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FE: War of Men (Gameplay)


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It's a normal day in the middle of Remistol. It's not a particularly sunny day, but it is not a cloudy day either; it's just... a day.

The story begins in the south-west part of Jovis, near the borders with Vinhon and the allied Gastalla. A gastallian squad is integrated in the jovian border patrol, and two travelers just happen to rest at the same inn in a nearby village...

Mi'hilta and Sicon


Both of you are on guard duty, with the pegasus knight Lithis, captain Sleidors and a couple other jovian soldiers.

The southern border seems calm as usual. Every once in a while some traveler seeks to cross it and their documents and belongings are examined by the patrol before they are granted access.



The last group you traveled with had to continue towards Palmyra. You parted ways, as your current destination is Vinhon: you heard that the teachings of Sotria didn't reach the hearts of vinhonese people, and are thinking of preaching for new believers. Moreover, the situation between Jovis and Stedgard is critical, and a conflict can start at any time. You feel that you can't get too far away from Jovis as wars tend to be a call to action for clerics, with all the innocent victims and collateral damage.

You met a strange man at the inn last evening. He his bigger than most, and has pale skin and red hairs. People don't seem to trust him, and often give him mean looks, but you have yet to see him doing anything aside from minding his own business, and will not judge him before he does. 



You traveled south through Jovis and are not sure about your next destination. You noticed people don't seem to like you much and things would probably be worse in Vinhon, since other albiran sometimes cross the sea to raid villages in the north of the Mage Kingdom. On the other hand, people in Gastalla are not new to pale skin, while palmyran are accostumed to red hairs. However, things in Vinhon would be smoother with companions, and you did notice a lonely cleric at the inn.


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Abeloth stared into the empty tankard. He didn't like beer as much as the special mead his tribe brewed. He never really minded the funny looks and silent judging that most people gave him, although the tavern owner obviously didn't care who or what he was, as long as he payed and didn't start a fight, not that Abeloth was one to start fights anyway. He stared at the cleric in lilac and white robes. If he was to travel to Vinhon, there was a chance that he would be even less welcome than he is in Jovis now. He considered going west into Gastalla, but he decided against it, seeing as though that particular border was heavily enforced, and trying to claim that one is an adventurer would prove difficult without credentials. In the end, he didn't do anything. If the cleric approached him, he would engage, if not, he wouldn't.

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Ahava began her day partaking in a warm tea. She thought about her next destination, Vinhon. It was curious why more people in the region didn't partake in the teachings of Sotria, especially given a high propensity towards reading and education. The cleric desired to learn more of their culture to see where they were coming from. However, the journey was long and filled with brigands. She would need a group to make the journey safely. Perhaps it was for the best: tensions between Jovis and Stedgard were heading towards war. Her services would be needed should war start. Perhaps fate was keeping her here to aid the future wounded...

While fate was making up its mind, Ahava thought to seek travelers. Her eyes saw the shirtless man from before. He seemed out of place; Ahava assumed he wasn't a native. She decided to approach him. What was the worst that could happen?

"Excuse me sir," Ahava said to Abeloth. "You seem to be between destinations. Tell me, what brings you to Jovis?"

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Abeloth looked up from his tankard to see the little cleric from earlier. Her questioning was a lot more genuine than those of other people. "Hello there. Suffice it to say, I'm an adventurer. I hail from Albira, a land few ever go to and even fewer ever return from. Ironically, it was an ill-fated priest that led me to leave Albira, as the bible he was carrying was the instrument of my education. I returned it to another when I crossed into Stedgard, and followed the roads less travelled into Jovis. Along the way, I've been met with several confused and condescending looks, especially from Vinhonites. Now, onto the real question: why would a woman of the cloth lodge here when you would be welcome more in the local church? Are you, perhaps, looking for help?"

Edited by Hylian Air Force
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Sicon stood at his post as usual, staring off into the distance as he leaned on his lance. The stare was almost vacant, as nothing that came from that horizon ever seemed to matter to him. The pegasus knights always spot travelers before his lazy eye could, and he wasn't usually the guy who did examinations, either. He just...stood and watched like a good little guard.

He had taken the early shift today, and had been standing in that same spot since before dawn. The sunrise was beautiful, and thinking of it often justified the sleepiness he felt on the tail ends of these shifts, his growling stomach from skipping breakfast, and the fact that he couldn't feel his asleep feet. He sometimes corrected his blank expression and focused on a pegasus patrol, circling the sky...

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The two gastallan knights landed to let their mounts rest. They were relatively far from the other soldiers, but still in hearing distance from Sicon.

http://i.imgur.com/PfKsHPb.png"Ah... Why are we even here to begin with is a mystery to me. Can't jovians guard their own borders? I understand the situation with Stedgard, but what good does keeping an eye on Vinhon do?"

