Guide by: luigi bros
This guide serves as a way of showing who the best of each class is and who is the worst. Included in this guide is a list of character ratings, on a scale of 1-10. Units will also be rated against one another regardless of class in a separate rating system.
Rules: No abuse of any kind. This guide assumes that the player is playing the game somewhat efficiently. By this I mean that it’s alright to stick around and try to get a hidden treasure, or wait for reinforcements to appear. What is not allowed is arena abuse, which takes a massive amount of time, or allowing enemies to heal, only to weaken them again and start the process over again.
Orb Shards are not taken into account. With Shards any unit can reach a decent amount of growth in any area. This is the only fair way to judge characters.
Resistance is ignored since every character has a 3% resistance growth
A character’s class rating is proportionate to other characters of their class. A unit could be excellent, but if all other members of their class are even better, they will receive a poor rating.
Links | ||||||
Lords | Social Knights | Archers | Armour Knights | Sisters | Pegasus Knights | Hunters |
Mages | Thieves | Mercenaries | Dancers | Mamkutes | Commandos | – |
Ratings list
Class ratings | Overall ratings | |
Malliesia, Katua, Paola, Kashim, Linda, Marich, Julian, Oguma, Chiki | 10 | Sirius, Katua, Paola, Marich |
Navarre | 9.5 | Malliesia, Oguma, Feena |
Sirius, Kain | 9 | Linda, Navarre |
Cecil | 8.5 | Kashim, Julian |
Gordon | 8 | Kain |
Marth, Feena, Chainey | 7.5 | Marth, Cecil, Rody, Minerva |
Rody, George, Yumina | 7 | Sheeda, Luke, Chiki |
– | 6.5 | – |
Ryan | 6 | George, Yumina, Chainey |
– | 5.5 | – |
Alan, Minerva, Wendel | 5 | Alan, Wendel |
– | 4.5 | Warren, Yubello, Ricardo |
Luke, Yubello | 4 | Gordon |
Ricardo | 3.5 | – |
Machis, Abel, Doga, Ellerean, Astria | 3 | Ellerean, Ryan |
Rena/Ellis/Nina/Maria, Banutu | 2.5 | Rena/Ellis/Nina/Maria |
Sheema, Sheeda, Warren | 2 | Abel, Doga, Astria, Banutu |
– | 1.5 | – |
Roshe, Samto | 1 | Machis, Samto |
Est, Samson | .5 | Est |
Midia | 0 | Roshe, Midia, Sheema, Samson |
The best | The worst | |
Marth | Lord | Marth |
Sirius or Kain | Social Knight | Midia |
Gordon | Archer | Ryan |
Doga | Armour Knight | Sheema |
Malliesia | Sister | Yumina |
Katua and Paola | Pegasus Knight | Est |
Kashim | Hunter | Warren |
Linda and Marich | Mage | Ellerean |
Julian | Thief | Ricardo |
Oguma | Mercenary | Samson |
Feena | Dancer | Feena |
Chiki | Mamkute | Banutu |
Chainey | Commando | Chainey |
He’s pretty good at first. He can double enemies at the beginning of the game with a Steel Sword, which is a feat that only Alan can do, and you really shouldn’t give Alan too many kills. As the game goes on he’s still good.
His stat growth is by no means bad, it just isn’t spectacular. His growth rates are generally in the 40-50% range which is comparatively low compared to characters that may specialize in one area. He’s a jack of all trades master of none character. He has an excellent Luck growth, which isn’t as useful as a high Strength or Speed growth.
What really hurts him, however is that he can’t promote. Other characters have an extra 20 levels to level up after promoting which is something he lacks. His growths aren’t good enough to make up for this, so towards the end he’ll start to fall behind. His Rapier is also very helpful with its effective bonus against Social and Armour Knights.
Class rating: 7.5/10
Overall: 7.5/10
Best | Marth |
Worst | Marth |
Not really a contest…
Social Knights
Of the three starting Social Knights she is probably the middle one in terms of value. In the beginning there isn’t too much of a difference between their Strength, so what really matters is, whether they can double or not. Cecil has the best Speed and Skill growth, so she will offensively be the best for a while, since she gets two attacks more often.
However as time goes on, and Rody starts to gain Speed, she falls behind. Her Strength is as bad as Luke’s so she’ll never do too much damage. Her durability is also awful. She has the worst HP and Defense growth of the three so, she’ll never be able to take too many hits. She does have the highest Weapon Level growth, so she can use better weapons faster, but it’s better to be doing more damage with a Steel Sword, than less with a Silver Sword before anyone else.
