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Shadow Knight

Catro Gaming

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The Lost woods was a place of never ending trees and darkness. Only the children of Kokiri, a race of Hylians who never grew up and remained children for their entire lives, could navigate through the woods safely thanks to their fairies that could lead them through the darkness. Certain points in the forest were lit, but it was rare to ever find them. If anyone who didn’t have a fairy wandered into the darkness of the woods they would find themselves lost, hence the name of the woods, to never be seen again. Rumors spread by the children of the forest say that the lost souls would lose their flesh, their bodys becoming walking bones, and lose all hope a humanity becoming monsters and to spend all eternity walking around the woods.

In these woods, riding on the back of horse, was a young lad of 15 years old. For years he had gone through the woods in search of his friend and his way back home. After the events of his childhood he had beaten a evil king he had been declared a hero at the young age of 10. But he had lost his best friend before he had been declared a hero. After searching every crack of Hyrule his last option was to travel into the Lost Woods, without a fairy. His journey had been fruitless as he searched for years in the woods and had run into some trouble and, just to some it up, had to stop the moon from crashing down onto the world. Then after that he had returned his search. Other than a few stops at towns that he had randomly found, he spent most of his time in the woods in search of his friend. But despite the stories that he was told about the woods, he was still very much a Hylian and a living one at that. Though the woods did sap his strength when he traveled through the woods. But he’d play a song on his ocarina, a gift from the Princess of Hyrule for saving her kingdom, and all his fatigue would disappear. Also every time he'd leave the woods he’d feel better.

    Riding through the woods on this particular day as he rode the sound of music could be heard drawing Epona to it despite Links efforts to turn her. Soon they found themselves in a lighted area and a clearing. In the clearing were three women, each in flowing dresses with jewels decorating them, the jewels shimmering in the light. The women in red held a harp and was plucking the strings, the women in blue gently blowing on a flute, and a women in green holding a violin and playing that. Link, jumping off his horse approached them making them stop.

”Young Hero of Hyrule.” The lady in red said as they all stopped, “You have seem to of lost your way and a friend.”


Link, feeling a powerful presence from th we women, gulbed as h clenched his fist and nodded his head.


”Your heroic actions have save th Lands that we three have created.” The lady in blue said, “And a land far off from your home, and you saved that land as well. Such actions deserve a reward.”


Link hearing this fell to his knees, “Thank you my Goddess’s.”


The lady in green chuckled at this.

”We will grant you your wishes.” She says, “But you must complete a task.”

”Anything!” He says


all three of them nod to one another as a flash of light appeared blinding Link. Once his vision returned he saw a casket made of glass and he could see a child in it. A child that looked like him but with black hair and tunic. Link recognized him as the evil version of himself.


”A true hero can make even the purest evil see the light.” Din said, “Take this spawn of Ganon and change him into a honorable knight of Hyrule.”

“If you can achieve this task.” Farore  sai, “You will be reunited with you homeland and friend.”

Link, switched from being over excited and thrilled, Looked at the casket unsure of the task.


”Don’t worry we will give you help.” Nayru said as a portal appeared, “But this is a test so you will have trials.” A red portal appeared 

“We wish you the best of luck Hero of Hyrule.” All three of them said before vanishing.

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In another time many years into the future, Hyrule was enjoying a relatively peaceful time. The Twilight Realm, home to the twili race, was now a region anyone could go in and out of. People were adjusting, some more reluctantly than others.

A blue clothed goddess stood in front of a house near the Twilight Palace. It was the perfect size for a small family. Nayru's goddess intuition told her the twili man she was looking for lived here. She hovered outside the window, watching the scene inside. A teenage female twili was clearly trying not to burst out laughing, and a small boy was being scolded by his parents about breaking a window with his magic that just grew in two days ago.

"I don't care how 'cool' you think it is, young man, you don't blast things willy nilly!"

"But Papa-"


The teenage female intervened. "Uncle, you're shouting too loud at him."

"Yeah, Papa, it was an accident! Really!" The child looked up at his father with big red puppy eyes. 

The father's stern gaze softened. "Well...as long as you know not to do it on purpose."

At that moment there was a flash of blue light, and the goddess Nayru appeared, floating before the family. She looked at the father. "General Umbren of the Twilight Realm." Then she turned to the teenager. "Clipse of the Twilight Realm, ambassador to the World of Light."

The child's face twisted into a scowl. "Who are you, lady? How do you know my papa and cousin?"

"I am Nayru, one of the three goddesses who created the triforce. Do not worry, I hold no grudge against your kind, now that you have redeemed yourselves."

"What's the triforce?"

The child's mother turned to her husband. "Our son doesn't know what the triforce is."

"I'm aware of that, Nocta." Umbren whispered back. He then turned to Nayru, stiffened slightly, and bowed. "Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would meet one of the golden goddesses...and that she would bear me no ill will for what my ancestors did."

Clipse had been staring wide eyed at Nayru. She, too, bowed. "You must be here for a reason."

Nayru smiled. "You are a wise young twili. Far away in another time, a hero has been given a task. A task that my sisters and I have found it wise to give him help with."

"Yay adventure!"

Nocta pulled her son back. "Not so fast, Nyren. The goddess has come for your father and cousin. She didn't mention us."

"I can help! My magic is in now! I'm not helpless!"

Nayru looked down at Nyren and smiled at him. "Someday you will measure up to your father's greatness. But today is not that day. I have left a portal outside. When you are ready, step into it." And with that, the goddess was gone.

