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Persona 5 Mafia - Game Over


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@Bartozio The next thing you're going to say is, "I tracked Elieson tonight, and he visited Marth.  Considering he claimed to be VT, should be another scum member confirmed!"

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Let me clearify that my last post was not a response to Refa.

Also... what? I'm pretty sure I'm town and not a miller, so are you sure you read your result/role right? It doesn't seem likely scum has a role left that can influence results at this point...

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You're really trying to get revenge for the last day, aren't you?

I don't really know why Kirsche did what he did? Maybe he was desperetly trying to get you guys to vote me because he thought Elie's D3 play made things to obvious? Maybe he was trying to make you guys believe he really didn't carry out the kill to clear Elie? Maybe he was just doing something weird to make everyone doubts things when the game was pretty much in the bag?

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4 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

Also... what? I'm pretty sure I'm town and not a miller, so are you sure you read your result/role right? It doesn't seem likely scum has a role left that can influence results at this point...

I just wanted to see how you'd react without your scumbuddy honestly.  Pretty sure Marth targeted Elie last night, but it was predictable enough that I'd expect scum to kill Marth either way to prevent a clear.  



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1 minute ago, Bartozio said:

Ah, okay. That explains things.

I never had any scum buddies though...

Well, Scum!You would have scumbuddies.  BTW, did Elie visit anyone else besides Marth last night?

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3 minutes ago, Refa said:

Well, Scum!You would have scumbuddies.  BTW, did Elie visit anyone else besides Marth last night?

No, just Marth it seems. Since Elie is likely some form of a rolecop, maybe there's some kind of restriction (like odd-night only, or as an x-shot)? It's also possible he's daytime or decided to idle I guess.

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Just now, Bartozio said:

No, just Marth it seems. Since Elie is likely some form of a rolecop, maybe there's some kind of restriction (like odd-night only, or as an x-shot)? It's also possible he's daytime or decided to idle I guess.

What makes you think that Elie is some form of RoleCop?

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Because it's likely scum had something like that to go along with their Janitor. Don't know, maybe that's wrong and they really only had a Janitor, since our power roles aren't to great either. Kind of hard to determine, since I don't know exactly how good all these quick topic roles are (whatever let you guys talk privately (prob prims) and Mack/paper).

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3 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

Because it's likely scum had something like that to go along with their Janitor. Don't know, maybe that's wrong and they really only had a Janitor, since our power roles aren't to great either. Kind of hard to determine, since I don't know exactly how good all these quick topic roles are (whatever let you guys talk privately (prob prims) and Mack/paper).

Yeah, it makes sense that scum would have another power role but...why did you assume a RoleCop?  

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10 hours ago, Refa said:

Yeah, it makes sense that scum would have another power role but...why did you assume a RoleCop?  

For the most part because it appeared in Kemono friends and because I think you guys mentioned it here I guess.

It also made sense, because since scum didn't claim any power roles, it must mean they only have roles that are clearly scum and the only other roles I know that fit that quota are Godfather, Tailor and Strongman and those don't really make sense in this setup (since we don't have a doc or cop).

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13 hours ago, Bartozio said:

Alright, I tracked Elie last night and saw him visit Marth. Since he claimed to be vanilla

##Vote: Elieson

UNFORTUNATELY I didn't do this, so you're incorrect here mate.

##Vote Bartozio

I'm 100% vanilla and I'm 200% sure that you're just goin for the easy case here since there's some things you aren't even totally aware of; notably, me being far too disinterested to have actually been around to submit a night action even if I had one to submit. It's a shit rebuttal, but in terms of the game's balance, it means that this is a shit game :/

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Damnit crunch time hit and I've been too half assed to seriously keep up with this game aside from D1 and a chunk of D3 ughhh







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WAIT I MISREAD, The only one who made something up was Refa, not Bartozio

##Vote Bartozio


Again, bottom line, I can't do anything, so a result on me is bogus BUT IS BARTO CLAIMING ITP WHAT AM I READING

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On 12/3/2017 at 6:38 PM, Bartozio said:

The only part that is a proven fact is that Mack is in contact with paper of course.

However, as long as Paper is town, it benefits us to keep Mack alive. We can always ask him whether Mack is confirmed town to him afterwards. At the very least, there's no way Paper benefits from Mack dying (and knowing this), because he wouldn't be coaching Mack otherwise.



Made D2. How do you know paper is town again?

On 12/6/2017 at 7:40 AM, Bartozio said:

Alright guys, I have something to share regarding last night.

My role is a tracker, and I followed Marth last night to find him targeting Shinori. This likely means Marth is the one who killed Shinori for us last night.
Now normally this would just mean Marth is a vig who did his job well, but there's a problem: Marth didn't think Shinori was scum!

If Marth was town, I'm pretty sure he would have killed either Sully or Kirsche instead, as those were his actual scum reads. Of course, he may have thought Shinori was the third scum member after the Baldrick flip, but I doubt he would shoot the scumread he was the least certain of. The logical conclusion is thus that Marth is actually a serial killer, who just happened to hit scum. (Sorry Refa, I guess my sense for balance in this game really does suck...)

##Vote: Marth

Made Day 3. Trackr claim with a N2 on Marth. Claims N1 tracker action on Refa after being pushed by Sully to claim it to begin with and that's ok because it's meta and all BUT HERE IS SOMETHING YOU SHOULD CONSIDER @Refa @Quote! Why did he track Marth in the first place? Literally on Day 2, he said nothing about Marth except for his #700 which is a wash as he basically countered his own suspicions on him AND he outright shared legitimate suspicions on Shinori and Baldork, both whom he could've tracked on N2 with more legitimacy to back up his suspicions on the slots. I can't be the first to notice this.

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There is evidence to back up the idea that i'm not just biased in this 1v1 (ironic since i was the one who probably got deemed as the big 1v1 starter with the whole barto v marth thing that was never supposed to have really been a thing) but there's evidence of his behavior being shifty right within his action history that shouldn't make sense to anybody but himself, which only makes sense if he has some reason to do what he did to begin with (aka, run a kill somewhere and track marth for info, in an attempt to throw him under the bridge, which clearly didn't work).

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