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Persona 5 Mafia - Game Over


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Its more that i dont think kirsche is scummy really at all? I read d1 and i dont quite understand d3 aside from claims and stuff (and admittedly havent done d2 rereading yet because i got fucked at work with two screenshare calls) but i legit have -nothing- on kirsche because unlike you, i dont see him as backpedaling as hard as hea being called out dor

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3 minutes ago, Elieson said:

Im hard nullrrading levi btw. Why is she basically super mega town atm?

he*, but I think most people think Percival's level of activity and general attitude is pretty town. Its hard to explain. He isn't really pandering to people and isn't very self-consciousness imo. I only remember him for being this paranoid about being mislynched as town. It's possible to fake but I don't think so.

I remember I liked his defence of Baldrick as I didn't think it was likely to come from scum. Again, it could do, but not from scum!via imo.

He's also in a group chat with Refa/BBM and I think that might influence their decision.

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Im hard nullrrading levi btw. Why is she basically super mega town atm?

via was really excited and motivated about the game for d1 and most of d2 and in the QT with me and I can't see him being that excited about rolling scum. His activity has kind of fallen off the past day phase but I know he's had to work more overtime and stuff.

kirsche had a shitty Sully case and when I told him to reread Sully to add to it, he started attacking me for undermining his case without actually attacking his case. Not only is this a bad reason, he previously had me as the least suspicious of his non-townreads so the sudden switch reads like he had to stop himself from getting PoE'd down after Shinori died. shrug

@Bart/Marth- if Sully gets lynched replace him with kirsche in everything I said that you guys should do with your roles

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Well, this is profoundly dissatisfying.  Can't wait for the flip, thank you friends.

@Elieson Sully is referencing Kemono Friends because he was told to read the game.

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2 hours ago, Elieson said:

I'll be here and able to post. I don't see Sully as being genuine noobtown. I've been noobscum (my first two games were scum) and one way I dodged a lot of suspicion was asking questions rather than giving thoughts, and it feels like that's how sully's first day largely went. HOWEVER, would #91 (from Sully) and his implication that "Michelaar has a reputation for looking guiltier than he is" something that was stated in this game prior to? I didn't really see it, and the backpedal reference to Kemomo Mafia seems strangely out of place.

I've got no reason based on the entirety of Day 1 to comfortably vote for kirsche.

When has Sully done that after ED1?  Look, peoples' issues with him are that they believe he's intentionally misrepping in order to fabricate reasons to lynch people.  Literally no one would claim that he hasn't given out his own thoughts, and this being the main reason for your vote is so frustrating.  I like Kirsche's vote more, and I think he's scum.  That's how frustrating this vote is.

Try reading D3 then.

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Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide,
No escape from reality
Open your eyes,
Look up to the skies and see,
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy,
Because I'm easy come, easy go
Little high, little low
Any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to me

To me...

Sorry guys, I just had to.

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After three days of parading how HE WAS OBVIOUSLY A PHANTOM THIEF someone finally decided to do something about BBM.


BBM - Ryuji Sakamoto, Town Even-Night Vigilante, was killed Night 3

It is now Day 4. Day 4 ends in 72 hours. With 6 alive, it takes 2 to lynch and 4 to hammer.

Town is in MYLO.

Edited by SB.
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Welp, with Sully actually being town I'll have to go over my townreads again, since one of them is apparently scum...

The good news: I tracked Kirsche tonight, and he visited BBM. Considering he claimed to be VT, that should be one scum member confirmed!

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@Magnificence Incarnate What do you think about this?

BBM, are you still on? I was thinking about the setup and it's either

6x Vanilla
1x Vigilante
1x Decoy
1x Innocent Child
1x Hidden Mason
1x Networker

1x Janitor
1x Tracker
1x Goon

Assuming Bartozio is scum. Either Kirsche or Elie could be his scumbuddy in this scenario.

5x Vanilla
1x Vigilante
1x Decoy
1x Tracker
1x Innocent Child
1x Hidden Mason
1x Networker

1x Janitor
1x Rolecop
1x Goon

Assuming Bartozio is town. This implies a Kirsche/Elie scumteam.

Setup wise, it feels pretty dumb to make the only town investigative role an IC who can't even announce themselves until D4. It means town has basically no investigation until then. Wouldn't that be unfair?

And this

And thinking about it, who exactly is a scum tracker meant to catch? Vanilla claims? Prims and your roles, both of which are 1x (I don't know how Prims role works, so this is just an assumption on my part)? Most of the time, it will just get a no visit, with the only consistently visiting role being Marth's.

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God, I'm way to tired to post properly it seems...

##Vote: Kirsche

To Refa, I wanted to give Elieson the time to actually catch up on things and post reads, and since I thought Kirsche and Sully was the scum team, it didn't really matter who he decided to vote in my head. Also... I was tired...

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