is calm, kind, gentle, yet everyone around her suggests just the opposite- the tension is thick. Mikoto greets the Nohrian delegation politely, but firmly asks what of King Garon, whom she requested to come? Xander speaks and explains the situation. Queen Mikoto replies she understands, and comments that Prince Xander seems to be a noble soul. Mikoto then turns her attention to her child, whom Garon now seeks to make heir to Hoshido. Mikoto, with gentleness once more, asks her child if they truly want the throne of Hoshido? Corrin tries to put together a strong response to hide their weakness, and says yes in the process. Mikoto then states it will be done. Mikoto then says the matter has been resolved, and begins walking away with her back turned to Nohr. This is very alarming to Corrin, as it is to the Nohrian group as a whole. Xander asks what of this conflict, and Mikoto stops, back still turned, replies she will take back the eastern borderlands. A fair concession is it not, she asks the wise Leo. Yet, beyond that she is willing to end the war on Nohr’s terms. Wary everyone still is, Camilla calls out and states that everyone else in Hoshido seems to want Corrin back, but you, their birth mother, somehow shows no desire for Corrin, you’re hiding something, say it. A daughter not unlike one of my own, Queen Mikoto responds. How I would have loved to have had another like you. And do not accuse me of not loving my child, I have simply given up hope of their return, they are Nohrian now, I must accept their choice. Elise is about to tell Corrin not to fall for this trap, but it is too late. Corrin breaks face and calls out Mother, running up to them. Mikoto turns around, her face gleaming with a smile. Ah, so my Corrin still loves me. If you truly do, forsake Garon! Leo speaks, so this is your trump card, and your ultimate condition. Mikoto continues speaking to Corrin, I will spare Nohr, I will let whomever you desire sit on the throne of Nohr, why, even you, and I will dedicate Hoshido's armies to the task if need be. All I ask, is that Garon’s head be presented before me. Is that too much of a mother to ask of their child? You’ve done so much for Garon, so why not one thing for me? Xander rebukes her, you would have a loyal servant of Nohr engage in regicide! Mikoto continues to her child, let me ask you, are Garon and Nohr synonymous? Camilla speaks, I agree with you on that actually, Garon is nothing to me, Nohr is so much more. But whatever my dearest siblings and friends desire most, I shall consent to. Mikoto again, my dear Corrin, do not delay, give me your answer, your mother will give you the world. The world, or Garon? Corrin, strained by it all, does ultimately reject Queen Mikoto’s temptings. Mikoto laments, her child, Garon, how can your hand reach so deeply into their soul!?! Very well, I will take my child back, and purify them later. Mikoto reaches to grab Corrin’s hand. Corrin is stunned and Kaze appears out of nowhere and grabs them from Mikoto as she just touches Corrin’s hand and hurries them back to safety. I can heal my Corrin later- archers, diviners- unleash your fury! Garon must be punished for what he does! Destroy the armies which serve him though they were his own limbs! The Nohrian siblings are glad Corrin is alright, and Kaze too. Corrin comments that they fell for Queen Mikoto’s tricks, just like Aqua's- why can't they not? They must worry about that later- Hoshido is now attacking. Cue the prep screen. Mikoto, as well as Reina and Orochi are in this battle. Mikoto is asked to withdraw by her retainers, but she states she wishes to see the power of her child and Garon’s forces herself. Worry not, she has not spent her years as Queen of Hoshido simply ruling, she has practiced for battle just in case. Winning the battle, Mikoto is injured, and though she hates to admit it, she must withdraw, telling her forces to hold as long as possible here, but do retreat across the ravine if it proves necessary. My Corrin, my heart is as filled with yearning to reclaim you, as it is with the desire to slay the one who stole you from me. Mikoto departs. Xander and the others comment- Queen Mikoto isn’t so sweet after all, the war with Hoshido resumes unfortunately. One asks Corrin how they are feeling, and Corrin, uttering a few words, collapses of physical and emotional fatigue.

·  Chapter 17- In the pre-battle narration, besides things being repeated from the last battle’s happenings, it is mentioned that Nohr has captured the western borderlands in full, and is now preparing for battle to take the ravine. Corrin awakens in safety, consoled by their siblings and servants after the intense encounter with Queen Mikoto. As Nohr fights to seize the ravine, Corrin remains off the frontline, preparing instead for the coming invasion of Hoshido. In Hoshido, Queen Mikoto has returned to safety and is now before her children, and Yukimura. Together, they are on a raised stage with a vast Hoshidan force ready to listen below. Mikoto explains to her children alone that she tried to bring her child back peacefully, but to no avail. Takumi speaks, he was right that Corrin has become a filthy Nohrian monster, guess that means they have no choice but to destroy it. Mikoto tells her child that is what her heart fears, but she would see her child returned alive, if in chains, if with broken bones, so be it. Corrin’s soul may hopefully return to nobility with constant love in a peaceful home, they cannot be purged with just serenades of adoration on the battlefield whilst they remain in Garon’s physical control. Do you understand my children? Display no open affection, no sympathy on the battlefield, capture them. The Hoshidan royals, and Yukimura swear to obey this order. Yukimura then turns and speaks to the large crowd gathered before them, Hoshido has lost its last hold on the western borderlands, soon, Nohr will bring the war to Hoshido. As King Garon has openly demanded nothing less than total victory, Hoshido’s resolve will have to rise to the occasion, its defenses, the same. Nohr will try to invade on two fronts: across the ravine, and, should our fleet lose the fight soon to be made in the Kohga Islands, the south from across the sea as well. The Hoshidan royals vow to fight with such resolve and skill as is called for, Yukimura pledges his own service of equal par to Queen Mikoto as well, who states she will do her best from Shirasagi as well. The whole of the Hoshidan army erupts in rally cries. Takumi, Hinoka, and Sakura depart to prepare for the coming invasion. Ryoma then asks Yukimura where Kotaro is, Yukimura states he is among the naval forces soon to fight Nohr in the Kohgan Islands. Ryoma then states that cannot be good, Saizo has just brought to his attention something quite terrible. Back in Nohr, Corrin, who is thinking to themselves, is met by one of their siblings (or Kaze), who call them to the war room, where the plans for Nohr’s invasion of Hoshido will be discussed. Corrin is called by Leo to the awaited war room meeting. Gunter, Hans, Zola, the Nohrian siblings are gathered together. Xander initiates the meeting, stating the strategy presented is the product of agreement between the field commanders and King Garon and Prime Minister Iago in the capital. First, Nohr has successfully reclaimed the Kohgan Islands, and is now taking the battle into the waters of Hoshido. Once this battle is won, Nohr will begin landing forces in southern Hoshido. While this is happening, Nohr’s main forces will be pushing westward through the eastern borderlands and central and northern Hoshido. Corrin comments, this sounds like it will be quite arduous, and Hoshido will be expecting it- how long will this war last? Hans comments- the little heir King Garon’s burning the kingdom’s resources over a throne for them can’t handle this? Corrin responds to avoid suspicion, they can, they are just concerned with Nohr’s abilities to sustain in this conflict in the long-term. Leo then moves the conversation to keep Hans from responding, and states they have been in communication with daimyos primarily in southern Hoshido, they will attempt to ally with them and thus turn the tides in Nohr’s favor with ease. To this end, while Generals Gunter and Hans will take the bulk of Nohr’s forces and push west, a small group but highly prestigious group, consisting of all of King Garon’s children present in this war room, Chevalier Zola, servant of Prime Minister Count Iago, and their personal retinues, shall sneak through southern Hoshido and meet up with the southern daimyos who wish to ally with us. If all goes well, Nohr’s forces that will be landing in the south will not need to fight as they land due to our success at securing an alliance. Camilla then asks, how can we be sure that these Hoshidan daimyos aren’t playing a trick and trying to kill us all? Zola then speaks, worry not princess, Prime Minister Iago and I have thoroughly inspected these potential allies, and we can be certain it will succeed. In any case, the identities of who will be greeting the Hoshidan daimyos was left unstated to them, they will be surprised to see Nohr’s royals having boldly come to their cause in person. Corrin realizes this is highly risky, but agrees to it as being the best possible path to take. /My Castle Break/ Corrin and co. have received word that Nohr’s borderlands forces will soon open a path into southwest Hoshido. Corrin and co. are to finish preparations and then depart with secrecy and haste and sneak past Hoshidan forces to a halfway point, where they will meet up with messengers of their would be allies who will then guide them to the place where the alliance will be finalized. Corrin and co. do depart, and make it to the halfway point without too much difficulty, talking with each other and Zola along the way. The halfway point designated turns out to be the edge of a forest, and soon, they are met by their messengers, sent by Lord Kotaro of Mokushu. So, these humans plan to march through our forest so that they may wage war on the other side- a mysterious voice speaks. Suddenly, a group of Kitsune appear and demand that the humans separate and return each their way and depart their territory at once. The Kitsune refuse to be party to warfare at all, they are neutral in human conflicts. If the humans wish to travel to their meeting place, they must take another route. Corrin is willing to heed the Kitsune’s word; likewise, Leo is willing to consider it if there is another viable path to the meeting place- he would hate to see accidentally giving Hoshido an ally as cunning as the Kitsune. The ninja messengers of Mokushu refuse to listen to these freaky foxes, the absolute fastest and safest route to Mokushu is through these woods. The Kitsune are riled up and offer one more warning. Zola speaks- how dare these conniving foxes threatened an envoy of King Garon and his Prime Minister Iago? And I have heard of the luxuriousness of their furs, a few for Iago and His Majesty and one for myself should do quite nicely. Corrin and the Nohrian siblings have a difficult choice- go through the forest and fight the Kitsune, or find another path that might not exist and would anger Garon and Iago? Camilla and Elise voice support for the former, whereas Xander and Leo the latter- though the men wish their allies weren’t so aggressive or greedy. Corrin makes the decision- they are too far into Hoshido to simply pull back, nor can they neglect their own comrades and slight their potential allies, they must fight the neutral Kitsune despite their misgivings. Cue the prep screen. (Note: a group of local Hoshidans friendly to the Kitsune led by Kiragi may appear during the battle to help them.) The Kitsune lose. Corrin tries to speak with them and convince them to let their one group pass, promising that after this, if all goes well, the Nohr-Daimyo alliance need never pass through their territory again. The Kitsune choose to trust Corrin's words and flee deeper into the forest to lick their wounds. Corrin and co. feel guilty, already Hoshidans are suffering from this conflict, but try to find solace in the fact that the betrayal of the daimyos should shorten the war and thus reduce overall casualties. Leo appreciates it that Corrin can think like that. Let us just hope Nohrians and rebel Hoshidans alike will not come to this forest to hunt now that the Kitsune have been injured, so that your word may hold, and that the Kitsune may neither be hurt more nor turn to Hoshido. Corrin and co. depart for Mokushu.

·  Chapter 18- Corrin and co. reach Mokushu, a fiefdom in southern Hoshido of moderate size and quality. Entering Mokushu Castle, they are met by Kotaro himself, who is surprised to see that Nohr has sent its royal family, it must really be staking its future on an agreement with him. Leo responds, indeed, Nohr is, and it is willing to offer you much in return for your cooperation- and that of other daimyos as well. Then come, let us discuss the terms of alliance together, in a place more secure than here. Xander then asks, what of other daimyos? We can’t do much with just one’s support, where are the others, what are their opinions of Nohr? Kotaro says not to worry about them, he can make’m work for Nohr no problem. There are many who haven’t been the happiest with Queen Mikoto all these years, myself included. As I’ve proven my talents fighting you Nohrian guys pretty well so far in this war, they know I’m the strongman who can crush them if I wished in this neck of Hoshido. Leo asks, then why didn’t you consider rebelling before, if you are so strong? Queen Mikoto looks nice and naive, but damn she is sharp-eyed, and her talons are no less. Few have had the guts to consider treason, and I’ve only succeeded by feigning greatest loyalty and pushing my ninjas to their covert limits. Plus, I’ll admit, I wanted to see if Hoshido could best ya guys first, it seemed to stand a chance, even with me undermining things a little. I don’t care who wins this war, so as long as I get a cut of power and territory I can happily retire on. Zola speaks- your insolence to Nohr will be duly noted, what fool admits their questionable loyalty? Let me remind you if I stay loyal to Hoshido, I could hand you all over right now. But enough of this, lets continue our little chat somewhere more secure, I have a feeling Mikoto might be onto me. Leo scoffs, so we might have some leverage on you after all, well then, lets be off. Xander, Leo, and Zola depart with Kotaro to consider discussing the terms of alliance. Corrin and the rest are left to do as they wish within the confines of the fiefdom by Kotaro’s word. /My Castle Break/ Corrin and others are called to join Kotaro, Xander, Leo, and Zola, they have concluded preliminary terms of alliance which shall suffice for now. Once they arrive in the den where the agreement has occurred, they encounter an unexpected sight, a ninja loyal to Hoshido, Kagero, has been caught spying on the conversation. Kotaro was right, Mikoto was onto him after all; when she found out, he doesn’t know, but he has doubts this is the only spy she sent. If the rest aren’t caught, his defection will be made all the more difficult, Kotaro dispatches his men to go and look for any trace of these other ninjas. As Kotaro’s men begin to depart, they are ambushed and the cave’s entrance is sealed. A fiery burst surrounds the area near Kotaro and the Nohrians, and Kotaro is just able to deflect the blow that comes his way before his would be assassin retreats without anyone getting more than a glimpse at them. Other ninjas that also appeared during this unexpected strike are also repelled and vanish, or are slain. Kagero is also gone, seized in that moment. Kaze comments, as a ninja himself, his ability to perceive momentary events is better than normal, that was certainly his brother Saizo, loyal retainer of Ryoma. Kotaro speaks, so the great Saizo has been sent after him, best kill the guy now, he would hate to have him breathing down his neck. Then there is the matter of escaping this place- one should never turn one’s back to a ninja, trying to flee while they have an army surrounding them, is certain to see them all dead. Corrin and co. now have to defeat Saizo and escape the ninja cave. Cue the prep screen (Kotaro is an NPC here). When the battle ends, Saizo has no choice but to make a fast retreat, escaping with Kagero and other ninjas to safety. Nohr has proven its willing to defend its allies, Kotaro now owes them. Kotaro states he will get to work firing up the rebellion, he’d like them to help him in subduing any threats in the immediate vicinity though. The Nohrians agree. Everyone leaves the ninja cave. Late that night, Kaze sneaks out to find his brother Saizo, Saizo takes notice of Kaze and Saizo explains Kotaro was likely responsible for the death of their father. Kaze understands this, and states that once this war is over with, he will dedicate himself to killing Kotaro at all costs, both as vengeance, and because Kotaro appears to be threat to Nohr and Hoshido alike if let to roam free. Saizo asks how his brother could consider working with Kotaro knowing this, and knowing Nohr will destroy Hoshido if not stopped. Kaze states that it appears to be King Garon, and the New Nobility, led by Prime Minister Iago, whom favor this total war, the future of Nohr- its young royals- do not. Saizo asks why Kaze does not kill Garon and Iago then, or why the royals do nothing to stop them. Kaze tells Saizo to be patient, a little more inhumanity on the part of Garon and the New Nobility might naturally persuade them to abandon Garon- the loyalty of the elder crown prince, the pragmatism of the second, and the naïveté of his Nohrian master are the only things that stand in the way. Yet, if Corrin goes, and they have almost faltered on several occasions, they all should. Saizo tells Kaze Hoshido cannot wait peacefully when it is being ravaged- the Nohrian royals better be persuaded and act soon. Kaze hopes so, but they will remain loyal to their master’s will regardless. Saizo would hate to see that laudable loyalty wasted. Just before Saizo departs, Kaze tells him that should he his brother die, he will take the Saizo name himself, and thus keep the family and its ninja tradition alive- making sure his late brother and father would be proud of it. Saizo thanks his brother and leaves.

·    Chapter 19- Chapter narration- The southern daimyo initiate their rebellion, and despite Hoshidan interference, the rebellion manages to throw most of southern Hoshido into chaos, to Queen Mikoto’s dismay. While Kotaro and other rebels try to subdue the Hoshidan royalists/loyalists, Nohr makes its landing in southern Hoshido without too much difficulty. Uniting with Kotaro’s forces, this Nohrian army falls under the command of Zola and the Nohrian royals in Kotaro’s company. As Nohr’s borderlands armies push firmly against Hoshido, but Hoshido still holds. The fate of the invasion of Hoshido both camps realize now depends on Hoshido’s success, or Nohr’s failure, in taking advantage of the situation in southern Hoshido. Corrin and co. are in Mokushu still, they have been assisting in the subjugation of loyalist Hoshidan forces. The destruction they witness on the part of not just the Nohrian forces, but also of Kotaro’s men, fills them with regrets. Yet, they endure, loyal to His Majesty and his New Nobility. After chatting with their siblings over such things, Corrin and their siblings are told by one of their own, Leo or Xander, that a major Nohrian force will be arriving here soon. A war room is being called to discuss what should be done with it. In the war room, the Nohrian royals, Kotaro, and Zola are in attendance. During the discussion, the following strategy is formalized. Though there are still plenty of royalists in southern Hoshido, they have been subjugated enough that the Nohr-rebel forces can take the offense and move into central Hoshido. Kotaro and the bulk of the Nohrian forces will handle this task, leaving enough manpower behind to keep the southern royalists from effectively striking back. The Nohrian royals are told they are to pursue a eastern path with a small Nohrian army, they will go along the eastern Hoshidan coast, a region less defended. The point of this campaign is to draw Hoshidan forces eastward, to distract them and weaken the defense of the north and center of Hoshido from the west and south respectively. The highest hopes of this campaign is to follow the eastern shoreline all the way into northeastern Hoshido, where an attack on Shirasagi can be made, without having to deal with the Great Wall of Suzanoh. /My Castle Break/ Corrin and co. have gathered their small army, and then depart, proceeding north and east. Eventually, after a half week’s travel or more, they reach the sandy eastern shores of Hoshido. However, as they head north, amazed by the wondrous terrain. However, they then see people that are armed, but do not exactly appear to be Hoshidan. One of the rebel guides assigned to the Nohrian group state they must be of the Wind Tribe, they have finally reached their territory. Leo explains they read the Wind Tribe would be somewhere nearby, they just hoped they wouldn’t be in their path. Like the other tribes, the Wind Tribe is independent of Hoshido and Nohr, generally neutral, and consists of several tribes woven together into a single nation. Corrin feels like this is not going to be good. The rebel guide states they must head through the Wind Tribe- going more west means entering decently defended Hoshidan territory. Corrin realizes this, and the Nohr army heads to meet the tribe. When noticed by the Wind Tribe, their leader, Fuga, comes and states this must be the Nohr-rebel Hoshidan alliance Hoshido told them was in the southern region. Xander asks Fuga to permit them passage, they will ask neither for guides or supplies, they only wish to proceed through Wind Tribe territory to continue their war with Hoshido beyond it. Fuga likes their politeness, but declines to let them pass, the Wind Tribe’s neutrality would be violated. They have also heard that Nohr fought their way through the Kitsune Wild Tribe, which is now dealing with poachers. The Wind Tribe is prepared to assert its independence, by force if need be. Corrin and the rest heed Fuga’s words, and ask if they could be given a little time to think over their response. Fuga allows this to happen, but tells them they will be watched from afar, and not to bring their troops with them if their response is truly to respect Wind Tribe neutrality. Back among their troops, Xander states they will do as Nohr and King Garon requires, which likely means violating the independence of the Wind Tribe, they will try to be merciful in doing so though. Leo is less happy with the circumstances, they do not want to make an enemy of the Wind Tribe. If they do, it will be Nohr which has to move its forces eastward, not Hoshido, as the Wind Tribe is no hollow threat, either in strength or mastery of this difficult terrain, an overall counterproductive move that negates the purpose of this whole eastern campaign. Likewise, the Kitsune would find out and likely strike back once they’ve seen another tribe’s rights violated, another threat. Corrin thinks to themselves, they want to obey orders, it might lead to an early resolution to this conflict and thus save lives- but will it really? They can scarcely imagine spreading turmoil and devastation to more innocents in this invasion that King Garon has launched all for them- no, not for them, for Garon’s own ambitions. Camilla then asks Corrin if anything is wrong. Corrin then speaks after this distress. No! No more of this, this… savagery. The Wind Tribe is innocent, just like the Kitsune, like the countless civilians of Chevois and Hoshido who have seen their lives ruined by this war. And what of Crykensia? The carnage there was inflicted on innocent Nohrians who had simply endured Hoshidan occupation. Whatever King Garon, Father, commands, I cannot obey it if it involves making so many innocents suffer. I will fight the Hoshidan armies to my death, but I will not raise my hand against its peoples or other innocents anymore. I know not what reason lay behind such destruction, but it will not sway me any longer. Xander speaks- Corrin, my sibling, how can you think of so flagrantly disobeying our lord Father’s will? Leo steps in, Xander, if Corrin has gone too far at all, I at least concur with them that we should spare the Wind Tribe, though it may be difficult, let us return to Mokushu and try to explain things to Zola and Kotaro. We should be able to find plenty of ways of dealing with Hoshido without having to head east. Xander agrees that strategically it is a bad move, but is still hesitant, yet Elise and Camilla say they stand by Corrin’s decision, and convince Xander to yield. Then, with this decision made, a one-time-boss New Noble appears with additional forces and greets the Nohrian royals. They expected them to be further along than this, and explains they were sent by Zola to keep an eye on them. Corrin tells them they are turning around. The New Noble is befuddled- why would they turn around now- the Hoshidan forces ahead don’t appear too numerous. Leo states they are the Wind Tribe, not Hoshido, whose territory we must past through by force if we do not wish to abide by its neutrality and turn around. The New Noble tells them they don’t care who is in their way, they will chop down a sand flea just as they would a royalist Hoshidan. Xander tells them they cannot do this, their decision has been made. Insolence! The elder crown prince, nay, all of the Nohrian royalty save His Majesty, is equal, nay, subordinate to the New Nobility in status, if they actually did their job, the New Nobility wouldn’t have been necessary, and he says they proceed through the Wind Tribe. The New Noble rallies his men, saying that they will test their steel against savages today, and takes them and a few of the Nohrian forces under the royals’ commands and charges straight towards the Wind Tribe. Corrin and co. hurry to stop the New Noble and his forces from attacking the Wind Tribe. They get there and see the Wind Tribe is fighting back. Cue the prep screen. Corrin tells Fuga this wasn’t supposed to happen, they told the New Noble they were going to leave the Wind Tribe alone. The New Noble speaks- when I’m done here, I’ll be telling His Majesty and Iago you disobeyed orders. Corrin responds- no, you are the one who is insubordinate! Corrin draws their weapon. Leo and Xander ask Corrin if they really intend to do this, Corrin states they will not change their mind, their tolerance for such unjustifiable aggression is no more. Leo is very understanding of this, but they nonetheless warn that it will produce great difficulties. Corrin states they been insufferably silent long enough, they are willing to try the challenges speaking up brings instead. Ultimately, the New Noble is killed, much of the disobedient forces are dead too. The Wind Tribe thanks Corrin and others for their help, but states they still cannot proceed through the Wind Tribe. Xander replies they understand, and tells Fuga to stay alert, Nohr may try again, and they will likely not be here to help. Fuga blesses the child of his dear friend Sumeragi, whose heart, like Sumeragi’s and his own, cannot in its depths abide by injustice. Corrin and co. then depart back for Mokushu, knowing the New Noble had likely already sent a messenger, and all too aware they will have to explain themselves once they get back.

