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Were you able to find the MU x Olivia supports? If not, I'll translate them after I finish Henry x Serge.

Also, Ein Silver Rose: right on man. I love Sumia.

Have all of my translations been posted here? If not, I'll start shipping them. I have Gaia x Nono, Chrom x Sumia, Henry x Richt and working on Henry x Serge.

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Also, this was my first time translating Japanese for others to see by myself. So, apologies if there's a mess up anywhere as well.

I think you did pretty good! I like the

I want you to be the one to make me baked goods from now on.

In Japanese, there's an old cliche marriage proposal that's something along the lines of "Make me miso soup from now on." In the old days, breakfast was usually just miso soup, so it's indirectly saying "we're going to be together every morning," which implies marriage.

Gaia must have bad teeth.

Edited by atlyx
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Sumia was definitely cute in this support convo, yup. At least, for me, it was the first convo with her involved that I liked. Her and Gaia's starting relationship wasn't that good but it evolved into something cute in the end. Then again, with Gaia involved, anything would be sweet. (Pun intended.)

I think you did pretty good! I like the

I want you to be the one to make me baked goods from now on.

In Japanese, there's an old cliche marriage proposal that's something along the lines of "Make me miso soup from now on." In the old days, breakfast was usually just miso soup, so it's indirectly saying "we're going to be together every morning," which implies marriage.

Gaia must have bad teeth.

Haha, yup. Even when I first read it in Japanese my first thought was, "It's still all about the candy for you, Gaia!?" Also, thanks!

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Have all of my translations been posted here? If not, I'll start shipping them. I have Gaia x Nono, Chrom x Sumia, Henry x Richt and working on Henry x Serge.

Krom/Sumia, Gaia/Nono, and Henry/Richt have all been posted.

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[spoiler=B Support]

Gaia: …… Yoooouuuuu! You don't just freakin' dump a beehive onto someone and run away right after! Gaaaaaaaah! The bees!!!!!!!

Gaia is Nicholas cage?

Edited by TheValkyrian
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Prepare yourselves for what is perhaps the most psychotic support of all, everyone. The army's very own two dark mages, Sariya x Henry!

[spoiler=Sariya x Henry C]Sariya: Henry... I... I know who you are.

Henry: Eh, do you now~ ?

Sariya: I too am a Perezian mage, after all... I've heard rumors about you. The silver-haired boy whose magic power and sorcery towered above all others... But, because you were under the Crows' protection, no one knew your true identity...

Henry: Eeh~ . So that's what people thought of me. That's true, I did always stick with the Crows back then, didn't I~ ?

Sariya: I always thought that... if I ever got the chance to meet you that I'd love to see your power...

Henry: Is that so~ ? Well, why don't we try out a couple of spells?

Sariya: No thanks... We're comrades so it'd be a waste to crush each other...

Henry: Ahahaha, that's a shame~

Sariya: ...What are you laughing so frivolously about? A laughing face... doesn't suit a sorcerer... Your smile, that really flimsy smile... is not one I can trust...

Henry: Ahahaha, you say some pretty awful things. That's actually my real face~

Sariya: It doesn't look like it to me... You... you're plotting something, aren't you?

Henry: I'm doing nothing like that at all~ I just happen to be the owner of a pure and wholesome heart, that's all.

Sariya: A pure and wholesome heart... you say? ... That's some statement to make when you're a curse user... ... No matter... Do try not to do anything too out the ordinary.

Henry: Sure thing~

[spoiler=Sariya x Henry B]Henry: ...Huh? This is...

Sariya: ... This was easier than I expected.

Henry: Ah, as I thought, it is Sariya. Did you cast a curse on me~ ?

Sariya: Indeed... Now you won't be able to lie or hide anything from me... Answer me honestly... You're not spying on us for someone, are you...?

Henry: That's right. I'm not a spy~

Sariya: Then, who do you consider your allies... Perezia or Iris...?

Henry: Hmm... I don't really know about allies~ Can't I just say I'm fighting those whom I believe to be bad guys?

Sariya: ...Sure, I have no problem with that. After all, I joined this army for the same reason...

Henry: Ah, really now? I really want to hear all about that~

Sariya: ... let's put that topic aside for now... Here is the last question... Can you promise not to harm Rufure, no matter what happens?

Henry: Sure I can~

Sariya: ...I see. It doesn't seem like you're lying. However...your heart... it is very empty. It's almost as if you don't have the feelings of a human being... What on earth are you thinking...?

Henry: Right now, I'm thinking about you, Sariya~ Rufure is really important to you, I see~

Sariya: Yes... Rufure is someone I have recognized as being special...

Henry: That's why you'll always continue chasing after Rufure, right~ ?

Sariya: ...Hmph. Someone like you can't possibly understand my feelings... If you're not up to something, then that's fine by me... I don't have any more interest in you...

[sariya makes her exit]

Henry: Ah, she's gone... but the curse she placed on me is still there... Oh well~

[spoiler=Sariya x Henry A]Sariya: Henry... There you are.

Henry: Yup, did you have some business with me~ ?

