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Von Plays Giten Megami Tensei: Tokyo Revelation

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Von Plays Giten Megami Tensei: Tokyo Revelation


In this thread, I plan to show my experiences playing Giten Megami Tensei: Tokyo Revelation for the PC-98.  This is a very obscure Megami Tensei game, even in Japan, that was released exclusively there for the PC-98 computers and later for Windows.  Ever since I heard about it, it has greatly intrigued me because of how weird and obscure it is.  I spent a lot of time translating the game's instruction manual into English, and now I wish to share my experiences since English guides for this game are practically nonexistent and demand for a fan translation seems relatively low.

Things you need to know about this game:

  • Let's not beat around the bush; there is a lot of adult content in this game even by MegaTen standards, including many nude female demons and even a couple of optional sex scenes.  I cannot show these, but I will tell you how to access them if I can figure out how to do so.
  • This game uses a battle system that hybridizes real-time and turn-based combat: enemies are visible wandering around dungeons and can individually engage you in battle.  The battle system itself is similar to Final Fantasy's Active Time Battle (ATB) system, except that you can pick and choose who goes in what order.  Because constant alertness for roaming demons is needed, I may have difficulty procuring battle screenshots.
  • This game uses a metric ton of kanji in its text, so don't expect me to translate every little thing.  I will be using plot summaries from this website as a loose guide, and will translate them as brief summaries of what's going on in the story.
  • Even though physical elements exist in this game, no one element except for Gun is strictly physical or magical.  For example, the Megido line of Spells is treated as Sword-type.  Also, there exists a Spell line called Damud that is Gun-type (better rendered as Havoc-type) that attacks enemies with explosions (think Zan in Persona 1 or Giga in Majin Tensei II: Spiral Nemesis).
  • To my knowledge, this is the first game in the series in which your demon allies can Level up, allowing them to learn Skills of certain Subtypes (Song, Curse, Fencer, Water, Bird, Beast, etc.).  More bizarrely, your demons can also equip weapons and armor that matches their Equip Type (the only other game I know of in which demons can equip stuff is Last Bible III).
  • Different calibers exist for Guns and Ammo, and they can only be used together if they have the same caliber (you cannot load a pistol or a bow with shotgun shells, for example).
  • Every piece of armor requires a certain amount of ST to equip (also DX for weapons).

If you have any further questions, consult my manual translation or ask me directly.

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Von Plays Giten Megami Tensei: Tokyo Revelation

Part 1: Getting Personal

Well, let's not delay any further.



The game begins as Ayato is about to take a personality test not unlike the ones seen in if... and Strange Journey.  This is ostensibly to prepare for the exam he has to take in order to become a Demon Buster, but its real purpose is to determine his initial stats and what kind of Skills he will be able to learn.  After choosing "Yes" (はい) to start the exam and "OK" to grant the education board access to his health records to actually do so, we are given the questions below to answer.  I would like to get a Magic Type Ayato from this test, but since I have no idea what personality trait combinations grant it, I will simply have to guess and hope that I get what I want.  My responses will be in blue.

1.  Which of the four doors in front of you do you choose?

  • Red (赤)
  • Blue (青)
  • Green (緑)
  • Yellow (黄)

2.  As you are walking through a beautiful field, you encounter a fork in the road.  What do you do?

  • Go left, to the forest (左の森)
  • Go right, to the hills (右の丘)
  • Continue down the middle of the road (中央の道無き道を進む)
  • Take a rest (一休みする)
  • Put a stick in the ground and go in the direction that it falls (棒を立てて倒れた方向へ)

3.  Suddenly, a black bird appears before you.  Is it a sign of something?

  • It is a bad omen (悪い前兆)
  • It is a good sign (良い兆し)
  • It has no significance (関係ない)
  • The bird is a demon (この鳥は悪魔だ)

4.  After a while, you happen upon an old abandoned house with a well near it; how is the well?

  • It's dry (干からびている)
  • Water will come out if you dig (掘れば水が出る)
  • There is water at the very bottom (深い底に水がある)
  • It's full of water (満と水を湛えている)
  • There are scary people lurking near the well (恐ろしい者が潜む井戸)

5.  A question about color:  If red is the color of blood, what is white the color of?

  • Clouds (雲)
  • Snow (雪)
  • Death (死)
  • Milk (ミルク)
  • Light (光)

6.  A deep fog comes out as you are patrolling the ground.  You pull out as you feel it is too dangerous, but you find that you have one more man with you than you remember accompanying you.  This one does not look like the captain; what do you do?

  • Ask aloud (大声で知らせる)
  • Get a closer look at him (個に近寄って確認)
  • Discuss a familiar topic (身近な話題を始める)
  • Prepare your gun first (まず銃を用意する)
  • Use your Demon Analyzer (デビルアナライズする)

7.  You are on a long journey.  What will you see before you when you finally reach your destination?

  • The open sea (大海原)
  • A view from the mountaintop (山頂からの眺望)
  • Your lover awaiting you inside the house (恋人の待つ家)
  • The ruined Tokyo (崩壊した東京)
  • Your ultimate enemy (最後の敵)

Let's see our results:


The three possible positive traits we can get out of this quiz are Rational (理性的), Mysterious (神秘的), or Analytical (正しい分析能力)...


...While the three possible negative traits are Self-Righteous (独善的), Indecisive (優柔不断), and Imprudent (思慮が足りない).

Whether Ayato is a Physical, Gun, Magic, or Computer Type fighter is determined by combinations of these (one positive and one negative).  But, again, I have no clue what combinations yield what fighting type.

Anyway, now that we're done with the quiz, let's take a gander at Ayato's initial stats:


We see that his highest stat is BL, with his other highest stats being MA and DX.  If you're not sure what each of the stats here do, please consult my manual translation.  This looks like what we want, but we won't know for sure until we do some grinding...

In the next part, we talk to Ayato's friends a bit and take the exam proper.

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Von Plays Giten Megami Tensei: Tokyo Revelation

Part 2: The Written Exam

Before taking the exam, we need to talk to Ayato's friends and also explore a bit.


We find a Luck Incense in a small room near Ayato's starting position.  Aside from that, everything else on this floor is just shops and NPCs you can talk to.


While we're at it, we also change the Auto-Mapping and Auto-Navigation settings to Fixed Mode so that we don't get disoriented.


This is Yoshio Nishino (西野 義雄), commander of the Hatsudai Shelter's 2nd Unit of Demon Busters.  Also here is his lovely wife, Yōko Nishino (西野 陽子).  They serve as Ayato's parental figures since he lost his real ones.


Next is Isamu Yamase (山瀬 勇), the 2nd Unit's gun specialist.  He's also an otaku and computer whiz, though more so with software than hardware.


