Event Recap

Number Chapter Type Name Notes
001 P-1 Opening Meeting
002 P-1 Opening Mock Combat
003 P-1 Event First Steps
004 P-1 Event First Opponent Soldier appears (Normal mode)
005 P-1 Event Battle with Jagen Jagen appears (Normal mode)
006 P-1 Ending Passing the Mock
007 P-1 Ending Marth’s Speech
008 P-2 Opening Platoon Members
009 P-2 Opening Luke’s Strategy
010 P-2 Event Versus Rody Rody appears (Normal mode)
011 P-2 Ending The Commander is…
012 P-2 Ending Cool Title
013 P-3 Opening Combat Training
014 P-3 Opening Caeda’s Entrance Hard mode or above
015 P-3 Opening Caeda’s Trial Normal mode
016 P-3 Event You Know How to Fight Caeda appears (Normal mode)
017 P-3 Ending Tomboyish Princess
018 P-3 Ending Altea’s Way
019 P-4 Opening A Healer
020 P-4A Opening Jeorge’s Entrance
021 P-4B Opening Athena’s Entrance
022 P-4A Ending Jeorge’s Friend (A) Depends on allies’ survival
023 P-4A Ending Jeorge’s Friend (B) Depends on allies’ survival
024 P-4A Ending Jeorge’s Friend (C) Depends on allies’ survival
025 P-4A Ending Jeorge’s Friend (D) Depends on allies’ survival
026 P-4B Ending Foreign Blade (A) Depends on allies’ survival
027 P-4B Ending Foreign Blade (B) Depends on allies’ survival
028 P-4B Ending Foreign Blade (C) Depends on allies’ survival
029 P-4B Ending Foreign Blade (D) Depends on allies’ survival
030 P-5 Opening Lost in Altea
031 P-5 Opening Mysterious Mask
032 P-5 Opening Vanquishing Bandits
033 P-5 Event Mage of Khadein Merric joins
034 P-5 Ending Show me the Way…?
035 P-5 Ending We’ll Kill Marth
036 P-5 Ending Noticed Something
037 P-5 Ending Royal Guard
038 P-6 Opening Lectures
039 P-6A Opening Ogma’s Entrance Hard mode or above
040 P-6A Opening Ogma’s Trial Normal mode
041 P-6B Opening Draug’s Entrance Hard mode or above
042 P-6B Opening Draug’s Trial Normal mode
043 P-6 Event Female Knight Cecille joins
044 P-6A Event I will Fight Ogma appears (Normal mode)
045 P-6B Event Not Bad at All Draug appears (Normal mode)
046 P-6A Ending Experienced Warrior
047 P-6B Ending Knight of Altea
048 P-6 Ending Envisioned Future
049 P-7 Opening Final Test
050 P-7A Opening Est’s Entrance
051 P-7B Opening Cain’s Entrance
052 P-7A Event Est’s Warning Est calls for reinforcements
053 P-7A Event Est’s Orders Reinforcements appear
054 P-7B Event Cain’s Warning Cain calls for reinforcements
055 P-7B Event Cain’s Orders Reinforcements appear
056 P-7A Ending Ex-Whitewing (A) Depends on allies’ survival
057 P-7A Ending Ex-Whitewing (B) Depends on allies’ survival
058 P-7A Ending Ex-Whitewing (C) Depends on allies’ survival
059 P-7B Ending Fiery Knight (A) Depends on allies’ survival
060 P-7B Ending Fiery Knight (B) Depends on allies’ survival
061 P-7B Ending Fiery Knight (C) Depends on allies’ survival
062 P-7 Ending Katarina’s Bandana
063 P-8 Opening Bandana Season… Accept Katarina’s suggestion
064 P-8 Opening The Big Day
065 P-8 Opening Award Ceremony
066 P-8 Opening Betrayal
067 P-8 Opening Hero Under Fire
068 P-8 Ending Shades of Conspiracy
069 P-8 Ending Remove Bandana? Accept Katarina’s suggestion
070 P-8 Ending Next… (Est) Est recruited
071 P-8 Ending Next… (Cain) Cain recruited
072 P-8 Ending Next… (Ogma) Ogma recruited
073 P-8 Ending Next… (Draug) Draug recruited
074 P-8 Ending Next… (Merric)
075 P-8 Ending Next… (Gordin) Gordin recruited
076 P-8 Ending Next… (Athena) Athena recruited
077 P-8 Ending Next… (Wrys)
078 P-8 Ending Next… (Caeda)
079 1 Opening Suppression (Chris) Avatar sent out to battle
080 1 Opening Suppression Avatar not sent out to battle
081 1 Event Lorenz’s Suicide Marth talks to Lorenz
082 1 Event Taking Advantage Thief appears
083 1 Event A Favor to Ask Wait along the path to Lorenz’s castle
