Map Opening
Adean was nowhere to be found in Evans Castle.
She had already been taken deep into Verdane territory.
Verdane existed under the cover of a thick forest.
In the past, Verdane’s frequent encroachment of the border earned them the label of barbarians by the people of Grandbell.
Under the reign of King Batou, Verdane witnessed a cessation of all fighting along the border.
The amiable monarch succeeded in maintaining the peace with Grandbell, while pacifying his zealous sons.
However, that very peace was ultimately violated by none other than King Batou.
The king ordered his three sons to invade Grandbell.
There was Kinbois of Genoa, the eldest son, Gandolf of Marpha, and Jamka, the youngest of the three.
Using the forest as cover, the savages awaited Sigurd’s arrival.
Where had Adean been swept off to?
And what incited King Batou to invade Grandbell without warning?
Sprawling before Sigurd lay the daunting Great Verdane Forest.
He was about to set foot into the forest of spirits…
(On the Verdane-Agustrian border, Eltshan rides towards Evans)
“Good work. You’ve got the border.”
“Yes, my lord!”
“How’ve you been, Sigurd… So what prompted you to take Evans Castle? You’re not formally attacking Verdane, are you?”
“Eltshan, thanks for coming! Verdane has taken Lady Adean of Jungby hostage. And they showed no signs of releasing her, so I was forced to take up arms.”
“So that’s what’s going on… I wouldn’t leave this castle unattended if I were you. There’s no telling what the lords of Agustria may do… I’ll watch your back, Sigurd.”
“I sure appreciate it, Eltshan. Let’s you and I meet up when this is all over. We’ll find a cozy little spot, have a little wine… just like old times.”
“That sounds nice. May you be victorious, Sigurd!”
“Th’ castle’s in your hands, Ira. You best not let me down while I’m gone, you follow? You pull any stunts and that lit’le brat’s history!”
“These guys don’t scare me, Ira. Don’t you let them push you around!”
“Shanan… Alright, Kinbois. You’ve got my word, so just keep your hands off of him. I just wonder if I can really trust you to return him to me…”
“Heh… Look, he’s all yours once we’ve gotten Evans Castle back.”
“You better not double-cross me, Kinbois. Because I’ll hunt you down…”
and put your head on a stick! Even if it takes me to the ends of hell! Got it!?
“Whoa-woa!! Fer such a pretty face, you sure can spew some filth! Just relax. I’ve no plans of making an enemy with someone of your swordsmanship.”
“Shanan, stay strong. It’ll only be for a little while.”
“Ira, forget it!”
(Ayra leaves)
“Don’t go!!”
“Hmph… Alright, we’re moving out. We WILL get Evans back!”
Turn 2
(Outside Marpha)
“Adean, grab the kid and get out of here! Gandolf is going to find you guys. Now move it!”
“Prince Jamka, you’re not joining us?”
“No. I can’t go against my father… even with all the mayhem my brothers are causing. I’m going to Verdane to see my father. I have to get him to see the wrong in all this.”
“Yes, indeed. This war has gone on long enough. Prince Jamka, you’re our only hope. Do your best to persuade the king to end this war.”
“Adean, we gotta move now! It’s gettin’ too hairy ’round here. Gandolf’ll rip out my tongue next time they find me!”
“Dew, you were just asking to get locked up, you little thief. You’re just lucky Adean pleaded for your release. No more stealing, am I correct?”
Dew: Look, I promised Adean, too. I’m finished with the thievin’ business, OK?
“I’ll take your word, Dew. Now you two get going!”
(Jamka walks a stretch)
“Adean… I hope we meet again.”
“My brother set Adean free!? He’s back in Verdane, you say… Grr… that idiot!! You bring the woman an’ that litlle thief back here. If they resist ya, do ’em in.”
Getting Near Ira (Enemy Phase)
“Alright, let’s do this. Anyone that gets near me is going down!”
Conquering Genoa (If Ira Is Alive)
“Sir, there was a small child locked up in the castle’s dungeon.”
“. . . . .”
“What’s up? Why aren’t you talking? Who locked you up in there?”
“…Aren’t you Kinbois’ men?”
“We took care of Kinbois. You’re safe with us.”