Sariya: Something's come up that we have to deal with right away... Come and help out...

Henry: Help? Who are we gonna curse~ ?

Sariya: It's the opposite actually... We have to break a curse. Someone's trying to place a curse on us as we speak... And judging from the magical power... it's quite a powerful sorcerer. So if we don't work together...

Henry: Ah, no need to worry about that any more. I've already reflected it back at him~

Sariya: What the!? Now that you mention it... I no longer feel the incantation's presence.

Henry: I'm also pretty good at reflecting curses~ He should have fallen under his own curse by now. It's a shame I can't see it up close~

Sariya: ...You... with that level of power, you could have easily reflected my curse, right?

Henry: Ahaha, I probably could have, couldn't I~ ? But that curse didn't really bother me. I probably couldn't have lied or tried to hide things either way.

Sariya: ... I see. You actually had no intention of doing that in the first place, did you? That purity... it's the source of your power... and of the terror you inflict on others.

Henry: Ahaha, that's what I've been saying all along~ I've got a pure and wholesome heart. But it makes me happy. To hear Sariya praise me like that~

Sariya: ... I wasn't praising you.

Henry: Ahaha, you're blushing~

Sariya: ... Shut up, you annoying...! I will curse you if you don't stop that...!

Henry: I'll just reflect it back at you then~

Sariya: ... Hmph. Don't think you're the only one here who can reflect curses...!

Henry: Waa~ Sariya's sca~ry.

[spoiler=Sariya x Henry S]Henry: Ah, Sariya. Look, look ~ This flower is pretty~ .

Sariya: ... A flower? Ah, indeed. It really is pretty.

Henry: Ohh. You don't think that at all, do you? Poor flower trying so hard to bloom~ There, there. You're so pretty~

Sariya: Why are you talking to that flower...That's creepy... If you don't stop, how about I use a curse to wither that flower...?

Henry: Sariya, do you really want this flower to wither~ ?

Sariya: ... What would you do if I did? Would you try to shield this flower...?

Henry: In that case, I'll wither it for you~

Sariya: Huh...?

Henry: Haaa! ... Ok then, I took care of it~

Sariya: You... you killed the flower that you admired so much just like that...?

Henry: Ahahaha, I only did as the girl I like wanted~

Sariya: ...!? What did you...

Henry: I said that I like you, Sariya. From now on, I'll listen to any of your requests. If Sariya asked me to, I'd even kill our whole army~ [T/N: Well, that'd make the game a lot harder]

Sariya: What are you saying...? Even for my sake... you wouldn't do anything like that... right...?

Henry: Ee~h, that's too bad~ . Well then, how can I get you to marry me~ ?

Sariya: What the... what is with this really hard to refuse way of asking...! But... Alright then. If it will keep Rufure safe then there's nothing to think about... If both of us were on the verge of death, I'd still to save Rufure. ... But I suppose that's impossible, isn't it? In that case, I accept...

Henry: Is that all? Wow, what an easy request~

Sariya: Eh...!?

Henry: Well, that's all I need to do to be able to marry you, right? Thank goodness, what an easy task~ Well then, I'll go get the ring made right away~

[Henry departs... thankfully without killing anyone else]

Sariya: What was that...? That guy... he's really insane... Normally, you're supposed to try and impress the person you like when you're proposing to them... But... it's not like I'm all that normal either... Unexpectedly... we're actually a good match... Besides... being loved this much doesn't... sound bad at all.

Edited by Enaeius
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That is absolutely adorable. X3

I especially like how Henry falls for Sariya by the B support. >_>

That actually was pretty cute. Although I'm not feeling the love, it feels more like they are good friends.

Not feeling the love? Henry killed a flower because Sariya said she wanted to. That's true love if I've ever seen it.

Oh god... Two yanderes in love with each other is actually rather frightening.

Edited by Ein Silver Rose
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Hello, hello. I'm new here and I've been following this thread for a while. Then, I discovered the Japanese support convos so I thought I'd contribute a bit.

So, it's Gaia/Sumia! Er, I'm sorry if someone already claimed this one or translated it somewhere. I didn't see it anywhere so I thought no one has done it yet.

[spoiler=Gaia/Sumia][spoiler=C Support]Sumia: Good day, Mr. Gaia.

Gaia: ………… The sweet!

Sumia: Mr. Gaia...? Mr. Gaiiiaaa!

Gaia: Gaaah! Can't you be quiet for a sec!?

Sumia: Ah...! I'm, I'm sorry!

Gaia: Ahhhh... I can't see it anymore...

Sumia: Can't see it...? Ah... Um, was there something here?

Gaia: ... I was watching out for bees.

Sumia: Watching out for... bees? I see, Mr. Gaia likes bees!

Gaia: Haa? It's not that I like bees. I was going to follow it back to its home...

Sumia: The bee's home... You mean, its beehive? Mr. Gaia, could it be...

Gaia: Wha... What.

Sumia: You like the bees larvae, don't you!

Gaia: Whaaaat?!

Sumia: I heard that it's a rare food in some cultures! It's even considered a gourmet food in some places as well. As expected of Mr. Gaia, nothing can get pass your eyes!

