I’m glad we’ve got so many people who care for the site. I did my part for the cause, but sadly I’m kind of poor right now so it’s not a remarkable amount.
Also, I need to figure out how to make you a mod on the disqus comments. Once I finish fixing the server issues, I’ll give you your admin account for the site on here as well.
Ya’ll beat me to my bank. Support for our family is strong! I’m proud of you all, my children; thank you for supporting Jyoshua, and for supporting SF.
Your source link isn’t displaying for me, FB “The page you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be
temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired, or
you may not have permission to view this page.”
Wow you guys have disqus here??? I qm a huge FE fan and come here a lot XD I am jealous that japan and Europe got rekka no ken. I love this game I maybe beat it five times and would love to play it on my 3ds
Sadly it probably won’t be released on 3DS, as Nintendo doesn’t have a GBA Virtual Console on the 3DS (ignoring the Ambassador’s Program from a few years ago). But I’m guessing it’ll eventually be on the Wii U VC in other countries.
1:Cool, thought it was a big coincidence. I mean, for someone to be both a competitive fighting game tourney pro and the bearer of the mantle of FESS is almost too unbelievable to be true.
2: You don’t know me? Integ and Nightmare know me plenty.
Well, I can’t consider myself a pro unless I actually win a tournament. At this point, I definitely have not.
As far as the ban, sorry man. After checking into it, it sounds like you’ve been ban dodging and were even problematic during that time. Normally ban dodging substantially hurts someone’s case to allow them back onto the forums, but if they were also problematic during the time before we discovered the dodge, that only serves to reinforce the ban.
If I were you, I’d just step away from the place for a while. Go hang out on another community in the meantime. If you have good behavior there for a very long period of time, then that might support justification for a second (technically third) chance.
Pretty jealous of Europe right now! I’d totally buy FE7 on VC and play it over and over again like when it first came out on GBA. Forever my favorite FE, probably~
Also, the site update’s looking really nice! Jyosua did good work!
Why, Nintendo? Why would you put FE7 on the Wii U and not on the 3DS where it makes sense- and where I can get it? I don’t own a Wii U… That being said, my cartridge and my old GBA SP still work, so it’s not like I can’t play anymore. If any of the GBA FEs come to 3DS VC though, you can bet your bottom dollar I will be getting them a second time (first time legally in case of FE6)
Is it known whether they’ve used the EU version or US version? I’d be pretty miffed if we got cheated out of the extended epilogue again…
Sry for posting about it here, but I can’t seem to post on the forum for some reason. On the Maximum Stats page of Awakening when looking at the classes for Laurent (MirielxRicken) Dark Mage and Sorcerer are not options, when in the game they actually are options. So, just something I’ve noticed. And again sry for not posting in the right place.
[…] In which case, if you’re interested to know what’s hidden inside the game, but haven’t been following the developments or just want a refresher, then please point your browser to this wonderful page! […]
I was thinking maybe Tellius for the lower left (maybe it looks somewhat different because map-makers weren’t working with satellite and aerial photography so there may be some inconsistencies… or it’s just x-thousand years later like Ylisse/Archanea)…
Maybe a map of Ike’s journey? Like he traveled the entire continent before settling in the lower right… I dunno.
Looks like Elibe to me. There are slight differences in the areas that would be Etruria and Ilia but the general shape is similar. It is worth mentioning that where Bern would be there is a name that looks to be 4 letters and is likely Bern. Many of the mountains are in similar places though they appear to be spaced out more.
[…] Tomorrow (4th December), Blazing Sword will finally be released on the Wii U Virtual Console in North America and Canada, after it was released in other territories, including Europe and Japan back in August. […]
[…] A guy on Serenes forest did a analysis, of it, seems to work until GameXplain puts their video up whenever. January Nintendo Direct Analysis – Serenes Forest […]
[…] in the Japanese version of the Direct, Iwata revealed that a new version of the Fire Emblem: Trading Card Game will be releasing in Summer alongside Fire Emblem […]
I’m squealing with joy inside!! (FIRE EMBLEM’S SAVED!!! Send out good thoughts that it’ll be localized, people… Or I could just use this as an excuse to finally learn Japanese already…)
[…] with most new announcements, details are scarce at the moment, although from the available footage, the graphics and gameplay are very similar to the previous entry, Fire Emblem: Awakening. This […]
[…] is currently speculation, but it’s possible Kamui could be the Avatar character of this game, based on the current evidence. Bearing in mind in the first footage of Awakening, we […]
[…] are very similar to the previous entry, Fire Emblem: Awakening. This apparently includes the Dual System (Dual Strikes etc.) introduced in that […]
Ah! Someone needs to put this on the internet somehow. For posterity, of course! We have a duty to those that follow us, after all.
I ought–I mean, they ought be able to experience the orgasmic orchestration. It must be immortalized upon the YouTubes, or a torrent site in a lossless format, or something!
[…] is the first day of Comiket Special 6 in Japan and, as reported earlier, event-goers will be able to visit a Fire Emblem booth selling a range of 25th Anniversary […]
[…] cutscenes, we finally see some slices of gameplay. Most notably, enemies can now make use of the Dual system apparently, as a two on two battle can be […]
There is no indication that it will be on-disc DLC, nor that each game won’t be a complete experience on its own. It seems to be more along the lines of the Zelda Oracle games, but with a more convenient means of getting the other version.
While the retail version does seem similar to the LoZ Oracle games, I was referring to the digital version, which was stated to “only be one version, unlike the packaged game. Once you reach a certain point, you must decide whether to side with Hoshido or Nohr. After making this choice, the other campaign will be permanently locked (until you buy it as DLC).”
Whoops, tried to delete that post after I read the whole thing. Sorry, totally derped on that one XD. I don’t know why they’re doing that digitally when they could’ve done the same version shenanigans, but I’m guessing it’s because it’s functionally no different and may somehow be more convenient. Though having to download an extra-large file could be a pain for some.
So about as much content as Awakening? Disregarding DLC, Awakening had a decent amount of main game content and side stuff. Not quite as much as I would’ve liked from an FE game, but it was still a good amount.
So it’s not too bad of a price. Hopefully we get the bundled version, too. I don’t want to have to switch carts in order to experience the entire story.
If it’s only 41 chapters, that actually just about matches Radiant Dawn’s content. With Awakening though, a massive chunk of that is side story content. All of Radiant Dawn’s content is main story. I want another FE with as much story content as RD.
This is some speculation on my part but I suspect that the Nohr path might resemble what you’re expecting while the Hoshidan path is more like the awakening route.
“the site emphasises that each of the two versions (Hoshido and Nohr) contains a similar amount of content as the previous game, Awakening. So you won’t be paying for half a game at all, if you buy just one of the versions”
Yeah right, IF they cut the world exploration on Nohr’s route (game) doesn’t that just make the game “shorter”. You can’t do anything else other than playing the main story. So that means if you bought the physical version of FE Nohr, you ARE missing some content when you compare it with Hoshido version. If that the case Nohr’s game SHOULD cost less than Hoshido because some content was CUT from the game.
At first I thought I’m going to choose Nohr, but if that means I’m getting a game that have less content, NO THANK YOU NINTENDO
I hope the NA will combine both version, I don’t mind if the price is a little bit higher because it’s better than buying a version of one of the game that have less content with the other. They can make the game harder in many ways, cutting content just to make it seems harder is BS
You seem to assume that because something isn’t featured, it means it was gonna be and was “cut.” Not every Fire Emblem game has a map and world exploration. And it’s quite possible that in place of the map, there will be other content.
Also, just because there’s no map does not mean there are no side stories. There are other ways to integrate them into the game.
Correct that Hoshido probably have more content but if you wanted to play Nohr side it would cost around 20$ and vice versa for Hoshido. The whole game would be around 60$ with both sides. I mean who would only buy one side of Fire Emblem am I right?
To be fair, assuming that they hold true to their words, that’s a little under 80 chapters of gameplay not including free DLC and I spent well over 200 hours with Awakening’s 73 chapters including DLC which totaled in value to $85.50 for everything. Actually now that I think about it, getting everything in IF costs LESS than getting everything in Awakening. What the hell Nintendo?
What exactly would they be cutting? If you mean paralogues, they’ve traditionally been linearly inserted into the story if you meet the conditions at the time. If you mean whatever the Risen fight equivalents would be, frankly, that’s a poor caliber of content.
If NA choose to follow Japan’s path, it’s more cost efficient buying Hoshido and then buy the DLC version of Nohr. Man, my mood just went from excitment to confusion to agitation in just a couple hours. Thanks a lot Nintendo.
So for choosing those that raised me I’m rewarded with choke-point battles and possibly less to see and do? Pretty obvious who Nintendo wants me to side with. Yeah, no, Nintendo I’m choosing loyalty.
…Hopefully NA just skips that mess and goes right to the special edition.
It just seems that they are being biased with the Hoshido faction.
Not to mention “Peaceful Hoshido” and “Glory seeking Noir” when Japan has always been glory seeking and stuck in civil wars for most (if not, entire) history until about 100 years ago.
Either way, I’m going to have fun with the Noire faction as it seems for the veterans of the series.
Honestly though, if I don’t get the special edition (or at least, both), I’ll just stick with one side of the game as Noir.
I’m probably just going to buy both of them even if we don’t get the special edition. Maybe we’ll also get some of those trading cards, am I right?
And I’m sort of hoping if they do the DLC characters thing like they did in Awakening, it’s a little more fleshed out and not just modeled Avatars made to somewhat resemble old characters that are in normal classes.
Japan was in a civil war, however this game is not the same as the real world, they are inspired by the Japanese culture, but i don’t think they really mean that they are. Japan also have been unified by Oda, which was prosperous then.
U.S will release both game separate, they wont bother to merge it, however the special package will release on the following day’s of Fire emblem IF 2 version (JP only). U.S will take some time to convert the third package, and will vary if they will include those mischievous items. Game might release on April 2016 for U.S, 11 month after the release of JP version.
I want to be excited for this game but making two versions with an expensive DLC add-on just reeks of a money grabbing ploy and less content for your money. You don’t just develop 2 games worth of content and release them at the same time.
I don’t have any friends, that I still routinely communicate with, that love Fire Emblem. But this information makes me incredibly excited. I appreciate the work you guys do.
To the left of the weapon names is what appears to be an HP bar for the weapons. Dragonstones, at least the one shown, seem to have infinite uses however.
The stat distribution seems to have been nerfed to normal levels, thankfully.
Also, why do people keep saying that the version with the world map is the traditional one? There’s nothing traditional about the world map and annoying infinite grinding.
I really hope you’re right about the HP bar thing, because infinite weapon use would disappoint me quite a bit.
But, I don’t see how this would be an improvement. It’s much harder to read compared to plain numbers, if it is what you said it might be.
It is true, it shows the weapon type in a box that in some images is filled green and others the green is almost run out. As mentioned it is much harder to read compared to plain numbers, hopefully that will get changed
I dunno if it’s been mentioned, but at the part where it mentions the digital version, there is a little typo. “Upon reaching Chapter 6–the point at which you must choose sides–after making your choice, the other campaign will be permanently unlocked ” It should say “locked” rather than unlocked?
If CERO is anything like the ESRB, it’s a small group of people, and a few staff changes spells different rating methods. It may be due to being required to kill off the other family that you don’t pick, as other people are saying. Not sure why anybody wouldn’t feel a tad put off by that.
More like Hype? This Marketing Scheme is so freaking convoluted and Stupid, they should’ve just released the two games in a pack for the 6550 yen, instead of this weird two versions shite. I’m still gonna get the whole thing because its actually cheaper than Awakening’s total cost and appears to be a better designed game, but I’d rather they just went the simple route and be upfront about the cost of the game for the sake of the consumer.
Nah, straight hype. I’ve already used apparently-not-so-common-but-should-be-common sense to reason out why they’re doing what they are. If they were “up front” about the cost people would be spewing bullshit about how a single 3DS game is $59.99 or $79.99. Most people would NOT pay that much for one handheld game, so people would be bitching about something else/accusing Nintendo of milking us through inflated prices even when the pricing is actually pretty damn fair given how much content there is. The “passionate” fans are generally just never happy and are kind of the worst fans because of that (they spend more time complaining and whining about everything as opposed to the people who just sit back and enjoy the game).
[…] a release window in 2016. The new Fire emblem has been code named Fire Emblem if by the community https://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-if/, and news on Shin Megami Tensai X Fire Emblem has been awaited since it was first mentioned back in […]
I really hate what they’ve chosen to do with this game. As far as I’m concerned, the special edition version is the only that should even exist period. I don’t take kindly to the idea of FE: Pokemon Edition, in which I will be squeezed and prodded for extra cash just to be able to enjoy the complete experience.
And I really hate that the Nohr campaign has no overworld. A massive amount of Awakening’s appeal is the ability to do whatever the fuck you want, instead of basically playing stages, hitting the credits, and *poof*. Roll credits. That leaves a bad taste in my mouth when games do that; it removes replay value along with fun. I thought *Choice* was supposed to be the central theme of If, but now if I want Nohr, I’m basically robbed of choice?
Say whatever you want about how grinding made Awakening too easy. But no matter how you feel about it, the fact still stands that nothing forced you to do so if you didn’t want to (Lunatic (+) doesn’t count). So if you didn’t want to grind, you didn’t have to, in which case you would still be getting your core FE experience. But it was the freedom and added content of that option to grind or do side stuff or shop or whatever that made Awakening last hundreds of hours for me.
But nope. If I want to have fun, I have no choice to side with Hoshido every single time. Call me a scrub and a newbie and an Awakening fag if you want, but I stand by that opinion. I’ll probably buy it anyways, but only if I can get the special edition.
It’s like the difference between driving a car when you’re in Driver’s Ed. (Nohr) and when you have your own (Hoshido).
In one case, sure, you’re behind the wheel, but you pretty much can only go where the instructor tells you to. In the other, you have complete and total freedom to go where you want, when you want with only traffic laws and your gas tank to guide you.
I greatly prefer the idea of a world map where I can say “well, I’ve done 5 story chapters, but that Paralogue over there looks interesting. I’m gonna do that instead“. Or “hey, I’m playing Lunatic+ and could use a little training; I’m gonna go grind in the DLC for a bit”. Yeah, it may admittedly not be the most incredibly amazing piece of side content ever, but at least you can tackle it on your terms.
To me, repeatedly emphasizing how FE:If is all about choice, but then removing a lot of that choice from me because I *chose* a different version is ridiculous and self-defeating, nevermind the bullshit of splitting the games in two to sucker me out of more money instead of just giving me the full experience in one.
To a certain extent I agree with you, I believe that there should’ve been one version of the game+ the DLC. I didn’t care for the world map at all in Awakening, others said it actually hurt the game’s design. But from an actual value proposition perspective as most people have as “problem” with this game, I actually don’t have that complaint as I have demonstrated in the other comments. I just hate this from a marketing standpoint and I hope the NA version is different. Otherwise, I’m actually quite happy that there’s some satiation of rabid fans who prefer the (generally harder) linear FE games vs the world Map FE’s.
The open world map design greatly hurt Awakening’s design, as it also screwed over Sacred Stones. It disallows maps from having too many gimmicks. Awakening barely has any treasure, lacks different objectives, has plenty of “square” and lineal maps, lacks fog of war and Arenas/Stores.
It also opens the game up for incredibly lazy design like Awkaening’s Lunatic and Lunatic +. You either have to cheese the game with Avatar/Chrom/Frederick or grind (with the DLC of course unless you want to be extremely patient and cheese the game) until your units are. In older games Hard Mode had to be actually balanced. Older games also had ranking systems to encourage value and FE7 had alternate maps and characters.
Awakening’s good but it shouldn’t be the game the design revolves around.
Awakening barely has any treasure, lacks different objectives, has plenty of “square” and lineal maps, lacks fog of war and Arenas/Stores.
I don’t think any of those are things that couldn’t be fixed while still retaining the open map. Different objectives, for example, is literally as simple as providing a greater objective variety within the maps themselves? I mean, Awakening didn’t *need* to have “route the enemy” as the objective for 95% of its maps, nor did they need to be so simplistic in layout. The world map’s existence had nothing to do with the decision to do so.
I think Nohr’s heightened difficulty could be accomplished so much better if its maps featured more challenging layouts with more difficult enemy placement (i.e., don’the put all the Wyvern Riders into one group gaggle where a mage with a single wind tome can easily kill them all without threat of, say, Sorceror retaliation) ,and more difficult map objectives compared to the Hoshino campaign. Limited access to experience and money, to the point where it’s practically like being feed through a stomach tube, is artificial difficulty to me. There’s no need for Nohr’s difficulty to come from such methods, when more creative means would do the job infinitely better.
