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My Hero Academia Mafia - Game Over


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5 hours ago, Alette said:

My thought process is, everyone so far is trying to asses either me, corrobin, or fleet as we have the highest vote count by the timing of your question. Others haven't really been around to post thus why they haven't said much. I agree that Via is townie like most others are stating.  Weiner, Yolo, and Athena are kind of vibing town, but I don't really see much. I'm seeing Marth as slight town too.

4 hours ago, Alette said:

Tuvy, Athena, and possibly kts

:huh: was my thought process rly that convincing

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I'm just going to randomly say my thoughts about content on each page as I read them cause I'm all out of brainpower to do much else right now. 
Page 6: Really like FTJ first post, might not agree with all of it but it reads town to me because of the type of thought it shows. On a similar note I like athena's response to it and the discussion between them. Don't really know what Kill is doing, do they always just pop in to say unrelated shit? Bart joins the game here, there post is mostly just asking for other people's opinion, if memory serves (which it probably doesn't) this is a standard bart intro. Corrobin retracted their earlier vote, said he misread something, I want to know what he misread that changes a vote that way. 

Page 7: Athena beat me to my own questions. Marth seems pretty neutral right now, maybe town trying to get some conversation going? Bart responding to KTS's trolling by voting him is standard Bart as well. I want to hit both Omega and KTS over the head right now. I'm not really sure what Alette is trying to say with her counter.

Page 8: Whats OMGUS mean again? I really feel like Barts posts on day 7 would be scummy if it wasn't Bart.

Page 9:Got a chuckle out of Refa's join  Okay I like Refa's intro post, I don't think anyone else pointed out Bart going for the easy target, I agree that he did do that and that is something that could be interpreted as scummy. Marths reasoning for Corrobin being scum makes sense but I am not sure how true it is, like I'm not sure its something to lynch on because every player plays differently. in respect to the other argument I would say both fleet and Corrobins actions on joining where bad. Also noticed Alette hasn't really stopped being standoffish yet. Marths vote on me doesn't make much sense, I don't understand how I can come up as standoffish if all I have said is that I don't have time to play. In general I'm not sure where he is getting this impression that I have a good early game ever. 

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Page 10: Refa's post made me realise I always just assume Vi is town. What doesn't Shinori like about people voting Alette? the cases behind her seem solid enough for day 1 cases. Corrobin not showing back up yet is whats annoying me about him currently actually its seems like the veterans are the only ones talking, wait is weiner a veteran? I want Alette to make a statement about not only who they have opinions on but why they have those opinions, its seems to me as if they are avoiding doing that. (If this is her usual style I apologise). Fleets posts on this page match how I was as newb town, hopefully they develop a few reads later in.

Page 11(oh god I still have 6 to go): Oh right TPP, okay Marths vote on me makes sense now, I did do the exact same thing there. I'm not sure how to feel on Shinori, seems to me they have done effectively nothing. Oh hi Tuvy and tuvy2 (can I lynch one of them to make this less confusing?) man what is with all the inactives this game? Don't know why people keep bringing  me up when I have done nothing. Alette everyone thinks that Tuvy just randomly coming in voting and poofing is bad, I'm not sure what saying its bad really accomplishes without following through and pressuring him, do you have a question for the people on the fleet wagon, or a problem with any of their individual reasoning's.  FTJ's post makes sense to me though I am annoyed it focuses hard on Alette.

Page 12: Got to love it when one of your townreads is scumreading another townread of yours. I really just see Fleet as having no clue what they are doing, but @Flee Fleet! what do you mean by lay low? why do you want to lay low? also just so you know, someone not giving a follow up can be a good reason to be suspicious of them. 

Page 13: Weiner what about Athenas townplay feels faked to you? When did you start developing this opinion? I don't remember you stating that opinion before. Tuvy is back... and he's gone. My memory span is too short for me to really make sense of Omegas argument, I'm just going to assume its fine. 