“Really? Then Ira doesn’t have to fight anymore! They’re makin’ my auntie fight against her will! Please, you gotta help her!!”
“That swordfighter out there? I thought something was different about her. I’ll go let her know you’re alright. So what’s your name?”
“Shanan. I’m… er.. prince of the Kingdom of Isaac.”
“YOU are the prince of Isaac? You’re serious, aren’t you? I bet you’ve been through a lot. You’re best to stay with our troops for now. Just be patient for the time being. You’ll make it back to your country someday.”
“Sir, we’re currently at war with Issac. Shouldn’t we inform the king of this?”
Sigurd: Oifey, that war has nothing to do with this child. I don’t care where he’s from. We’ll find a way to get him home. For now I just want to keep him safe.
(Sigurd leaves)
“Wow… Sir Sigurd sure is a kindhearted man.”
(Enemy phase)
“What!? Grandbell has taken Genoa Castle? I must get to Shanan…”
Conquering Genoa (If Ira Is Dead)
“Sir, there was a small child locked up in the castle’s dungeon.”
“Who are you? Do you have a name?”
“I’m Shanan… prince of Isaac. …Aren’t you Kinbois’ men?”
“YOU are the prince of Isa-!? Forgive me. I’m Sigurd, Holy Knight of Grandbell. We took care of Kinbois. You’re safe with us.”
“Really? Then Ira doesn’t have to fight anymore! They’re makin’ my auntie fight against her will! Please, you gotta help her!!”
“Ira!? You mean that sword fighter? But she um.. well…”
“Wha-? She’s dead? You guys killed her!?”
“Geez, I’m sorry! I had no idea!”
“Aaaaagh… Ira!”
“Oifey, look after Shanan until he’s calmed down a bit.”
“Sir, we’re currently at war with Issac. Shouldn’t we inform the king of this?”
“Oifey, that war has nothing to do with this child. I don’t care where he’s from. We’ll find a way to get him home. For now I just want to keep him safe.”
(Sigurd leaves)
“Wow… Sir Sigurd sure is a kindhearted man.”
Ira enters Genoa as an enemy
“Shanan’s not here!? Grr! Grandbell must have taken him! They’re dead!!”
Sigurd talks with Ira after conquering Genoa
“Ira, wait! We’ve got Prince Shanan. You don’t need to fight anymore!”
“What!? YOU rescued Shanan? Prove it to me!”
“Prince Shanan told me that you’re the younger sister to the King of Isaac. He also said that you’d be hostile towards us since we’re from Grandbell. But consider the facts. You have a young prince to protect. Is this war really worth risking your life over!?”
“My brother, the king, was prepared for death when he entrusted Shanan with me. We’ve come this far… But you’re right. I can’t risk my life for Verdane! I must see Shanan through until he’s old enough to become a respectable king.”
“Then put down your sword. As a descendant of Baldo, the Crusader of Light, I will not betray you.”
“…Consider your trust reciprocated then. That’s the way of the Isaacian warrior. For now I consecrate my sword to thee. But I still view Grandbell as my sworn enemy. Just so you’re prepared for the day when that enemy may include you.”
“War sure can be cruel. Ira, warrior of Isaac… I pray that day never comes.”
Enemy Phase After Conquering Genoa
(East of Nodion, Elliot arrives with a battlaion of knights)
“Hrmph… Grandbell’s invading Verdane with that small an army? How asinine. Ok, here’s our chance. First we take Evans, then we’ll shoot straight for the border!”
“Is that… That’s Heirhein’s troops! King Eltshan must be informed immediately!”
(NPC phase, Nodion)
“What? Heirhein has troops heading for Evans!? Hmm… Elliot just couldn’t stay out of this, could he… Lachesis, watch the castle. I’m going to backup Sigurd.”
“Do what you can for him, Eltshan.”
“Cross Knights, move out! Our battle is with Prince Elliot of Heirhein. His troops shouldn’t pose much of a problem, but do stay alert.”
“Elliot, as a knight, I can’t have you sneaking around like some petty thief. Just pull out right now. I know you’re not ready to face me either.”
“Eltshan, are you mad!? Don’t tell me you’ve sided with Grandbell!”
