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Replace Videos or Remastered Runs?


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I'm supposed to be on another one of my semi-hiatuses again; but I've been checking the quality of my gaming runs and noticed how embarrassing it was played. It was kind of mediocre/sub-par for my criteria due to either the following: poor maneuvering, sucking at firing stuff or getting damaged in the least dangerous situations.

Now, I'm thinking of either deleting my old videos and replacing them with absolutely better ones (extra points if it's a perfect run) or keep them but do a remastered run of that game in the future.

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6 minutes ago, Zera said:

If your runs are bad and you know you can do better, replace them.

It is only entertaining to watch someone be bad at games if they're really bad at them.

For that, I should just aim for perfect runs.

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I would replace them... However, if you're good at editing, a neat idea would be to keep some of the REALLY bad ones (if there's any) and do a side-by-side comparison to how you play now. This will show how you've developed as a player/how you've developed winning strategies over the course of time.

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7 hours ago, Dandy Druid said:

I would replace them... However, if you're good at editing, a neat idea would be to keep some of the REALLY bad ones (if there's any) and do a side-by-side comparison to how you play now. This will show how you've developed as a player/how you've developed winning strategies over the course of time.

This personally makes no sense to me. I mean we are talking about arcade games here. I find in situations like this, bad videos still attempt the same strategies as good videos, and differ mainly because of execution. It's not really like speedrunning or naturalistic replays- the old videos don't retain value because of interesting route differences. I think of Pasky's channel, and I really have no need to see his old metal slug or knights of valour alongside his modern ones (when same category). 

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