The same thing would also offer a way to balance higher difficulties. “Harder” should mean “more difficult”, not “now with 50% more bullshit per tile”. The existence of a world map has nothing to do with how well designed the missions it contains are designed; a better design will solve virtually all of Awakening’s problems, save for the grinding DLC, which I think should be maintained for those that want it. Properly designed difficulty won’t be as easily broken by gridning: after all, grinding can’t make smarter AI less smart, for example. If the enemy is difficult by nature (not just because it’s the Prologue and they’re using Steel weapons and have 5x your stats).
Bottom line: I want If to improve on Awakening, but at the same keep its freedoms. That’s why I’m upset about Nohr’s handling.
That’s the point, part of the difficulty of Fire Emblem is resource management, both equipment and monetary. The reason the map design is so flat in Awakening is so you can’t get into an unwinnable situation. Plus there was stupid RNG shit like the Barracks and tiles. Maps also have to be flat to allow them to be replayable. Critical Treasure are a non-factor in awakening.
The open world is what allowed the x5 your stats BS. A more lineal experience forces IS to not be lazy with their design. It’s like a Free to Play game, it inherently makes the devs lazier, and makes them not consider everything correctly. The biggest evidence is the unwinnable chapter 1 in Awakening plus all the random elements that game introduced.
I don’t see how an open world map should have any bearing on the design of chapter maps. If the game is designed without the DLC’s existence having any factor, then you can still design a competent map whilest still allowing for outside freedom.
I want to keep the freedom of Awakening, but make the maps themselves more challenging. As far as I care, chapter maps and the world map should two completely different aspects of the overall game; once you begin a chapter, you have walked into the lion’s den. It should challenge you, and providing a challenge should have nothing to do with also having an explorable world with side content.
The way you design a difficult map is by having a difficult game, but doing so fairly. I dislike the idea of flat limits on experience and funds because the completionist in me hates the idea that I can’t cap my army out. I also hate it because it feels like difficulty created by neglect. Difficulty should be entirely based on your skill as a player; you should have all the tools to win available to you, but actually winning should still be up to your skill. In other words, smarter AI that responds to your moves more like an opponent and less like an algorithm. I want to punished for my mistakes, not because I’m just not allowed to have enough experience to go around, meaning that the majority of my army is reduced to nothing but bench-warmers (I like unit variety, especially being able to bring different units for different situations). I want interesting map design that’s doesn’t just look like a random section of a math graph. If I do something stupid and get people killed, backing myself into an unwinnable corner, that’s my fault because I made it unwinnable; that’s not unwinnable by design.
I see absolutely no reason why If can’t fix the problems of Awakening while still retaining what it did well.
OK, sure Intelligent systems could make separate maps for story chapters and stupid grinding easy baby mode. Still the problem is that the world map in Awakening and Sacred Stones ended up affecting the overall design of the game. It takes time, resources and makes the devs less likely to balance the game correctly. This is why Awakening has a bullshit Lunatic mode and why some Sacred Stones missions spike the difficulty way too much.
The existence of grind-able maps makes the game pretty hard for having diverse maps or creating much unique situations. No doors or many chokepoints, because the enemy army has to throw itself at you like pikmins. No need for long winding maps or maps with various routes because that increases the time you need to reach the enemy so they can go kill themselves. Defend maps also have to go because again the properly designed ones make your units fight in a small face filled with chokepoints.
No climbable terrain, no traps. It’s not a coincidence Awakening and Sacred Stones had less gimmicks overall. Sacred Stones does have more varied elements than awakening, but it lacks them compared to its two GBA predecessors.
As I also mentioned, Resource management has always been an important part of the FE Experience and Awakening reduces it. No need to have iron weapons late in the game. Just deck out everyone in silver/brave forged weapon that never go away with Armsthrift. No real thoughtful choices about when to promote units. No need to save gold to recruit one or two units.
Don’t worry if the devs are doing their jobs correctly and not making stupid decisions that make them have time to not balance the game you could clear the game with the default units. If Fire Emblem 6 can be cleared with 0% growths so can the Nohr version (if it’s done properly).
The end point is this, as can be seen in Sacred Stones and Awakening the open world design causes:
1. Difficulty spikes (Chapter 15 in sacred stones and the unbalanced, unfair lunatic mode in Awakening)
2. Less importance of resource management, leading to less meaningful choices. (No need to choose who get’s Delphi’s shield or the boots, or when to promote, when to use the powerful staves)
3. More restricted map design (it has to be open so you can grind fast)
4. Far less gimmicks/Interesting map design (No traps, no fog of war, no treasure balancing, barely any Status effect enemies, no ballistas, barely any long ranged tomes, enemy AI very rarely retreats, no stealing, no need for NPCs that meatshield you, no need for objectives other than rout and kill commander)
5. Less importance in character roles. Although that’s solved if they remove the second seals.
The solution could be a sacred stones style zone(s) that are separate from the chapters but that still gives less time for the chapters to be truly polished. For 10 games the series has worked perfectly and the installments with the open world map design have always been controversial.
When I say “world map”, I’m referring to the existence of a world hub that you go to in between chapters, instead of going straight to the next chapter as if you playing levels in a Mario game. I see absolutely no reason why a competently designed game should need to worry at all about a hub world map: side content is side content, DLC is not even considered to be a factor PERIOD (meaning the game is designed with the assumption that you will NOT be using it), and the barracks mechanic is removed all together (I don’t feel it added anything to the game).
Now, on a completely different note, there is the actual chapter stages (read: “maps“) themselves. As in, the stages that are accessed when I walk over to Chapter X on the hub map and select it. At this point, I enter the stage map, and thus map has literally NOTHING dictating what it can and can’t be. You want a defense map? You can have a defense map. You want traps and choke points? Of course you can have them! Want Fog of War? So do I! And you can have it! Want a larger variety of enemy weaponry and tactics? Why the hell not? Nothing says you can’t! Interesting map design can absolutely be had, because when you’re in a stage map, you’re in a goddamn stage map, and there is absolutely nothing that says you can’t. It has nothing to do with being grindable or not; that’s what other maps are for!
I don’t understand your idea that just because Sacred Stones and Awakening faltered in their design, that automatically means that no future FE could ever do a hub world correctly. More to the point, I want a hub world because hub worlds offer choice. If I want go off and do a Paralogue just to take a break from the main story, why should the ability to do so automatically be required to completely ruin the game, as you claim?
I will always campaign for freedom and choice in games. I have always hated resource management-based difficulty with a burning passion, because I feel like difficulty by virtue of limitation is a poor substitute for evolving challenge. So what if I can armor units up with Silver and Brave weapons? If the enemy also has the same quality of gear, what’s the difference? I will agree that Armsthrift is overpowered, but that is easily solved by making it less accessible (make it a Second Tier skill, for crying out loud).
I don’t understand why so many FE veterans refuse to allow any good changes to their precious franchise as if the only way a new FE can be good is if it regressed back to GBA era and never, ever improves. It’s just like the people who refuse to allow the demon known as “optional Casual mode” into their beloved franchose, even though they can still select Classic and forget Casual even exists.
Even the Zelda fandom isn’t this resistant to change.
“I don’t think you understand what I’m saying.
When I say “world map”, I’m referring to the existence of a world hub that you go to in between chapters, instead of going straight to the next chapter as if you playing levels in a Mario game. I see absolutely no reason why a competently designed game should need to worry at all about a hub world map: side content is side content, DLC is not even considered to be a factor PERIOD (meaning the game is designed with the assumption that you willNOT be using it), and the barracks mechanic is removed all together (I don’t feel it added anything to the game).”
I understand it perfectly, the problem is that OK if you can only go to the next chapter what’s the point of adding that. No more heroes had barely anything in the world map so they removed it for the sequel.
I’m guessing you want to fight random trash mobs to gain resources, but this messes up a fundamental theme of the series. To feel like a tactician, managing an army with limited and valuable resources.
You don’t think people design games with DLC in mind, especially Awakening which had the Gold and Experience pack a month after release in Japan and are almost required if you want to use more units than Chrom+Avatar in Lunatic and Lunatic+.
“Now, on a completely different note, there is the actual chapter stages (read: “maps”) themselves. As in, the stages that are accessed when I walk over to Chapter X on the hub map and select it. At this point, I enter the stage map, and thus map has literally NOTHING dictating what it can and can’t be. You want a defense map? You can have a defense map. You want traps and choke points? Of course you can have them! Want Fog of War? So do I! And you canhave it! Want a larger variety of enemy weaponry and tactics? Why the hell not? Nothing says you can’t! Interesting map design can absolutely be had, because when you’re in a stage map, you’re in a goddamn stage map, and there is absolutely nothing that says you can’t. It has nothing to do with being grindable or not; that’s what other maps are for!”
OK, so you want grindable maps to be completely separate from the chapter maps, great so either the devs have to spend less time in each chapter map while making the grindable maps or they hire more people to make those. That’s the best solution but well it impacts costs and IS isn’t running a charity unfortunately.
“I don’t understand your idea that just because Sacred Stones and Awakening faltered in their design, that automatically means that no future FE couldever do a hub world correctly. More to the point, I want a hub world because hub worlds offer choice. If I want go off and do a Paralogue just to take a break from the main story, why should the ability to do so automatically berequired to completely ruin the game, as you claim?”
They can do a hub world, but my problems is if they started including trash mobs to grind and ruin the resource management aspects of the game. Ok, Nohr unlocks paralogues and can do them any time, just access them from your base menu or make a linear map that’s empty and you can sidestep and do the paralogues or distinct version of a chapter. My only problem with the hub world and map is the trash mobs.
“I will always campaign for freedom and choice in games. I have always hated resource management-based difficulty with a burning passion, because I feel like difficulty by virtue of limitation is a poor substitute for evolving challenge. So what if I can armor units up with Silver and Brave weapons? If the enemy also has the same quality of gear, what’s the difference? I willagree that Armsthrift is overpowered, but that is easily solved by making it less accessible (make it a Second Tier skill, for crying out loud).
So again you want to remove all individuality for units (I assume you want the second seal and reclassing to be brought back), the theme of overcoming struggles, the theme of meaningful, impactful choice (who do I promote?) and give the devs a lazy way to not properly balance the game for people who don’t want to grind. Besides you could sort of grind in FE 6 & 7 with the arenas, but it was more like gambling and screwed up your ranking and took forever to do. I don’t mind that.
“I don’t understand why so many FE veterans refuse to allow any good changes to their precious franchise as if the only way a new FE can be good is if it regressed back to GBA era and never, ever improves. It’s just like the people who refuse to allow the demon known as “optional Casual mode” into their beloved franchose, even though they can still select Classic and forget Casual even exists.”
They are not good changes, they are changes to make the game more like an RPG. Go play Final Fantasy Tactics, which is a great game by the way, but don’t start trampling on the fundamental themes and design of Fire Emblem and start crying when a title appeals to the themes and design that made the franchise successful.
Fire emblem 9 and 10 had the best base management system (You can buy equipment, you can use your BEXP, The supports were done the best in that game, You could have funny and insightful side conversations, you could get some fancy items). Awakening did the pair up and marriage system good and the skill system was OK. I don’t mind casual, but there should be a reward for playing on classic, just like Reflex mode in MGSV.
So basically:
– The trash mobs need to go, or at least not provide you with more resources.
– DLC is fine as long as again it doesn’t provide you with resources.
– World map is fine as long as you can’t get more resources. Make split paths. Make the paralogues (maybe not all) accessible when you want to tackle them. Have you choose from saving X or impacting Y storywise based on which of two or more chapters you choose.
– The arena system is fine, you can spend all day on that and grind and buy whatever gear you want, but if you fail prepare to restart… now that I think about it Casual mode ruins that a little.
– Make grindable maps (for the Hoshido version) separate from chapter maps.
– Make choices more meaningful by making top gear and promotion items more limited. There is a feeling glee when your Silver weapon you spent all your cash on helps you clear a chapter you were having trouble on. It also makes meaningful choices to see which units you promote. Awakening diluted the effect of promoting your units.
– Remove reclassing, ruins the characters designs and individuality of the characters IMO.
– Make supports based on chapters, not on turns spent together like glue.
– Put the ranking system back.
– Reward players for choosing classic mode.
So yeah make the game Fire Emblem again not Final Fantasy Tactics 2.
I understand it perfectly, the problem is that OK if you can only go to the next chapter what’s the point of adding that. No more heroes had barely anything in the world map so they removed it for the sequel.
The point is to allow the player the freedom to go do other things between story chapters, such as Paralogues, shopping, arena grinding, DLC (IF they so desire), instead of simply being pushed along as though they were playing a Mario game (“alright, that chapter’s over, onto the next one”). I dislike the idea that I can’t have the freedom to fuck around or maybe enjoy side content—also known as spending more time with the game and characters—at my leisure. Awakening offered plenty of things to do besides just grinding Risen, and it’s that aspect of choice that I want preserved in If.
I’m guessing you want to fight random trash mobs to gain resources, but this messes up a fundamental theme of the series. To feel like a tactician, managing an army with limited and valuable resources.
Enlighten me as to where exactly I stated as such. Oh wait: I didn’t. Why do you assume that just because I like Awakening means I somehow think it was absolutely perfect and demand If to be Awakening 2? In fact, it hasn’t happened in the timeline of this reply, but I’m going to agree with you on arena grinding.
OK, so you want grindable maps to be completely separate from the chapter maps, great so either the devs have to spend less time in each chapter map while making the grindable maps or they hire more people to make those. That’s the best solution but well it impacts costs and IS isn’t running a charity unfortunately.
Um…I’m completely lost here. I literally just stated in that paragraph that I’d like chapter maps to be created with a different design philosophy than “grinding” maps; I want chapter maps to feature enhanced variety and offer up a greater array of experiences. Bringing back some of those features I rather like the sound of, such as Fog of War, isn’t an issue of not having enough personnel; it’s about making an interesting map, and anyone can do that if they actually try (one of Awakening’s biggest flaws, in fact, was its uninspired map design and objectives; it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that maybe “rout the enemy” gets boring as an objective after so many repeats). It has nothing to do with labor force, and everything to do with creativity.
They can do a hub world, but my problems is if they started including trash mobs to grind and ruin the resource management aspects of the game. Ok, Nohr unlocks paralogues and can do them any time, just access them from your base menu or make a linear map that’s empty and you can sidestep and do the paralogues or distinct version of a chapter. My only problem with the hub world and map is the trash mobs.
I will fully agree on this front; random Risen battles weren’t a good way of doing grinding, although we’ll always disagree on resource management. On that front, may as well agree to disagree.
So again you want to remove all individuality for units (I assume you want the second seal and reclassing to be brought back), the theme of overcoming struggles, the theme of meaningful, impactful choice (who do I promote?) and give the devs a lazy way to not properly balance the game for people who don’t want to grind. Besides you could sort of grind in FE 6 & 7 with the arenas, but it was more like gambling and screwed up your ranking and took forever to do. I don’t mind that.
Making a skill Second-Tier class exclusive =/= removing all individuality. I literally just stated that I want skills like Armsthrift to be less accessible, meaning that less units can get it. It’s the same reason Galeforce is so problematic; less because it’s a ridiculously powerful skill, and more because so many units have access to it that an optimized Awakening playthrough is literally all about getting as many Galeforce units as you can. The skill isn’t broken because it’s powerful; it’s broken because my entire army can consist of Galeforce units, which makes damn near any map a joke, no matter how well designed.
As for Second Seals, I don’t think they should be removed, but I do agree that they could use some tweaking. Second Seals are nice for allowing a unit to continue leveling within their class; the majority of my Second Seal use in Awakening was simply so that units could reach capped stats. I would remove the ability to go class hopping from Sage to Dark Flyer (instead making it so that you could simply change between the 2 promotions of the unit’s base class), and instead would simply retain it’s level-resetting properties (because believe it or not, some people like to cap units out because it gives them a feeling of completeness).
They are not good changes, they are changes to make the game more like an RPG. Go play Final Fantasy Tactics, which is a great game by the way, but don’t start trampling on the fundamental themes and design of Fire Emblem and start crying when a title appeals to the themes and design that made the franchise successful.
Oh, OK, I see. So because my idea of a good time in FE is different than yours, I shouldn’t be allowed to enjoy FE for anything else it offers besides the most controversial aspects. A lot of Casual-mode haters use the same logic: if you don’t like permadeath, play a different franchise. And that’s a stupid thing to say no matter what franchise (within reason) we’re talking about. How hard would it be to include extra modes distinct from actual difficulty that allowed you to turn certain things on or off? Such as a “True Classic Mode” in which resource grinding is impossible and Second Seals don’t exist? This way, the people that like it a little different can also have a slice of the cake, instead of there only being 1 slice.
The arena system is fine, you can spend all day on that and grind and buy whatever gear you want, but if you fail prepare to restart… now that I think about it Casual mode ruins that a little.
So what? I very much like the idea of arena-based grinding, but playing on Casual or Classic is entirely up to the player. For example, I always play Causal not because I’m a shit tactician or don’t want a challenge, but more so because permadeath has never been my cup of tea for as long as it has existed (there are various reasons for that, but they don’t really matter here). If you don’t want arena to fucked up by Casual, play Classic and it won’t be an issue.