“Don’t you realize you’re running in direct violation to our superior’s orders? The reverent King Agusty has no desire to wage war against Grandbell.”
“Only you would be foolish enough to take that old man seriously anymore. Besides, all the lords of the dominion have already unified against Grandbell.”
“Not all of them! Anyway, a war now would incur huge sacrifices on both sides! Our past is a testament to that. The noble class aren’t the ones who suffer in the end. It’s the powerless citizens who suffer, and I’m not about to let it happen!”
“As always your head is in the clouds, Eltshan. I knew it’d come to this sooner or later. Let’s settle this once and for all. Men, Nodion is now the enemy! I want Eltshan dead!!”
Elliot flees
“Elliot fled, did he? Let him be for now. Withdraw to the castle!”
Getting Near Marpha Troops
“What the hell’s goin’ on out there! Those of you ready for battle, move out! Don’t let them near the castle!!”
Conquering Marpha
“Stop it… Let go of me!”
Demagio lookalike:
“Heh heh… What s’matter? Don’cha wanna have a little fun?”
“Please… just let me be on my way!”
Demagio lookalike:
“Grr! Sweetie, you best just shut your trap!”
“Hey, what’s going on here? Let go of the girl.”
Demagio lookalike:
“What gives? Ulp! It’s that Grandbellian Holy Knight!”
“That’s right, so get moving! Nothing gets under my skin more than scum like you! You apologize to the girl and then get out of my sight!”
Demagio lookalike:
“Alright already. Er… Sorry, miss. I’s just havin’ a little fun.”
“Are you okay? Did he hurt you at all?”
“No, I’m fine. Thank you very much… Sigurd.”
“Er? You know who I am?”
“Yes, I met a woman here in the castle a little while ago named Adean.”
“Adean said something about me?”
“She did. You’re just how I imagined you to be.”
“What’s ah… your name?”
“I’m sorry. I… I must go!”
“Hey… hold on! I just wanted to talk…”
“I’m sorry. I’m glad we were able to meet.”
“Wha- what’s the problem? Wait!”
(Diadora leaves)
(We see Diadora walk away)
“Sigurd, what seems to be troubling you?”
“Sir, that woman who was just here… Do you know who she is?”
“Ahh, yes. That’d be Diadora. She’s a shaman of the Spirit Forest.”
“Diadora… She’s so beautiful.”
“A-ha! Even a man of your caliber falls readily fer a pretty woman. Perhaps it’s love at first sight!”
“Sir, please. I’m serious. There was something about her… I hope to meet her again.”
“That might be a tad difficult. You see, the villagers of the Spirit Forest do not involve themselves with the outside world. Moreover, that girl you’re so fond of is strictly forbidden from associating with men. The villagers believe a great catastrophe will befall us if that were ever violated. I’ll get right to the point, Sigurd. Resign yourself of that girl.”
“That sounds like superstitious nonsense to me. No one should be forced to live like that. Diadora… we must meet again.”
(Enemy phase, Verdane)
“Father, you still won’t listen after all I’ve told you!? Gandolf and Kinbois have failed, and the enemy’ll be striking here before you know it. Commander Sigurd of Grandbell is by no means a bad person. Please, withdraw the troops!”
“Originally, Grandbell was preparing to strike us! That’s why I allowed Gandolf’s raid. I never intended for it to get this out of hand.”
“That sorceror Sandima is behind all of this, isn’t he… You, Gandolf and Kinbois have trusted him far too much. He has deceived all of you!”
“Well, well… Prince Jamka. I think we’ve said enough, haven’t we? I believe you, as prince, have an obligation to command an attack on the enemy. Your negligence to do so could have grave consequences on the kingdom’s future.”
“Sandima! You bastard!!”
“Jamka, Sandima’s right. Now go and lead our troops into battle.”
“Father!! There’s just no convincing you, is there… Alright, I’ll do it. But if I make it back alive, Sandima, I’m taking you out!!”
(Jamka leaves)
“Sandima, have you been forthright with me all this time? It was you who said that Grandbell was conspiring to take my kingdom.”
“What’s that? Here I thought Verdane would workout somehow… You’re just a bunch of savages. I’ve no longer any use for you. I’ll be taking command of the troops from here on out.”
