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How difficult would it be to X?


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A thread for questions regarding specific ideas in hacking.

As an example, "How hard would it be to make cavaliers act like they do in PoR in a FE8 hack (Ie. Different base cavaliers of each weapon type, pick a secondary weapon on promotion)?"

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In answer to your question, they'd probably just have three promotion branches into paladin, each one containing a different weapon type other than the one they already knew. There might be a better way to do it but IDK.

As for my question, It'd be "How hard would it be to implement Elincia's skill MERCY from FE10 in gbaFE?"

Let's just say that's a simplified version of: "How hard would it be to implement Elincia's skill MERCY from FE10 in gbaFE, with a few tweaks--If the opponent would be killed theoretically by the person with the skill, they are immediately quote-unquote "assassinated" where the MERCY part is putting them out of their misery (probably applies to enemies under about 40-50% health I'd say). and if they are above that Threshold, they are SPARED (meaning they don't die) but they still leave the battlefield due to the MERCY of the unit with the skill MERCY. There would be an invisible counter to see how many people they mercy-killed versus how many people they saved, and when the time comes, this would affect the character personality/ story in some way?" 

xD Ok I'm done now.

Edited by Bhoop
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