Then, we have Tatsuya Hayasaka (早坂 達也), a nice guy who acts as the 2nd Unit's melee specialist.


After Hayasaka is his girlfriend Emi Kirishima (桐島 英美), the mechanic of the 2nd Unit and also of the Hatsudai Shelter itself.


Finally, we have Yūka Tachibana (橘 由宇香), the Heroine of this game.  She is a member of the shelter's elite class and also Ayato's love interest.  She too is getting ready for the exam and has a conversation with Ayato about it and also the blouson (jacket) he wears that originally belonged to his father.  There are a couple of dialogue choices for Ayato, but they don't seem to have any impact besides flavor.


Nishino's son, Chita (西野 知多) can be found playing in the halls by Yūka and Emi's rooms.  As you would expect, he is like a little brother to Ayato.

The large area below Yūka and Emi's rooms is a medical bay containing a Drugstore and Hospital as well as a healing room that we can't use yet.

Now that we've talked to all of Ayato's friends, we can return to his room to find a notification that the exam will be ready tomorrow.  We tell his five friends from before about it before returning back to his room to rest (休む) and save our progress.

This will begin the written portion of the exam.  It is worth 50 points total and is split into different sections.  The questions are on things you're probably supposed to consult the manual about, but since all of the answers are available here, we don't need to do that!

Demon Taxonomy (12 Pts.)

  1. Through their blood (血を流させる)
  2. New Moon (新月)
  3. LIGHT
  4. DARK
  5. NO
  6. Different abilities (能力値の偏向)

Tactics for Combat Against Demons: Magic (14 Pts.)

  1. Willpower (精神力)
  2. When used on a non-corporeal demon (非肉体悪魔にかける)
  3. NO
  4. YES
  5. NO
  6. HP
  7. Find a way out (とにかく逃げる)

Tactics for Combat Against Demons: Magic (13 Pts.)

  1. NO
  2. YES
  3. You cannot use magic that hits multiple enemies (複数攻撃魔法が使えない)
  4. NO
  5. NO
  6. From behind (背面)

Tactics for Combat Against Demons: Conversation (11 Pts.)

  1. Diamond (ダイヤモンド)
  2. NO
  3. Magical power (魔力)
  4. Orc (オーク)
  5. NO
  6. Give up and let it go (あきらめて逃がす)

With these answers, we can get a perfect score on the written exam (or near-perfect, assuming we hit a wrong answer on accident.


Once we complete the written exam, we are immediately yanked out of Ayato's room and taken to the Virtual Battler for the skills exam, which we shall see in the next part.

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Von Plays Giten Megami Tensei: Tokyo Revelation

Part 3: The Skills Exam

For the skills test, we are to fight our way through a virtual dungeon created specifically for the exam.


Yūka is to be our partner for this portion of the test.  Let's look at our stats for it:



Both Ayato and Yūka have a Combat Knife, Nambu Super, 9mm Bullets, Headgear, DB Jacket, DB Gloves, and DB Boots for the duration of the exam.  Yūka also starts with Di, the basic Heal Spell (as opposed to Dia, which is its Tier 2 equivalent, followed by Diarama, Diarahan, and Dimarl).  We also start with three Medicines, an Antidote P, and a Blue Geal (?) in our inventory.  (That last item is supposed to heal an Ailment, though I don't remember specifically which one.)

Anyway, we leave the starting point and enter into a large, horseshoe-shaped hall containing some weak enemies (namely Evil Spirits and a few Boogeymen).  There are doors on either side we can enter to go deeper in.


On either side of the smaller hall are forced encounters with Undead (not to be confused with the race of the same name).  They look intimidating, but are not too hard to take down.  We don't want to fight them both, though.

We heal a little with our Medicines before going into the next room, which is full of slightly more dangerous demons that like to inflict Ailments such as Trip (yes, there are such things as Trip and High Ailments).

After that is another forced encounter, this time with a Boogeyman.  It's no stronger than the others fought earlier, though.

Finally, there is another hall of dangerous enemies that we quickly dispatch with a Mazio Stone dropped earlier by another enemy.  Yūka learns Zan after defeating these enemies, not that we'll need it much now.

Down the next hall, we hear odd explosions and defeat another Undead.  Further in we find ...Emi?


Apparently the dungeon's boss data has gone haywire and she's gone in to shut it off.  She requests our aid in doing so.


Hayasaka is also here to help his lover.  The four of us go in to stop the beast...


...a Poison Dragon with vastly inflated stats, especially its whopping 6800 HP.  Try as we might, we can barely scratch the thing.


Thankfully, Nishino and Yamase have also come to get us out before things can get too hairy.  With that, we finally see the opening credits, for some reason.

Yes, I know these are for the Windows version, but they're not any different.

After the credits, we get pulled out of the Virtual Battler.  Ayato and Yūka will redo this part of the test at a later date because of the whole mess-up.

We're still not quite done, though.  You'll see what I mean in the next part.

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Von Plays Giten Megami Tensei: Tokyo Revelation

Part 4: Becoming Demon Busters


After you leave the Virtual Battler, the members of the 2nd Unit introduce themselves again formally in a manner that somewhat reminds me of one of MAD Magazine's movie/TV parodies.  We also meet Newton, Emi's companion animal (who is NOT a pet).


Ayato and Yūka are then taken to another room with other examinees and to wait there until called.  Yūka expresses her anxiety in a conversation with him until she and a few others are called out of the room.  Suddenly, there is an explosion outside, and we decide to go out and see what's happening (樣子を見に行く) despite our instructions to stay put.  Outside the room is an arsenal worker's father; the explosion came from that way.  We go with him to see what's going on...


The worker has apparently been possessed by a demon and is holding another man hostage, threatening him with a knife; we need to resolve this situation.  First, we need to check our surroundings (周囲をうかがう) to see what we can do.  We select every option on the list starting at the top, looking at the worker, the hostage, the weapons, and that fallen Demon Buster on the floor.  Looking at him twice, we can see that his gun on the floor in the worker's blind spot.  We distract him before picking it up, but it doesn't seem to work...

Suddenly, the examiner shows up behind us and tells us that the whole scenario was set up; everyone was acting, including that seemingly dead Demon Buster.  This was all part of the skills test, meant to see how well we could make calm judgements in the event of an emergency.  Oddly, none of this seems to have a clear effect on your score.

But now the test is over.  We go by Yūka's room to see how she's doing.  She was put through a simulation of similar purpose in which she was attacked by Lesser Demons that later turned out to be holograms.  When we go back to Ayato's room, Yūka follows us to tell us she passed and see how we have done: we have passed and been assigned to the 2nd Unit with the others!  After telling them, we decide to take a rest.


