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ESCAPE: common house, common living

Flee Fleet!

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17 minutes ago, Commander Xelon said:

/use axe on computer

Out of frustation, you take the axe from the cupboard and are about to use it on the computer. However:

"Hey, I came to check on you- what the heck are you doing?!", shouts Red.

You explain to her that you can't solve the puzzle.

"Ugh, are you kidding me? Let me see, Blue", she says, and sits on the chair. She looks at the computer, sees the puzzle, and types:

10 20 11 10 27

" PUZZLE SOLVED! 5th volume" displayed on the screen.

"Ugh, I know I couldn't do this puzzle on my first try, because I didn't how the puzzle worked, but after seeing that note about hexadecimal in the Blue room, this was pretty easy to solve.

You woke up in the Blue room right? How could you not have solved this puzzle?!" Red shouts. She then goes back to the Blue room.

Feeling ashamed of yourself, you stand still, with the hand in your axe. You decide to take the axe with you. Now, what's this about a 5th volume?

@Corrobin Well, you decide to go read the comics. Which volume to pick...

You also have that history book, but you don't find history interesting unless it'sin comic form.

Edited by Flee Fleet!
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Just now, Corrobin said:

/Read the fifth comic book. Ask Red if she found anything we didn't in the Blue room, as well.

You decide to take out the fifth volume and read it....

...the pages are blank. Uh...but it does have something written on it:

"Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the prettiest of them all?"

"Queen Victoria, obviously"

"Excuse me what?"

"Like I said, Queen Victoria is the prettiest"

"HOW DARE YOU MIRROR! I'll have you beheaded!"

"I don't have a head though"

"Then I'll have you broken by an axe, or a knife, OR SOMETHING ELSE!"

Well, that was interesting.

You go back to the Blue room to find Red, looking at herself in the mirror. She says she found a really small hole on one of the walls, and that's about it. She also says that her hair's quite messy, and wish she could find a hair brush.


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/Ask her to put the key from the guy's head into the hole. Then, take the axe and smash the Queen Victoria picture and the mirror.

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5 minutes ago, Corrobin said:

/Ask her to put the key from the guy's head into the hole. Then, take the axe and smash the Queen Victoria picture and the mirror.

She says the hole is too small for the key.

You take the axe and destory the Queen Victoria picture. That didn't really help.

You smash the mirror. All the shards are now on the ground. 

"what was that for ?!", Red shouts, shocked and all.

There seems to have been something else fallen along with the mirror shards....a keycard. You guess it was inside the mirror.

"wait, so now we can get out?", says Red, looking happy.

However, there is something written on the bsck of the keycard: only one

What does that mean?

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/ Say "I think it means that only one of us can escape with this. I say we try and find a second one, so both of us can escape."

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15 minutes ago, Corrobin said:

/ Say "I think it means that only one of us can escape with this. I say we try and find a second one, so both of us can escape."

You say that to Red, who answers:

"Is that so? Hmm.....you know, now that I think about it, I get why there's a dead body here. Oh well, let's find a second exit, if we can..."

Red goes out of the blue room, towards the red room.

What will you do know?

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/Ask her if we can take a look at the Venus keycard she has. Also...

1. Check the drawer on the computer desk

2. Open the window in the red room

3. Eat a fruit from the basket, and offer Red one as well.

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1 minute ago, Corrobin said:

/Ask her if we can take a look at the Venus keycard she has. Also...

1. Check the drawer on the computer desk

2. Open the window in the red room

3. Eat a fruit from the basket, and offer Red one as well.

"uh, it's a pin, not a keycard, but okay...", says Red, and gives the pin to you. 

You go to the Red room and check the drawer on the computer desk. Inside, you find a poster of some anime, and a note that reads:

I wish we had a window, not some brick wall. Oh why, why can I not see the inside!

That is some foreshadowing right there, mates.

You open the curtains to find not a window but a brick wall. There seems to be something written on it with....spray paint, probably:


Behind a picture? Red seems to not be amused.

You take an apple from the fruit basket, and offer Red as well. Both you and Red eat it...It was good enough, in your opinion. Red seems to have enjoyed it though, and also says " I actually took one before. These apples are great. Better than what a lemon candy would taste like". "Did she just insult my precious lemon candies!? Why you...", you say in your mind. Boy, you sure are triggered.


8 minutes ago, DeoxyRibose said:

/hide the axe where Red's treacherous hands can NEVER get on it

Fortunately, before you left the Red room, you put the axe under the blue bed. At least Red won't hack you with it now.

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11 minutes ago, Corrobin said:

/Examine anime picture

You pick up the anime poster, but there's nothing interesting about it. It does seem like however that there used to be a pin on it.


12 minutes ago, DeoxyRibose said:

/check behind the picture in the red room, I guess 

if it has a picture.

Well, there is the picture of Akbar. Well more like portrait, actually.

You remove the picture from it's place....and there you have it. An empty hollow space on the wall, about the size of the portrait....but there's nothing inside however....that's odd. What was the purpose of this hollow space?

You look towards Red, who has taken another apple from the fruit basket. 

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/Take the Venus pin, stick it in the hole in the portrait, then pin it into the hole in the wall in the Blue room that Red found. Also...

1. Check to see if there is anything under the basket, or in it besides apples.'

2. Ask Red to look through the other four comic books

3. Take the map from the blue room off the wall

4. Look inside the dead dude's pockets, and remove him from the door while we're at it.

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22 minutes ago, Corrobin said:

/Take the Venus pin, stick it in the hole in the portrait, then pin it into the hole in the wall in the Blue room that Red found. Also...