“What’re you doing!? Guh! Uuaaaaahhh…..!”
“Hrmph… wretched old fool.”
(Manfroy arrives)
“You’ve killed King Batou, I see. Do you expect Verdane’s soldiers will listen to you?”
“Archbishop Manfroy! When did you arrive? The soldiers won’t pose a problem. I can just tell them the king has fallen ill.”
“So be it. How are things otherwise? Is everything running as planned?”
“My humblest apologies. Our invasion of Grandbell has met with unexpected difficulties. A nuisance by the name of Sigurd keeps stirring up trouble.”
“Well, how about the Loputian blood link? Have you located Cigyun’s daughter yet?”
“Well, as of yet nothing, but I…”
“You imbecile! Well, the boy… Cigyun’s son is in Barhara at the moment. But he’s of no use to us without the girl… Allow me to explain. Cigyun was a descendant of Prince Maira, the Loputo Emperor’s younger brother. In short, Cigyun was the only surviving descendant of the Loputo Clan. Now Cigyun broke the Maira Decree by bearing two children. You follow me, Sandima?”
“Yes. By uniting the blood of her offspring, the Dark Lord Loputousu shall be revived!”
“Precisely. Now in order for us, the remnants of the Loputo Empire, to once again enter the world stage, we must awaken the Dark Lord at any cost. Sandima, you know as well as I what we’ve been through. We’ve spent the last hundred years in hiding deep within the Yied Desert, suffering extreme hardships, dreaming the day would come for us to rebuild the Empire. Well, that day is now upon us!”
“Understood. I will see my mission through, even if it takes my last breath!”
Adean Talks with Jamka
“Prince Jamka! Wait!!”
“Adean, is that you?”
“I thought you went to talk to your father! Now you’re fighting? What is going on!?”
“I don’t know. Something was real odd about him. He just wouldn’t listen to me. Everything’s been upside-down since that Sandima showed up. My father and brothers have done anything he has asked them to.”
“So why does that bring you into battle? Please Jamka, don’t do this! Let’s return to Verdane and speak with the king once more. We’re stopping this war! Sir Sigurd did not come here to invade your country. He was merely fighting to rescue me. Please, Jamka, listen to reason!”
“Alright, let’s give it one more try. And I’m exposing that traitor once and for all. But no one lays a finger on my father. That’s my one condition.”
“I’ll see to it no one does. Thank you, Jamka. You really are a good person.”
Diadora Appears in the Forest (Sandima Is Alive)
“Sigurd… wait.”
“Diadora, is that you!? Ah, so this is the Spirit Forest! I’m so happy to see you! I thought we’d never meet again.”
“Sigurd, listen to me. There’s an evil priest at Verdane Castle named Sandima. His black magic is deadly, so don’t even think of approaching him… Please!”
“I’ve put everybody in enough danger as it is… I’ll go this one alone.”
“….. Then I’m going with you.”
“You’re what!?”
“I have a Silence Staff with me. I can block magic with it as long as my magic power can overcome his resistance. I’ll silence that Sandima… you’ll see!”
“Whoa! Sounds like you could take him yourself! Wh.. why are you helping me?”
“I tried putting you out of my mind, Sigurd… but I just couldn’t. Oh, I don’t know what I should do…”
“I don’t know why you’re so afraid. If we both feel the same for each other we’ve nothing to fear. I… I believe I’ve fallen for you, Diadora.”
Diadora Appears in the Forest (Sandima Is Dead)
“Sigurd… wait.”
“Diadora, is that you!? Ah, so this is the Spirit Forest! I’m so happy to see you! I thought we’d never meet again.”
“Sigurd, I heard of Sandima’s death. I was so worried he’d find me. He was a black priest sent by an underground religious sect to find me.”
“Underground religious sect? What’s this all about?”
“Well, all I know is what the woman who raised me told me on her deathbed. She said there exists in this world a religious sect who follow the Dark Lord Loputousu. The Dark Lord was presumed dead, but they’ve been secretly planning his resurrection.”
“I’ve heard something about that, too. So why are they after you?”
“The Dark Lord lies dormant within my blood, and through me they can resurrect him. I was told they must never find me. I am also forbidden to be with a man.”