·  Chapter 20- Back in Mokushu, Kotaro greets the Nohrian royals as they return. They overheard what happened, and Zola flew into a fury and returned to Nohr. Corrin and co. try to explain themselves. Kotaro states they have no care for the Wind Tribe or its supposed neutrality, but he has too much on his plate at the moment, so they will have to leave the Wind Tribe alone. Kotaro also states he has been told the Nohrian royals are to head back to Nohr immediately. Corrin and co. understand, and with guides, head back to Nohr on boat. The Nohrian royals discuss what will happen to them once they land, fearing the worst, but hoping for the best. Once they land they see Zola once again, who will guide them to Krakenburg, where they will have a chance to explain themselves before His Majesty King Garon and Prime Minister Count Iago. As they proceed north, south of Fort Dragonfall, Corrin and co. see villages aflame. Just what has happened? A generic Nohrian soldier appears and explains that the peasantry across Nohr has risen up in rebellion against His Majesty- they say they are tired of his heavy-handed, harshly extractive rule, and of the abusive New Nobility. They claim that Lady Arete, the favored mistress of King Garon, is their leader and she is furious with her lover. Leo speaks- Lady Arete died over a decade ago. The soldier speaks again, it is said she has returned from the grave to punish King Garon for his misrule and for killing her. Chevois and the Ice Tribe too are trying once more to rebel. Zola speaks- ignore this nonsense! To Krakenburg and King Garon we must fly. The soldier speaks again, actually King Garon has abandoned Krakenburg, he is now roaming the country wherever there is an uprising, he insists on seeing it stamped out personally. Iago has been left in charge of Krakenburg, but has been told to defend it and ignore other tasks other than the continuance of the war with Hoshido. Zola is annoyed by this, this “Lady Arete” will pay, and tells Corrin and co. are lucky that Nohr is desperate for help right now, if they fight these revolts all over the place, the audience concerning their errors will be postponed until the uprisings are sufficiently silenced. They may retire to Fort Dragonfall if they need the moment to regroup, but just a moment. /My Castle Break/ Corrin and co. help put down uprisings in some villages south, east, and north of Fort Dragonfall, with mixed emotions and divided loyalties. Then, they are told “Lady Arete” has been spotted to the west of their location, King Garon, currently in eastern Nohr, is hurrying that way. Corrin and co. interested in seeing this supposed Lady Arete, depart immediately. Cue the prep screen. Corrin and co. see that this Lady Arete whom the peasants are addressing, is none other than Aqua. Corrin tells Aqua to stop, why does she do this, why does she lead such a meaningless revolt, when it is destined to fail and end in the deaths and suffering of many Nohrians? Aqua replies it is not meaningless. Now, where is Garon? Once he has arrived, his head will be mine! And I won’t let anyone stand in my way. Leo then speaks up- Cease your act of treason at once Princess Azura of Nohr! Xander speaks- Leo, what are you saying? Aqua responds, so you figured that out, no surprise, it shouldn’t have been that difficult. Corrin asks, who is Princess Azura? Xander says even he does not know, he has not heard of such a person. Leo explains, when Lady Arete, official Mistress of King Garon died to the Ice Tribe, her daughter, the young Princess Azura, who was presumed to have died as well, was wiped out of the official records. Camilla then asks- but why didn’t Garon show us this lovely little sibling of ours before then? Leo explains Azura was young, only 2 or 3 when she “died”, and Father wanted to wait a little longer before introducing her to the public and to the rest of her family. Corrin then asks, how do you know all this Leo? Leo responds, Azura and I were but a year (and a half) apart at best, that closeness of age led me to meeting her for a day of play months before everyone else would have a chance to see her. Had she not “died” shortly thereafter, she would have been introduced to Xander and Camilla eventually. Aqua speaks, so you remember me Leo, I admit I enjoyed our day together, it is one of the few fond memories I have of Nohr from then. Elise speaks- wait, this makes Aqua our sister? Yes Elise, your sister, whom your Father tried to kill along with my mother Arete. Yet fate would have it I would live on that bloody day, and then eventually end up in the loving care of Queen Mikoto, who told me of my Father’s murderous intentions. Leo speaks- that is why you hate Garon? Azura, Father did not have Arete killed, nor did he try to kill you sister, he- Aqua interrupts Leo. Do not call me sister! I am sibling to none who obey Garon, nor will I doubt for one moment that he killed my mother who loved him so much, and who granted her a child of his which she was all so thankful for. I will kill all who stand between me and Garon, I will not surrender! The battle is won, but Aqua refuses to yield, and sensing Garon is nearby, seeks to expend the last of her life killing him. Aqua then takes dragon form to everyone’s surprises and plows through them charging towards Garon. Corrin intervenes in their own dragon form, and prevents Aqua from dealing the killing strike to Garon, knocking her aside and getting pulled down in the process too, the two are then shifted back to normal. Garon then stands having fallen down with this mighty action before them, and is filled with fury that this girl, the one who brought the Ice Tribe to revolt, would once again stand in his way, while impersonating his beloved Arete no less. He will kill her right here! Grabbing her by the neck, with his large hands, Garon attempts to crush her breathing passage and kill her. However, Garon is struck down by a spell and drops Aqua, and Garon turns once he falls to the ground to see it is Leo his son who had done this. Garon tells his son not to stand in his way unless he wishes to die too. Xander pins down Garon. My other son, the most loyal child of all- just as treasonous! While Camilla holds Aqua up and Elise goes over to Corrin, Leo tells Garon to look at Azura, his daughter long lost returned. Azura is not relenting in her appearance however, she still hates Garon. Garon says he will kill her, Mikoto has set her against her, she has turned her into a tool of revenge against me for having taken Corrin from her. Corrin then stands and speaks- and you tried to use me the same Father. However, I have chosen to reject this role, I renounce any claim to the Hoshidan throne, I renounce this war Nohr has waged. I remain loyal to Nohr, but not to your personal vengeance. Leo speaks, Azura, Father went mad years ago when he lost you and Arete, he never wanted you to die. Is that not right Father? Garon speaks, that is so. I loved Arete so much, I bestowed her with a child out of pity for the lot her life had gone through. She was the most beautiful, most intelligent, most talented woman I have ever loved. Had the Ice Tribe not killed you and Arete, I would have never taken Corrin hostage as revenge against the Ice Tribe, enacted against its ally Hoshido. Aqua is unmoved by this, but Garon is. Garon wants his daughter to return to him, but her refusal angers him. Rather than kill her though, she orders she be taken away by Nohrians who have just arrived on the scene having witnessed what happened to their king. Garon explicitly states that she not be harmed, and given good living conditions, on threat of punishment. Garon thank his children for stopping him, they kept him from killing Azura. They should all return to Krakenburg, and the accusation of insubordination against them will be dropped as well. Everyone departs.

·  Chapter 21- Back in Krakenburg, Iago is furious that King Garon would drop the complaints of insubordination against their children. King Garon, with the Nohrian royal kids in attendance, tells Iago to obey, if there is a clear act of insubordination, it would be the Prime Minister asserting his authority over the King of Nohr. Iago yields. King Garon then asks Iago how the war with Hoshido fares. Iago states Nohr is winning, the southern Nohr-rebel force has pushed far north, and Nohr has moved through the borderlands and is now approaching western Hoshido proper. King Garon asks his children to return to Hoshido and take up battle once more. Corrin asks why they must. Garon replies this war may not last much longer, if Hoshido is dealt a decisive blow in the north or center, they may realize the folly of continued resistance and surrender. If so, I will accept this surrender with no need of conquering Shirasagi. All I now seek is to see Queen Mikoto capitulate, if you seek not the throne of Hoshido, then at the least, I will restore your royal status there and thus make you royalty in two countries. Leo speaks, and what of the uprising’s leader? Garon states he will interrogate her personally, only once he is done with her, will he render a judgment, with your consultations first my children who caught her for me. Xander understands this, and ask if any of his kin object to their lord Father’s words, they reply they do not. Corrin and co. depart. King Garon then tells Iago to fulfill his duties while he interrogates the uprising leader, and departs. Iago senses something has changed in His Majesty, but he cannot tell if it helps him or not. He will take precautions however. Corrin and co. reach the Nohrian frontline, which have expanded eastward into central Hoshido. They are greeted by General Gunter, who informs them that they are planning to assault Fort Jinya soon. Fort Jinya is essential to the defense of central Hoshido and the path to Shirasagi. Corrin and co. recognize this may be the final decisive battle that might end this war. Corrin and co. ask Gunter if they may participate in the attack, King Garon has given them clearance to fight. Gunter approves of the move, he will then finalize Nohr’s plan of attack while they prepare for the assault. /My Castle Break/ General Gunter calls a war room to discuss the ultimate plan of attack. While General Hans tackles the enemy further north, he, Gunter, will take the center. Kotaro will be leading the Nohr-rebel force in the south. Corrin and co. will lead the charge on Fort Jinya as all this is unfolding, do not stop unless injuries are so serious that it absolutely demands it- Fort Jinya is that important. The attack begins tomorrow at sunrise. Corrin and co. wait anxiously for the moment of the operation to arrive, and when it does, charge towards Fort Jinya. Corrin and co. successfully reach the fort. The fortress’s commander is Yukimura, the retainer of Mikoto who is an able strategist as well as a masterful politician and administrator. Yukimura speaks, so Garon has sent Nohr’s finest- his own children- to attack this mighty fortress while Hoshido’s forces are being attacked elsewhere. Well Fort Jinya’s legendary defenses, combined with his mind and the will and talent of thousands of Hoshidans, will show Nohr why time and again it has been here that Hoshido has been saved from the brink of defeat. Sakura then appears, and Yukimura bides the princess to leave. Sakura says they will not, they will prove their valor, they owe it to Hoshido, its people and to her family that she fight. By her yumi, by her festals, and by her royal blood through which the Dawn Dragon courses, she will do everything to help Fort Jinya and its valiant defenders! Yukimura responds, to think you are the most delicate of Lady Mikoto’s children, how the cherry blossom radiates her light. Very well my princess, you may stay and fight, but do flee if things turn against us. Sakura is willing to abide by this, and tells Yukimura he will have to flee as well. Yukimura responds, if I can, my princess. Yukimura then states they see Nohr’s vanguard has arrived, Corrin may be in it. Sakura speaks, she is not worried, she will follow Mother’s word and subdue Corrin, enemy of Hoshido. Yukimura then shouts to all of Fort Jinya’s defenders a rally cry, and a reminder this is where Hoshido must make its stand. If they succeed and vanquish Nohr’s royals, Garon will have to concede defeat. Cue the prep screen. Corrin and co. comment on this being what Fort Jinya looks like, it is intimidating indeed. One tells Corrin that they can expect many enemy reinforcements. Another says they can see Dragon Veins, using them should help us. Note, when Sakura uses her Dragon Vein for the first time, if she has not been engaged, Corrin and co. will comment that somebody with royal Hoshidan blood must be here- but who? They will find that out soon enough, focus on the countless foes in front of us for now. With victory outside of the inner fort, Corrin and co. encounter Sakura. Sakura refuses to give in, she will fight for Mother and for Hoshido to the end. Sakura then states she is sorry she must fight not just Corrin, but all in Nohr who are truly innocent in this conflict. However, her path will not sway. Corrin, while drawing their weapon then responds, Sakura, I will not kill you, Aqua is our custody, surrender and like her, I can ensure you will be treated well, and hopefully your soldiers may receive the same. Sakura refuses to yield still, but her strength cannot hold, and she collapses, all the royal Nohrians rush to her side and speak of getting help for her.


·  Chapter 22-  In the pre-battle narration, it is stated that Fort Jinya has fully fallen to Nohr. Now, all remaining Hoshidan forces gather in the northeast to defend Shirasagi. However, these forces, no matter how fiercely they fight, cannot stop the Nohrian war juggernaut and its rebel allies now. Suddenly, as Nohrians can envision walking into the sacred city of the Dawn Dragon (Shirasagi), King Garon makes a stunning pronouncement. He no longer seeks to continue this war, and is willing to negotiate a peace settlement with Hoshido. Corrin and co. are overjoyed at the news of this, finally, this war, motivated by ambition and vengeance, will be at an end. However, these hopes are short-lived, as Hoshido appears to ignore these calls for peace. King Garon is dismayed by this news, and orders that Nohr march once again, towards the Great Wall of Suzanoh, if Shirasagi’s last defense line should be put under siege, then Hoshido may be willing to agree to peace with Nohr. The narration ends and the focus turns to inside Castle Shirasagi itself. Mikoto and the Hoshidan siblings are gathered together. Queen Mikoto speaks, my children, Nohr threatens to destroy the very heart of our home. I was hopeful this could be avoided, but alas, it appears I underestimated Garon, the tyrant is forcing us to take desperate action. Ryoma speaks, my Queen Mother, it does not need to be as you suggest, Shirasagi may be spared. As you know King Garon has declared himself desiring of a peace settlement, and has sent dozens of messengers, with gifts of consolation, and copies of his starting terms of peace to us. I’ve read over them, and they seem quite reasonable. Hoshido will be allowed to keep the eastern borderlands, the succession may remain yours (Mikoto’s) to decide, and Corrin may even be permitted to reclaim their royal status in Hoshido. The only major point I find contestable are how the rebel daimyos are to be compensated, but otherwise they are good, I daresay even generous terms offered by the clearly victorious power in this conflict. Mikoto responds, so, Prince Ryoma, do you agree with with what King Garon says he is willing to do? Yes. That is Ryoma’s firm answer. Mikoto replies, then, you are unwise I fear. King Garon cannot be trusted, I thus have and will continue to reject any “peace” talks he may request. They are but lies, attend, and we will be surrendering our lives to his bloody axe. Your Majesty, I share your personal feelings against Garon, but for he is a great King, I he trust would follow basic diplomatic standards and be-. Takumi interrupts Ryoma. Listen to yourself brother, Garon, trust him? Not that demon, not the one who has turned Corrin into his greatest abomination. Just imagine what he is doing to our sisters Aqua and Sakura he’s captured, life must be hellish for them! Do you even love Hoshido or us anymore brother? How can you if you say something like that? Mikoto thanks Takumi for being such a good son and standing up for her and what is right. Mikoto then states that even if Aqua and Sakura are being treated well as he has proclaimed, it could be Garon is now trying to do to them as he did to Corrin. Hinoka speaks, that would be terrible, but how can we know? Queen Mikoto states they can find out, but only if they manage, with the blessings of the Dawn Dragon, to make this last stand the first step towards a new victory over Hoshido. My children, lend me your strength! Everyone rallies. Takumi then says they will head to the Great Wall of Suzanoh, they rain down so many arrows Nohr will have to pull back, Takumi then departs. Mikoto praises her son and departs. Hinoka states to Ryoma she will review Hoshido’s remaining air divisions and prepare them should Takumi succeed or fail, Ryoma should do the same with the remaining foot soldiers. Ryoma then tells Hinoka before she departs to wait a moment. Queen Mikoto cannot truly think Hoshido has a chance of prevailing at this point. But as he fears this is the case, he will not allow her to waste more Hoshidan lives. If necessary, he will do as a true ruler of Hoshido should, and pursue the peace option. Hinoka speaks, but how do you plan to get Queen Mikoto accept this? About that, he has no choice he states, he will overthrow her. Hinoka is appalled, but admits that he may be right, she has her own misgivings about fight to the very last. Ryoma is thankful of this, as Takumi is too bonded to Mikoto to defy her, but they, the elder siblings, are not. Hinoka then asks what Ryoma has planned. Ryoma states should Suzanoh fall, he will move on Mikoto, pacify the capital while he does that. Hinoka agrees. Ryoma breathes a sigh of relief, Hoshido may be saved yet. Back to Corrin and co. they have told Garon of Sakura’s capture, and ask if they can entrust her to Gunter’s protection, which Garon and Gunter agree to. Corrin, Camilla, and Elise converse with Sakura, who is now doing well, Gunter is as kind as he can be to her. They assuage her fears and earn her trust, promising her they will spare her siblings, her mother, and as many of her people as they can. They even promise to let her see Aqua soon. /My Castle Break/ Corrin and co. are in camp not too far from the Great Wall of Suzanoh, for more than a week, the wall and its forces have been attacked and besieged. Yet Hoshido refuses to budge, nor does it ever respond to a peace offering. Corrin and co. are despondent over this, and prepare for the next attack, this one may finally penetrate the wall. General Gunter then comes up to Corrin and bestows them with the Ganglari, a Nohrian royal treasure and gift from His Majesty. Gunter states he received it along with a letter from the King, he wishes to come to the frontline and to talk with you, but he is currently busy in Krakenburg, something about “administrative reform”, whatever it is, Prince Leo would likely be happy about it the letter said. Gunter tell says to Corrin that they should depart now for the wall, together. Elise then comes forward with Sakura, who desires to help Nohr by pleading the Hoshidan forces to surrender. Gunter states while it might work, such seems like an unnecessary risk. Corrin responds that they want to spare Sakura of confronting her family and comrades against her will, but Sakura and Elise convince Corrin otherwise. Gunter resigns himself to protecting his lieges and Sakura should the plea fail. They depart and head for the wall. Standing a distance away from the Nohrian forces and before the wall, Sakura calls out to Hoshido. Takumi, hearing this, replies. He is surprised Sakura is okay, and hopes Nohr has not been torturing her. Sakura replies nothing of the sort has happened, and that Corrin promises Hoshido will be treated well if they surrender. Takumi is does not like what he hears, and is convinced Sakura must be mistaken. Sakura continues calling out, and then Corrin comes forward to backup Sakura’s pleas. Takumi hits the limits of what he can hear. I will not fall for your deceptions, quit with these annoying words and die! Takumi launches ballistae against Corrin. Garon, I hate you, you’ve taken my dear sibling’s body and discarded their soul, I won’t let you make a mockery of it anymore! Warriors of Hoshido, Nohr is attacking us once more, fight back, fight, fight for Queen Mikoto and for Hoshido! Sister, I’l rescue you yet I swear! Takumi fires more volleys of ballistae at Corrin. Gunter and Leo come up to Corrin. Corrin speaks, Takumi won’t listen. Gunter tells Corrin they won’t let them stand here for another moment. Sakura is sorry her plea failed, and that Takumi would be so. Leo despises the poor fool- so enraptured in his dogma and emotions that he cannot see the error of his way. However, his defenses of the wall are top notch for what he has to work with, that he will say. Gunter tells Sakura to return to safety, and she leaves. Xander then comes up and states everyone is in position, the Great Wall of Suzanoh will fall today. Corrin: right! Cue the prep screen. Ryoma comes up to Takumi on the start of the first turn, and asks how they’re feeling today. Takumi replies they slept badly, very badly. Ryoma then tells Takumi to leave and get some rest, they’ll handle the defense here, Nohr is throwing everything at the wall it looks like. Takumi replies, no, he practiced all of yesterday, his aim is still nothing short of perfect as a result. He will defend Mother and Hoshido, and rescue his sisters no matter what befalls him. He will show his brother what true valor and true loyalty look like. Ryoma yields, but tells Takumi not to push himself too hard, not just for Hoshido and for Mother, but for your sisters’ sakes, and for mine too. Takumi responds, of course I know you love me my dear brother, now go. Ryoma: of course. Ryoma departs. Corrin and co. best Takumi in battle, the Great Wall has been overcome. Corrin tells Takumi it is over, they don’t want to kill him. Takumi responds, no, I will not stop fighting, you will torture me, you will try to turn me against Hoshido, I will not, can not, stop fighting. Takumi readies his bow again. Leo slings a spell and hits Takumi on the hand, forcing him to drop his bow. Leo asks, do you seriously believe what you are saying? Takumi says he does, its right, and tries once more to ready his bow. Camilla speaks, what a pitiable fool, but if my Corrin loves them, I’ll take them away, come boy. No! Get away from me. Takumi heads to the edge of the wall keeping his bow frantically held, but ready to jump. Corrin speaks, Takumi, you can’t be serious, you’ll die. Anything to get away from you and Garon’s grasp. Takumi leaps. Xander speaks, this kid has gone mad! Fortunately, Hinoka swoops in and takes Takumi away. Elise speaks, phew, he got lucky. Leo responds, but he will come again just as persistent and even more dangerous; any more of this, and the stress and fear might kill him for us. Corrin hopes that will not happen.