Remove reclassing, ruins the characters designs and individuality of the characters IMO
I disagree on removing it altogether, but agree on fixing it. The reason for reclassing in the first place was because many classes in Awakening had poor skills available. Get rid of every single last [Stat]+X skill and replace them with actually interesting ones. I honestly never once used a Rally ever either; either improve those, or do the same as with Stat+ skills. Additionally, rebalance Second-Tier classes so there aren’t just 6 classes that are all clearly better than the rest (that everyone has access to), leaving little reason to leave units within their original class family (those 6 being Hero, Falcon Knight, Sorcerer [because Nosferatu is broken as fuck], Manakete, Bride [DLC], and Dread Fighter [DLC]).
As for the characters themselves, how about we make the characters more interesting in the first place. I kinda liked Awakening’s cast, but very few of them did more than amuse me; I only really ended up loving a small select few, whereas the rest were there for entertainment value. Improve characterisation, and their individuality will improve along with it. Rebalance the promoted classes as mentioned before, and it will be more or less ideal; the problem was always that most base promotions just weren’t as good, not that I actually wanted half my army to be Heros.
In conclusion, I want to keep freedom, choice, and player options. I’m not saying make If Awakening 2; I’m saying Awakening had things it does right, and I’d like to keep them. My big issue with Nohr is simply the fact that it and Hoshido are built on 2 completely different philosophies. Perhaps you like a core FE experience; nothing wrong with that, but there are better ways to keep it than just forcing it down everyone’s throat and thus restricting its appeal (regardless of what you think, there’s no question Awakening was the most successful FE to date, and that’s entirely because it opened itself up and made the series more accessible to new players). I hate the way Nohr is being handled for this reason:
Let’s imagine that perhaps I’m someone who hasn’t been with FE since it’s infancy. Let’s imagine that I’m a guy whose first FE was Awakening. Now, let’s imagine that as a result Hoshido’s setup appeals to me because of the extra content it offers (I’m hoping its easier difficulty can be offset by actual difficulty modes). So I play the Hoshido campaign for a while and what not, but out of curiousity I decide to also check out the Nohr campaign just for a change of pace. Upon starting the Nohr campaign, I quickly discover that it is dumbed down and restrictive compared to Hoshido, meaning that if I happen to enjoy the freedom of the Hoshido campaign, but perhaps prefer the Nohr characters and units more, then I’m just shit out of luck. Don’t you see the problem there? I’m literally punished for wanting to experience the other side by getting less content (and there’s no 2 ways about it; Nohr has significantly less content than Hoshido as it stands)!
They can talk all they want about how “oh, well to make up for the lost content, Nohr has a more intriguing story”, but that stops being a factor after your first playthrough. Once you know all the twists and turns, “intriguing” is no longer a substitute for missing content when the other campaign very easily offers that missing content. If I want to enjoy Nohr for anything other than its story, I get punished for it. How is that a good design choice, no matter what you think FE should be like?
“The point is to allow the player the freedom to go do other things between story chapters, such as Paralogues, shopping, arena grinding, DLC (IF they so desire), instead of simply being pushed along as though they were playing a Mario game (“alright, that chapter’s over, onto the next one”). I dislike the idea that I can’t have the freedom to fuck around or maybe enjoy side content—also known as spending more time with the game and characters—at my leisure. Awakening offered plenty of things to do besides just grinding Risen, and it’s that aspect of choice that I want preserved in If.”
OK, great, do that and only remove the trash mobs, that’s my only problem, because like I’ve said a 100 times they screw up the resource management. Shit make things like Trial maps, Challenges with predetermined armies, DLC maps and other diversions but make them not consume or augement your resources in the main campaign. Even better make split routes within the split campaign or different versions of the same chapter a la FE7. Make a post game where you can grind a la Sacred Stones. There can be a map in the Nohr version, but again I only don’t want that map to allow me to cap my characters in mission 7 where I can one-shot all enemies with a bronze sword. Sure you want to have that option, but that’s what the Hoshido version’s exists to do.
“Enlighten me as to where exactly I stated as such. Oh wait: I didn’t. Why do you assume that just because I like Awakening means I somehow think it was absolutely perfect and demand If to be Awakening 2? In fact, it hasn’t happened in the timeline of this reply, but I’m going to agree with you on arena grinding.”
Then why are you so insistent on maintaining the framework of Awakening? Also looking further in your comment you also assume things of me, don’t be a hypocrite. (Here’s when you’re assuming things of me: “Oh, OK, I see. So because my idea of a good time in FE is different than yours, I shouldn’t be allowed to enjoy FE for anything else it offers besides the most controversial aspects.”)
“Um…I’m completely lost here. I literally just stated in that paragraph that I’d like chapter maps to be created with a different design philosophy than “grinding” maps; I want chapter maps to feature enhanced variety and offer up a greater array of experiences. Bringing back some of those features I rather like the sound of, such as Fog of War, isn’t an issue of not having enough personnel; it’s about making an interesting map, and anyone can do that if they actually try (one of Awakening’s biggest flaws, in fact, was its uninspired map design and objectives; it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that maybe “rout the enemy” gets boring as an objective after so many repeats). It has nothing to do with labor force, and everything to do with creativity.”
As I’ve also said, OK this is an assumption, but the fact that the maps makes me think that IS was making the game easier for people to grind and the maps and gameplay style were changed so that half the enemy army could surround you and die. There’s no explicit proof of it. I’m assuming the intentions of the map designers and well is there evidence to contradict my claims?
“I will fully agree on this front; random Risen battles weren’t a good way of doing grinding, although we’ll always disagree on resource management. On that front, may as well agree to disagree.”
Ok, great we agree that we’ll always have a different POV on this issue, but this is a franchise were weapons break all the time and your units have a limited amount of equipment they can have. There has to be a resource management element or the series will lose a part of the identity it forged. Same with permadeath and weapon triangle, that is always pushed in promotional materials.
“Making a skill Second-Tier class exclusive =/= removing all individuality. I literally just stated that I want skills like Armsthrift to be less accessible, meaning that less units can get it. It’s the same reason Galeforce is so problematic; less because it’s a ridiculously powerful skill, and more becauseso many units have access to it that an optimized Awakening playthrough is literally all about getting as many Galeforce units as you can. The skill isn’t broken because it’s powerful; it’s broken because my entire army can consist of Galeforce units, which makes damn near any map a joke, no matter how well designed.
As for Second Seals, I don’t think they should be removed, but I do agree that they could use some tweaking. Second Seals are nice for allowing a unit to continue leveling within their class; the majority of my Second Seal use in Awakening was simply so that units could reach capped stats. I would remove the ability to go class hopping from Sage to Dark Flyer (instead making it so that you could simply change between the 2 promotions of the unit’s base class), and instead would simply retain it’s level-resetting properties (because believe it or not, some people like to cap units out because it gives them a feeling of completeness).”
I meant in general that the design and personality Frederick has clashes with him being able to become a priest. Same with Chrom losing the ability to use swords when well he has 3 exclusive swords for him. Plus again, besides personality, you remember and like characters for what they can and can’t do and if they fit an archetype like Est. Canas is pretty much popular because he’s the only Dark Mage in his game. Awakening removes that with the reclassing. Cherche talking about Minerva all the time even if you reclassed her is just silly.
Second Seals could be left for the post-game. Sure I’ve gotten units maxed out, but there should also exist options that make the game enjoyable for people who want to clear the game the most optimal way possible (Spending funds, Turn counts, Exp gotten, no deaths).
“Oh, OK, I see. So because my idea of a good time in FE is different than yours, I shouldn’t be allowed to enjoy FE for anything else it offers besides the most controversial aspects. A lot of Casual-mode haters use the same logic: if you don’t like permadeath, play a different franchise. And that’s a stupid thing to say no matter what franchise (within reason) we’re talking about. How hard would it be to include extra modes distinct from actual difficulty that allowed you to turn certain things on or off? Such as a “True Classic Mode” in which resource grinding is impossible and Second Seals don’t exist? This way, the people that like it a little different can also have a slice of the cake, instead of there only being 1 slice.”
Ok, so why didn’t they put that in Awakening, I would be all over that mode? Apparently, you can’t have a game or mode like that like the Nohr campaign, because IS gets people making baseless complaints about “losing content” or “not being able to grind all day.” They are already giving options to different types of players, hell they are making games for different types of players, but now the more casual fans want to screw over the classic fans. I want the Nohr version to play like FE7 did and expand on all the good things that game did, but oh no, the casual fans who began with Awakening are gonna bitch and moan about it. I’m sure they’ll also blow a fuse if there’s no marriage and children like last game.
It’s like Persona fans moaning about SMT IV because there’s no social links and party members. I’ll enjoy both versions thank you, but at least let me enjoy the fact and have fun with the version tailor made for me.
“So what? I very much like the idea of arena-based grinding, but playing on Casual or Classic is entirely up to the player. For example, I always play Causal not because I’m a shit tactician or don’t want a challenge, but more so because permadeath has never been my cup of tea for as long as it has existed (there are various reasons for that, but they don’t really matter here). If you don’t want arena to fucked up by Casual, play Classic and it won’t be an issue.”
It’s a long and interesting video but Epic Name Bro nailed it why sometimes options screw games up.
The root is that easier or more lenient options can screw up the themes and message of a game. There should be space for food and music that’s an acquired taste and the same should be true of games. Don’t ask creators to water down their content, and if they do water down their content, heck make Casual players not get a star on their save file or have a lesser ending. MGS 5 handled the Reflex mode perfectly, you get a bonus on your score if you don’t use it.
Why can’t I have a version of a game I want? Seriously Awakening fans sound like Persona fans wanting all games in the franchise to appeal to them and them only.
I just want a game that handles itself like 10 of the 13 previous Fire Emblems. A playthrough that doesn’t allow me to max out my characters before the post game. I wouldn’t mind grinding post game and test myself against a similar mode like the Monster Ruins.
OK, great, do that and only remove the trash mobs, that’s my only problem, because like I’ve said a 100 times they screw up the resource management. Shit make things like Trial maps, Challenges with predetermined armies, DLC maps and other diversions but make them not consume or augement your resources in the main campaign. Even better make split routes within the split campaign or different versions of the same chapter a la FE7. Make a post game where you can grind a la Sacred Stones. There can be a map in the Nohr version, but again I only don’t want that map to allow me to cap my characters in mission 7 where I can one-shot all enemies with a bronze sword. Sure you want to have that option, but that’s what the Hoshido version’s exists to do.
Why does “capped characters on Chapter 7 one-shotting everything with Bronze Swords” have to be the only possible outcome of having a map with designated arena grinding? Why couldn’t it just be there for the units I keep having to bench for particular missions because bringing them would be suicide (i.e.; leaving Pegasus Knights out of a map with 20+ Archers)? Or to bring lower level units up to speed who would otherwise be impossible to level in chapter maps (units like Donnel in Awakening, for example)? This is what I don’t get; you seem to believe that the mere existence of the ability to grind even a little automatically means the game is unfixably ruined, when in reality you as a player have the ability to consciously decide:
> 1) Whether or not you even want to do so in the first place. (Which is YOUR CHOICE)
> 2) When you’ve done it enough and are ready to stop.
> 3) How much is too much so that you don’t over do it.
This is not a hard concept. A player looking for a challenge in Xenoblade Chronicles can’t do every single side quest in the game, or else they’ll end up constantly overleveled. Does that mean side quests should be removed? No: it means you just have to find a balance that works. (And please don’t ignore this entire paragraph because I equated Xenoblade to FE when they’re obviously not the exact same).
Then why are you so insistent on maintaining the framework of Awakening? Also looking further in your comment you also assume things of me, don’t be a hypocrite.
Framework is not the same thing as making If completely identical on all gameplay fronts. Hell, I want a lot of things changed from Awakening. The presence of a world map in Nohr is not one of them. Another one is the ability to support with everyone, because it added a ton of extra content. Improve the quality of those supports, yes, but don’t reduce them in number.
Ok, great we agree that we’ll always have a different POV on this issue, but this is a franchise were weapons break all the time and your units have a limited amount of equipment they can have. There has to be a resource management element or the series will lose a part of the identity it forged. Same with permadeath and weapon triangle, that is always pushed in promotional materials.
At no point did I ever suggest that weapons shouldn’t break or that the weapon triangle should disappear. I love the weapon triangle and the fact that individual weapons break (with the exception of plot relevant signature weapons; I’m hoping Yatogami [Kamui’s sword], Marx’s sword, and Ryoma’s sword are infinite just because it would be awkward for them to break and yet continue to be featured in cutscenes). Hell, I want the Anima triangle back as well! I think Casual Mode should stay though, because it was one of the biggest things that allowed Awakening to sell the best of the entire franchise, and we both want FE to continue selling and thus have more games made. Casual Mode is entirely optional, and thus I can’t really agree with any argument that attempts to factor them as “ruining the game” when anyone who doesn’t want it can select Classic, and forget that Casual ever existed (we’ll come back to this later).
I meant in general that the design and personality Frederick has clashes with him being able to become a priest. Same with Chrom losing the ability to use swords when well he has 3 exclusive swords for him. Plus again, besides personality, you remember and like characters for what they can and can’t do and if they fit an archetype like Est. Canas is pretty much popular because he’s the only Dark Mage in his game. Awakening removes that with the reclassing. Cherche talking about Minerva all the time even if you reclassed her is just silly.
Didn’t you read what I said? I said that Second Seals should only allow reclassing between the inherent paths of the unit’s base class. So say I have an Archer who can promote to either Sniper or Bow Knight. I promote them to Sniper, and then later on use a Second Seal. That Second Seal should only enable that unit to either revert to a “Lv. 1” Sniper or change to Bow Knight, and that’s it. So in Fredrick’s case, he would only be able to either stay a Great Knight or change to Paladin; not cross over to Armor Knight or hell even Thief (as Kellam can). This would largely solve all those issues you mentioned with characters, and would also prevent Awakening’s biggest problem: the ability for damn near anyone to get damn near any skill (because skills are class specific, and thus if a unit can’t change to that class, they’ll never be able to get that skill. This prevents me from having an army of Heroes with Armsthrift and Galeforce).
Ok, so why didn’t they put that in Awakening, I would be all over that mode? Apparently, you can’t have a game or mode like that like the Nohr campaign, because IS gets people making baseless complaints about “losing content” or “not being able to grind all day.” They are already giving options to different types of players, hell they are making games for different types of players, but now the more casual fans want to screw over the classic fans. I want the Nohr version to play like FE7 did and expand on all the good things that game did, but oh no, the casual fans who began with Awakening are gonna bitch and moan about it. I’m sure they’ll also blow a fuse if there’s no marriage and children like last game.
My entire issue with Nohr is because Hoshido has so much more to offer than Nohr, and the choice seems frustratingly deliberate for non-gameplay reasons. What if I like Nohr’s units better, but also like what Hoshido has to offer in terms of side content? Does that mean I should just fuck off and never be able to enjoy Nohr to the same degree as Hoshido (note that I’m speaking hypothetically here as someone other than myself)? Doesn’t that seem unfair that the Hoshido campaign is full of freedom and choice, and yet the Nohr campaign is restricted and confined on a multitude of levels? As in, not in a good way? I’m perfectly OK with Nohr being more difficult, but it bothers me that the only way this can apparently be achieved is by removing the world map, thus likely removing side content as well, and thus placing all focus on a narrative that you will know all the twists to after your first playthrough and thus not be able to enjoy as much on future playthroughs. That’s what started this entire comment thread in the first place; I don’t like that Nohr is being gimped compared to Hoshido. It is missing content; they outright stated that Nohr’s “more intriguing story will make up for [bold is word for word what was said]” what ends up being lost compared to Hoshido (in other words, Nohr will have less replay value). And then they’re gonna charge the same amount of money for the standalone Nohr campaign as for the Hoshido campaign that offers all number of side content.
You can say whatever you want about Hoshido being easier. You can say whatever you want about it allowing grinding. But the fact still stands that it has more than Nohr for the same price. And that pisses me the hell off that IS would do that and screw over anyone who wants the content value of Hoshido in Nohr’s campaign. Talk about “Screwing over classic players”, but it’s not about being casual or classic; it’s about demanding equal content for an equal sales price. This is why the special edition is the only one that has any business existing, and the other 3 business models are utter shit. I will gladly pay extra for FE if it means I actually get my money’s worth.
The root is that easier or more lenient options can screw up the themes and message of a game. There should be space for food and music that’s an acquired taste and the same should be true of games. Don’t ask creators to water down their content, and if they do water down their content, heck make Casual players not get a star on their save file or have a lesser ending. MGS 5 handled the Reflex mode perfectly, you get a bonus on your score if you don’t use it.