Lady Sword access is nice, but since you only get one for a while, and Katua can use it, it’s not that redeeming. She can take Alan’s Silver Lance and use it from the start boosting her early game damage, but once other units’ Weapon Level gets high enough they will do comparable damage.
Class rating: 8.5/10
Overall: 7.5/10
The worst of the three starting Social Knights. Every last growth rate he has is inferior to Rody’s. The exception is his HP, which is only slightly better. He has better bases, but when it’s this early in the game, it’s growths that matter. At first he will be better than Rody, but it will be short lived. There’s really no reason to use him over Rody.
Class rating: 4/10
Overall: 6/10 (He’s not bad but he just isn’t great either)
The best of the starting Social Knights. Compared to Cecil he has higher HP, Strength, Luck, and Defense, but lower Skill, Speed, and Weapon Level growths. He can still double reliably since he gains Speed 50% of the time and, with superior Strength, he’ll deal more damage. He is also much more durable with more HP, and Defense. His Weapon Level growth is alright, which means that by the time he can use a Silver Sword, he will do sufficient damage with it.
Class rating: 7/10
Overall: 7/10
A classic Jeigan unit. He’s very helpful at first, which is valuable. In order to chase down the Thief with the Lady Sword, you need a strong high move unit. The options you have are Alan, Rody, Luke, Cecil, or Katua. Except for Alan, they all have little to no chance of making it back alive. He works well as a unit for weakening enemies. It is probably worthwhile to dismount him in the beginning because with his Silver Lance, he will kill, not weaken.
As the game goes on, and characters start to promote he will be pathetic. He has all 10s for growths except luck which is 0. If he takes too many kills in the beginning your army will be in danger because they will be underleveled. Use him sparingly at first, and drop him later.
Class rating: 5/10
Overall: 5/10 (No value once Sirius shows up)
A mix of Cecil/Rody/Luke. He has Cecil’s HP growth (the worst of the three), Rody’s Strength (the best), Luke’s Skill (the worst), Speed even worse than Luke’s, Luck that’s better than Luke’s but inferior to the others, Cecil’s Weapon Level (the best), and Rody and Luke’s Strength (the best). Not really worth it considering the other three are already leveled up a bit, and he has a mix of their weaknesses, and little of their strengths.
Class rating: 3/10
Overall: 1/10
He’s very valuable. He may start promoted, but unlike Alan, he grows. He starts off with good bases, and with level ups, he will be comparable to other promoted units. Of note, the highest Defense growth in the game is 30%, which few units have. Sirius is one of them, so he can effectively be used as a tank, while simultaneously dealing good damage. His growths are comparable to Rody’s; He has higher HP, Strength, and Defense, equal Skill, and lower Luck, Speed, and Weapon Level. Easily better than him given that he can tank, deal damage, and reliably double.
And due to the fact that promoted units don’t gain less EXP in this game, the only problem with him getting kills is that other units won’t level up. At least he will level up at the same rate, and put those to use, unlike Alan. He’s needed for the Final Chapter in order to recruit Nina, which makes killing Medeus a whole lot easier. Compared to other Paladins, he is probably the best to take to the Final Chapter just for Nina, and he definitely will not hold the team back if a superior unit could have been used.
Class rating: 9/10
Rating: 10/10
A great unit. Like Machis he is a mix of the starting Social Knights, just more of a representative of their strengths rather than their weaknesses. He has Luke’s HP growth (the best), Cecil and Luke’s Strength (the worst), Cecil’s Skill and Speed (the best), better Luck than all of them, Rody’s Weapon Level, and Luke and Rody’s Defense. Definitely better than them considering that he has high Speed and Luck, meaning he can dodge and double reliably, and he has better Defense that means that if he’s hit, it won’t hurt as much.
On top of that his HP growth is good, meaning he’s got great durability. The Strength is a shame, but like Cecil he can double more reliably than the others. In the end it may not be worth using him if you’ve already raised Rody, but if you insist on using only one Social Knight, and you don’t care when he joins definitely go with Kain. Compared to Sirius he’s got Speed, while Sirius has durability and power over him. It’s a matter of personal preference who to go with between the two, but once again, Sirius is needed for the Final Chapter, so it may be wise to go with him.