Page 14: .... Sorry I fell asleep 

Page 15: I really don't want to, do I have to? People said stuff, probably not important. basically nothing stood out to me in the last two pages.

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16 minutes ago, Mackc2 said:

Page 10: Refa's post made me realise I always just assume Vi is town. What doesn't Shinori like about people voting Alette? the cases behind her seem solid enough for day 1 cases. Corrobin not showing back up yet is whats annoying me about him currently actually its seems like the veterans are the only ones talking, wait is weiner a veteran? I want Alette to make a statement about not only who they have opinions on but why they have those opinions, its seems to me as if they are avoiding doing that. (If this is her usual style I apologise). Fleets posts on this page match how I was as newb town, hopefully they develop a few reads later in.

Page 11(oh god I still have 6 to go): Oh right TPP, okay Marths vote on me makes sense now, I did do the exact same thing there. I'm not sure how to feel on Shinori, seems to me they have done effectively nothing. Oh hi Tuvy and tuvy2 (can I lynch one of them to make this less confusing?) man what is with all the inactives this game? Don't know why people keep bringing  me up when I have done nothing. Alette everyone thinks that Tuvy just randomly coming in voting and poofing is bad, I'm not sure what saying its bad really accomplishes without following through and pressuring him, do you have a question for the people on the fleet wagon, or a problem with any of their individual reasoning's.  FTJ's post makes sense to me though I am annoyed it focuses hard on Alette.

Page 12: Got to love it when one of your townreads is scumreading another townread of yours. I really just see Fleet as having no clue what they are doing, but @Flee Fleet! what do you mean by lay low? why do you want to lay low? also just so you know, someone not giving a follow up can be a good reason to be suspicious of them. 

Page 13: Weiner what about Athenas townplay feels faked to you? When did you start developing this opinion? I don't remember you stating that opinion before. Tuvy is back... and he's gone. My memory span is too short for me to really make sense of Omegas argument, I'm just going to assume its fine. 

Page 14: .... Sorry I fell asleep 

Page 15: I really don't want to, do I have to? People said stuff, probably not important. basically nothing stood out to me in the last two pages.

I'm not really a logical explanation type player. Marth hit the ball when he explained me earlier.

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Okay just going to talk about the people I feel like talking about. 
FTJ- I liked their opening stuff they had a good point on Alette but I haven't seen them talk about anyone else almost all game, tunnelling is bad so now I am not so sure, I will have to wait and see if they have something to say about the other things going on in the game. 
Alette - I'm not sure if I scumread them or am just frustrated with them. The main problem here is that while they post often their actual content is minimalistic, they have been prompted multiple times to explain more but even when pushed they don't give explanation for their reads. Basically it looks like they are taking the game at a very surface level, It could be an easy way for scum to get out incriminating themselves or it could just be town that doesn't want to think too much about it. Also sort of unrelated but not really, their post style remind me of fables during the training mafia game and they were scum.
Shinori- I never know what to think about Shinori, but they aren't sitting pretty for me right now. They have been mostly doing nothing, I would also like an explanation why they dislike the pressure on Alette. 
Weiner- I generally like their content but most of their read list came as a bit of a surprise to me I would like you @weinerboy to explain what about athenas posts reads as faking town?
And then there is Corrobin, Tuvy and Tuvy2 nothing needs to be said about them. 

I would be content with a lynch on Alette and Shinori (Mostly paranoia) or the inactive three because they clearly aren't going to contribute to the game so we may as well remove them now and hope they are also scum. 

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I should be specific about my alette thing since I forgot to comment on that.

I don't fully think the cases on alette are really great.  I don't really see much scum-intent in Alette's posts and I don't think the things people are stating aren't massively scum intent on alette but idk.

I probably need to pay a bit more attention.

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4 minutes ago, Alette said:

I'm not really a logical explanation type player. Marth hit the ball when he explained me earlier.

