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Fire Emblem Heroes: Warriors From Across The Realm (Story Collection)


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Author's notes: So I was inspired by this guy named Fusion on Amino. He's currently making a series called "I'm not alone anymore!" starring Tiki, Alfonse, Sharena, and Anna so I thought I would make one here, reflecting my own collection Heroes. The Heroes on the Askran side reflect on the Heroes I have on my account so it'll change when I get a new hero, but at this point, with the way my luck is going, it won't be often. Also, this topic will feature a series of stories meaning that it'll update daily with a new arc concerning a certain hero. The first story will feature Caeda, Marth's fiancee...enemy in this story (until I get him of course). So...enjoy!

Part 1: Cries of a Pegasus (Caeda)

Caeda gazed at the stars as she lied on the cool grass alone. It was almost midnight and she had spent the day going around the kingdom of Askr, training with Ogma, talking with Palla and Est, and meeting other Heroes from other realms. She also chatted with Sharena, who seemed pretty bubbly and well-spirited to her; like she was before arriving. Caeda still didn't understand all of this; one minute she was fighting against Askr under this thing called a "contract" and the next, they were free. To make it worse, she and Marth were just relaxing in Altea when she was abruptly summoned by Kirian, this realm's tactician. Caeda turned on her side; blinking out tears in her eyes.


Kirian was never able to summon Marth after she came. Caeda waited for him every time Kirian went to summoning ruins, but he kept getting other heroes. It's not like Caeda hates the other heroes; she considers all of them (except Narcian who was excessively annoying) her friends or allies. Still, it would be nice if Kirian got lucky and summoned Marth soon. Thinking about Marth, Caeda gazed back up at the stars. The days she spent here had been pleasant. She had begun training hard at the tower and she felt stronger than she came. Also, she was even given a brave sword instead of her armorslayer which she arrived with. Caeda sighed again as she got back up, brushing off the grass on her skirt. Before going in for the night, she looked back at the stars; wondering if Marth was looking at them as well.

The next morning, Caeda decided to have breakfast outside. The weather was always so nice and she loved the feeling of the sun on her face. She slowly ate her croissant; enjoying the buttery flaky goodness in each bite.

"Lady Caeda."

The princess jumped and turned to see Ogma, standing there with his arms folded.

"Oh, Ogma." Caeda gestured to a seat right across from her. "Please."

Ogma nodded and decided to sit. He looked like he had just been in a fight; he had cloth wrapped around his arm and his clothes looked tattered.

"What happened to you?" Caeda asked as she put her croissant down.

"I was on a scouting mission," Ogma rubbed his injured right arm. "Those Heroes from Valentia are no joke; 'specially that Alm fellow."

Caeda leaned closer. "You didn't see Marth did you?"

Ogma shook his head. "No Milady. I saw those Valentians and a couple of Veronica's lackeys, but I didn't see King Marth anywhere."

Caeda sighed. "Ah I see. Perhaps that's a good thing..."

"We haven't seen him since we left Altea," Ogma added. "Perhaps Princess Veronica or whatever her name isn't focused on him right now. He could still be back on Altea; waiting for us."

Caeda nodded and smiled at the thought. Ogma could be right; in all of the battles Caeda fought in, Marth was nowhere to be seen. If he's nowhere to be seen, that means that Marth isn't serving Veronica.

"Ogma," Caeda twiddled her thumbs. "I know that's not what you wanted to talk about. What is it?"

Ogma sighed. "Princess I know how you feel about Marth and I know that you two are engaged, but right now, it doesn't matter."

Caeda looked down at her croissant; trying to avoid Ogma's gaze.

"When the time comes, if we do see Marth, we mustn't hesitate. We serve Askr now; the place that had given us everything and more during our stay. We've been here long enough to build bonds; to see how the people here live. My sword still serves you, but at the same time, I serve Prince Alfonse and Princess Sharena as do you. We must do all we can to keep their home safe."

Caeda looked away blinking back tears. Deep down, she knew that what Ogma says is true. Caeda knows too well about watching a kingdom fall; losing those that are close to you. When she came here, she decided to lend her sword to their cause at stopping Embla from conquering all worlds. However, if she had to cross Marth in battle what would she do? Would she fight him and stand her ground or crumble and let her allies down? Whatever choice she made, it would probably have disastrous consequences; on her or Marth.

"I understand what you say Ogma," Caeda turns to the mercenary. "But I don't know what I would do if I face Marth...."

Ogma nodded. "Figured you'd say that. That is why I would ask this of you..." He stood up. "If we come across Marth, allow me the duty of fighting him."

Caeda nearly fell out of her seat when she heard that. "W-What?"

"I ask this...only to relieve you of that burden." Ogma took out his sword and laid it on the table. "The choice is yours princess."

Caeda stared at the sword. She knew that if she gave the sword back to her, she would be condemning him to fight Marth when the time came. To watch two people she cared about fight each other....the thought weighed heavily on her heart. However, Veronica and Embla had to be stopped and the only way to win, is to destroy them.

"Alright Ogma," Caeda gave Ogma's sword back to him. "I give you the duty to fight Marth."

Ogma sheathed his sword. "Understood Lady Caeda."

Just then, an explosion was heard in the North Gate. The ground rumbled as citizens ran; the sky decorated with a wyvern knight and a whole battalion of pegasus knights.

"Minerva...." Caeda whispered.

"Milady," Ogma said as he took her hand. "Come, we must retreat into the castle!"

Together with her guard, Caeda ran into the castle as the sounds of explosions and screams rang her ears. Once inside, she ran for the stables looking for her Pegasus.

"Over here Ogma!" Caeda yelled as they pushed through the crowd of soldiers rushing out to fight. Ogma was close by as they ran toward the stables, but they quickly came to a halt as a whirlwind appeared in front of them.

"What is this magic?!" Ogma shouted over the winds while placing himself in front of Caeda.

"This is Merric's doing," Caeda rasped at first but cleared her voice. "THIS IS MERRIC'S DOING! THEY MUST'VE BREACHED THE CASTLE!"

After the winds subsided, Merric stood in their way along with Linde. Their eyes, Caeda remembered as warm and kind, were now cold and full of rage. Magic twinkled on their fingers as they flipped through their respective tomes.

"Princess Caeda," Merric said as he pointed his finger towards her. "I have orders to take you out. Any last words?"

"How did you get in here?" Caeda asked while slowly drawing her sword.

Linde smirked. "It was all thanks to Princess Veronica. She had us think of someone we know and teleported us to their location. Isn't she amazing?"

"Yeah that's so nice," Ogma said readying his stance. "Remind me to thank her once we're done here."

Merric laughed. "Do you seriously believe to win against us? Ogma, surely you notice the disadvantage you're at right now."

"We can attack from far away with powerful magic," Linde snapped her fingers and a ray of light shot towards Ogma. He raised his sword to deflect, but was knocked off his feet and hit the ground with a thud. "Something you appear to not have a lot of resistance against."

Caeda quickly sidestepped to where Ogma laid. As he got up, she pointed her sword towards Merric. "Not another step."

Merric sighed. "Seriously Princess? You too?" His hand became engulfed in winds. "Well now, I guess you have to die too. This would've been a lot more easier if you had just given up."

Merric shot a whirlwind towards Caeda and Ogma along with Linde's Aura. Caeda and the now standing Ogma, dove out of the way with the magic hitting the walls and covering the place with smoke. Caeda couldn't see, but she sensed that Merric was getting ready to unleash another wave of Excalibur and Linde was readying Aura as well. In an instant, Caeda quickly jumped into a stable and hid behind the hay; keeping her breathing to a minimum. Without her Pegasus, Caeda could deal with Merric, but Linde was another story. Her powerful Aura would easily make quick work of Caeda and Ogma if they weren't careful. Caeda gripped the brave sword and began to calm down. By now, the smoke was gone and she could hear the footsteps of both mages going down the hallway.

"Come on out you two," Merric said with a bored tone. "Don't make this harder than it is."

Caeda's heart began to beat faster. Merric was inching closer and closer to her position and any second now, they'll begin attacking to draw them out. Caeda was thinking of a way out of this mess when she heard a soft neigh coming from her right. She turned her head to see a white horse fidgeting in the stable. Just then, an idea came to mind. Without thinking, Caeda moved toward the horse; stroking its mane to calm it down. She had devised a plot; to unleash the horse on Merric and Linde and come in for the attack. However, she couldn't do it while they were so focused on them; she needed a distraction. All of a sudden, Caeda heard a large roar and heard something that resembled a stab.

"Argh!" That was Merric's voice. "You animal!" Caeda then heard Merric muttering some spells and an explosion was heard.

"Ha!" Ogma's voice yelled. "It would seem that you missed your mark."

Caeda quickly snapped back into reality. Whatever Ogma was doing, it was keeping their attention on him. As the sound of fighting rang in her ears, Caeda got to work at unlocking the gate that kept the horse in. However, she had no key and she knew it would take a while before she could get it to open. She took a pin out of her hair and began to try picking the lock.

Please Ogma, Caeda thought. Please stay alive....

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Part 2: A Gladiator's Fight (Ogma)

Ogma has never had to move so fast in his life. He had to keep dodging and ducking behind things in order to avoid Merric and Linde's combined magical attacks. All around him, horses were panicking or were dead from the blasts. Ogma looked over the pile of hay he was hiding behind. There was so much smoke and he couldn't see anything, but he could hear footsteps. Ogma quickly turned away; quickly thinking of another strategy. Whatever Caeda was doing, she had to do it fast. Ogma looked down at his arm where the bandage is...or was. It got completely ripped off and his arm was covered of hay and blood and it was still bleeding. Ogma pressed down on his wound and began to think. Merric he could probably deal with, but Linde's aura would instantly rip him open. He had to find a way to take on one-on-one. If only he could-


For a split second, Ogma thought they were talking about Caeda, but only too late did he realize they were talking about him as hay burst behind him and he was flung towards the wall. He fell on the ground hard; dazed and confused as he struggled to get up. When he came to, Merric and Linde had their fingers pointed at him, the magic resonating withing their palms.