Class rating: 9/10
Overall: 8/10
Almost all of his growths are inferior to Kain’s. He joins as a prepromoted unit with decent bases, but by this point other units are going to be exceeding him. He isn’t exactly bad. Like Sirius, he has power over Kain, but without the durability factor. If you want a powerful Paladin, use Sirius, not Abel.
Class rating: 3/10
Overall: 2/10
Really not worth it. Lower growths than Abel, except for HP and Defense. Like Sirius, he has a Defense growth of 30%, so he can be used defensively, but with a base of 11, he’s not going to get used for that purpose till he levels up, which is a waste, since there are far better Social Knights.
Class rating: 1/10
Overall: 0/10
She’s weaker than Abel in some areas, and in the area’s she’s stronger, she’s inferior to Kain. In every area but Speed and Weapon Level she’s inferior to Roshe. At the time she joins, there’s one Chapter left where she won’t have to dismount. Not worth it, at all.
Class rating: 0/10
Overall: 0/10
Best | Kain or Sirius |
Worst | Midia |
Kain or Sirius depends on preference. Roshe isn’t far behind Midia, but his 30% Defense growth saves him somewhat.
I’m going to overlook the lack of enemy phase for archers. I’m comparing them to each other not to other classes.
He and Ryan are in a sense opposites. Ryan has all around low base stats, but high growths, while Gordon has higher bases, but lower growth (except for Weapon Level). One of Gordon’s advantages is his higher base Weapon Level, and growth meaning he can: a. use Silver Bows immediately, and b. can use the Partia much sooner. Between him and Ryan, it’s really personal choice if you want a unit that’s good fast, but may fade, or a unit that starts weak but ends strong.
Class rating: 8/10
Overall: 4/10 (Pointless when Hunters exist)
I’ve covered Ryan’s advantages over Gordon already. His Weapon Level growth isn’t bad, it will just take more time for him to reach a point where he can use stronger bows. The main point of Archers in this game is to take out Dracoknights and Flying Dragons, and given how effective damage is calculated, stronger bows are exponentially better, giving Gordon the advantage.
Class rating: 6/10
Overall: 3/10
He has all around bad growths with Weapon Level being the only good one (better than Ryan’s, yet worse than Gordon’s). Barring luck, he has decent base stats, and enough Weapon Level to immediately use any bow. Gordon will in time surpass him, so I will give Gordon a higher score, because he has enough time to reach that potential.
Class rating: 7/10
Overall: 6/10
Best | Gordon |
Worst | Ryan |
Ryan could be the best if built up, but it may take too long. He also takes too long to use good bows.
Armour Knights
I’m going to state outright that he is not great. Maps are bigger in this game, and Dragons ignore his Defense. He has a high base Defense, but he barely grows it. His other growths are decent, but it’s just not worth it considering his significant drawbacks. He does have some value as an early game tank, but once Sirius comes along, he’s useless.
Class rating: 3/10
Overall: 2/10
She comes much later than Doga, and is barely better. She has a significantly better chance of having high Defense, but by this point, Paladins are at an equal level, and they can actually move. There’s not much point in using her, because soon a lot of enemies will be Dragons, and her admittedly high Defense will be useless.
Class rating: 2/10
Overall: 0/10
The low ratings are because they aren’t even good at what they are meant to do: tank.
Best | Doga |
Worst | Sheema |
Both are useless, but Doga has some early value, while Sheema is useless as soon as she comes
She comes in Chapter 1, and can use the Hammerne staff. That alone is a big plus. She has a base of 1 Magic, which although low, she grows there faster than Yumina (her big competitor). She has a large Weapon Level growth which means she will be able to use the Again staff. Overall, she is great since she can repair weapons, heal, and can eventually use Again. After promoting she can fight, although not well, she can at least chip or defend herself. She has access to the Thief staff allowing her to open chests from anywhere on the map. This is of course very nice.
Class rating: 10/10
Overall: 9.5/10
(The rating is high because she is about as close to perfect as a healer is going to get in this game)
She is in many ways an opposite of Malliesia. She comes later, with a higher base Magic, but lower growth. She cannot use the Hammerne, but instead can use the Ohm staff. Not nearly as useful since it comes right at the end of the game, and can only be used once. She has lower speed, but higher luck than Malliesia, which evens out her avoid, but she has lower Attack Speed, so after promotion she cannot double as well. There’s not much need for two healers, so she is pretty much made obsolete by Malliesia.
