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Rest in peace these legendary weapons


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Now that the forge is here, several legendary weapons have been rendered pretty much obsolete. Here's a list so we may honor the dead.

Yato- +3 Spd Silver sword is going to be better than darting blow 2 most of the time

Binding Blade- The Hp boost and boost to either Def or Res on a Silver Sword probably gives Our Boy more bulk than the Binding Blade

Parthia- More Hp and a flat boost to Res is just plain better than Warding Blow 2

Regal Blade- A forged Silver Sword +Spd doesn't hurt you after combat, and gives you bonus Hp. They could've given this weapon the same treatment as the Deft Harpoon but IntSys wants f2p players to suffer for a little bit I guess

Sieglinde- If you have a forged Siegmund there is literally no good reason to use Sieglinde instead. The increased buff AND the kind of Brash Assault AND the Hp boost make it worth whatever party swap you may need to do


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4 minutes ago, cambam2015 said:

Binding Blade- The Hp boost and boost to either Def or Res on a Silver Sword probably gives Our Boy more bulk than the Binding Blade

If you ask me anyone who ever used the Binding Blade on their Roy after Skill Inheritance came out(like me) either didn't know there are lots of better weapons out there or are specifically using it because it's his prf weapon. Actually, that statement applies to Roy as a Unit - if you were using him ever(like me), you either didn't know there were lots of better Red Units out there or are just using him because Roy.

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11 minutes ago, cambam2015 said:

Now that the forge is here, several legendary weapons have been rendered pretty much obsolete.

They're clearly testing the waters. Give it some time.


11 minutes ago, cambam2015 said:

Regal Blade- A forged Silver Sword +Spd doesn't hurt you after combat, and gives you bonus Hp.

Neither does Regal Blade.


11 minutes ago, cambam2015 said:

Sieglinde- If you have a forged Siegmund there is literally no good reason to use Sieglinde instead. The increased buff AND the kind of Brash Assault AND the Hp boost make it worth whatever party swap you may need to do

Eirika has better defensive stats and isn't locked behind a 5-star-only pull.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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I still think these legendary weapons are worth grabbing by virtue of only costing 400 SP (assuming you promoted them from four star, if not than the weapon is free). Silver sword+ pullable fodder doesn't exist, you have to spend 20000 feathers on an Olivia or Laslow to pass that on to somebody else. And only after that investment would you need to pay more resources and SP for these tiny upgrades. 

All in all, I think fans of these characters are best off waiting until these personal weapons are brought up to speed in a new update. It's too early to say for certain more weapon upgrade possibilities will be added in the future,  but I'd say odds are good. There's also the possibility of some new characters coming out with Divine or Dark variants. Llinus, if he's added to the game in the future might wield a "Honed Regal blade" with which Lloyd may upgrade into. And a sword wielding Kana might be packing the Omega Yato.

Edited by Glennstavos
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15 minutes ago, cambam2015 said:

Now that the forge is here, several legendary weapons have been rendered pretty much obsolete. Here's a list so we may honor the dead.

Yato- +3 Spd Silver sword is going to be better than darting blow 2 most of the time

Binding Blade- The Hp boost and boost to either Def or Res on a Silver Sword probably gives Our Boy more bulk than the Binding Blade

Parthia- More Hp and a flat boost to Res is just plain better than Warding Blow 2

Regal Blade- A forged Silver Sword +Spd doesn't hurt you after combat, and gives you bonus Hp. They could've given this weapon the same treatment as the Deft Harpoon but IntSys wants f2p players to suffer for a little bit I guess

Sieglinde- If you have a forged Siegmund there is literally no good reason to use Sieglinde instead. The increased buff AND the kind of Brash Assault AND the Hp boost make it worth whatever party swap you may need to do

I don't understand this mention of Sieglinde. For the first four you listed alternatives that the units with these weapons can use. Eirika can't use Siegmund.

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23 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Neither does Regal Blade.

Yeah I totally misread stuff, whoops. Still probably not as good as forged silver sword

15 minutes ago, Florete said:

I don't understand this mention of Sieglinde. For the first four you listed alternatives that the units with these weapons can use. Eirika can't use Siegmund.

IF you have it. This one is more of a grey area, but for weapons that used to do the same thing, Sieglinde has been left in the dust

(This thread is getting taken more seriously than I thought it would be)

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I also believe there will be other upgrades to already existing weapons added in the future (I feel Sieglinde will get one at some point). Personally, hoping for an upgrade to Cymbeline (her Hone Attack skill + Cymbeline's effect was kinda weird and ineffective), I'd be interested in a Parthia upgrade to make Jeorge stand out a bit, Yato for obvious reasons, and I wonder if they will ever have anything for Falchions, the most common legendary weapon (probably only if dragons ever become too strong).

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5 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

If you ask me anyone who ever used the Binding Blade on their Roy after Skill Inheritance came out(like me) either didn't know there are lots of better weapons out there or are specifically using it because it's his prf weapon. Actually, that statement applies to Roy as a Unit - if you were using him ever(like me), you either didn't know there were lots of better Red Units out there or are just using him because Roy.

Its actually weirdly funny since IS literally released Roy with Distant Counter as a free unit which weirdly shows that even they somewhat knows Roy isn't all that good and his weapon is only part of the problem

(yeah i don't have high opinions of that free Roy either)


Also the Regal Blade mention is funny because it have historically been the single most misunderstood weapon in the entire game by a fucking mile, being the most powerful offensive Legendary Weapon of them all when nobody even knows what it actually does. Its only fair Silver weapon become good right now, because from its released up to now, it was a Top Rate Legendary weapon, only rivalled by Ragnarok and Cursed Lance both of which had significant demerits

Edited by JSND Alter Dragon Boner
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Eirika has speed, which Ephraim doesn't have. He also can basically only use that new Siegmund skill once, because there's a high HP threshold. That's why Eirika didn't get an upgrade to her weapon, she's already better than him stat-wise and she has much more availability.

