Lesson 1: Distant Combat
Lesson 2: Spell Effects
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To begin with, most spell frames can be found from FEPlanet.
When casting magic, the background darkens. So don’t forget to find a darkened version of the background that you are using, or darken it yourself! Now for the spell effects… If you have Adobe Photoshop there are some tricks to get the spells looking genuine. You might be able to do something similar if you have a different program (eg. GIMP). First, cut out the spell animation, which you want to use (in this case the big fire). If there is any black space around the spell animation, fill it all black. Now open up your image editing program (eg. Photoshop) and paste the spell animation over the image from Step 3. Set the transparency of the spell animation to “Screen“. (For staff animations, you don’t need to carry on to the nest part.) Then, get the same spell animation and paste it over what you just did (place it in the same place on the image) and set the transparency to “Colour Dodge“. Finally if there is a second layer to the spell animation (in this case, the rings of fire), just paste them over the image as normal. |
Lesson 3: Accurate Stats
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Sometimes instead of plugging random numbers for stats, you might want to use some realistic stats. Here’s a list of all the possible equations (based on the GBA series) that you might need:
Equipment Stats Attack Speed = Speed – (Weapon’s Weight – Constitution, this value must be positive, else use zero) S Rank BonusIf a character is equipped with a weapon, whose type they have reached S Rank in, they will receive a +5 bonus to both accuracy and critical.(FE7 and FE8 only) In-built CriticalSome classes come with a base critical. In FE6, this value is +30 and is given to Swordmasters and Berserkers. In FE7 and FE8 this value is +15 and is given to Swordmasters, Berserkers, Recruit (3) and Journeyman (3). Weapon Triangle Effects Good: +1 Attack, +15 Accuracy (+10 for FE6) Effective bonusSome weapons are effective against certain classes, like bows are effective against flying units. In this case, multiple the character’s weapon Might by 3 (FE6 and FE8*) or 2 (FE7). *Except for the Sacred Twins, which multiply Might by 2 instead. Battle Stats Hit = Accuracy – Enemy’s Avoid Able to double attack if user’s Attack Speed is 4 or more points greater than the enemy’s Attack Speed. (More detailed information can be found at the Calculation pages of the respective games.) |