Credits: Pegasus Knight, Valhalla
Notes: All final decimals are rounded down.
Weapon Triangle
The physical weapon triangle is: Sword > Axe > Lance > Sword
The magical weapon triangle is: Fire > Wind > Thunder > Fire
Additionally: (Light and Dark) > (Fire, Thunder and Wind)
(“>” means “is good against”)
Attack Speed
Property | Calculations |
Attack Speed | = Speed – weapon Weight |
Double attack if: Attack Speed > enemy Attack Speed (and user has pursuit skill)
Property | Calculations |
Physical damage | = Strength + weapon Might |
Physical defence | = Defence + Terrain bonus |
Magical damage | = Magic + weapon Might |
Magical defence | = Magic Defence |
Damage | = [(Physical damage x Critical bonus) – enemy’s Physical defence] or [(Magical damage x Critical bonus) – enemy’s Magical defence] |
Critical bonus: 2 if critical is successful, 1 if not.
Note 1: Minimum damage is 1.
Note 2: If weapon is effective against the enemy, the attack countsas a critical (unless enemy has Awareness).
Property | Calculations |
Accuracy | = (Skill x 2) + weapon Accuracy + Leadership bonus + Charisma bonus + Lover bonus + Weapon triangle bonus |
Avoid | = (Attack Speed x 2) + Luck + Terrain bonus + Leadership bonus + Charisma bonus + Lover bonus |
Battle accuracy | = Accuracy – enemy’s Avoid [%] |
Sword status-effect rate | = 30 – enemy’s Magical defence [%] |
Leadership bonus: 10 for two Leadership stars, 20 for three stars, 30 for four stars and 40 for five stars (for Leader or for characters within 3 tiles radius of the Leader).
Charisma bonus: 10 if a character with Charisma is within 3 tiles radius.
Lover bonus: 10 if a Lover is within 3 tiles radius
Weapon triangle bonus: +20 if weapon is good against enemy, -20 if weapon is bad against enemy
Note: Sword status-effect rate is 100% if the enemy’s Magical Defence is 31 or greater.
Property | Calculations |
Critical rate (without Critical skill) | = Combination bonus [%] |
Critical rate (with Critical skill) | = Skill + Weapon Kills bonus + Combination bonus [%] |
Weapon Kills bonus: 1 for each Weapon Kill over 50 (maximum is 50, i.e 100 Weapon Kills).
Combination bonus: 20 if a lover or sibling is adjacent to the user
Note 1: Critical evade is always 0.
Note 2: When Wrath activates, Critical rate is always 100% (unless enemy has Awareness).
Note 3: Critical rate is 0 if enemy has Awareness.
Note 4: The Critical skill is obtained on a weapon once it has over 50 Weapon Kills.
Property | Calculations |
Experience from doing damage | = 10 + (enemy’s Level – Level) |
Experience from defeating enemy | = 30 + [(enemy’s Level – Level) x 2] |
Recovery costs
Property | Calculations |
HP recovery from castles | ~ Max HP / 5 |
Cost of HP recovery from castles | = HP recovery from castles x 5 [gold] |
HP recovery from churches | = Max HP – HP |
Cost of HP recovery from churches | = HP recovery from churches x 5 [gold] |
Property | Calculations |
Child’s Gold | = [(Father’s Gold + Mother’s Gold) / 10] + 2000 |
Child’s growth rates | = Main parent’s growths rates + (Secondary parent’s growths rates / 2) + Holy blood bonus |
Parent’s HP addition | = (Parent’s HP – 20, take as 0 if negative) |
Parent’s Luck addition | = Parent’s Luck |
Parent’s (non HP / Luck) stat addition | = (Parent’s stat – Parent’s class base stat, take as 0 if negative) |
Child’s HP addition | = Level x HP growth rate |
Child’s (non HP) stat addition | = (Level – 1) x stat growth rate |
Child’s starting HP | = { [(Main parent’s HP addition x 2) + Secondary parent’s HP addition] / 10 } + Child’s HP addition + 20 |
Child’s starting Luck | = [(Main parent’s Luck addition x 2) + Secondary parent’s Luck addition + Random number] / 10] }+ Child’s Luck addition + 1 |
Child’s starting (non HP / Luck) stat | = [( { [(Main parent’s stat addition x 2) + Secondary parent’s stat addition] / 10 }+ Child’s stat addition) mod 15] + Child’s class base stat |
Character Growth Rates: See here
Class Base Stats: See here
Holy Blood bonuses: See here
Random number: 1~99
Note 1: Parent’s growth rates are the growth rates without the Holy Blood bonus factored in.
Note 2: Main parent is the parent with the same gender as the child, with secondary parent being the other parent.
Note 3: “a mod b” gives the remainder of a divided by b, eg. 5 mod 15 gives 5, 17 mod 15 gives 2.
Example: Celice’s starting stats
Sigurd’s stats: HP 40, Str 20, Mag 5, Skl 20, Spd 20, Lck 10, Def 20, Mdf 10
Diadora’s stats: HP 15, Str 5, Mag 30, Skl 15, Spd 15, Lck 5, Def 5, Mdf 30
Sigurd’s stat additions: HP 20, Str 10, Mag 5, Skl 13, Spd 13, Lck 10, Def 13, Mdf 7
Diadora’s stat additions: HP: 0 (-5), Str 5, Mag 22, Skl 8, Spd 8, Lck 5, Def 2, Mdf 20
Celice’s (Level 1) stat additions: HP 1 (1.4), Str 0, Mag 0, Skl 0, Spd 0, Lck 0, Def 0, Mdf 0
Celice’s starting HP = { [(20 x 2) + 0] / 10 } + 1 + 20 = 25
Celice’s starting Strength = [( { [(10 x 2) + 5] / 10 } + 0) mod 15] + 5 = (2.5 mod 15) + 5 = 7 (7.5)
Celice’s starting Magic = [( { [(5 x 2) + 22] / 10 } + 0) mod 15] + 0 = 3.2 mod 15 = 3 (3.2)
Celice’s starting Skill = [( { [(13 x 2) + 8] / 10 } + 0) mod 15] + 5 = (3.4 mod 15) + 5 = 8 (8.4)
Celice’s starting Speed = [( { [(13 x 2) + 8] / 10 } + 0) mod 15] + 5 = (3.4 mod 15) + 5 = 8 (8.4)
Celice’s starting Luck = { [(10 x 2) + 5 + (Random number = 76)] / 10 } + 0 + 1 = 11 (11.1)
Celice’s starting Defence = [( { [(13 x 2) + 2] / 10 } + 0) mod 15] + 5 = (2.8 mod 15) + 5 = 7 (7.8)
Celice’s starting Magic Def = [( { [(7 x 2) + 20] / 10 } + 0) mod 15] + 0 = 3.4 mod 15 = 3 (3.4)