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    hey hi hello

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    it is a mystery

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    Genealogy of the Holy War

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    Linde (Karuta)


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  1. dang somebody already bumped the thread this month 😔
  2. mom said it's my turn to bump the fe4 thread
  3. wtf you guys lynched my love >:(
  4. Day 1: Automated Votals from #136 to #220 Ichigo (4): Magnificence Incarnate, Athena_57, Bartozio, Refa Bartozio (2): Mitsuru Kirijo, SullyMcGully Magnificence Incarnate (2): Shinori, weinerboy RADicate (2): Ampharos, XnadrojX XnadrojX (1): RADicate Not voting (2): Ichigo, Vi-astra Phase ends in 30h50m. Hammer at 8. Vote history:
  5. Day 1: Automated Votals from #118 to #135 Magnificence Incarnate (3): Shinori, SullyMcGully, weinerboy Bartozio (2): Mitsuru Kirijo, RADicate Ampharos (1): Refa Mitsuru Kirijo (1): Bartozio Shinori (1): Ampharos weinerboy (1): Magnificence Incarnate Not voting (4): Athena_57, Ichigo, Vi-astra, XnadrojX Phase ends in 47h43m. Hammer at 8. Vote history:
  6. Day 1: Automated Votals from #35 to #117 Magnificence Incarnate (3): Shinori, SullyMcGully, weinerboy Bartozio (2): Mitsuru Kirijo, RADicate weinerboy (2): Refa, Magnificence Incarnate Mitsuru Kirijo (1): Bartozio Shinori (1): Ampharos Not voting (4): Athena_57, Ichigo, Vi-astra, XnadrojX Phase ends in 54h39m. Hammer at 8. Vote history:
  7. Day 1: Automated Votals from #18 to #34 Ampharos (1): Magnificence Incarnate Refa (1): weinerboy Shinori (1): Ampharos SullyMcGully (1): Shinori weinerboy (1): Refa Not voting (8): Athena_57, Bartozio, Ichigo, Mitsuru Kirijo, RADicate, SullyMcGully, Vi-astra, XnadrojX Phase ends in 70h38m. Hammer at 8. Vote history:
  8. Day 1: Automated Votals from #1 to #17 Ampharos (1): Magnificence Incarnate Refa (1): weinerboy Shinori (1): Ampharos SullyMcGully (1): Shinori Not voting (9): Athena_57, Bartozio, Ichigo, Mitsuru Kirijo, RADicate, Refa, SullyMcGully, Vi-astra, xnadrojx Phase ends in 71h20m. Hammer at 8. Vote history:
  9. Blue Skies is the best theme :ok_hand:
  10. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Makaze's votal script is working, probably, and Fenrir wishes to use it! The script requires a specific formatting. Votes not in this format will NOT count, so be sure to vote in the specified format. For those who have already voted, please revote using this syntax (note that the user must have their name linked and colored, or else your vote will not count. See this example below of me lynching Serious nooB on how to properly vote.
  11. USEFUL TIPS The forum software recently updated (and it's pretty mediocre, so PLEASE READ these tips that will definitely help out) - SAVE YOUR POSTS (IN A SEPARATE WORD EDITOR) WHILE TYPING THEM. When typing into the reply box, the software often says something like "saved most recent draft" while typing. However, myself and a few others have had occasions where we accidentally returned to the previous page while typing or going to another one while finding a post, and having a post we spent a good amount of time working on completely be lost when returning to the thread. - Using the return key will double space your lines; use return + shift to single space paragraphs. - Makaze's ISO Script <-- This is an ISO script Makaze made for those who are interested. The site does not have a built in ISO script. Another way is going to a user's profile and searching through their latest posts, but Makaze's script is a clean and elegant solution (you will need to download Tampermonkey on Chrome or Greasemonkey on Firefox to use). Contact the hosts for help installing. - Vote Counts will also be done by Makaze's Votal script. - Spoiler/collapse tags are as follows: [spoiler][/spoiler] Here's an example of what they look like when used:
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