“Geez… you must always be on the run. You were avoiding me early, weren’t you?”
“I was afraid I’d fall for you, Sigurd. I tried putting you out of my mind, but I… I just don’t want to lose you. Oh, what am I to do…”
“Diadora, I can understand why you’re scared. But there’s no reason to let this ruin your whole life for you. Diadora, I vow to keep you out of harm’s way. I won’t let anyone hurt you. If we both feel the same for each other, then we’ve nothing to fear. Dear Lord, if you deem our love for each other to be a sin, I beg of you… punish me! I won’t regret it… even if it means a thousand slashes upon my heart! I only ask that you watch over my beloved Diadora… unto all eternity!”
Conquering Verdane (If You Lost Diadora)
“Diadora!? Thank god, you’re alright!”
“Yes, I was captured and placed in this castle, but I knew you’d come for me.”
Conquering Verdane
“Sir, there’s report of an injury in the Royal Palace. It appears to be King Batou. He has sustained heavy injuries. He’s very likely beyond our help.”
“King Batou, what happened to you?! Please… hold on!”
“Urgh… Sigurd, my apologies for all you had to go through. This was all Sandima’s doing. He deceived me while conning my two sons in an attempt to take control of the country.”
“Yes, I’m aware of that. Please, don’t overexert yourself. You just need some rest.”
“No, I’m already done for. But before I die, I have one last thing I must tell you. The evil that’s rearing its head across the continent is all the work of the Dark Sect. They’re out to destroy all that’s good and hasten the revival of the Dark Lord Loputousu. Sandima incited our attack on Grandbell solely to further their cause. They have infested the world, Sigurd. You must stay sharp and not be led astray! Please absolve my failure to keep my citizens from harm’s way. S… Sigurd, I beg of you…”
“King Batou… No… What IS this Dark Sect anyway…”
“The lord of Genoa, Kinbois, is a downright terrible man. He has attacked our village on numerous occasions. It’s been dreadful. And things had been so peaceful under the reign of King Batou… Anyway, we’re all so glad that you’ve come!”
“The king of this country is very kind. He would’ve been the last person to wage a war. That sorcerer, Sandima, is behind all of this. Everything began going downhill the moment he showed up. Aside from the youngest prince, Jamka, Sandima has them all wrapped around his finger. Please, I beg of you… save our kingdom!”
“There’s a dense forest jus’ north of this village. T’is called th’ ‘Spirit Forest’. I used t’live there once upon a time in a village hidden deep within th’ forest. Th’ legend goes that Saint Maira was exiled by his fellow Lopt clansmen for allying with us humans. That village is where all of Maira’s descendants holed up t’avoid persecution. While I was there, a beautiful girl named Cigyun was living under th’ village’s custody. That was due t’her bein’ th’ last remaining descendant of th’ Loputo prince. But Cigyun grew tired of th’ forest life. She up and left thus breaking village law. She returned several years later expectin’ a child. She gave birth to a little girl, but tragically didn’t survive. Apparently, the village fortune-teller took after raising the child. I wonder where the child is now… If she’s livin’ she’d be around 17 or 18 I imagine.”
Hidden Event with Lex (Lex’s Hero Axe)
“Damn! I dropped my axe!!”
“Was the axe you dropped this gold axe? Or perhaps this silver one?”
“Naw, it was nothing as nice as either of them. It was just an old iron axe.”
“You are very honest! As a reward for your honesty I present you with the Hero Axe. Farewell, Lex…”
Talk to Nodion Soldiers (Before Conquering Genoa and Marpha)
“We’ll take care of everything beyond this point.”
Cuan with Fin
“Fin, this war may drag on for a while. Sorry to have to drag you into it.”
“Your Highness, I am a knight of Lenster. I’ll go wherever you’ll have me.”
“I appreciate it.”
“Of course, I am still only an apprentice. I doubt I’ll be of much help to you.”
“Yeah? Then let’s use this opportunity to teach you a bit about the art of war. Here, Fin. Take this lance.”
“Thank you very much, Your Highness!”
Sigurd with Adean
“Adean! I’m glad to see you’re in one piece!”
“Sir Sigurd! So you’re the one behind my rescue! Oh, I’m terribly sorry to bring all of you from Chalphy into this.”