Gaia: Haa... What is she even...

Sumia: I know, please let me help you look for them as well! It's my fault that you lost sight of the bee so I'd like to be able to make it up to you...

Gaia: No... I appreciate the thought but... I'm already going back so...

Sumia: I understand. Then, okay, at another time I'll help out. Now, I'll be on my way...

Gaia: He, hey...! What is up with that girl... Haa... All I wanted was to get some honey but it turned into something troublesome instead...

[spoiler=B Support]Gaia: Alright... If it's in this garden then there's no way that strange girl will be able to find me... I'll definitely make sure to get honey today...

Sumia: Good day, Mr. Gaia.

Gaia: WHOA!? Wh, wh, wh, why are you...!?

Sumia: Ehehe, it's such a wonderful garden so that's why I thought I would do some flower fortune telling... Are you going to look for bees larvae again today? Then, I'll help you too.

Gaia: No... Instead of you helping out, I'd rather you not...

Sumia: Hmmmmm... What kind of flowers do bees like, I wonder?

Gaia: Did you just ignore me!

Sumia: Ah... Mr. Gaia! There it is! A bee!

Gaia: What!?

Sumia: It went into the forest...

Gaia: So, a nest is in there...! Finally, the time has come. I'm going to chase after the bee so you can just go continue your flower fortune-- Wait. ... Where did that girl go off to!?

Sumia: Mr. Gaiaaaaa! Over here! It's here! The beehive! Should I bring it over to you?

Gaia: Haa!? What the hell are you saying! If you move it then the bees will...!

Sumia: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! The bees! A bunch of bees suddenly came out!

Gaia: Of course, obviously!! …… Hey, don't come this way? Don't come this way, you hear?

Sumia: Mr. Gaia... Here, the beehive!

Gaia: …… Yoooouuuuu! You don't just freakin' dump a beehive onto someone and run away right after! Gaaaaaaaah! The bees!!!!!!!

[spoiler=A Support]Gaia: Haa... The stings still hurt...

Sumia: ... I'm sorry, Mr. Gaia. It's my fault for messing with the nest...

Gaia: Aaah... Stop apologizing already. Thanks to you I was able to get what I wanted, anyway.

Sumia: Ah, the bees larvae?

Gaia: Wrong! What I wanted is this. The honey. Aah, this color, and sweetness... I can't get enough of it, you know~ ...

Sumia: So that was the case. Either way, I'm glad you were able to get what you wanted. It's true that this honey has a very beautiful color to it. Can I see it a bit... Ow!

Gaia: ...! You, let me see that wrist!

Sumia: Ye, yes...

Gaia: This... Isn't this swollen way worse than mine. Why didn't you say anything up until now.

Sumia: ... Because, if I said I got hurt then Mr. Gaia would feel bad, right? You were finally able to get what you want so you should be able to enjoy it.

Gaia: !! ... I thought you were just a weird girl but that wasn't the case, huh...

Sumia: Did you... say something?

Gaia: No... You, do you like things that are sweet?

Sumia: Eh? Ye, yes...

Gaia: ... Sigh. Then, you can have this.

Sumia: Eh! But, this is Mr. Gaia's honey...!

Gaia: Think about it carefully, the one who was able to find the bee and the hive was you, right? ... So, this is yours.

Sumia: Mr. Gaia...

Gaia: One more thing. You know, I thought you were a weirdo but... ... From now on, I wouldn't mind becoming friends.

Sumia: Ah...! Thank you very much! Being friends with Mr. Gaia... Hehe, that sounds very nice! How about we go find honey together again?

Gaia: Ugh...! That... Let's not.

[spoiler=S Support]Sumia: Good day, Mr. Gaia!

Gaia: Sumia. Good timing. There's something I wanted to give you...

Sumia: I... Mr. Gaia, there's something I wanted to give you.

Gaia: Huh?

Sumia: This... I baked this with the honey from last time. I don't know if it's something Mr. Gaia would like but...

Gaia: Ba... Baked sweets!? From the honey!? Thank you, Sumia! I'm really happy! ... Wait, as soon as the sweets and colors were before my eyes I got distracted. Sumia, I wanted to give you today...!

Sumia: I wanted to tell you something today, Mr. Gaia.

Gaia: Again...! Hey, Sumia, listen to what I have to...!

Sumia: I... Mr. Gaia, I like you!

Gaia: !! Hey...

Sumia: I'm sorry for saying this out of the blue... U, um... If this troubles you then I'll stop bothering you...

Gaia: Haaaaaa... Why did you say it before me...

Sumia: Huh?

Gaia: I kept saying earlier that I wanted to give you something, didn't I? You, listen when people talk to you. This... I want you to have this.

Sumia: A... ring? The, then... Mr. Gaia, you also...?

Gaia: Yeah, sorry for taking so long to say it. I also like you. This is a bit cliche but... That is, I want you to be the one to make me baked goods from now on.

Sumia: Mr. Gaia...! Yes, I'd be happy to... Even though I failed nine times making it, I was finally able to successfully bake one. So if you're fine with baked goods then...

