Average Stats

Notes: This guide uses the growth rate × level method to determine average stats, for characters in their default classes (eg. Luke as a Cavalier/Paladin).

Marth My Unit Luke Rody
Cecil Gordin Ryan Draug
Arran Malliesia Catria Warren
Cord Linde Palla Bord
Julian Matthis Wrys Ogma
Yumina Yubello Sirius Castor
Shiida Barst Rickard Frey
Norne Samto Wendell Caesar
Radd Nabarl Feena Cain
Bantu Roger Jeorge Minerva
Etzel Merric Ellerean Dice
Maris Horace Jake Darros
Robert Belf Leiden Beck
Athena Xane Tiki Est
Dolph Abel Macellan Astram
Katarina Tomas Sheema Samson
Frost Roshea Vyland Sedgar
Wolf Midia Ymir Michalis
Nagi Lena Maria Nyna

Extra Chapters

Note: Characters not mentioned have the same stats as in the main story.

Nyna Boah Midia Dolph
Macellan Tomas Minerva Catria
Est Hardin Wolf Roshea
Frost Rickard Nabarl (BS 3) Lena
Castor Maris (BS 3) Dice (BS 3) Camus
Robert Belf Leiden Kleine
Roro Eremiya