1. Check to see if there is anything under the basket, or in it besides apples.'

2. Ask Red to look through the other four comic books

3. Take the map from the blue room off the wall

4. Look inside the dead dude's pockets, and remove him from the door while we're at it.

There's no hole in any potrait, so you just stick it in the poster's hole. Nothing happened.

You stick the pin into the small hole in the Blue Room...it perfectly fits! You heard a sound come from the other red room.

"BLUE! Look at this!", shouts Red. You rush over to her.

Apparently there's a door in the place of the brick wall the curtains were covering. It's locked, and needs to be opened with a key...but....

"ONLY ONE" is written on it. 

You also tell Red to look through the other volumes of the comic book, "Queen Victoria". She she's like "ugh, whatever", and starts looking through them.

You take the map from the blue room.

You go to the dead dude, reluctantly, and decide to check his pockets. Red could have done this instead, but oh well. You remove him from the door, and check his pockets to find 2 lemon candies. 


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/ Say "Well, I'll use the key card on the front door, and you can use the head key on this door. In theory, we should both escape."

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35 minutes ago, Corrobin said:

/ Say "Well, I'll use the key card on the front door, and you can use the head key on this door. In theory, we should both escape."

In reply, Red says: "okay..."


both you and Red are silent. Red seems to be in thought, and then finally breaks the silence:

"....but, what if, one of these doors is not the exit. What if one of these is fake. That would mean only one of us can escape after all...

Are you sure.....what if the large door's the exit, and this door...is not? That means I would..."

Seems like someone really wants to think negatively about things, huh?

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1 minute ago, Corrobin said:

/Say "Then I'll go in this door and you can go in that one."

"And how should I know that the large door is not the fake exit?!"

Red is just now becoming annoying.

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/Say "Let's do one final sweep, look for any other things we may have missed. We might open a door we can both use, or verify the validity of both doors, or whatever."

1. Start reading the Akbar book.

2. Ask Red if she found anything in the comics.

3. Examine the floor and ceiling of the Red Room and corridor.

4. See if there is something behind where the map was or behind the Akbar portrait.

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/tell Red "Life is all about making tough decisions, and life and death can easily be put on a flip of a coin. But if we make no choices, nothing can be solved. Those who don't choose lose their stake to life or death. SO GO THROUGH THE DANG DOOR."

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23 hours ago, Corrobin said:

/Say "Let's do one final sweep, look for any other things we may have missed. We might open a door we can both use, or verify the validity of both doors, or whatever."

1. Start reading the Akbar book.

2. Ask Red if she found anything in the comics.

3. Examine the floor and ceiling of the Red Room and corridor.

4. See if there is something behind where the map was or behind the Akbar portrait.

You say that to Red, and begin reading the Akbar book. It's pretty much about the history about Akbar's life- oh, a note fell. It says

"Two things can not be the same because of one other thing. Unless the correct way is followed."

"Wow. That's subtle", you say to yourself.

You ask Red if she found anything in the comics. She replies with a "No."

"The floor and ceiling are red red red. But not as red as blood. Ha ha ha.", you sing to yourself. Red is looking at you weirdly now.

In the corridor, well, there's the body and the door.

There's nothing behind where the map was, and behind Akbar's potrait is, well, the hollow space. What is the purpose of the hollow space? Was something in it?


21 hours ago, DeoxyRibose said:

/tell Red "Life is all about making tough decisions, and life and death can easily be put on a flip of a coin. But if we make no choices, nothing can be solved. Those who don't choose lose their stake to life or death. SO GO THROUGH THE DANG DOOR."


" OH SHUT UP! I don't want to get killed or trapped forever because of my choice! Ugh, just find some super secret exit, OKAY?!"

Red is totally annoyed by you now. You two can't co-operate well huh?

(btw guys I may not be too active for the rest of the week. School tests and all...do keep giving commands though. The game's almost finished)

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/Apologize for saying that, then show her the line from the book. Also...

1. Thoroughly feel out the Akbar portrait space

2. Investigate the basket with the apples. Is there anything in it besides them?

3. Check the pinned-up anime poster to see if anything came from pinning it up.

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11 hours ago, Corrobin said:

/Apologize for saying that, then show her the line from the book. Also...

1. Thoroughly feel out the Akbar portrait space

2. Investigate the basket with the apples. Is there anything in it besides them?

3. Check the pinned-up anime poster to see if anything came from pinning it up.

You apologized to Red, but she doesn't respond. Well, you did hear her say "Hmph!", but that isn't a really good answer either. Oh, well. You decide to show her the note that fell from the book about Akbar. She takes a moment to read it...and then says:

"Okay...this pretty much confirms what I was saying before. I'm very sure now that one of the doors is not the exit....but what does "Unless the correct way is followed" mean?". She then remains silent, looking like as if she was deep in thought. 

You decide to feel out the space behind the portrait of Akbar....nope, nothing. "What exactly is the purpose of this hollow space?", you say out loud. Red listens, looks around for a second, and then says "I don't know. Maybe something was supposed to be there, but someone forgot to put that something in?". You think for a moment about what Red said. Could that be true? You're not sure....so far, the puzzles have been solved easily and nothing seems out of place...so why this one?

You investigate the basket with the apples. Besides delicious red apples, there's nothing else in it....oh, look, a green apple.

You decide to check out the anime poster. You now notice that it apparently has some muscular anime dude with flashy clothes, posing, with some sort of...... floating muscular, magical, human? Must be some Greek humanoid creature.

You don't have a pin with you. The Venus pin is already stuck in that hole and pulling it out might make the second "exit" disappear. Therefore, you don't pin the anime poster.


Red comes in front of you suddenly, and asks:

"Hey, where's that axe of yours by the way? I thought you put it back in the cupboard...."

Edited by Flee Fleet!
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