Sicon recognized the voice as that of Lithis. That blue haired knight was a pain to deal with. She wasn't bad at her job or anything, she was just annoying.

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Sicon continued to stare at the pegasus and its flight, following the loops. He would have preferred lazier, carefree circles as opposed to the purpose and authority of the patrol route, but either way, he still found himself lost in the path. However, his concentration broke when the creature came down for a landing. The rider dismounted her steed and began to speak to another knight.

Sicon listened to the words out of boredom more than anything. The speaker was oddly loud for being so far away, and he recognized the voice. Wasn't that the complainy rider what filed in with the Gastallan brigade earlier? What was her name...Lola?...Lilith?...Muh. As the knight...reflected...on the situation, Sicon shifted his weight, and now put quite a bit of it on his poor, thin lance. He had mixed feelings about what she said. While he agreed that Jovia should be able to defend itself, he also felt kinda...slighted. Like there was a bit of condescending in the words somewhere...He grumbled a little. Ultimately, he didn't care who he worked with, long as he got his task completed. But still, pretentious people are a hassle...

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What a boring day this was, but Mi'iltha found no reason to complain about how things were going beyond such. A day watching guard was a day watching guard. Even if it could be a bit burdensome sometimes given the way that she could hear the other pegasus knight's voice echoing from the relatively near distance. Not enough to make out entirely what they were saying, but bits and pieces were gotten. Not enough for her to make anything coherent from it, though. That had no understanding to be made. Something about the thing over with Stedgard is as far as she understood.

But still, she had to admit she was feeling more than a little restless from everything going on at the moment. Not a whole lot to do in regards to such, though, so she doesn't do much. She does fidget a tiny bit, but she has no doubts that eventually things will pop out. Perhaps a person or two seeking admittance, or an order to be somewhere else entirely... She's pretty sure her mind's wandering a bit much from that, so she focuses back on watching once more.

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http://i.imgur.com/PfKsHPb.png"Hey, I was talking to you!"

Lithis tought that Mi'iltha landed near herself, but this was apparently not the case. Her movement wasn't particularly swift, but with the help of her pegasus she reached the other girl in no time.

http://i.imgur.com/PfKsHPb.png"Whatever, Ulir will rest later. Right, sweetie? You can go with the others, no sense in having two flyers watching at once anyway."

Without waiting for an answer, Lithis went higher in the sky.

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...And just as quick as what's-her-face landed, she was back in the air. So much for a break. That Pegasus must be worn out by now...Sicon couldn't quite make out the last bit, but given the quick return to the sky...eh, maybe it was a report instead of a shift change or break time. Which means that there must have been something report-worthy. Sicon stood a little straighter, still knowing that one of the other guards would probably be handling it anyway. He was of half a mind to go and ask what the report was about, or be part of the...welcoming committee, but ultimately decided against it. A good, obedient guard stays at their post...

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23 hours ago, Hylian Air Force said:

Abeloth looked up from his tankard to see the little cleric from earlier. Her questioning was a lot more genuine than those of other people. "Hello there. Suffice it to say, I'm an adventurer. I hail from Albira, a land few ever go to and even fewer ever return from. Ironically, it was an ill-fated priest that led me to leave Albira, as the bible he was carrying was the instrument of my education. I returned it to another when I crossed into Stedgard, and followed the roads less travelled into Jovis. Along the way, I've been met with several confused and condescending looks, especially from Vinhonites. Now, onto the real question: why would a woman of the cloth lodge here when you would be welcome more in the local church? Are you, perhaps, looking for help?"

Ahava was taken by surprise by Abeloth's answer. A simple question led to the man retelling a string of recent events in his life. Though she still wasn't sure why he was in Jovis, he seemed decent enough. She continued the conversation.

"Oh, I didn't stay here," Ahava corrected Abeloth. "I was just visiting the inn to heal a sick man. You see, I'm a missionary. I'm traveling through the remote parts of Remistol to heal those that can't visit our shrines. I'm headed south to the Mage Kingdom. The roads are not safe for lone travelers, so I'm looking for a group headed that way. You wouldn't happen to know anyone of the sort, would you?"

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"I don't know anyone for that job, no. I could come with you, but I might make your journey that much more difficult, as Albirans are a point of contention to most Vinhonites, probably because Albirans from the coast tend to become pirates." Abeloth also felt that maybe they wouldn't get very far should something happen between Jovis and Stedgard, but he didn't say anything about it. "If you think that you might need more people than myself, we could maybe hire out some of the border guards. It sounds counter-intuitive to the situation with Stedgard, but I think that we would only need about 2 or so more people, and soldiers are considerably less profit-minded than mercenaries." Whether they would abandon their duty or not would really depend on a lot of things, but when Abeloth had gone close to the border before, he had seen a soldier of a blase disposition, who he could see being easily convinced to be retained by his new little cleric friend.