I know it isn't your playstyle but I would like you to try explain your reasoning when prompted, It helps to hear why people think the way they do. And more meanly if we can't get a deeper look inside your head we can't see if you are scum or town, so we have to assume scum. 
That's not asking too much is it? 

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4 hours ago, Mackc2 said:

I really just see Fleet as having no clue what they are doing, but @Flee Fleet! what do you mean by lay low?

I guess you're spot on about me not having any clue, haha. By laying low..well, its a bit hard to explain but what I mean is that I don't want to be too active in a discussion, since I don't have much knowledge to being with, until more stuff happens. 

But I guess its too late for that now, and I sort of realized trying to stay less active would be a disadvantage.

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Votals 1.5
Killthestory (2): Bartozio, Tuvy2
Mackc2 (2): Magnificence Incarnate, Omega.
Corrobin (2): Refa, Tuvy

Tuvy (2): Athena_57, Alette
Alette (1): RADicate 
Flee Feet! (1): Killthestory
Bartozio (1): Vi-astra
Magnificence Incarnate (1): Shinori
Not Voting: Corrobin, fairyjigglypuff, Flee Feet!, Mackc2, weinerboy

Day 1 ends in ~9.5 hours.  With 17 alive, it takes 6 to lynch and 11 to hammer.

Edited by SB.
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15 hours ago, Alette said:

One of the Tuvy's because they seem frozen and not really digging their votes. Speaking of them. @Tuvy @Tuvy2, what are your guys reads?

Wdym frozen? I don't think they're frozen as much as completely uninterested in talking.

14 hours ago, weinerboy said:

@Omega. I'm agreeing w/ you on how you're reading gamestate and it's annoying at best. Bart/Athena prob isn't a team either so I'd be down going there and compromising if nobody is feeling what I put down on Athena. I feel like defaulting to the inactives/newbies is fine too but this is on a pure spice level. I did like Bart's clapback earlier though when KTS said his vote was trash but now that fire has gone out basically

I'm not following you here. If I'm understanding you correctly you're ditching your townread on Bart because he's inactive and now are okay with lynching him because him flipping scum would help you sort me? If that's the case I hard disagree with both these things.

12 hours ago, Magnificence Incarnate said:

Ngl the more I keep reading the thread the more I think lynching some inactive is the way to go. 

I'm sort of torn on this, because on the one hand I don't want to end up paranoia-lynching active townies when we could be dealing with a mostly inactive scumteam but at the same time I don't think we get any info at all if we mislynch here.


Rest of catchup and vote-switch coming in next post. Get hype!

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##Vote: Fairyjigglypuff

Alette tunnel was eh. Not bothered by him dropping his case on Alette, but I am bothered by how his latest activity bubble was just him dropping that case, taking back all points and not going anywhere else with his vote. At this point, pretty much all he's given us is his Alette case, which is dropped completely. He barely commented on anyone else at all and his current gamestance is just a big questionmark. 

This makes me feel his tunnel is more of a scumtunnel, since a towntunnel is usually someone who is REALLY convinced someone's scum and therefore not pressuring anyone else much but at the very least reading them/has some opinion on them whereas I feel scum uses a tunnel more a a crutch to have something to talk about.

@RADicate Thoughts on what I'm saying? You were hard townreading the slot iirc.

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Sup guys, sorry for flaking yesterday, lack of sleep and busy...

I've only skimmed the later half of this thread now, but I'll read up properly now. For now though:

I'm still not a big fan of KTS' posts, but with how everything seems to be agreeing with his read on me, it apparently wasn't as weird as I thought it was. Also, can't really dissagree with his vote on Omega, because the guy's been playing way more passively then I'm used to from him.

@Killthestory Question though, what do you think of Refa, since he subbed into a slot you were scumreading before?

I don't really care about "padding" tbh, because I feel that's something people often just do unconsiously, but Athena's reads feel very safe, whereas I'd expect town him to have gotten his hand dirty at this point in time if that makes sense.

