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Weirdest/Most Interesting Conversations you've had

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What are some the most bizarre or interesting discussions you've had irl or online with others, Mines would have to be when me and a friend made a shape tier list that divulged into how circles are one of the most dangerous properties to exist.

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Once, I was on a cruise ship, feeling lonely because the girl I had been hitting on friendzoned me in favor of some Scottish dude. I was walking past one of those bars they have on the deck sometimes and this large, imposing lady with a crooked grin and Scandinavian accent told me to take a seat next to her. I don't drink, so the bartender got me an ice water while I began to talk with this woman about... life in general, really. Turns out, this lady was the ship's captain's brother's wife. She was about 60 or so, and had lots of life experience that more than made up for the language barrier. We had a long conversation about our different cultures and values and she gave me some advice on how to make girls like me more. After we were done with our talk, she wanted to hug me, but I guess she was a little tipsy and she ended up knocking over my glass in the process, breaking it. Then the bartender chimed in and said something about an old saying where "if you break glass the first time you visit a bar, you will only have happy times at bars in the future!" 

That was a weird experience I will never forget. It was so spontaneous, yet so... natural...

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6 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

Once, I was on a cruise ship, feeling lonely because the girl I had been hitting on friendzoned me in favor of some Scottish dude. I was walking past one of those bars they have on the deck sometimes and this large, imposing lady with a crooked grin and Scandinavian accent told me to take a seat next to her. I don't drink, so the bartender got me an ice water while I began to talk with this woman about... life in general, really. Turns out, this lady was the ship's captain's brother's wife. She was about 60 or so, and had lots of life experience that more than made up for the language barrier. We had a long conversation about our different cultures and values and she gave me some advice on how to make girls like me more. After we were done with our talk, she wanted to hug me, but I guess she was a little tipsy and she ended up knocking over my glass in the process, breaking it. Then the bartender chimed in and said something about an old saying where "if you break glass the first time you visit a bar, you will only have happy times at bars in the future!" 

That was a weird experience I will never forget. It was so spontaneous, yet so... natural...

That's a cute story :)

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Any time I'm talking with my sister and either Deviant Art or tumblr get brought up.

Never did I realize the forbidden world of sexual fetishes can go so deep and get so terrifying while also remaining... uh, legal.  And I have to figure, like, half the people on those sites have barely talked to another human being for at least a decade.

I also remember a few times when I actually made people online think that I was a girl because I would roleplay female characters... and they'd hit on me.  It was never not awkward.  I certainly don't envy the attention ladies get on the internet, that's for sure.

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Guest Dreamyboi

One time me and a friend were at a party and what started out as a conversation about video games later morphed into a discussion about whether or not cannibalism is morally right.

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25 minutes ago, Ertrick36 said:

I also remember a few times when I actually made people online think that I was a girl because I would roleplay female characters... and they'd hit on me.  It was never not awkward.  I certainly don't envy the attention ladies get on the internet, that's for sure.

Ah, I've had that happen to me too! No roleplay involved at first though, I simply played a female character and they assumed. I went with it for some reason...

That being said they only spoke spanish, and my spanish sucks. Still, it was funny.

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The weirdest conversation I've had is probably a tie between what the most efficient way to eliminate the human race is (I still stand by removing humanities ability to breed is both the fastest and most peaceful way to destroy mankind. How to actually carry out this plan, however...), or whether communism or tribalism would be a more efficient form of government on a desert island with no contact with the outside world.

There was also the statement that beards are technically a fire hazard, along with skin, oxygen, and pet hair, but I forget if that was a prolonged joke or an actual conversation.


The most interesting conversation I had was an hour-long discussion about story conventions, cliques, tropes, etc. Another one was actually about cloning and how Star Wars was surprisingly accurate about it (not 100%, of course, but more than one would think).

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i once had a several-hour-long conversation about the dick sizes of the playable characters in an mmo

Edited by evanesce
stan evanesce
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Although I don't entirely remember it, I had a conversation with one of my friends in which he became my mother and decided that I was to have an arranged marriage with the Great Wall of China.

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3 hours ago, Ertrick36 said:

Any time I'm talking with my sister and either Deviant Art or tumblr get brought up.

Never did I realize the forbidden world of sexual fetishes can go so deep and get so terrifying while also remaining... uh, legal.  And I have to figure, like, half the people on those sites have barely talked to another human being for at least a decade.

Hey, those are art websites, plenty of artists aren't creepos who live in their parents basements and don't talk to anybody. Some are, but not all.