084 1 Village Malicia’s Flustered
085 1 House Arran the Knight
086 1 House Dark Chapter
087 1 House The Two Children
088 1 House Commander Lang
089 1 House Lorenz’s Friend
090 1 House If only General Camus…
091 1 Ending Heart of Grust Marth talked to Lorenz
092 1 Ending Yumina and Yubello
093 2 Opening Chris’s Speed (A) Depends on Avatar’s Speed stat
094 2 Opening Chris’s Speed (B) Depends on Avatar’s Speed stat
095 2 Opening Chris’s Speed (C) Depends on Avatar’s Speed stat
096 2 Opening Macedon’s Forests
097 2 Event Just a Hunter Recruiting Warren
098 2 Village For the Princess
099 2 House About Warren
100 2 House Lookout for Thieves
101 2 House Only Well-Off Country
102 2 House Lady Sword
103 2 House Beware Dracoknights
104 2 Ending Fire Emblem
105 3 Opening Chris’s Skill (A) Depends on Avatar’s Skill stat
106 3 Opening Chris’s Skill (B) Depends on Avatar’s Skill stat
107 3 Opening Chris’s Skill (C) Depends on Avatar’s Skill stat
108 3 Opening Missing Clerics
109 3 Event Thought I Was Dead? Michalis confronts Rucke
110 3 Event My Cute Lil’ Sister Recruiting Matthis
111 3 Village Lena Kidnapped
112 3 Village The Princess’s Man
113 3 Village Large Drawbridge
114 3 House Triangle Attack
115 3 House Masked Paladin
116 3 House Between You and Me
117 3 House Macedon…
118 3 Ending I Will No Longer Follow
119 3 Ending The Assassins’ Shadow Satisfied conditions to progress to Ch 3x
120 3x Opening Enemy Presence
121 3x Opening Surrounded…
122 3x Opening Chris’s Prowess
123 3x Event Leave it to You Kleine retreats
124 3x Event Wrys the Curate Avatar talks to Wrys
125 3x Ending To Wendell
126 3x Ending I Must Defeat Them
127 3x Ending Wrys’s Haircut Wrys is alive
128 4 Opening A Shocking Haircut… Accepted Wrys’s suggestion
129 4 Opening Macedonian Vikings
130 4 Event Backup from the Fort Guile calls for reinforcements
131 4 Event A Mere Traveler Recruiting Sirius
132 4 Village Me Mother’s Sick
133 4 Village Wind Magic
134 4 House Political Tomfoolery
135 4 House Star Shards
136 4 House Rescue Staff
137 4 Ending Hardin’s Trap
138 4 Ending Want Your Hair Back? Accepted Wrys’s suggestion
139 5 Opening Don’t Let’em Near
140 5 Opening Stay in Position
141 5 Event Raid the Village Thief appears
142 5 Event Yo, Chief Recruiting Rickard
143 5 Event The Hatchet (Bord) Recruiting Barst with Bord
144 5 Event The Hatchet (Cord) Recruiting Barst with Cord
145 5 Event The Hatchet (Ogma) Recruiting Barst with Ogma
146 5 Village Hammerne Staff
147 5 House Lax as They Get
148 5 House Please Defeat Lang
149 5 Ending Nest of Evil
150 6 Opening Chris’s Might (A) Depends on Avatar’s Strength stat
151 6 Opening Chris’s Might (B) Depends on Avatar’s Strength stat
152 6 Opening Chris’s Might (C) Depends on Avatar’s Strength stat
153 6 Opening Lang’s Plan
154 6 Event Friend or Foe?
155 6 Event Frey and Norne Frey and Norne join
156 6 Event Yo, Chief Recruiting Rickard
157 6 Event Impostor (Caeda) Recruiting Samto with Caeda
158 6 Event Impostor (Ogma) Recruiting Samto with Ogma
159 6 Ending Lang’s Demise… (A) Depends on allies’ survival
160 6 Ending Lang’s Demise… (B) Depends on allies’ survival
161 6 Ending Lang’s Demise… (C) Depends on allies’ survival
162 6 Ending Mercenary Battle Satisfied conditions to progress to Ch 6x
163 6x Opening Enemy Ambush
164 6x Opening We Have No Liege
165 6x Opening Finally My Turn
166 6x Ending Boss (Caesar, Radd) Recruiting Caesar and Radd
167 6x Ending Boss (Caesar) Recruiting Caesar only
168 6x Ending Boss (Radd) Recruiting Radd only
169 6x Ending Former Comrades… Caesar and Radd not recruited
170 6x Ending Not a Clone
171 7 Opening What Kind of Person?