·    Chapter 23- Pre-battle narration. Having taken the Great Wall of Suzanoh, Corrin and the Nohrian forces halt their offensive and wait for Hoshido’s response, as King Garon had ordered in advance. However, no reply is forthcoming from Shirasagi in the days that follow. Then, a messenger arrives from Krakenburg… With the end of the narration, Corrin and co. are seen in camp pondering why Shirasagi has not surrendered. Similarly, they have not attacked either. Just what is happening in the Hoshidan capital? Corrin volunteers to head to the capital’s western gate, they might be able to get something of an answer from Hoshido, Leo is wary, as Takumi tried killing them. Corrin still wants to go, if there is a chance for peace, even now, they want to try it. I wouldn’t if I were you. Zola suddenly appears and walks up to Corrin and co., there will be no talk of peace, of surrender to Hoshido when it is almost slain any longer. Xander speaks, but King Garon… Zola interrupts Xander, King Garon’s decree has been rescinded, total victory is once again the order of the day. Leo speaks, this is not like Father as he has been of late, surely he would permit us the chance to see him and argue otherwise. Zola speaks, there will be no meetings with His Majesty, he is ill, all of his duties of state have been transferred to Prime Minister Count Iago. Furthermore, this illness appears to have effected His Majesty’s judgements for quite some time, his recent decisions have thus all been rescinded by Prime Minister Iago, whose much more sound mind orders the war continue until Shirasagi is ours and all threats to Nohr eliminated. Corrin speaks, but-. No disobedience will be tolerated! Your past failings and acts of potential disloyalty are being reviewed by the way, Zola interrupts. Also, we believe the cause of His Majesty’s illness may have been caused by the captured leader of the earlier uprising. We are currently interrogating her. Display the slightest sympathy for her fate, and she and all of you alike will be punished appropriately. Corrin and co., expressing no visible disagreement for their own sake and Aqua’s, accept Zola’s commands, they will fight Hoshido to the very end. /My Castle Break/ (The various Info Conversations are largely built around dealing with this change of events for this chapter, and how to get back to Krakenburg and rescue Garon and Azura, one conversation has Kaze volunteering his services. Gunter relays that he is doing all he can to keep Sakura secure.) Zola calls up Corrin and co. the assault on Shirasagi will begin shortly- you will be in the vanguard. Xander asks, shouldn’t we encircle the city from all directions first? The enemy’s forces can all concentrate on defending the west right now. Zola speaks, wonderful idea my prince, but that would take far too long. And do you doubt your own ability, or your willingness to sacrifice your life for Nohr? If so, then we might have to question your value as our prince. Corrin and co. recognize their lives are being purposefully jeopardized by the New Nobility, but they must bear it. As Corrin and co. depart for battle, the scene changes to inside Castle Shirasagi. Saizo has finished his report to Ryoma and Hinoka on what Kaze has relayed to him. So, Sakura’s and Aqua’s lives are in jeopardy, and Corrin truly still cares for us, Ryoma speaks. Hinoka then states that Corrin and the Nohrian royals are likely outnumbered by troops loyal to Iago, and lack any presence in the Nohrian capital. Hinoka states that they should help Corrin and the royal and lend Hoshido’s power to them for their own sake, and that of Corrin’s, Sakura’s and Aqua’s. Ryoma agrees, but Queen Mikoto he suspects hates Garon too much to even acknowledge this. Kagero then appears, Nohr is marching this way right now, what should be done? Hinoka states they must hurry and overthrow Mikoto, afterwards they can go and ally with Corrin. Ryoma responds, you’re right sister. Together, we go! Saizo, Kagero, Hinoka, and Ryoma hurry to Queen Mikoto. Unfortunately, the scene cuts there, the details of the coup are left tantalizingly unseen. The scene returns to Corrin and co. who reach the outskirts of the city of Shirasagi. As they look upon the Hoshidan army in front of them, suddenly, a Falcon Knight skydives with naginata straight right at Corrin, but Camilla deflects its blow before it gets close to Corrin. The Falcon Knight then lands straight on the ground before Corrin and dismounts. It is Hinoka. Hinoka will let the traitor Corrin go no further, as a warrior of Hoshido, she will fight with honor, for Queen Mikoto’s sake. Corrin wishes that things did not have to be this way, but unfortunately, their hands are tied. Cue the prep screen. Hinoka is defeated, and Hinoka tries lunging at Corrin one last time while dismounted. Hinoka’s attempt is parried, and Corrin pull her to the ground. Hinoka then stands again and speaks. Hinoka states she does not know what just happened to her, but this battle wasn’t supposed to happen, wait, what about Ryoma? Ah, Queen Mikoto! Corrin, Ryoma is-. Hinoka is suddenly seized by New Noble forces led by Kotaro. Kotaro speaks, he isn’t going to kill this princess yet, she will be dragged back to Krakenburg and executed along with Aqua. Kotaro then asks Corrin, you weren’t fraternizing with the enemy were you? Corrin states that they weren’t. Kotaro responds, good, now head into Castle Shirasagi and get us the rest of the royal family will ya? The more the merrier. Corrin and co. immediately depart for Castle Shirasagi.

·  Chapter 24- Though you get a My Castle Break with a few brief Info Conversations for this chapter, the opening narration and chat before break is pretty short, just Corrin and co. hurrying into Shirasagi the capital and then into the castle immediately after defeating Hinoka and talking how everything is going bad for them with no solution and such. /My Castle Break/ Corrin and co. reach the audience room, where they see in the distance somebody, clad in red armor, standing stalwartly and unmoving in an open room. Corrin and co. stop their rush when they recognize it is Ryoma. Ryoma speaks, so Nohr, children of King Garon, king of wickedness, you have made it all the way here. Mikoto awaits in the throne room, but you will never get a chance to see it. I, Ryoma, elder crown prince of Hoshido, shall uphold my princely duties and fight to the death. The Nohrian royals and Corrin speak. Kaze also speaks, didn’t Saizo tell Ryoma about Garon’s change of heart and the current circumstances? Ryoma either doesn’t believe what he told Saizo, or Ryoma wasn’t told, something is wrong here. Corrin goes up to Ryoma and tries to tell him to stop. Corrin then walks into a trap, and the doors shut tight. Ryoma speaks, Corrin you betrayed Hoshido, you betray your kin, you betrayed your own mother. I challenge you to a duel, our honor and our lives alike are at stake, I will not fall. Corrin speaks, Ryoma, why do you have to do this? I want to end the battle with Hoshido, Aqua’s life, Hinoka’s life, they’re both at stake. Cue the prep screen. At the start of turn one, Ryoma speaks again, draw your weapon- argh! Ryoma!? (Corrin speaks) Ryoma speaks again, Corrin, everyone, I’ll try to hold myself back, Saizo, Kagero, defeat them to open the doors, then, defeat… me- argh! Ryoma! (Corrin again.) Ryoma is ultimately bested, and Corrin and everyone try calling out to him. Ryoma then speaks, Corrin, I can’t let myself live like… this. But at the least… I spare you the… task. Ryoma then tries to commit seppuku (well, a quicker version). Corrin shouts to Ryoma to get him to stop, but, they fail, to, and instead lament over their newly dead corpse. Suddenly, Kotaro appears behind them with his forces. Ah, weeping over the Crown Prince’s corpse, just the act of betrayal I need. Everyone is shocked, the royals of Nohr, how tragic it’ll be when its announced you’ve all died in the final battle with Hoshido. With Garon in his grasp, Iago can set himself up as Nohr’s new king, and I’ll get Hoshido as my reward. Now, I just need all of you to die! Corrin and co. are too exhausted to deal with Kotaro right now. Saizo and Kagero then appear and tell Corrin and co. to hurry deeper into the castle, they’ll buy them some time. Leo thanks the ninjas. Corrin is still weeping and concerned about’s Ryoma corpse, Camilla says she’ll carry it. Xander then tells everyone to hurry. As everyone rushes away, Kaze speaks his brother’s name. Saizo responds, uphold the promise he made. Kaze then utters a tender last word and leaves. Kotaro comments, now’s my chance to skin the last Saizo, excellent.

·  Chapter 25- Though you get a My Castle Break (just because this is Conquest- two difficult fights without one is unfair) with a few brief Info Conversations for this chapter, the opening narration and chat before break is pretty short if existing at all. Corrin and co. head deeper into Castle Shirasagi to get a moment to breathe, discussing how evil Iago and Kotaro are, the death of Ryoma, and where are Queen Mikoto and Takumi. /My Castle Break/ Corrin and co. have fled deeper into Castle Shirasagi. (I’m divided, a fight in the throne room, or in the room where Iago and Hans are normally fought on Conquest- I prefer the latter gameplay-wise (it’d be the same as Conquest 26 but with Zola instead of Iago, Kotaro instead of Hans, and the Faceless and Stone-born are wholly replaced), but the former thematically.) Corrin and co. have fled into the very depths of Castle Shirasagi, reaching the throne room, where they discover Mikoto is not- where has the Queen of Hoshido gone? They cannot think too much about that though, for they are concerned that Saizo and the other Hoshidan remnants may have perished by now, Nohr and Kotaro will be at their throat again at any moment they need to think of a comeback strategy immediately! Xander decides they’ll just have to fight, they’ve caught a little of their breath, they might make it, they have no other choice. Leo is sad to admit it, but he sees no possible strategy they can use, a desperate last stand is all they can do, hope for a miracle. Camilla then decides if that is the case, she will have to take Ryoma’s body off her wyvern. Camilla then places Ryoma’s body on the throne, if the enemy makes it here, they’ll have won already. Corrin looks upon the sight with sadness, swearing they will fight back and save their sisters. Just as they turn away to fight Kotaro, they notice something odd happening with the throne. Inside their head, Corrin hears a voice, it says it will exhaust the last of its being by helping them, and then tells everyone to get close to the throne. Corrin tells everyone to do so. Suddenly, a great quaking happens and the throne room fills with magical gold and white energies and flashes and other such effects. When it all ends, Corrin hears the voice again. Take care of our sisters, and, find Mikoto and Takumi, it fears what she might be doing. Everyone is amazed, they feel incredibly strong, they’re all healed up and have energy bursting through them. Leo speaks, the Dawn Vein! Xander responds, Ryoma somehow activated it from beyond the pale, we owe him our lives. Corrin then states Ryoma’s spirit spoke to them. Camilla then comments, perhaps they didn’t fail to save them completely. Corrin states Camilla might be right, and tells them they now have to do everything they can to save Hoshido. Everyone rallies, they have been blessed with the power of the Dawn Dragon, so as long as this blessing lasts, they must use to break out of Castle Shirasagi and begin the battle to save Nohr and Hoshido alike from Iago and Kotaro. Boldly charging forward, they bust out of the throne room and cut down the enemies running their way. Kotaro then receives word that the Nohrians are actually confronting them head on and approaching. So, they choose to run to their deaths, think a little quake will have shaken him up. Fine by him, he prefers prey that offers a bit of resistance, but just a bit. The Nohrians arrive on the scene. Cue the prep screen. On the first turn, Zola and Kotaro exchange words. Zola tells Kotaro to exterminate the Nohrian royals now! Kotaro responds he will, so as long as he gets his just reward. Zola speaks, Hoshido doesn’t come cheaply, if you don’t live up to your promise, you’ll get less. Kotaro gets the upper hand. Shut it ugly! (Zola is scared.) If I don’t get my fair cut the fair way, I’ll get it another. Nohr and Hoshido are too much for any one guy to handle, even your freaky boss. Zola speaks again, shocked, how, how dare you! Kotaro rebukes him, I think I know which one of is stronger, and I think you’ll be dying a “noble death” just like those royals if you tick me off one bit more. Zola is totally scared. Kotaro speaks again, good, now back me up with some magic and I’ll get to the chopping. When the battle ends, Zola is killed by the Nohrian forces, and Kotaro tries to escape the castle, how the hell did they suddenly get so strong!? Kaze gives pursuit, and everyone else follows. When Kotaro just reaches the outside, he is suddenly surrounded by a dive bombing Falco/Kinshi Knight squad. Kotaro complains about his situation. Kaze then appears and strikes down Kotaro for good, who possibly utters a last minute gripe. Kaze speaks words after dealing the final blow, along the lines of “brother, father, my clan, I have all avenged them, I, Saizo VI”. Everyone else then catches up, and sees Kotaro is dead by Kaze’s hand. They then ask where these Sky Knights came from. Suddenly another dive bombs in, Hinoka, with her is Sakura. Everyone is surprised to see them. Hinoka states that they can explain later, look at Shirasagi. Looking upon the city, they see it is caught up in battle. Hinoka tells them to help out, they must recapture it before they can rest. Sakura tells she can help with the healing, and everyone departs to help with the city battle.