"There's no escape Ogma," Merric said with a smirk. "Wind and Light. You will not be able to survive."

"I'll be the judge of that," Ogma said standing up.

"You know you could just give up right?" Merric said as Ogma readied himself. "Just surrender and this will all be over."

"Fat chance," Ogma growled. "I will not betray the woman who gave me a new life. I vowed to protect her for as long as I live."

"Too bad your life is about to end," Linde said as the light in her palm glowed brighter. "THIS IS GONNA HURT!"

Ogma barely dodged Linde's attack as aura shot out and created a hole in the wall. He quickly got back on his feet and began running down the corridor with wind and light magic coming after him. He quickly got behind a barrel as the magic roared past him and exploded in the distance.

I can't keep running...Ogma got up and gripped his brave sword. That does it. I've gotta take the fight to them!

Ogma began sprinting towards Merric and Linde, and felt an aura enveloped him.

Looks like it's time.

Ogma knew he had one shot before he had to wait and use it again. As Merric and Linde began to murmur incantations, Ogma leapt into the air and activated his Noontime skill.

"I'M GONNA END THIS! NOONTIME!" Ogma roared as he came crashing down on Merric; his sword piercing his robe and sending blood everywhere.

As Merric fell, Ogma could feel a little bit of his energy return to him and quickly took a shot at Linde who sidestepped, but not without getting a long gash on her arm. Ogma now stood in front of Linde; her face filled with rage and hatred.

"You'll pay for that," Linde shot an Aura at Ogma who was able to dodge more quickly. "You'll die here!"

The more Linde tried to kill him, the more Ogma's blood pumped. He felt like he was back in the arena; fighting foes who seemed impossible but could indeed be beaten. The stables now looked like a war zone in it, but the gladiator didn't notice. This is what he used to live for; destroying his foes without a single thought.

However, Ogma got too cocky and didn't sidestep in time, giving Linde the chance to shoot a huge ray of Aura at him; engulfing him in light. Ogma was launched several feet back and later hit his back on the wall; unable to move. As he regained his vision, Linde was coming at him with a malicious smile on her face.

Dang, Ogma closed his eyes. I guess...this is it.

Ogma was all out of juice. His body was in pain and his sword was knocked out of his hand from that last attack. It seems that this was the end of the Gladiator of Talys.

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Author's notes: Thanks to the Pegasus Sisters Quests and the Zephiel Battle thing which is coming tomorrow, the story will be a little different....although not like I added these guys in yet. I also got Laslow (was going for Alm) so that'll alter the story as well. Anyway, back to the story.

Part 3: Loyal Axe (Barst)


The doors exploded as Barst came charging through; brave axe in hand. With one mighty swing, he took down Linde and kicked her so hard, she flew 10 feet before hitting a pole. As he cocked his head around, he spotted Ogma trying to get up.

"Boss!" Barst helped Ogma to his feet. "You okay?"

Ogma nodded. "Thanks Barst."

"Hey," The woodcutter said as he pointed at himself. "I'm your man. You just need to holler and I'll come running."

They looked around at the damage. The stables looked like it was hit by a tornado and half of the horses were either dead or injured. As for Caeda....

"Princess Caeda!" Ogma ran to where Barst suspected to where she was. "Are you alright? Princess!"

Caeda popped her head out and frowned. "Sorry Ogma. I was never good at picking locks."

Barst laughed. "Ah don't sweat it miss. Old Ogma here was doing fine on his own."

Ogma sighed. "I really wish you wouldn't call me 'Old Ogma'. It makes me feel....well old."

"Ah don't sweat it boss," Barst patted the gladiator's back. "You don't look a day over thirty!"

Ogma looked at him with arms crossed. "I'm twenty-five."

"Oh. Well, you just look-"

Just then, Maria came running in along with the Crimson Swordsman Navarre.

"Oh Sir Ogma!" Maria said as she took out her heal staff. "Your wounds!"

"It's nothing," Ogma said as Maria began murmuring. "Please don't worry about it."

Barst huffed. Ogma looked like he went to hell and back in a matter of minutes. His head was covered in cuts and his clothes were more tattered as usual. In fact, his shirt was completely gone so people can see his six pack (he remembered hearing that Niles' daughter had a thing for guys so she'd probably pass out if she saw this). Also, his arms were covered in blood and his legs were covered in splinters. As Maria was healing Ogma, Barst helped Caeda find her pegasus who was caught underneath a chunk of the ceiling.

"So," Navarre said as everyone gathered together again. "What have you guys been up to?"

"We were in the middle of a battle," Ogma said as he pointed to Merric and Linde. "Those two are a force to be reckoned with."

"Huh," Navarre sighed. "You should see the outside. Most of those chumps are pathetic, but there are some out there worth my time."

Barst folded his arms. "Can you tell us what you're up against?"

"Yeah," Navarre pointed out the window. "If you look out there, you'd see Tiki, the younger version, taking down out troops. Next to her is a certain someone we've all been eager to see."

Barst and the others went to the window. There was a blond archer and a green-haired archer(Barst forgets their names) fighting off against a battalion of archers led by Takumi (nice guy, though a bit rude), and a blond-haired paladin was dueling with the Altean knights (Cain, Able, Jeigan and Draug) and Tiki was fighting against Minerva and the Whitewings (Catira recently joined the Order of Heroes; cute girl) and dueling Askr's prince Alfonse was....

"Marth," Caeda whispered.

"Damn," Barst said. "Veronica had the nerve to bring him here..."

"There are other places where we're being attacked," Navarre said as everyone got away from the windows. "But they're hitting us hard here. Maybe it's because the Summoning Ruins are on the other side of the castle."

"Well that's why we're here," Ogma turned to face everyone. "We need to get down there and join in the fight."

"What's the game plan boss?" Barst asked. "We're facing off against people who know our moves. This ain't gonna be an easy fight."

"I know," Ogma turned to Caeda and, after a few moments, nodded gravely. "I'll deal with Marth. Barst, you go fight Camus. Navarre, go fight Jeorge and Gordin. Maria, go help her sister; she'll need it."

"You got it!" Maria raised her staff. "I can't wait to help!"

"What about me?" Caeda asked.

Ogma turned to the princess. "You can go and help Tiki. Your resistance should prove to be sufficient enough to counter her attacks."

Caeda nodded and led her pegasus outside as Barst watched her go.

What was THAT about?

"Alright team," Ogma unsheathed his sword. "Let's do this!"

As everyone left, Ogma held Barst back.

"What is it boss?"

Ogma patted Barst's shoulder. "Thanks for coming when you did."

Barst put his hand through his own hair. "Yeah well, Anna told me you two were taking too long to get ready so I thought I'd check up on you. I heard the noises as soon as I got close enough."
Ogma smiled. "Don't die on my today."

Barst nodded. "I'm your axe. Give me an order and I'll do it."

Together, the two of them moved out onto the bloodstained battlefield.

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Part 4: Ghost Paladin of the Past (Jeigan)

Jeigan clashed lances with Camus once again. They traded a few more blows until Abel leapt in and tried to spear Camus in the chest who dodged it with ease. As he cursed, Abel went to charge again and traded blows with Camus with Cain right behind him. Though at a disadvantage, Cain did his best to strike at Camus, but it was in vain because he was able to dodge that too. Draug charged with all that he had against Camus and swung his sword, but the Grust paladin stabbed his armor with the Gradivus which caused a bit of Draug's blood to spill from a wound inflicted.

"Curses!" Draug said as Cain and Abel shielded him from Camus' attack.

"Stay back Draug," Abel said pointing his spear at Camus. "This one is mine."

"Don't forget mine," Cain readied his horse. "I won't let this dastard get away!"

"No Cain stand down!" Jeigan yelled as he rode up to them. "Let me and Abel deal with this. You just help out our soldiers fighting Camus' and get Draug to a healer stat."

"But Commander-" Cain began.


Grumbling, Cain guided Draug to the nearest cleric as Jeigan and Abel faced Camus.

"You've survived long enough," The Black Paladin said as he pointed his spear at Jeigan. "Your time is over old man. Surrender now and all will be well."

Jeigan huffed. "I believe you remember the last time we fought yes? You should know by now that I don't back down."

Camus sighed. "You remind me of Lorenz. He was a lot like that as well." He then looked up at the sky for a moment and faced Jeigan again. "Fine then. One-on-one. A paladin from the present versus the ghost of the past. Do you accept?"

Jeigan narrowed his eyes at Camus. They had been fighting for over an hour and now he proposes this? What is he plotting....?

"Sir Jeigan," Abel said as he turned his horse to face the veteran knight. "Surely you can't be considering this!"

Jeigan shook his head. "Sorry youngin'. I may be old, but I'm not stupid. Sorry Camus, but I have to decline."

"Alright," Camus readied his lance. "Then watch your student die."

Camus threw a javelin straight at Abel who barely dodged it in return. The javelin stuck in his left shoulder blade and he fell off of his horse with a scream so loud it could've shattered the castle windows.

"ABEL!!!" Jeigan was about to rush to the panther, but out of the corner of his eye, Camus was charging at him, Gradivus in hand. Jeigan twirled his lance in the air and charged at Camus. "COME ON! LET ME SHOW YOU WHY THEY MADE ME A PALADIN!!!"