172 7 Opening Dancer in Danger
173 7 Event Bridge Defence
174 7 Event A Dragon Appears Wait near the western cave
175 7 House Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
176 7 House Accursed Thieves
177 7 House Marvelous Dance
178 7 House The Cave Dragon
179 7 Ending Avatar of the Gods
180 7 Ending Pontifical Hat Wendell is alive
181 8 Opening Nice Hat Accepted Wendell’s suggestion
182 8 Opening Reunion with Cain
183 8 Event Cornering Marth
184 8 Event Continue this Game
185 8 Event Playtime’s Over
186 8 Event I’m Going With You Recruiting Roger
187 8 Event For Country (Gordin) Recruiting Jeorge with Gordin
188 8 Event For Country (Marth) Recruiting Jeorge with Marth
189 8 Village Bantu Joins
190 8 House Fellow Archers
191 8 Ending Hurry Aboard
192 8 Ending Take Off Your Hat? Accepted Wendell’s suggestion
193 9 Opening Chris’s Luck (A) Depends on Avatar’s Luck stat
194 9 Opening Chris’s Luck (B) Depends on Avatar’s Luck stat
195 9 Opening Chris’s Luck (C) Depends on Avatar’s Luck stat
196 9 Opening Atonement
197 9 Opening Mage Corps
198 9 Event Chased
199 9 Event Pursuers (Astram) Reinforcements appear (Astram is alive)
200 9 Event Pursuers Reinforcements appear (Astram died)
201 9 Event Stand by Your Word Recruiting Etzel
202 9 Village Siblings’ Bond
203 9 House Heading North
204 9 House Swordslayer
205 9 House Merric’s Rival
206 9 Ending Into the Sanctuary
207 10 Opening クリスの魔力(A) Depends on Avatar’s Magic stat
208 10 Opening クリスの魔力(B) Depends on Avatar’s Magic stat
209 10 Opening クリスの魔力(C) Depends on Avatar’s Magic stat
210 10 Opening 風と雷
211 10 Event 人を思いやる心 Recruiting Ellerean
212 10 Ending シスターのお礼 All of the enemy Clerics survived
213 10 Ending カダインまで…(A) Depends on allies’ survival
214 10 Ending カダインまで…(B) Depends on allies’ survival
215 10 Ending カダインまで…(C) Depends on allies’ survival
216 10 Ending 傭兵の親子
217 10 Ending ホルスの危地 Satisfied conditions to progress to Ch 10x
218 10x Opening すでに城砦内に
219 10x Opening 見つけられるかな?
220 10x Event まだまだまだまだ Roro calls for reinforcements
221 10x Event ニーナ様のために Avatar talks to Horace
222 10x Ending 奇妙な敵
223 10x Ending 半仮面
224 10x Ending 壊れたがらくた
225 11 Opening 半仮面をつけると… Accepted Jagen’s suggestion
226 11 Opening 死の砂漠
227 11 Event 愛しいアンナに Recruiting Jake
228 11 Ending 緊張をほぐそうと
229 11 Ending 半仮面をやめる? Accepted Jagen’s suggestion
230 12 Opening フレイムバレル
231 12 Event はみ出し者 Recruiting Darros
232 12 Ending クリスの体力(A) Depends on Avatar’s HP stat
233 12 Ending クリスの体力(B) Depends on Avatar’s HP stat
234 12 Ending クリスの体力(C) Depends on Avatar’s HP stat
235 12 Ending 元グルニア黒騎士
236 13 Opening クリスと訓練場(A) Depends on Avatar’s training arena winning streak
237 13 Opening クリスと訓練場(B) Depends on Avatar’s training arena winning streak
238 13 Opening クリスと訓練場(C) Depends on Avatar’s training arena winning streak
239 13 Opening 哀れな奴ら
240 13 Event 今の相棒 Recruiting Beck
241 13 Ending 地竜封印の盾
242 13 Ending 人外の地の影 Satisfied conditions to progress to Ch 13x
243 13x Opening 強くなる雪
244 13x Opening アテナ、知らせる
245 13x Opening 何も見えないまま…
246 13x Ending 長居は無用
247 13x Ending 一人は…いや…
248 14 Opening 氷竜神殿
249 14 Opening 聞こえるか?
