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Best Characters for me to promote with Bolt and Guiding Ring


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I'm finishing up my Arena Abuse in Chapter 20.New Resolve.

For Orion's Bolt, I've got both Wil and Rebecca to 20. I know I'll get them both evolved, but between the two, who should be promoted first? I feel like Rebecca's stats are better suited to being the first to promote.

Wil: 32 HP, 14 Str, 15 Skl, 11 Spd, 12 Lck, 9 Def, 3 Res
Rebecca: 29 HP, 12 Str, 16 Skl, 18 Spd, 12 Lck, 5 Def, 7 Res

For the Guiding Ring, I've got both Priscilla and Erk. I've already promoted Serra, who has become an insane Bishop (at Bishop 10 she's at 43 HP, 19 Mag, 21 Skl, 24 Spd, 21 Lck, 8 Def, and 23 Res...making her hard to hit). I think having Priscilla promoted would be more beneficial, but what are your thoughts?

Priscilla: 25 HP, 14 Mag, 12 Skl, 16 Spd, 20 Lck, 7 Def, 14 Res
Erk: 33 HP, 17 Mag, 14 Skl, 15 Spd, 7 Lck, 5 Def, 10 Res

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Your archer are both about on their averages with only minor fluctuations. As for which to promote first, well, on Normal Mode, enemies are so weak it shouldn't matter too much. After promotion, they should both once promoted be doubling and near killing or outright killing things. I'd go for Wil, the speed boost should probably get him doubling everything, whereas Rebecca already can. But again, it's up to you.

Your Erk is 4-5 points above average on his Magic, which is ludicrously good even though he is slightly slower than usual. Your Priscilla is slightly above average overall. Do you want a spellcaster on a horse? Or a slightly stronger one on foot? Erk will give you another healer, but Priscilla will give you another attacker. I'd pick Priscilla. The upcoming desert battle might incline you to promote Erk instead, but your blessed Serra should demolish it no problem.

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In the Arena here on New Resolve (just now finishing up with Florina, and then boss death time), Rebecca was doubling, and in probably about half the time, Wil seemed to be doubling. I think I'm going for Wil to help get him to doubling for sure.

You reminded me about the desert battle. This was a cartridge I bought off a friend, and I stupidly erased everything BEFORE starting a new game ahead of time so I had to start from scratch. I'm sitting here on 20E right now and it's been years since I played this version (I've mostly been playing the "max everything for every character" style of playing for Awakening). I think I'm going to go with Erk. Priscilla has a high enough evade she can move through along with everyone else and keep them healed.

Is there a suggest amount of money to come out of this chapter with? I think it's a while before I get to the secret shop with the promote items.

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There is an Item Locations page here on SF for FE7. You can already have two Guiding Rings by the point you're at, and the third can be found on Jasmine (one of the two bosses) in the desert chapter, though you do have to steal it with a thief. Chapter 29 is where the promotion item Secret Shop is by the way. Chapter 23 gives you the second Orion's Bolt. 

On the topic of Secret Shops, consider visiting the one in 21 for a Physic staff or two if you didn't buy them in Chapter 19. They're pricey, but ranged healing is nice. And, Chest Keys can make thieves obsolete outside of stealing, and the price is certainly bearable if you think fielding a thief is adding deadweight to your team. The Four Fanged Offense Secret Shop can be skipped completely, all it sells are weakness effective weapons- save your money for Unfulfilled Heart's selection of killer weapons if you want power.

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