Gaia: ... Ye, yeah. Next time, I'll help you out too...

Sumia: I'm so happy... I love you, Mr. Gaia. I'll go find honey for you again, okay...

Gaia: Yeah, I love you too... Sumia. Next time let's get rid of the bees first before getting the honey, though...

Also, this was my first time translating Japanese for others to see by myself. So, apologies if there's a mess up anywhere as well.

Huh, now I'm surprised, first time I saw that Sumia acted more "confident" in her supports, and it was rather enjoyable to read, lol, I can just imagine she dropping the beehive and run like crazy XD

And good GOD! Henry and Sariya was cute until the S support, killing the flower for her... Eh...Sariya sounds sane and normal compared to Henry, Jeez, but I think that they somehow match, Yanderes, one most sane and the other insane to eleven....

....The last time I saw two yanderes together as couple was in Yugioh GX and it resulted in a lot of deaths >_>

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Prepare yourselves for what is perhaps the most psychotic support of all, everyone. The army's very own two dark mages, Sariya x Henry!

[spoiler=Sariya x Henry C]Sariya: Henry... I... I know who you are.

Henry: Eh, do you now~ ?

Sariya: I too am a Perezian mage, after all... I've heard rumors about you. The silver-haired boy whose magic power and sorcery towered above all others... But, because you were under the Crows' protection, no one knew your true identity...

Henry: Eeh~ . So that's what people thought of me. That's true, I did always stick with the Crows back then, didn't I~ ?

Sariya: I always thought that... if I ever got the chance to meet you that I'd love to see your power...

Henry: Is that so~ ? Well, why don't we try out a couple of spells?

Sariya: No thanks... We're comrades so it'd be a waste to crush each other...

Henry: Ahahaha, that's a shame~

Sariya: ...What are you laughing so frivolously about? A laughing face... doesn't suit a sorcerer... Your smile, that really flimsy smile... is not one I can trust...

Henry: Ahahaha, you say some pretty awful things. That's actually my real face~

Sariya: It doesn't look like it to me... You... you're plotting something, aren't you?

Henry: I'm doing nothing like that at all~ I just happen to be the owner of a pure and wholesome heart, that's all.

Sariya: A pure and wholesome heart... you say? ... That's some statement to make when you're a curse user... ... No matter... Do try not to do anything too out the ordinary.

Henry: Sure thing~

[spoiler=Sariya x Henry B]Henry: ...Huh? This is...

Sariya: ... This was easier than I expected.

Henry: Ah, as I thought, it is Sariya. Did you cast a curse on me~ ?

Sariya: Indeed... Now you went be able to lie or hide anything from me... Answer me honestly... You're not spying on us for someone, are you...?

Henry: That's right. I'm not a spy~

Sariya: Then, who do you consider your allies... Perezia or Iris...?

Henry: Hmm... I don't really know about allies~ Can't I just say I'm fighting those whom I believe to be bad guys?

Sariya: ...Sure, I have no problem with that. After all, I joined this army for the same reason...

Henry: Ah, really now? I really want to hear all about that~

Sariya: ... let's put that topic aside for now... Here is the last question... Can you promise not to harm Rufure, no matter what happens?

Henry: Sure I can~

Sariya: ...I see. It doesn't seem like you're lying. However...your heart... it is very empty. It's almost as if you don't have the feelings of a human being... What on earth are you thinking...?

Henry: Right now, I'm thinking about you, Sariya~ Rufure is really important to you, I see~

Sariya: Yes... Rufure is someone I have recognized as being special...

Henry: That's why you'll always continue chasing after Rufure, right~ ?

Sariya: ...Hmph. Someone like you can't possibly understand my feelings... If you're not up to something, then that's fine by me... I don't have any more interest in you...

[sariya makes her exit]

Henry: Ah, she's gone... but the curse she placed on me is still there... Oh well~

[spoiler=Sariya x Henry A]Sariya: Henry... There you are.

Henry: Yup, did you have some business with me~ ?

Sariya: Something's come up that we have to deal with right away... Come and help out...

Henry: Help? Who are we gonna curse~ ?

Sariya: It's the opposite actually... We have to break a curse. Someone's trying to place a curse on us as we speak... And judging from the magical power... it's quite a powerful sorcerer. So if we don't work together...

Henry: Ah, no need to worry about that any more. I've already reflected it back at him~

Sariya: What the!? Now that you mention it... I no longer feel the incantation's presence.

Henry: I'm also pretty good at reflecting curses~ He should have fallen under his own curse by now. It's a shame I can't see it up close~

Sariya: ...You... with that level of power, you could have easily reflected my curse, right?

Henry: Ahaha, I probably could have, couldn't I~ ? But that curse didn't really bother me. I probably couldn't have lied or tried to hide things either way.

Sariya: ... I see. You actually had no intention of doing that in the first place, did you? That purity... it's the source of your power... and of the terror you inflict on others.

Henry: Ahaha, that's what I've been saying all along~ I've got a pure and wholesome heart. But it makes me happy. To hear Sariya praise me like that~

Sariya: ... I wasn't praising you.