Ayato thinks about his dead parents and Yūka before falling asleep.  His father was commander of the 2nd Unit when he was alive.  Back then, the barrier technology used to protect the shelters was not as well-developed and demons infiltrated the shelters more often.  He sacrificed himself so that his comrades could survive.  Nishino was one of them, and for that he has felt indebted to Ayato's father ever since, raising Ayato like his own son.

The next morning, Yūka wakes us up and tells us that we're going to do some more training in the Virtual Battler.  First, we need an Arm Terminal and the necessary software.  We go up to the packing room on B5F, where the others (save Emi) have prepared one for us, down to B7F, where Emi gives us Auto-Mapping and Auto-Navigation software for the Arm Terminal, and then back to B5F to show it the others.


With this new software, we can use our Auto-Map and identify NPCs and shops on the minimap.

Once we get everything we need, we immediately head to the Virtual Battler on B6F.  Hayasaka explains how it works, but I'll get to that myself when it becomes more relevant.


Inside the Virtual Battler, we take this path to reach the boss as quickly as possible.


Awaiting us at the end of the path is the Earth Dragon, the boss of the Virtual Battler's Low Level.  It is immune to Light and knows Feral Bite, Tackle, Talon, and Fragrant Breath.  Only that last Skill is remotely dangerous and we're able to kill him easily by spamming our guns, which are rather strong.  From this encounter, Ayato learns Entsuki Method and Patra, while Yūka learns Mazan.

After reporting the results to Nishino and learning about programs for interacting with demon minions, we explore B6F.  Noteworthy locations include the Tool Shop, food store (where Hayasaka's dad works), Computer Terminal, farm, bar, and Virtual Battler.  At the Computer Station, we go ahead and download a Demon Analyzer program, though we cannot use it yet.  We also sell our surplus equipment and buy a Higo no Kami at the Tool Shop; it is the worst weapon in the game, but something good will happen if you leave one in a Spring of Healing...  After doing all that, we return to Ayato's room to rest.

The next day, we receive an emergency notification from Harajuku Shelter that demons have gotten in and it has become infected with a zombie virus.  We go to tell Nishino, but he is not in his quarters; his wife says he's at the packing place on B5F.  There, he and the rest of the 2nd Unit are preparing to head to the shelter, where Emi's parents and Yūka's biological mother are trapped and in danger.  Nishino asks the shelter administrators to clearance to proceed, but they do not give it to him.  Angrily, Hayasaka runs out of the room to help the other shelter and Emi and Yūka follow him.  This leaves only Ayato, Nishino, and Yamase left in the room.  Nishino decides to tell the administrators that his team is moving out, but Yamase decides to stay put.  Because we're tired and would prefer our Alignment not Chaos-shifted, we decide to stay put too (行かない).  Nevertheless, we can overhear Yamase talking to Nishino over a communicator to hear what's going on: the 2nd Unit is unable to open the shelter doors (likely because the shelter's electrical systems aren't working) and thus cannot do anything.  The administrators eventually order them back and dismiss them.  If you decide to go with them, you get to meet Yūka's family including Kanetsugu, Yūka's father who is the administrator in charge of all of Hatsudai's Demon Busters and also, if you'll pardon my language, a classist asshole.  Yūka and her father don't really get along very well.

Once all that mess is over, we go back to our room to rest.  In the next part, we use our spare time to take a deeper look at the Virtual Battler and prepare well in advance for a very hard fight later on down the road...

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Von Plays Giten Megami Tensei: Tokyo Revelation

Part 5: Epic Training Montage!

Not long after the Hatsudai arc of the game, there is a very hard boss fight that makes Matador look like a little pansy.  We will have very few good opportunities to prepare for it, so everything we do from this point onwards will be to do that.

The most important thing we need to do is grind Ayato to about Level 25-ish, during which he'll learn Mahorogi, which will Mute him, but also protect him from all magical attacks.  The Hatsudai Shelter's Virtual Battler will be our only reliable means of reaching such a high Level and also for obtaining a large early-game supply of Macca and Magnetite, though the enemies themselves do not give you any of the former.

The Virtual Battler has three Levels: Low, Medium, and High.  All three use the same map, but have stronger enemies based on the selected Level and start Ayato off with better equipment the higher the trainer Level:

  • On the Low Level, he will start with the same weapons and items he had when taking the test.  (Also, the Blue Geal item heals Trip, though you will often fail to use it when you need to because Ayato's hallucinations will cause him to waste a lot of turns.  Of course.)
  • On the Medium Level, he will start with a Saber, Type 89 Auto, 5.56mm Bullets, Fritz Helm, DB Jacket, DB Glove, and DB Boots equipped and have one each of Medicine, Blue Geal, Antidote P, and Antidote PP in his inventory.  That last item heals Poison and Paralyze.
  • On the High Level, he will start with a Gladius, AR10, 7.62mm Bullets, Face Guard, Combat Mail, DB Glove, and DB Boots equipped and have Medicine x2, Blue Geal x2, Antidote P x1, and Antidote PP x1 in his inventory.

Ayato himself should have a minimum VI and DX of 8 to access the Medium Level and 10 to access the High Level.  However, this doesn't always work properly; I was not able to access the Medium Level until meeting the requirements for the High Level as well.


Here's the full map of the Virtual Battler, if you're interested.  If you just want to kill the bosses as quickly as possible, refer to the screenshot of this area in the previous part highlighting the path.


The boss of the Medium Level is the Sky Dragon.  It is immune to Light and knows Feral Bite, Wing Flap, Talon, and Tail.  None of these are dangerous and it goes down easily.


The boss of the High Level is the Fire Dragon.  It is equipped with Devil's Armor, immune to Light, and knows Feral Bite, Tackle, Tail, and Fire Breath.  It too goes down easily.

Anyway, once you're strong enough to do the High Level, you can take advantage of a bug to get access to stronger equipment than what you should normally have.  If you remove all of Ayato's equipment before entering the Virtual Battler and defeat the boss, he can take his virtual equipment back with him into the real world and you can sell your surplus at the Tool Shop.  You should get five sets total of AR10, 7.62mm Bullets, Face Guard, and Combat Mail (enough for yourself and four other people, who will already come equipped with DB Glove and DB Boots and can get a stronger sword than the Gladius later) and sell any surplus you may obtain.

Taking a short break, we explore B8F to find more Incense and an Inochi.  Besides the arsenal and a Computer Station that we can't use yet, there's nothing else of interest.

Once you have done everything you need to, talk to each of Ayato's 2nd Unit buddies again and then rest in his room to advance to the next part.  Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to finish grinding, so it may be a while before you see the next part.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Von Plays Giten Megami Tensei: Tokyo Revelation

Part 6: Virus Alert!

Ohhh, lordy.  Welcome back, everyone.