And thus, the battle between the past and the present began. They exchanged blows for what seemed like forever and neither one of them was showing any signs of slowing down. They were both covered with cuts and bruises, but neither felt like backing down. Jeigan aimed his lance at Camus' thigh who dodged the attack. Camus then shoved his Gradivus into Jeigan's leg, but the veteran ignored the pain. As blood trickled down his boot, Jeigan pressed onward; not wanting to back down. Although they might not be tiring, the horses were and began to slow down. Eventually, they stopped moving and collapsed as Jeigan and Camus jumped off of their steeds.

"It seems we are to fight dismounted," Camus said as he unsheathed a sword coated in silver. "At your ready."

Jeigan unsheathed his trusted silver sword and mockingly bowed. "After you."

The two then began a duel of swords. Both were experts at fighting dismounted so the battle lasted a long time. However, Jeigan made the mistake of aiming for Camus' left arm and the Sable Knight shoved his sword into Jeigan's stomach. Shocked at what happened, Jeigan staggered back and coughed up a huge amount of blood. Camus then began slicing at him; every swing was cutting away either flesh or armor. Eventually, Jeigan was covered in blood and he fell backwards; sword scattering out of his hand.

"D-Damn it..." Jeigan muttered as Camus stood over him. Camus began stabbing him over and over until the old man couldn't take anymore. He quietly took out a dagger hidden behind his back and, as Camus came down to deliver the final blow, Jeigan pierced his thigh with it. Camus, shocked at what happened, staggered back and as he was recovering, Jeigan found a rock and threw it at his head; knocking him out. Jeigan then looked up at the sky as he laid there bleeding out. As his vision faded, there was an old man who was beginning to heal him.

"Prince....Marth...." Jeigan then passed out.

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Part 5: Breaker of Promises (Abel)

Abel sat in a chair facing the sun on one of the balconies of the Askran Castle. He had been sipping tea and was in fact, summoned earlier on in the day. He had spent his day touring the castle, talking with his friend Cain, and constantly being followed by this child named Elise who supposedly was a princess. However, try as he might, he couldn't find his lover Est. As Abel looked at the sun, he tried to imagine Est's smiling face and the way her pink hair glistened in the sunlight. Of course, it will be some time before he saw her again but at this moment, he was in pain. He was beginning to cry until he heard a noise that rocked him to his core.

"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!" Abel jumped and as he turned around, he was face to face with Elise, the annoying little princess. "Whatcha doing?"

Abel turned around and continued to stare at the sun. "Just thinking."

"About what?"


"What about life?"

"Why do you care?"

Elise shrugged. "I just want to make small talk."

"Small talk?" Abel sighed. Though she may be royalty, she was not his liege. Plus, Abel had heard of the sins Nohr committed against another kingdom; Hoshido he believed.

Elise sat down in a chair next to him. Her pigtails bounced as she leaned towards Abel, slightly tipping the chair. Her big purple eyes were like cameras trying to pry into his personal life and it was really uncomfortable.

"What is it?" Abel asked.

"I just want to know how you're doing," Elise said as she inched closer to him. "I got here around the same time you're in so I think I know how you feel."

"Do you?" Abel raised his eyebrow. "Prove it."

"Okay," Elise sat upright and stroked her chin. "Let's see....well Camilla is the only other sibling of mine that's here...oh and Corrin too! I really miss Effie and my older brothers as well. I also miss my home because it has the nicest baths, the comfiest pillows, and the finest-Hey! Are you listening to me?"

While Elise was talking, Abel had gotten up and was heading toward the door. He remembered the last time he cooperated with a country ruled by an insane king and that was the first, and last, time. As he walked toward the door, he felt one of his legs get pulled on. He turned around to see Elise grabbing them with a fierce expression on her face.

"You're so mean!" She yelled as Abel tried to shake her off. "Why won't you listen to me?"

"Because your kingdom is full of lunatics," Abel said finally kicking her off which sent her flying a few feet. "I am NOT going to associate with another barbaric kingdom ever again. I brought shame to the Altean Knights, my people, and most importantly, my prince. I will never be able to atone for my sins, but the best I can do now is not to make the same mistake again."

Elise looked up to him and rubbed her cheek; her eyes filled with tears. "M-My kingdom *hic* isn't bad. Sure we did some bad stuff, but-"

"It doesn't matter," Abel looked at her dead in the eyes. "I can't forsake my honor as a knight; not again."

Just then, Elise began to tear up. In a few moments, she began to cry and tears ran down her face. Abel, who made her cry, grew increasingly guilty, and fearful because he heard how protective Elise's sister Camilla gets, and sat down next to her.

"Look," Abel said as he shuffled uncomfortably. "I'm sorry okay? I'm just really cautious talking to anyone from...a kingdom that conquers others."

Elise sniffled. "You're not wrong about what you said; sometimes I feel that Nohr sucks."

"Seriously? Wait, isn't Nohr your kingdom? Why would you think that it sucks?"

"Because we conquer other people!" Elise covered her ears and blinked back tears. "Everyone thinks that I'm some little girl who doesn't know anything about what's going on, but I do! Whenever my siblings had a mission and took me along...the screaming that I hear....the death that I see..." Elise shuddered violently. "I just wish I could forget it all!"

As Elise cried, Abel put his arm around her. He wasn't used to talking to people who were a younger than he was, but he decided to give it a shot.

"Hey," Abel said as Elise continued to cry. "It's okay. At least that shows that you're human."

Elise looked up and wiped her puffy red eyes. "Hehe. Thanks for the compliment...I guess."

Abel took his arm off of her and leaned his head back against the railing and stared at the sky. "Well, you're welcome I guess."

Elise giggled.

"What's so funny?"

"You remind me a bit of my older brother Xander. He's a bit strict at times, but he's a real softie underneath."

"Well I guess that sums up me," Abel said as he continued to look up at the sky.

Elise squeezed his arm. "I'm sorry for bugging you. I just wanted to talk to you because I feel that you're in the same boat as me."

"You mean, new to this place?"


"Well I guess I am."

Elise stared up the sky and leaned her head against' Abel's shoulder. "Hey, can I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead."

"When you get home, what're you going to do?"

"Easy. Get married to my fiance. You?"

Elise sighed. "I guess I'll try to make Nohr a better place."

"You should."

"Yeah I know...." Elise then looked at Abel. "Let's survive until then."

Abel laughed. "Yeah....until then."


As Abel lied on the ground, wounded, he thought back to that day. As his eyes began to close, he realized that he might have to break his promise to Elise.

Heh...Not a very good promise-keeper am I? I betrayed my prince and now I betrayed...my...


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Part 6: The Bull's Game (Cain)

"Abel! Jeigan!" Cain's voice echoed off of the walls surrounding the courtyard as he, Clarine and Elise came riding forth. They had just fended off the attack of Camus' New Sable Order and noticed two men lying on the floor with their horses nearby. Jeigan was covered in many different wounds and Abel had a javelin sticking out of him as he was surrounded by a pool of blood.

"Abel-chan!" Elise dropped down from her mount and immediately went to work healing. As tears flowed from her rosy cheeks, Abel's breathing suddenly started to return to normal.

Meanwhile, after dropping down from their horses, Cain held Jeigan up while Clarine began to heal him with her staff.

"Will you be able to heal him?" Cain asked to Clarine.

"His wounds are pretty deep, but I think I can save him." Sweat began to trickle down from Clarine's face. "That is, if I can handle it."

Jeigan's wounds slowly began to fade away, but his breathing was still shaky and his eyes were still closed.

"Sir Jeigan," Cain muttered. "Please....please you have to survive."

"Don't worry," Clarine said. "It looks like he's out of the red zone, but it'll still take more healing. I think we have to move him into the infirmary before-"

Just then, a shriek came from a few feet away. Cain and Clarine turned to see a blonde haired paladin holding Elise by the throat and wearing black armor. In his right hand was a sword glowing with purple chaotic energy. Only a fool would not know who this man is; Veronica's right-hand man.

"Prince Xander of Nohr." Cain stood up and took out his brave sword. He stood between Clarine and Xander; poised and ready to fight.

"Princess Veronica wishes for you to surrender," Xander said as he continued to hold Elise's neck. "If you do, she'll let you live."

"Not going to happen," Cain pointed his sword at Xander. "We refuse to surrender."

Xander scoffed. "Do you truly mean to stand against a prince lowly knight? You must be insane."

Cain glanced at Jeigan. "Yeah that's a common trait among Altean Knights," Cain turned and smirked at Xander. "We do crazy things for the ones that we love."

Out of the corner of Cain's eye, he could see Abel breathing steadily. It appears that Elise was able to heal him fully. However, how long before Xander notices and decides to finish the Panther off?

"Big Brother..." Xander glanced at Elise whose face was growing blue. Immediately, his face began to distort and his grip lessened on her neck.

"Elise..." Xander shook his head and held Elise even tighter. "Don't move sister. If you surrender to Veronica, I will let you go."

Elise gave a slight shake of her head. "Never brother! I don't wanna work for Veronica!"

"Then you leave me no choice," Xander tossed Elise to the back of his horse. "I'm taking you with me by force."

"No!" Elise tried to get off, but Xander grabbed her wrist. She looked back at her brother with her eyes full of tears. "MY BROTHER WOULD NEVER DO THIS! YOU'RE NOT MY BROTHER!"

"Enough," Xander faced Cain. "We're done here. Be grateful that I'm letting you live."

"I'm not letting you leave!" Cain began to ran at Xander, but the Crown Prince simply flicked his sword and a wave of energy blasted towards him. The Bull was knocked off of his feet and flew straight into a nearby cart. As oranges and apples exploded around him, Cain heard the sounds of Elise crying as Xander galloped away.

"Cain!" Clarine quickly began to heal him as Cain stood up and began to move to his horse with the noble following close behind. "You're not seriously thinking of following them?"