She has access to Rescue which is a great bonus. However it is only of use a few times and given that she can use it at base, she can be fielded for that Chapter and then not in the next meaning she is still inferior to Malliesia.
Class rating: 7/10
Overall: 6/10 (There’s little she does that Malliesia can’t and what she can do doesn’t require training her, but a healer is still nice)
I’m grading them as one since they exist for one Chapter. They are only there for plotline reasons, and as far as gameplay, they can heal. There’s not much else they can do, but they are required to make beating Medius easier.
Class rating: 2.5/10
Overall: 2.5/10 (Hard to judge them given their limited uses, but they still have value in existing for the Chapter and do need to be recruited)
Best | Malliesia |
Worst | Yumina |
Technically the endgame Sisters are the worst, but Yumina is worse for a lot longer and takes up a spot that could be put to better use.
Pegasus Knights
She is without a doubt amongst the best characters in the game. She joins in Chapter 2 with amazing growths, and she can fly. She can take Alan’s Silver Lance and destroy enemies. When dismounted she has the Lady Sword, allowing her to fight well even on foot. With a high Weapon Level growth she will be able to use the Gradius and be even more powerful. The only conceivable thing holding her back is dismounting and bows, the latter of which can be fixed with the Iote Shield, which comes much earlier in this game.
Class rating: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
She is almost identical to Katua. She has lower growths, but higher bases, but she turns out amazing in any case. Her Speed growth is unusually low for a Pegasus Knight, but with a base of 16, that’s barely noticeable. She has a higher Strength growth than Katua, and the same Defense, but her luck is significantly less, reducing her ability to dodge, making Katua the more durable of the two. She is one Weapon Level away from the Gradius, but her growth isn’t amazing in that area, so it may take more time than Katua, although it’s really down to luck.
She can also be given the Iote Shield, which may be better for her than Katua since she is more likely to be hit.
Class rating: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
If she doesn’t max out Speed something is wrong. She has minimal Strength, but her Speed is high enough to somewhat compensate. She can almost always double, although she has little to show for by comparison to Katua and Paola. Her durability is also bad because of her low HP growth. If trained she can weaken enemies, but that’s about it. If you absolutely must have another Pegasus Knight, go with Minerva, not Sheeda.
Class rating: 2/10 (Completely useless by comparison)
Overall: 7/10 (She’s not bad at all but compared to Katua/Paola she is inferior)
You might as well use her since she’ll be needed to get Maria. She’s by no means bad, but isn’t excellent either. She doesn’t require a Dragon’s Whip which is good, so you might as well use her so she can pull her weight in the Final Chapter. She’s got bad HP with a growth worse than Sheeda so she might need to be protected. She can instantly use the Gradius, and her avoid isn’t bad, it just isn’t high. She’s pretty much average, but you have to use her.
Class rating: 5/10
Overall: 7.5/10
She’s absolutely pointless. By the point she shows up, Katua, Paola, and Minerva will completely outclass her. Technically after training she will be superior, but it’s just too much effort.
Class rating: .5/10
Overall: .5/10
Best | Katua and Paola |
Worst | Est |
Katua and Paola are both excellent and choosing the better one is pointless.
He’s not going anywhere. He has great HP, Strength, and Skill, but other than that he is useless. Without a Manual you can forget about giving him Partia. He’s two Weapon Level away from getting a Killer Bow, but with a low growth, it’s not happening soon. He’s never going to double consistently and is useless when compared to his competition. He is still better than an Archer because after promotion he gets a horse, but this isn’t about Archer vs. Hunter.
Class rating: 2/10 (He’s a powerful hitter, but not much more and he will quickly be outclassed)
Overall: 4.5/10 (He’s better than Gordon but isn’t spectacular)
Not much to be said about him. Every single one of his growths is either equal to or better than Warren. He’ll have some trouble getting to Partia, but it will never take more than one Manual, which honestly doesn’t have too many other uses. He can use Silver and Killer Bows at base which is a big plus. Once he promotes he will have excellent movement, and indoors he will just be a hunter again. He’s the best option for a bow user without a doubt and will not disappoint.