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Mi'hilta and Sicon


While circling in the sky, Lithis suddently stopped to stare into the distance, but not towards Vinhon.

Soon after, she rushed down again.

http://i.imgur.com/PfKsHPb.png"Captain Sleidors! Troubles in the north!"

The captain abandoned his post to meet her as soon as she dismounted.

http://i.imgur.com/clIzrmX.png"What is it?"

http://i.imgur.com/PfKsHPb.png"Bandits, coming from the mountains. They are attacking the villages."

The captain seemed baffled.

http://i.imgur.com/clIzrmX.png"What? But that's ridiculous! Why would anyone attack villages so close to the border patrol?"

He walked through the fort for a better view.

http://i.imgur.com/clIzrmX.png"And they are many... Everyone! To arms! You two, with me. Sicon, go north. Don't engage unless citiziens are in danger. Lithis, get Mi'hilta to go with Sicon, then join us. Most of them are going east."

The jovian soldiers replied with a "Yes, sir!", while the pegasus knight nodded and took off again to give Mi'hilta her orders.

Ahava and Abeloth


You heard some commotion outside the inn. A moment later, the door slammed open and a man rushed in, followed by two others. You recognized them as the they were drinking at the inn last night, and were pretty loud. They were probably still a bit tipsy.

http://i.imgur.com/bLDCkXY.png"You! You big pale son of a wench! You brought them here, didn't you?"

Judging by the owner's reaction, it wasn't the first time those three disrupted the quietness of the place in such a way.

http://i.imgur.com/4MYGJ8X.png"Hey! Stop right there or so help me I'm gonna kick your sorry rear out of my inn! Now, who did this guy supposedly bring?"

The two pals also joined in:

"They are killing everyone!" "They are at the closest village and will be here in no time!"

http://i.imgur.com/bLDCkXY.png"Yeah! I'm sure they are either with him or after him! I say we should throw the red haired beast out of the village right now!"


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Abeloth rose up from the table. He dropped a sack of gold at the bar counter and casually brushed past the 3 men. He turned to the leader to speak. "You took the time to come here instead of arming yourselves, as if you were more trying to blame me for your misfortune than trying to correct it. Who's the real savage, arsehole?" He then went to the border gate and drew his Iron Axe. "I might not be a soldier, and these may not be my people, but their kind is despicable, and must be cut down!"

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Sicon was lost in his own mind, wondering what the report could have been...when whoever-the-heck-she-was's voice rang out again. This time, he heard it loud and clear. Trouble in the north. Guess that's what it was about, he thought. Knowing that trouble usually meant...well, brigands, Sicon stood fully upright, holding his lance point-down, awaiting directions.

Said orders came, and with a salute and a "Yes, sir!", Sicon charged off, tuning out all other noise to repeat his commands...Go north and do not engage unless civilians are threatened...Go north and do not engage unless civilians are threatened...hold on a second...which way was north? Sicon stopped in his tracks, unsure of whether to head forward or back. The sun rises in the east and sets in the...and the sun was at its peak. Which way was that sunrise earlier?...He didn't remember that. Only how pretty it was.

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Ahava was about to dismiss herself when three men rushed into the inn. They said a band of bandits were coming to raid the town. Yet rather than prepare themselves for battle, they chose to blame Abeloth for their troubles. It would not bode anyone well to get into arguments with drunkards at a time like this. The cleric went over to the barkeep.

"Lock your doors," she said to the barkeep, trying to take command of the situation. Ahava then raised her voice to those inside.

"Either stay indoors or help the soldiers fight! I'm going to the gate."

The cleric quickly rushed out of the inn, whether anyone followed her or not.  

Edited by Toogee
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(i really need to get a better posting schedule yikes)

"Right, right. I'll make certain he gets... rest." Before Mi'iltha could even finish replying, the other pegasus knight was off flying higher and she sighed. She hated it when she was slow in responding to things, but it couldn't be helped with how focused she could be on certain tasks. Just as she was about to fly lower, she saw the other pegasus knight rush down as well, making her curious. She may as well fly higher for a few moments to see what was...

...Oh. She didn't need to go that much farther in order to see bandits. And before she knew it, Lithis was up flying towards her once more, and she nods. "The bandit swarm over north's what you're worried about? Already saw it, so just tell me where we're headed, and I'll be certain to follow you!"

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http://i.imgur.com/PfKsHPb.png"Look, they are going east. The captain wants me to go there, your orders are to go dealing with the few that are still in that area."

As Lithis explained the situation with a serious tone, she pointed directly north of their position. Some bandits were still there, but the near hill made it difficult to count their numbers.

http://i.imgur.com/PfKsHPb.png"You'll be together with that Sicon guy... Wait, why isn't he departing yet? Ugh. Avoid engaging if it's not necessary, just make sure the civilian are safe until we are done."

