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Wacky extreme sports


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First person makes a list of anywhere from two to four things. Next person creates a sports game involving those things and posts their own list. Go on and on.


Suspenders, singing, Walmart

Extreme Walmart Yodelling: Yodel at the top of your lungs in Walmart wearing suspenders. Winner is the last to get kicked out by security.


Flyswatter, balloon

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Balloon Flyswatter Jousting

Two people blow up hot air balloons, and hope that the wind is in their favor. Then then play a real life version of balloon fight, but instead of trying to pop the others balloon, you try to hit them with a fly swatter. Any birds you happen to knock out along the way count as bonus points.


Fishing, legos, and a ninja mask.

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Ninja Lego fishing

Some people sleep on a dock by a pool, filled with lego. The "ninjas" have to not wake them up while fishing legos out of the pool.


Sword, Ice, Climbing

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Ice Climbers and Zelda Crossover LARPing

One person is Link with the sword, two other people are the Ice Climbers with hammers. They have a duel in the snow.

Roomba, cardboard, butter knife

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Taser Javelin Jousting on Horses.

Two parties ride a horse (preferably, not the same one), dashing towards each other. At a marked point they throw the taser at each other. Depending on the rules, the winner is either the person that hits their opponent first, or the person with the higher hit:miss ration between a set amount of rounds.

If the taser just so happens to go off, then congratulations! You've just ticked off PETA as well as any animal lovers in your vicinity.


Volleyball, domino mask, stuffed animal, croquet mallet.

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Crazy volleyball

Two teams wear masks and wield croquet mallets. One team is hitting a volleyball over the net and the other is hitting a stuffed animal.

Ketchup, traffic cones, scooters.

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The game involves two sides (made up of as many players as desired evenly split) racing an obstacle course made of traffic cones on scooters. The ketchup is used as the weapon to take another racer out. Can also be free-for-all, but that's too obvious.

Rubber, buckler, handball

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Manly/poor mans Tchoukball (A real thing. I just found out about it 5 minutes ago), or Spikeball, or Slammo, or whatever the heck that game is called.

Take any of the above three games, but instead of bouncing the ball on/into a net, you instead punch the handball into a piece of rubber using a buckler.

Swing set, waterslide (with a hose and running water), katana(s).

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Dangerous Waterfall

Throw the katana down the makeshift waterslide and everybody down there tries to dodge it. You'll lose a lot of neighborhood kids that way...

Deck of cards, Youtube.

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Try Not To Laugh: Card Tower Edition

Attempt to build a tower of cards while watching a funny video of your choice (doesn't have to be a "Try Not To Laugh" video; anything that you find funny will work). Although you won't fail if you laugh, the game is over if the tower collapses.

Skateboard, Snowboard, Scooter, Skis.

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Mountain Quadratlon.

The sport involves using each thing as a method of moving down a snowy mountain. However, the contestants would have to change from one to the other in motion. This would likely not end well.

Empty oil drums, mover dolly, non-lethal ammunition

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