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Problems with new job


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Since last month I'm working on a fulltime job (40h per week) in an office besides my study which I have suspended for now (again).

It's a nice job and I feel appreciated, seriously the first time ever at a job.

However my main issue is that smoking is tolerated in the office. Technically it's illegal but everyone (including boss) doesn't care. Even worse: Although they know that I don't smoke, they even start to sit next to me with a cigarette in their hand. It's not only gross to me, but also harmful because I have asthma (probably caused thanks to second hand smoking). I have, breathing trouble, headaches and sickness frequently and after a time my brain doesn't work as good anymore as I wished to be.

The thing is that I'm feared to tell the boss directly that the smoke disgusts and harms me because of the consequences. I'm quite new at this job, so I don't want to give a bad impression in the beginning, even more since I'm still in testing phase and may be fired at any time without reason.

I like this job and I need the money, but Idk how long I will stay strong against the smoke.

Maybe someone here has been in a similar situation here and could give me a bit help here.

Thanks in advance!

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It just depends.  Assuming you live in the US, or any western country, there's probably a governmental organization like the US's OSHA (occupational safety  and health administration) where you can report this gross negligence of the law.  I know it seems extreme, but this is why these laws exist, to protect people from the stupid decisions their superiors make, not only is it bad to smoke near others because it's bad for their health and rude it's also bad for the building itself and most companies lease the space they work in and I can't imagine the people that own the building want the rank smell of smoke and all the crap they leave in the vents and carpeting.  You should be able to do this anomalously and I can't imagine you're the only one in the office who hates the smoke, so who could pin it on you?

Alternatively, if you don't want to inform the authorities, you could always wear a face mask for your 'health'.  Flu season is in full swing and people are getting sick all over, if you wear a mask for your 'health' you at least have a excuse for the mask that doesn't have to confront the smokers in your office.

Lastly, you could always talk to your boss.  While not threatening to expose the company to the lawsuits they seem to deserve, you can still tell the boss that you have weak respiratory health, asthma definitely applies, and that you would prefer if the word spread around the office that you can't handle the smoke in your face and that if those who smoke would be kind enough not to smoke right in front of you.  

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That's a tough situation.  I had a similar time when I was working at a restaurant circa 2002.  I let them know that I had asthma, and I needed to stay away from the smoke.  Maybe play up the angle that it's a health issue for you and not the fact that it disgusts you, and they should hopefully be more accommodating.  If you start with the fact that it disgusts you, they may be offended, but most people are reasonable for health issues.

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"It's gross" really isn't a valid reason to complain and if you tell that to people they're either going to not care or get mad at you. If it disgusts you that's really too bad, asking people to stop because of that reason alone is nothing short of selfish and rude. I would talk to people in the office specifically about your asthma (while avoiding making comments re "it's gross" because then you instantly lose your audience) and you'll probably get a receptive response. People may not stop smoking at the site, but at least they'll stop doing it right by you. In your specific cubicle (if you have one or w/e) maybe get a dehumidifier or look into some way to dissipate the smoke making it into where you work specifically.

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I dunno, wouldn't a "hey, would you mind not smoking around me if that's possible?" and then mentioning how it could cause problems due to your asthma work fine? It may be a little awkward if people forget after that, but I imagine they'd be fine with that.

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I would inform your boss and coworkers about your health issues and ask politely if they would not smoke near you because it can cause you to get sick.  Do Not tell them it is gross because that will make them mad and might make them blow their smoke in your face if they are feeling mean.  Also like stated above a face mask would be a good idea and tell your boss why you are wearing it.

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As an asthma sufferer myself, I can understand why this would be a problem for you. Maybe you could speak to your boss about it and explain it that way and see what he says. If nothing comes of it then later you could think about taking things further as if it's illegal you have every right to do so.

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Thanks for your suggestions!

I'll make my thoughts over this weekend.

I'm in a conflicted situation:
On the one hand I work in a company with traditon. Smoking inside the building is probably one of them, and I'm probably one of the very first non smokers who works in this company. And I don't want to destroy the long time established harmony. The company trusted me by convincing with my test work to hire me, and it would be the wrong way to pay it back by lowering the working atmosphere.
But on the other hand the company has to understand that people can't only work best at best physical and psychical condition.

I'll talk to the people (not only boss) and ask them nicely not to smoke when they attend me. 
I can't enforce an absolute non smoking zone, even if it's technically possible based on law. However it's really not a good style to pay trust back. The people are still nice to me. I don't want to denounce them.

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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You can also tell your boss that if your asthma gets bad, it'll cut into your productivity.  I don't know how bad yours is (mine wouldn't do that), but it's one way to talk to him about it without coming across as offensive.

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I'm not you, and I'm not telling you to do this, but I would probably not have applied if I knew that there was smoking going on in the building. I'm basically dependent on an inhaler, and even being in a building with cigarette residue triggers it and massive migraines.

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I talked to my workmates about my health issues and they accepted not to smoke anymore when they're directly close to me. More I can neither do nor expect. The air condition in the office is still bad... but I have to deal with it... if I want it or not.

On 14.1.2018 at 1:48 AM, Hylian Air Force said:

I'm not you, and I'm not telling you to do this, but I would probably not have applied if I knew that there was smoking going on in the building. I'm basically dependent on an inhaler, and even being in a building with cigarette residue triggers it and massive migraines.

Actually I knew about it when I did test working for a couple of days. I really like this job, so I applied. I prioritized the effect of the work more than my health at this time which might be a mistake after all. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

In any case I'm glad your coworkers were as receptive as they can be. I hope that this endeavor does work out for you.

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