·  Chapter 26- Pre-battle narration: Corrin and co. surprised by the appearance of Hinoka and Sakura, take back Shirasagi. Their endurance does them well, the enemy attack relents at the loss and Nohr and the rebel forces withdraw to the Great Wall of Suzanoh, their leadership and cohesion impaired with the deaths of the great Kotaro and Iago’s trusted henchman Zola. The Nohrian royals and Hinoka agree to a truce, ending the war between Nohr and Hoshido. Hoshido’s surviving forces, uniting under their princesses see their morale repaired, and large numbers of Nohrians defect to their royalty’s side. With these losses of manpower, the Nohr-rebel forces withdraw further west, to Fort Jinya. Yet even here, the Nohr’s hold proves weak, and through frequent battle, the Nohrian-rebel army degrades until the battle approaches the eastern borderlands. To halt any further retreat of his armies, Prime Minister Count Iago heads eastward himself. Now, Iago and his armies stand strong, opposed by a hopeful Nohr-Hoshidan army. In the east borderlands capital, Iago is seen speaking to his underlings. Iago yells at them, find her at once! The minion departs. Hans then comes up. All’s well Your Majesty? Iago is very annoyed by Han’s sarcasm, why isn’t he on the battlefield? Hans tells him he’s picked out a good place for the final fight, he’s just biding his time right now, he can’t wait for the slaughter to begin. Hans then asks about Garon, no point keeping that deadweight around. Iago replies he only intends to keep him around until the treasonous royal heirs are dead, then he will take the throne. Hans says Iago is too obsessed with appearances, nobody will really think Garon left him the throne. Iago tells Hans they do matter, wait just a little longer, and I’ll have the position and the power I’ve been wanting for so many years, and you my bellicose pet will be entitled to whatever you want. Tch, Kotaro, you Hoshidan vagabond, despite all your pretensions, you fell all too short, those princes I abhor still live. Guess I’ll be keeping Hoshido for myself. @The scene now shifts to Corrin and co., they are exuberant at the progress they have made. Word that Iago has come eastward is good, they can finish him here instead of taking the fight to Krakenburg itself. Kaze then states the Nohrian people are revolting again, somehow, they are managing to resist the New Nobility. Leo remarks, if Iago fails to prove himself here, his rule will not last very long, Nohr’s people are absolutely tired of the New Nobility. Xander speaks- and King Garon? Kaze replies they know not what has become of His Majesty, they cannot worry about that now.@ Corrin then asks Hinoka about what happened back in Shirasagi. Hinoka speaks, about that, I remember clearly now. We had no intention of fighting you when Saizo told us about King Garon wanting peace and the forced circumstances you were in, we planned to help you. But Queen Mikoto hates King Garon, we knew she would not approve of our strategy, but because it could save Hoshido from total defeat, we decided we had to overthrow her. We charged into the throne room, hoping to arrest Mikoto before going to help you, but she got us instead. The scene now goes into flashback. Ryoma and Hinoka are seen going up to Queen Mikoto, who is with Takumi. Ryoma speaks to Queen Mikoto. Mother, Nohr is now heading to attack the capital. Hinoka speaks, Takumi, get out of here, you must survive. Takumi speaks, no I’ll fight too, this is Hoshido’s last hope! Mikoto speaks, my sweet Takumi, obey your Mother and your elder sister and get out of here, we’ll all follow soon. Hoshido may fall with Shirasagi, but it will not perish if its royal bloodline, the blood of the Dawn Dragon, survives. Takumi understands, and heads off through the east gate. With Takumi gone, Ryoma and Hinoka draw their weapons and speak again. Ryoma first, Queen Mikoto, you are a threat to Hoshido, your hatred of Garon has led you to reject a peace that could have been real. Hinoka then speaks, you got us into this war with Nohr and you have dragged Hoshido to its breaking point, we obeyed, but no longer. As of now, Hoshido is ours. Surrender, death is the alternative. Mikoto speaks dear children, so loving, so loyal, so sweet, I cared for you as though you were my own all these years. And yet you too reject me, why, you want to kill me. I’m sorry, but this is not how I deserve to be treated, you will fight to the death for me. Then farewell Mikoto! Ryoma and Hinoka rush at Mikoto. Mikoto then blasts them away with a burst of (draconic) power. Saizo and Kagero appear and try to attack Mikoto as well, but they are deflected too by power. Mikoto walks over to Hinoka, who is amazed by what just happened. Mikoto speaks, I’m not without my own strength princess, Mikoto casts some magic that causes a flash of light in the room. Hinoka yells out in agony. Now, obey me princess, and defend the west gate. Ryoma then strikes at Mikoto again with her back turned, but fails once more. Queen Mikoto speaks again, as for you and your loyal servants, prince of Hoshido, you will defend this castle, die if you fail. Ryoma: never for you! Mikoto: yes, you will, I will make it extra certain that you do. Mikoto invokes an even stronger spell that blinds the room for seconds. Now, that is a good princeling. All of you, defend this place while I go to my son, he deserves my protection after all. The flashback ends.@ Corrin and others comment, so Mikoto somehow stopped you and put you under her control. Hinoka replies yes. Hinoka states that after she lost to them and was taken away, she abused and thrown into a prison tent for the meanwhile. As she languished there, the earth suddenly quaked, a bright light appeared in the sky and then burst, releasing a roar. Corrin states that was Ryoma, though his body had all but perished, his soul clung to it long enough to activate the Dawn Vein, only with its power could they fight back. Sakura comments, in the end, Brother became a Dawn Dragon, it eases her heart knowing this. Hinoka states that the light and roar coursed through her blood, and gave her the strength to break free of her bonds and fight back. Sakura replies she felt the same way, and with the help of Gunter’s men escaped. Quickly, the two sisters gathered and rallied what remnants she could gather and suddenly struck back, they could feel Corrin and co. needed help, and thus struck at the capital. Corrin and co. wonder where Queen Mikoto is, but must concern themselves first with Iago. /My Castle Break/ Corrin and co. get word Iago has begun moving his forces forward, they decide to meet him on the field of battle. But before they do, they each rally their forces once more, as does Hinoka and Sakura (alternatively, the battle is outdoors). The battle is intense, but Hans and Iago lose and retreat into their nearby fortress, while Hinoka and Sakura handle the continuing battle outdoors, they leave Corrin and the Nohrians to finish Iago and Hans off. Cue the prep screen. Iago, like Zola before him tries to escape, and this time, he is more successful. However, it is a false hope. Looking outside atop a wall (or alternatively if the fight is outdoors, he climbs to the top of a hill, only to discover it is a sharp cliff on the other side), he sees a vast army waiting just for him below. In the distance stands King Garon, much like the entire scene, to Iago’s complete surprise. King Garon states that Iago had imprisoned him, took complete control of Nohr and tried to kill his children. King Garon speaks he has been blind and paranoid all these years, the New Nobility should have never existed, their creation has only harmed the people of Nohr and Hoshido alike. Thus, bow to me Iago, and repent. Iago, desperate for his life, does. King Garon asks his dear daughter Azura who suddenly walks up next to him, what do you think of Iago’s penance? Azura speaks, it is false. He is a man who for years has worked most ambitiously in the shadows to seize your power Father, but when he and his crimes are revealed in the light of day, he turns into a coward. Garon responds, given my daughter’s better wisdom, I sentence you to death Iago. No! Nohr is mine, the whole world is mine, I deserve it, I played you all for fools! (Iago speaks.) May I carry out the sentence Father? Leo suddenly appears from behind Iago and grabs him. Garon responds, do your siblings mind my son? I care not what they want, I’ve been waiting all these years for this day to possibly arrive. Iago speaks, why didn’t you ever die, why weren’t you ever arrested, how is it that Garon never disowned you, of all the times I tried all these years! Leo responds, because I was always a step ahead of your pathetic schemes. Now let me show you hell now Iago, so that there is nothing for you in the beyond. Guahh! (Iago’s last utterance.) Leo deals a series of slashes and stabs to Iago with a sword, which Leo smiles through, ending with a fatal neck slit quickly followed with kicking Iago’s body off the fortress/cliff onto the ground below. The other Nohrian royals at last arrive. Leo speaks to himself, just after he finished the bloody job, as he wanted it to be. They see Azura and King Garon in the distance, Nohr is victorious and freed from Iago and the New Nobility! Garon and Azura thank the other royals and greet them. King Garon, Azura, Corrin, the Nohrian royals, Gunter, and Hinoka and Sakura gather. They are overjoyed with the defeat of Iago and his henchmen. Hinoka and Sakura are delighted to see their sister sound, and to actually see this King Garon who they have been told is a monster almost their entire lives. King Garon states he owes everyone here an apology. Fifteen years ago, his beloved mistress, Lady Arete, and their daughter Azura, was captured by the Ice Tribe when she tried to negotiate with them after they had revolted. He ordered a rescue effort launched to save them, but it failed, and Arete was killed, and Azura feared dead as well. As the new war with Hoshido was only starting to be waged, he could not let his emotions, as wild as they were, run free. Yet, when he got to the western borderlands, and was presented with a child found near King Sumeragi’s body, he let his sadness and rage be vented on the child. As Hoshido and the Ice Tribe he believed were cooperating, he would take his loss out on them. He thus took Corrin hostage. Mikoto it seems, had somehow found Azura, and then raised her far better than I did Corrin. Aqua then speaks, no Father, hardly better. Though I may have been much more free than Corrin, I was fed lies that you were a murderer, and taught to hate you to the depth of my soul. Corrin then speaks, I loved you and the life you gave me Father, perhaps it was because you never intended much from me, but my prejudice towards Hoshido was weak. It is out of love for you and Nohr, and Hoshido as well, that I came to disobey you, and thus help shine this light that you have been without since that tragic event. King Garon thanks Corrin. King Garon then addresses his other children, Xander, your loyalty has been misplaced all these years, I was no king deserving of such. Xander speaks, no, a good son serves his father even when he is ill, though I perhaps took that precept a little too far. Well there is still time to right that wrong and serve a righteous king. Elise speaks, yeah Father, I know we haven’t ever been close, but there is still time for some Father-daughter bonding. Garon very lightly smiles, his child he never had a chance to love, he hopes so. Camilla speaks, I still can’t forgive you for killing Mother. Garon speaks, I don’t deserve it, she was a good woman, a trusted friend, if not my love. I shattered your mind Camilla, I understand. Camilla responds, at the least, lets move on. King Garon then turns to Leo, his son who he says has been most disappointed and most overworked all these years. Leo replies, from his earliest days, he was interested in politics and government, as he was in almost everything an intelligentsia might be. He heard in his earliest years about how his Father was putting Nohr’s house and its interests in proper order, taming nobles and bureaucrats that got out of hand, creating an efficient, centralized Nohrian state. He heard how, through blood and sweat alike, his great-grandfather had done the same, ending civil war and putting Krakenburg firmly in charge of the whole country, only for that unity decline under grandfather. He wanted to be just like his noble father. And yet, Garon speaks, after that day, he began to turn towards paranoia, towards a more inefficient, self-destructive government, despite the spells of clarity which must have taunted Leo so, culminating in the creation of the New Nobility- which tried to overthrow him and ruin his family, his state, and his people. Leo speaks, I will continue as I have before Father, working to improve Nohr, I’m just thrilled I won’t have to worry about my life being at risk any longer. Azura then thanks Leo, it was her men who freed her from captivity despite Iago’s efforts to purge them and kill her. In the countryside, they mustered another resistance, and somehow rescued Father, owing not the least to Nohr-Hoshido’s pressure on Iago’s forces. And as for you general Gunter. Gunter interrupts. No words are necessary Your Majesty, we are old comrades, we needn’t speak what we mean, I never faltered in my service to you anyhow. Kaze then interrupts King Garon’s reunion stuff. Queen Mikoto and Prince Takumi have still not been found. Sakura speaks, I’m worried what Mother is up to- where could she have gone? King Garon speaks, while we try to restore peace and prosperity to Nohr and Hoshido alike, we try to find her as soon as possible, I must speak with her. Hinoka is worried about what Mikoto must be doing, given how she’s been lately.

·  Chapter 27- Corrin, Azura, Hinoka and Sakura are in the Hoshidan throne room, since Mikoto and Takumi are missing, Hinoka has decided to declare herself Queen in the meantime. This being the first time they have been in the throne room since the coup, they look upon the throne and the blood still encrusted on it from when Ryoma sat there. Corrin then asks about the Dawn Vein, and Sakura and Azura explain it as being the Dragon Vein Shirasagi is built over and which can most easily access the vast resevoirs of energy embedded in Hoshido itself. Corrin decides they would like to see what the Vein is like, and ask if they may tap into it, being of Dawn Dragon blood. Azura, Hinoka and Sakura warn its massive power is not to be used unwisely, but simply accessing is okay. In fact, they decide to do so as well, to connect with Ryoma in a sense is their collective reason. Doing so, they sense something odd in the Vein, like a siphoning of energy from the Vein Sakura states. Concerned, Azura asks if she can determine the direction of the siphon. Sakura says she’ll try. Corrin asks why, Hinoka answers for Azura, and says it might be Mikoto and Takumi, right? Azura respond, indeed. Sakura says it northeast. Fortunately, that makes things easier for them, there isn’t much more northeast than Shirasagi. They immediately head to everyone else and say what they have found out. Kaze and Leo state they’ll look over the maps and see if they can determine a reasonable location. Hinoka is amazed that such a drain, one large enough to be perceptible, is happening, Takumi isn’t that versed in Dragon Veins, and he like her lacks the fullest extent of First Dragon blood. Azura states it is Mikoto’s doing. Sakura states that that cannot be, Mikoto might be versed in activating Dragon Veins, but she lacks any draconic blood, there is no way that even with Takumi she could tap into the central reserve of the Dawn Vein remotely. Azura says it is possible, Mikoto is the last surviving royal of Valla after all. Corrin asks, Valla, as in the holy kingdom of fantasy? Leo replies, no Valla is real, or rather was, the kingdom catastrophically collapsed 20 years ago. Xander says a war broke out between Nohr and Hoshido twenty four years ago, destroying and then ultimately splitting up the kingdom of Centralia between them in the process. Valla intervened to save Centralia and end the continuing war and invited both kings to peace talks, only to kill them. Garon then continues, afterwards, Nohr and Hoshido were invaded, I and Sumeragi agreed to a truce, fought off Valla, and invaded the kingdom. The anger we and all Nohrians and Hoshidans alike felt towards the treachery of the kingdom we’d revered for centuries as holy led us to approve of the wholesale ruination of the kingdom. Leo says the kingdom fell into such chaos that agriculture collapsed, disease ran rampant, warlordism broke out, and ultimately every Vallite either died or fled to Hoshido or Nohr. Azura speaks that Mikoto was one such refugee, a princess who could do nothing to save her kingdom. In her blood flows in full the power of the Silent Dragon, she is second-to-none in using a Dragon Vein, she knows, because Mikoto told her everything. Hinoka speaks, then it is urgent we hurry, who knows what Mikoto may be using that power for? Xander speaks, we shouldn’t need an army, but I sense Mikoto might not go peacefully. Leo adds on, don’t forget that prince. Corrin comments, given how he acted before, Takumi might fight to the end. Elise then speaks, don’t worry Sakura, we’ll save your brother this time! Camilla speaks, but first we need to find out exactly where the Queen and Prince are. Azura says she is worried about the sIphon, she’d appreciate if everyone with First Dragon Blood helped her counter Mikoto’s scheme, she doubts she can stop it completely, but slowing it down should help nonetheless. Corrin then tells everyone to be ready at a moment’s notice, we leave as soon as we can get a lock on their exact location. (Info Conversation- Sakura then sees a contradiction in what was said about Valla. Hinoka is 22, and Ryoma was 25, but Mikoto only came here 20 years ago! Hinoka then states that before Sumeragi married Mikoto, he was wedded to Queen Consort Ikona, who died of illness nineteen years ago. Ikona is the mother whom she and Ryoma had been hiding all these years.) /My Castle Break/ All the Nohrian royals save Azura and Garon are present, Leo says they’ve discovered an abandoned seaside fortress beyond the mountains north of Shirasagi. This territory is loosely controlled by Hoshido and used to belong to Valla. Though Valla is largely removed from the Dawn Vein, it does penetrate into that region. Kaze (who informed Azura, Hinoka and Sakura) then appears with Azura, Hinoka and Sakura, they say they’re prepared to leave immediately. Garon then walks in and declares their intentions of coming too, they need to see Mikoto. Departing altogether, the group heads for their destination. Approaching it very cautiously, they see someone standing outside the fortress in the distance. The scene turns to the person, who is Takumi, wondering how his siblings and country fare, promising that with Mother’s help, he will liberate them all. Having a hunch as to who it is, Hinoka states they wish to fly over to them, Sakura states she wishes to as well. Though wary of letting them do so, Corrin and co. permit this, promising to keep close watch and dash in to rescue them if need be. Hinoka and Sakura then fly to Takumi and talk to him, he is relieved to see them. Despite their efforts to politely stop him from doing so, to the sisters’ dismay, Takumi calls for Mother to show her the good news. Mikoto then appears. In the distance, Corrin and co. see another person walk out, and knowing it must be Mikoto, Azura demands on tenma back to be flown over there. Corrin permits Azura fly over and states they will get closer but remain hidden, give a signal if things go totally awry. Mikoto is in the meanwhile surprised and disturbed that Hinoka is still alive, and though tension mounts, for Takumi’s sake both sides keep it submerged. Trying to engage in niceties, Azura appears to the everyone’s surprise, and begins to unfold the loaded situation. Azura states she was indeed captured by Nohr, but that her treatment was not terrible. It appears Mother was a bit off concerning Nohrian captivity, right Sakura? Mikoto offers a terse, tense, polite reply. Takumi then asks about Ryoma, and is told he died in Shirasagi by his sisters, expending the last of his life using the Dawn Vein to keep them alive. Takumi is saddened by this, and then states that coincidentally he and Mother plan to use the Dawn Vein to save Hoshido, they should join them. Sakura then asks what exactly does Mother have planned? Takumi is about to say, but Mikoto stops him from doing so. Mikoto then states she suspects that his sisters (not her daughters- she has disowned them all at this point) are not alone, and immediately fires off a magic blast, Hinoka is prepared this time, and she and Azura with naginatas drawn attempt to close in on Mikoto. But Mikoto fires off a a series of shots to keep them back, one of which bypasses the two and hits Sakura behind them, knocking her unconscious. Hinoka and Azura then back-step and to defend Sakura. Reveal yourselves interlopers! Everyone else hurries over seeing Sakura struck down. The niceties are obviously over as the conversation continues while the Nohr-Hoshido forces approach. Mikoto speaks, as I expected, the night has come for us. Hinoka then speaks, Mikoto! You’re to blame for Ryoma’s death. Why did you brainwash us- answer me! Takumi is taken back by this accusation and the entire scene. Mikoto comforts him, Takumi, my one and only son, ignore your sisters, they have fallen to the dusk’s deception. Azura then speaks with full passion, you’re the only deceiver here Mikoto! My Father Garon was wracked with grief at my Mother’s death, and you kept us apart for so long. Explain yourself now! *Azura readies her naginata* Mikoto laughs, Garon wept at my sister’s death, he’s missed you all this time? Hah! Where is your proof? Here is your proof, King Garon walks in on the scene. So, you have the courage to confront me personally, excellent, I can kill you now, Queen Mikoto speaks. King Garon speaks back, I wish to atone from the depths of my very being, for the rest of my life, for having taken Corrin from you fifteen years ago. I was in the depths of my own despair, of having lost my own child and my beloved too, I took it out on you, and I’ve only created even greater sorrow, even greater rage. Atone? You, atone? ATONE! You have no right to utter that word! You used my child against me, you killed my husband, you destroyed my kingdom, not once, but twice. I care not of the “circumstances”, I want you dead, I want to see you suffer! Mikoto fires off an arrow at Garon, which he deflects with Bolverk. Corrin then speaks a simple “Mother”- but Mikoto interrupts before they can finish, you are no longer my child, no one is save my son Takumi. Takumi is shocked by this, and his sisters and Corrin try to persuade him they still love him. But Mikoto tells him it is too late to save the rest, save for the ultimate purification. Mikoto then makes a brief magical light flash and quake happen and suddenly an army of phantasms appear, the product of the Dawn Vein’s power. Cue the prep screen. At the start of turn one, Mikoto tells Takumi they have no choice but to perform the ritual now, hurry inside and begin, she’ll join him soon. Hinoka, Azura, Corrin and Leo appeal to Takumi, but he rejects their words, he is not doing this because somebody must remain with Mother, he believes her, she is right. Takumi hurries inside. Hinoka follows him, breaking through the phantasmal ranks, Mikoto tells Takumi to defeat Hinoka first, which he swears he’ll do. Azura then demands answers from Mikoto again. And Mikoto gives them now that Takumi is gone. Azura, when fate had it that you would fall into my lap by complete surprise, you came to be my replacement for my lost Corrin, and I wanted to make sure you never left me. I had to make sure you would never want to return to Garon, so I made sure you would hate him, breeding a yearning for vengeance in the process. Though it appears it has backfired. Then, King Garon speaks, if he cannot atone, he will at least fight with everyone against Mikoto, and Azura, against her Father's wishes, states she will as well. Elise has Sakura withdrawn for her own safety. Mikoto comments, what a shame that Sakura had to be captured, Takumi lacks the true power of the Dawn Dragon, though the drops of Silent Blood he bears as her child compensates somewhat. The Nohrian royals give a rally of comments, and Mikoto then fires one little remark off. Corrin ends the chat-fest with a slam dunk on Mikoto and Chapter 27 penultimate battle finally begins. (Azura joins armed with good stats, awesome naginata, plus a few good skills (Hoshidan Unity, Rend Heaven, Amaterasu, etc.) and an A support with Garon. King Garon joins as a powerful Gotoh, armed with a 1-2 range Bolverk with great stats and no side-effects, loaded with awesome skills too (Draconic Hex, Nohrian Trust, Luna, Axe-faire, Sword-breaker and an amazing personal)) Mikoto is defeated, but she shrugs off the loss, Takumi should have finished Hinoka, and the basic work by now- my defenders, see to it that nobody approaches. Mikoto summons another whole army of phantasms. Sakura then appears before Corrin and co. she has recovered and wishes to go with them, she is worried about Hinoka, Takumi, and Mikoto. They have no time and  Corrin and co. pursue Mikoto into the fortress with Sakura.

Chapter 28- Corrin and co. slug their way through the phantasm guards to the fort. And as they are fighting, they detect a massive buildup of energy and an earthquake. They hurry into the fort before whatever it is comes to its conclusion. Inside, before Corrin and co. arrive, Takumi is shown still in battle with Hinoka. The two fight desperately and converse a little. As Takumi prepares a final shot to Hinoka, and Hinoka prepares her own swing at Takumi. Hinoka is then shot in the back by Mikoto. Mikoto sighs, you couldn’t kill her my son, no matter. Takumi is a bit shocked and states that Hinoka might die of that injury, Mikoto replies she can be resurrected later, get in the magic circle and we can begin the ritual now! With power being channeled into him with Mikoto’s help. Takumi is finding handling this power difficult, Mother, this power, I don’t think I can control it. Mikoto, frustrated, tells Takumi not to worry, she will make sure the ritual succeeds. Corrin and co. make to Hinoka and see she is terribly injured, Hinoka tells them to ignore her and hurry to Mikoto and Takumi. Garon then grabs Hinoka out of Sakura’s worry for her sister and they hurry onward. At the moment every reaches Mikoto and Takumi they are engulfed by a bright flash of light that blinds everything for a number of seconds. As the flash of light occurs, Azura speaks, everyone, get close to me! During the blinding light, the sound of things deflecting off a magic barrier (erected by Azura) is heard. However, then the sound of the barrier breaking and people being hurt happens. When the light fades, the entire building is ruined. The sky is incredibly bright and white. Injured is King Garon. Everyone hurries to their sides. Finally! I’ve dealt a mortal blow to Garon! Mikoto then slowly descends from the sky, atop the back of a massive white dragon. Camilla speaks, what is that? Hinoka speaks, the Dawn Dragon?! No, Takumi! Corrin speaks, that ritual, where is Takumi? Sakura speaks, you’ve turned Takumi into a Dawn Dragon? Mikoto speaks, yes, the power that flows in the blood of Hoshidan royals, it is the power of the Dawn Dragon, and through ritual, I awoke it. This location’s energy flow was perfect, even with your efforts to stop me, I had no issue channeling enough away from Shirasagi to fully awaken Takumi’s draconic blood, he is an incarnation of the Dawn Dragon now. Had I the time, I would have adjusted myself to the Dawn Vein and taken form as well. Takumi roars. Azura speaks, I can feel it, Takumi can’t handle this, he’ll die if he stays like this for too long. Mikoto, let him go! Mikoto responds, no! Takumi loves me, he will die for me if he must. Hinoka follows, you monster! Look at what you've done to our brother! Corrin speaks, how could you do this to our sibling, your own son? Xander speaks, you abuse the love of your child. Leo- how twisted. Camilla- not even he deserved this. Sakura- brother! Garon speaks, Mikoto, the benevolent and wise Queen of Hoshido I once heard so much good of, what has happened to you? Mikoto replies, what can be said? I changed that fateful day you dangled my child before me, Garon. I became your reflection, even uglier than you. But I will be so twisted no longer, not after I’ve killed you all. Not again will I wander aimless and destitute seeking refuge from destruction, I will bring the world a new dawn, one where I will finally know justice! Cue the prep screen. King Garon speaks, he can still stand, he can still fight, as long as he can, he will, Mikoto will die first (he is playable again, with no consequences if he died in C27). Mikoto speaks, Takumi breathe the breath of morning’s light and kill them all. Sakura speaks, Mikoto, I won’t let you! Tsk, Sakura, don’t even try. Hinoka states she will defend Sakura as she tries to drain power away from Takumi. While they do that, the Nohr crew should go in and kill Mikoto. Corrin and co. accept the task. (The battle is aesthetically different from 28 Conquest. But gameplay-wise, even the layout, it is identical, except for Mikoto (whose body is coursing with light- it can hardly be contained) replacing Takumi, but she still gets Skadi, and her illusory partner she has created to back her is either a Takumi clone with a powered up Fujin Yumi, or a Corrin clone with a Yato, you just need to kill Mikoto to win. (Alternatively, Mikoto takes Vallite dragon form, smaller than Takumi by significant margin, backed by a Corrin clone also in dragon form- but mind you they both have dragon weakness immunity.) Takumi in giant Dawn Dragon form is standing behind Mikoto, but all he does is perform the corridor-HP-halving blast every so often.) Mikoto is defeated, but she refuses to yield. Mikoto yells at Takumi, why are you so incompetent, do you too reject me? I’ll give my life to make this all end! Takumi begins to shine dangerously bright- Mikoto is trying to concentrate power in him and have the light explosion destroy the entire area. Garon then strikes at Mikoto, killing her for good as he falls to the ground collapsing due to his injuries and she fades from existence. Takumi is still out of control however, and the Hoshidan royals cannot calm him. Aqua speaks, then I will end it. Mikoto, you tortured soul, I will use what you taught me one last time. Father, I’m sorry we didn’t have much time together, but now, we’ll have eternity with Mother. Everyone, it pains me to say this, but, farewell. Azura strikes at Takumi, killing him and taking in the light, which she then vents off safely as she fades away, saving everyone. Garon dies, offering his exchanging last words with everyone. Takumi, by Azura’s power, is able to regain human form for his last moments. Takumi struggles to utter some broken last words while everyone tries to console him, he then quickly closes his eyes and dies. Peace has returned to Nohr and Hoshido at last, now is the time for mourning, but tomorrow, a bright, happy future can begin.