Henry: Ahaha, you're blushing~

Sariya: ... Shut up, you annoying...! I will curse you if you don't stop that...!

Henry: I'll just reflect it back at you then~

Sariya: ... Hmph. Don't think you're the only one here who can reflect curses...!

Henry: Waa~ Sariya's sca~ry.

[spoiler=Sariya x Henry S]Henry: Ah, Sariya. Look, look ~ This flower is pretty~ .

Sariya: ... A flower? Ah, indeed. It really is pretty.

Henry: Ohh. You don't think that at all, do you? Poor flower trying so hard to bloom~ There, there. You're so pretty~

Sariya: Why are you talking to that flower...That's creepy... If you don't stop, how about I use a curse to wither that flower...?

Henry: Sariya, do you really want this flower to wither~ ?

Sariya: ... What would you do if I did? Would you try to shield this flower...?

Henry: In that case, I'll wither it for you~

Sariya: Huh...?

Henry: Haaa! ... Ok then, I took care of it~

Sariya: You... you killed the flower that you admired so much just like that...?

Henry: Ahahaha, I only did as the girl I like wanted~

Sariya: ...!? What did you...

Henry: I said that I like you, Sariya. From now on, I'll listen to any of your requests. If Sariya asked me to, I'd even kill our whole army~ [T/N: Well, that'd make the game a lot harder]

Sariya: What are you saying...? Even for my sake... you wouldn't do anything like that... right...?

Henry: Ee~h, that's too bad~ . Well then, how can I get you to marry me~ ?

Sariya: What the... what is with this really hard to refuse way of asking...! But... Alright then. If it will keep Rufure safe then there's nothing to think about... If both of us were on the verge of death, I'd still to save Rufure. ... But I suppose that's impossible, isn't it? In that case, I accept...

Henry: Is that all? Wow, what an easy request~

Sariya: Eh...!?

Henry: Well, that's all I need to do to be able to marry you, right? Thank goodness, what an easy task~ Well then, I'll go get the ring made right away~

[Henry departs... thankfully without killing anyone else]

Sariya: What was that...? That guy... he's really insane... Normally, you're supposed to try and impress the person you like when you're proposing to them... But... it's not like I'm all that normal either... Unexpectedly... we're actually a good match... Besides... being loved this much doesn't... sound bad at all.

Thanks so much for posting this!

I have been waiting FOREVER to read this so yea... Thanks. =P

Hm, honestly I would've thought that Sariya would've been the stronger Sorcerer but I guess now that I think about it Henry does seem like he'd be a more appropriate choice.

(With his pure and innocent smile hiding his true motives/power.)

In any case I suppose they're a pretty good couple, a bit different but considering the two people this relationship is involving then it's gonna be, at the very least, a bit different.

So in the end I believe these two make a pretty good couple and I will definitely pair these two on my first playthrough. =P

Edited by Kyza
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Dat support. It's like the creators knew how much we love FE dark mages and decided to make the two this game has even more awesome.

But from a gameplay perspective, how does Henry compare to Sariya? I've heard nothing but praise for Sariya (Mainly harder difficulties because of her stat boosts), but nothing about Henry, so I was just curious.

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Uh... Wouldn't they be about the same other than Henry showing up a little later so Sariya kinda edges up on the tier list?


Oh god... With Henry as Sariya's husband poor little Noire must have a rather interesting upbringing. >_>

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All of LizxVake's supports are now up. Check out the appropriate post if you are interested.

I'm claiming SariyaxGaia next. No one take this from me; I've gotten through most of the CB supports and I really like the couple a lot. :p Although it will take me a while to get AS finished because I can't find them online. Typing them up straight from the game makes things take a whole lot longer.

Edited by four loose screws
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Oh god... With Henry as Sariya's husband poor little Noire must have a rather interesting upbringing. >_>

Funny you should mention that. Well, let's take a look and see. Noire x Henry!

[spoiler=Noire x Henry C]Noire: *Sniff*... *Sniff*... Uu.

Henry: What's wrong, Noire~ ? You're crying~ ?

Noire: *Sniff*... Dad... It's not that. Mom is just a trying out a new curse on me. A three-day nose dripping curse...

Henry: Ahaha, that's a really complicated curse, isn't it~ ? Even I haven't tested it before ~

Noire: Yup... Mom loves to try out unusual curses so there was no helping it... As soon as she found one, she'd always use me as guinea pig for them... *Sniff*

Henry: Are you alright? Your nose is overflowing~ Here, take this tissue~

Noire: T... Thanks. *Blows nose*

Henry: Poor Noire, having a dripping nose for three days~ I don't know how to break this curse so I'll just go ask Sariya to do it~

Noire: Eh.. Really? But Dad... will you be alright? Whenever you tried to talk back to Mom in the future, she'd always turn the tables on you and you'd meekly accept the situation.

Henry: Ahahaha. Was I really that uncool in your time~ ?

Noire: Yes...

Henry: But there's no way that will happen to the current me~ Just wait and see, Noire. Dad will show you how dependable he can be~ !

