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[FE7] Music - Instrument Shenanigans


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Why hello there, hackers with significantly more talent than I! I seem to have gotten myself into a..... rather mystifying situation.

.......holy shit where do I start.


So, I'm new to music hacking. When I first got into the hacking business little over a year ago, I dabbled in it (using Sappy cause I'm a hipster), got frustrated and left it to rot while I figured out other aspects of hacking magic. But back then I also made a Rom specifically for music testing, which I applied a patch or two to without documenting anything. This being the problem here. (The only one I know I inserted was the FE7 Native Instrument Map.)

Recently I finally figured out the basics of inserting songs that don't come out as ear torture, and I've been using said old testing Rom for....well... testing them. They work absolutely fine there, but when I insert them into the Rom for my actual hack, they have....some slight oddities.

As an example: here's a song in my (now completely bugged) testing Rom: (Yes, it IS one of the boss themes from Mega Man X4)

Correct Song.mp4

Sounds pretty good. Just how I want it to sound. Now here's the same song (exact same .s file) in my actual Rom:

Bugged Song.mp4

(btw this is how it sounds in any Rom other than the testing one, not just this particular one). I guess the game can't handle the amount of instruments being played, since it periodically mutes some of them.

Both of these are played with the aformentioned Native Instrument Patch, and the song has the same priority in both Roms. I didn't insert any custom sound samples into the test Rom (or the other one). I usually just dick around with stuff like this until it works, but this time I'm well and truly stumped.

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@Agro Ahh, thanks! This is what I get for not documenting lol. That's definitely one of the patches I applied before.

Just to make sure I'm not missing anything: are the changes at 3FCD, 3FF6 and 3FFA the only ones in the patch?

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Dunno, I made that patch many years ago. You can open it with NUPS and get the patch data if you want to check.

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