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Contribution by State to the War of Shadows


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I wanted to check which nation contributed the most units to Marth's cause in FE11. I will not be counting gaiden units.
Note: This is just for fun and is in no way represents well the gameplay. This is to understand what roles each nation played in Marth's Campaign.

1st place, 9 units: Archanea "The old empire"
Archanea is the old superpower and it is expected that it would wield a greater military strength than the other nations. The strength it lends to Marth's cause is mainly the remnants of its old army, which escaped from the lightning fast victories of the Dohlr Alliance. I counted Linde among Archanea.

2nd place, 8 units: Altea "Archanea's Shield"
It is Marth's campaign, after all. Altea is the leading country once Marth joins Aurelis and was known to be a military power, so it is logical that it would harbour great military power. Altea also succumbed to a quick victory, yielding rather than fighting to the last man, which explains why it was able to keep so many units.

3rd place, 8 units: Taly "The Underdog"
This one is rather surprising. It seems King Talys heavily invested in the War of Shadows. But considering that his kingdom was rather untouched by the war, it makes sens that it would be able to contribute so much. It's geography, an island country, would also make it easier to defend, which could explain why it was able to contribute so much to the League. I ranked Talys higher than Macedonia because Talys gives its contribution earlier.

4th place, 7 units: Macedon "Divided Kingdom"
This really helps to understand the gravity of Minerva's betrayal. Gotoh was right, Macedonia was a power house that even when divided is of considerable might.

5th place, 5 units: Aurelis "The unsung hero?"
This one is rather strange at first glance. Aurelis, a military power, contributes less than Macedonia, a divided kingdom, and Talys, a small island kingdom? But when you remember the opening narration of Champions of Aurelis,
" By the time Marth arrived in Aurelis, much of its territory had already been carved up by Doluna's ally Medon. [...] By his side, she [Princess Nyna] had called on the people to fight- but few remained to answer. "(Copy pasted from http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Champions_of_Aurelis )
Aurelis fought off the allies of the Dohlr Empire by itself during all the years Marth hid in Talys. They were reduced to ridiculously low numbers, the brink of ruin, just to stay in the fight against Dohlr, and that explains their low contribution.

6th place, 4 units: The Dragons "Legendary allies"
It's rather surprising just how much they helped.

8th place, 3 units: Grust "Loyal to Camus"
The only Grustian units you get are recruited by Caeda. I enjoy thinking that the reason so few Grustians ruled is because they were united by Camus.

9th place, 2 units: Khadein

10th place, 2 units: Port Warren "The city state"
Port Warren was more of a commercial power which was able to avoid the wrath of Medeus, so it is logical that their military contribution would be slight and that it would only be in the form of mercenaries.

Unranked, 3 units: Other
Units which aren't affiliated with any nation or alliance. Most of these are affiliated to Lena, in some way or another.

Edited by Schleimann
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I think Aurelis should be ranking a lot higher. It was the only mayor nation in the war not to have fallen and Hardin had enough of victories under his belt to become very famed, almost having becoming the rebel leader instead of Marth. Hardin in turn seems to have been one of Marths most important officers, no matter how many times Shadow dragon doesn't show it. Aside from Hardin it also brought the wolfguard. Lore wise it might have given Marth his mook cavalry units. 
It might have lost a lot of territory but Archena and Altea lost all their lands while Macedon and Grust actively fought for the enemy.

Talys might have to rank lower too because of how insignificant it is. Its just a small island and the narration says Marths band became a real army a few chapters after Talys, implying the help provided by the kingdom wasn't enough for Marth to be able to field a real army just yet. 

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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