"I have to," Cain got on his horse. "Elise may not be my liege, but she is a noble and a dear comrade. I will NOT lose anyone else."

Clarine bit her lip and stared at Cain for a moment. "Oh alright."


"If you're going to do this, allow me to bestow this upon you," Clarine raised her staff toward Cain. "YOU MUST BE GRATEFUL! SWIFT-WINDS BALM!"

Instantly, Cain was enveloped in a white light and felt energized.

"How do you feel?" Clarine asked.

Cain smiled back at her. "Like I can run one hundred miles."

"Good. This should help you catch up to Xander. I'll take Jeigan and Abel to the nursery. However, it won't last long so whatever you need to do, do it fast!"

"I will," Cain readied his horse. "Don't worry; I'll show that prince the meaning of justice."

With that said, Cain raced off at lightning speed towards the Crown Prince.


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Part 7: Altea's shield (Draug)

Author's notes: Okay so I got Xander so expect the story to change as well in the near future. Also got Adult Tiki and Odin...sigh.

"CLARINE!" Draug came running up to the Etruian noble. She was busy healing both Jeigan and Abel at the same time, but the strain was taking its toll on her.

"Oh my!" Lissa quickly sat down next to Clarine and began to heal Jeigan. "Don't worry Clarine; let me help you."

Clarine huffed. "I can...handle this." But she didn't say that in a mean tone so maybe it's her way of saying "thank you"(?)

Draug looked around. "Where's Cain?"

"He chased after Xander," Clarine sighed. "He took Elise so he went after him."
"Why would he take his sister?"

"Because of the contract."

"Oh...right." Draug scratched his head. "The contract. I still don't get it."

"Neither do I," Lissa looked up and smiled. "But at least me and my son don't have to worry about it anymore."

Draug shuddered. He still finds it weird how Odin (or Owain or whatever he called himself) was Lissa's son...from the future. Lucina, Severa, and Inigo were also from the future and it still feels so odd for him. He would say he feels old, but then again, Draug was from a time 2,000 years before theirs.

Clarine sighed. "I wish my brother didn't have to worry about the contract as well."

Lissa put her hand on the girl's shoulder. "Don't worry Clarine. He'll join us soon."

"I hope so," Clarine sniffed.

Just then, Jeigan began to move. He tried to get up, but Lissa shook her head.

"Rest Sir Jeigan," She said. "If you move, it will only make it worse."

Jeigan slowly nodded and closed his eyes.

"Will they be alright?" Draug asked.

"Of course," Lissa winked. "We ARE the best after all."

Draug looked off at the ongoing battle. He could see the heroes of both sides dueling it out; spraying blood on the sun glistened ground. The battle had to end...fast. However, Draug couldn't leave the healers; he had to protect them no matter what. After all, he WAS the protector.

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Part 8: Prince of Altea (Wrys)

Author's notes: Just got Lyn, Minerva, Leo, Bartre, and Lilina so the game is going to change drastically.

"I'm not good at this," Wrys huffed as he ran behind Ogma and Caeda. He was busy in the infirmary when they pulled him out and asked him to come along.

"We need you Wrys," Ogma said. "There aren't enough priests out here."

"Besides you're our friend," Caeda yelled over the sound of fighting. "And friends stick together!"

"Well I won't argue that," Wrys said. "But where are we going? And why did you ask me to bring my rehabilitate staff?"

"Because we'll be taking on a powerful opponent. Well..." Caeda glanced at Ogma. "One of us is."


Wrys' question was answered when they stood a few feet away from Princess Veronica...and Marth.

"Ah Ogma and Caeda," Veronica smirked. "To think you once served me and were my precious toys. It pains me to have to break you now."

Wrys cowered behind Ogma as the gladiator unsheathed his sword.

"Marth..." Caeda lowered her pegasus to the ground. The prince's face was like a wall; no expression at all. And his eyes...it was like his soul wasn't there; it was empty. Wrys shuddered. The prince he remembered had warm eyes and his face was full of kindness, but the Marth before him now looked like a toy; completely lifeless.

"Oh my..." Wrys gulped. "I-It looks like he's not in the talking mood."

"That's right," Veronica stroked her finger under Marth's chin. "He's MY knight in shining armor now. Oh and he is such a good fighter as well...and so handsome."

"Thank you princess." Marth spoke in a robotic voice that sounded distant. "I live to serve you."

"You're not acting like yourself prince," Ogma said as he readied his stance. "Please come to your senses."

"That's right," Wrys muttered at first, but he cleared his voice. "That's right! Marth please! You must come back to us; this isn't you!"

"This is me," the possessed prince said. "You cannot defeat me. I am the descendant of Anri which makes me invincible."

"All that does is give you bragging rights," Ogma said. "It all depends on your ability to fight. You of all people should know this."

Marth unsheathed his Falchion. For a few moments, he was engulfed in a white light; the blessing of Anri. "You cannot defeat me." He repeated as he got into this fighting stance.

"Marth please," Caeda choked. "Don't do this..."

"He won't listen to reason princess," Wrys sighed. "Oh boy, I do believe there is only one thing we can do..."

"Yeah..." Ogma pointed his sword at Marth. "Wrys, stay by me. Caeda, take care of Veronica. You can use your high resistance against Veronica. Try to take her out."

Caeda nodded and blinked back tears. "Please Ogma...don't kill Marth."

Ogma looked back at Marth. From a corner of Wrys' eye, a single tear flowed down his cheek. "I won't."

Veronica took out her tome. "You're all going to die here." As she spoke, green magical energy flowed from her fingers. "I shall all bury you with my magic."

"Bring it." Ogma growled.

After a few moments, all hell broke loose. Ogma and Marth began exchanging blows at each other and Veronica began to cast wave after wave of magic at Caeda who was dodging left and right with her pegasus. Wrys hid behind a rock and peeked his head to see Ogma and Marth still going at it.

"You're good for an animal," Marth said as he parried Ogma's attack.

"You're not too bad yourself," Ogma sidestepped and lunged at Marth who was able to dodge that as well.

"You still can't kill me."

"I'm not trying to."

Marth and Ogma continued to strike at each other and Wrys was close by continuously healing the gladiator. However, no matter how much he healed, it seemed that Marth kept hitting him even harder. Ogma looked like he was taking a beating, but he decided to keep fighting. Ogma leapt and brought his sword down on Marth who was able to lift his blade over his head and successfully evaded that attack.

"Damn it!" Ogma leapt back and began charging at Marth. "YOU'RE IN MY WAY! NOONTIME!"

Fortunately, Ogma hit Marth, but it was short lived as the prince stabbed him in the stomach and hit his face with the hilt of the Falchion. The gladiator fell with a shuddering thud and was too far away for Wrys to heal him.

"Oh no!" Wrys was about to go up to Ogma when he realized that he couldn't move. "W-What is this?" As the curate looked around he realized that he was surrounded by a green mist. He looked to his right and saw Veronica smiling at him. There was no doubt that she was behind this. However, right beside her was Caeda's pegasus...but Caeda was nowhere to be seen.

"I'm sure you're wondering where she is," The Emblian princess chuckled. "Surely you don't see her?"

"What are you talking about?" Wrys grunted.

Veronica pointed her finger and Wrys followed it; his eyes soon filled with terror. Caeda was hiding behind a cart nearby where Marth and Ogma were fighting. It only took Wrys a few moments to realize what he would do. Just then, a scream lured Wrys back to reality. He turned just in time to see Ogma laying on the ground; surrounded by blood and Marth staying over him.

"I told you that you can't beat me," Marth raised his sword over Ogma. "Now you die." As he spoke, Caeda began to ran towards the two. It wasn't clear if Ogma saw her or not, but as he looked up, his eyes widened.

"No..." Ogma muttered. "STOP! NO!"

"DON'T DO IT!" Wrys yelled while trying to move.

Marth brought down his sword against Ogma just in time for Caeda to step in between them. As the Falchion went through her, blood spilled everywhere and Ogma let out a bloodcurdling scream. 

"Marth," The princess whispered and put her hand on Marth's face who was suddenly filled with horror. "Don't let them...control you." As she backed away from Marth she fell down onto the ground. All that Wrys could hear was the screams of Ogma...and Marth.


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Part 9: (Navarre)

Navarre hated his job sometimes. It seems like everyday he has to do something dangerous, almost getting no rest. Still, it was a good job. Fighting people that actually proved a challenge, getting into life-pumping situations, and more stuff. He was always traveling; never getting attached to anyone. Still...it felt nice to be appreciated for once. Right now, he was fighting alongside Takumi and Nino against Jeorge and Gordin who were proving to be quite a threat. The three were currently hiding behind a cart while the enemy squad rained down arrows on them.

"Damn it!" Takumi shot another archer with his Fujin Yumi. "They just keep coming!"

Nino whipped out her tome and used her gronnblade to take out several other soldiers. "It's too much!"

"Well make a way for me to attack!" Navarre looked over the cart to see Jeorge and Gordin walking up to them. "I'll take them on with my silver sword."

"Hold it!" Nino grabbed his arm. "You can't go out there alone! You'll die out there!"

"Besides you're at a disadvantage!" Takumi went to his left to dodge an arrow. "They can attack two spaces away! You can attack only one!"

"That's why I want you guys to cover me," Navarre smirked. "Leave it to me; I'll take them all on."

Takumi and Nino glanced at each other. Navarre had been working with them and other heroes for a while and had...grown close to them in a way. So it would be understandable(?) that they care about him.

"Alright," Takumi readied his Fujin Yumi. "We'll cover you."

"You do what you gotta do," Nino smiled. "Don't worry; we got your back."