250 14 Event 光(星のオーブ完成) Collected all 12 Starsphere shards
251 14 Event 光(星のオーブ未完成) Failed to collect all 12 Starsphere shards
252 14 Event こわいゆめ Recruiting Tiki
253 14 Event 他の者ではならぬ Somebody other than Marth waits on the target
254 14 Event それが、あの子のため… Wait outside Tiki’s room without the Starsphere
255 14 Ending 魔王の影(チキ仲間) Tiki is alive
256 14 Ending 魔王の影(チキ不在) Tiki not alive
257 14 Ending チキの格好 Xane is alive
258 15 Opening チキの格好にすると… Accepted Xane’s suggestion
259 15 Opening ごめんね、アベル
260 15 Opening 裏切るようなら…
261 15 Opening わが身の信用
262 15 Event 王子にお会いした以上… Recruiting Abel with Marth
263 15 Event きみのせいじゃない Recruiting Abel with Est
264 15 Village となりの村とは仲が悪く
265 15 House 敵が大勢
266 15 House 行方がわからず
267 15 House グラ王国の事情
268 15 House エリスの行方
269 15 House スターロード
270 15 House 敵のスパイ
271 15 House 城内の傭兵隊
272 15 Ending アリティア奪還
273 15 Ending チキの格好をやめる? Accepted Xane’s suggestion
274 16 Opening クリスの経験(A) Depends on Avatar’s Level
275 16 Opening クリスの経験(B) Depends on Avatar’s Level
276 16 Opening クリスの経験(C) Depends on Avatar’s Level
277 16 Opening 大地のオーブ
278 16 Opening 己が信じる正義のため
279 16 Opening 賢い者の戦い
280 16 Event 扉を開け! Chests opened while Willow is alive
281 16 Event 託されたエムブレム Recruiting Astram
282 16 Ending よくないこと
283 16 Ending 思い出深い場所 Satisfied conditions to progress to Ch 16x
284 16x Opening 私の人形
285 16x Opening 戦う以外の道は
286 16x Event 幸せな夢 Avatar talks to Katarina
287 16x Event 戦ってください Avatar talks to Katarina (2nd time)
288 16x Event カタリナの涙 Recruiting Katarina
289 16x Ending 結末(カタリナ仲間) Katarina recruited
290 16x Ending 結末(カタリナ不在) Katarina not recruited
291 17 Opening クリスの守備(A) Depends on Avatar’s Defence stat
292 17 Opening クリスの守備(B) Depends on Avatar’s Defence stat
293 17 Opening クリスの守備(C) Depends on Avatar’s Defence stat
294 17 Opening グラの最期
295 17 Event この国のすべてを Recruiting Sheema
296 17 Event どこまでもお前を Recruiting Samson
297 17 Event 虐殺(サムソン仲間) Gra soldiers killed while Sheema & Samson alive
298 17 Event 虐殺(サムソン不在) Gra soldiers killed while Sheema is alive
299 17 Village わたしの大事なもの
300 17 Village 祖国の蛮行
301 17 House 裏切らないように
302 17 House シーマ王女を助けて
303 17 House みんなシロウト
304 17 Ending 無用な血
305 17 Ending 家族思いの司祭
306 18 Opening グラまで…(A) Depends on allies’ survival
307 18 Opening グラまで…(B) Depends on allies’ survival
308 18 Opening グラまで…(C) Depends on allies’ survival
309 18 Opening お前たちは裏切れない
310 18 Opening 狼騎士団!