After spending seemingly an eternity grinding, I eventually got Ayato up to Level 27.  Here are his stats now:


In the process, he learned a crapton of new Skills, namely (in this order): Agi, Maragi, Mahorogi, Feiyan Sword, Sword Dance, Agilao, Medi, Haze Cutter, Tsubame-Gaeshi, Agiyad, Okinaga Method, Musha Wheel, Double Edge, Agilaon, Deil, Dream Sword, Media, Vacuum Cutter, Helm Splitter, Rakukaja, Shadow Bind, Maragila, Shadow Cut, and Estoma.  Holy freaking crap.  Can you imagine any other protagonist walking around with such a huge Skill list?  Heck, I don't even think there are a lot of bosses anywhere in the series who have this many Skills (though I know a lot of bosses in the later Persona games come close).

Anyway, once you think you've done all the grinding you need, talk to each of Ayato's friends about what happened yesterday and return in his room to progress the story forward.

When Ayato comes back to his room, he receives a suspicious e-mail from Harajuku Shelter.  It claims that they have created a "Demon Repulsion Program" to defeat the demons and eradicate the zombie virus in the shelter.  Attached to the e-mail is a "Demon Combat Program".

We now have to decide who should analyze the program: Nishino, the administrators, Hayasaka, or ourselves.  We decide to give the program to Hayasaka, then do the "visit the five rooms and rest" thing a couple more times, hearing everyone's concerns as Hayasaka begins to act strangely.

The second time around, Emi starts to become very worried, and she accompanies us to Hayasaka's room, then in front of the cafeteria on B6F to see what's wrong with him.


We catch him trying to take a large amount of food from the cafeteria.  Luckily, we're able to suppress him and take him back to his room.

After returning to Emi's room and meeting with everyone else, it becomes clear that there's something very wrong with Hayasaka.  Also, something happens on B10F, but we can't see what it is because the door to B9F is still locked.

Anyway, we visit the five rooms again return to our room to rest like usual.  However, Yūka wakes us up to tell us some grim news: Her sister, Miri, was killed in the farm area!  She turns to us for comfort, then we go down to the lab on B7F.


In front of the lab, we meet Kanetsugu in the flesh; Yūka's stepmother, Karin, is also there along with Nishino.  Everyone briefly discusses what happened.

When we return to Yūka's room, Emi shows up and raises suspicions that Hayasaka may have been the one who killed Miri, and also tries to apologize to Yūka.  She figures he must've been possessed through that weird "Demon Combat Program", bypassing the shelter's anti-demon barriers.

Nishino and Yamase conclude that the demon must have murdered Miri through Hayasaka to obtain her Magnetite, and had also sent a similar e-mail to the Ochanomizu Shelter.  We take Emi to Hayasaka's room, and return to our own, only to decide to go and see how Yūka is doing instead.  She expresses more worries and also confesses her feelings for Ayato.  If you pick the right options, you can access a sex scene, but I couldn't figure out how to do that.

After that, we meet Emi and Nishino on B5F to discuss a strategy on how to stop the demon.  The plan is to provoke the demon into leaving Hayasaka's body and fight it when it materializes.


The strategy works.  However, upon analysis, Nishino finds that the demon is an extremely powerful one by the name of Murmur.  (Yes, that one demon who guarded a birdcage in SMT4.)  We fight him, but none of our attacks can hurt him, and he spends the entirety of the brief fight taunting us before fleeing through the back, leaving us messages about Nishino and a labor camp.

After a while, Yūka and Yamase show up to tell us that demons are appearing on B6F and that we need to stop them.

We shall address this pressing issue in the next part.

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You haven't even gotten your first demons yet, but you had to grind to level 27. If the boss battle really is that hard, then damn thats bad game design. There is a very small chance I'd ever put up with that. I do like the MC naturally learning magic and physical skills though, the pre-DF MCs are rather lackluster thanks to them only having basic sword and gun attacks. 

Also, those outfits are so terribly dated, the older SMTs show their cultural age. And where do they find all those red jackets? And why no real body armor? Pauldrons never saved anyone's life.

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34 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

You haven't even gotten your first demons yet, but you had to grind to Level 27.  If the boss battle really is that hard, then damn that's bad game design.  There is a very small chance I'd ever put up with that.  I do like the MC naturally learning magic and physical skills though, the pre-DF MCs are rather lackluster thanks to them only having basic sword and gun attacks. 

Also, those outfits are so terribly dated, the older SMTs show their cultural age.  And where do they find all those red jackets?  And why no real body armor?  Pauldrons never saved anyone's life.

I am fully convinced that the people at ASCII were high when they were making this game.  The presence of drug-related Ailments like Trip and High only reinforce this.

Funny thing is, Dantalion is apparently even harder in the Windows version because of how that version handles battle speed; basically, the faster your computer is, the faster the battle speed will be, and by extension the faster Dantalion's attacks will be.  This makes the Windows version nigh-unplayable on modern computers without a patch.  Not that I was ever planning to play the Windows version anyway, because it's freaking ugly as sin to look at.

As for this game's outfits, I do have to agree on how ridiculous they look.  Yūka's DB outfit is especially bad.  If you look closely, her top does not even completely cover her (bra-less) chest; this is a bit easier to see in her official artwork, seen in the manual.  I like to think of this game (as well as the Devil Survivor games) as anomalies in a series that has actually had a decent track record of avoiding oversexualized/fanservicey character designs.  (Enemy designs, on the other hand, may be a different story.  But hey, you can't win 'em all, can you?)

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4 hours ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

I like to think of this game (as well as the Devil Survivor games) as anomalies in a series that has actually had a decent track record of avoiding oversexualized/fanservicey character designs.  (Enemy designs, on the other hand, may be a different story.  But hey, you can't win 'em all, can you?)

Devil Survivor 1 wasn't too bad, the breast sizes were there, but outside of Yuzu, you wouldn't notice them too much and nobody showed that much skin outside of Haru. DS2 on the other hand, well Hinako (I keep calling her Hinoka by accident) oh how bad she is, and then you have Io, whose bra either sags upwards, or her mammary glands are anti-gravity.

As for the demons, well demons of the night like Lilim having sexualized designs is expected (and we have Incubus and Master Therion on the male side, though the sexualized balance is certainly tilted towards the ladies, but perhaps thats the result of men dominating the writing of mythology and thus demonizing women).

Diana however, why Atlus why? She's supposed to be an eternal virgin and you ruined her!

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Von Plays Giten Megami Tensei: Tokyo Revelation


Just a small update discussing extra points I thought would be important.

If Ayato analyzes the suspicious e-mail himself, he will be the one possessed by Murmur through a program called "Murmur.bin".  Under Murmur's influence, he will also send a program called "Aim.bin" (presumably containing Aim, another Fallen demon) to the Ochanomizu Shelter.  In addition, he will be responsible for taking the food from the cafeteria AND killing Miri in the farm.  ...Yeah.  This isn't recommended to do because it will not only shift Ayato's Alignment towards Chaos, but also seriously hurt his Magnetite supply.