There’s a reason options exist in video games, and that reason is most definitely not to “water them down”. In fact, quite the opposite; options expand the game for more players. I’m absolutely fine with rewarding those who go the extra mile in their playthroughs. I play Metal Gear Rising on Revengeance mode specifically because it rewards me for playing on max difficulty by increasing the Parry Counter’s damage by 10x, even if I still get my ass kicked. MGR also offers easier difficulty modes for other people as well, however, which allows them to enjoy the game just like I can. I don’t look down on anyone who plays it on Easy, because I recognize that perhaps some people want to play a Platinum Games game for fun, and not to have their ass handed to them on a silver platter. Just as you might recognize that people should be given the OPTION to enjoy FE without precise resource management and limited funds. Platinum Games games have always been about challenge, but they don’t force you to do so in order to have fun with their games. There is content in MGR that is locked behind higher difficulty modes, as well as greater BP (currency) being awarded from battle and Revengeance mode’s buffed Parry Counter (which you need).
It’s a long and interesting video but Epic Name Bro nailed it why sometimes options screw games up. (out of order, but is better addressed here)
On the subject of MGR, do you know how it handles different difficulty settings? By changing the game. On higher difficulties, enemies are not only more aggressive, but also appear in greater number. Revengeance mode even fundamentally changes the AI, which is normally set to only attack one at a time, so that everyone can attack you at once. In addition, enemies appear on higher difficulties (namely Very Hard and Revengeance) that wouldn’t be there otherwise. For example, the first real stage of the game normally has your first fight consist of 3 basic cyborgs. But play on Very Hard or Revengeance, and that fight will also throw in a free Mastiff; a tough enemy that’s hard as hell to fight on high difficulty, and which you normally wouldn’t encounter until the next scenario afterwards; a whole fifth of the game later.
That is how you handle difficulty modes. IS could take some serious notes from Platinum Games in terms of how to design alternative gameplay modes. It would not be hard to create the modes I mentioned before, such as “True Classic” mode which would simply need to alter coding so that grinding maps are closed off (thus preventing EXP, funds, and resource grinding all in one fell swoop). Nor would it be difficult to do what Bravely Default did, and allow a more deeply customizeable experience (the ability to outright turn off things such as money, EXP, or Job Points when you don’t want them, allowing you to grind for what you specifically want without overdoing everything else). Classic and Casual modes already exist for the player to turn permadeath on or off; I personally believe that while permadeath is the “true” FE experience, it can still be enjoyed without it. Options are not bad things; they are good. The better a game can tailor itself to multiple different play styles, the better. And FE doesn’t have to sacrifice anything to do that.
Will IS do that? Will IS add extensive options to FE that would do nothing but improve the game and allow more people to enjoy it in a greater variety of ways? I wish they would, but I have a sinking feeling they won’t.
Why can’t I have a version of a game I want? Seriously Awakening fans sound like Persona fans wanting all games in the franchise to appeal to them and them only.
Ah, OK. Wanting variety and expansive options so that FE can appeal to more people = (apparently) “I want FE to be Awakening always, and fuck everyone else, because I’m the only person who matters.” I was not aware that wanting IS to keep options open apparently makes me a self-entitled casual. But sure, I guess I am if you say I am.
Don’t give me that bullshit. I literally just gave off a list of ways that a “compromise” (except not even, because everyone wins this way) can be achieved. If anything, it’s the hardcore FE fans that piss me off because they like to dictate that their way to play is the only acceptable way to play, and anyone who doesn’t is just casual scum with no right to possess an opinion (not necessarily pointing at you, but I’ve met plenty in my time who act as such). “It’s my way or the highway” is the biggest cancer on gaming since linear level design, and the sooner it dies, the sooner the industry can achieve a new renaissance.
“Why does “capped characters on Chapter 7 one-shotting everything with Bronze Swords” have to be the only possible outcome of having a map with designated arena grinding? Why couldn’t it just be there for the units I keep having to bench for particular missions because bringing them would be suicide (i.e.; leaving Pegasus Knights out of a map with 20+ Archers)? Or to bring lower level units up to speed who would otherwise be impossible to level in chapter maps (units like Donnel in Awakening, for example)? This is what I don’t get; you seem to believe that the mereexistence of the ability to grind even a little automatically means the game is unfixably ruined, when in reality you as a player have the ability to consciously decide:
> 1) Whether or not you even want to do so in the first place. (Which is YOUR CHOICE)
> 2) When you’ve done it enough and are ready to stop.
> 3) How much is too much so that you don’t over do it.
This is not a hard concept. A player looking for a challenge in Xenoblade Chronicles can’t do every single side quest in the game, or else they’ll end up constantly overleveled. Does that mean side quests should be removed? No: it means you just have to find a balance that works. (And please don’t ignore this entire paragraph because I equated Xenoblade to FE when they’re obviously not the exact same).”
Sure it is a choice, can’t they give me a choice to not have that option present? Awakening didn’t, so I’ll have for now to assume they won’t give me that option if they include a world map in the Nohr version.
ENB said that the problem with it is that devs either assume that you grinded and balanced accordingly to keep the challenge or they assume you didn’t grind and when you take your grinded units they curbstomp. Like you said, give me a True Classic mode or allow me to turn weapon degradation and EXP for trash mobs. Even better, reward me for doing that for playing the proper way and don’t reward or punish players who do that.
Path of Radiance also presented a good choice for benched units. The BEXP system… which also gave you bonuses for being efficient or fulfilling secondary objectives. They can bring that back.
Hilariously I did do every quest in Xenoblade Chronicles, but it’s a false equivalency. Sidequests in Xenoblade Chronicles tend to be harder than the main game, Gaiden chapters in Fire Emblem are rewards for playing well. FE 6 and 7 did this really well. They are taken into account into the rankings of those games.
“Framework is not the same thing as making If completely identical on all gameplay fronts. Hell, I want a lot of things changed from Awakening. The presence of a world map in Nohr is not one of them. Another one is the ability to support with everyone, because it added a ton of extra content. Improve the quality of those supports, yes, but don’t reduce them in number.”
I’d make them like FE 6-9 managed. It seems a little silly that Lon’qu who dislikes women can support with more women than man and can’t support Basilio and Flavia… Hell those two can’t support themselves. As I’ve said they can keep the map, the problem always comes around to… does the world map give me an easy way out of the game’s challenge? Not having that pressure for me lessens the experience and sense of achievement, especially if I had to resort to grinding.
“Didn’t you read what I said? I said that Second Seals should only allow reclassing between the inherent paths of the unit’s base class. So say I have an Archer who can promote to either Sniper or Bow Knight. I promote them to Sniper, and then later on use a Second Seal. That Second Seal should only enable that unit to either revert to a “Lv. 1″ Sniper or change to Bow Knight, and that’s it. So in Fredrick’s case, he would only be able to either stay a Great Knight or change to Paladin; not cross over to Armor Knight or hell even Thief (as Kellam can). This would largely solve all those issues you mentioned with characters, and would also prevent Awakening’s biggest problem: the ability for damn near anyone to get damn near any skill (because skills are class specific, and thus if a unit can’t change to that class, they’ll never be able to get that skill. This prevents me from having an army of Heroes with Armsthrift and Galeforce).”
This is a nice solution. Nothing to complain here and sorry if I understood you wrong.
“My entire issue with Nohr is because Hoshido has so much more to offer than Nohr, and the choice seems frustratingly deliberate for non-gameplay reasons. What if I like Nohr’s units better, but also like what Hoshido has to offer in terms of side content? Does that mean I should just fuck off and never be able to enjoy Nohr to the same degree as Hoshido (note that I’m speaking hypothetically here as someone other than myself)? Doesn’t that seem unfair that the Hoshido campaign is full of freedom and choice, and yet the Nohr campaign is restricted and confined on a multitude of levels? As in, not in a good way? I’m perfectly OK with Nohr being more difficult, but it bothers me that the only way this can apparently be achieved is by removing the world map, thus likely removing side content as well, and thus placing all focus on a narrative that you will know all the twists to after your first playthrough and thus not be able to enjoy as much on future playthroughs. That’s what started this entire comment thread in the first place; I don’t like that Nohr is being gimped compared to Hoshido. It ismissing content; they outright stated that Nohr’s “more intriguing story willmake up for [bold is word for word what was said]” what ends up being lost compared to Hoshido (in other words, Nohr will have less replay value). And then they’re gonna charge the same amount of money for the standalone Nohr campaign as for the Hoshido campaign that offers all number of side content.”
Why not try the Nohr version if you like the units battle? do you know if the third path will allow you to choice which units do you want? Freedom and choice aren’t always good in video games. Some of the best games are cinematic and linear and offer little choice. You can get the version that suits your needs.
How do you know Nohr is “gimped”? Do you know how they’re handling the side content in Nohr? What if there’s more replay value if they add alternate versons maps, different endings, Challenges, side chapters and other routes into it?
You don’t think that putting restrictions into a player’s game is a conscious decision by the makers of the game? You don’t think a better experience can be achieved if they balance the game to always put pressure on you?
All of this seems to stem from your hatred of limitations in games. Without limitations genres like survival horror lose their impact, luster and sense of achievement.
“You can say whatever you want about Hoshido being easier. You can say whatever you want about it allowing grinding. But the fact still stands that it has more than Nohr for the same price. And that pisses me the hell off that IS would do that and screw over anyone who wants the content value of Hoshido in Nohr’s campaign. Talk about “Screwing over classic players”, but it’s not about being casual or classic; it’s about demanding equal content for an equal sales price. This is why the special edition is the only one that has any business existing, and the other 3 business models are utter shit. I will gladly pay extra for FE if it means I actually get my money’s worth.”
This is hypotethical what if Nohr has 10 more chapters than Hoshido? Are you getting your money’s worth? What if the structure of Nohr allows for more replay value?
“There’s a reason options exist in video games, and that reason is most definitely not to “water them down”. In fact, quite the opposite; optionsexpand the game for more players. I’m absolutely fine with rewarding those who go the extra mile in their playthroughs. I play Metal Gear Rising on Revengeance mode specifically because it rewards me for playing on max difficulty by increasing the Parry Counter’s damage by 10x, even if I still get my ass kicked. MGR also offers easier difficulty modes for otherpeople as well, however, which allows them to enjoy the game just like I can. I don’t look down on anyone who plays it on Easy, because I recognize that perhaps some people want to play a Platinum Games game for fun, and not to have their ass handed to them on a silver platter. Just as you might recognize that people should be given the OPTION to enjoy FE without precise resource management and limited funds. Platinum Games games have always been about challenge, but they don’t force you to do so in order to have fun with their games. There is content in MGR that is locked behind higher difficulty modes, as well as greater BP (currency) being awarded from battle and Revengeance mode’s buffed Parry Counter (which you need).”
Not all games are made for everyone, I hate it when devs dumb down a franchise to appeal to more people. Awakening’s concessions to classic players watered down the game. Lunatic mode you have only two options: Either only use Fem!Robin and Chrom if you don’t want to grind or grind to get gameplay similar to the other games.
To paraphrase the video:
“The thing is that this statement that you need always control over the game is arrogant and close-minded and conceited, because it assumes that you know everything about fun and the devs can’t teach you anything new. Tastes can change. I don’t think you know everything fun. I want the devs to tell me what is fun. That’s why you vary your tastes in games and music for example. They don’t all need to be the same and have the same options. Give yourself a chance to experience something new.”
“On the subject of MGR, do you know how it handles different difficulty settings? By changing the game. On higher difficulties, enemies are not only more aggressive, but also appear in greater number. Revengeance mode even fundamentally changes the AI, which is normally set to only attack one at a time, so that everyone can attack you at once. In addition, enemies appear on higher difficulties (namely Very Hard and Revengeance) that wouldn’t be there otherwise. For example, the first real stage of the game normally has your first fight consist of 3 basic cyborgs. But play on Very Hard or Revengeance, and that fight will also throw in a free Mastiff; a tough enemy that’s hard as hell to fight on high difficulty, and which you normally wouldn’t encounter until the next scenario afterwards; a whole fifth of the game later.
That is how you handle difficulty modes. IS could take some serious notes from Platinum Games in terms of how to design alternative gameplay modes. It would not be hard to create the modes I mentioned before, such as “True Classic” mode which would simply need to alter coding so that grinding maps are closed off (thus preventing EXP, funds, and resource grinding all in one fell swoop). Nor would it be difficult to do what Bravely Default did, and allow a more deeply customizeable experience (the ability to outright turn off things such as money, EXP, or Job Points when you don’t want them, allowing you to grind for what you specifically want without overdoing everything else). Classic and Casual modes already exist for the player to turn permadeath on or off; I personally believe that while permadeath is the “true” FE experience, it can still be enjoyed without it. Options are not bad things; they are good. The better a game can tailor itself to multiple different play styles, the better. And FE doesn’t have to sacrifice anything to do that.
Will IS do that? Will IS add extensive options to FE that would do nothing but improve the game and allow more people to enjoy it in a greater variety of ways? I wish they would, but I have a sinking feeling they won’t.”
Sure but the last few FE games have abandoned that type of customization, again go back to the solutions they had for Lunatic: Either grind or cheese the game. This is what has Veteran players (not myself necessarily) angry, they’ve been pushing the casual angle too much and form half-baked concessions to the Veterans.
“Ah, OK. Wanting variety and expansive options so that FE can appeal tomore people = (apparently) “I want FE to be Awakening always, and fuck everyone else, because I’m the only person who matters.” I was not aware that wanting IS to keep options open apparently makes me a self-entitled casual. But sure, I guess I am if you say I am.
Don’t give me that bullshit. I literally just gave off a list of ways that a “compromise” (except not even, because everyone wins this way) can be achieved. If anything, it’s the hardcore FE fans that piss me off because they like to dictate that their way to play is the only acceptable way to play, and anyone who doesn’t is just casual scum with no right to possess an opinion (not necessarily pointing at you, but I’ve met plenty in my time who act as such). “It’s my way or the highway” is the biggest cancer on gaming since linear level design, and the sooner it dies, the sooner the industry can achieve a new renaissance.”
Oh please don’t play the victim and straw man my argument. Putting more options isn’t always the best solution for the game or the player. Restrictions, linearity can be the point of a game, they can force the player to be more careful or creative in their approaches.
I am only asking for a “True Classic” mode. I’ve also given some suggestions (re-adding BEXP, Rankings, Punishing or not rewarding players who choose casual or grind). Rankings can push more casual players to try the harder and more traditional modes.
You assume Nohr will be lesser for some hypothetical reason. the game’s not out, again what if it has way more missions or side missions or Trial Maps or has the Ranking system?
The hardcore FE fans are more likely pissed because they have a valid reasoning to why Options & Freedom > Good, Well balanced and considered game balance.
“It’s my way or the high way” also seems incredibly dogmatic and restrictive. Not all games have to appeal to all human beings, like linear level design, it’s a tool for the developers to make the art they want.
You would be clamoring for games that treat the games like babies, for example adding a Easy mode to Dark souls, when the whole point of the game is to “Prepare to die” and any sense of accomplishment is gone if you know you have an easy way out. Even worse, would you be in favor of games that remove all the gameplay like what Bioware was attempting? You don’t think the gameplay would suffer if they implemented that.
Also, Human beings are elitist, some people like to feel better because they can do something others can’t. Rankings and True Classic Mode would be a great way to satiate the elitist Fire Emblem fans.
To quote ENB once again:
“The addition of an easy mode would detract from the experience of a game like Dark Souls. The possibility of failure is exactly what makes victory rewarding. Adding easy outs for the player to reduce the risk of failure lessens the experience for everyone- not just the people who use it.
Some people believe that they should have absolute control over the media they consume. Some people don’t. I DO care about what I can learn from a game. There are in fact plenty of games that allow you to enjoy them on your own terms, but this one doesn’t. And that is not a flaw of the game- it’s a feature. You have to adapt to the game, or you don’t get rewarded. You either get it, or you don’t.
This is not an interactive movie with a foregone conclusion. It’s a FUNDAMENTALLY different experience. If you want a title that caters to your whims, you are looking in the wrong place. One major reason why people love this game is BECAUSE it doesn’t hand you anything in a menu. You wanna see the end boss? Either get good or summon someone who is.”
So I just purchased 2 each of the starter decks, I assume they are the same cards in them? Then Two Booster Boxes of the Hero Swords along with Anya Kingdom Game. Can’t wait to see what I get.
The Starter Decks I have a feeling they are the same cards. A friend asked me to order a pair of starter decks. (I have a feeling Chrom, Masked Lucina, Tharja and Cherche are in there) so I think they should have the same cards in it. It is a “Starter” Deck after all.
As for the Booster Box, of course there is a chance of doubles. 16 Booster Packs – 10 cards each = 160 cards in total. I’ll see how it goes when I get the cards.
I’m pretty certain about the starter deck being the same but I did buy two of the starter decks with Chrom and the awakening characters just for the hell of it.
