Map opening
One year has passed since the War of Darkness ended.
Thanks to the efforts of Prince Marth, the Kingdom of Aritia, devastated by war, finally begins to stabilise.
The knight Jeigan, who succeeded the ill Morodof, became the prince’s tactician and helped him rule the country, by his side.
Afterwards, Princess Sheeda was welcomed to Aritia, and her marriage with Prince Marth was announced.
The citizens of Aritia were happy for the pair’s fortune and Sheeda was passionately welcomed to the country.
Nearing the day of the wedding, a letter suddenly comes from the imperial palace of Pales, containing an imperial order.
“Dear Prince Marth of Aritia,
At the Kingdom of Grunia, occupied by Akaneia, a huge rebellion has broken out.
I request for your country to subdue Grunia.
Your highness, please send Aritia’s full army immediately, to quell Grunia’s rebellion.”
Emperor Hardin
The Kingdom of Akaneia is the suzerain state to Aritia, and its orders must be followed.
The helpless Marth orders the knight Kain to protect his kingdom.
And he leaves, along with Jeigan and the others, to an expedition to Grunia.
Jeigan, we’ve finally arrived.
Is that the rebels’ fortress?
I just saw the occupation army’s commander, General Lang.
You should ask him directly.
So you are Lord Marth.
Currently the situation is relaxed.
We have already subdued most of the rebels.
All that remains is this fortress.
Since you are here, I will leave the job of defeating the rebels’ leader, General Lawrence, to you.
The leader of the rebels is General Lawrence!?
Why would he rebel…?
I don’t know why.
But it is a fact that he is hiding Grunia’s prince.
He’s probably dreaming of restoring the Kingdom of Grunia.
What a fool.
He really thought his rebellion would be victorious?
Lord Marth, you will kill Lawrence and bring back the hidden Grunian royal children.
We will leave this place to you, and pursue the escaping rebels.
We must show those Grunian fools the consequences of opposing us.
General Lang…
What are you planning to do!?
If you want to know, I am going to slaughter the families of the rebels.
Then we will burn down any villages that harboured the rebels.
That will stop them from contemplating rebellion again.
I can almost see the tears on the faces of those fools.
How can you be so cruel…
Th-there’s nothing wrong!
You’d best follow my orders and not think about things too much.
Or do you, also, intend to rebel against Akaneia!?
What! Of course not…
Then you’d better listen to my orders!!
Lord Marth, don’t think too highly of yourself.
In my eyes you are just the prince of a weak country.
With its power, Akaneia can destroy your country at any time.
Don’t forget about this!
…Jeigan, what’s going on?
Why has Hardin handed over this country to such a man…?
General Lang was once a noble of Akaneia.
However, in the previous war, he supported the Durhua Empire.
I heard that he stole from other people, to add to his own wealth.
I fear he has continued his ways at Grunia, and caused suffering to its people.
So General Lawrence’s rebellion is completely understandable.
How can you say things so casually?
If we don’t inform Hardin of the truth, more innocent people will be killed.
Your highness, I understand your feelings.
However, Lawrence’s rebellion is a fact.
First, we must see how we can help him.
Basically we should listen to what the citizens have to say, so we can affirm what has happened to this country.
Then your highness can talk to General Lawrence personally.
But the rebels don’t know that we’re from Aritia.
Can we reach the fortress safely?
Don’t worry.
Most of the rebels have already fled.
All that remains is Lawrence, and the children in the fortress.
Blocking our path are only bandits, who have taken advantage of the confusion to raid villages.
They are no problem for us.
You can order Alan to defeat them in one blow if you want.
However, your highness, we have some fresh recruits in our army that could use some fighting experience.
To them, bandits are relatively strong foes.
So be careful not to push them too much.
If possible, I would have liked to fight as well, but my body is not what it used to be.
I will stay by your highness’s side, as your tactician.
Well, your highness, we should go!
After the previous war ended, Princess Nina handed over this country to General Lawrence, and allowed him to freely rule.
However, after Hardin became Emperor, he removed General Lawrence’s power and sent Lang’s army here.
Lang stole everything from us.
Not just money, but also food, clothes and even our loved ones were…
If only General Camus was still here. Then we wouldn’t need to fear Lang.
The deceased King Grunia had two children:
Princess Yumina and Prince Yubello, twins of 13 to 14 years of age.
The King was scared of Garnef, so he sent the two to Khadein.
I heard they were held as hostages and locked inside a dark room.
When they were finally rescued by Wendel, they were on the brink of death.
The bishop immediately took them to a monastery in Khadein to care for them.
General Lawrence recovered the children from Wendel, hoping to raise them at Grunia.
When the Emperor found out, he ordered him to hand over the children.
The general hid the children away because he feared they would be killed.
Following that, he lost his power and then Commander Lang came.
In order to find the children, Lang performed many atrocities.
Eventually we rebelled because we could no longer stand him.
But, everything’s over.
The people of this country will all be killed by Lang!
I heard General Lawrence resided at Talis island in his youth.
At that time, Talis was not unified, and there were conflicts between the island tribes.
The general helped a youthful chief to unite the island.
From that day on, the general and the chief, now the current King Talis, have always been in contact.
I only saw a glance of him, but that paladin, Alan, didn’t look too good.
In any case, if he continues fighting it will be difficult for others to improve…
This country no longer has any young girls.
The imperial soldiers took them all away.
Especially beautiful girls, who were all taken by General Lang.
What kind of world has this become?
Recruiting Malliesia
Old woman:
Oh… Please spare this girl.
She is just 10 years old.
She hasn’t even finished her training as a sister.