Navarre nodded. It had been a while since he felt some kinship. Now he was going to fight against people who he fought two wars with alongside people who he barely knew...like barely. Still, he got to know them and he wants to help them survive this. With his newly acquired silver sword, he jumped over the cart and began dashing toward the enemy. As arrows and magic came from behind him, the Scarlet Swordsman began hacking left and right. As he continued to plow through, Navarre ran straight into Jeorge and Gordin who began to attack him with arrows. With most of the enemy gone, Takumi, Nino and the others began retaliating.

"You can't beat us Navarre!" Jeorge shot an arrow at him and he dodged. "With the Parthia, I can win any battle. I have analyzed your tactics. You won't be able to-"

"YOU'LL NEVER HIT THIS TARGET! VENGEANCE!" Takumi used his bow to shoot an arrow at Jeorge who fell over while being surrounded by a pool of blood.

"Captain Jeorge!" Gordin pointed his arrow at the Hoshidan Prince. "You'll die now! This is for my cap-"

"I'LL DO MY BEST!" Nino used her Gronnblade to attack Gordin who fell back and crashed into a window of a distant building.

Navarre looked around and sheathed his sword. "Look's like it's over."

"In this part anyway," Takumi scanned the area and locked his eyes on something. "What the heck?"

The others followed his eyes to see Cain the Bull chasing down a blond man in black armor riding a horse and carrying a little lolli with long pigtails.

"That's Elise!" Nino gasped. "Cain must be trying to save her! We've gotta help!"

Takumi scoffed. "Don't worry; I got this." As he took out his Fujin Yumi, he pointed it at Xander. "Say goodnight nohrian scum." He let loose his arrow and it shot Xander in the shoulder who fell over letting his horse keep wandering but then stop.

"Nice shot." Navarre said.

"Thanks," Takumi sighed. "Suppose now we have to help Cain with Elise huh?"

"Of course!" Nino smiled. "Come on everyone, follow me!" She then ran off towards the Bull and the Nohrian princess.

"You ever get the feeling she's too perky?" Navarre said running alongside Takumi.

"Yeah," Takumi shuddered. "She's just like Elise...except a bit more tamer."



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  • 2 weeks later...

Part 10: (Maria)

Author's notes: Got Chrom so the story will change a bit.

Maria always admired her sister and brother. They were both the strongest wyvern riders in Macedon and were capable of leading many into battle. Maria never did have that quality. She always stayed home because she was the youngest. When she went on that journey with Marth in the War of Shadows, she was able to see so much of the outside world that she was always told about. Maria always wanted to be useful and show off her skills...now is her chance.

As she watched her sister lead her squad against Tiki, it was utterly amazing. Minerva was weaving through attacks left and right with the Pegasus sisters in tow. Tiki began to breath fire as Catria and Est dodged and Palla slashed her gigantic arm. Minerva stuck her axe in Tiki's right leg as Catria and Est continued to stab her in the chest.

"NOW ALL WHITEWINGS!" Minerva yelled. "CHARGE!"

As Maria watched, her sister led her squad to bring down lances, axes, and swords upon Tiki. As they continued to attack her, she slowly began to fall and was at last face first on the ground.

"Wow..." Maria muttered as her sister flew towards her.

"Maria, what are you doing here?" Minerva asked. "I thought I told you to stay inside."

"I wanted to help big sister!" Maria exclaimed. "Just in case you were injured, I was going to heal you!"

"While that indeed is very sweet of you, I'd feel better if you were somewhere I know was safe."

"No way! I was summoned to help protect this realm and protect it I shall!" Maria crossed her arms. "I'm not leaving no matter what you say!"

Minerva sighed. "Oh Maria..."

"Milady," Palla said as she came towards them. "We must help Lord Michalis. He is currently not doing so well against the princess of Hoshido's pegasus squad."

"Understood," Minerva looked back at Maria with a furrowed brow. "Now Maria..."

"I'm still not moving."

"I know. I just want you to stay with Est temporarily until I return." Minerva turned to Est. "I trust you can keep her safe?"

"Of course!" The young whitewing said. "Don't worry; I'll make sure that no harm befalls Lady Maria."

"Thank you," Minerva turned to Maria. "Stay safe sister."

"I should be saying that to you."

Minerva smiled and hugged her little sister. With Catria, Palla, and a couple of other pegasus knights, they flew off towards the sky.

"So," Maria turned to Est. "What do we do now?"

Est shrugged. "I was thinking we head to the infirmary. You said you wanted to help so maybe you can help out that-"

Before Est could finish speaking, a cry was heard a few feet away. A pegasus knight flew off her mount; engulfed in electricity.

"Lightning?" Est shielded Maria. "What's going on?!"

Just then, massive thunderclouds loomed over their heads and the sky grew dark. Two shining horses appeared some distance away; blasting everything left and right.

"W-Who are they?" Maria squeaked.

"I have no idea," Est readied her spear. "But I suppose we're about to find out!"


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2 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

Hm…an excellent tale, plus an interesting idea. Liking where it's going as well.

Thank you very much for the compliment.

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Part 11: (Minerva)

Author's notes: Yeah so I was able to pull Mae so expect the story to change in the future. I also got Lloyd so...yeah.

Minerva has waited for this day. The chance to fight alongside her brother once again. As she soared through the skies, she thought about days long gone. Her brother murdering her father, taking up the throne, only to be defeated by her hand later on. In the War of Heroes, he returned; similar to how he was before all of this started. Now as Minerva came closer, she gripped her Hautclere and jammed it into the skull of a nearby enemy flier.

"Ah sister!" Michalis came soaring to her as he continued to strike down foes left and right. "I had begun to worry we will not fight alongside together today."

"I would not miss the chance to help you brother," Minerva dodged an attack and smashed down another flier. "What are we dealing with here?"

"Only a fool princess believing she can crush the might of Macedon."

"You mean Askr right?"

"What? Oh of course." Macedon's mount slapped a knight off of their mount. "I just meant us."

Minerva smiled. "You were always too proud for your own good."

Michalis laughed. "Aren't all Macedonians proud?"

Just then, Palla came soaring towards them. "A report from the front lines. Another battalion led by the lady Clair is flying towards us!"

"Clair?" Minerva turned to Michalis. "Isn't she from the continent over; Valentia?"

"I have no idea." Michalis sighed. "Nor do I care. Anyone who stands against us must be crushed."

"To answer your question milady," Palla said. "Yes. She served under Alm, but I'm afraid I never knew her quite well."

"Well that's unfortunate." Minerva turned to the eldest Whitewing. "Very well. I give you and Catria permission to take a small battalion and keep her busy."

"Yes milady!" Palla flew off towards her sister as Michalis readied his axe.

"Sister," He said. "Look there."

Standing a few feet away from there flew Hinoka, the princess of Hoshido. Her lance was coated with fresh blood and her eyes lacked any life...Minerva knew that look all too well. She had been controlled for a while until the Askran Kingdom was able to break the contract Embla had over her.

"YOU ARE IN MY WAY," Hinoka's voice sounded hollow and robotic. "MOVE."

"We will not!" Minerva yelled. "We serve the Askran Kingdom! We will not allow you to conquer this kingdom!"

"THEN YOU WILL DIE." Hinoka charged right at them.

"Are you ready sister?" Michalis asked.

Minerva nodded. "Yes...I am." With that, they charged at the lone princess.

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Part 12: (Est)

Author's note: Just rolled Gordin so the story will change.

It has indeed been a while since Est had been in a proper battle. And now that she was back into the swing of things, it was terrifying. As she and Princess Maria dodged thunderbolts left and right, she wondered if leaving was the best decision. Without her sisters looking out for her, Est was on her own trying to protect her superior. In short, she was screwed.

"YOU CANNOT RUN!" The female mage bellowed on top of her horse as she continued to summon thunderbolts.

"YOUR PAIN WILL BE OUR FEAST!" The male mage shot another thunderbolt at an unsuspecting soldier. "YOU WILL FALL TODAY."

Est grabbed Maria and hid behind a cart while the other soldiers charged at the mages; each falling in their wake.

"You're not going to help them?!" Maria asked over the screams and thunder.

Est held her spear. "Um...I'm still a bit...rusty."

"That doesn't matter! You have to help your fellow knights!"

"Er...." Est looked over her shoulder as another knight met her end at one of the twins' thunderbolts. "That's a pretty thought Maria, but I was ordered to protect you."

"That doesn't matter!" Maria huffed. "I order you to go and protect your friends!"

"Yeah I don't take orders from you."

"Yes you do! You're back under my sister's employ so you HAVE to obey me!"

"No I don't."

"Stop being a coward!"

"Coward?!" Est shrieked. "You think that I am-"

Just then a thunderbolt came crashing down on Est and Maria. Fortunately, Est grabbed the young princess and was able to leap away from the explosion before being knocked forward and crashing into a window of a nearby store. She covered Maria as they both fell on the floor.

"Ow..." Est opened her eyes and saw her hands coated in cuts and glass. She looked under her and saw Maria who was able to escape getting wounded although she did have a good size cut on her cheek.

"Are you okay?" Maria took out her staff and began healing.

"I am now," Est sighed. "That was close."

"No kidding," Maria huffed. "None of this wouldn't have happened if you didn't-"

Est covered the princess' mouth and quickly hid behind the counter for she heard the mages talking outside.

"ARE THEY IN HERE OLWEN?" The male mage replied.

"POSSIBLY REINHARDT," The mage, who Est believed to be the one named Olwen, blasted the wall and peered inside. "BUT I CAN'T SEE THEM."

"KEEP LOOKING." Reinhardt walked through the store. "THEY MUST BE HERE...SOMEWHERE."