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6 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

Hey, those are art websites, plenty of artists aren't creepos who live in their parents basements and don't talk to anybody. Some are, but not all.

It's more than artists on those sites.  There are those who request art and commission it.  Some of those people can say the most bizarre and creepy stuff to artists.  And of course you get thieves and plagiarizing scum who do what they will with the content that others have spent hours on, and they always are the gaslighting types.

2 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

The weirdest conversation I've had is probably a tie between what the most efficient way to eliminate the human race is (I still stand by removing humanities ability to breed is both the fastest and most peaceful way to destroy mankind. How to actually carry out this plan, however...)

Half Life 2 disagrees with you.

Also, apparently the way to carry out the plan is with sexual-suppressing devices created by a technologically superior alien species.

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1 minute ago, Ertrick36 said:

It's more than artists on those sites.  There are those who request art and commission it.  Some of those people can say the most bizarre and creepy stuff to artists.  And of course you get thieves and plagiarizing scum who do what they will with the content that others have spent hours on, and they always are the gaslighting types.

Yeah. Those people are the worst. But I've only seen a few. They're not as common as you think. I'm on Deviant Art so you just generalized me, as well as my friend Anacybele who is also there.

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7 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

Yeah. Those people are the worst. But I've only seen a few. They're not as common as you think. I'm on Deviant Art so you just generalized me, as well as my friend Anacybele who is also there.

My sister and I are also there.

What I said was a hyperbolic joke, kind of.  Wasn't meant to be taken that seriously.  Just like a good majority of my posts that don't last longer than two paragraphs.

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17 minutes ago, Ertrick36 said:

My sister and I are also there.

What I said was a hyperbolic joke, kind of.  Wasn't meant to be taken that seriously.  Just like a good majority of my posts that don't last longer than two paragraphs.

Fair enough.

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I used to work at a candy store and some one came in and was looking at the giant 5lbs gummy bears we sold. I asked him if I could help him find anything and he began to tell me about how the bear reminded him of a show he watched about fetishes and and how someone melted gummy bears on him while he was...... lets stop there before I find away to get warning points in the far from Forrest area. This conversation went on for some time......

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day before yesterday I talked to aspiring comedian leon lincoln jr. about how many assholes people have, among other things

i get involved in some pretty great conversations

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6 hours ago, Ertrick36 said:

Never did I realize the forbidden world of sexual fetishes can go so deep and get so terrifying while also remaining... uh, legal. 

I second this - people come up with some seriously messed-up crap on there…though I'm not really one to talk...

On-Topic, probably the weirdest conversation I had was with my brother about the legality of Pokemon Breeding, considering that half the time you're throwing together two completely different Pokemon and saying it's ok because they're in the same egg group, as though we're tossing a Giraffe and a Camel together to mate and going it's ok, they're both structured kind of like a horse so it's cool, not to mention nobody has any problems with obsessively breeding hundreds of eggs so you can find either a mutant(Shiny) or a genetically superior specimen(IV-specific builds) as long as you're breeding Dragon Slugs, Flaming Monkeys, or Giant Electric Spiders, but the second you switch over to a game like Conception 2 where you do literally the same thing but with humans(maybe? I'm not sure Star Children count as human…) it's suddenly messed-up.

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15 hours ago, Ertrick36 said:

Half Life 2 disagrees with you.

Also, apparently the way to carry out the plan is with sexual-suppressing devices created by a technologically superior alien species.

(I haven't played any Valve game yet in my life, although I have watched someplay get pretty far in Portal 2 in real life).

Okay, most peaceful in the sense that nobody dies due to the methods (something that nukes or viruses would do). Humanity would probably still kill themselves off eventually, or almost everyone would die of old age.

We also haven't met any technologically superior aliens yet.

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I have an older friend/acquaintance, she's something called my case manager but that's not important, and I'm sharing my experiences with Xenoblade 1 with her. I told her Shulk was the sole survivor of an expedition through some frigid snowy mountains and he was only 4 at the time and what kind of idiots bring their 4 year old kid along on something like that! She went "at least they weren't like the Donner Party" and it turned into a conversation about cannibalism and how she would eat her husband and burn his fat for candles if she had no choice. Then it turned into stuff about the old movie Solvent Green for some reason.

I was creeped out but she's awesome lol. She also suggested that Dunban could yell "rotten bunnit cunt juice" at Mumkhar. Because he's got that British accent. And Brits say "cunt" a lot.

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