In an attempt to figure out how to obtain the sex scene, I consulted a video on Nico Nico Douga showing the player going through the different options until he gets it (take that in whatever sense thou wilt).  If you select the choices on the following list positions in chronological order:

Bottom, top, top, middle, top, top, bottom, middle, bottom, middle, middle, middle, bottom, top, bottom


...then the player gets to see Yūka lying naked on her bed.  Oh, and if your set of dialogue choices does not result in her getting undressed, Ayato's Alignment apparently shifts towards Dark as a result of denying Yūka the "Mara" she always wanted, for some reason.

(Would you believe me if I told you that of all the games for Mara not to appear in, it would be the hentai game?)

So now I'll need to redo the love scene correctly, because having my Alignment shift to Dark does not sound good.  This game...

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Von Plays Giten Megami Tensei: Tokyo Revelation

Part 7: The Invasion

Demons have started to invade the Hatsudai Shelter and we need to stop them!  But first, we need to look at our new party members' stats:


Yūka is the weakest character in our party, having had relatively little combat training compared to everyone else.  She starts with a Combat Knife, Nambu Super, 9mm Bullets, Headgear, DB Jacket, DB Glove, DB Boots, and Amulet and has the exact same stats and Skills as she did when she last left us.


Nishino is the strongest of our new party members.  Not nearly as much as Ayato, of course, but still quite strong for this early in the game.  He starts with a Combat Knife, Nambu Super, 9mm Bullets, Headgear, DB Jacket, DB Glove, DB Boots, and Silver Watch and knows Palm Strike, Double Strike, Okinaga Method, Elbow Smash, Knee Kick, and Oni's Fury.


In the middle is Hayasaka, who starts with a Combat Knife, Walther P1, 9mm Bullets, Headgear, DB Jacket, DB Glove, DB Boots, and Silver Watch and knows Hand Chop, Spin Slash, Elbow Smash, and Knee Kick.


In between Nishino and Hayasaka is Yamase, who starts with a Combat Knife, Cz75, 9mm Bullets, Headgear, DB Jacket, DB Glove, and DB Boots and knows Burninger, Mighty Quit, and Blinder.


Finally, just above Yūka is Emi, who starts with a Buzz Wrench, Beretta M92F, 9mm Bullets, DB Jacket, DB Glove, DB Boots, and Emi's Ring and knows Di, Dia, Elekinger, Posumudi, and Patra.

The first thing we need to do is go down to B7F, where everyone is hiding in the medical bay from the demons.  On the way down there, we kill a bunch of Slimes and Stampers and get 2 of the 6-8 Ceramic Blades we need against that really tough boss later.  (I should add that these demons are too small to be seen at 0 Range, so if you can't move, you probably have one of these on top of you.)  Before trying to go down the stairs to B8F, we check out a lab directly across from the medical bay entrance where we can get free healing.


Unfortunately for us, the lock on the door has been changed, preventing us from descending any further.

Suddenly, there is a scream coming from the morgue.  When we go to see what it is, the nurse there tells us that Miri turned into a zombie and escaped.  Apparently, when Murmur killed her, he infected her body with the highly contagious ZMV (short for Zombie-Making Virus, how creative) to be spread throughout the rest of the shelter.

Ayato, Yūka, and Nishino go up to B6F while the others stay behind to stop demons from entering the medical bay.


There, they find the zombified Miri in front of the eastern elevator, carrying Karin's arm.  The very sight causes Yūka to faint from shock, so we have to take her back to the medical bay to get her some rest.  Then, we meet the others back at the medical bay entrance; Nishino orders Ayato and Hayasaka to procure supplies from the food store on B6F while Isamu evacuates everyone to the farm and Emi figures out how to deal with the lock.

After doing this (make sure to get all the Ceramic Blades you need first), we proceed to the arsenal on B8F, where everyone equips themselves with DB Blades, Type 89 Auto, and 5.56mm Bullets (we make sure to change Ayato's equipment back, though).  There are no enemies on this floor when we enter the arsenal, but when we leave, the entire floor is full of zombies!


Before I forget, here's Newton's stats.  He's filling in for Yamase while he watches the farm.  He starts with a Newton Blade, Neutron, E-Cartridge 50, and 10mm Composite and knows Feral Bite, Tackle, Sonic Alarm, and Fire Breath.

Anyway, after killing every single zombie on B8F, we find a researcher hiding in the room where Ayato had stayed before his examination in the armory.  We decide to take him to the medical bay to screen him for the ZMV, only to find more corporeal demons, signifying that the shelter's barriers have completely broken down.  The farm is no longer safe, so we need to get to B6F and stop the demons there.  When we get there, the researcher gets himself killed by the demons.  Yamase is oddly nowhere to be seen.

Here, we must fight five straight fixed encounters.  The first four are, in order, a Dead Woman, Imp, Dead Man, and Orc.  The first three are very easy, but the Orc would be somewhat threatening with his healing and buffs if Ayato wasn't so overpowered.

Finally, something emerges from the back door of the farm...


...It's Nishino's wife and child, who have been turned into a monstrous Mother-Child Fusion of a demon.  The Mother-Child Fusion is immune to Light and only 20% vulnerable to Dark, Magic, and Nerve.  It knows Ziola, Deathtouch, Eye Force, Marin Karin, Lullaby, and Diarama.  Thankfully Ayato is strong enough to put it out of its misery before it can bring any of its annoying Ailments to bear.

(Side Note: Before this fight, the upper dialogue option will shift Ayato's Alignment towards Law.  Helpful to know if he was the one who analyzed the e-mail.)

From this encounter, Hayasaka learns Long Slash, Mow Down, and Entsuki Method, Emi learns Elbow Smash and Burninger, and Yūka learns Medi.

Afterwards, Kanetsugu calls out for us through our Arm Terminals to help him.  He is in the Main Computer Room on B9F.


Exploring the floor, we find a couple more Incenses and save at the Terminal, ...which looks startlingly similar to the ones in SMT4.  O_O

...A-anyway, in the next part, we go into the Main Computer Room to try and save Kanetsugu.

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Von Plays Giten Megami Tensei: Tokyo Revelation

Part 8: Escape From Hatsudai

We enter the Main Computer Room to rescue Kanetsugu, but unfortunately, we're already too late.  Upon entering, we are greeted with the sight of Kanetsugu's corpse in a pool of blood.


Murmur has already killed him, and now we're next.  Before we can properly formulate a plan of action, Yūka angrily goes Leeroy Jenkins on his butt and we have to fight him.  However, we're no match for his powerful attacks, instant kill spells, and zombification, and he kills all of us with ease.  Once he does that, he calls up his demon buddies to help him make an example out of Yūka, ostensibly to satisfy Lord Bael.







