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Would you go p2w is orbs cheaper?

Prince Endriu

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Some people argue that nintendo is running a business and cant afford to give out more free orbs than they are currently giving as revenue would go down.

Obviously nintendo IS running a business and money keeps them and the game alive. I dont want to argue that they should give more free orbs - although that would be nice on its own - I think orbs should be way cheaper.

Imo nintendo would actually make much more money and probably get more people into the game if orbs were more affordable.

Based on my own experience I bought nine 23 orbs packs during the pa banner after using around 600 f2p orbs. I did that because I wanted all the dancers and the fact that its a limited banner put some pressure on me. I dont regret that purchase but I certainly wont do that every month, at least not any time soon.

But if orbs were much cheaper, lets say a quarter of the current asking price. I would certainly buy orbs on a regular basis. The thing is, buying a 23 orbs pack costs about 15eur and gives you a full pull. Thats not a lot. Pulling Sigurd cost me 59 orbs. That would be at least two packs. My first 5* on the pa banner came after 120 orbs. If those orbs would have been purchase that would be about 70 eur. Overall its not a good investment for me.

On the other hand if I could get 92 orbs for 15 eur, I would be more willing to make that purchase. Probably every new focus banner or even twice. 92 orbs gives a higher chance for a 5*. 

Would any of you buy more orbs or even start buying orbs if nintendo gave four times as many orbs?



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Nope. Even at a cheaper price, it's still gambling and whatever price tag you attach to the purchase, it could all go to waste. It's a fun game, but if I can pay $60 for a full gaming experience in a console game, why would I dish out more for a mobile one? When you're F2P, life only gets better.

Edit: All that said, it would be an interesting experiment to see if more casual spenders would outdo the loss in revenue from the existing whales if orb prices were lowered.

Edited by NekoKnight
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No. While orb droughts can suck, it's still part of the game to me, and it makes getting a five star all that more special and valuable. You need a few lows in order to reach the highs, I feel. 

Also, I'm not fond of paying money without knowing what I'll get out of it. Sure, I could get an Ayra or two, but I could also get a whole new collection of Stahls.

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I doubt it. Even at a cheaper price, I don't think paying for extra orbs would meaningfully increase how much enjoyment I get out of the game. I can already get pretty much all the characters I really want and have a huge team of powerful units that are more than enough to take down the hardest challenges so far.

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Well I still wouldn't but I might actually think about it if the price was reasonable.  I really thought about it with PA banner, but after I saw how much orbs cost (I hadn't looked it up before) I found the price to be too high for what I was willing to pay so I will stay F2P.  

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44 minutes ago, Othin said:

I doubt it. Even at a cheaper price, I don't think paying for extra orbs would meaningfully increase how much enjoyment I get out of the game. I can already get pretty much all the characters I really want and have a huge team of powerful units that are more than enough to take down the hardest challenges so far.

I was definitely more satisfied with a 5* pull when I had less. Probably because they had a visible effect on my game. Not complaining about pulling Sigurd and Ayra but my Elincia pull a couple of weeks back gave me more satisfaction.

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I would buy more often if the Orbs were cheaper.  I'm a bit surprised they haven't had an "Orb sale" or something where Orbs were discounted for a brief period.

I don't think spending on Orbs every once in a while is terrible in and of itself.  It's the same as shelling out your quarters at the arcade, which is something we used to have back in the 90s.

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Probably not. I stopped being a paying player in part due to how much of a money sink the game had become, but it was mostly because it slowly drained the enjoyment out of pulling. Been back to F2P status since the Crimea banner and I'm having much more fun with the game. I look forward to any pulls I do now. Before, I went into a summoning session dead set on pulling a certain unit. Now, I never expect anything  and since I don't have a guaranteed, continuous stream of units, I feel like nearly any unit I pull can have some value.

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I think I would spend about the same actually. Since seasonal units becomes cheaper, I would spend more on skill and Hero Feather fodder.

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35 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I would buy more often if the Orbs were cheaper.  I'm a bit surprised they haven't had an "Orb sale" or something where Orbs were discounted for a brief period.

I don't think spending on Orbs every once in a while is terrible in and of itself.  It's the same as shelling out your quarters at the arcade, which is something we used to have back in the 90s.

I like this game a lot and spend quite some time with it. When I get bored at work I check this forum, think about strategies etc, must be a boring job I guess. So in this regard I wouldnt mind spending like 15-60eur per month. At least that amount is somewhat affordable. What I dont like, however, is wasting money. For 60 Eur I can get like four 23 orbs packs and thats not a lot imo. I could get 10 5*units for that or none at all. Its basically that risk that prevents me from buying orbs on a regular basis. If they were cheaper I wouldnt care too much about not getting anything good. Being as it is, I will go mostly f2p, its probably the most rewarding thing anyway. 

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I would return to P2W status if and only if some major changes happen to the game. One of the big changes that directly impacts pulls and is almost an absolute requirement for me to spend money again is a thorough cleansing of the overly bloated 5* character pool. At least half of the characters currently in the 5* exclusive pool need to become more easily accessible. As it is you are relying on a 5* pull for the majority of the characters you'd want, and add to that the potential of a bad nature and it just gets even worse.

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Only if IntSys tell me "Buy orbs and you can get Innes and all the season characters you wanted cofSummer!Leocof"

Really, if there was a way to get the character I want for just buying orbs, I will do it, if not... Well, the game already give away enought free orbs to get something with some luck.

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I wouldn't go full p2w but I would definitely buy orbs every couple months.

Sure, there's satisfaction as a F2P of maybe getting a 5* after weeks of hoarding but having a boost to my chances would be nice once in a while. I mainly pull for fodder these days, anyways.

Edited by saisymbolic
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I might have gotten into a rhythm of spending if the orbs were cheaper. I feel like I get plenty without paying though. So if they reduced the price permanently now, I probably still won't indulge, since the need isn't nearly as great as when I was starting out.

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If you're actually an IS rep in disguise, then yes: make Orbs as cheap as you possibly can.

Otherwise...cheaper Orbs would certainly be more tempting, but I doubt I would buy any unless I were truly desperate (and even then, I would probably just grit my teeth and move on).

However, I may be interested in a paid upgrade to the game as a whole that swaps pulling on banners with extra quests to unlock new Heroes or something of that nature.

Edited by DefyingFates
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10 minutes ago, Captain Karnage said:

I'd rather they overall increase the initial 3% pull rate for 5 star units up to 5%.

Unless I pull a 5 star unit I genuinly begin to hate myself for wasting my cash.

They've had that a couple times for the Hero Fest Banners.

For me, it's not so much getting a 5*, but getting someone new.  Back at the start, I was excited to get Nino and Florina, even though they were 3*.  I wish they'd add more 3*s to the pool, but that's another issue.

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