Noire: Eh...! Dad seems a bit different from the way he used to be...! Could this be? Could I really rely on Dad this time... *Sniff*

[spoiler=Noire x Henry B]Henry: Ahaha... Sorry, Noire... *Sniff*. For being an uncool Dad..

Noire: Don't cry, Dad... I knew this was gonna happen after all... It's disgraceful to see an adult crying...

Henry: Oh, I'm not crying~ This is just a five-day nose dripping curse~

Noire: Mom really turned the tables on you this time... You're just like your future self, Dad...

Henry: Well, I don't know how to break such a complex curse, after all~ But in exchange for being cursed, I got your curse broken~

Noire: That's also just like your future self... Dad would always get cursed in return for getting my curses broken...

Henry: This too is like my future self~ ? Seems my fate is the same as my future self's~

Noire: Th... That's right. The way things are going, we'll all just reach the same fate once again...

Henry: Noire?

Noire: Even after I came here, Dad hasn't changed at all. ...No matter what we do, it'll be the same. Mom and Dad will be gone and I'll be left alone again... If we're just gonna go to that future once more... then there was no meaning in coming here...

Henry: Ah... Noire! Don't cry...!

Noire: I ain't crying!!

Henry: Wa~a, here we go~

Noire: Muahahaha! There's no way I'd cry over something so trivial!! If you're gonna joke around then wipe off that snot first! You sniveling father!!

Henry: So~rry...

Noire: ...What did I... I'm sorry, Dad. I'm gonna go for a walk...

Henry: Ah, Noire... ...The same fate, huh~ ...*Sniff*

[spoiler=Noire x Henry A]Henry: Noire, do you have a minute~ ?

Noire: Ah... Dad... What's up?

Henry: Take a look at this~

Noire: E...Eeek!! Th, this is... Mom's cursing tools...!? And, you've got so many of them...! Wh wh wh what!? What are you going to do to me...!?

Henry: Ahahaha, I won't do anything~ Actually, I just confiscated them so that your mother won't be able to curse you any more.

Noire: Eeh...! You took Mom's tools... I never once thought that my Dad could do such a thing...!!

Henry: That time, you said that the future won't change since I was acting just like my future self, right~ ? That's why... I thought that if I did something that my future self couldn't do, those worries of yours would disappear~

Noire: Dad... That's true... the Dad I knew would never... He never once touched Mom's tools... let alone stole them... I see... The future can be changed as much as we want. It can be changed...

Henry: Because you came here, I was able to change too~ If we're together, we change even more stuff~

Noire: ...Dad... Thank you... ......Please don't die this time...

Henry: Ahaha, of course~ I won't die even if I get killed~

Noire: ...Thank goodness.

Henry: Hmm? I wonder that murderous presence is~ ? A Fallen... No, it's Sariya~

Noire: She's really pissed off... about her tools being stolen...

Henry: Ahahaha, she looks very dangerous right now~ Being next to me is a bit risky right now~ Sorry, Noire. I gotta go~

[Henry flees with Sariya hot on his heels]

Noire: Ah... Dad...! ... *Giggle* He's really good at running away. .. It's also the first time I've ever seen Mom chase Dad so earnestly... Looks like it really is true... the world won't end up like that again. Even I'm... starting to believe that now...

Edited by Enaeius
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That was all kinds of awesome. Although Sariya still uses adorable little Noire as her test subject. :<

Kind of makes sense for Henry to be her father now that I think about. With the curses and all although it's kind of odd how Henry can't break Sariya's curses despite being stronger than her in the way of curses. Maybe a mother's love makes them more than he can handle. Eheheh...

I do wonder what a pissed off Sariya's aura would look like as she chases her gleefully smiling husband who doesn't have a care in the world. Probably all dark and purply.

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Funny you should mention that. Well, let's take a look and see. Noire x Henry!

[spoiler=Noire x Henry C]Noire: *Sniff*... *Sniff*... Uu.

Henry: What's wrong, Noire~ ? You're crying~ ?

Noire: *Sniff*... Dad... It's not that. Mom is just a trying out a new curse on me. A three-day nose dripping curse...

Henry: Ahaha, that's a really complicated curse, isn't it~ ? Even I haven't tested it before ~

Noire: Yup... Mom loves to try out unusual curses so there was no helping it... As soon as she found one, she'd always use me as guinea pig for them... *Sniff*

Henry: Are you alright? Your nose is overflowing~ Here, take this tissue~

Noire: T... Thanks. *Blows nose*

Henry: Poor Noire, having a dripping nose for three days~ I don't know how to break this curse so I'll just go ask Sariya to do it~

Noire: Eh.. Really? But Dad... will you be alright? Whenever you tried to talk back to Mom in the future, she'd always turn the tables on you and you'd meekly accept the situation.

Henry: Ahahaha. Was I really that uncool in your time~ ?

Noire: Yes...

Henry: But there's no way that will happen to the current me~ Just wait and see, Noire. Dad will show you how dependable he can be~ !