Est breathed heavily. She was trapped. Two mages who can summon thunderstorms were hounding her, her sisters were nowhere to be seen, and she had no backup. To make it worse, she barely remembers how to fight with a spear. She was all alone...just like she was when she got captured...twice.

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2 hours ago, escotanner said:

Part 11: (Est)

Author's note: Just rolled Gordin so the story will change.

It has indeed been a while since Est had been in a proper battle. And now that she was back into the swing of things, it was terrifying. As she and Princess Maria dodged thunderbolts left and right, she wondered if leaving was the best decision. Without her sisters looking out for her, Est was on her own trying to protect her superior. In short, she was screwed.

"YOU CANNOT RUN!" The female mage bellowed on top of her horse as she continued to summon thunderbolts.

"YOUR PAIN WILL BE OUR FEAST!" The male mage shot another thunderbolt at an unsuspecting soldier. "YOU WILL FALL TODAY."

Est grabbed Maria and hid behind a cart while the other soldiers charged at the mages; each falling in their wake.

"You're not going to help them?!" Maria asked over the screams and thunder.

Est held her spear. "Um...I'm still a bit...rusty."

"That doesn't matter! You have to help your fellow knights!"

"Er...." Est looked over her shoulder as another knight met her end at one of the twins' thunderbolts. "That's a pretty thought Maria, but I was ordered to protect you."

"That doesn't matter!" Maria huffed. "I order you to go and protect your friends!"

"Yeah I don't take orders from you."

"Yes you do! You're back under my sister's employ so you HAVE to obey me!"

"No I don't."

"Stop being a coward!"

"Coward?!" Est shrieked. "You think that I am-"

Just then a thunderbolt came crashing down on Est and Maria. Fortunately, Est grabbed the young princess and was able to leap away from the explosion before being knocked forward and crashing into a window of a nearby store. She covered Maria as they both fell on the floor.

"Ow..." Est opened her eyes and saw her hands coated in cuts and glass. She looked under her and saw Maria who was able to escape getting wounded although she did have a good size cut on her cheek.

"Are you okay?" Maria took out her staff and began healing.

"I am now," Est sighed. "That was close."

"No kidding," Maria huffed. "None of this wouldn't have happened if you didn't-"

Est covered the princess' mouth and quickly hid behind the counter for she heard the mages talking outside.

"ARE THEY IN HERE OLWEN?" The male mage replied.

"POSSIBLY REINHARDT," The mage, who Est believed to be the one named Olwen, blasted the wall and peered inside. "BUT I CAN'T SEE THEM."

"KEEP LOOKING." Reinhardt walked through the store. "THEY MUST BE HERE...SOMEWHERE."

Est breathed heavily. She was trapped. Two mages who can summon thunderstorms were hounding her, her sisters were nowhere to be seen, and she had no backup. To make it worse, she barely remembers how to fight with a spear. She was all alone...just like she was when she got captured...twice.

Man this seems intense, and for some reason, when I'm reading this, my headcanon is that the enemies aren't themselves, therefore not sounding like themselves. Great work though!

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Part 13: (Michalis)

Michalis and Minerva soared through Hinoka's attacks; her lance thrusts just inches away from their faces. The Macedon Prince brought his axe down on Hinoka's head who deflected the blow by holding her lance over her head. Michalis clicked his tongue; for a scrawny little princess she fights really well. Minerva whammed her wyvern against Hinoka's pegasus and swung her Hautclere and managed to leave a good sized cut on her arm.

"ARGH!" Hinoka backed away and twirled her lance overhead. "HOW DARE YOU?! I'LL SHOW YOU THE MIGHT OF HOSHIDO!"

Michalis laughed. "Bring it on! You can't hope to beat us! WE are the true definition of might!"

Hinoka roared her and began her rampage. Minerva and Michalis may not be as fast, but was able to survive her attacks thanks to their high defenses.

"DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE!" Hinoka kept stabbing Michalis' wyvern who was weaving to and fro from her attacks. His mount finally decided to whack her with his tail which caused the Hoshidan Princess to stumble back.

"She's tougher than I thought," Michalis grunted. "And she's fast as well. It won't be long before we fall to her I imagine."

"Have you truly lost faith in our might already dear brother?" Minerva asked.

"I'm trying to think realistically. If we fall, Maria will be left all alone. We must think of another plan."

Hinoka charged at Minerva who was able to fly out of her lance's reach and used her wyvern's tail to whack her away.

"What do you suggest?" Minerva asked as she dodged another one of Hinoka's attacks.

"If only we had a skill to help us deal with Hinoka..." Michalis murmured. "If we had a way to obtain more power..."

"More power? Well why didn't you say so?" Minerva was suddenly coated in a purple glow. "Stand back brother!"

"What?!" Michalis flew away. "Have you learned a new skill?"

"Yes; I was taught this by Kirian," Minerva tossed her axe in the air and caught it. "Hinoka, I know that you are suffering. Just hang in there; we will save you!"


As Hinoka charged, Minerva raised her axe and flew straight into Hinoka. "MAKE PEACE WITH YOUR GODS! NEW MOON!" The Macedon Princess brought her axe down on Hinoka's chest with a disgusting crunch. The pegasus knight screamed as she fell off her mount and onto the ground below; the sky awash with her blood.

"Hm, that was close," Michalis looked at Minerva. "Probably would've been better if you activated it sooner."

"It needed time to charge," Minerva sighed. "How skills work is different in this world. I have to allow it to build up over a certain period of time. Surely you know this by your own skill brother?"

Michalis huffed. "It takes too long to charge. Whenever it is ready, I do not care. By then, most of the time, my enemies have fallen."

"Even though you worked hard to obtain it, you do not seek to use it?"

"No. Not unless the lives of others depended on it."

"Including Maria's?"

"Especially Maria's. What kind of man do you take me for?"

Minerva laughed. "Come. Let us help my squadron in battle!"

Michalis held up his hand.


"Ssh." Michalis closed his eyes. In the distance he heard a low rumbling; one that could only describe a certain type of element. "Thunder."

"Impossible!" Minerva cried. "I do not see any storm clouds!"

Michalis glanced down and saw a small store in the midst of a miniature thunderstorm. The prince only knew this to be what it truly was.

"Mages," Michalis narrowed his eyes. "I think Maria's down there."

"What?" Minerva asked. "How do you-"

"Trust me, I know. Now come! We must ride to our sister's aid!" Michalis flew his wyvern towards the thunder and lightning.

"As reckless as ever...brother wait up!"


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  • 2 weeks later...

Part 14: From the Sidelines (Palla)

Author's notes: Was able to obtain Clair, Peri, and Camus so yeah the story will change.

Palla has been in tougher battles than this, but never against a former comrade. Well of course she hasn't known Clair for long the last time she saw her. They only teamed up in the final battle against Duma and afterwards, parted ways. Now they must come to blows amidst the sea of clouds.

"Palla!" Catria yelled to get her sister's attention. "The enemy is advancing!"

Palla turned to see Clair and her squadron slowly flying towards them. She couldn't tell from afar, but as the noble flier grew closer, Palla could see tears forming in Clair's eyes and pain across her face; almost as like she didn't want to fight.

"Palla!" Catria readied her lance. "Snap out of it! It's not like you to be in a daze!"

Palla nodded. "I'm sorry Catria. You're right." She took out her ruby sword (an odd sword to be honest as she always fancied the lance, but Kiran gave it to her so...) and raised it in the air! "AXE FLIERS, ADVANCE! LANCE FLIERS, READY YOURSELVES! SWORD FLIERS, WITH ME!"

The Askran squadron quickly reshuffled as the enemy drew close. Clair raised her lance and let out a horrific battle cry.

"It begins," Catria muttered.

"Yes it does," Palla pointed her sword at Clair's army. "CHARGE!"

With the Axe fliers leading the charge, the lance fliers backing them up with Catria leading them, and Palla's squadron in the back, the battle began. Clair's squad crashed into Palla's and a mix of feathers and blood sprinkled the skies. Dozens of fliers from both sides fell to the ground below as blood decorated the faces of those who they fell to. Palla could see Catria in the distance; striking down lance fliers left and right. Even though she longed to be by her sister's side to protect her, Palla knew that she can't. Kiran had warned her of the ruby sword that was entrusted to her.

"The Ruby Sword is powerful against axe and green tomes," Kiran said. "But it will fail to lance units and thunder tomes. Take caution dealing with them or you'll be in serious trouble."

Palla sighed. Her job in this battle was to observe and come up with strategy. She has to stay away from the battle this time. As she kept watching the battlefield, it seemed that it was drawing to a close. There was only a handful of soldiers from both sides left and it contained the most elite of them. Catria was battling Clair who was doing her best to take the middle Whitewing down.

"Commander Palla," One Askran flier said. "Shall we enter the fray?"

"No we cannot," Palla sighed. "Our swords will do nothing against their lances."

"But Commander-"

"Send a messenger and ask for reinforcements."


"Do it."

The Askran flier sighed and flew back as Palla watched the battle between Catria and Clair. It seemed that they were both slowing down a bit. It was only a matter of time before it was over. Only one can win that battle and all that Palla can do was watch from the the sidelines.

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Part 15: I Swore to Protect them(Catria)

Five minutes. That's how long Catria believes she's been dueling Clair. The longer the fight drags on, the more tired both of them seem to get. Catria was able to get by with only a few scrapes and bruises and she wanted to keep it that way. The last thing she needed was to end up in the infirmary again and that cannot happen; not now.

"JUST SURRENDER ALREADY!" Clair tried to thrust at the Whitewing, but because she was so tired, Catria was able to dodge her attack.

"Never!" Catria raised her lance, but couldn't stop it from shaking. "I refuse to die here."

Clair clicked her tongue. "YOUR SURVIVAL ANNOYS ME! BUT SO BE IT!" 