Class rating: 10/10 (He does his job, and he does it well)
Overall: 8.5/10
Best | Kashim |
Worst | Warren |
She has exclusive access to Aura and, until a Sister promotes, Resire. Aura is the most powerful spell (in terms of might) in the game, and Resire absorbs the enemy’s HP. That’s a very nice feature. Statistically she’s great. Her HP and Defense is bad, but her Luck is extremely high, as is her Speed. She’ll dodge often, but if she gets hit, it will hurt. Her Magic growth isn’t high, but it’ll do. After promoting she can heal, which just increases her value.
Class rating: 10/10 (She does what a Mage is meant to do, and she does it well)
Overall: 9/10
It’s sad really. Of all the Mages his Magic is by far the highest, but otherwise he’s inferior. His other stats overall are inferior to Linda and later Marich, and even further they have personal tomes. He can deal good damage, but there are two far superior choices that make him obsolete.
Class rating: 4/10 (I’ll be generous since he can hit hard, but he doesn’t have anything else going for him)
Overall: 4.5/10 (Chipping is nice)
Technically he could be a Sister, but since he’s male I’ll let it go. He’s like Alan. He’s good at first, since he can heal and deal damage, but later on is useless by comparison. He should be used as healer and if needed fight, but once Linda and Marich get going he’s not worth keeping around.
Class rating: 5/10 (Same as Alan)
Overall: 5/10
Think Yubello, subtract Magic add everything else and Excalibur, and you get Marich. He has uncharacteristically high HP and Defense for a Mage, and he has a personal tome effective against flying enemies. Including Flying Dragons! That makes him extremely valuable. He has a high Weapon Level stat, so he can use Starlight in combat against Garnef. Once he promotes he can heal (and he even gets his own sprite) making him even more useful. He’s needed in the Final Chapter to get Ellis anyways so there’s no reason to not use him.
Class rating: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Seeing his growths on top of Marich’s makes him look terrible. He has lower everything except HP, and has a 30% growth for Defense. He doesn’t have Excalibur, but he has Thoron at base. Marich is two Weapon Level growths away from using it, and with an 80% growth is going to get there fast. He’s significantly more durable, but Marich can do so much more. He doesn’t recruit anyone in the Final Chapter, so only use him if you need another Mage (If you use both Linda and Marich, and a healer, you need 3 Bishop Rings, so a fourth is not recommended).
Class rating: 3/10
Overall: 3/10
Best | Marich and Linda |
Worst | Ellerean |
Marich and Linda are both good for their own reasons, and trying to pick the better of the two is pointless. There’s no reason to use Ellerean, because unlike Yubello he doesn’t hit harder than the rest.
An odd case for a thief. You’d think he is weak in combat but he has the highest Strength growth in the game, excellent HP, a 30% Defense growth, and excellent Speed and Luck meaning great avoid. The only things holding him back from fighting is his somewhat low Weapon Level and inability to promote. He’s a good fighter at first but may lag behind at the end despite his high Strength. He can open doors as well. He’s needed in the Final Chapter to get Rena so you might as well train him.
Class rating: 10/10
Overall: 8.5/10
Almost every one of his stats is inferior to Julian’s. The only advantage he has over Julian is higher Speed, but with his lower Luck their avoid evens out. He doesn’t need to be brought to the Final Chapter, and one Thief is usually enough, so only use him in the rare case you need another Thief. He still has a high Strength growth but is beaten by others.
Class rating: 3.5/10 (He still works as a Thief but is inferior in every way to Julian)
Overall: 4.5/10 (Thief utility is Thief utility)
Best | Julian |
Worst | Ricardo |
A terrific unit. He has an 80% HP growth and a perfect 30% for Defense, meaning he is quite durable. His Luck growth isn’t great and neither is his Speed growth, but he has a 14 base Speed and gains 2 on promotion meaning he’ll never have lousy avoid or AS. He’s 3 Weapon Level from using any sword in the game and will quickly reach it meaning he can use the Master Sword or Miracle Sword as soon as it appears.
His Skill has the same statistics as his Speed meaning he can Critical Hit often further increasing his damage output. He has little in the way of ranged attacks since the Thunder Sword isn’t a great damage dealer, but he has excellent one range combat. For a foot unit his movement is high so he won’t be left behind either.
Class rating: 10/10
Overall: 9.5/10 (Lack of 2 range is the only thing holding him back from perfection)
He is outclassed by Oguma in almost every way imaginable. The only advantage he has over Oguma is a higher Speed growth, but Oguma’s Speed base is so much higher that it won’t even be noticed. His luck is quite low meaning his avoid will never be great. Coupled with low Defense he is not very durable. There are so many better options for a sword fighter, so using him isn’t a good idea.