They are, in order, Ipos, Lamashtu, Asherah, Astarte, Abaddon, Leraje, and Decarabia.  (I would show Lamashtu, Asherah, and Astarte, but they're topless and I would rather not risk getting punished by the moderators.  If you want to look for pictures of them, they're on the Megami Tensei Wiki.  Also accompanying them are the Moon Dogs with Lamashtu and the Fertility Goat with Asherah.)


Once they're all together, they proceed to violently dismember Yūka and eat her body parts, save her head.  Somehow this makes them more powerful.  Before returning to Lord Bael (whose name Ayato makes sure to remember), the demons round up the surviving humans above to bring to Dantalion, who oversees the Shinjuku Labor Camp.  Murmur also releases poison gas into the shelter, forcing us to procure Anti-Chemical Suits to survive.  There are a few here on B9F reserved for elites like Kanetsugu and the shelter administrators, but ironically, they've all died, leaving them ripe for the taking for us.


Unfortunately, there are only three available, so one of us (besides Newton, who is unaffected by the gas) will have to die so that everyone else can live.  Emi and Hayasaka will not leave without one another, so we must choose between letting Ayato or Nishino have the last suit.  This choice will apparently affect Ayato's development later.

Ayato, having no reason to live anymore with Yūka gone, decides to sacrifice himself (自分は諦める) for everyone else, despite Nishino's protests.


He returns to the Main Computer Room where Yūka's head is.  Newton spots her pendant, and he gives it to Ayato as a last memento of her.  He remarks that it's wonderful (偉いぞ....) before he finally kicks the bucket.


When he comes to, Ayato finds himself in Yomotsu-Hirasaka, where the dead go before they pass on.  It is a mostly linear dungeon with a Heal Spot, where we can use all the Incense we've found so far, and a Spring of Healing, where you can leave weapons to upgrade when you come back in addition to healing.  Other than that, there is little else of interest.

Near the center, a Yomotsu-Shikome finds that Ayato has come to Yomotsu-Hirasaka as a living being; in other words, he is not yet destined to die.  Picking the bottom option sends us out of Yomotsu-Hirasaka and back into the Main Computer Room.  Apparently, Newton was waiting for us there the whole time, confident that we'd return.

Anyway, we need to get out of the shelter and regroup with Nishino.  But before we leave the room, Newton barks at the computer, which has Versions 1.0 of DCS (Demon Communication System) and DAS (Demon Analyzer System).  With these, we can finally recruit our own demons!  We can't dally here too long, though, because the poison gas will still gradually sap our HP.

The first thing we do is explore the shelter for more Incense, mainly in areas blocked by locked doors.

On B8F, we use up our remaining Incenses and drop by the arsenal to grab whatever weapons may have been left behind.  You can choose to take an Uzi (uses 9mm ammo) or a Mossberg M500 (uses shotgun ammo).  I took the Uzi.

On B7F, we recruit a Brownie in the narrow hall leading into the eastern elevator.

On B6F, we drop by the food store to find a Ration Pack, and also recruit a Domovoi and Leprechaun.  While we're here, I should also note that there are a lot of demons in this game that reuse entire sprites, which makes certain different demons look completely identical.  This is especially problematic when demons of differing Light-Neutral-Dark Alignments have the same sprite.

On B5F, we recruit a Bogey Raven before coming face-to-face with...


...the Gate Robot, which is malfunctioning and will not let anyone out, forcing us to fight it.  It takes 60% damage from Sword, Ice, Force, and Magic attacks and is immune to Light, Dark, and Nerve, but takes 160% damage from Elec attacks and knows Tackle, Machinegun, Shock, and Warning.  A couple of Mazio Stones easily kill it.

Once you defeat this Gate Robot, the only way to return back through the gate is to have Ayato or Newton die.  If either dies, you'll automatically warp back to the medical by on B7F to heal.

On B4F, we recruit a Kobold.  On B2F, we recruit a Kuda-Gitsune.

Once we reach 1F, we summon some of the demons we've recruited so that they can get some good experience for the coming boss fight.  The space in front of the exit hall is a point of no return, so make sure you're prepared before stepping on it.


Upon exiting, we are greeted with quite possibly the worst overworld map I've ever seen, not just in Megami Tensei, but in any RPG at all.  (And you thought Shin Megami Tensei IV's overworld was bad...)  Left-clicking on an area will zoom in on it, and right-clicking on a location will move the party there.

Going north, we run into Yamase, who abandoned the shelter residents in the farm to save his own skin, much to Ayato's displeasure.


Suddenly, we are approached by a mysterious man who offers to take us to safety.  Newton, however, sees through his disguise, and he reveals himself as...


...Dantalion, governor of the Shinjuku Labor Camp and the extremely difficult boss we spent a ton of time grinding for!  He encourages us to surrender, but we refuse and engage him in combat.  Thankfully, he is not nearly as hard in this first fight as he is in the second, but he can still be a bit tough if you're caught off-guard.

Dantalion is equipped with a Devil Claw.  He takes 60% damage from Ice, Elec, and Force, is only 10% vulnerable to Dark, Magic, and Nerve, and is immune to Light, but takes 160% damage from Sword attacks, 150% damage from Havoc attacks, and 120% damage from Fire attacks.  He knows Demon's Laugh, Agi, Zio, Zan, Dia, Tarukaja, Tarunda, and Leer.  Ayato kills him with a single Agilaon before he can do anything to us.

From this encounter, Domovoi learns Di, Brownie learns Di and Posumudi, Bogey Raven learns Di and Joy Song, and Leprechaun learns Sukunda.


After this, Yamase leaves us behind and we're rescued by Tetsuya Sonoda and Kōki Kamikawa, two former Demon Busters from the Harajuku Shelter.  They are members of the Pentagramma, an anti-demon resistance group that is taking care of Hatsudai survivors.  Ayato accepts Sonoda's offer to join, and he and Newton ride off with them in their jeep.

In the next part, we meet the Pentagramma and reunite with Emi and Hayasaka.

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Von Plays Giten Megami Tensei: Tokyo Revelation

Part 9: The Pentagramma


Upon arriving at the Pentagramma's secret base, we are inspected for demonic possession before being allowed in through a false wall.


Inside the hideout, we meet their leader, Nobuaki Watanabe, who makes Ayato an official Pentagramma member.  We are also reunited with Emi and Hayasaka.  Nishino, however, is not there, having decided to wander the wastelands of Tokyo in search of atonement for failing to protect his loved ones.

After discussing strategies to liberate the Shinjuku Labor Camp and capture the Metropolitan Government Building where Bael resides, Ayato is given a room with Sonoda to rest in.