Don’t worry, old lady.
We’re not going to take this child.
Old woman
Aren’t you a soldier of the Empire?
No… You’ve got the wrong idea.
We haven’t come here to fight.
If you require anything, please ask.
We have some food, please take it if you want.
Please, take me with you…
You’re REALLY only 10 years old?
Actually I have already become of age…
But, my grandmother lied for me so the soldiers wouldn’t take me away.
Well, I know if I stay here I will eventually be discovered and captured by the imperial soldiers.
Lang’s soldiers are like beasts.
But, you’re different.
You have very kind eyes.
Please, take me out of this country and to your own country.
Is that alright, grandmother?
Old woman:
Ah, of course.
You will be much safer compared to here.
Young lad, I beg of you. Please protect this girl.
If you want, it would be no problem for her to become your bride.
This child, like me in the past, is a beautiful girl.
She will definitely make a fine wife.
Malliesia, if this youth was to be your husband, you would be happy, right?
Honestly, grandmother.
It’s far too early.
Malliesia doesn’t know what to do.
Player unit nears the castle
It seems the Empire’s reinforcements have come.
It’s already reached this stage…
Lord Oguma, I am deeply sorry for getting you involved in all of this.
But, could you listen to one last request of mine?
I was sent here by King Talis to help you.
If there is anything I can do for you, please ask.
Is that so…? Then, I ask of you…
Please send these children to Macedonia.
These children…
Prince Yubello and Princess Yumina are the children of the late King Grunia.
I have always been protecting them in secret, but that is no longer possible.
If they fell into General Lang’s hands, I bet he would execute them without question.
Please, take these children to Wendel at Macedonia.
I understand…
I will protect these two with my life.
Truly? Thank you…
Well, Prince Yubello, Princess Yumina, you will escape with Lord Oguma.
No! I won’t go.
If we must escape, Lawrence must come with us too.
Princess Yumina…
I am afraid I cannot leave.
My body is in such agony that even walking pains me.
So, please don’t worry about me.
You two must flee.
Why must you say that…?
Lawrence, you fought to protect us.
That’s why you suffered such a heavy wound.
How can you tell us to leave you!?
I will not go.
I will not leave your side!!
What should we do, General?
Hmm… This is troublesome.
Yumina will undoubtedly stick to her word…
I apologise, Lord Oguma. You may leave.
I understand…
Then, I will find another way to help you.
I will find Lang and kill him…
I will use my blade to send him to his grave.
If I succeed, perhaps the nearby enemies will retreat.
General Lawrence, you must live to see that day.
…Don’t get yourself killed!!
Versus Lawrence
What!? You are… from the Aritian army?
So even Aritia want to cause suffering to my people?
Lawrence falls
Please permit, citizens of Grunia…
Marth talks to Lawrence
Lord Marth!
It’s you…
Although I knew the enemy’s reinforcements had come, but I didn’t expect it was you…
It is a shame, that we must fight Aritia…
And fight against your highness…
Please wait.
I don’t intend to fight with you.
From the citizens I have discovered disturbing facts about the atrocities performed by the occupation army.
I will inform Emperor Hardin about these facts.
If I meet him, I will definitely be able to rescue Grunia.
So, please, put away your weapon.
Your highness…
I appreciate your favour.
But that is impossible.
Your highness, you don’t know a thing.
You think that somebody like Hardin would send a heartless man like Lang here for no reason?
He wanted to provoke us into rebelling, so that the Kingdom of Grunia would be completely destroyed and become ruled by the Empire.
That is the reason why he sent such a cold-blooded man here.
What? Why would he!?
I cannot possibly believe that Hardin would do such a thing.
I didn’t expect you to accept the truth so quickly.
However, since he became Emperor he has completely changed.
He is no longer the Hardin that your highness once knew.
Anyway, I believe we’re finished here…
However, your highness, I have just one last request.
In this fortress, Grunia’s royal princess and prince are hiding.
Please save those children.
If you can promise me that, I will have no regrets.
Lord Marth…
Let’s just say that in exchange for my life, these children…
I will hand them in your care…
General Lawrence!!
How could you…
Chapter end
You two are Grunia’s…
Prince Yubello and Princess Yumina!?
He’s dead.
What should we do?
You fiends!!
Don’t come near us!
Otherwise, we’ll kill ourselves!!
You’ve got it wrong…
Ah… Lord Marth.
You finally caught the rebels?
General Lang! Wait!
Those children are innocent.
Can you hand them to us?
That isn’t possible.
Prisoners of war must be taken to my castle.
I must also execute them as soon as possible, so that other people dare not defy us.
Ah, your highness.
You must head immediately to Macedonia.
The Macedonian army has rebelled, and its princess appears to have been captured by them.
Emperor Hardin has ordered that you go and rescue Princess Minerva.
What? Macedonia?
I understand, General.
If it’s to rescue Princess Minerva, I will gladly go.
But, please hand those children to me.
I beg of you, General Lang!
Don’t be stubborn, your highness!
When I said no, I meant it.
Well, you two, come over here!
No, let go of me!
Yubello, help me!
Yumina… Yumina…
Wait, wait!!
Lang! Release those children!
Your highness, please calm down!
If we fight with Lang now, we will become traitors.
On top of that, we currently don’t have the strength to oppose Lang’s army.
But, Jeigan, can we really give those children to Lang?
That I…
Right now…
No matter what, we must stay calm!
If we go to Macedonia…
And successfully rescue Princess Minerva,
Macedonia may be able to help us.
Your highness, please stay calm for now.
We must first go to Macedonia!