Class rating: 1/10
Overall: 1/10 (There are worse units out there)
His growths are actually almost all better than Oguma. The only thing Oguma beats him at is Defense and Weapon Level. The Defense is somewhat noticeable, but Navarre has better avoid somewhat balancing things. As for Weapon Level, despite a low growth, he is one away from using any sword in the game, so it isn’t so bad. Sure by the time he shows up Oguma has been built, but he’s still a solid unit.
Class rating: 9.5
Overall: 9
I really have to question using him. His stats are not bad, but they are inferior to Oguma and Navarre’s and given how late into the game he appears his uses are limited. He can use the Master/Miracle Sword at base, but by this point Oguma and/or Navarre can as well. If you want a tertiary Hero, he is the best choice. He is better than Samto because he comes pre-built, can’t be messed up by bad growths and likely has better stats than him.
Class rating: 3/10 (Better than Samto at least)
Overall: 2/10
He’s about as good statistically speaking as Astria. His Skill growth is pitifully low especially for a Hero but the base is reasonably high. He’s not very durable, and comes at a point where training him is near impossible. Don’t use him.
Class rating: .5/10
Overall: 0/10
Best | Oguma |
Worst | Samson |
I’m going to give her a 7.5 because I think that’s fair considering that she is the only Dancer and that I gave the same rating to Marth. Now I will explain her overall score. She can fight, but that isn’t her purpose. She can let any unit move again, which is immensely helpful. Coupled with the Again staff the final battle could potentially be completed in one turn. As a fighter she starts out with 1 Strength meaning she’ll be barely damaging the enemy.
Her growths barring HP are great though. Her Strength growth in particular is second only to Julian meaning that she may be able to fight competently after some level ups. Her Defense and Avoid is weak starting out, but after some level ups her Defense will be decent and she’ll have great Avoid. Her Weapon Level growth is excellent meaning that at around level 15 she can use the Miracle/Master Sword, but there are many better uses.
She is also the only unit apart from Marth that can use the Rapier allowing her some good damage against Armours and Social Knights. Overall she can fight or dance, but dancing is the better option.
Class rating: 7.5/10
Overall: 9.5/10 (Her weak statistical start is the only negative she has)
Best | Feena |
Worst | Feena |
Not a contest
He is the only unit who I think using him is mostly detrimental. The only weapon he can use is a Fire Dragonstone, which can be put to much greater use by Chiki. Anyways his only stats with growths are HP and Luck both of which are 10%. His bases are pathetic but he gets nice transformation bonuses. His Attack Speed is a joke, as is his Avoid, but his Defense and HP is massively boosted by transforming. He can be used as a tank, but remember to conserve the Fire Dragonstone for Chiki. Of note is that as a Dragon his Defense is taken into account against other Dragons.
Class rating: 2.5/10
Overall: 2/10 (He can tank for a very, very brief amount of time)
A truly great unit if you spend money on her. She’s the only unit capable of using all Dragonstones allowing her to be used in a variety of situations. Her Fire Dragon form is a great tank, but what is truly amazing is her Divine Dragon form. It can fly without being vulnerable to Shaver or bows, and is effective against other Dragons while being quite a good tank as well.
The other Dragonstones are extremely expensive but all have their uses. The Ice Dragonstone is great for fighting Fire Dragons, the Demon Dragonstone is great for fighting Mages, and the Flying Dragonstone is great for mobility. However it is more than likely that the player can barely afford one of these so picking a priority is important. She’ll be a great asset in the Final Chapters with her Divine Dragon form allowing her to destroy enemy Dragons.
Class rating: 10/10 (As good as a Mamkute can get)
Overall: 7/10 (She’s great but expensive to get to that point)
Best | Chiki |
Worst | Banutu |
For the same reason as Marth and Feena he gets a 7.5. Overall he is a mixed bag. He can’t fight naturally but can mimic any other unit. This means that you could have two of your best units. Unfortunately he does not copy HP and his HP never reaches great levels. Even more so is that he may revert in an extremely inopportune time leaving him vulnerable. In order to fully maximize his potential he must be given a variety of weapons and a few Angelic Robes. He has his uses but in reality using another strong unit may be the better choice.
Class rating: 7.5
Overall: 6/10 (Like Chiki he can become good, although not to the extent she is)
Best | Chainy |
Worst | Chainy |
No contest