Fates Character Rewrites

    • Other Character Tweaks (with carryover from what is in the game stated):
      • Xander: The Elder Crown Prince of Nohr. A wise, serious heir who loves his father and siblings. The people of Nohr love him, and Xander takes great pride in the Nohrian people and Nohrian culture. Like Leo, he has enjoyed a full education, and is equally as versed in scholarship and governance as he is in swordsmanship and equestrian. Xander has a less imposing aura than Leo, he maintains the regal Nohrian discipline, but weaves in hints of kindness and warmth. In tastes, Xander is bit simpler and more traditional than Leo, who is drawn to the finer details in aesthetics a bit too much perhaps. Though their artistic preferences don’t influence their statecraft or strategist abilities- they can be equally adept in examining the big picture and the minutiae. The two brothers are essentially equals and treat each other as such. In court politics, Xander finds himself a mediator between the Leonine and Iago factions. As the long designated heir, backed by a national history of royal primogeniture, Xander tries to be aloof from the fray and keep the position of heir unsullied. Xander’s sympathies go with his little brother, but he is more willing to work with Iago than Leo, though he does keep his brother’s claims of Iago’s ulterior ambitions in mind. It is not that Leo refuses to work with Iago, it is that Leo wants to be aggressive at curtailing Iago’s influence at court. Xander is willing to let his brother do this, but within limits. Leo knows just as Xander does that open war in the court is not going to go well for Nohr’s best interests and that Iago is strong, but the two differ on how much restrain to exercise in the shadow war of intrigue and bureaucratic control. Leo gets around to accepting Xander’s cautions most of the time, even when he feels that Xander is letting Iago’s faction gain ground for no good reason. Xander does not like Iago much, but realizes his Father finds him useful and that he has status that must be respected, so he treats him with diplomatic politeness. Xander works to build bonds with members of both the Leonine and Iago court factions and discover and catalog their interests and concerns. Via these bonds, Xander attempts to unite the two court factions with compromises that address the wants and needs of the faction members and stabilize Nohr’s polity.
      • Camilla: The first princess of Nohr. She was raised lovingly, and became a beautiful, kind princess. After the Ice Tribe rebelled and killed Arete and supposedly killed Azura, and after he returned with Corrin, Garon grew increasingly inconsolable. His queen consort tried to help ease his pain, as did all of his other mistresses and ladies in general serving the royal estates. However, they could not replace Arete, and he became annoyed with their efforts. Eventually, he beat his wife to death (no pregnancy that becomes a miscarriage though- don’t want to be that dark, even though reality could be). Camilla was there when the murder happened, she watched her outraged father and held her mother’s corpse as she spoke her last words after so much screaming and tears. Though spared a beating by Garon, when Camilla tried to speak with him, he was utterly cold and she saw no longer her old strict but loving father. Garon later had a breakdown, he had reached the depths of his despair, though Camilla did not see it. When Garon recovered, he was still the changed individual, but his rage had receded and some clarity had returned. Camilla was forever changed as well. Her mind was shattered. (Note- I had no idea of Peri’s full backstory when writing this, that said, I’ll change my Peri instead of my Camilla.) Looking for a way of escaping this trauma, Camilla saw that her siblings were now devoid of loving parents, particularly the infant Elise and toddler Corrin. Being the elder sister, Camilla threw herself into their care, becoming a big sister/mother figure. Though Garon continued to make sure his children were given prestigious educations, servants and caretakers, and luxury, he never gave them love, demanding instead strict obedience and hard work from them. Camilla came to hate her father, and gave herself entirely to taking care of not just her siblings, including Xander and Leo too, but also her friends, her servants (Garon continued to randomly attack his servants and officials from time to time), and the people of Nohr themselves. Camilla became a fighter to protect those close to her and to appease her father’s nagging demands for useful children. Camilla also developed her own sadistic streak, vengeful against anyone who would hurt those dear to her. She found wyverns to be adorable pets particularly the revenant variety, and the axe fun to swing around, thus explaining her choice of class. Magic is entertaining to her, and she had Leo teach her a bit. She doesn’t care about Nohr the country, nor serving King Garon, and she is not so informed of matters of politics or anything intellectual really- Leo and Xander handle that. She is partly why Corrin and Elise are so innocent, she wants to protect them from cruel realities as much as she can so she doesn’t see them hurt. With regards to Leo, Camilla is concerned that he overworks himself (he does), and, much to his dislike, particularly since he is now grown, she nurses him back to health when his fails a bit. Camilla also tries to help him overcome his shyness and his difficulty with emotions, but again, he does not like being treated that way and rejects it, politely if he can manage it. Camilla is loved by the Nohrian people, for she loves them and patronizes a number of charities in Krakenburg and a few others elsewhere in Nohr. Camilla helps both normal people, and the dark side of the Nohrian underclass. which she does by taking in young darkling children and reforming them into soldiers in her retinue. She channels their bloody skills into those used to combat banditry and thieves throughout Nohr. Garon approves of Camilla’s personal armed force due to their work’s maintenance of order in the land. (Note, having skipped every single Support and actual plot scene, I was not aware of her bastard status until after writing this. While I could amend things and make her as a bastard work, it would have a domino effect on my revised Azura and Forrest, whose specialness derives to some degree from their bastard nature. Hence, I’ll do without concubine wars and give Camilla and the three other Nohrian royal children the same mother- a fertile, legal wife of Garon of a mother, though unable to sate Garon’s sexual appetite.)
      • Leo: The second prince of Nohr. From early on, he was an intelligent, curious child who read every book in every subject he could. Sickly (I’d be willing to give him anemia as a medical condition), he took up magic instead of physical weapons for this reason. Still, to avoid being labeled as fragile, he trained with a blade and learned fencing too. Horseback riding was also taken up for this reason, and it lets him avoid too much fatigue while running all over Nohr doing all the duties he has taken on. He was raised on the stories of his great grandfather and grandfather, who helped unify Nohr through periods of great civil war and centralized power and authority in the Nohrian crown. He likewise heard praise of his father for following in his grandfather’s footsteps. Yet, Leo has witnessed his father gradually decline over the years, going from a pragmatic and reasonable absolutist to a stubborn and paranoid autocrat. Leo has tried to help his father recover, but has learned with time he is beyond a full recovery to the person he was when Leo was but a small child, when he was in his very promising early regnal years. Leo hopes in time his elder brother as a king will be able to correct the errors of their father’s ways. When Iago first rose to prominence about eight years prior to the start of the game (the New Nobility arose about five or four), Leo was wary of him and openly critical. Leo quickly learned that was a mistake, and Iago has despised Leo ever since. Surviving several attempted assassinations arranged by Iago- by poison and force alike, as well as several attempts by Iago to discredit him in the eyes of His Majesty, Leo grew colder and more distant than he originally was. Leo continues to oppose Iago, with caution to avoid being disowned (and possibly killed- Leo knows it has happened before in Nohrian history) by his father whom Iago can seize the favor of at times, as he hates him and what he is- a greedy bureaucrat usurping power from a capable (in theory, Garon has declined, but could decently improve without Iago around) monarch. He would rather die than kneel to Iago in total submission. Disillusionment with chivalrous and moral idealism led meritocracy and especially pragmatism to become his new ideals. Leo is knowledgable about virtually any intelligent topic: economy, politics, philosophy, math, science, magic, history, military strategy, the arts. Leo is dedicated to efficient centralized government, a model bureaucrat, a first servant of the state (not the people, not the nation) indeed. A bit elitist, not aristocratically snobby, he is just willing to call on most people on their averageness, “everyone is special” doesn’t go very far with him. Leo wants to keep mediocrity from duties beyond its capacity, he demands all the truly talented he can get to best the Iago faction and see to it Nohr is ruled as best as it can be. Leo’s interests are the state of Nohr, his royal family, and himself, though some question the exact order of these in Leo’s priorities. Leo loves his family, but finds it a bit difficult showing his affection. Leo is just as talented as Xander, and would make a great king, but he is obsessed with ensuring it is Xander who lives and becomes King. Elise is too young, innocent and untrained for duty of being a monarch. Camilla’s mind has been shattered and she herself admits she is ill-suited for the task. Xander was raised to be King, and is wise, moral, talented, of great physical vitality, and adored by the public, even if he has faults and is inferior to Leo in ways, he should be king. Leo does not want the crown for himself. Though raised as the spare, Leo is concerned his health, fair under the best of circumstances, would lead him to rule for only a brief few years. That said, Leo overworks himself a lot normally as a prince trying to keep Nohr on the right track, to the collapse of his health at times. When he does collapse, it generally takes someone else to stop him from trying to reschedule his busy life to compensate for the breakdown, ignoring the fact his obsessive rescheduling is only going to delay his return to good health. One of the other reasons, is that Leo is still quite shy, he relies on an imposing mask of coldness, intelligence, regality, and formality to conceal this. Leo would rather be working away in the shadows, unnoticed by everyone, happy simply seeing his labors bearing fruit in Nohr. Leo’s shyness and difficulty expressing his emotions means he has challenges with the ladies, he can utter sweet eloquent language to them, but being authentic is the issue. He has grown a significant retinue of servants, who assist him in the many duties he has taken up as a prince of Nohr. Most of the retinue is male, not so much because he is that bad talking to women, he has no issues with them outside of romantic concerns, but more because Niles, his dear retainer, cannot be reined in completely, despite his efforts to try. Hence, he tries to exclude women for their own sake, the few who are in are wholly aware of Niles’s offensiveness and steel themselves against it thanks to Leo. Assured of himself on the outside, Leo is constantly self-critical, but not overly insecure, just constantly reassessing things to see if he could have done better or how to improve on things. His childhood was cut short by Garon’s changed nature and later, the coming of Iago, he felt he had to mature and use his prodigal talents for serious hard work from a young age.
      • Peri: From a Nohrian noble family, she is on the childish side of things, though a little more mature in my revision of her- a bit more a bossy high school clique leader, than a psychotic little girl (though some of that remains, her appearance would otherwise have to be tweaked). She was born privileged, and abused that sense of privilege, getting her way a bit too much (her parents deserve some blame). No more killing servants for her, but antagonizing them to the point they either submit out of fear, run away crying, or she demands they be fired for the slightest infraction, yes. She was not chosen by Xander as a retainer, but rather assigned by King Garon. Peri’s father did Garon some good work, he got rewarded with among other things, the right to have his daughter assigned to Xander’s retinue, as she naggingly sought. Xander, loyal to his father, obeyed. Peri is a bit much for Xander though, he tries to rein in her excesses and keeps a close eye on her, but he can only do so much. Peri is a good fighter, strong and unrelenting, if egotistical and ignorant of strategy. Still, Xander keeps trying to reform her, she has potential as a fine person and warrior, as frustrated as she makes him.
      • Beruka: Raised from early childhood to steal and kill, Beruka was raised as an assassin. Camilla spared her of a life as a lawless murderer by freeing her from the underclass and integrating her into her personal army. Camilla forced Beruka to give up her assassin background by having her adjust to combat on a wyvern, which would be hard to render sneaky. Nonetheless, Beruka remains cold and obedient, albeit to her new mistress Camilla, whom she adores for having rescued her from her miserable existence.
      • Niles: Born in the dregs of society, Niles worked his way out through cunning and whatever he could do. He is a realist, narcissistic, hedonistic, uncouth towards women, and free in terms of sexuality. Morality, he hardly has a care for it. Unsympathetic to the dredges he came from, not accepted by the upper class, and happy to verbally shred it too, though he relishes its luxuries, Niles fits in with no group. Niles was looking to see if he could find easy living serving a royal. Rejected by Xander due to unscrupulousness, and then Camilla due to his sexism, he ultimately landed his gig with Leo. Niles expected easy money from his servitude, plus plenty extra from swiping and pawning some fancy objects from royal estates. But, serving Leo, the overworked prince, was anything but easy, neither giving easy pay nor an easy chance to steal. On one occasion, he tried a major heist that would end his service under Leo before he returned to the slums swimming in wealth. Leo was astute however, and caught Niles and his cronies in the act. His image shattered, Niles was nonetheless impressed by Leo, and Leo by him. Niles then drove a tough bargain by offering him his full talents to Leo, in exchange for which Niles would be spared from punishment and given a good salary. Niles now had greater duties and responsibilities, but he didn’t mind them once he saw Leo was locked in perpetual battle with Iago. Seeing in Iago a soul as bad and nonexistent as his own, Niles wanted to tear the guy apart, there is room for only one of them. Niles proved to be a very talented servant of Leo after seeing Iago, and is not above using this and the prince’s occasional poor health as leverage to assert his interests. Were Leo to drop him from his retinue, he would lose a great asset. Leo conceded to Niles this point. It turns out Leo and Niles shared in coldness and pragmatism, though Leo is a good bit more idealistic, moral and selfless than Niles. Niles also has developed a fascination with Leo, charmed by him, cold, yet so sweet beneath it all. He sees Leo somewhat as his exclusive plaything, albeit one he has to please very often, even when it means doing things that don’t please Niles himself. Leo sees Niles as dangerous to others, but also helpful and insightful to him, so, Leo tries to keep Niles in check. A compromise between keeping the useful Niles out necessity in war and the non-war struggle against Iago and other corruptors of Nohrian court and politics, and the moral ideal of getting rid of this debauched servant. This is why Leo embraces pragmatism more than meritocracy- Niles has plenty of merit, but it is hard to accept it due to his immorality. Keeping Niles around is a move of necessity. The two check each other by looking for cracks in each other’s aura of perfection, and exploiting them to their fullest, or at least as far as their hearts will allow them to. Entertained by Odin just like Leo, albeit without the deep meaning behind it, nor any contempt. Niles deprives some further delight bothering Forrest, whose feminine appearance makes him a target for harassment. Leo always comes to Forrest’s defense and consoles him when he finds out, and tries to keep him and Niles far apart geographically to prevent such things in the first place. Niles has spread rumors of Leo and Forrest as lovers in response, and Leo shrugs them off- he’d rather not reveal the truth of Forrest to Niles.
      • Odin: When Owain and Severa and Inigo arrived in this world (1-3 years ago), they ended up near the Dragon’s Gate, on the border of Nohr and Valla. Hence, they found work in Nohr. Owain was impressed by Prince Leo’s visage of striking coldness and talent wowed him over. Going directly before Leo with his usual enthusiasm, Owain, taking the name Odin for a change of identity in this new world, made his case for why Leo should add him to his servants. To see someone this happy and excited willing to serve him, a prince whose work is rather toilsome and depressing, was utter buffoonery to Leo. He could not help but laugh, and added Odin to his retinue as a entertaining idiot, he could use the entertainment. Odin then went about going from swordplay to magic, wowed by Leo’s Brynhildr and overall magical power. Odin also told Leo all about the world he was actually from, with some exaggerations, as would be expected from Owain. Leo continued thinking Odin was a mad fool, and listened to his absurd tales for a laugh, discounting the veracity of them entirely. Eventually, Odin realized Leo was laughing at him and thought him crazy, and felt really hurt by it. Odin stayed on, but became despondent. Leo largely ignored this. However, illness and or fatigue eventually caught up to the overworked Leo as it had before. Leo languished for a while as he recovered, and Odin came to check on him out of his sense of duty. Leo, in a more emotionally vulnerable state while disabled, realized his mocking of Odin had gone too far and apologized, telling Odin he could freely resign from being his retainer. He further explained to see such a cheery fellow, who is so very beheld to optimism and fantasy and completely detached from reality’s cruelties, was something he dejected as impossible and stupid, but at the same time envied it. Odin then in full seriousness and sobriety, and later tears, told Leo that was not the case at all, the world he had come from initially was doomed to destruction- his mother and father, the people of his kingdom, the entire world, was all destroyed before him, and all he could do was flee with a few friends and hope he could change things somehow in another world just like his. To survive, and to help others survive, he suppressed this terror and shock he experienced and became the incredible person you see, but underneath it, he struggled, the memories still tormenting him from time to time, much like his liege. Leo, taking Odin’s unbelievable story as truth this time, was moved by it and thanked Odin for his sympathy. Thus, Odin and Leo reconciled, each all the more willing to don their usual personas for the sake of making the other feel better.
      • Ryoma: The first prince of Hoshido. Raised as the heir, he remembers his father very well, and works to make himself into a worthy heir to his short rule. He is highly disciplined, with the warrior’s code of Bushido drilled into him, but is not without his more relaxed side, he simply cannot let it interfere with his princely duties. Of about 25 years; in anime/manga/Japanese video games, 22-29 can be considered “adult but not old”, appropriate for Ryoma. He has very clear memories of Ikona, seeing how he was of about 6 years when Mikoto came to be the Lady-in-Waiting of Ikona. He was about 10 when Sumeragi died, meaning a 6 year minority would have occurred had Mikoto not taken the throne herself- enough time for nasty nobles to screw things up. Ryoma’s relationship with Mikoto is a healthy stepson-stepmother one. However, on top of the step relationship, Ryoma has with Mikoto a complicated, but healthy too, relationship of rule. Ryoma approved of Mikoto’s ascendancy to the throne and appreciates the time it has granted him to mature into a good potential king. Ryoma has no qualms with Mikoto, who is as competent and talented as any very good monarch who ascended normally, ruling until her death or problems induced by end of life circumstances require it. Nonetheless, Ryoma when he reached 18, two years later than he suggested originally to Mikoto, but which she refused due to wanting Ryoma to take the extra time to develop and grow, Ryoma became of age and started to involve himself seriously (he practiced in his earlier years in minor roles supervised by Mikoto and those she approved of) in politics and governance and all the other affairs of a ruler. For the past seven years or so, First Prince of Hoshido Ryoma has increasingly become co-ruler with Queen Mikoto. One cannot call Ryoma “King Ryoma” as the grand ceremonial and political trappings of real monarchal status are not adorned on him, only Queen Mikoto, but he is in many ways all but a king. Ryoma has served as not just a big brother but also a father figure to Takumi and Sakura, since Sakura has no memories of Sumeragi, and Takumi nearly none. The Rajinto was bestowed on him by Mikoto between the ages of 18 and 21, for she saw that he had become a glorious prince, who when she died, would be an worthy ruler. Initially, the bond between Mikoto and Ryoma was weak, and though the relationship improved over time, the death of Sumeragi strained it. Ryoma expressed skepticism towards Mikoto’s selflessness (he thought she might be power-hungry) until a few years into her personal rule. Only with consideration of the possibility of the alternative (noble/daimyo control) as being worse, and the belief that his wise and noble father would not have chosen a scheming seductress as his second wife, did he originally consent to Mikoto’s regency and later her personal rule. 
      • Hinoka: The first princess of Hoshido. Roughly 22 years old. Her mother Ikona chose to raise her as a maiden, a the traditional path for a Hoshidan princess or noblewoman. Mikoto when she became Hinoka’s stepmother, continued rearing Hinoka according to Ikona’s wishes. However, when Kamui was taken hostage by Nohr, Hinoka suddenly rejected her life as a maiden. Hinoka felt that she could not be passive with her sibling kidnapped, she wanted to help bring her sibling back and disliked a more traditional Hoshidan female upbringing. Thus, Hinoka’s true nature, brash and impatient, came to the surface and she revolted. Hinoka got out of hand with her servants trying to raise her as a maiden, but Mikoto defused the situation and allowed Hinoka to train as a warrior. Far happier this way (Mikoto and Hinoka finally started to grow closer), Hinoka took her training very seriously and dedicated herself to rescuing her kidnapped sibling, as well as fighting for Hoshido, its people, and the rest of her family. Like Ryoma, Takumi, and Aqua, she was raised with an understanding of how to govern, not that she would ever need it. She dedicated herself to the naginata after practicing a little with other weapons. Yet feeling it wasn’t enough, Hinoka took up tenma riding, and she found it both a rigorous challenge and liberating too. An animal lover as a result. While she did receive training at the Hoshido’s great military academy for royals, nobles, and the wealthy, the need to restrain her temper and led Mikoto to bring her to Hoshidan temples. There, Hinoka received instruction from monks and nuns and became highly disciplined, particularly since the discipline gained at the temples led her to take in military discipline better. The amazement at the single-minded concentration of monastics also led her to narrow her focus on one weapon, the naginata. It was in these circumstances that Hinoka met Azama.
      • Takumi: The second prince of Hoshido. Insecure, but at the same time overconfident. Competitive with almost everyone. He is a mamma’s boy, and generally takes Mikoto’s side or submits to it. Mikoto has spoiled him, but he does know the difference between right and wrong and hasn’t gotten everything he’s wanted. Really wants to rescue their long lost sibling, and hates Nohr and Garon. He occasionally oversleeps or wakes up really tired (if it was a bad dream, a bogeyman Garon is often in it- Mikoto distillation of hatred of Garon into her kids apparently went too far in this case). His education was excellent, designed to make him a worthy spare just in case. He is not one for studying, but when he applies himself, he does well. He was shy during his earliest years, partly the result of a royal child’s early upbringing being quite a sheltered life. When Hinata was chosen for one of Takumi’s first playmates, the two bonded closely, and Hinata helped Takumi came out of his shell (and shoved him out of his shell from time to time too- the push him into a koi pond kind, but Hinata always apologized if he realized he had gone too far). Takumi became martially enthusiastic and took up every weapon he could, just like how a modern kid takes up a slew of sports. Takumi ultimately abandoned the katana and naginata, his elder brother and sister each being better than him with those weapons. Magic was a no, he wasn’t for healing, and clubs and shuriken were too large and heavy and too small and light respectively. Thus, he settled on the yumi, a decision also made by the fact that he liked archery and really enjoyed hunting with Kiragi. The Hoshidan national treasure the Fujin Yumi was bestowed on him as a gift from Ryoma and Mikoto when he became 16. Takumi takes good care of the weapon, and generally doesn’t let others touch it. Takumi still trains with other weapons too though. Likes looking nice, which partly explains why Oboro is his servant.
      • Sakura: The second princess of Hoshido. Coddled as the youngest of the Hoshidan siblings. She was raised in the shrine teachings and became a shrine maiden. Timid and passive, she nonetheless can show her strength when she feels she must. Mikoto is reminded of herself when she was young in Sakura, and to be fair, Mikoto actively sought to cultivate Sakura as a priestess if she did not mind it, she sought to give Sakura the life she herself was denied by fate. 
      • Saizo: Due to the facial differences between him and Kaze, he is no longer Kaze’s twin (or at least not genetically identical twin), instead, he is Kaze’s elder brother. Of 26 years (Kaze, as the little bro, is 21), Saizo was 11 when his father was killed years ago, making him the head of Hoshido’s royally-favored/aligned ninja school/“clan” (not everyone is related, and it is open to some newcomers- albeit not without great caution and conditions). Strict, though brazen he may be at times, he is still very disciplined and a great ninja overall. Like his liege Ryoma, he felt compelled to work towards proving himself as a leader from childhood due to his father’s death, and has managed to become the visible leader of his ninja school (the ninja elders handle much of the school’s interior management). As the head of Hoshido’s intelligence network and if need be espionage and covert activity, he reports directly to Ryoma, who has taken the great task of managing this institution from Mikoto’s shoulders. Furthermore, his ninja clan also has the duty of protecting Hoshido’s royal family and those people and objects deemed essential to the Hoshidan state, and thus serves Ryoma and others in the capacity of bodyguard (though they aren’t the only royal guards) as well. Very skilled in ninjutsu, particularly fire ones. He is the fifth Saizo, the tradition of the heir taking the name Saizo, the name of the founder, having been established to create the image of an immortal leader of an eternal and unchanging ninja clan.
      • Kagero: Of Saizo’s and Kaze’s ninja clan, she was chosen over her enfeebled brother to serve, and is 23. Very logical, professional, and emotionless, ideal ninja traits. All members of ninja clans, including the ladies, are tasked with some duties and given some intense training. In fact, women can make the most useful spies and assassins because people generally don’t think of them as deceptive. She was acknowledged by Saizo and the ninja elders for her abilities and was told to serve Mikoto. Yet within two years, Mikoto transferred her to Ryoma, thinking Ryoma could use the help, Kagero had no objections to this. Now, she serves Ryoma personally alongside Saizo as one of the best ninjas in their younger prime years around. She is particularly skilled in the capacity of field reconnaissance and intelligence with her excellent memory and acuity for detail.
      • Setsuna: A girl from high Hoshidan nobility. A bit quiet, fluid in her movements, yet clumsy, and overall of average ability. Originally raised to be a maiden and a fine wife, she was of a rather fragile beauty, as she continues to be. Despite her high background, she proved to be only average, the critical would say mediocre. A disappointment to her family, they changed her role from a potential noble wife to a lady servant of royalty (a proper high noble can’t serve anyone below them). Yet, after a particularly nasty trip during her training, her skills here too were determined sorely lacking. Thus, the only path left for Setsuna before consigning her to a nunnery was the Hoshidan military. Here, Setsuna displayed what seemed to be greater promise than elsewhere, her skills with a bow seemed solid. Of course, Setsuna flopped again on a major occasion, and it seemed like her future laid in a nunnery. However, Hinoka was present during Setsuna’s big mistake this time. Hinoka remembered having had Setsuna by her side when she too was originally destined for maidenhood and wifehood. Seeing how saddened she was that she had screwed up again, and told by Setsuna of her story of constant failure despite her hard efforts, Hinoka intervened and spared Setsuna from the fate her family had decided on. Delighted to have their daughter chosen by a royal princess as her servant, Setsuna’s family approved and she became Hinoka’s retainer. Thanks to her threefold training, Setsuna, though truly great at nothing, is equally at home when attending formal ceremonies and gatherings with Hinoka, doing domestic service for her, or taking her bow and helping Hinoka in battle. Setsuna does have some fine skills in particular aspects of domestic work, fighting, and ceremony, despite the overall averageness. Setsuna is not overly concerned with her failures, except when they involve major moments, she accepts her middling nature and is happy enough with her life.