[…] can download all 12 volumes of the manga directly from our gallery. (Note that most of the “Read Online” links are currently disabled, as I slowly upload […]
I hope America decides to just put the game in one version. The third campaign as DLC I can deal with, though i’d prefer it to be included from the get-go as well. Even though I love the box art for the two versions, I don’t want two versions. I can deal with it in Pokemon since story never been important and there’s never been a big difference between a game and it’s counterpart in the series, but this game is very story focused and two versions will pull apart and detract from the experience.
Still, love the boxart, so can we have a reversible cover for this game Nintendo? (Assuming NA gets it all in one version)
“Fire Emblem if will feature DLC characters, accessible from download codes bundled with special packs of the TCG.”This troubles me…does that mean that the only way to obtain these characters will be from the TCG?Or will there also be standalone dlc in the nintendo e-shop?
The art is godly and I’m definitively interested in the game itself, but I’m hoping they’ll do a more complete rule presentation sometime. I’d like to see a complete match or rule explanation: I won’t go collecting these cards (if they were in English, maybe) but I’d be willing to play a few matches of this with the starter decks for sure!
[…] Thracia 776, for being released on the then-defunct Super Famicom, and the uncertain development of Fire Emblem 64, the series’s long-term future became […]
[…] was at this point the higher ups concocted a plan to get the series back on track during this difficult era, by moving the series from home consoles […]
Now that the series has been saved, hopefully they’ll move away from the simplicity and general “un-FEness” of Awakening. I personally feel that game was more 75% generic fantasy anime and only 25% Fire Emblem. Which is probably why it did so well in sales in both Japan and in the west. With them splitting FE14 into two (or three) games, hopefully they can make it so White is the casual game like Awakening is and make Black the more complex, TRUE FE game. Something similar in complexity to the Jugdral games, or hopefully as complex as the Tellius games.
Happy 25th, FE!! Stay alive so we can have another 25 years (though the series jumping the shark sometime in the future may or may not be a fate worse than death– No, Awakening did not jump the shark, per se…)
“the series found itself in a downward spiral of sales, leading to Heroes of Light and Shadow being the first game in the series to skip the Western market.”
Might want to put “the first game in the series to skip the Western market, since.” Obviously all the games skipped the Western market until FE7.
My collection is still incomplete, and I haven’t really finished displaying everything yet, but since it’s time for celebration I thought I should share too!
This is my pride and joy, and took me several years of hard work, but it was worth every penny so far!
Your first problem is that you need to seperate the color layer from the original lineart to color it. I’m not very good, but I could give it a shot. ^^
Like so: http://puu.sh/hmpxl/6e191a8fde.jpg Have fun. (The color is gone for the text. If I had time, I could prevent that, but… I’m being lazy~) Open that in something like Gimp, and it /should/ be transparent. If it isn’t, just look up a tutorial.
Honestly, reading the analysis, the SMT side of the analysis was definitely a bit off. The poppy, anime-influenced tone of the game is reasonably similar to the Persona and Devil Survivor games (both of which are spinoffs of SMT), but the core SMT games aren’t like this at all. Hell, the “Genei Ibunroku #FE” title is pretty similar to the Japanese title of the first Persona game, “Megami Ibunroku Persona.” And the battle system, from what we’ve seen of it, seems to be its own thing – none of the SMT games used a system like this game’s, even if they were turn-based. Honestly, the only SMT references I noticed were Atlus mascot Jack Frost appearing in a poster in the background, and the return of the Strike/Pierce/Slash attack types in a Fire Emblem-style triangle.
I mean, I’m giving it the benefit of the doubt as to whether or not the game itself will be good, but it’s doing a pretty horrible job as a crossover – it feels more like they just made an entirely new game with Fire Emblem themes. They could’ve avoided a lot of fuss if they’d described it as “an Atlus/Intelligent Systems collaboration” rather than setting it up as a crossover.
“The Nohr campaign features diverse victory conditions”
Ohhhhhhhhhhh Myyyyyyyyyyyy Gooooooooooood!
… But does that mean the Hoshido part dosen’t have win conditions outside of “Kill Everything” like in Awakening? I mean I wanted Nohr ever since I read that it plays more like a classic FE but if the Hoshido part won’t have different winning conditions it’ll be kind of disappointing. Hahaha…
I get the feeling IS is basically making two games for two purposes:
Hoshido for the casual gamer, to be a financial success like Awakening;
Nohr for the ancients, the veterans, who hark from past eras of blood, sweat and tears.
So my wish came true, amiibo support. I really really hope Captain Falcon is compatibel with this game (For reference sake, look at the Smash 4 reveal trailer for Lucina)
PG 15 it´s really good, so we can expect a more “mature” and dense history ??
About the amiibo, its kinda obvious, but i really hope a far better work in DLC chars. I almost cried when i saw my beloved Lyn in FE awakening
But I really wonder why the rating increase. I imagine it won’t be for blood (Awakening didn’t have any and I’m sure this won’t either) and the violence is probably going to be the same as Awakening.
I don’t know. Camilla’s design isn’t really much worse than many things we saw in Awakening. Heck, I’d consider Aversa’s to be more suggestive than Camilla’s.
Yeah. However, as I said in the other half of the sentence, this story can be the darkest so far out of the Fire Emblem games. I suppose we won’t know until it comes out, but it might have to do with the fact that you might kill your little brothers and sisters. (Mainly the sisters.)
That’s not likely to happen.
M requires any one of the following:
Extensive and Gratuitous Swearing (Not “Damn” or “Hell” either, we’re talking words that rhyme with “Tuck” or “Hit”).
Sex (and not jokes either. Think Mass Effect or Dragon Age) Games rated T can have cleavage/thigh/bared midriff (See Hyrule Warriors) and still be T.
Extensive Blood/violence/gore (Again, think Mass Effect, Dragon Age or Skyrim). Games rated T can have blood (See StarCraft and Warcraft) but it has to be far more persistent and not just blood to hit M territory (see Diablo series)
Something tells me we’re not in danger of seeing the game rated M. It will likely be T with a few more descriptors in the ESRB box.
The 15+ is probably due to the fact that it’s similar to FE:A, but it may have a bit of blood, it looks like some parts of it will be really dark (especially the Nohr side) and the mental trauma of trying to keep all of your units alive~ X3
Hey . . . there are some characters on the ends there that we haven’t seen before! That white-haired well-dressed guy and that older-looking purple-haired man . . . I don’t remember seeing them before.
Imagine if they released a new wave of amiibo exclusive to fire emblem if! That would actually make me buy them for once!!! (plus Sakura amiibo would be adorable!!!)
Unfortunately I didn’t get any pics either, but I can definitely confirm there are retail displays for If in multiple locations in Tokyo, notably several SoftMap stores, where you can also preorder a 3DS LL console with an If design.
Hey little prick, you saying my son, who is 9 years old, incompetent? The game was hard for someone like him but your ugly think that he is stupid? Do yourself a favor and stop limiting yourself only to your ugly ass.
Your 9 year old son should not be playing video games especially not Fire Emblem. Fire Emblem is not a kids game. Be a responsible parent. People like you are the reason we don’t have nice things.
Compared to a similar game called Super Robot Wars, Fire Emblem had a LOT less innuendos. They both have the same age rating (Teen), and there were barely any in the first few Fire Emblem games. Super Robot Wars, however, was dropping them AT LEAST every other chapter. I didn’t understand them at the time, AS I WAS 5 when I played the game for the first time.
Are you being serious right now? Have you seen kids playing games like COD? I guess not because having my kids playing something other than COD is better.
I don’t think the target audience is 9 year olds. I’m saying that Phoenix mode really just came out of left field, and will attract minimal new fans or sales (if anything, it will become a ridicule point).
I started playing fire emblem before I was 9.. It isn’t an age specific game. I’m 21 and still love them. I mean yea Phoenix mode sounds ridiculously easy but what is the point in hating on it? Some people like more of a challenge than other do.
Lunatic+. even on casual, lunatic+ is a pain in awakening. and assuming it comes back, i might just use phoenix mode on it on my first playthrough through lunatic+… i dont think its confirmed to be back yet, but lunatic has.
Yeah how dare people not like a feature in a game, they must be demonized, mistreated and called salty whiners. This feature is going in everyone’s copy whether they like it or not. If you dare have the opinion (and it is an valid opinion, even if it’s regarding an option) that the game is lesser because it offers you options that remove pressure and sense of accomplishment. By the way, yes it does, even when you’re playing on super hardcore ultra super no casuals mode and you’re having your ass kicked, your first thought is… man I may want to lower the difficulty or if I was playing easy Mode I wouldn’t have so much trouble.
I would say that it’s a valid opinion to have that difficulty select screen are basically implanting the idea that you’re going or can complete the game, you’re just choosing how frustrating it will end up being. Not having a difficulty select option can be a feature for players, because it makes them uncertain if they can or will ever complete the game, making them more immersed and focused on the game. It’s the appeal of games like Nethack or any roguelike.
To paraphrase a wiser man than myself:
“When players say easy mode cheapens the game that’s what they mean it reduces the risk of failure which is an important tool the dev uses for having a sense of accomplishment so when a player player says even having the options cheapens the game, that’s what they mean. the risk of failure is not the same. If you put the easy way out it goes into everyone’s copy. “
Also all they’ve shown so far is how simplified the game is, so when are the features that appeal to the older fans gonna be shown, if they exist at all. The point of the versions was to have various flavors of Fire Emblem, hopefully they will show they care about the old fans soon or it will get frustrating.
This changes affect players emotionally. It’s not entirely rational.
– People like to brag about things they can do others can do, if your friends.
– This is going into everyone’s copy.
– People like feeling like they’re between a rock and a hard place, having a way out affects them. Sure they can have self-control and not choose the easy mode. I still feel like it’s unnecessary annoyance that is present in the back of your mind, I’ve had this personally happen to me in some games, but rarely take the temptation.
– Difficulty select screens feels like, choose your victory for many players. I’ve never had that, but I think it’s a valid grievance. Some people like to be unsure if they’ll be able to clear the game.
– This doesn’t necessarily apply to Fire Emblem. It applies to genres like Roguelikes and horror games more.
– This doesn’t apply to me. It just ticks me off that people with valid feelings and grievances, even if they are partially irrational are demonized.
– If this was free day-one DLC few would have a problem.
So no, people don’t care how other people play game, people care about how their experience may be adversely affected. For the third time, it’s a valid way to feel about things, although not 100% rational.
Yeah how dare people like added features in a game, they must be demonized, mocked and called salty casuals who aren’t handsome hardcore Fire Emblemers like ME… I mean us.
Dude I love games like Kirby’s Epic Yarn. I personally don’t care, but I dislike it that people are being mean to people with valid complaints about the difficulty and am trying to explain why they may feel that way.
In quite the ‘shove in your face because I’m important’ way. I understand your point, but seriously. Mocking? EVERY FREAKING SERIES ADDS SOMETHING NEW. Not everyone is a hardcore gamer. And seriously: Casual was a major part of why people bought Awakening. Awakening saved the Fire Emblem franchise. Think about it before shoving your hard-boiled ‘ideas’ down people’s throats.
You really can’t expect games to be THAT perfect, can you? You never have to click that feature, and I’m sure that once you get the game and start playing it you’ll forget all about Phoenix Mode. If you’re seriously tempted to switch to a lower difficulty… do you have no willpower at all?
How many people do you think were attracted to Fire Emblem: Awakening because of Lunatic+ mode? I’d wager very few — less than the amount of custom generated by Phoenix Mode at least. Hell, how many people who bought Fire Emblem: Awakening do you think actually BEAT Lunatic+? Games shouldn’t cater to you, they should cater to everyone.
You don’t know what I’m thinking so how can you be sure that I’ll stop thinking of Phoenix/Casual Moce. Especially when you can lower it permanently if you fail. I do have willpower to not choose it, I never chose Causal mode in Awkening, even when playing in lunatic. It’s more of Navi nagging me about stuff in Ocarina of Time.
It’s knowing that even if I never touch it or use it I have a way out and not feel like I’m between a rock and a hard place. When I die in awakening, particularly my Lunatic playthrough, casual was the first thing that came too mind and I just shrugged it off. Ideally, I should’ve been thinking of how to do better next time.
For me having a difficulty select screen says that the game can be cleared and you’re choosing how hard the rock and hard place is. Roguelikes don’t give a fuck. They’ve been having a resurgence because of people getting tired of games being made with the purpose of being cleared. Hell, Super Mario Bros. also didn’t care, yet is still fun and no one complains about the lack of easy mode there.
I played Fire Emblem because the permadeath, breakable weapons and characters that managed a single role. That sounded cool when Fire Emblem 7 came out and I was 11, so I bought it. Note that all these features have been made optional or removed.
Similarly I bought the Europa Universalis Games not because of how casual they sounded, but because they seemed complex and willing to respect the dedicated player. Not because it has casual mode or “you can’t lose mode.” The difficulty or lack of options can be a selling point. I know this because that’s why I bought Fire Emblem 7.
Catering to everyone is a pointless endeavor and you end up with washed up video games like Resident Evil 6, Clash of Clans and Candy Crush. Catering to everyone is catering to nobody. It’s just bland and safe entertainment.
There are people who will hate Fire Emblem no matter what and catering to them is pointless. Still, it seems that IS is more concerned with them than their old fans like me who will still buy the product no matter what, that’s a little sad.
It stills disgusts me the treatment that people receive that when something that affects their enjoyment of the game negatively are treated with bile, disrespect, and condescension. Sorry it affects them, I don’t think they’re good at expressing it, but it’s similar to how I feel.
I feel more immersed because well it’s not gonna get easier, so I better pay attention, I also have to learn all the mechanics and systems, because well, if not I’m gonna get my ass kicked and lose, and there’s no way out of it. Every decision counts more, each turn is more nerve wracking, each advantage you manage to gain is more significant because again, there’s no way out. Even if I never turn the mode out or give it a glance it still is in the back of my mind when I lose, get frustrated or can’t think of anything else.
Plus human beings in general like to brag about things they do that others can’t and sure you may be more skilled and reach a secret mission on Lunatic and feel more accomplished than if another person did it on Phoenix mode. Still the way to be really accomplished s if the other player never even sees it. It’s selfish and greedy, but hey that’s why some people do X things in video games. I can brag about doing all the sidequests in Xenoblade Chronicles but would feel less accomplished if people did them with less effort on an easier difficulty setting.
Also pretty crappy that playing on the harder difficulties isn’t incentivized by IS, you’d think they’d want people to but apparently they want to coddle their players into barely learning to play the game optimally or with challenge.
I’d do with a glowing save file, rank system, achievement or trophy I can brag about to people. Anything that makes Is take note of my achievement instead of not caring how people play their game or what they managed to accomplish in it. Because I think that screwed up Awakening.
Your twin visions are equally useless.
Nobody’s right or false at this subject because it’s just an idiotic confrontation of opinions. However, something has to be say : considering video games like something else than pure entertainment is not bad and letting this media to become casual won’t be good for everyone in the future.
As others said, phoenix mode has no sense other than in lunatic (or lunatic+) difficulty; that is all. If someone needs phoenix mode to play fire emblem, this is nonsense (without saying a word about the spirit of the game, which could be discussed, I admit). Graphics, music, story aren’t the only thing that define a video game; there is the gameplay too. And the gameplay of this game in particular can only be apprehend with a certain degree of difficulty, a frustration, a mass of reflexion and a strategy. Without these elements, we don’t play the same game.
I don’t mind people who want to play with no frustration at all, but they could ask to themselves if they have chosen the appropriate game… In that way of thinking, The Danman has the right to defend the game and the media. It’s to casual people to adapt to the players who think video game is as serious as the cinema. In fact they have the right to apprehend the game in their way; not to depreciate the media because their way of playing.
No one said that they have to use casual or phoenix mode on only normal difficulty. Consider the difference in strategy for something like: phoenix/lunatic+.
EDIT: oh, now they have confirmed that phoenix mode is only for normal mode… lame.
Hey, if *Bunny-Phoenix-Slope-Mode* increases sales and keeps Fire Emblem alive for a few more years (or a decade even), I’m all for it.
As long as they don’t take away Classic Mode, I don’t think it’s really a problem (now if they did then that’d be something to get angry about).
…Of course I won’t ever use *Bunny-Slope-Mode*… (unless they have a secret Lunatic-Blithering-Madman++! Mode in which you fight Fomortiis, Grima, Nerge, and a Family-Sized Starship on the first chapter… then I’d consider it.)
And the Endgame of Secret Lunatic-Blithering-Madman++!, wanna take a guess? ALL Past Fire Emblem characters. Maxed-out stats, all with Limit Breaker. (That means HUNDREDS of enemies! Oh JOY!)
Don’t forget the thousands of generics you have to get through on that chapter before you get the *privilege* of fighting the characters who have a name and mugshot. And at the start of every player phase all your units’ HP is reduced to 1 and at the start of every enemy phase 8 generics all warp to surround your units with max’d out stats, limit breaker, and the LOLUDIEDEDLOSER skill equipped. Also, because of LOL, such skills as Sol, Counter, and any other skills remotely useful in a masochistic torture fest (such as this mode) suddenly disappear from your units’ skill slots.