After giving another look to Sicon, Lithis took off to join Sleidor's squad.

Battle: Troubles at the border

Objective: Kill Boss or resist 7 turns


Enemy data:



  • hp    22
  • str    5
  • mag    0
  • skl    2
  • spd    5
  • lck    2
  • def    3
  • res    0

the Brigand 1 (L4) has a Venin Axe:

  • Dmg    11
  • Acc    70
  • Avo    4
  • Crit    1
  • CE    2
  • AS    1

the Brigand 2 (I6) and Brigand 3 (I7) have an Iron Axe:

  • Dmg    13
  • Acc    80
  • Avo    8
  • Crit    1
  • CE    2
  • AS    3


  • hp    21
  • str    5
  • mag    0
  • skl    8
  • spd    8
  • lck    2
  • def    4
  • res    0

With droppable Iron Sword:

  • Dmg    10
  • Acc    107
  • Avo    18
  • Crit    4
  • CE    2
  • AS    8


  • hp    16
  • str    3
  • mag    0
  • skl    4
  • spd    9
  • lck    3
  • def    2
  • res    0

With Iron Sword:

  • Dmg    8
  • Acc    99
  • Avo    15
  • Crit    2
  • CE    3
  • AS    6

Fighter (Boss):

  • hp    25
  • str    8
  • mag    0
  • skl    7
  • spd    6
  • lck    6
  • def    4
  • res    0

With Hand Axe:

  • Dmg    15
  • Acc    77
  • Avo    12
  • Crit    3
  • CE    6
  • AS    3

Also has a Vulnerary (3)



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Mi'iltha nods at Lithis before the two of them start heading off to the different locations. She sighs as she rests atop a nearby fort for a few moments to gather the surroundings. Lets see, she can't quite see the bandits' current location from here, but she DOES see a village... She moves over to K11, visiting the village to make sure everything there's alright. That, and to make sure they know of the potential threat.

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Sicon was still lost. Which...really wasn't an unusual occurrence for him. He turned and twisted and glanced but saw no villages nor bandits. He did, however, see a pegasus knight fly overhead. The peg brigade was on their side, so logically, they must be headed in the right direction. He decided to follow, but soon approached an obstacle: A river. Damn...I can't swim in this armor! Sicon thought as he followed the line, looking for a bridge or...something. And before long, he came upon...a fairly dead-looking tree. He gave it a look, and after glancing back at the river, figured it should suffice as an impromptu bridge.

Sicon to O13, Attack Snag

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You took cover in the woods.

The enemies didn't move, they probably didn't spot you yet.

You noticed that they didn't seem nearly as rugged as men from Albira. However, they seemed more organized than most other bandits, as they were all waiting for their leader's orders.



Having seen you arrive, some villagers gathered near you. You explained the situation, telling them to close the gates of the village. One of them, possibly their leader, spoke up.

"So it is true! Bandits are attacking us. But we all have faith in you just as much as in our own knights, we are sure you'll keep us safe.
We'll close the gates and get ready in case of an attack. Before you go, take this! You never know what nasty things those despicable men will use."

Got an Antitoxin



The snag started to bend over, another good hit would have been enough to break it.

Snag: 5/15


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Ahava was surprised that none of the villagers followed her. She was hoping at least a couple were able to take on the invaders. However, it seemed only the visitor Abeloth was willing to fight the bandits. With so many to take on, it seemed far too much to ask one person to fight the entire group. The cleric saw him disappear into a patch of trees, likely to get some tactical advantage. With her meager self-defense skills, Ahava knew she couldn't help in the battle aside from her healing magic.

Still, the cleric moved to C3, both to be close when healing was needed and to see the results of the battle.

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The leader of the bandits shouted firmly to everyone:

http://i.imgur.com/JiYeZsi.png"Alright, boys! Go get the village around the hill!"

One of his underlings, having reached a better position by climbing, shouted back:

http://i.imgur.com/1QU8UoT.png"Boss, the village! It's closing its gates!"

http://i.imgur.com/JiYeZsi.png"What? Already?"

http://i.imgur.com/1QU8UoT.png"There's a pegasus rider at the gate."

http://i.imgur.com/JiYeZsi.png"Then what are you waiting for? Kill her and anyone else! Call the reinforcements, this has to go smoothly."


The bandit closest to Abeloth noticed him lurking in the trees and went to attack him, followed by one of his companions. His attack was made difficult by the branches, and Abeloth used the advantage to avoid the strike, retaliating with a stronger and more accurate blow which wounded the other man on his not dominant arm.

Brigand 2 misses, Abeloth retaliates and deals 11 damage
Abelot gains 10 Exp


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The tree started to bend. Huh...the tree's more resilient than I thought, Sicon thought. But no sooner had he thought this than he shrugged it off and readied his lance again. "Heh...well, if at first you don't succeed!..."

Attack snag...again.

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