      • Azama: Raised in a monastery from a young age, Azama was an orphan offered by a poor woman who could not care for him. Or, the younger son of a noble family whose vows of celibacy would keep the not that large inheritance from having to be split between him and his elder brother. Or, he was offered as a desire of his noble family to patronize their faith. Regardless, Azama learned the sacred writings and became a studious, clever, monk with a promising future. Yet, Azama is also acerbic, taunting, and inconsistent, qualities that make him hard to love. Azama, though able to recite entire chapters of scripture from memory, seems very superficial and aloof, he does not seem to take the teachings to heart. In a sense, his fluctuating regard and disregard for things of this world is in line with the teachings, but at the same time aren’t. He doesn’t mind pointing out the contradictions in his scriptures, and kind of use them to justify his ways. He confuses everyone because he is hard to pin down. He and Hinoka met when during one of her training sessions at a temple. He displayed his usual qualities, and he annoyed Hinoka, whose temper and demand for direct answers (though she isn’t so black-and-white like Takumi, she can digest complex answers easier than him) made her an easy target. Revisiting Azama’s temple over time, Azama continued to pester Hinoka whenever she came, but she grew more resilient to it with each visit. She too learned the temple writings as part of her training and discipline exercises, and could respond to Azama’s citations. Azama was saddened (so he said) that Hinoka was overcoming his jests and happily impressed by her learning. Azama then said he had done as he had as a way of testing Hinoka and helping set her mind on the right path, one backed by the teachings. Hinoka believed Azama (whether he was telling the truth or not is uncertain) and asked if he would be willing to become her personal spiritual aide. Azama agreed to the task, but as soon as he accepted it, Hinoka could tell from his response he might have been lying. Regardless, despite the fact he continues to annoy her and doesn’t always do as asked, and he continues to remain elusive as to his intentions, Hinoka trusts and relies on Azama, he is smart, and he hasn’t ever abandoned her since he became her retainer, which she takes as enough to prove his ultimate goodness. Azama does indeed provide Hinoka from time to time with serious and confidential spiritual guidance when she seeks it, and can attend to somber duties, but the jesting aloofness is never far away and easy to prod out.
      • Hinata- Started as a playmate of Takumi and met him around the age of five or six, the two are about the same age. From a mid-level noble family. Hinata helped turned the little prince, rather shy in his early years, into a outgoing active kid. Hinata is rough, wild, and doesn’t mind getting treated the same way, which the insecure and privileged prince can be to him. Takumi’s other best friend, Kiragi, who Takumi also met around the same time, is a good friend of Hinata too. His decision to become a retainer of Takumi originates in his desire to be with his best bud, and help and protect him. As wild and irresponsible as he can be, he in the end always tries to be mature and responsible regarding the health, safety, and emotions, of his little bro Hisame and Takumi too. He loves his little brother Hisame, and is concerned he takes life too seriously and is growing old before his time. Gets along with Oboro, but she is a little harsh on him and he doesn’t like it. Nonetheless, he does as she demands and helps with her shopping for Takumi or her tailoring of his stuff, albeit grudgingly. Takumi appreciates his helping of Oboro though, and likes it when he steps in when she toys with him a little, though chance has it he he sides with her at times. Hinata is rewarded by Oboro with the occasional nice outfit from her for his helping of Takumi and not ticking her off too much. (I’d very possibly turn Hinata into an Oni Savage to give us a second with Hisame no longer a kid.) Also, is a hobbyist woodcrafter and or metallurgist.
      • Oboro- Her grandfather was a fine artisan of textiles, who under the long reign of the pre-Sumeragi king, was able to establish themselves as a purveyor of clothing to the royal family of Hoshido. Her father took over the family business, and helped expand the business beyond Hoshido, catering to Nohr as well. Unfortunately, he was in the borderlands 15 years ago, and, though not himself an oligarch of the borderlands, had joined them in protesting Nohr’s new restrictions on trade. He (and possibly his wife) was killed by Nohr during the conflict as he tried to escape with the family’s assets in the borderlands (his wife would then have died of heartbreak if she wasn’t with him). (I don’t know if I want her (still wealthy and prestigious) family to be of borderlands origin, only to relocate after the Nohr takeover to Hoshido, where their rise to near-nobility is specifically due to Mikoto’s patronage, or not.) Oboro was taken in by one of her several uncles who continued running the family business in Hoshido. Oboro was raised on hatred towards Nohr stemming from her parents’ death. Oboro loves fashion and has been raised in the family business (like her cousins), but she also has strongly sought vengeance as well. While lacking noble background, her family had the wealth to enroll her in military academy to sate her desire, and soon became a top notch junior warrior. Training with Princess Hinoka on occasion, during one duel, Prince Takumi showed up. Takumi wanted to duel his sister, but she was tired at the moment. Takumi was eager to duel though, and decided if his sister wouldn’t duel him, he would duel her opponent. Oboro was willing to duel Takumi, and the two did. Oboro won, but was impressed by the prince, telling him she wouldn’t mind dueling him again. Impressed by his appearance, Takumi takes care to look cool, Hinoka is rather utilitarian, Oboro commented on Takumi’s appearance. Takumi responded she looked nice too. Oboro then thanked Takumi and he left. Oboro later brought Takumi on his birthday an outfit she had personally picked out for him. When Takumi later slipped it on, he stated there were a few things he didn’t like about the design, and that it was a bit too loose. Oboro then insisted on tailoring it to Takumi’s specifications. Soon after this event, the two starting chatting with each other, and shared their desires to get back at Nohr, the murderer of Oboro’s parents, and the kidnapper of Takumi’s sibling. United by a black-and-white worldview, Oboro and Takumi began to train together frequently, and soon she became his retainer. Oboro is infatuated with Takumi, his insecurity and stupidity is cute, his competitiveness fun. He is always uncomfortable around her when he is getting measured for clothing when it involves being in various states of undress, and always tries to have pants and an undershirt on. Oboro likes getting a peek at his skin though, and toys with him a little. Takumi does like showing off any musculature he has developed though. Hinata, being Takumi’s other retainer, gets along with Oboro. Hinata is less fashionable and less concerned with it, but generally finds most things Takumi finds cool cool as well. Oboro tries to enlist Hinata in helping her with Takumi’s attire, which he does okay in for an unskilled lackey (he is only so willing to help against his will). Oboro does hate it though when Hinata wears Takumi’s clothes, even when Takumi gave Hinata permission, she made/bought/customized them for Takumi and Takumi alone, Hinata will ruin them! She also hates it when he does things with Takumi that will lead to Takumi ruining his good clothes too, but she is very rarely angry at Takumi, only Hinata.
      • Hana was born into high nobility. Her father either founded or inherited a great sword school in Hoshido (borrow one of the historical schools- Musashi’s or Yagyu’s or anyone else’s- and make it the basis). Hana herself is one student of said school, and works vigorously to prove herself in it. She also has a knowledge of the other sword schools, and while preferring her father’s and boasting about it, tries to learn the rest as a challenge to them and herself. This interest in schools of the sword makes Hana also receptive to trying out other weapons or non-weapons and learning about their schools and personal styles as well. Hana, whose name means flower, has a bursting love for life and is high energy. She serves Sakura as her friend and retainer, using her as the focus point for her mediation when training (when it isn’t the sword(s) or Hoshido she is using as the locus). Occasionally, she tries to get Sakura to practice with her, to various results. More often, Sakura patches up Hana when she inflicts accidental injury on herself in her training.
      • Subaki: From a noble family in Hoshido with an excellent record of talent and service, Subaki carries his family’s pride as its heir. He is great at many things, and is so with a fraction of the effort others need much of the time. His excellence in Hoshido’s military academy meant he could have become one of Hoshido’s greatest generals, but instead, he chose to serve the young Princess Sakura. He met her on several formal occasions, he was saw her grace and serenity, and she saw that he was indeed a knightly young man. Rumors having spread of the two being perfect for each other, the dashing noble son of prominence, and a pure and innocent Hoshidan princess. Subaki, liking the princess, chose to fulfill this fantasy, and Sakura agreed to it. Obsessed with perfection, Subaki wishes to attain it, and works hard to move every inch he can closer to it, but knows he can never attain it, it always recedes into the distance, which leads him to be rather depressed on the inside. Likewise, his relationship with Sakura is not as it seems (kind of Hardin-Nyna). Subaki swore loyalty to Sakura because he thought it would please her and she, passive and timid, gave in to the public pressure. Subaki certainly likes Sakura, but when he chose to serve her, it was as much for the public image of it. He thought it the best option for exciting the public which adores him, and he particularly liked this option when factoring in what he thought Sakura wanted. In truth, Subaki became concerned that Sakura does not actually care for him after all. If so, he was burdening her with his forced presence and the attention he brought, and could not go back on this choice without ruining his image. Sakura was told to like Subaki by the public, and she did like him enough, but did she sincerely choose Subaki as a retainer? On second thought, when discovering Subaki’s fears, she realized she did not choose Subaki, nor does she sincerely love him romantically, not yet at least. Telling him this, Subaki was saddened. Sakura told Subaki that nonetheless, she appreciated him deeply since having become her retainer. Subaki, after the immediate sense of failure and wrongdoing, thanked Sakura and rededicated himself to her to compensate for his error. He would no longer be so overly concerned with being her knight, though he would not discard his public image, but would instead work to his utmost to serve his most kind princess Sakura, who has unfairly had to put up with him and his obsession with conforming to public expectations. (If this was converted a support chain, which I could see, the A ends with Subaki swearing to serve Sakura until the war ends and peace returns, yet it leaves open what he will do afterwards- allowing him to S someone else.) He enjoys life, and is inclined to indulge if the option is dangled before him.
      • Yukimura- Of about 40-50 years of age (a couple more than Mikoto, I think 45 sounds good; Sumeragi, during the war against Valla, would have been 29-ish), Yukimura is an accomplished nobleman of Hoshido. During the war 20 years prior, he as a young officer served with distinction. Likewise, during the brief conflict that occurred 15 years ago, Yukimura proved himself worthy of the promotions he had received after the first war. When the daimyo attempted to overthrow Mikoto at the very start of her independent reign afterwards, Yukimura served among the forces loyal to Her Majesty, and went to work quelling the opposition. When the opposition was quelled, Mikoto knew Yukimura had served her very effectively, and brought him into her officialdom, the pool of members of which was constrained by the strong daimyo opposition to her. Yukimura then proved himself to be equally amazing as a bureaucrat/politician, and became Mikoto’s single greatest minister/advisor, one of the greatest statesmen Hoshido ever had. Yet, sexism and disgust by the daimyos towards Mikoto led them to spread stories that Yukimura, whom she depended on since the beginning of her controversial rule, was more than just a servant. Yukimura, it was rumored, was in fact the brains behind the throne, using Mikoto as a puppet for his own rule. Other, related tales spoke of Yukimura, a man who was rather handsome, witty, intelligent, charming, and very well off, but who never married, as the secret lover of Mikoto. The details of these lover accusations could get out of hand and become rather crude. For the sake of not adding fuel to these fictions, Mikoto delayed her elevation of Yukimura to retainer status until later in her life. There is a kernel of truth to the rumors of romance though. Yukimura never married initially due to his busy military career, but when he became an official of Queen Mikoto, his heart fell in love with her. Yet, he knows she and he cannot be together for reasons of politics and proper royal-servant relations, and she knows it as well. Mikoto thanks Yukimura for his service dearly and superficially responds to his adorations, but lacks the real romantic attachment to him, another impediment to his love for her. Yukimura cares not about his noble line or estate, serving Hoshido and Queen Mikoto and her children is enough. Mild in temperament, a little eccentric, he is good at drawing insights about other people or from things, he is also interested in physics and the mechanics of things.
      • Orochi is of a family with a long history of being royal diviners. Orochi is roughly of Mikoto’s age, meaning the mid-late forties. Orochi first encountered Mikoto when she became a lady-in-waiting of Ikona. Once Queen, Orochi went from the rare acquaintance of Mikoto to her servant. The two quickly developed a good relationship, aided by Mikoto’s deep understanding of ritual due to her original life plans of being a leading member of the Vallite clergy. Orochi is something of a socialite, and she is versed in Hoshidan court politics and gossip. Her providing of such information to Mikoto assisted her in the early transition to being queen. Mikoto has used Orochi as a supervisor of her children at times, more so Takumi and Sakura. Orochi and Yukimura get along well, as the essential vassals of Mikoto. The two have considered marriage, which would allow each to continue their lineages, but, after years of considering it, they have chosen not to. Yukimura has given his heart to Mikoto, and Orochi chooses not to weigh herself down with a husband.
      • Reina- She first fought during the conflict 20 years ago as a fledgling Sky Knight (16-18 years old). Five years later, she fought once again, and by this time had developed her skills as a warrior. Silencing daimyo opposition to Mikoto, Reina emerged as a noted Kinshi Knight. Reina is of a lower background, her family worked breeding tenma and kinshi (somebody has to raise the mounts- surprised we haven’t had a cav who started as a stablehand yet). Managing animals means Reina has seen a good bit of life and death, and this, while not desensitizing herself to it, means she does not flinch at it as others do at the idea of killing. Knowing life is finite and precarious, Reina aims to make the most of it and boldly goes into battle. Massacring enemy combatants please her, and she chases after her foes. If they are so scared they surrender and never come back, good, she’ll be merciful. If they continue opposing her, another gut to open, yay! Reina stayed in the military when peace returned, becoming the commander of a whole division of Hoshido’s air force. She enjoys hunting bandits down; hunting animals doesn’t please her as much, they don’t deserve to perish so much. Though a bit excessive, Mikoto found Reina energetic and a loyal servant, and thus bestowed her with high honors.
      • Shura: A Kohgan bandit who seeks to rebuild his ruined country. Fifteen years ago, he was a young (15-20), but skilled Kohgan from its “ninja” school, which had Hoshidan inspiration, but also featured uniquely Kohgan elements. Claimed by Nohr after the fall of Valla as a concession for its victories against Hoshido in the preceding war, its “ninjas” were put to the test with the responsibility of rescuing Arete and Azura from the Ice Tribe. Shura was the youngest member of the force sent to rescue the two. Unfortunately, the Ice Tribe spotted them sneaking around, and the leader of the Kohgans opted to continue their operation, it having gone too far, rather than pull back and try again later. The rescue effort failed terribly, and many were butchered in the process. In the chaos, Shura saw Arete killed before him, and took Azura, hoping something would appease Garon more than nothing. He escaped successfully, but was badly injured and hid with Azura in tow, who did not leave him, as traumatized as she was for fear of her life. When he recovered, he went with Azura to a nearby Nohrian town, his appearance, not Nohrian, was quickly recognized, and he soon heard that King Garon had declared the destruction of Kohga for its unwillingness to obey him, and that Nohrian ships were moving in to destroy the island nation. Shura tried convincing local Nohrian officials he had Princess Azura (whose existence was still unknown to the public- all they knew was that Arete had been captured and killed), but, to no avail, and stating he was Kohgan led the officials to try to arrest him. Unwilling to hand Azura back to the man who was destroying his country and who it’d be impossible to get to anyhow, he nonetheless could not abandon the little girl in his company and instead decided to travel to Hoshido where he would not be persecuted. Taking the still silent Azura to Hoshido, he offered her, she was a beauty, to the Hoshidan royal court. She was presented as a poor, broken girl who could possibly be used as a servant; she was taken in and he was paid. Shura did not simply leave Azura to die or hand her over to a whorehouse because he knew of her origins and had a kinder side in his heart, but he still wanted to be compensated and refused to hand her to the man who destroyed his country. Shura has since worked to liberate Kohga, using whatever resources he can pillage from across the world, though he admits his efforts seem to have amounted to little despite over a decade at them .
      • Aqua/Azura:
        • Born as Princess Azura of Nohr, she lived the first 3-4 years of her life in secrecy, the daughter of Garon’s Official Mistress Arete. Prior to her official reveal, she was allowed to play for one full day with Leo, who was only a little older (1 and 1/2 year at most, probably less). She was soon to come of age when she would become known to the rest of her family and the public of Nohr when she, with her mother, were captured by the Ice Tribe, who raided their fortified living quarters when Arete went to peacefully negotiate an end to the Ice Tribe’s rebellion fifteen years ago. Surviving the failed hostage rescue effort Garon entrusted to Kohga, Azura was saved by Shura, the only other survivor not of the Ice Tribe. She was traumatized, and only Shura’s care kept her alive. Shura handed her over to the Hoshidan royal court, where she was presented to Queen Mikoto. Mikoto recognized in this girl her elder sister, and asking the quiet little thing about her origins, and feeling in her veins the same prolific power of the Silent Dragon she herself possessed, Mikoto was certain about who she was. Mikoto then cared for Azura, changing her name to Aqua to hide her from Garon, who’d threaten Corrin’s life if he found out. Aqua was given a noble title and estate, but was in fact raised as royalty under Mikoto’s care, raised like her own daughter. Mikoto wanted to keep Azura close, so when Azura asked about her father, who she still had some scant, pleasant memories of, Mikoto lied and said he had tried to kill Azura and her mother, who loved him dearly, but who was betrayed by Garon. The Ice Tribe became accomplices to Garon’s criminal act, the Kohgans became heroic outlaws who daringly rescued Azura from her captivity, but tragically failed to do the same with her mother. They brought Azura to Hoshido so as to keep her from being murdered by Garon, for he would surely do so if he had the chance. Azura thus grew to fear and hate her father, wanting vengeance on him and seeking to reclaim Corrin like the rest of the Hoshidan royals. Azura was so willing to listen to Mikoto because she gave her a new life after the trauma she went through. Mikoto consoled Azura and brought order to the bloody chaos she had gone through, explaining why it had happened and helping Azura move on. Azura remains quiet and composed, and also graceful, but has much improved. It took her hardly any time after she was introduced to the Hoshidan children to get used to calling them brother and sister. After waiting a few years, Mikoto told Azura she was the daughter of Vallite royalty, and that she too was a Vallite royal. Mikoto said they were two of a dying kind- besides them only Corrin, wherever they were, bore the full measure of the Silent Dragon’s power. As the rest of the Vallite royalty, clergy, and nobility of the blood had in all likelihood perished alongside Valla during its devastation and total collapse twenty years ago. Azura then began being instilled with all the Vallite wisdom Mikoto could pass on to her: history and rituals in particular. Azura was versed in the arts, as well as politics, court life, and the naginata as well for self-defense. 
      • Gunter: A Nohrian general of sixty years. Gunter served the king prior to Garon as a young soldier in the internal wars thirty years ago. Several years later, Gunter served again in the war with Hoshido that then suddenly and unexpectedly turned into a war with Hoshido against Valla. Gunter continued to serve Garon loyally, and received prominent positions of military administration and governance. In the brief conflict between Nohr and Hoshido fifteen years ago, Gunter was at first sent to the front to fight Hoshido, but when the Ice Tribe soon revolted, he was tasked instead with the situation there. When the Ice Tribe killed Arete, Gunter subjugated the Ice Tribe, breaking its resistance to the core and moving beyond the mountains to a brief campaign in the tundras which ended on a positive note for Nohr. Gunter afterwards became military governor of the Ice Tribe Mountains, installing Kilma as the Ice Tribe’s nominal head chieftain. Kilma had lost his son (and possibly wife) in Nohr’s suppression of the Ice Tribe, and was willing to tolerate being Nohr’s puppet, hoping that somehow, he would be able to help his people through this terrible period they would be going through for who knows how long. To keep Kilma obedient, his daughters Flora and Felicia were taken hostage, placed in the care of Gunter. Gunter himself had had a wife and daughter, yet both had perished (to what?- I can’t decide between Ice Tribe, or not Ice Tribe). This loss resigned Gunter to giving the rest of his life to selfless devotion to Nohr and King Garon. Besides governing the Ice Tribe and launching the occasional attack against the tundra, Gunter has temporarily departed from the role at times to help subdue desert nomad attacks, and peasant uprisings across Nohr. King Garon also seeks his counsel on military affairs frequently, as Garon respects Gunter as one of Nohr’s greatest and most loyal generals, despite Iago’s disaffection for the old stalwart (and by “disaffection”, I mean failed attempts to implicate him in anti-Garon plots). When Nohr and Hoshido begin warring again, Gunter is relieved of his duties in the Ice Tribe, and instead becomes the commanding general of Nohr’s conventional non-New Nobility forces. Though he rarely fights himself, he still can fight well for his age, his duties are issuing commands, managing logistics and developing strategy, which he is excellent at. From a minor noble family, Gunter rarely visited the old family estate after the loss of his wife and daughter stripped him of joy, and sold it and the title to Nohr’s treasury, choosing instead to live year-round in the governor’s mansion in the Ice Tribe Mountains. However, King Garon wanted Gunter for all his service to have some place of retreat from the bitter cold of the mountains, and when Gunter refused to accept one, forced him to accept the duty of mentoring the young Corrin in the martial arts, whose estate of confinement was on the northeast side of the Great Lake. The location was close to Krakenburg so they could be monitored, but not too much so that Hoshido would find out about Corrin, it was also deep within Nohr and safe from attack by anyone. The location also allowed Gunter to temporarily leave his duty while still managing it from a distance, to his liking, and featured a lovely view of the water, and plenty of sun and warmth. Gunter has come and gone from Corrin’s estate, which he goes to now for a month every so often getting the message Garon was sending him, though he still focuses on his duties to Nohr. Corrin has some potential Gunter thinks, but also sees that their isolated upbringing and lack of a full education impairs their talents.
      • Flora and Felicia: The daughters of the Ice Tribe Head Chieftain Kilma. They were taken hostage by Gunter with Garon’s approval at a young age to keep Kilma loyal to Nohr. Raised as Nohrians, with as much of their Ice Tribalism eradicated as Gunter possibly could, they have been taught to be lady servants. The two were traumatized when they became hostages and have since lived their lives with eyes monitoring them and with fear in their hearts. Still, the two have coped with their circumstances the best they can. Felicia, the one who was more traumatized initially, displays greater signs of coping, she is warmer, thinking things aren’t as bad as they seem to be, and is more naive. Gunter to them became a father figure, he was strict with them and forced them to abandon their Ice Tribe origins, but he displayed some element of love and care in his heart, enough to rush to cling to it and they appreciate him somewhat. As a precaution against the death of Kilma leading to possibly anarchy and violence in the Ice Tribe, Gunter, again with Garon’s approval, proposed training one of Kilma’s daughters to be the heir to the Ice Tribe should he die. Given the rigid cage they were in, it would be highly unlikely they would be killed, and betrayal would be impossible. Flora was chosen as the daughter heir, though initially Felicia was chosen and Flora, knowing Felicia was weaker, coaxed her into yielding it to her. Flora has thus met with her father on several occasions more than Felicia, and became versed from him in utmost secrecy about the Ice Tribe’s real condition and was filled with pride for her Tribe and its ways. Flora has in this became aware of exactly the situation her Tribe is in and has lost her naïveté. She displays innocence on the outside, and on the inside, has a desire to overthrow Nohr’s rule, if presented with the opportunity. What moderates the appearance and the desire is the recognition of the Ice Tribe’s precarious situation, like her father, she does not want to see the Ice Tribes further destroyed and does not want to see another failed revolt, but she so badly wants one at the same time. Gunter brought the sisters to Corrin’s estate, where the two served Corrin. Corrin was naive like Felicia, and the two got along well. Flora liked Corrin, but once she began being raised as the heir to the Tribe, she saw Corrin in a new light, another painfully innocent individual, who she could tell, though she knew not why, was also being held captive. Flora envies her sister and Corrin for being so innocent and free of worry, but they are also stupid pawns of Nohr to her, and she cannot go back to what they are, she knows too much.
      • Iago: Nohr’s enemy within. Either of low nobility or no noble status, perhaps he is even a lowborn commoner. Iago seeks power, and has carefully and cunningly navigated Nohrian politics to wedge himself at the top. Aims to make Garon his alone and rule Nohr through him. Hans and Zola are his henchmen, non-nobles who for their war and political abilities respectively and their personal loyalty to Iago have risen via the New Nobility.
      • Kotaro: Hoshido’s enemy within. From a low nobility family, he served when young with distinction in the Nohr-Hoshido war of about twenty years ago, and continued to fight in the brief Valla war too. He was eager for battle when news came of a new war between Nohr and Hoshido fifteen years ago, and was very disappointed when Mikoto surrendered. Thus, Kotaro joined the short-lived rebellion against Mikoto when she chose to become Queen in her own right. Keeping a low profile, Kotaro assisted the rebellion by killing Saizo's and Kaze’s father, who was head of the Queen’s ninja network. When the rebellion was quelled, Kotaro successfully buried his connections to it, blaming any ties to it which his family held on his father, who died within a year or two after the rebellion of natural causes. Kotaro used his cunning to expand his power and landholdings significantly in the peace of Mikoto’s reign, making Mokushu a regional power. For he restrained his open ambitions, he concealed his real desires for far more. He turned Mokushu into a ninja haven, establishing his own school/clan out of what was already present, but never contested the dominance of the “Saizo school/clan”. Court life he indulged in only infrequently, and with no goals in mind while there. He neither wanted to be at court too much, thus possibly exposing his plans to the eyes of Yukimura and Saizo, nor so little that they would fear he was scheming in Mokushu. When the new war with Nohr breaks out, Kotaro willingly joins Hoshido’s ranks, and humbly proves his old skill with the blade, and newfound tactical and logistical talents, are not lacking. Thus, combined with his bit of political clout, Kotaro rises in Hoshidan military affairs. From the start of the war however, Kotaro is his own person, willing to see what each side can do. Leaking bits of intelligence to Nohr, and collecting intel for Hoshido. All he wants is to be on the winning side and get a good chunk of the spoils. In both BR and CQ, he turns to Nohr ultimately.
      • Corrin: The young naive protagonist. In my version of things, there is a problem with Corrin being a hostage and not knowing the truth. While Garon has forbidden Corrin from knowing who they really are, he has to provide Mikoto with proof that Kamui yet lives. But to have Hoshidans see Kamui without realizing it is Prince/cess Corrin or calling out to them and saying it is and thus informing Corrin of the truth, is a difficult matter to overcome. My contrived solution turns to Corrin’s Vallite blood. Mikoto, demanding to know Kamui yet lives within a few months of the hostage taking, to which Garon responds he will not let Hoshido know where Kamui is specifically, nor anything that could lead to them trying to reclaim them. Mikoto responds to Garon’s concerns by telling Garon that Corrin has a unique blend of draconic blood that nobody else does (though she does not say exactly what it is, it is Major Silent, Minor Dawn, Takumi and Sakura have Minor Silent and either Major or Minor Dawn). Mikoto says that Garon should know and have access to draconic ritual techniques as the Major Dusk blooded King of Nohr. Deprive from Kamui yearly a Dragon’s Tear, a droplet of draconic power, a fragment of that of a Dragon-stone, and send it to her. She will know whether the Dragon’s Tear is from Kamui or not, and whether the Tear is freshly drawn or old. If Garon tries to trick her, she will see through it. This, will suffice as evidence that Kamui lives. Garon agrees, and does deprive from Corrin every year a Dragon’s Tear, which he does by drugging Corrin asleep and then performing the ritual, so as to make sure Corrin suspects nothing amiss or strange. Camilla, concerned about Corrin, is permitted by Garon to help extract the Dragon’s Tear, and Xander and Leo too later join in the ritual, and are told by their Father of the truth of Corrin, but are strictly forbidden to speak of it to anyone else. The performers of the ritual are kept in Garon’s personal retinue and hence Iago never gets involved or is interested in it. Camilla wants Corrin to stay Nohrian, so she says nothing, and Leo and Xander abide by their father’s decision. Though it pains Xander to see a mother deprived from her child, this non-aggression pact of sorts allows Nohr to focus on internal concerns. Elise knows nothing. Mikoto tells Yukimura, Orochi, Aqua and her children of the Dragon’s Tears, a couple of which the kids keep as cherished mementos of their missing sibling, but the Dragon’s Tears are not publicly permissible to discuss.