I just wish they could have had kept a smithy, to keep a similar level of complexity like where to focus funds that way. Holy War did it fine since gold wasn’t pooled, the battles were long, and the weapon ranks were fixed.
This makes me even more sure that Aqua won’t be a traditional dancer, but rather some kind of Dancer/Lancer/Lord Class. Seeing as the Avatar is a Dark Prince/Princess (Manakete/Sword/Lord), Wouldnt it make sense for Aqua to be a similar mix of classes, if she is designed to be Kamui’s foil? (Perhaps they’ll even go as far as calling her Light Princess?)
Well, Olivia wasn’t a traditional dancer either, seeing as she could use a sword. Units who can’t fight in a FE may (or may not) be a thing of the past…
I suppose I have mixed feelings about unbreakable weapons. On one hand, a unique bit of FE strategy has passed (“Don’t use the Rapier because we may need it later!!”)… but, on the other hand (provided Weapon Forging returns), forging Alm’s Blade or whatever other neat assorted weapons we’d get to play with isn’t a total waste of time!
On a related note, the weapon durability system was nearly completely broken in Awakening seeing as you could basically buy Hammerne staves from a shop towards the end of the game (a randomly generated Secret Shop, but a shop just the same)… not to mention just how many other things you could horde with the right DLC…. *Edit because I just remembered* AND the restocky-thingy too…
As for Phoenix Mode, I’m just grateful they only added it and didn’t take away Classic Mode.
Normally I might be confused at the utility of Phoenix Mode… Easy Casual was pretty hard to die in intentionally… but then I realized.
You know, Luna+ & Absolute Hit with a Hammer mode on poor Fredrick? I’m pretty sure we could all still manage to loose spectacularly in that mode assuming that it’s still Game Over for the Lord and other important characters.
Sorta… If this information is right then you and her basically switched places, but in the end she chooses the same family as you. Which might mean she is your adopted sister, but I doubt they will actually classify it as such in game and you will probably be able to marry her(if marriage is in) since she is neither your blood sister and you weren’t raised with her as siblings.
“This particular detail hasn’t been confirmed, but it seems the
blue-haired songstress, Aqua, may be in a similar but reverse position
as the Avatar. According to reports, she is the princess of Nohr taken
prisoner by Hoshido.”
Hoping this gets confirmed ‘cuz I’m just laughing in my chair right now and will laugh all the way through all Mandark style if it is. Peace loving Hoshido my butt!
Y’know, Phoenix mode sounds dumb but it offers a new way to play the game.
Like having a playthrough in which your goal is to beat the chapters while killing off all of your army as much as possible. Then we all share our records.
Anyway, Phoenix Mode sounds silly, but then again it’s not aimed at players like me. Anyone who actually ridicules others for picking Phoenix Mode is just a dick.
It wouldn’t really work for this game since you have to look at least somewhat like your four siblings. Hopefully the next game with an Avatar allows you to pick skin color.
A lot of Asians are tan, actually (myself included). Tan Asians just aren’t as well-represented in Asian media because white skin is considered attractive in most East Asian countries.
Not sure how to feel about the whole “no durability on weapons” thing. I’m sure it’s something I’ll get used to. As for the Phoenix Mode, I don’t see why not? It’s just a silly thing for people to play with. If you don’t want it, stick to classic. I think the more options people have, the better. Overall, still really looking forward to this game!
The Phonix mode is AN OPTION !!
If u dont like, dont choose it, Its very simple. People really feel ashamed cause the game can be finished by casual players ??
This Phonix mode will make FE a more friendish game, and more people will come to like it. More popularity more games. Or these people didn’t know that the franchise was about to be discontinued by nintendo cause Fire emblem it wasn’t selling as they expected ??
the weapons durability was a nice system, but on the other hand, it´s suks to not use a cool-motherfuker-godlike weapon cause u dont want to break it (yea FE is dificult enough to make u use them), with this mode we all could enjoy a nice weapon at our content. it may be a nice implement (or not)!!
See when I first heard that the avatars dragonstone could not break I thought it would just be like that for certain items. I thought beast and dragon stones having a durability to be ridiculous. The +stones yeah I can see why, maybe not tikis but whatever. I also thought it weird you can buy them. Like Nah brings up to Cynthia that dragonstones are rare a precious and should be wasted on dumb things like looking like a bad ass. Like Nah, Ive got leaif blades, Inigo with rightful king, AND he has despoil. We have infinite money right there.
I wish regular weapons had durability still though. It added a point of strategy and made for some tense moments trying to get Chrom or someone over to a unit to give them a new weapon if theirs broke.
Well, I can get why they rolled with Phoenix Mode and they’re not wrong per say. But people shouldn’t be afraid to challenge new things just because it seems a little daunting. They may end up liking it more than they thought.
Well, that’s just my take. More power to the devs and for those who go down this path. Classic Hard is always the way for me.
“With those hot topics behind us for now, there was a spicy rumour about the heroine, Aqua, which we can now confirm to be true.
Similar to the Avatar, Aqua was originally the princess of Nohr, taken
prisoner by Hoshido. The circumstances of her capture are unknown, but
it does raise a lot of questions.”
Hoshido or Nhor ?? damn you Intelligent system, i never was as happy as pissed with a choice :v
i loved the Nohr’s royal family, but i want to protect Kamui’s hometown. It’s a a fuking dificult choice but i’ll probably chose Nhor and change the kingdom from inside.
So… I still don’t have something perfectly clear. Both campaigns are available in ONE game, right? it’s not going to be something like Pokemon where you have to chose a specific version of the game (FE if: Hoshido or FE if: Nohr), RIGHT?
That question has multiple answers:
In Japan, it’s being sold in two versions, plus a limited edition (that’s sold out) with both versions on-cart, plus a download code for the third campaign.
NOA however presented it as an in-game choice, so I don’t know.
Ditto with NOE, though there’s something that makes it seem like they’ll do multiple versions.
My best guess as to our silver-haired mystery man’s name is Aquinas (アキナス). キ and ス are visible, and then out of the letters with those bottoms, ア and ナ are the most probable, thus Aquinas.
I was wondering if you could possibly get a larger scan or screenshot of the Nohr family like you did with the Hoshido? Unless you got it from another source, in which case, sorry for bothering you.
Edit: whoa, why aren’t my comments showing up on the list…
What are they doing to the by many beloved FE formula 🙁
I mean, I would still buy the game. I am going to buy it no matter what.
But major changes like this are. not. necessary.
They’re making things easier for casuals, while attempting to appeal to old fans but inserting artificial complexity.
Honestly I think these changes are hilarious and unnecessary. They feel like an afterthought.
Will still get the game though. Just doesn’t feel like this will be Fire Emblem.
Sounds like you just don’t like change in general. Aside from Phoenix mode, nothing is making the game “easier”. Honestly the new way of handling weapons brings a lot more stategic elements rather than the tedious item management of old.
It’s true the changes are not necessary, but having played all the games in the series up to now, I’m welcome to change. In my opinion, it’s better for the series to change and improve, rather than stay the same. Otherwise, I may as well play the older games.
Exactly because we are all gonna buy it anyway after Awakening is why this is an easy time for experimentation. I’m expecting some of these changes to return in later games, others not. It all depends how well they all work
New classes !! Maybe these are IF´s only classes, but i really love new classes.
Great Butler is obviously Buttler advanced class, im really loking into Maid´s and Ninja´s advanced ones.
So, does anyone know if that -2 to Str and Skl on Silver Weapons is cumulative? Like, do you reduce them after each attack, until you’re whittled down into dealing no damage? Because that’ll make them pretty bad for chokepoints, which, I admit, would be a shake-up to established tactics.
It says there that it is until next turn, so most likely it will just be restore at the end of the turn, you use it, you get the -2 leaving you vulnerable during the enemy phase, on your next phase you should have the Str and Skl again on normal.
I know it’ll be restored at the end of the turn. What I’m asking, is if you kill a guy, then another guy comes up to you and you kill him, does that mean that you’re down to -4 Str until the next turn? So that if more and more enemies throw themselves on you, that you’re Str gets worse and worse until you can’t hurt anything until the next turn?
Because that just kills choke point potential, which has been one of the main tactics for FE for a long, LONG time.
Wow, I actually did not think of it that way. Well, with the few information we have I’d assume that it would work that way, probably the it is only after you use the “attack” command, if so, no reductions should be done when being attacked. Hopefully this will get clarified once we have the full article translated or newer articles.
This assumes there will be choke points at all. Do we know if the maps are designed any better than Awakening? Although I guess being reduced to 0 damage in the middle of a wide, open field would also suck.
Don’t use Silver weapons at choke points then. I think that’s the point of this new system: some weapons are useful in certain situations but completely ill-suited in others. We have to determine which is the most suitable on our own.
I personally don’t think the debuffs would be accumulative though, I imagine it would be just once. But we’ll have to see…
To me it clearly means that every time you use it, your Str and Skl are reduced by 2. At the end of your turn they are back to normal, and then the next time you use it again they are reduced by 2 back to -2.
What I’m more interested to know is whether attacking with a silver sword twice in one fight will reduce it by 4, and whether, presuming something like Galeforce returns, using it 4 times in one turn (twice in two fights) will reduce by 8. It could get rather crippling, and I’m not sure if I like it or not yet.
Silver Sword: Critical Evade -5; AFTER USING, Strength and Skill -2 UNTIL NEXT TURN
Brave Sword: Allows 2 consecutive attacks, Defence and Resistance -4
The caps are my emphasis. There’s a pretty clear distinction between the Brave weapons (which appear to be exactly as you say) and the Silver.
I was hoping that someone who read Japanese had taken a look at the article to see if what I said was true, but I guess the author of the article had already given all the information available.
I have been rather perplexed with all changes they’ve made thus far. But this is good news, truly a marriage of the weapons and magic triangles. The balance seems good and if they limit the # of Weapons, I’m sold! You have my interest.IS. Also, I like Felicia and like that she’s on both sides! 🙂
No confirmation yet, but frankly I think its for sure coming back. Dark and traditional Anima will be Nohr, and Light plus new Anima (like Ice Magic) will be Hoshido.
Depending on how Kozaki feels about releasing his work, to me I feel this weekly countdown to awakening on Famitsu would be a good as chance as any to reveal a full-bodied character (like around the size of the royal family official arts that were in the previous week). Like….this would have been a good chance as any to get a better look at either Cyrus or Oboro. Ergg! Well, I’m hoping there’s also an art book for If.
I am okay with this, actually. It’ll help create different strategies for my play style. Now I just hope that the map design isn’t as stale as Awakening’s was.
I think I might prefer it this way. Now I have incentive to use something other than a brave or steel sword. I probably still will 90% of the time anyway, but at least there’s something there instead of a direct tier progression with the only incentive being durability. Also I wonder if they’ll bring back the magic triangle.
Change is good, it maybe won’t work out, but excluding the abolition of the weapon durability, none of the announced implements will actually change the core of Fire Emblem Gameplay, note that WE Gaiden also use this method. Still they are changing this aspect of the strategy to try a new one.
I see many people talking bad about they want to make FE if more casual, but they cant remember that exactly why FE franchise still exist. FE awakening was to be the last game, but because the changes, and the appeal to casual gamers the game was a fuking sucess, and now we have this great FE project.
damn, it’s really sad that Butler and Maid are promoted classes. It`s known that early promoted classes, are OP early game, and sucks late game … (cof frederick) Damn you Intelligent system D:
hard to know D:
but i reeeally hope they are not early promoted, they seems to be unique classes like Dancer and Lord.
Every FE has one early promoted to hold early game, but they are normaly Great Knight, and Noh already have one. hope still lives
Well they’re almost purely support classes really, all they need is to not get hit and get their hits in to debuff the enemies. So its not like they won’t be totally useless especially if their levels aren’t capped at 30.
I don’t know. Honestly, I don’t really get what would promote to Maid or Butler. I’d put more money on them being special classes like Dancer, which would make sense because they focus on support overall.
I guess I’d like to have a Healer-Jeigen rather than a Jeigen that could actually steal my EXP if I wasn’t a veteran of FE enough to know to avoid said Jeigen like the plague.
It seems to me like Butlers/Maids are the Nohrian healer class whist Hoshido seems to be going more traditionally FE (Sakura the Priestess) with clerical healers… If that’s true, I think it’s brilliant, as in the tropes and classes actually have a hand in the storytelling and world building (as opposed to Bernese healers, Lycian healers, and Etrurian healers all using the same staves and are clerics/priests of the same church). They also seem to be doing well in that the new classes seem to be functioning the same way the healers did in the elder games; so storytelling elements and a continuity of gameplay-function at the same time!! ^_^
I hope I can have bright red hair in this game because for whatever reason you couldn’t have red hair in awaking. Oh and hot pink. Also hoping dudes get hair accessories has well. In Japan hair bands are popular with younger men and its not like the world will explode if a dude had a feminine hair piece. I want flowers in my hair.
Cutlery. It worked for Sebastian from Black Butler. 😀
Then again, if they were geared entirely towards both serving and protecting their employer, they would have some martial skill and experience in subterfuge to go with it.
Sabotage wouldn’t be too far out of the question or information gathering-keeping an ear to the ground to ensure there are no threats within their staff and so on. Really it would depend on the person.
Concealable weaponry would be ideal so knives would be more appropriate, but think along the lines of maybe how royal butlers/guards are portrayed. Hand to hand combat perhaps? You wouldn’t mess with them regardless of the choice.
Judging by the images, it seems like Aqua or her pendant has the power to control water. Perhaps it’s the Nohr’s equivilent to the Dragon’s Vein ability?
both royal families has the Dragon’s Vein ability … in theory all of them could use it, but only in special occasions.
But maybe, just maybe, each of them has one different Dragon´s Vein ability. Kamui coul control space time, and Aqua water (just a theory)
I find it odd that the royal family in Nohr have the same ability as the royal family of Hoshido. It’d make more sense if both were reffered to as Dragon’s Vein, but had different effects, like Aqua’s waterbending. (Not going to lie, that’s pretty much what it is.)
the producers said that both families members will have Dragon Veins, and will only be an option in special ocasions, like rebuild a bridge ore start a water flood. More details are still unclear, but I think the effect will vary with the trigger not with the characters
Nope, the characters are only used to illustrate Attack Stance/Guard Stance. In the “battle” on the left, Camilla is standing next to Marx who initiates an attack on Ryouma; Camilla would join the battle and Dual Strike. In the other image, pairing Sakura with Hinoka would boost the latter’s stats; however, Sakura cannot Dual Strike.
Just wondering, does anyone knows what the 7 customisation options are? In Awakening, there were the 5: build, face, hair, hair colour and voice, and we know there will be a hair accessory option. Does anyone know what the 7th option translates to?
Their reasoning for the abolishing of weapons is terrible. I really hope the added depth adds complexity as opposed to makes things easier. I understand appealing to newcomers, but this change affects vets too… If anything, it should have been optional.
Don’t know, i like what they did with that.
Like i won’t give brave weapon for all units (-4 for def and res? it can be one dead unit after one turn). It isn;t what i’ll call *make game easier*. Without weapon durability game become *less tedious* yeah.
I like the new complexity too, but I don’t know if they’ll make good on their word. I hope it’s as complex as it sounds on paper AKA the units are actually affected by said buffs and debuffs.
I don’t think i follow. We can already see that units actually affected by buffs and debuffs. And what the point in removing features after telling that they are in game?
When they say they did it to make the game easier for newcomers, I still don’t see it. Like, with durability, all you had to think about is what weapon to use (though I can understand with Nohr because the lack of ability to earn money outside the main game. Hoshido on the other hand….it just depends on how much money you’re able to get), but with the buff system, it seems they’ll have to require more thinking in deciding what weapon to use for their unit. I mean I have no issue with the whole thing. It just seems like they didn’t make things easier despite what they claim because now newcomers have to worry about things like “Double Attack Threshold” numbers.
Again the Change the fe mechanics sometimes in the franchise especially the weapon mechanics. Ok first off sometimes a franchise need something new I can’t be the same thing over and over. Second you do realize there are thing in the game that still make it hard right.
Three things I noticed/liked~:
1) It was kind of obvious of them to get rid of hand-held ranged-weapons’ ability to double-attack. Because if you think about it realistically, once you throw your javelin over a wall….you’re not getting it back.
2) People/IGN can stop complaining about butler and maid classes as they promote into actual canon classes now.
3) MALE PEGASUS KNIGHTS!!!! TSUBAKI is most likely a guy now
I’m pretty sure Tsubaki is a guy since he uses the male pronoun “ore” in one of the scans. Can never be sure, though, he could be a really boyish girl since Sully used “boku”, another male pronoun. …I say he’s a guy.