I really think the Tuvy's and Currobin should start talking or get a sub at this point, which is really annoying.

Welp, reading time then. I should be around from pretty much now to EoD, so tag me if you want to talk about stuff/think I should prioritize certain things so we can talk about that now.

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3 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

Sup guys, sorry for flaking yesterday, lack of sleep and busy...

I've only skimmed the later half of this thread now, but I'll read up properly now. For now though:

I'm still not a big fan of KTS' posts, but with how everything seems to be agreeing with his read on me, it apparently wasn't as weird as I thought it was. Also, can't really dissagree with his vote on Omega, because the guy's been playing way more passively then I'm used to from him.

@Killthestory Question though, what do you think of Refa, since he subbed into a slot you were scumreading before?

I don't really care about "padding" tbh, because I feel that's something people often just do unconsiously, but Athena's reads feel very safe, whereas I'd expect town him to have gotten his hand dirty at this point in time if that makes sense.

I really think the Tuvy's and Currobin should start talking or get a sub at this point, which is really annoying.

Welp, reading time then. I should be around from pretty much now to EoD, so tag me if you want to talk about stuff/think I should prioritize certain things so we can talk about that now.

Look who just got his hands dirty. Could you take a look at my above post on FJP and tell me what you think about it?

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Wait, when does phase end?

You should answer my question before posting the rest of your post. @Bartozio

Also I can't really blame Athena for safe reads cause I feel like I'm in the same rut (although I wouldn't call his current vote safe by any means). My gut is that scum are just active lurking  (active enough to not be considered inactive, but not making an effort into majorly changing the gamestate) which is why I'm getting paranoid of stuff like Marth doing nothing yesterday or Via not really putting out any content even though I think he could have done so yesterday (this isn't active lurking but I dunno where else to put it).  

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4 minutes ago, Athena_57 said:


##Vote: Fairyjigglypuff

Alette tunnel was eh. Not bothered by him dropping his case on Alette, but I am bothered by how his latest activity bubble was just him dropping that case, taking back all points and not going anywhere else with his vote. At this point, pretty much all he's given us is his Alette case, which is dropped completely. He barely commented on anyone else at all and his current gamestance is just a big questionmark. 

This makes me feel his tunnel is more of a scumtunnel, since a towntunnel is usually someone who is REALLY convinced someone's scum and therefore not pressuring anyone else much but at the very least reading them/has some opinion on them whereas I feel scum uses a tunnel more a a crutch to have something to talk about.

@RADicate Thoughts on what I'm saying? You were hard townreading the slot iirc.

I might not be RAD but I would like to get my thoughts in on this topic as well, I think you summarised what I was trying to say about FJP far more elequontley than I would have been able to, I was initially of the impression that I should wait for them to talk about there current gamestance and judge them from that but the point you raised that town don't tunnel unless they are fairly convinced of someones guilt which FJP's unvote post doesn't really indicate. It could still have just been town that tunneled and genuinely realised they where wrong but that is not the impression I get from the post. So what the heck, I don't want to go to sleep on a no vote. 

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1 minute ago, Magnificence Incarnate said:

I feel like just going back to my Corrobin vote tbh.

Hey Marth, can you bounce some reads off of me? What do you think of Via/Omega/KTS? These are the slots that I think would contribute more as town. 

Also what are your thoughts on Mackc2 now that he's made more posts?

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I've given much consideration over players like RAD and FJP who I think are tonally town even though fjp's tunnel is logically a good move from scum. KTS has been sitting as null and feels like someone I'd consider voting given that he hasn't tried to push anything or maintain a thread presence. Thoughts on this, @Mackc2 @Bartozio @Refa @Athena_57 ?


Omega feels similarly in that it doesn't feel like he's trying hard to convince people of any case that he's making.

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The conversation has just started... but its 2am... I hate my timezone. I want to make a more informed decision based on factors I have been waiting for, and a bit of discussion but I simply can't because I will be asleep at phase end and I'm super tired right now. 

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