Noire: Eh...! Dad seems a bit different from the way he used to be...! Could this be? Could I really rely on Dad this time... *Sniff*

[spoiler=Noire x Henry B]Henry: Ahaha... Sorry, Noire... *Sniff*. For being an uncool Dad..

Noire: Don't cry, Dad... I knew this was gonna happen after all... It's disgraceful to see an adult crying...

Henry: Oh, I'm not crying~ This is just a five-day nose dripping curse~

Noire: Mom really turned the tables on you this time... You're just like your future self, Dad...

Henry: Well, I don't know how to break such a complex curse, after all~ But in exchange for being cursed, I got your curse broken~

Noire: That's also just like your future self... Dad would always get cursed in return for getting my curses broken...

Henry: This too is like my future self~ ? Seems my fate is the same as my future self's~

Noire: Th... That's right. The way things are going, we'll all just reach the same fate once again...

Henry: Noire?

Noire: Even after I came here, Dad hasn't changed at all. ...No matter what we do, it'll be the same. Mom and Dad will be gone and I'll be left alone again... If we're just gonna go to that future once more... then there was no meaning in coming here...

Henry: Ah... Noire! Don't cry...!

Noire: I ain't crying!!

Henry: Wa~a, here we go~

Noire: Muahahaha! There's no way I'd cry over something so trivial!! If you're gonna joke around then wipe off that snot first! You sniveling father!!

Henry: So~rry...

Noire: ...What did I... I'm sorry, Dad. I'm gonna go for a walk...

Henry: Ah, Noire... ...The same fate, huh~ ...*Sniff*

[spoiler=Noire x Henry A]Henry: Noire, do you have a minute~ ?

Noire: Ah... Dad... What's up?

Henry: Take a look at this~

Noire: E...Eeek!! Th, this is... Mom's cursing tools...!? And, you've got so many of them...! Wh wh wh what!? What are you going to do to me...!?

Henry: Ahahaha, I won't do anything~ Actually, I just confiscated them so that your mother won't be able to curse you any more.

Noire: Eeh...! You took Mom's tools... I never once thought that my Dad could do such a thing...!!

Henry: That time, you said that the future won't change since I was acting just like my future self, right~ ? That's why... I thought that if I did something that my future self couldn't do, those worries of yours would disappear~

Noire: Dad... That's true... the Dad I knew would never... He never once touched Mom's tools... let alone stole them... I see... The future can be changed as much as we want. It can be changed...

Henry: Because you came here, I was able to change too~ If we're together, we change even more stuff~

Noire: ...Dad... Thank you... ......Please don't die this time...

Henry: Ahaha, of course~ I won't die even if I get killed~

Noire: ...Thank goodness.

Henry: Hmm? I wonder that murderous presence is~ ? A Fallen... No, it's Sariya~

Noire: She's really pissed off... about her tools being stolen...

Henry: Ahahaha, she looks very dangerous right now~ Being next to me is a bit risky right now~ Sorry, Noire. I gotta go~

[Henry flees with Sariya hot on his heels]

Noire: Ah... Dad...! ... *Giggle* He's really good at running away. .. It's also the first time I've ever seen Mom chase Dad so earnestly... Looks like it really is true... the world won't end up like that again. Even I'm... starting to believe that now...


That was the best support ever! =P

Thanks for for translating this! =)

I remember reading the google-translated version of this and while I got the part of them being cursed with a nose dripping curse and Henry taking away Sariya's tools I didn't really get the rest so thanks again for translating this and clearing it all up. =)

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That was all kinds of awesome. Although Sariya still uses adorable little Noire as her test subject. :<

Kind of makes sense for Henry to be her father now that I think about. With the curses and all although it's kind of odd how Henry can't break Sariya's curses despite being stronger than her in the way of curses. Maybe a mother's love makes them more than he can handle. Eheheh...

I do wonder what a pissed off Sariya's aura would look like as she chases her gleefully smiling husband who doesn't have a care in the world. Probably all dark and purply.

Like this.

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D'awww, that A support for VakexLiz really explained alot (especially the footnotes). However, I felt the S support was really short, but at least mentioned that Krom would always be his rival, even though they are going to be related.

Gah, one of my favorite pairings :)

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HenryxSariya was a bit disturbing... but what can be expected of two crazy dark mages? laugh.gif Henry's proposal has to be the weirdest of the bunch ("If Sariya asked me to, I'd even kill our whole army").

I'm glad Sariya finds the emptiness in Henry's heart, as she did with Ronku's and Libera's inner darkness (she could be a good psychologist if she was nicer to people). After reading the HenryxOlivia support, I can't see Henry the same way as before. Oh, well, at least HenryxNoire shows that Henry tries to be a good father, although Sariya is too much for him to handle.

Like this.

That image is awesome.

This game is made to finish the shipping wars for ever. Too many options, too many interesting pairings, too many crazy families wink.gif

Edited by Misticsan
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HenryxSariya was a bit disturbing... but what can be expected of two crazy dark mages? laugh.gif Henry's proposal has to be the weirdest of the bunch ("If Sariya asked me to, I'd even kill our whole army").