      • Fuga: The ~55 year old Chieftain over all the Wind Tribes in their homeland. Fuga as a chieftain’s son spent years in Hoshido learning about Hoshidan civilization for its uses. During his time in Hoshido, Fuga became acquainted with Prince Sumeragi, and the two became cordial with each other. Fuga returned to the Wind Tribe and inherited his father’s position as one of the lesser chieftains, a position he held when the Nohr-Hoshido War of more than twenty years ago broke out. The Wind Tribes remained neutral during the conflict, but when Valla got involved to stop the fighting, the Wind Tribe struck out to force Hoshido to sue for peace, just as the Ice Tribe did in Nohr. When Cadros decided to invade both Nohr and Hoshido however, Fuga joined his fellow tribesmen who were dissenting from Valla and fought the tribesmen who backed Valla. Thus Fuga contributed to keeping the Wind Tribes from invading Hoshido and subduing the Valla-loyal tribesmen. The threat averted, Hoshido could now focus on the Valla foe without worrying about being bitten by the Wind Tribe in the back. In return for their support, the new King Sumeragi of Hoshido bestowed praise and rewards on those who had fought to keep the Wind Tribes neutral, and renewed Hoshido’s respect for Wind Tribe independence. Fuga was present at this proclamation, and restored his personal ties with Sumeragi when they met. Fuga now rapidly rose in the Wind Tribes’ ranks due to the defeat of the Vallite tribesmen, and earned his place as Chieftain of all the Wind Tribes about a year before Sumeragi’s death. When Nohr invaded Hoshido again, Fuga kept the Wind Tribes neutral. When Mikoto was faced with internal rebellion, Fuga quelled his internal dissent and swore the Wind Tribes would offer no support nor shelter the rebels, and launched his own assaults on those near Wind Tribe territory. Mikoto was thankful to Fuga and the two, meeting on occasion, established strong ties between their states. Under Fuga, the Wind Tribes have prospered in a friendly relationship with Hoshido.
      • Mikoto: The Queen of Hoshido, a beautiful, kind, wise, motherly ruler. 
        • Born the second princess (tentatively named Lakshmi) of Valla, her plans in life were to become a leading member of the Vallite clergy, as befitting of a Vallite royal of the purest Silent Dragon blood. Fate worked out differently for the young Mikoto however. Her father Anankos XVII had culled the power of the Vallite priesthood, and her brother Prince Cadros on his ascension to the throne immediately moved to abolish it outright. Admiring the clergy, Mikoto sought to defend it, but would have to oppose her brother, and her inexperience with politics left her with little recourse but to obey her brother’s terrible will. Her elder sister Arete tried to help Mikoto and educate her in politics, but Mikoto was never able to mount a successful opposition to Cadros, due to what soon became of his reign. Arete became aware of Cadros’s plans to hold the kings of Nohr and Hoshido hostage, told her sister about them, and they planned to head to Nohr and Hoshido respectively for refuge from their brother and to warn the countries of the trap. Cadros caught them just before they succeeded however, and had them imprisoned, killing Arete’s first husband and children by him and the companions of both Arete and Mikoto. They were themselves spared and kept in isolation from each other- Cadros had plans for the two of them. Fortunately, he never got to act on those plans, as his invasions of Nohr and Hoshido failed and Valla and Centralia were in turn invaded. Cadros tried to hurry Mikoto and Arete to the Vallite capital, so that they could be used as vessels for more effective channeling of the Silent Dragon’s power and thus help win the tables turned war. But, Arete and Mikoto escaped independently of each other as they were being transported to the capital, and were secreted away by the people of Valla- who hated Cadros. Mikoto and Arete alike found their refuge to be short-lived, for before they recollect their political allies and turn to Nohr and Hoshido, Nohr and Hoshido came to them in most inglorious fashion. The Nohrian and Hoshidan invading armies were ill-behaved, having nothing but hatred towards the kingdom they had revered as the holy suzerain for centuries until the very moment their kings were taken captive, and the disbelief that followed the hostage taking quickly turned to purest rage once the ransoms were paid, only to see their kings then killed. The destruction of Valla was thorough, and not even the princesses of Valla were spared. Arete and Mikoto independent of each other tried to present themselves to Nohr and Hoshido, but to absolutely no avail. Arete was raped by the soldiers and then passed along to a number of different officers as their whore. Mikoto avoided the worst that Arete endured, but still lived a perilous existence where her life could end at any moment. When Hoshido and Nohr withdrew their armies having vanquished Cadros and destroyed the Vallite capital, Arete was dragged by her then owner back to Nohr. Mikoto attempted to establish stability, but the efforts amounted to knitting water. The destruction of Valla by Nohr and Hoshido was total- efforts had even been made to sow salt into the farmlands and render them infertile. Practically nothing remained of the administrative systems secular or religious. As if this wasn’t bad enough, Anankos XVII had spent decades at gradually increasing rates extracting more energy from Valla and the Silent Dragon than was being produced naturally as part of his plan to create a real and not just symbolic Vallite hegemony over Nohr, Hoshido and Centralia. Cadros had continued this policy and amplified it when he decided on conquering the world, depleting the last of the reserves which could be drained before inflicting mid-to-long-term damage to Valla. Cadros tried to counterbalance this by sapping increasing amounts of energy from Hoshido and Nohr, which was possible as the Silent Vein network extended deep into Nohr and Hoshido (the Dawn and Dusk networks only lightly penetrated Valla). But, easy extraction over these greater distances was not quite possible, and Cadros’s increasingly desperate defense of Valla just worsened things. The energy of the Silent Dragon and Valla having hit a critical low, the ecology of Valla, which was mountainous and fragile without adulteration, plummeted into oblivion. Of course, natural collapse just had to be followed by outbreaks of infectious disease. Fatalistic hedonism resulted in some from this portrait of societal collapse, and bandits and their big brothers warlords arose to vie over the resources which remained. This was the Valla Mikoto had to stitch back to normal. She was destined to fail, and fail she did. Mikoto, whose allies had been slain by Cadros and whose royal blood meant nothing to anyone anymore for it could do nothing given there was no longer any power in the land for her to draw upon and thus alleviate the people’s suffering, was reduced to a ragged beggar. She joined the East Vallites who were fleeing en masse to Hoshido as just another refugee. 
        • Mikoto, a woman of purest despair between the ages about twenty five and thirty five, was visiting one of many soup kitchens of sorts which had been established by Hoshido to deal with the wretched masses of Valla which were fleeing into North Hoshido. It just so happened that Queen Ikona was visiting that very soup kitchen when Mikoto was there in her tour of Hoshido’s response to the Vallite refugee situation. Ikona saw Mikoto, saw a certain something special- purity and regal presence- in Mikoto, and asked her about her backstory. Mikoto said little, but Ikona managed to get her to agree to come back with her to Shirasagi and to become her servant, which was part of a greater program by Ikona to have Hoshidan nobles and royalty add Vallites to their staffs to improve their terrible situation. Mikoto refused to give her real name to Ikona, and so Ikona chose Mikoto- one from Hoshidan popular legend and history- as her new name. Brought back to court, Ikona showed His Majesty her husband King Sumeragi the fruit of her tour, which included some of the Vallites she had rescued by giving them lives as servants, and Mikoto was among them. Mikoto was something of an oddity at court, though she wasn’t perfect in mastering Hoshidan mannerisms and social custom, she behaved liked she was very familiar with royal etiquette, and even seemed to have some understanding of politics and governance when asked the off question or two about them. Mikoto refused to say anything about herself however. Then, within a year of meeting Mikoto, Ikona grew deathly ill. It was under these conditions that Mikoto explained herself to Ikona, to tell her the truth of her mystery before she died. Mikoto then volunteered to try using the Dawn Vein to heal Ikona, but Ikona told her that was not necessary, it would not do any good. Ikona then told Sumeragi about Mikoto’s origins, and he agreed with her that Mikoto, the heir to a dead kingdom Sumeragi had helped destroy, deserved better. Ikona then told Mikoto that when she died, she would not have a problem with her wedding Sumeragi, it would amount to nothing other than a restoration of her old status in a new land. Mikoto said she could not accept this and wished to die celibate, to pass on like Valla. When Ikona died, Mikoto entered mourning as Sumeragi and Hoshido did. After the period of ritual mourning subsided, plus about half or even double, Sumeragi, in full sobriety and without emotion, spoke of what Ikona had told him, and asked Mikoto whether she wished to wed him or not. Mikoto replied that Sumeragi had no reason to apologize to her- Valla’s destruction was the result of her father and brother, and her own failure to stop them. Sumeragi told Mikoto not to beat herself up, and that at the least, he would now do all he could to preserve the artifacts of Valla’s history and to improve the situation of the Vallites now within his borders. Taking some time to think, after a month or so, Mikoto agreed to wed Sumeragi, who constructed a fictional story of Mikoto being the last of a fallen Hoshidan noble house of repute so as to hide her true origins but still make the marriage justifiable. They were married about 18 years prior to the game’s start.
        • Marriage to Sumeragi restored Mikoto’s self-esteem and joy. The lessons in politics her sister Arete, assumed to be dead, had taught her were brought to early blossom. Mikoto did all she could to become a Hoshidan, and came to love her new country, though Valla was forever entrenched in the depths of her heart. She and Sumeragi had a love grow between them, even though it was pity and respect for each other which had begun the marriage. She tried to be a good stepmother to Ryoma and Hinoka, who were initially reserved towards her, but who she eventually won over. She became pregnant shortly after marriage and gave birth to Corrin, who was then followed about a year later by Takumi. But alas! Mikoto’s happiness would prove fleeting again. Border issues began to arise between Nohr and Hoshido, and Sumeragi decided to head to the borderlands that once were Centralia to mend the declining situation. Sumeragi brought Corrin with him when he left for the borderlands, to publicly proclaim Corrin their highest duke/duchess of sorts as Mikoto had thought would be a nice title, given relations between Valla and Centralia had grown closer in the decades before the two kingdoms fell. Sumeragi died in the borderlands after war broke out and died when he fell for a feint, and Corrin was captured and later held hostage right in front of Mikoto by Garon. Between her country (what she should do as queen) and her child (what she wants to do as a mother), after difficult contemplation of the choice, Mikoto chose her child, thus ceding the borderlands in their entirety to Nohr. This was not a good time for Mikoto, the hostage crisis had come only after having hurried to establish her personal control over Hoshido in the immediate aftermath of the death of her husband Sumeragi. During this period, Hoshido’s forces successfully forced Nohr to the back to the ravine which defined the border between Nohr and Hoshido, which led to Garon turning to hostages to force an immediate ceasefire. Her choice to cede the borderlands and the end of the immediate crisis meant Mikoto the Queen Consort’s power was now in dispute, and nobles/daimyo sought to establish themselves as the regents for the young heir Prince Ryoma. Mikoto was wary of the effects of letting the nobles/daimyo have their way, she was afraid the unified kingdom of her husband would be left to rule by the petty and disparate. Mikoto decided that she would be Ryoma’s regent, to protect him and their realm, but the nobility/daimyo despised her because she had ceded the borderlands in exchange for the preservation of one child’s life instead of fighting on (a fair criticism, particularly since Kamui remained a hostage in Nohr). The nobles/daimyos attempted military action against Mikoto to dethrone her, but she quickly gathered her own retinue of loyal officials (Yukimura being one) and fought back. With the popular affection she had gathered in her few short years as Queen Consort, Mikoto turned public opinion against the rebels and she in a year’s time had them completely crushed. With Ryoma’s consent, Mikoto moved to cement her authority by becoming Queen of Hoshido, not just Queen Consort.
        • Such was Mikoto’s life up to fifteen years ago. With Corrin lost to her and Sumeragi dead, she grew increasingly protective and worried about her surviving children. She did all she could to win the trust and affection of Ryoma and Hinoka, and coddled the infant Takumi with abandon. Sumeragi had gotten Mikoto pregnant with Sakura just before he left on the trip that would end in his death, and having to manage a war, a hostage crisis, and struggle for power all while undergoing the increasing burdens of pregnancy was a lot. Sakura’s near death to illness for her first couple months once she was out of the womb only served to further exaggerate Mikoto’s worries about her children. When a little girl with light blue hair, brought by a rogue (Shura) and bought from him was presented to Mikoto, she immediately saw her elder sister Arete in her features. Mikoto was delighted to find out from the little girl her sister had indeed survived, at least for a time, and was flabbergasted to discover she had entered a relationship with a king as well. Mikoto sought to make Azura her own daughter, but here, her mommy instincts got mixed up with her dark side- her grudge towards Garon. Azura was Garon’s child, and should be returned to him, from what the 2-3 year old Azura said, it seemed like Garon was nice to her. If Garon loved Azura, he would likely be in saddened with her gone, and thus Azura should be returned to Garon. But Mikoto could not return Azura to the man who stole her Corrin from her. But Mikoto would not use Azura to force demands on Garon the way he did on her. You don’t use your dear sister’s daughter who was experiencing trauma from having gone through a hostage crisis, as a hostage in another crisis. Plus, Azura came too late to matter, all she could do as a hostage was equalize things between Nohr and Hoshido as they were post-Corrin hostage crisis debacle- if Mikoto insisted on Garon returning East Centralia in exchange for Azura’s life, Garon could say no and threaten Corrin’s life if Mikoto refused to yield. Mikoto could have went to war with the equalization of hostage capabilities- but she did not want at all to risk Garon actually killing Corrin, which could still happen even if Garon was told about Azura and about Corrin being Arete’s niece/nephew. The solution to this headache and heartache over what to do with Azura was resolved by Mikoto lying to Azura that Garon, the man who Mikoto hated, had in fact tried to kill Azura and her mom, but was only half-successful. Garon was a seducer who tricked Arete in loving him and thinking his love was true, but when his passion ran its course he killed her and wanted to get rid of the evidence of their tryst- Azura- by killing her his own daughter too. Mikoto thus eradicated Azura’s love for her father, installing a desire for vengeance in its place, and thus kept Azura from ever wanting to return to Nohr and leave Mikoto. This transformation was crowned with Azura receiving the new name of Aqua to conceal her. When not raising her adopted and blood children, Mikoto was doing a pretty good job at the Queen of Hoshido thing. Her political and governing abilities, forged through Arete’s mentorship, her days of failure trying to rein in the chaos in Valla, her stint as a servant, and her time as a consort, blossomed magnificently. Mikoto established efficient government which was responsive to the people. She kept her foot on key offices in the bureaucracy, while at the same time managing competing interests and making carefully measured concessions to the opposition to her rule which remained embedded in the political system. As Ryoma matured, Mikoto made sure he had everything he wanted and more in his quest to become grow into being a worthy heir to his father. Mikoto refused to hand the throne to Ryoma once he became of age, citing a desire to keep him from the burdens of rules and let him further mature. But, Mikoto acknowledged Ryoma deserved a chance to do what he wanted to do out of his great sense of duty to all, and so let gradually let him get involved in politics and governance to the point where he was all but a co-ruler in title. Though Mikoto kept the majority of ultimate power to herself, as well as the highest trappings of monarchy, Ryoma did not really mind- Mikoto he could clearly see was a good monarch who was doing what she thought was the best for her children, no need to rock a boat was that sailing smoothly and demand Mikoto stand aside. This is Mikoto’s life as it is at the start of Fates, happy, prosperous, but her grudge towards Garon looms in her shadows.
      • Arete- First Princess of Valla, born under the tentative name of Shri. The eldest of the children of King Anankos XVII, she was inclined towards politics, and married a good man. Her father passed over her in favor of his middle child Cadros, for Arete, though approving of the gradual increase in interaction between Valla and the outside world her father initiated, she aimed to make the opening more reciprocal- not simply slanted towards Valla gaining from without as her father desired. Her relationship with Cadros was rocky, but her bond with her little naive sister Mikoto was strong. Originally, when the king of Centralia died before Nohr-Hoshido hostilities broke out, Arete proposed her husband being installed as the new Centralian king to forestall war between Nohr and Hoshido, such a practice of a monarch placing his lackey on the Centralian throne was not without precedent. But Cadros questioned the loyalty of his brother-in-law and sister, and feared they would combine their clout in Valla with rule in Centralia to overthrow him. Instead, Cadros let Centralia go without a king, let war break out, and only later proposed himself becoming Centralia’s king, an unprecedented move. During all this, Arete was attempting to resist Cadros’s policies, to some measures of success, while teaching Mikoto a little of politics and learning from her just how serious the plight of the Vallite clergy and the drain on Valla’s magical energies was. As Cadros moved towards greater and greater autocracy, Arete became ever the more an irritant to him, but he could not take her down yet. When Arete learned of Cadros’s plans to take the kings of Nohr and Hoshido hostage, she and Mikoto tried to stop him, but were caught and imprisoned, with all they loved executed, including Arete’s first husband and children by him (a threat to Cadros’s reign). When Nohr invaded West Valla, Arete was being transported to the Vallite capital, but managed to miraculously escape. Arete tried to turn to Nohr for help, but the savage, hate-filled Nohrian regulars mocked her claims, ravaged her, and sold her off to the next when they grew tired of her. When the Valla invasion ended, she was dragged to Nohr by her owner, and eventually ended up being seen by Garon. Garon, a charming womanizer, fell for Arete and obtained her from her then owner. Arete had despaired through everything she had gone through since Cadros imprisoned her, and now she was to be the concubine of the King of Nohr. Her sorrow, which had now turned to apathy towards life, was palpable to Garon, who could also perceive her regal element. Garon was moved by Arete and decided to shower her with gifts and all else she desired. Arete deemed it the typical ephemeral passions of a lustful king, and thus accepted them with little joy. Yet Garon seemed truly desperate to earn her love, and she realized she could use this to her advantage, and attempted to gain access to Nohrian politics through him. Not only did Arete become involved in her favorite hobby once again, which delighted her, Garon was impressed by his mistress’s talents and realized he was truly in love with a special woman. Arete at last revealed her origins to Garon, who was deeply remorseful that he had destroyed her country and that her soldiers had forced her to such unbearable lows. As he was wedded, Arete could not become Garon’s wife, but he elevated her to the prestigious position of Official Mistress. Arete brushed aside Garon’s affairs with other women, his heart had a fine and enduring place for her, even if his passions made room for others. Yet unlike these other lovers, Arete was bestowed with a child by Garon, Azura, and promised Arete he would see to it that she was legitimized and raised as befitting a Princess of Nohr, with all of holy Valla’s memory distilled into her as well. In addition, Garon moderated his policy towards Vallite refugees in Nohr, and gave Arete a position of power concerning them. When Garon was busy handling deteriorating relations with Hoshido and the Ice Tribes revolted, Arete volunteered to supervise the situation. Despite being well-guarded, Arete’s place of residence near the Ice Tribes came under attack and she and Azura were kidnapped and held hostage. Garon attempted an operation to rescue his beloved and their daughter, but it ended with Arete’s bloody death, her last moments filled with worry over the life of her daughter beside her.
    • Cadros- The brother of Arete and Mikoto. He had only minor Silent blood, and was envious his sisters had major. He knew all too well that Valla was supposed to be the holy superior to both Nohr and Hoshido and all other kingdoms, but the reality suggested it was less than almighty. It had spent the centuries largely isolationist, not flexing its might, most absurdly he would add. Cadros sought like his father before him to assert a real Vallite hegemony over Nohr and Hoshido, which had advanced greatly since the founding of the kingdoms so long ago. A god complex defines him, he believes he has the power of a god, deserves to be treated like one, and seeks to prove it. He died twenty years ago, slain by Garon and Sumeragi in Valla’s grand palace, his death, the result of his ambitions, marked the end of the kingdom of Valla.
    • Garon- The King of Nohr. In his early to mid fifties, Garon has ruled Nohr for about twenty years. 
      • Garon was raised in Nohr during a turbulent era. Nohr had expanded vastly over the centuries (conquering its great historical rival Cheve and the remaining independent countries west of Centralia between 150-100 years ago), but its expansions, despite prior efforts, had always remained dysfunctionally disconnected- different bureaucratic structures and names and practices prevailed across the lands, and not always simply due to justifiable regional differences. With no further conquests possible without expanding into Valla, Hoshido, or Centralia, Nohr’s modern boundaries were established. But, the system began to move towards utter collapse as the dysfunction bestowed great power on the regional nobles, whose mastery of their incoherent regional laws, tax systems and such was not had by the king and his men. So for a king to get things from his more distant possessions, he needed the regional nobles. And of course oligarchies or monopolies on regional power emerged in many provinces, meaning there were few choices as to who a king could turn to in a region. A series of weak Nohrian kings allowed this to worsen. Garon’s two predecessor kings (either his grandfather and father, or great grandfather and father) sought to vanquish this nightmare and create a unified and effectively governed from the Nohrian political center. The regional nobles protested, and it took decades of civil war and then political quid pro quo squabbling to finally pacify the peripheral regions, create a more coherent set of laws and institutions, and keep the nobles from revolting again by giving them a stake not worth forsaking in the new system. In this history, the earlier predecessor had been the bolder, more successful, more original, and more talented king. Garon’s father began his rule in a rather weak position, a result of his youth on ascension and his natural character. Garon’s Father’s early rule was thus a period when the nobility sensed an opportunity to rebel and reclaim what had been stripped from them. Fortunately, Garon’s Father developed a retinue dedicated to the centralization of Nohrian power, and over decades managed to at last wrest power from the decentralized nobles. In an effort to keep the country unified when prolonged famine struck, the king’s advisors agreed to seek imports from Hoshido, Centralia, and Valla. Hoshido refused saying it had just gone through its own famine, Centralia charged too much given it could play Hoshidan and Nohrian demands against each other. And Valla claimed its historical aloofness which had relegated its foreign interventions to the most serious international political disputes, but which flew in the fast of Anankos XVII’s recent opening of Valla to foreigners. The king’s advisors thus chose to invade Centralia as a desperate measure for food acquisition, and at the same time hoping the fortunes and travails of even a short war could be used to promote national unity. Hoshido responded by coming to Centralia’s defense. However, soon the King of Centralia died leaving the country headless in a time of war and the war basically became one between Nohr and Hoshido with Centralia as the backdrop. The war went on for four or five years, long enough to drain the Nohrian treasury enough to make Nohr wanting of peace. 
      • When Garon’s father was killed by Cadros King of Valla (and the new King of Centralia) during peace talks Cadros arranged in Valla, the thirty year old new King of Nohr set out and destroyed Valla with Hoshido after repelling its invasion forces. Garon is serious, and rarely displays much emotion, despite what his interior may bear. He is like his predecessors austere and somber, and even when delighting in luxuries, keeps his visible outward pleasure minimal. Nohr’s rulers must be majestic through austerity, they must appear indifferent, they must, unlike the worst hedonism and selfishness of the nobles, be able to perceive what is right for Nohr far into the future and to get it done, even at personal loss. Of course, that is the nominal, the ideal, not quite the reality. Garon was since early adulthood also a womanizer, and was rather handsome during those years. He married a woman of high nobility, who ended up bearing four good children for him- the Nohrian royal children. But, as permitted by Nohrian custom, he had affairs. He took care to avoid the conceiving of illegitimates on his lovers, though he did not always succeed, for the sake of appearing responsible and not hedonistic. His early years were promising, he worked to continue in his predecessors’ ways and centralize and render more efficient the Nohrian government, with particular attention to integrating his new possessions of the Kohgan Islands (wrestled during the Hoshido War from Hoshido), West Centralia (Hoshido took the East half), and the Ice Tribe Mountains (the Ice Tribe had sided with Valla- justifying Nohrian conquest of this historically bothersome neighbor), in addition to managing the influx of West Vallite refugees. He fell in love with Arete, who became his only paramour for some time thereafter, though invariably he returned eventually to other women, he did all he could to make sure Arete felt loved, appointed her as Official Mistress, and gave her a child, Azura, whom he swore he would legitimize (once she got past those early years when children were all too oft to die in premodern society). When Arete and Azura were captured by the Ice Tribes and held hostage, Garon had Kohga’s “ninjas” prepare a rescue team, but it failed and Arete and presumably Azura died. Wanting vengeance without end, but unable to sate it on the Ice Tribes, Garon believed that Hoshido (related to the concurrent outbreak of war between the two kingdoms originating in disagreements in trade policy in the divided Centralian lands) had worked with the Ice Tribes and decided to punish them by holding Kamui, who had coincidentally ended up in Garon’s possession, hostage. Doing this won Garon East Centralia for Nohr without having to do much fighting, but also Mikoto’s undying ire. On returning to Krakenburg with the Ice Tribe and Hoshido issues settled, Garon broke down. He cried without end, he considered suicide. His servants and officials tried to hide his madness and alleviate it. Garon partly unleashed his frustrations sexually, and though efforts were made to secure a constant supply of fresh women and virgins even, Garon could suddenly lash out for any woman at any time. Madness eventually gave way to clarity, and though he resumed his austere and rational image, no amount of cosmetics (he needed them- the madness took a physical toll) could hide the fact he was a changed man. Garon’s vigorous efforts to reform and govern Nohr demanded he always be active, but recurring bouts of prolonged madness and episodes of irrational thought processes interfered with his goals. In one bout of madness, he beat his wife to death in front of little Camilla. In another, he conceived Forrest on a poor maid. He refused to take a new wife, but woke from another bout of madness later to discover he had wedded another woman. He immediately compensated her (she miscarried by the way) and bade his servants to not listen to his orders when he was clearly mad, which they always found difficult to do because when mad he would threaten their lives. For Nohr to be governed, Garon increasingly relied on others, Xander eagerly became the mouthpiece of Garon, wanting to help his father. Iago also showed himself seemingly capable and loyal to Garon, and Iago’s fortunes rose in Nohrian politics from nothing to highest non-royal official, arguably second only to His Majesty. Prince Leo too sought to help his father, but was wary of Iago (with good reason as my Conquest shows). Iago hated Leo in returned tried to discredit him to His Majesty and even covertly kill the prince, but failed in every attempt. Thus, two factions at the Nohrian court arose, the Leonine, and the Iago faction. Their fortunes would be dependent on a combination of their talents at convincing Garon of their correctness, and Garon’s unpredictable will. Such was Garon’s rule- a promising start turned to into a tragedy that threatened to undo everything that Garon’s predecessors had worked towards, and he feared that was the case.