Before resting, we explore the area.  On B3F, we talk to Emi and Hayasaka and find a Tool Shop, where we sell our unwanted equipment, and an arsenal, where we get some SS Shells (that we aren't able to use).  On B2F, we find 3 Magical Harps.  On the eastern branch of B1F, we find Watanabe's room, a healing area, and treasure consisting of a Poisonon X, an M47 Dragon ATM, and 3 Hand Grenades.  (The western branch is where we came in.)

After visiting Emi and Hayasaka and resting again, it's finally time to launch our assault on the Shinjuku Labor Camp.  With the help of a catgirl living in the camp, we have a rough map of the camp.  The liberation force will be split into three units: demolition, rescue, and diversionary.  We will be in the last of the three, and our job is to sneak in and deal with Dantalion while the other units work.  It is a dangerous job, but also an excellent opportunity for Ayato to prove his abilities to his fellow Pentagramma.

Before we go out, we need to prepare.  Sonoda and Kamikawa have joined Ayato along with Emi and Hayasaka to accompany him on the mission.  Before I forget, here are their stats:


Hayasaka is now Level 10.  He starts with a DB Blade, Mossberg M500, SS Shells, Fritz Helm, DB Jacket, DB Glove, DB Boots, and Silver Watch and has learned Palm Strike, Okinaga Method, and Sword Dance.


Sonoda starts with a Blunt Edge, Mossberg M500, SS Shells, Head Guard, Leather Armor, Leather Glove, Jungle Boots, and Pentagram and knows Zanma, Mazan, Zanmaon, Tarukaja, and Media.  Zanmaon at this point in the game is quite overpowered, but, of course, the boss will be resistant to it, so his MP will need to be saved on healing and buffs.


Kamikawa starts with a Blunt Edge, AR10, 7.62mm Bullets, Head Guard, Camo Armor, Leather Glove, Jungle Boots, and Pentagram and knows Burninger, Elekinger, Elbow Smash, Rakunda, and Sonic Alarm.  Rakunda will also be good to have.


Like Hayasaka, Emi is also now Level 10.  She starts with a Heat Baton, Type 64 Auto, 7.62mm Bullets, Fritz Helm, DB Jacket, DB Glove, DB Boots, and Emi's Ring and has learned Elbow Smash, Burninger, Knee Kick, and Lullaby.

Before we go out, we need to prepare.  After selling a bit more inventory at the Tool Shop, Ayato gets a Sabre, Mossberg M500, and SS Shells, Hayasaka gets a Mace, Sonoda gets a Battle Hammer, Kamikawa gets a Sabre and L96A1, and Emi gets a Spike Whip.  All of this (except the guns and ammo) gets swapped out for the better equipment we stockpiled from the Virtual Battler and sold.

After resting again, we get Ration Pack and Emergency Kit x3 just outside the exit before heading out to the labor camp, infiltrating it on a trailer with supplies.


We reach the camp after recruiting a Baal Soldier and Bogey on the way.  The latter demon has all four debuffing spells (Tarunda, Makanda, Rakunda, and Sukunda) and should be fairly helpful.


Inside, we meet our catgirl friend who provided us with intel on the camp.  Unfortunately, she was unable to procure Baal Soldier disguises for us, claiming that it was too risky.  We have no other choice but to forcefully procure them ourselves from a couple of enemies.


Don't they just look fabulous?  From this point, the catgirl leaves us to distract Dantalion, with whom she is on favorable terms.

In the next part, we make our way through the camp's red-light district for our showdown with Dantalion.

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Von Plays Giten Megami Tensei: Tokyo Revelation

Part 10: Dantalion, Adonis, and Bael

(Before starting this part, I found by accident that right-clicking on a demon will bring up its name and race.  Helpful.  I believe this is a function of the Demon Analyzer, which we have in its most basic version.  Wish the manual would've explained this.)


After fighting our way through a few forced encounters with Tarantella, we meet Barbara, a friend of the catgirl, who guides us through the red-light district to the chemical plant and heals us before leaving.

There are numerous other half-demon NPCs here referred to as 悪魔人, or "demon people" for lack of a better term.  They are either humans who've fused with demons or human-demon hybrids (like our catgirl friend).

Next to the stairs to B1F is a room filled with disabled workers who have been left to die.  This room has treasure consisting of a Muscle Drink and Choco Brownie x4.

On B1F, there is a Spring of Healing and Heal Spot.  There is also treasure consisting of Strong Mocha x4.

On B2F, we recruit a Gypsy Rose.  Bogey learns Di from the numerous enemy encounters; Tatsuya learns Oni's Fury.  There is another Heal Spot and a couple more Incenses can be found on this floor.  This is your last opportunity to use Incense on Ayato before fighting Dantalion.

Emi ends up getting K.O.d by a Gypsy Rose on B3F.  However, as frail as she is, Dantalion would probably have killed her anyway.  We press on.

On B4F, we hear explosions from the other room; we were unable to reach Dantalion in time, and now our catgirl friend is in trouble and we have to save her.  We recruit a Cait Sith and Tarantella before facing Dantalion.


We catch Dantalion just as he's about to throw the catgirl into a prison cell and have to distract him as she calls for help.

Here we are.  The super-hard fight we've been preparing for.  He is equipped with a Devil Claw, Vestment, and Goldfinger.  He takes 40% damage from Fire, Ice, Elec, and Force (of course) and is immune to Light, Dark, Magic, and Nerve.  He now knows Agilao, Ziola, and Zanma (instead of their Tier 1 counterparts) and has traded out Leer for Desummon.  Those Spells make him extremely dangerous, as he can one-shot any of our party members with them.

Luckily, he spends more of the fight trying to debuff us with Tarunda than killing anyone (the only character he killed was Hayasaka).  Still, had he used his offensive Spells more, Bogey's Makanda would have been invaluable.  Sonoda and Kamikawa's buffs and debuffs were also invaluable.

At first I used the Mahorogi + Musha Wheel strategy, but then started torching him with Agilaon out of sheer desperation, which actually worked very well despite him only taking 40% damage from Fire.  The finishing blow dealt four times his maximum HP worth of damage thanks to Kamikawa's multiple Rakundas.  It was beautiful.  Wish I could've gotten a screenshot of it.

So...  Did I really need to grind Ayato all the way to Level 27 to kill this bastard?  Probably not.  But it sure was worth it, heheheh.  Also, did I get lucky?  Considering how little he actually got to attack, I must have.  But now it's out of the way, and I can move on!

From the encounter, Ayato learns Soul Sucker, Kamikawa learns Harihara, Hama, Megi, Deil, Feint, Double Strike, and Disarm, Sonoda learns Paraladi, Elbow Smash, and Knee Kick, and Bogey learns Bufu and Medi.

Even though Dantalion escapes, Ayato nevertheless earns the admiration and trust of his Pentagramma peers for his bravery.  We immediately return to the Pentagramma base and heal our wounded afterwards.