I'm glad Sariya finds the emptiness in Henry's heart, as she did with Ronku's and Libera's inner darkness (she could be a good psychologist if she was nicer to people). After reading the HenryxOlivia support, I can't see Henry the same way as before. Oh, well, at least HenryxNoire shows that Henry tries to be a good father, although Sariya is too much for him to handle.

That image is awesome.

This game is made to finish the shipping wars for ever. Too many options, too many interesting pairings, too many crazy families wink.gif

Huh, I doubt that it would end the shipping wars, the only fandom so far, that doesn't have shippings wars, is the vanguard Cardfight fandom, as they ship evryone with everyone and the biggest "rivals ships" don't any qualm about a OT3.

But we are being pretty civil here, so I think it's nice!

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This one isn't really special, or anything. :v


[spoiler=C ] (Serge)


Did you want to pet Minerva?



You're a cutie, aren't you, Minerva?

We had dragon knights in Pelezia as well, but none of the dragons are as cute as this one!!


Hehe, didn't you know?

My Minerva is is a ravishing beauty.

And there are so many people that say dragons all look the same so...I'm really happy.


Ah, people say that, huh?

They can't tell this animal from that animal.

Pegasus, dragons, dogs and birds, too...

even though they're completely different...I wonder why that is.


...but you can tell the difference.

You must be fond of animals.


I make friends with them easily,

so we get along well.


Hehe, that's wonderful.

I hope you and I can get along well, too.

For the first sign of affection..won't you pet Minerva?


Sure! Hey, girl!

It's me, Henry. Nice to meetcha!

(Minerva roars)


Wahh!! Don't bite me!


Eh!! Minerva, darling!?


I'm sorry about last time, Henry.

Minerva got really worked up.

It's really strange...she got so excited at your presence.



I guess I have the same aura as animals.

She must have mistaken me for prey.


Afterwards, I had a chat with her. I think she won't be biting anyone anytime soon.

I'd be really happy if you'd try to make friends with her.


Of course!

I'd love to be her friend.


Heh, you're really interested in her, huh?



Actually, a while ago I used to have a wolf.

When I was a child I was abandoned by my parents, so he was like my only family.

Then one day, when it came to see me, he was killed by some of the adults in the village...




I have no recollection of that time, really.

I blamed all those people around me.

But no matter how much I cried, it wouldn't bring him back to me.

Ahaha, maybe that's why I'm jealous of your guys' friendship.


...though we can't replace your wolf, Minerva and I are your friends.

Oh yeah! I just remembered I was heading to scout around the campgrounds.

Why don't you come with me?


Does that mean we'll be riding on Minerva's back?

Yeahhh! Let's go! Let's go!


Heh...I'm glad you're so enthusiastic.


Serge, do you mind if I pet Minerva?


...you've been visiting her every day, Henry.


Yeah. I get a peaceful feeling being around her.


...I realized that while watching you.

It's hard to tell your true feelings because you're always smiling have have such a bubbly personality...

You don't go out of your way to associate with people.

Other than those that you accept, you completely shut out people.

I guess I'm out of luck, but...won't you open up to me?


Ahaha, is that right?

I don't think that's true, though!


See, you're playing it off with a laugh, again.

Can't I, just...become your friend?


Hmm. I thought that we already were friends.

Besides, isn't it time for our scouting duties? I want to take a ride on Minerva, again!


...no, I won't let you ride her today. For the time being, I think I'll forbid it.




I'm glad you like spending time with Minerva, but I think you ought to think hard about the true meaning of interacting with people.

You and I will do our rounds, just the two of us.

I want to get to know the real you.


Hmm, I really don't get it, but if you say so!


Heh, thanks.

Well then, shall we?



[spoiler=S ](Henry)

Welcome back, Serge.

You just finished your rounds, eh?


Henry. Yes, I did.

Thank you for waiting for me here.


Here. Take this.

It's a warm pad soaked in a healing salve.


Hm? Oh, thank you.

You noticed my leg was swelled up?


Yup. We've been scouting together every day so I've come to notice everything about you.


...Henry, that's strange.

Worrying about people like that...


Ahaha, it's your fault, you know!


Yeah, it is.

I think I've finally become your true friend.


Hmm...I'd say more than just a friend...haven't you become like my wife?

I mean, we're always together recently and it all feels natural.


Ahh, please don't joke about that...


I think it'd be nice if you really could be.

See, look at this!


A ring...? Henry...you...


I want to give you something more than just my thanks.

I want to be with you, not just on our rounds, but forever.

If it's alright with you, I'd like you to my wife.

Hm, how bout it?

How do you feel about me?


Heh...finally you're showing that smiling face to me.

I...also have feelings for you.

I used becoming friends as a pretense to be with you.

For a long time, I've wanted to know the real you and to be closer to you than anyone else.

You are always so strange, but I want to be the closest to that weirdo.


Ahaha! Thanks, Serge.

I guess this means you and I are a family from now on.


Eh? Aren't you forgetting someone?


Ah, that's right.

Sorry about that Minerva.

From now on it'll be me, you and Minerva.


Yes. Thank you Henry.

I'm...so happy.

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