Edited by Interdimensional Observer
Added a bunch of character rewrites
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Well the game never really says why they were there, shelter yes, but for how long- who knows? Imagine Ike and Mist growing up among Laguz. Actually, we're never told whether the neighbors of Greil and Elena were Beorc or Laguz. I assumed Beorc, but presumably because I kind of forgot that the Beorc in the Greil berserk CG are likely some of the assailants Volke speaks of given they're armed, my bad! 

However, the old man who taught Soren magic was living in Gallia, so there has to be at least the occasional Beorc hermit in Gallia.

That said, I also wanted to balance things between the Laguz and Beorc. We're told on a few minor occasions that the Laguz once dominated over the Beorc, but largely we get shown no more than "Hiss, pathetic humans!" regarding Laguz discrimination towards Beorc in the present day of Tellius. The dragons are all neutral, the Herons regal pacifists, the Ravens with work with or attack anyone regardless of race, and the Hawks we're told only attack Begnion ships because of the Serenes Massacre.

On the other hand, we get plenty of Beorc discrimination against the Laguz. I wanted to balance the picture a little. And adding a form of Beorc slavery to Gallia appeared to be a viable way of doing that. Historically, forcing minorities (European Jews to name one) or even majorities (South Africa's blacks) into confined areas and restricting their choice of livelihoods is not uncommon.

If we didn't have an official timeline. I would have liked to add a great, ambitious king of Gallia who conquered about half of Crimea, up to the river clearly visible on the map. And who held onto it for several decades, even claiming the northeast bank near the mouth of the river. He would have claimed the whole, but Begnion and Daein could only acquiesce to so much Crimean ruin. Of course, the great Gallian king eventually dies and then Crimea, perhaps led by a Count of Fayre (Bastian's title), reclaims all the lost territory over time.

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I see...if there was beorc slavery though, it had to be eons ago. Because we never hear of it, only laguz slavery. Where does it mention the hermit in Gallia teaching Soren magic?

Edited by Dragoncat
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