More than can be counted, my good sir (no, really). The tropes make up half what FE truly is. I can live without weapon durability, but never take away my Jeigen’s, my Navarre’s, my Caeda’s, my Est’s, my Cain’s, my Abel’s, and my Gotoh’s (that was just the stuff I remember off the top of my head. A half hour from now, I’d have remembered twice that). XD
“More appealing for newcomers” seems like a blatant marketing tactic to me. There is just no way they would be so brutally honest with such a controversial subject as this, unless there’s a good reason. It’s just like them saying the Hoshido path is more appealing to Awakening players despite the fact that grinding costs like 1000+G each battle…
Compared to weapon durability, there are a lot of other much more lethal things like enemy dual-strikes, difficult/complex map objectives etc. that are easier to turn new players away than weapons having limited uses (which has rarely been a problem anyway unless in higher difficulty due to the massive amount of resources that we tend to get), yet they still had no problem including and CONSTANTLY ADVERTISING those stuffs.
Therefore, I’m of the opinion that they’re only using “new players” as an excuse to test out something new, yet still attract newcomers at the same time.
…That is exactly my point. In case I haven’t made myself clear, I was saying that people shouldn’t read too much into their claim that certain options were added/removed just for the sake of new players (and thus having no concern about the veterans), while it isn’t necessarily always the case. Development changes happen, they wanted to test out new things, there didn’t even need to be a reason for that, they could very well just shake things up for the sake of having something new. But hey, saying that they’re considering the newcomers help sell the game, so why not?
Also, in Awakening, Risens pop up after a while so you can freely grind if you have enough patience, but that’s beside the point here.
I think that Fire Emblem:If will be a bit too easy. Like… Phoenix mode, a mode where your units never really die- that takes away the strategic and emotional challenge that IS Fire Emblem. Not to mention the removal of weapon durability. Instead of removing it all together, they should have given the players the option if they want to turn durability off/on. That way, they will be pleasing people who are worried about their weapon’s condition, AND the people who are looking for a bit of a challenge. What do you guys think?
Oh oops, I forgot about the enemy pair ups, sorry about that… But one thing that I really wanted was the option to turn durability on/off. Tbh, I actually found the games to be a bit more thrilling with durability, cause in real life, weapons do break if they are overused time and time again. I understand that they would remove durability for the Nohr campaign, but what about Hoshido? We’ll probably be drowning in weapons, and I’m not sure selling them would kinda work out. I mean, we usually bought MORE weapons with our money though, right? We can buy more medicine and all that but I don’t know… It just doesn’t sound as challenging anymore…
I don’t really know, when I was doing my no grind runs in Awakening, Cash wasn’t exactly the easiest thing to come by and presumably with unbreakable weapons comes higher price point per weapon as well as shops not having unlimited weapons on sale. So with the more horizontal progression, buying weapons still retains that economic factor. This all comes down the execution which can’t be easily stated in interviews and the like so we’ll have to see how it turns out in june. There’s also the speculation that Hoshido’s “World map” isn’t actually a world map, just a method to take optional battles (Which also can put economic strain in ways the Nohr campaign does not).
weapons do break in real life, but no self-respecting army would fail to do proper maintenance on their weapons to keep them from breaking. Outright unbreakable still seems kinda sketch, I would have liked it if it was like weapons get their durability reset at the end of battles, but I guess we’ll have to see the game before we know if it’s good or not.
There’s nothing to be scared of on an optional option. I’m assuming you’ve at least played another FE title before so would have no need to go on Phoenix. No one is losing anything by playing Phoenix. If those players thought the game was too easy or decide to write a bad review on it then it shouldn’t matter because 1) They paid for the game, not like they can return it 2) Everyone else will know they did it on the easy-as-all-hell Phoenix mode so their complaints will have zero standing.
I’m actually not scared of Phoenix in the slightest. I’m not a fan of it, but it really is what it is. I’m just wondering if the lack of durability is for the better as we’d have some replacement options, but they are untested meaning it could go great or horribly. It’s a case of tried and true vs the new, and as someone who likes the mechanics, I’m more on the side of tried and true. However, by a month from now we’ll have a good indication of the game and its new mechanics as a whole.
There’s already been a game without weapon durability. I think it was fe 3 or 4 but I can’t remember specifically. Admittedly, it was done differently and there was a very limited number of weapons but from what we’ve heard the weapons will have distinct drawbacks and advantages which will be enough to warrant having to bring different weapons with you and developing different strategies around each of their effects.
Er… ‘visions’? do you mean ‘versions’? I’m sorry, I was a bit confused there for a sec XD anyways, yeah I admit I kinda forgot about the enemy pair ups, but casual was already a bit easy enough. At least for casual, if your units die, they will stay out of the battle, thus making you change your plans and think a bit more. However, with the new Phoenix mode, the player doesn’t really need to change their battle tactics, only trying to keep the rest of their units alive for one turn. I know you don’t have to play Phoenix, but with that mode, it kinda takes away the whole challenge.. At least in my opinion..
Oh sorry i must have spelled “vision” on my phone by mistake, but hey I have to say that’s a pretty weak way to laugh at something.
1: yeah even in causal you can still lose, you just need to Protect the main characters. Also in causal they don’t stay dead dipshit they come back after your done.
2:in chess there is thing called back spacing were you can take back and it’s kind of like Phoenix.
1. Yes, I knew that they come back to life afterwards. I just didn’t feel like explaining it sorry.
2. Did not know that since I don’t have the chance to play chess that often
3. May you please be a bit more specific about ‘it’s about learning’? I don’t really think I understand what you mean… Do you mean learning about different strategies?
And I really apologize about prolonging this discussion. Also, one more thing-
May you please kinda stop it with the name-calling? Calling someone a ‘dipshit’ or a ‘dumbass’ can really hurt them.
1: yes because you had so much time on how funny the word “vision”.
2:do you know how some games play where the put you on easy at first ,but then they lead you to hard? anyway they are a lot of new players especially the younger gamers aka kids that might want to play a strategic game.
1. sorry about putting the ‘XD’ I have a tendency to kinda laugh (or at least put a lil laughing emoji/smiley) on conversations that I feel are getting a bit intense/heavy/you get the point so it can kinda lighten the atmosphere. I didn’t really laugh or find it at all funny.
2. I see your point. Thank you for clearing that up! 😀
Deal with it. You’ll be glad they implemented both of those when Lunatic+, or possibly Lunatic++ rolls around. That should be dificult enough for you. And the fact is, you don’t HAVE to use Phoenix mode, so don’t complain about it.
Haha, yes Lunatic+/Lunatic++ would be a bit of a nightmare XD
And I’m not really complaining about the new Phoenix mode. I just have some mixed feelings about it. Like yes, it makes our lives a whole lot easier since we know that our units will spring back to life on the next turn. But because of that fact, some players may have a tendency to not think about the battle too much (I may have worded that weirdly I don’t know XD), thus taking away it’s strategic challenge. Say for casual. We know our units will come back WHEN THE FIGHT IS OVER. However, in the meantime, the player must come up with another new plan on how to win the battle without those units who have just died.
If newcomers find the game boringly easy on Phoenix mode they could always just change the difficulty/start a new game. If they liked it as Phoenix then so be it. One can hope that they’ll like the game enough to replay/buy the other versions and play it on a higher difficulty. Though I got to say if they do get all three version and do Phoenix on all of them….well um….yeah…I guess if they truly felt like doing that its not in our position to stop them….but they’re really missing out by sheltering themselves through all that.
So as a neutral party towards Phoenix, I think it would be interesting/make things not as easy, if they reverted the starting units’ stats to its normal value after each revival. I mean if a character gained like 3 levels during a chapter but then died and revived on the following turn, that they would lose any stat gains and their level would be brought back down to the level they were when they started the chapter. But meh, whatever, if that’s not the case then I don’t really care.
Intelligent System is trying to make Fire Emblem more friendly to newcomers, this mean more people playing FE, more succeed, more money, and more GAMES. People forget thar FE awakening was supposed to be the LAST FE GAME, cause FE wasn’t very popular.
Phoenix mode may be a little too much, but it’s supposed to bring more players to Fire Emblem world, and that´s awesome for us. And one more time, it´s an option, you can always play classic and be happy, have an option is always a good idea.
And about the weapon durability … yeah it’s a major change to FE formula, but change is not always a bad thing. It sucks to have that awesome weapon and don’t use it, cause you don’t want to break it, im sure many players have some unused powerful weapon cause you wait to much to use it. It´s a waste. They are changing this aspect from weapons, but on counterpart they will (at least try) balance this change.
I’m all for them fiddling around with the weapon system. The whole “javelin-can-only-attack-once” thing does add a little more depth to the game… Of course clearly every weapon is now made out of the same MEGAMETAL™ that Ragnell and Falchion are made of… Totally legit, that.
Of course they’ll realize their mistake and bring durability back… except they didn’t bring weight back… *sniffsniff* I guess we’ll never hear that triumphant ♪Wah-wah-wah-wah wah-wah♪ anymore. *cries*
For javelins, I always thought (back in the GBA era) that you got a set of 25 (hence 25 uses or whatever it actually was because my memory fails) and that if you were quick enough, you’d get two off instead of just one…
As for hand axes… yeah, they were totally boomerangs.
This is a very interesting interview. I only hope this game provides a strong challenge. Sure I know it wants to bring in newcomers but what about for the veteran players? I hope Intelligent Systems can give us something that is not only satisfying but also will have the AI kicking our butts at the same time.
Maybe by Amiibo support they are referring to a line of Fire Emblem LF Amiibos though. If the game is anywhere near as popular as awakening that could be a great way to cash in on that.
“Since some players may consider it wasteful to use a particular weapon, they may end up not using it at all; at which point it’s as if the weapon doesn’t exist.”
And this is why I ended up playing Awakening using only Bronze pretty much weapons throughout the entire game (until someone got 50+ Luck and Armsthrift). Fun? Not really. But it wasn’t challenging either, as I quickly started to one shot pretty much everyone even with those Bronze weapons, with few exceptions. And that was playing on Hard (Normal).
There really wasn’t much strategy behind the breakage of weapons in Awakening, as you could easily stock up on as many as you needed if you wanted to. But for the sake of economy, I stuck to Bronze because I needed nothing more.
But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t want to have more fun with stronger weapons. And it sounds like I may be able to do that in FE: If.
Yeah, in earlier games when your convoy could only hold a hundred items, things became thrifty and a bit challenging (none of this 20+ iron/steel/silver/brave swords in stock nonsense)… I suppose the durability system went from being a strategic obstacle to being annoying to being non-existent.
Bronze weapons only? There’s a moderately interesting challenge for my next run (oh the smithing I’ll do…)
Finally, item durability has become more video-game-like! Not sure if that will be good in the long run, though……..I really think that ‘normal’ weapons should have a durability, while tomes and ‘special’ weapons are unbreakable (come on, how does a tome break from overuse?).
Also, I want to see someone Game Over in Phoenix Mode during a normal level. Just because.
Books fall apart if you don’t take care of them (like reading them in the rain, the wind, the desert, on the road, and in a dirty battlefield). It’s inconceivable for us because we buy books, read’em once or twice inside a warm and dry house… and then put them on a shelf.
Well good to know they put an end to grinding-for-skills abuse and the potential abuse of male galeforce users. But if levels don’t reset, exactly how would a person get their 5 additional skills? Well, the way I see it is that if they needed any skills while pre-promoted, they would change their class at level 10?, and while promoted they would change to another promoted class at level 15 (totally forgot what level promoted units get their second skill at). I kind of forgot if this was the case in FE:A, but if you now changed your level 16 Great Knight to a level 16 Paladin, would you still be able to get both the natural and second skill of the Paladin?
ok, parallel seals will maintain the user levels, but how about the skills ?
apparently it will nerf the skills from other branch classes, unless it unlock all early levels skills …
There’s a whole-lot of gender confusion going on with If lol (now with Oboro). Got to blame the fact that a lot of the Hoshido guys like to grow out their hair.
I take it that your max stats are lower than in Awakening since we are now back to a maximum of 20/20 levels. I love that characters have their own unique skill that will make them stand out more and it would give you incentive to use some characters over others.
You probably can, but they haven’t confirmed it yet. There’s a suspicious quote in the magazine that says you can “class change as many times as you want!”. Which… could be referring to the Parallel Seal, I guess. So who knows? XD
Taking out a mechanic a lot of people enjoy so post-game extras can be more easily accessible seems a little off to me. Or they could have just made said DLC chapters less difficult.
Intelligent Systems, as a follower of the FE series, I regret to inform you that the direction in which you lead now with the unlimited weapon uses category is corrosive. The FE formula is in the makings of achieving complete mastery over the 3DS system as it had was on the Gameboy with FE7 and FE:SS. It is an un-refuted fact that you had mastered the game boy system with those two aforementioned titles and showed the world what it was to craft a game on a limited system, and master a game with story and perfectly resonant mechanics that allowed the story and the game to merge resulting in the most richest interactive visual software experiences ever created inherently within the medium of hardware.
Please take this criticism positively; durabilities is a major concern! Truly, you must know that FE7 and FE8 are the most worshiped titles you’ve ever produced; the evidence of this is in youtube and forums all over the internet that to this day create mods for 7 & SS emulations. People have written all kinds of stories and developed all kinds of MUGS that they employ within the system you’ve created. The community is ripe. Just take a look at cedarnyx’s channel or MarkyJoe’s channel who single handed hosts mod competitions for those games. And one of the primary aspects of this is because people want to relive the experience that you delivered. They want to meet characters like Lynn, Eliwood, Hector, Ephraim and Erika again. They want to beat Ephidel again! Why because the system, the world and characters resonated with their hearts! They found humanity within the Fire Emblem world. You had made it into a reality with tiny clever and intelligent pieces of genius nuggets of code and UI design so well crafted, and weopon DURABILITY was one of those aspects that bound us to that reality! FIre Emblem is a bag full of nuggets of gold. And we don’t want to part with a single pebble. Durabilities is one of those pebbles!
If however, in the course of this argument, we, the fire emblem community have not afforded to convinced you to route this decision. Then we request that at least you let this feature lay to rest in classic mode or have an option to allow it to remain therein, as it, just like the entire system, has become for us an unrivaled poem that enchants us in every visit, with a warm welcome, and so we won’t part with a single word.
Please do not deprive us of that word, we’ve supported you throughout your creative endeavours, now we ask that you support us in kind.
‘Vantage’ + ‘Deathmatch’ = Me worrying about overpowered skill mixing, again. And ‘Strength Seal’ will do what ‘Defense Seal’ did but reduce 6 Atk I’m guessing. I guess my problem is just Vantage’s balancing in general. Would it need a nerf? I’m just getting worried again, but remember ‘Miracle + Vantage + Vengeance’?
Wow. I don’t know what to say. That video was something else. Hot springs with my boys? Hell yeah. Hot springs with my girls? Kazahana might disagree, but hell yeah. Petting my unit’s faces like pokemon amie? Hell yeah. Cool looking Marth and Ike art? Hell yeah, I am officially insanely hyped for this game, and it’s a damned shame because i have to wait till 2016.
They don’t know how hyped Fire Emblem is in NA.. Alot of JP companies it seems don’t know that their games are hyped..
On a side note, Intelligent systems is really riding on Awakening’s success to push out so many new features into the series. With high expectations, I cannot wait to see what they can come up with.
From what I’ve seen in the past, with manga, anime, and video games, Japan doesn’t really pay attention to what westerners think about their stuff. They appear to be only focused on their own localization, while having it being sold overseas is just a plus for them. Ie: I’ve know Japanese manga writers that don’t care about their stuff being leaked to westerners, put they have zero tolerance with easterners. Highschool of the dead (both anime and manga) surprisingly tanked in Japan, while it was more than welcomed in the west. Even the writer said he as surprised because he didn’t even realize his stuff was so popular in the west.
Reminds of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure where a character says to a mangaka that they want an english translation of their manga to makeit easier for them to read and the mangaka saying that they never translated his manga into english because they didn’t understand his genius. Of course that mangaka was a Jerk version of the author.
Also WataMote and other series have been sometimes catered to the west, but that stopped happening a lot since the economic recession.
Ehh, don’t forget that Fire Emblem Cipher is giving us download codes for Marth, Lucina, and Pegasus Knight Minerva, so don’t say “not DLC” and “no Lyn” just yet.
We don’t know if the download codes are gonna work just like the Amiibo, but I honestly can’t see them being that different, and I don’t imagine them letting us recruit 2 Marths and 2 Lucinas.
I can say not DLC because the footage didnt show DLC, it showed Amiibo. I’m not sating their wont be DLC, just that we dont know if there is if it will work in a similar way. And i doubt the Cipher cards are coming out of Japan. Maybe we’ll get some other codes for the characters they get, but we definitely wont get the cards.
Awakening had a huge roster of dlc characters, all of them poorly made, so MAYBE we can see more characters from other Games in the same quality as Marth, Lucina, Robin and Ike
Thanks a ton for the translation, dude.