“No worries there. Everyone will just be glad to know that you’re alright. We have things under control here, Adean. Why don’t you head on back to Grandbell?”
“No, I’m staying. There’s bound to be more injuries further along. I want to help others in the service of the Lord.”
“Adean… Didn’t you leave the knighthood to become a nun? I think it suits you perfectly. I’d do well to learn a thing or two from you myself.”
“Actually, the sole reason I joined the nunnery is… Well, it’s to aid the chances of finding my sister.”
“You must mean Briggid. She’s been missing since your childhood, hasn’t she… You still believe you can find her, do you?”
“That’s correct. And when I do, I must give the Holy Bow Ichival to her!”
Midayle with Adean
“My lady! You’re alright! Ahh… What a relief! My humblest apologies for all you had to go through!”
“Midayle, I’m just happy that you’re not hurt. Let’s put this all behind us. You did your very best, and that’s all I could ever ask for. Do me a favour, Midayle, and stay with Sir Sigurd’s troops.”
“I’d be more than happy to. I am greatly indebted to him for rescuing Jungby Castle for us, and you as well!”
Azel with Adean
“Lady Adean! You’re not hurt, are you?”
“Azel of Velthomer? You’ve been helping out as well, have you?”
“Yeah, when I heard that you had been kidnapped, I couldn’t concentrate on anything! I came as fast as I could.”
“Your brother is Lord Alvis, isn’t he? Did you get his permission before coming?”
“Nope… And he’s not going to be happy with me either.”
“Then why did you do such a silly thing? Besides, I thought you hated fighting.”
“Well, I, uh…”
“What’s that, Azel?”
“Er… nevermind.”
Adean with Ethlin
“Aideen, are you alright!? I heard that you’d been kidnapped… I was so worried!”
“Oh, Ethlin! You were out here fighting for me too, were you… Thank you so much. I’m ever so grateful. Here, please have this staff. I’m sure you’ll get more use out of it than I.”
“This a Return Staff, isn’t it? Thank you, Adean! I’ll put it to good use.”
Cuan with Ira
“Hello, I’m Cuan of Lenster. Sigurd tells me that you’re Princess Ira from Isaac.”
“…Nice to meet you.”
“I’m sorry, but I just have to ask you. Why did Isaac attack Darna? You had to have known Grandbell would get involved. I just can’t fathom why King Mananan would do something like that.”
“You actually know my father, Cuan!?”
“No. Not personally. But my father did. He had a very high opinion of your father. He also thought your brother, Prince Maricle, was an fine young man.”
“He said that, did he… That makes me proud. They were both highly respected soldiers. Neither would ever condone an attack on a defenseless people. The leader of Rivough… He’s the one who besieged Darna, not my father.”
“You’re kidding! Why hasn’t Grandbell been informed of that? Prince Kurth would surely reconsider his offensive if he knew that.”
“My father thought so as well. After executing Rivough’s leader, he left for Grandbell’s frontline, head and all, to explain everything. However…”
“My father was assassinated at the Grandbellian front. When Isaac heard word of the king’s death, the people went into a rage! Maricle thus proceeded to launch a full-scale attack against Grandbell.”
“Whew… I just can’t imagine Prince Kurth acting so rashly. Does Sigurd know about all of this?”
“No. Sigurd has his hands full here as it is. Besides, I don’t think Maricle…”
“…survived? Prince Maricle knew he would perish in battle, huh…”
“He believed the future of Isaac rests in Shanan’s survival. My job is to make sure Shanan grows up safe and sound.”
“I see… Well, don’t lose hope, Ira. Someday the truth will come to light. In the meantime, I’ll try to help you out however I can.”
“That’s very kind of you, Cuan.”
Dew with Adean
“Hey, Adean. I got somethin’ for ya. Check out this staff I found. I can’t get it t’do nothin’, so there’s no point in me keepin’ it.”
“Oh, this is a Warp Staff, Dew. Where’d you find it?”
“Umm… It was… over there! Yeah, that’s where I found it. I betcha one of the gods dropped ‘er outta the sky just for you!”
“Yeah right, Dew. Well, it will help out around here to have it. Thanks.”