Once again, the battle ensured. The two pegasus knights were beginning to tire out and one of them had to end this. Catria needed a plan...


"I'm sorry you got hurt on my account Catria," Kiran said as he bandaged her arm. They had just fought back some of Veronica's heroes at the border and they were sitting under a tree in the Askr royal park.

"Don't be," Catria sighed. "It was my stupid special skill. It takes too long to activate unfortunately. I don't suppose you have any other spare scrolls you got while summoning for new heroes at your disposal? You know, the ones you gave me once to get hone attack?

"I'm sorry Catria; not right now no. I know that's not what you want to hear..."

"Oh that's okay," Catria flexed her arm. "I feel a little better thanks to you."

"Klien did a significant number of you. If Alfonse weren't there, you would've gotten even more serious wounds."

Catria nodded. "That is true. I suppose I should thank him next I get the chance."

"Well you kind of have to. I mean he IS the prince."

"Yes I suppose he is." Catria looked up at the sky. "This place never seems to have any storm clouds. Almost as if...it's perfect."

"You noticed it as well? Yeah it is a little odd," Kiran scratched his head. "Then again, Sharena told me it doesn't rain until a few months..."

"It's so peaceful here..." Catria clenched her fist. "I want to help protect it. I better hit the Training Tower now."

"Before you do," Kiran pulled out a long box from behind his back. "I have something for you."

"What is this?" Catria took the box from Kiran and held it in her lap.

"I got this for you on the way back." Kiran smiled. "I think it will help you with your special skill."

Catria opened it and gasped. "Is this a-?"

"Yes it is. It's a killer lance."

Catria held it up in the sun and watched as it twinkled in the sunlight. "I remember this. This lance somehow gave us more energy to land powerful hits."

"Yeah well it's different here," Kiran said. "Apparently it'll help you get off your special skill a lot quicker."

"Really?" Catria stood up and waved the lance around. "It does feel light. Already I can feel energy coursing through me. I feel pumped; like I can do anything."

"Right?" Kiran smiled and gave a thumbs up. "I think this will suit you nicely."

Catria turned to Kiran. "Thank you so much, but I gotta ask...why are you being so nice to me?"

"Why?" Kiran shrugged. "Well I really want to help out around here. I have no idea when I'll get home and I just want to pitch in and help these guys out with their problems. Plus I like you."

Catria's face turned red. " You w-what?!"

"Eh?" Kiran's face turned red as well. "Oh no! N-Not like that! I mean I don't think you're hideous or anything! I mean I think you're...I mean..." The tactician stood up and dusted off his clothes. "You know what? I think I hear Sharena calling! Ehehe, see you!"

As Kiran ran off, Catria tilted her head. For a moment-just a moment-he reminded her of a certain knight from Altea. A knight that Catria herself had grown fond of...

Stop it Catria, She thought to herself. You're not here to make friends. You're here to help out for as long as they need you. She twirled her new killer lance over her hand. I swore to protect them all...and I will.


Catria's killer lance suddenly felt lighter in her hand. I've got this, she thought to herself. I've totally got this.

"YOU WILL NOT LIVE!" Clair twirled her lance and charged right at her. "DIE!"

Catria, in turn, charged right at her as well. "HERE I GO! NEW MOON!" Suddenly, the Whitewing was surrounded by a purple haze and she felt an increase in her speed. "I HAVE TO END THIS! FOR THE PEOPLE THAT I LOVE!"

Catria plunged the lance straight into Clair's stomach who let out a horrific scream and fell off of her pegasus onto the ground below. As the purple haze faded from Catria's body, she could see Clair on the ground with blood surrounding her and barely moving. She had no time to see whether she was back on her senses because almost instantly, Catria fainted on her pegasus' back.

I did it, Catria thought. I protected...the one I...

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Part 16: Safe (Michalis)

Author's notes: Obtained Legion and Marth (Lucina) so the story will change.

"You fought well." Michalis said to Sharena and her team. Kiran led a charge against the King of Macedon a little bit before and were able to defeat him. The reward was gaining Michalis as an ally.

"Oh I didn't do any of the fighting," KIran said. "It was my team that I led that you should praise."

"A tactician is as important to an army as a soldier is," Michalis scanned the mysterious summoner. He still doesn't know how he was able to lose to such a miscreant. Almost like Kiran knew his moves and was able to calculate them perfectly. Almost like...he's seen them before. Just who is he?

"So now that we won," Kiran smiled. "We can count on you to be our ally right?"

Michalis huffed. "I do not take orders from anyone...except you now. My axe is yours."

"Alright!" Kiran put a fist in the air and had an idiotic smile on his face. "Another ally for the Order of Heroes. I think I'm getting the hang of this!"

Michalis rolled his eyes. "This boy is the 'easily excited type'. Well that's just perfect. Reminds me of..."

"What was that?"

"Nothing you need to concern yourself with." Michalis looked at the boy. "I only have one question."

Kiran nodded. "You're going to ask about Maria weren't you?"

Michalis took a step back. "How did you-"

"Don't worry; she's fine." Kiran smiled. "In fact, she's been talking about you nonstop. She really misses you ya know."

Michalis stared at Kiran for a moment and looked away to disguise the fact that tears stung his eyes. "She...talked about me?"

"Well technically she talked about you AND Minerva," Kiran stated. "But yeah she talked about you."

Michalis wiped his eyes and looked back at Kiran."Can I...see her?"

"Well of course you can!" Kiran walked in a direction and beckoned for Michalis to follow.

After a few minutes of walking, Kiran took Michalis to a garden occupied by roses and daises. Sitting there with a green haired girl with a purple robe and carrying a strange green tome, a girl with long ponytails and wearing dark clothing, and a green haired boy wearing dark robes was...


The Macedon princess looked up and in the next few moments, the air seemed to stand still. All of a sudden, Maria lurched herself at her older brother; her face covered in tears.

"Michalis..." Maria sniffed. "Oh Michalis!"

Michalis wrapped his arms around his sister. "Maria...I finally found you...Maria."


Michalis felt his whole body growing hot with rage. His sister was in peril yet again and he must save her.

"Brother!" Minerva shouted over the wind as they zoomed down to the store surrounded by lightning. "We're almost there!"

"I know!" Michalis took out his axe.

"We should probably slow down!"

"NO!" His wyvern began to descend even faster.

"Brother you are going too fast!" Minerva shouted; her voice sounding farther away. "You MUST slow down!"

"Never!" The store was just within reach....




With a thundering crash, Michalis came into the store and crashed into a dark haired man; wyvern and all. When he came to, Michalis saw his wyvern sitting on top of that dark haired man who was covered in blood with his supposed tome some distance away from his body. Michalis, with Hautclere still in his grasp, stood up and looked around. The ceiling had caved in and he was surrounded by rubble.

"Stay here." Michalis said to his wyvern and walked off.

As he trudged through the wreckage, Michalis was searching for any sign of his sister.

"Maria!" The prince shouted her name. "Maria! Where are you?!"

Suddenly, he heard a scream. Michalis sprinted in the direction of the sound and came upon Maria standing over an unconscious Est face to face with a woman with short black hair and wielding a yellow tome; thunder cackling in her other hand.

"Maria..." Michalis muttered.

The princess turned to face her brother; her eyes filled with tears. "B-Brother..."

The king began to walk forward.

"No don't!"

Michalis felt lightning on his body and was thrown back into a cupboard. With his rage to protect his family fueling him; the prince got back up to face the same dark haired woman.

"NOT ANOTHER STEP." The woman pointed his finger at Maria. "UNLESS YOU WANT THE GIRL TO DIE."

"You monster." Michalis growled. "What do you want?"


"Not happening," Michalis pointed his axe at her. "I will never work for that insane little brat again."

"OH YOU WILL. YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY?" The woman shot Maria with a thundershock who stumbled back with a scream.


His young sister looked up at him and half smiled. "I-It's okay. It wasn't so bad."


"Don't you dare..." Michalis clutched his fist.


Michalis scoffed. "You won't get away with this."


"Then fine. I will come back to her."

"Brother no!" Maria tried to move but stumbled with lightning sparks surrounding her.

"WONDERFUL. NOW I HAVE NO MORE NEED FOR THESE TWO WENCHES." The woman aimed her finger at Maria and Est. "FAREWELL."

"No!" Michalis tried to run, but he was suddenly surrounded by lightning. "CURSE YOU!"


Suddenly, the woman was hit by an incoming wyvern who grabbed her with its mouth and threw her deeper into the wreckage. On top of the wyvern was Minerva with a relieved look on her face.

"Brother!" Minerva sighed. "Thank goodness you're alive!"

"Minerva..." Michalis huffed as the lightning surrounding him died down. "Took you long enough."

Minerva frowned. "You're welcome."


"Sister!" Maria yelped.

"Maria!" Minerva leapt down from her wyvern and hugged her little sister. "I'm so glad you're okay!"

Maria pulled away from her. "Forget about me! It's Est! She was knocked out when the ceiling came crashing down!"

Michalis whistled and backed away as Minerva shot him a dirty look and carried Est to her wyvern. Despite the damage, his family was alive. His family...was safe.



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Part 17: You Will Fall! (Sheema)

She was too late. Sheema watched as Marth's blade pierced Caeda's body. She was ordered by Kirian to help Ogma with dealing with Marth and Vanessa. She had a lot of resistance against Vanessa and will be able to deal heavy damage against her. However, her accursed armor slowed her down. From a distance, Sheema heard the screams of Marth and Ogma as Caeda fell onto the ground. As Wrys came running up and began to heal Caeda, Ogma continued on the offensive against Marth who quickly snapped back into fighting mode when Veronica snapped her fingers.

