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There's no real reason Three Houses won't be like Fates

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As in, team B style fates, what with rampant fanservice and atrocious story, with endless and (personally) obnoxious waifu pandering. 

They might well stick with pair up, they don't seem to have infinite durability weapons fortunately, hell, they might even split the package up, and what we've seen is only the "prologue".

I don't mean to be a pessimist, just a personal reality check, since fates sold, and with heroes borrowing many fates-isms, with VERY waifu-y characters, gimmicky dialogue, and "mixed" map design, from what I've played of it, and both games receiving massive reception from many crowds, especially a more casual market, there is a very valid reason for IS to stick to a sort of fates-y design in three houses, and there isn't really a whole lot of reason to not, either, if they were to improve upon the game play.

Those are my thoughts, and i don't hate fates or anything, on the contrary, I'm hugely enjoying my current lunatic conquest run, I'd just rather three houses were something different from it.

Anything else... no, thats basically all I have to say.

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