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  • 2 weeks later...



The sounds of a deep masculine voice and a feminine voice echoed in training grounds of the kingdom of Hyrule's castle. The woman's long blonde hair flowed behind her as she clashed her sword with that of the man. The man was in a full suit of heavy-looking armor and sporting short light brown hair. The woman carried a shield while the man did not and only relied on his armor for any protection.

The two soon clashed blades one more time, and the man was easily strong enough to push the woman back. However, the woman used the momentum to go into a backflip. She landed on her hands and then launched herself up again to land on her feet behind her. The man soon had a goofy smile on his face.

"Ooh, hot!" he commented.

"Oh stop it," the woman chuckled.

"Well, in all seriousness, your agility and speed are a level of their own, Kelli," the man continued with a smile. "I can never keep up with you!"

"Heh, thanks, love," Kelli replied. "Your strength is something else too. Why Judo, I don't think even Link could beat you in an arm wrestle. You threw me backward like it was nothing!"

"Haha, that's actually quite true! Link really has never beaten me in one of those!" Judo confirmed with a chuckle. "He's been trying to, but no matter how much he works out, he can't match me. Probably because I work out just as much."

"Wow, I can believe it," Kelli said. "But I do know one way he could best you! By letting Hero jump on the table! Hee hee."

"He better NOT. I told him that little beast can't come near me!"

"I still can't believe you're afraid of a little kitty."

"I already told you, a cat nearly clawed my eye out in Mayia! My face was scratched up and bleeding like crazy and I still have no idea what I did to provoke that damn thing."

"Yeah, I know, I know."

Kelli rushed forward again. Judo, however, brought up his sword quickly enough to attempt to strike. Yet, Kelli was quick enough to bring up her shield to block it.

"Nice one!" Judo complimented again.

"Those were some nice reflexes yourself," Kelli replied, grinning. "Keep that up and you might actually outdo me there."

"Heh. Or...maybe I can...disarm you?"

Judo then used his sword arm to push Kelli's shield arm down. He then used his other arm to grab her by the waist and pull her towards him until he pressed his lips against hers. Kelli gasped for a moment before her lips were rammed into his, but had to promptly return the gesture. As Judo had said, she dropped her sword and shield and wrapped her arms around his neck.

The embrace didn't last all that long, however. Kelli pulled away a few moments later.

"Judo, you scoundrel," she playfully spat. "You know we were supposed to be training."

"Heh, yeah, I know," Judo conceded. "But I have to admit, your beauty gets to me a lot."

"...You're sweet," Kelli replied with a big smile. "I suppose now's a good time to call it a day though. We always end up in a draw anyway. You can't keep up with my speed well, but I also can't come close to matching your strength."

"Yeah, funny how that works. But I agree. And Conan's probably spent enough time babysitting May too. I know he doesn't mind it, but he's a knight, not a nanny."

"True, but he does seem to enjoy it quite a bit, surprisingly."

"Yeah, I swear, if he wasn't a knight, he'd be a stay-at-home husband."

Kelli laughed as the two sheathed their weapons. Just as they were about to head into the castle for the evening, however, something seemed to call out to them.

"Wait," it said.

"Huh? Judo, did you hear that?" Kelli wondered.

"Odd, yeah, I did. But no one else is nearby besides a few other soldiers and that didn't sound like a man."

"Please, follow my voice," the voice spoke up again.

"What? But why? What's going on?" Kelli wondered.

"I am Din, the goddess of power. I shall explain in due time. I need your help."

"...Huh. Well, alright," Judo agreed. "But hold on one moment."

Judo then turned to a Hylian soldier that was patrolling nearby.

"You there!"

"General Judo, Sir!" the soldier responded, turning around and saluting.

"Go let Captain Conan know he'll have to stay with my daughter a little longer. Something came up and Kelli and I may be awhile."

"Yes, Sir!"

The soldier then quickly headed inside the castle.

"Oh, thank you, Judo," Kelli said. "I was about to ask what we were going to do about May. Conan will be fine with her. Link and Zelda are here too."

"Yeah. Let's go see what Din says is so urgent."

Kelli nodded and then the two followed Din's voice into a nearby forested area. Passing by a few trees and scurrying woodland animals, they went wherever the goddess of power directed them. Soon enough, they came to a small clearing where a large glowing white void stood before them.

"What in...?" Judo wondered.

"What's this?" Kelli added.

"I have opened a portal to another realm," Din began. "The hero of this world requires the aid of strong warriors such as yourselves. His realm may otherwise plunge into chaos."

"...Whoa. Alright, I see. I can't say no to someone in need," Judo agreed. "I just hope everyone here will be fine without us for a little while. And that we won't regret not having our horses with us."

"Yeah. I agree. But we'll go," Kelli said. "What exactly will we be doing?"

"You'll see once you step through the portal," Din replied. "But proceed with caution. This quest may not be easy."

"...Oh. Alright then. Thanks for the warning."

"Yeah, I understand," Judo seconded. "Onward then."

The couple then took each other's hands, in case they somehow could become separated once they were in this other world. The two then walked into the portal, wondering eagerly what awaited them on the other side. Was it another version of Hyrule? Maybe Termina, a land Link often told stories about since he had once visited it himself? Or was it an entirely unknown place? They would soon find out.

Edited by Anacybele
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