After talking to Hayasaka and Emi and attempting to rest twice (also selling our unwanted inventory), Ayato and his friends from the previous mission are called to the central room on their floor and then instructed to report to B1F to embark on their next mission to the Metropolitan Government Building.


When we get there, we are struck by the stench of blood and smoke; there is already a fierce battle going on.

On B1F, we find Strong Mocha x8 (between two boxes) and a Brainwasher.  On 1F, we find Poison-Away x5.

On 2F, there are two Computer Stations: one where we can save, and another with the building's AMS data.


By downloading this data, we can use the MAPPING command to more easily view areas we haven't explored yet.  (Think Ratchet and Clank's maps, if you're familiar at all with those games.)

On 3F, we find Poisonon X x5.  We are informed that the next floors are split into two towers, with Bael occupying the southern one.

33F is the first floor you will encounter with Dark Zones and turnfloors.  Fun.  Though, by stepping into certain rooms, you can see the whole floor and hopefully memorize its layout.  On this floor, we find Choco Brownie x8 (between two boxes), Life Stone x3, and an Artisan's Incense.

34F is the first floor with a pitfall.  Hope you painstakingly mapped out the previous floor to quickly find your way back up.  On this floor, we find Life Stone x3.

On 35F, we recruit a Weredog.  As we navigate this floor, Sonoda learns Feint from the enemy encounters.  We also find 520 Macca.  On 36F, we find Oyster Z x6 (between two chests).  On 37F, we find 600 Macca and an Inochi.  On 38F, we find an Earth Incense.

On 39F, a dying man gives us GND Bombs x15, Ceramic Blade, and Battle Chainsaw.  Be careful here, as this game has an extremely annoying bug in which if someone gives you an item as part of a dialogue and your inventory is full, the item discard routine will loop infinitely, forcing you to restart the game.  This is especially problematic because this game does not give you any way to manually discard unwanted items!  :angry:

On 40F, we find 4000 MAG.  On 42F, we recruit a Nereid and Psyche and find 3608 MAG (between two boxes), and Emi learns Feint and Mighty Quit from the enemy encounters.  On 43F, we recruit a Stolas.  On 44F, we obtain Life Stone x5, and Sonoda learns Double Strike from the enemy encounters.

Finally, after enduring the 11-floor Hell of Dark Zones, holes, and large clusters of enemies, we make it to 45F, where we find Jin Dan x3 before advancing on Bael.


Before we can deal, with Bael, however, Adonis stands in our way.  He is not very strong, but he is still very intelligent and an expert manipulator of language.  He is in the mood to play around with Ayato and test his power, so he sends a Gamigin, Psyche, Dryad, Cupid, Melusine, and Hobgoblin at us before fighting us himself.

Adonis is 60% vulnerable to Fire, Ice, Elec, and Force, is 20% vulnerable to Dark and Magic, and is immune to Light and Nerve.  He knows Double Strike, Double Edge, Mow Down, Mono Spear, Lunge, Zionga, Rakukaja, and Leer.  However, his HP is low enough that he goes down with a few normal attacks, and he is forced to escape from us.  Awaiting us in the room directly behind him is Bael.  Before going in to fight him, we equip Hayasaka with some powerful SS Photon rounds for his shotgun and summon Psyche, who can use Recarm in case anyone dies.


He is impressed that we were able to beat Adonis and his henchdemons (?), and decides to try and reward us with a trip to the afterlife.

Bael is equipped with a Snake's Nails, Beast Helm, and Goldfinger and is only 40% vulnerable to Fire, Ice, Elec, and Force, is only 20% vulnerable to Magic, and is immune to Light, Dark, and Nerve.  He knows Feint, Bladestorm, Disarm, Double Strike, Mazanma, Frog Tongue, Makajam, and Diarama.  (Somehow he's also immune to debuffs?)

The first thing we do is use Kamikawa's Disarm to remove Bael's weapon.  From there, Sonoda and Psyche spam their buffs as the others pound him with their normal attacks.

Unfortunately, every time I attempt this fight and get somewhat close to killing him, the game crashes and I can't figure out what to do about it!  It's as if this buggy mess of a game doesn't want me to finish it...

So...  I don't know what to do now.  If I can't figure out how to fix this, I don't think I'll be able to continue my playthrough of the game.

Screw this game.

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Von Plays Giten Megami Tensei: Tokyo Revelation

Closing Thoughts

So...  This game...

From the gritty art style, to the excessive NSFW material even for the series's standards, to the overcomplicated and weird mechanics, and obvious lack of playtesting judging from the large number of game-killing bugs and the overly difficult second fight with Dantalion, this game is probably one of the craziest Megami Tensei games I've ever seen.

It's a shame this game has so many internal problems, because the battle system and dark story were actually getting to be quite fun.  It would be nice to see some sort of reimagining of this game with the problems fixed and the art style updated to something more in line with the recent games, but this game is so obscure that such chances are slim to none.

In the end, I think it's safe to say that this game is as hardcore as you can get in MegaTen.  If anyone reads this and manages to beat it, please tell me all about it.  But for now, I'm done with this game.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to start updating my spreadsheets for the other spin-off series.

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37 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

From the gritty art style, to the excessive NSFW material even for the series's standards, to the overcomplicated and weird mechanics, and obvious lack of playtesting judging from the large number of game-killing bugs and the overly difficult second fight with Dantalion, this game is probably one of the craziest Megami Tensei games I've ever seen.

It's a shame this game has so many internal problems, because the battle system and dark story were actually getting to be quite fun.  It would be nice to see some sort of reimagining of this game with the problems fixed and the art style updated to something more in line with the recent games, but this game is so obscure that such chances are slim to none.

In the end, I think it's safe to say that this game is as hardcore as you can get in MegaTen.  If anyone reads this and manages to beat it, please tell me all about it.  But for now, I'm done with this game.

Aww... what a shame this LP of this bizarre obscure SMT, with a sort of interesting concept (survival in Tokyo following the ICBM attack ending the first part of SMT I), had to end prematurely. Bringing ATB to SMT seemed like a good idea, demon equipment isn't a bad idea either.

That world map- the green color, the urban landscape with all its tiny buildings and narrow streets, yep, it's awful.

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Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

Aww... what a shame this LP of this bizarre obscure SMT, with a sort of interesting concept (survival in Tokyo following the ICBM attack ending the first part of SMT I), had to end prematurely. Bringing ATB to SMT seemed like a good idea, demon equipment isn't a bad idea either.

That world map- the green color, the urban landscape with all its tiny buildings and narrow streets, yep, it's awful.

Ayato's Bizarre Adventure: Game is Breakable

Dangit, Von, you've never read or watched JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, you're not allowed to make JoJokes!

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