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The FE Politics and History Series - Jugdral

Stephen the Great

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This thread will contain my attempt at writing some history for the world of Genealogy. It will have a sort of historical essay feel, with elements from historical writings (notably the Romance of the Three Kingdoms) and the books of authors such as John Keay. In some regards, my conjectures may prove inaccurate: in that case, please inform me by comment or by PM so that I can change it. 

Over time, after documenting history to the defeat of Julius at Belhalla, I plan to go on into a description of the economy and political dynamics of the post-Julius world before continuing onward. Of course, I may do it the other way around. Suggestions and criticisms are of course welcome.

Thanks to @Interdimensional Observer for giving me the idea through his "An Overview of the History of Valentia..." thread.

I will start a poll asking what I should start with. Based on these results, I hope to start work on this "historical document" as soon as possible.

Edited by Sigismund of Luxemburg
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CHAPTER 1 - Royal Jugdral

In the deeps of time, before the Hero-King Marth ruled as Lord of Archanea or the Conquerors Alm and Celica were trothplighted, the land of Jugdral was peopled by a diverse and multifaceted people. Given that the Grann calendar, by which all Jugdral sets its reckoning of the years, begins its year one at a time when the civilization of the Dragons yet flourished and the "God-King" Naga yet ruled in Archanea, there is a distinct possibility that Divine Dragons were responsible for the circumstances that led to the settlement of Jugdral. 

The major civilization that was created by these people was termed Grann (meaning great, magnificient, glorious in the old Jugdral tongue), and its heartland originally surrounded the river Dzhungar (modern Jun), in the lands of modern Ducal Jungby, Agustria, and Evans Governorate in Verdane. (Eventually, they expanded towards modern Belhalla and kept a hold on their original lands.) However, contrary to the version of history espoused by the Belhallist Faction (A/N: more on this much later), the Grann monarchy was not alone on Jugdral. Other kingdoms included the land of Ślůnsk (modern Silessë), which even then was mastering pegasi, the sword-worshipping high chiefdoms of Rivadh, Sophraach, and Ganeisërcorresponding to Rivough/Isaach, Sophara, and Ganeishire/Tirnanóg provinces in modern Isaach, and the sophisticated Katepanô Thrakeia (Confederation of Thracia), which ruled most of the Thracian peninsula and modern Miletos District from the city of Kapathozhion (modern Kapathogia province) and was ruled by the direct ancestors of General Hannibal "the Shield of Thracia".

Kings in Grann were elected by a council of nobles, burghers, and clerics known as the Belhall (= hall of the wise in old Jugdrali), which met in a city that became known as Belhallein (land of the hall of the wise, modern Belhalla). For the first one-and-a-half centuries of the monarchy, the Belhall was concerned with obtaining the best possible ruler for Grann, and thus produced paragons such as King Hildeprand the Wise (r. Grann 8 - 42) and Queen Kunigund the Prudent (r. Grann 124 - 143). However, after the death of King Alkmaer the Just (r. Grann 143 - 148), the Belhall became dominated by a corrupt coalition of nobles and burghers who had assassinated the entire old guard in an ambush and massacre (the Disaster of Prisburghe, which occurred near the modern Prince-Bishopric of Pressburg in Friege) prefiguring that of Emperor Alvis in Grann 761. After this, the monarchy was essentially sold to the highest bidder. This period became known as the Years of Ruin, reckoned from the Disaster of Prisburghe in 149 to the end of the Kingdom in 230.

As things became worse and the kingdom steadily destabilized, the kingdoms outside of that of Grann began encroaching on royal territory and inducing rebellion within it. The Miletos District originates from this ancient subterfuge: a burgher and bishop (named Theophylaktos and Athenagoras respectively) started a rebellion near Rados Castle and seized control of the entire Miletos peninsula, creating a mercantile republic in Grann 159. Other losses suffered by Grann during this time period include that of Lyubech and Sachsen districts (modern Lubeck and Zaxon) to Ślůnsk in 174, as well as four of the six districts of modern Agustria (the cities of Nodizhan (Nordion), Herrain (Heirhein), Anphani (Anphony), and Silfall (Silvail)), who formed the Agustrian League and waged a successful battle for autonomy in 193 that left them independent in all but name.

After the rebellion of the Agustrian League there was a rise in discontent in the lands which had remained loyal. This disillusionment was exacerbated by increasingly corrupt and incompetent rulers who constantly provoked their subjects into open expressions of displeasure such as the Grand Dissent of Edda, in fall 229. The Edda protesters were mostly if not all loyal to the monarchy of Grann and desired little more than a reform and return to the good ways of old. However, the king, Odoacrius the Vile (r. 218 - 229), ordered the protesting civilians massacred in a manner that disgusted even the corrupt kleptocracy in the Belhall (the protestors were to be boiled alive, murdered, hanged, drawn and quartered, and/or sent to the Isaachian front).

The massacre at Edda would have taken place if not for a massive rebellion of soldiers under Welf, the baron of Castle Osterhann in Edda, who was known for his devotion to the people. General Welf declared that Odoacrius had lost his right to rule as a result of his brutality, and summoned all nobles in Grann who cared for the well-being of their people to join the rebellion and reform or abolish the monarchy. Most of Grann joined the rebellion; the Thracian Commonwealth, Waltmahr (Velthomer), and Dzhungvi (Jungby) maintained neutrality. Odoacrius had his throat slit by the speaker of the Belhall in order to save the lives of his fellow parliamentarians. But when General Welf seized Belhalla he had the entire Belhall executed (by defenestration, beheading, or burning) or sent to monasteries and temples under the strictest monastic laws then existent.

The people and nobles were pleased with the outcome of the rebellion, and they petitioned Welf to form a republic under his command. Thus ended the Kingdom of Grann, which had, as the ancient Royal Chronicle states, "passed from the high and the beautiful to darkness and ruin." 

(Finally, got it done. Maps will come soon.)

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