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9 hours ago, cambam2015 said:

Sieglinde- If you have a forged Siegmund there is literally no good reason to use Sieglinde instead. The increased buff AND the kind of Brash Assault AND the Hp boost make it worth whatever party swap you may need to do

sieglinde may be "obsolete" but at least Eirika is still available more than Ephraim...

All the special weapons that got refinement upgrades are 5 star exclusive or are on GHB units. The evolved weapons are different (Blazing Durandal and the like) though.

I agree with Ice Dragon that maybe they just want to test the waters

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Comparing Sieglinde and Siegmunde is a bit apples and oranges, since one is a sword and one is a spear and neither unit can equip the other.  It would be nice to see Eirika get some love, too, but you'd have to compare her weapon against a Silver or Slaying sword, not a prf Lance.

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5 hours ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

Its actually weirdly funny since IS literally released Roy with Distant Counter as a free unit which weirdly shows that even they somewhat knows Roy isn't all that good and his weapon is only part of the problem

(yeah i don't have high opinions of that free Roy either)


Also the Regal Blade mention is funny because it have historically been the single most misunderstood weapon in the entire game by a fucking mile, being the most powerful offensive Legendary Weapon of them all when nobody even knows what it actually does. Its only fair Silver weapon become good right now, because from its released up to now, it was a Top Rate Legendary weapon, only rivalled by Ragnarok and Cursed Lance both of which had significant demerits

Where is this free Distant Counter Roy? 

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8 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

Where is this free Distant Counter Roy? 


Same Speed, Same Atk, same composite bulk even before Roy's Binding Blade is put into equation

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1 minute ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:


I don't think that when they made her they were thinking "Let's add a better Roy"

Speaking of a Prf burying another Prf - Dark Greatsword powercreeps poor Yato, as it's literally the same Spd bonus with +4 Atk on top of it.

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8 hours ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:


Same Speed, Same Atk, same composite bulk even before Roy's Binding Blade is put into equation

Don't forget Ice Mirror, Shield Pulse, etc. - she's supposed to be better but the only real difference the two will eventually have(assuming they'll do Binding Blade+ properly) is that Special Attack Slot.

Edited by SoulWeaver
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12 hours ago, cambam2015 said:

Now that the forge is here, several legendary weapons have been rendered pretty much obsolete. Here's a list so we may honor the dead.

Yato- +3 Spd Silver sword is going to be better than darting blow 2 most of the time

Binding Blade- The Hp boost and boost to either Def or Res on a Silver Sword probably gives Our Boy more bulk than the Binding Blade

Parthia- More Hp and a flat boost to Res is just plain better than Warding Blow 2

Regal Blade- A forged Silver Sword +Spd doesn't hurt you after combat, and gives you bonus Hp. They could've given this weapon the same treatment as the Deft Harpoon but IntSys wants f2p players to suffer for a little bit I guess

Sieglinde- If you have a forged Siegmund there is literally no good reason to use Sieglinde instead. The increased buff AND the kind of Brash Assault AND the Hp boost make it worth whatever party swap you may need to do


They may suck right now, but I'm sure these outdated weapons will be able to be forged in a future update

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6 hours ago, Midnox said:

They may suck right now, but I'm sure these outdated weapons will be able to be forged in a future update

Yeah. They have done this sort of thing in the past when they added additional sacred seals to the list of creatable seals. Pretty sure that you could not create distant def or panic ploy when that feature launched.

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52 minutes ago, sirmola said:

Yeah. They have done this sort of thing in the past when they added additional sacred seals to the list of creatable seals. Pretty sure that you could not create distant def or panic ploy when that feature launched.

I remember Panic Ploy was there since the sacred seal forge was launched, but Distant Counter definitely not. I haven't checked, I'd love having that

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On 11/29/2017 at 10:16 PM, SoulWeaver said:

If you ask me anyone who ever used the Binding Blade on their Roy after Skill Inheritance came out(like me) either didn't know there are lots of better weapons out there or are specifically using it because it's his prf weapon. Actually, that statement applies to Roy as a Unit - if you were using him ever(like me), you either didn't know there were lots of better Red Units out there or are just using him because Roy.

I still use Binding Blade on Roy.

...because I've literally never gotten any of those "better" swords, and also he was my first ever 5*. MAH BOI IS SPECIAL SHUT UP.

...but really, it's not like he's BAD. He does a solid amount of Triangle Advantage damage. There's just loads of better swords in a game where swords are a joke.

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9 hours ago, Xenomata said:

I still use Binding Blade on Roy.

...because I've literally never gotten any of those "better" swords, and also he was my first ever 5*. MAH BOI IS SPECIAL SHUT UP.

...but really, it's not like he's BAD. He does a solid amount of Triangle Advantage damage. There's just loads of better swords in a game where swords are a joke.

I still use Binding Blade Roy too, even though he has access to a Brave Sword and a Killing Edge. I personally hate Triangle Adept, though, which, you know, takes his one niche away.

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Intelligent Systems is well... intelligent. I'm sure they'll make these Legendary weapons more viable eventually; they've only just introduced this weapon refining system, something that I thought I would never see, but IS did it.

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