Credits: Pegasus Knight
Notes: Any fractions are omitted, unless stated.
Attack Speed
Property | Calculations |
Attack Speed | = Speed – weapon Weight |
Double attack if: (Attack Speed – enemy’s Attack Speed) >= 3
Property | Calculations |
Physical/Magical damage | = Strength + (weapon Might x Effective coefficient) |
Physical defence | = Defence |
Magical defence | = Magic Defence |
Damage | = [(Physical damage – enemy’s Physical defence) x Critical coefficient] or [(Magical damage – enemy’s Magical defence) x Critical coefficient] |
Effective coefficient: 3 if weapon is effective against the enemy, 1 if not
Critical coefficient: 3 if critical is successful, 1 if not
Note: A human unit’s physical defence is reduced to 0 when facing an enemy Dragon that has a Breath attack
Property | Calculations |
Accuracy | = (Skill x 2) + weapon Accuracy + Support bonus |
Avoid | = Speed + Luck + Support bonus + Terrain bonus |
Battle accuracy | = Accuracy – enemy’s Avoid [%] |
Support bonus: 0 to 20, depending on type and number ofsupporting characters within 3 tiles radius
Terrain bonus: 0 to 30, depending on type of terrain character is standing on
Property | Calculations |
Critical rate | = weapon Critical + Skill + Support bonus |
Critical evade | = Luck + Support bonus |
Battle critical rate | = Critical rate – enemy Critical evade [%] |
Support bonus: 0 to 20, depending on type and number of supporting characters within 3 tiles radius
Property | Calculations |
Self-damage rate | = 21 – (Luck) [%] [applies for Devil Sword or Devil Axe] |
Note 1: When affected by Curse, the user takes the damage instead
Note 2: Self-damage rate is 0% for enemies
Turns before transformation ends
Property | Calculations |
For Mamkute | = 5 + Random number(0~1) x (Luck / 2) |
For Commando | = 7 + Random number(0~3) |
Note: Enemy Mamkutes stay transformed forever