311 18 Village 命のオーブ
312 18 Ending パレスへ
313 19 Opening アカネイア全軍
314 19 Event 禁を犯してでも Vyland appears
315 19 Event 一番優しい奴 Recruiting Vyland
316 19 Event あの方は変わった Recruiting Sedgar
317 19 Event 道を誤った時は Recruiting Wolf
318 19 Village 狼騎士団の…(ロシェ生存) Roshea survived Ch 18
319 19 Village 狼騎士団の…(ロシェ死亡) Roshea died in Ch 18
320 19 House こんな話をすれば
321 19 House アカネイアの誇り
322 19 House こんなことになるなんて
323 19 House 若い娘だというのに
324 19 House 血に飢えたゴロツキ
325 19 House 皇帝には悪魔が
326 19 Ending ハーディンとニーナ
327 20 Opening 光のオーブが必要
328 20 Opening この世界は腐っている
329 20 Event 光と闇 An ally waits near Hardin
330 20 Ending いつわりの姫君 Did not restore the Shield of Seals
331 20 Ending 組織の長(カタリナ仲間) Progress to Ch 20x (Katarina is alive)
332 20 Ending 組織の長(カタリナ不在) Progress to Ch 20x (Katarina is not alive)
333 20x Opening 暗闇(カタリナ仲間) Katarina is alive
334 20x Opening 暗闇(カタリナ不在) Katarina is not alive
335 20x Opening 恐怖を(カタリナ仲間) Katarina is alive
336 20x Opening 恐怖を(カタリナ不在) Katarina is not alive
337 20x Ending 戦争の犠牲者
338 20x Ending 真の絶望
339 21 Opening 飛竜の谷
340 21 Opening 優しい巨人
341 21 Event 兄と妹 Minerva waits on the village before Turn 15
342 21 Village ミシェイルの最期
343 21 House 不気味なうなり声
344 21 House 踏み入れるな
345 21 Ending 暗黒竜の目覚め
346 21 Ending ユミルのぼうし Ymir is alive
347 21 Ending お前の涙 Minerva spoke to Michalis in the village
348 22 Opening ユミルのぼうしをかぶると… Accepted Ymir’s suggestion
349 22 Opening どこかで会った…
350 22 Ending 上へ
351 22 Ending ユミルのぼうしをやめる? Accepted Ymir’s suggestion
352 23 Opening クリスの魔防(A) Depends on Avatar’s Resistance stat
353 23 Opening クリスの魔防(B) Depends on Avatar’s Resistance stat
354 23 Opening クリスの魔防(C) Depends on Avatar’s Resistance stat
355 23 Opening 魔王ガーネフ
356 23 Ending さらに上へ
357 24 Opening 未来は…
358 24 Opening 最後まであきらめない
359 24 Opening 万策尽きた時は…
360 24 Event 笑ってくれよ Recruiting Lena
361 24 Event 昔のように Recruiting Maria
362 24 Event 悪い夢を Recruiting Nyna
363 24 Event あなたを守るために Recruiting Elice
364 24 Event 希望の光 Lena, Maria, Nyna and Elice all recruited
365 Grand Ending 世界に人がある限り Game ended at Chapter 20
366 Grand Ending 光と影 Game ended at Chapter 20
367 Grand Ending 全員の言葉 Every playable character speaks a line
368 Grand Ending 勇気を出して Tiki, Shiida and Malliesia are all alive
369 Grand Ending みんな、大好き Tiki is alive, but Malliesia is not
370 Grand Ending 戦いに倒れた者も… Tiki is alive, but Shiida is not
371 Grand Ending 最も大事なものを… Tiki and Shiida are both not alive
372 Grand Ending ぼくには、君が Shiida is alive
373 Grand Ending アリティアの人々1
374 Grand Ending アリティアの人々2 Arran, Cain, Abel and Elice are alive
375 Grand Ending アリティアの人々3 Draug, Frey, Gordin and Norne are alive
376 Grand Ending アリティアの人々4 Ryan, Luke, Rody, Cecil and Katarina are alive
377 Grand Ending アリティアの人々5 Wrys is alive
378 Grand Ending グルニアの人々1 Yubello, Yumina and Sirius are alive
379 Grand Ending グルニアの人々2 Roger and Malliesia are alive
380 Grand Ending グルニアの人々3 Belf, Robert and Leiden are alive
381 Grand Ending マケドニアの人々1 Minerva, Palla, Catria, Est and Maria are alive
382 Grand Ending マケドニアの人々2 Lena, Matthis, Julian and Rickard are alive
383 Grand Ending マケドニアの人々3 Warren is alive
384 Grand Ending タリスの人々1 Shiida, Cord, Bord, Ogma and Barst are alive
385 Grand Ending タリスの人々2 Castor and Darros are alive
386 Grand Ending アカネイアの人々1 Linde and Nyna are alive
387 Grand Ending アカネイアの人々2 Astram, Midia, Jeorge and Horace are alive
388 Grand Ending アカネイアの人々3 Dolph, Macellan and Tomas are alive
389 Grand Ending アカネイアの人々4 Radd and Caesar are alive
390 Grand Ending アカネイアの人々5 Nabarl, Feena and Samto are alive
391 Grand Ending アカネイアの人々6 Jake and Beck are alive
392 Grand Ending 異郷の人々1 Ymir and Athena are alive
393 Grand Ending 異郷の人々2 Frost, Dice and Maris are alive
394 Grand Ending オレルアンの人々 Wolf, Sedgar, Roshea and Vyland are alive
395 Grand Ending カダインの人々 Wendell, Ellerean, Merric and Etzel are alive
396 Grand Ending グラの人々 Sheema and Samson are alive
397 Grand Ending 竜族の人々 Tiki, Bantu, Xane and Nagi are alive
398 Grand Ending 光と影