"There's no time for tears Marth," Veronica smirked. "Just kill Ogma and Wrys so you can grab Caeda and whisk her away back to Embla."

"YES VERONICA," Marth parried Ogma's thrust. "I WILL TAKE...CAEDA BACK..."

"Snap out of it Marth!" Ogma hit the Altean prince with the hilt of his brave sword. "This isn't you!"

Marth staggered back and wiped the blood that trickled from his forehead. "THIS IS ME. BECAUSE OF VERONICA, I AM FREE."

"No you're not!" Ogma stood between Marth and Wrys as he continued to heal Caeda. "The Marth I know will never attack his friends!"


Ogma pointed his blade at Marth. "That's a load of horse plop. If you don't come back to your senses...then I'll make you come back by force!"

As they continued to fight, Sheema crawled behind the massive rocks that were beside Veronica. It appeared to her that she was just watching the battle and enjoying it. The princess of Gra knew that Veronica had powerful magic, but she had to defeat her somehow. Sheema looked at some of the boulders and suddenly, an idea formed in her head.

It's a long shot, but it's worth a try.


"How cute," Veronica said. "A bunch of friends dueling each other. Now how can I make this better for me to watch?"

Suddenly, Sheema jumped from behind the massive boulders and aimed to crash on top of Veronica. However, without even moving, Veronica flicked her hand and Sheema was suspended in midair.

"Curses!" Sheema tried swinging her axe at her, but to no avail.

"You can't touch me Princess of Gra," Veronica sighed. "You would've gained much if you sided with me."

"Never!" Sheema continued to flail. "I will never serve a cruel hearted monster like you!"

"Monster? I'm not a monster." Veronica flung Sheema into the pile of rocks. "I'm your GOD."

Sheema slowly opened her eyes and watched as the Embla princess slowly walked towards her. Anytime now...Sheema thought. Just a bit more closer...

"You're going to die now," Veronica allowed green flames to curl around her fingers. "Any last words?"

"Yeah," Sheema raised her axe and was enveloped in purple energy.

Veronica frowned. "What are you doing?"

"Giving you a concussion! YOU WILL FALL! NEW MOON!" Sheema slammed her axe into the rocks and stood still as they all came crashing down on her and Veronica. Thanks to her armor, Sheema was able to shield her body and use her killer axe to act as a protector for her head. Veronica screamed as she tried in vain to use her magic to destroy the rocks, but she was too slow. Eventually, the screaming stopped and there was utter silence.

After a few minutes, Sheema finally gained the strength to stand up again and saw Veronica's arm stretched out from under a pile of rocks.

"Lady Sheema!"

The princess turned to see Ogma running up to her.

"Ogma! Wait, what about Marth?"

The gladiator pointed to the collapsed prince of Altea. "He fell as soon as you defeated Veronica. I imagine that the battle is wrapping up now."

"Good..." Sheema leaned on a rock. "I'm glad I got here when I did. How's Caeda?"

Ogma lowered his head and clenched his fists. "She's in such a critical condition. Curse Embla for driving her to do this! Making her stand between me and Marth so that we could stop-"

Sheema pushed Ogma out of the way as lightning crashed down right next to them. Rock and debris blew up all over the place as the two rushed to Caeda's side.

"Dearest Naga!" Wrys cried as the two fell next to him. "What just happened?"

"I have no idea," Sheema panted. "I just saw something bright come towards us and my legs did the rest."

"Who would attack us?" Ogma said. "The battle should be over by now?"

"Hmph. Have you truly forgotten my existence?"

The three turned around and saw a man in dark clothing riding a horse lifting Veronica and Marth with magic.

"Prince Bruno," Sheema drew her axe.

The prince smiled. "So you DO know who I am."

Ogma drew his sword. "If you're here for a fight-"

"I'm here to collect my sister. She was never one for physical combat. I will leave you to your victory now. However, know that I will destroy you in time." With that, the dark cavalier rode off back to Embla with the rest of their troops.

"Nice guy," Wrys muttered.

Sheema withdrew her axe and glanced at the Askran castle; amazingly untouched by the chaos that ensured on its grounds. "Come my comrades. Let's go home."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Part 18: Legend in the Making! (Luke)

Author's notes: Just got Clarisse so the story will change

Luke remembered seeing darkness. That was it; darkness. All he remembers last is training against Roderick and the next thing you know-POOF!-Luke feels like he's getting sucked in by something and now he's in pitch black.

"Hello?" Luke's voice echoed. Okay, he's in a cave. Well he's been in worse situations than this so surely, The Legend can find a way to get out of this predicament. All he had to do was move his fingers...wait what? He can't feel his fingers which isn't very promising. Matter of fact, Luke can't feel anything and that's probably not good. Suddenly, he saw a small light which...was never good.

"Naga is that you?" Luke asked to the light. "Am I...am I dead?"

The light grew bigger and bigger.

"N-Naga?" Luke began to panic. "H-Hey! Can someone please answer me!"

Suddenly, a voice came from the distance. "H-!Ar-yo-aw-?"

"Um..." Luke tried to tilt his head, but he couldn't. "Hello?"


"I-I can't hear you!" Luke shouted. "Please talk louder!"

Suddenly, the light collided with him and Luke felt feeling return to all of his body. The next few moments, his eyes slowly opened and looked up to see a kid wearing white clothing surrounded by a blue haired boy with white armor, a blonde haired girl with the same attire, and a red haired girl who looks...very familiar.

"Are you okay?" The robed man asked.

Having no idea where he is or why he's here, Luke decided to do what he did best: grin. "Hah of course! The Mighty Luke is always fine! Thanks uh..."

"Kirian" The boy stretched out his hand whom Luke took and was able to stand up.

"Well it looks like this was a successful summon," The blue haired boy turned to Kirian. "After getting nothing for the past few weeks,"

"Yeah Alfonse is right!" The blonde haired girl sighed. "I really wanted to see new Heroes."

"Well now we've seen one," The red haired girl smiled. "So chin up Sharena. You can be friends with this one as well."

Sharena's eyes lit up. "You're right! Thanks Anna!" She then turned to Luke and began bouncing up and down. "Welcome to Askr! I can't wait to show you around!"

"Now now Sharena," Alfonse said. "We also called him here because we require his assistance."

"My assistance?" Luke tilted his head. "With what?"

Anna bit her lip. "We need your help. There's this evil kingdom that's trying to take over all realms named Embla."

"That's where you come in," Alfonse said as he turned to Luke. "Will you lend your cause?"

Luke smiled. "Well of course I'll help! It's nice to have a Legend around huh?"

Alfonse laughed. "Yes we're honored to help you."

"So..." Luke cracked his knuckles. "Where do we start?"

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Part 19: Allses of Us! (Legion)

Author's notes: Just got Priscilla, Klein, and Julia so the story will change drastically.

Legion was confused. How could a team of four defeat him and his many brothers? As he stared at the puny white robed boy, his head began to hurt. Legion hated thinking soses much.

"Um..." The boy gulped. "We uh...defeated you."

"Ises know," Legion saidses. "You haveses defeated me and my many brothers WEE-HEE-HEE! You are tooses strong for uses!"

"Um what?"

A blue haired girl wearing blue clothes and wielding a strange looking sword whispered in his ear. "I think he complimented you."

"Oh...alright." Kirian smiled. "Well thank you."

"Soses am I to join youses?" Legion askses. "Or am I to returnses to my land?"

"Well we need your help," Kirian said. "Embla is attacking this kingdom and causing other Heroes such as yourself to fight against us. I know you're not known to fight for the good guys, but it could be fun."

Legion scratchedses his head. "Hmmmm....funses?"


Legion nodded. "Then me and my many brotherses will lend our axeses to you!"

"Really?" Kirian shook his hand. "Thank you so much Sir Legion. We are in your debt!"

Legion laughedses for long time. "Yes! Yes! Allses of us can fight tiny boyses! We will protect youeses and crusheses our foes!"

"That's..." Kirian shrugged. "Well at least you're passionate."

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Part 20: Band of Losers (Clarisse)

Author's notes: Just got Tobin so the story will change.

Clarisse looks up at a boy with strange clothing. Her eyes stung with tears as she laid there feeling battered and bruised. The last thing she remembered was fighting against this whelp's band of losers. How 'could SHE lose to THEM?

"Well that was tough," The boy said as he stretched out his hand. "You were pretty tough."

Clarisse huffed and turned away from him. "Well I guess that's what happens when you're under Veronica's contract huh? If I was still in control, I would've wiped the floor with you!"

"I don't doubt it." The boy's hand was still outstretched towards her.

"What, are you trying to offer me pity?"

"Well...yeah. I mean you look like you could use a friend."

"Pfft! So are we friends now?"

"I mean..." The boy rubbed his neck. "Well if you want to join us then we can be friends."

"You want me to join your motley band of losers? Why?"

"Well...I know about your past."

Clarisse looked up at him. "You...do?"

"Yeah. I know that you were hired to kill Marth. I know that you're friends with Katarina though you don't admit it. And...I know that you long for a family."

Clarisse tried to get up, but the pain was too much for her. "How do you know so much about me?"

The boy shrugged. "I have my resources."

"You expect me to be okay with that answer?"

"For now at least. I'll tell you everything later."

Clarisse sighed. She has no idea how this kid knew so much about her. Yet...she didn't feel threatened by him. Maybe that's why he has so many Heroes by his side...he's pretty calm and kind to a fault.

"Is Katarina here?"

The boy shook his head. "She still remains in the clutches of our enemy."

Clarisse nodded. "Alright fine. Until we get her back, I'll be working for you guys."


"Yeah. But first..." Clarisse rubbed her shoulder. "Do you know a good healer? That chick with the strange egg did a number on me."


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