I agree with the other guy, it’s gonna be hard to fight against your mom. Just imagine if you end up having to kill her too.
that’s the point, in the PV it seems Sumeragi was killed while protecting Kamui from Nohrian arrows, but we dont know for sure what happened there. Maybe it’s a mistake take Nohr as bad guys …
Or perhaps the Nohrian emporer abducted the avatar in retaliation for Aqua’s abduction.
Garon may have launched an attack to retrieve Aqua from the Hoshido and came across Kamui and their father during said attack, thought, “well, in for a penny, in for a pound.” The only two questions that I haven’t seen asked is whether Aqua’s abduction came before or after the avatars, or whether or not either side tried to offer a straight up trade to get their relevant crotch spawn back, because so far it doesn’t look like either even thought of that, but time will tell.
It also occurs to me that someone had to have given the order to abduct her. The king, Sumeragi, or considering Sumeragi bites the dust, that would leave queen Mikoto as the sole culprit, because Ryouma would’ve been too young at the time himself. But this largely depends on whether she was taken before or after the avatar. On the other hand, maybe someone in the Hoshido army got a little too gung-hoe and jacked Aqua from her family as a bonus.
This game honestly feels likes it is getting better and better with each update. I just really hope the map and mission structure in the Nohr version is good, or at the very least better than what Awakening gave us. I kind of prefer these character designs over Awakening, but I’m wondering how much crossover they’ll be as far as who you can recruit. Like, will I be able to recruit Crimson even if I side with Nohr? Even if the campaigns are different, just how varied are the recruitment pools supposed to be. I know some are probably going to be locked into their side as that’s a given.
Also: Oh man, is that the Shenmue menu music I’m hearing? I can very much deal with something that is aesthetically similar to Shenmue’s soundtrack.
Alternatively if you translate the characters backwards:
Marth: “You remind me of Kris.”
Ike: “You remind me of Soren.”
Robin: “You remind me of myself.”
Lucina: “You remind me of Robin.”
Great analysis! At the risk of sounding extremely nitpicky, though, I’m a little bit doubtful about this particular part:
”Here’s something new though that was hinted earlier: In Guard Stance, enemy Attack Stances are automatically negated.”
I guess it could be read that way, but wouldn’t it make a lot more sense to interpret the Japanese text on the website as simply stating that when the gauge has filled up an enemy attack will be completely blocked, including any additional attacks from enemy rear units in attack stance? Rather than negating attack stances altogether?
I guess it can be read either way, but the way they added it as a footnote makes me thing it’s meant to be read separately.
Plus there’s a screenshot where Kamui and Suzukaze are in an Attack Stance against a pair of enemies in a Guard Stance and Suzukaze has no battle stats. So I’m more leaning towards Guard Stance always negating Attack Stance.
It would add a lot more incentive to use Guard Stance too, since players are typically offensively-oriented and may dismiss Guard Stance for not providing follow-up attacks.
I see, I didn’t know about that screenshot! Was it in one of the recent Famitsu issues?
I must agree that your explanation makes a lot of sense from a gameplay perspective. It’d make the choice between the two stances a really interesting one. Come to think of it, it should be interesting to see how how well the AI will be able to use the stances to its advantage.
I had Charlotte pegged for trouble the moment I saw her and simply cannot figure out why that is.
Has there been any word on how we generate dragon vein points in the my castle area? Will it make use of the 3ds coin system? Have to admit that I am looking forward to this game even though we have to wait even longer for it to be released. I am also terribly amused and disgusted by the abhorant reaction of the veterans about the mofu mofu/Pokemon amie function.
Also: ‘accidental’? Hard to call being turned into a human pincushion an ‘accident.’ This only makes me even more suspiciousof the Hoshido. I suspect they jacked Aqua first and Garon retaliated trying to get her back. Only he came across the avatar and their father, killed him and abducted the mc.
I just want to point out that this is a Japanese game first, so the characters and their designs will probably differ in the NA release, just like Tharja’s portrait from the Awakening DLC.
You mean the ridiculous overreaction to Tharja’s smallest sliver of a buttcrack image and their solution being the curtain? Yet they were quite content to let Nowi fly through the vetting process in her outfit. Yeah, actually I see your point in that regard.
I actually happen to like Camilla due to the whole overprotective big sister persona she’s got going on. Panty armour be damned. I do want to off Luna though. Severa was a character who got on my nerves and I can not deal with that behaviour a second time round.
With Charlotte I am willing to give her a chance. Benoit is going to be funny though. I thought they were siblings or he was her bodyguard or something.
Well, Severa was a really popular character… Also, with a really large cast of characters some similar characters can be expected. But yeah, I did not expected that much similarity. I love Kusuke Kozaki’s designs and style, but that is not his best. However, sometimes these kind of things happen because Executive Meddling, and in these projects artists must do what their employers ask. Either way, not that it ruins the game or something, at least not for me.
I didn’t say that the style was an excuse.
Oh, yes, you are right. Including all the cast, Severa was not that popular. So, my bets now are that some people in Intelligent Systems like her too much. As I said, it could be a case of just lazy design, but also lets take into account that the artists do not have total control of the designs, most of the time those things are requested or need approval. If they wanted a Severa’s clone, Kusuke Kozaki just did what they said (if that was really the case).
It’s more than that. She has the same voice actress (who is hosting the 25th anniversary concert, FYI).
IS is just pandering to the Awakening fans by making brazen clones of the popular child units, making the roster look bigger.
Pretty likely that she was planned like that since the beginning. However, lets wait for the entire rooster, if it is bigger than past Fire Emblems, a few clones would not be that much of an issue. But, if is not that big and there are a lot of clones, that would be lame.
Well, in my case this is not that important. Tactical RPG are my favorite kind of games. I am interested in the game as a whole, but the mechanics and the missions are my priority. Hehe, it seems that we are not going anywhere with this discussion. Lets end here.
Well, Severa is Selena in Japan but her name was changed in North America so she wouldn’t be confused with the character from Sacred Stones. Selena is a name relating to the moon, as is Luna. They both share the same class, and the same voice actor… this is definitely not coincidence and may be a Camus/Sirius situation minus the mask somehow. Or how Palla/Catria/Est have visited other nations together. Many of the children in Awakening implied that they could not go home to their own future but felt uncomfortable being around their parents, knowing their own selves would be born into the world later on. So in a way, knowing there is dimensional travel and a bunch of displaced kids, they go on a journey and end up in places like… this one.
Tellius and Magvel are also different worlds but the dimensional gates allowed those characters to appear in Awakening… We also have confirmation that Marth, Ike, Robin and Lucina appear when you use their amiibos and there are concepts similar to alternate dimensions.
On the off chance that Luna is just an expy of Severa, then whatever, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she is a dimensional gate traveler either.
I definitely think dimensional gates will be a thing for FE series, as a way to connect all the different realms (it’ll just not be pivotal to the story and more DLC-related stuff). I get the feeling it definitely is Severa (Selena) just that she changed her name. Maybe perhaps she’s taking notes from Lucina like when she was pretending to be Marth (lol). FE: Awakening had Priam who is Ike’s son, so if FE: IF will have Cordelia’s (Tiamo in japanese) daughter Severa (Luna in IF), then we might just see a running trend of seeing previous games characters offsprings in the next game. I’m going to ignore the remakes like shadow dragon being the target game for Awakening to pull from, considering Awakening takes place in the same world and is 2000 years later (hell Chrom is Marth’s descendant if you want to nitpick).
Take it you haven’t seen Odin, then?
This just feels like a lazy way to pad out the character roster, as well as more Awakening pandering.
Now the Fire Emblem community can argue about clones.
Actually, Kazahana’s personal skill may not be as great as it sounds. Probably it only activates on your turn, and even if the skill applies on either turn, directly adjacent enemies is not something you see that much, especially on normal or easy difficulties.
True, true! And there are missions when you have to do it, there it is going to help a lot. But for the rest of the chapters, not that much, unless you play like that. In my case, I don’t stall enemies unless is necessary. My point is that I don’t think is much better than other personal skills. However, some other’s personal skills can become useless at end game, unless these skills change or evolve, that is. This one seems useful from the beginning to the end.
I honestly think its too early to judge whether this skill is good or bad. However, considering now that enemy units can now “pair up,” they are probably revamping enemy AI to act in groups more so than previous FE games. While you might not be dealing massive damage to a lot of units simultaneously, this is still a good skill to counter against enemies units that act as a group. They already mentioned in the Nintendo Direct how you can set your characters in “My Castle” to act in groups or run around solo.
Indeed, is too early. My hopes are that every character is going to be useful. I do not like the idea of having characters with much better abilities than others. Of course, in other hand, the reclassing options and the max stats also could affect how good is an unit. But yeah, we can’t see the whole picture right now.
I hadn’t thought about the enemies’ IA, good point, there would be new things in that aspect.
Dive Bombing. With a tank built unit. Most of the time, I can see people going to use ranged units to reduce an opposing units Hp to near enough while grouped for Kazahana to clear. Taking Ike’s Eruption from Smash and making it a personal. But for now, we’ll have to say it does as great as it sounds.
Well, that requires a specific tactic. And we need to see if Kazahana actually gets more experience by killing enemies that way.
I am just saying this skill could be not that overpowered, especially if you have to use other units to set things like that and make it look cool. It would look cool though.
yeah, luna’s a lazy design. you know who else is a lazy design? Danved in radiant dawn! he looks just like devdan from path of radiance. super lazy imo.
and don’t even get me started on them reusing camus like three times in the first three games. Were they sirius with that?
I’m definitely going to spend 90% of my game time tweaking and messing around with all these cool features while forgetting to save my country or whatever, lol…
To think there are people who just want to do campaigns. I can understand for like a few games/titles, but to actually want all games in the series to follow FE 7’s/8/everything else except for Awakenings’ formula would be redundant as all hell. I for one (along with the vast majority) welcome these changes that are coming to Fire Emblem. Because with stuff like this, we’re able to learn more little quirks of our characters and have them be more relevant than when compared to how characters in Awakening were treated. There is nothing wrong with getting to know the people in your army, it shows you care as a commander and you aren’t there to just “beat the game”. This game is going to be a god-send in occupying free time….plus if one out of the two copies of IF is going to cost this much, I would would rather get my money’s worth (BTW, having around 25 chapters of campaign is so not worth over$50, hence, all this extra content)
It’s like when they introduced the support system in FE6. I wonder how many people bickered because there was less left up to their f̶r̶e̶a̶k̶’̶d̶ ̶u̶p̶ ̶m̶a̶y̶b̶e̶ head-canons.
I welcome them bringing in more things to do than just the main campaign like previous games in the series. Not to mention, as you said, this kind of helps other characters be a bit more important.
These are the type of people who are comparable to those who bought pokemon x/y omega/alpha and only wanted to beat it as fast as they can and only doing gyms and the elite four, finishing the game within 3 days. If people just want to play a game for its main point and not explore or take their time, then its their prerogative. But its dumb that the same people will get angry at the fact that new features outside of the main game are added on, when in fact they won’t even bother doing them in the first place.
I really don’t get why most of the hardcore fans (well the more vocal ones) have to be such prudes. I’m as hardcore as the rest of them, playing FE 7 & 8 and then went out of my way to buy&play the Japanese copy of 6. Considering how similar those 3 (and the rest of them) were, I’m glad we have drastic changes.
test comment
But but… I like the old site’s theme better… 🙁
looks great!! but i do miss the guestbook…
The Sword sprites all make it worth it.
Could you have the website not run on fixed width? I have a 1600×900 screen and there is so much wasted space because of the fixed width.
In the future, maybe. Right now my focus is getting the forums and new site working together without killing the server.
How could you take the IPC from me? How will I waste my life away now? :c
R.I.P. in pizza old theme
The Falchion sprites are the best thing about this.
Wiki page appears dead. Not major, but still notable
I’m aware. I have to configure the server to correctly deal with the way the Wiki’s pages work. My priority is the main site and forums first, though.
Wiki Link doesn’t work, ftr
wait does that mean you want me to ultra stress test the forums by posting a lot
For now, at least…
Wait, I’m getting a lot of Error 502 or is it just me?
Not surprising. I’m intentionally stressing the server right now while I try to troubleshoot.
Mixed feelings on the new layout.
I’m probably just too used to the old one.
rip in pieces fe4thread
Any chances of having a rollback like what happened five years ago?
What happened 5 years ago shouldn’t ever happen again.
So now Serenes forest has disqus like Zelda Dungeon . So does this mean the account I made for the forums is useless now?
i don’t think the forums themselves are running off of disqus.
I wouldn’t want them to. :V
Nope. Disqus will only be used for comments on the main site news and news pages for individual games. The forums will stay the same.
I made a donation. Hope it helps.
Ha ha ha…
Having a discussion here as well is already worth the site’s change.
God bless you. 😀
If it’s for a better future, so be it! The new icon and site layouts makes it ever so worth it! 😀
You do know that there’s a bunch of links on sites that crib off SF that will now link to 404s, right Jyosua?
I can track that and try to implement redirects.
What’s the goal $ for donations?
About $350. We’re currently halfway there! I’m really, really grateful to everyone who donated.
I’m glad we’ve got so many people who care for the site. I did my part for the cause, but sadly I’m kind of poor right now so it’s not a remarkable amount.
Hey man, thank you anyhow.
Also, I need to figure out how to make you a mod on the disqus comments. Once I finish fixing the server issues, I’ll give you your admin account for the site on here as well.
donation $7 -Red
donated, then my bank went totally nuts about it
Well, that /was/ a lot to donate. I really do appreciate it, though. Thank you very much!
I feel bad that i can’t give anything. need to save the money for college tuition. Sorry guys
It takes so much longer for links to load; it’s really inconvenient.
We can’t go back to the old layout, can we?
Okay, things are loading much faster now.
Ya’ll beat me to my bank. Support for our family is strong! I’m proud of you all, my children; thank you for supporting Jyoshua, and for supporting SF.
[…] Awakening […]
Your source link isn’t displaying for me, FB “The page you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be
temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired, or
you may not have permission to view this page.”
Thanks, I can’t find another suitable official link that mentions both price cuts and I don’t have a Wii U to view its eShop myself.
Any word of it possibly being available in my backwater country (The US)?
Still, I do still have a cart and DS Lite with half a play-through on it. ^_^;
Not yet, but it’s out in Japan too, so I suspect it’ll be released in the US eventually.
Wow you guys have disqus here??? I qm a huge FE fan and come here a lot XD I am jealous that japan and Europe got rekka no ken. I love this game I maybe beat it five times and would love to play it on my 3ds
And this message may not be seen because well this post is from hours ago
Sadly it probably won’t be released on 3DS, as Nintendo doesn’t have a GBA Virtual Console on the 3DS (ignoring the Ambassador’s Program from a few years ago). But I’m guessing it’ll eventually be on the Wii U VC in other countries.
Lol I actually hadn’t noticed it said wiiu when I posted this XD
“Old.sf.net”, eh? Nice job patching up the cracks, Jyosua.
Two questions:
1: Are you and the Jyosua affiliated with Skullgirls two different people?
2: Can I be unbanned please?
As far as the Skullgirls question, you mean for streaming events with Skullgirls? No, that is also me.
Unbanned? Where are you banned?
1:Cool, thought it was a big coincidence. I mean, for someone to be both a competitive fighting game tourney pro and the bearer of the mantle of FESS is almost too unbelievable to be true.
2: You don’t know me? Integ and Nightmare know me plenty.
Well, I can’t consider myself a pro unless I actually win a tournament. At this point, I definitely have not.
As far as the ban, sorry man. After checking into it, it sounds like you’ve been ban dodging and were even problematic during that time. Normally ban dodging substantially hurts someone’s case to allow them back onto the forums, but if they were also problematic during the time before we discovered the dodge, that only serves to reinforce the ban.
If I were you, I’d just step away from the place for a while. Go hang out on another community in the meantime. If you have good behavior there for a very long period of time, then that might support justification for a second (technically third) chance.
Pretty jealous of Europe right now! I’d totally buy FE7 on VC and play it over and over again like when it first came out on GBA. Forever my favorite FE, probably~
Also, the site update’s looking really nice! Jyosua did good work!
It wasn’t just me. While I did the design, Makaze was a major help with transferring a very large number of the pages.
Good job all around then!!! 🙂
Why, Nintendo? Why would you put FE7 on the Wii U and not on the 3DS where it makes sense- and where I can get it? I don’t own a Wii U… That being said, my cartridge and my old GBA SP still work, so it’s not like I can’t play anymore. If any of the GBA FEs come to 3DS VC though, you can bet your bottom dollar I will be getting them a second time (first time legally in case of FE6)
Is it known whether they’ve used the EU version or US version? I’d be pretty miffed if we got cheated out of the extended epilogue again…
[…] of all, game names in the URL are universally interchangeable with feX. This means https://serenesforest.net/dark-dragon-and-sword-of-light/inventory/staves/ and https://serenesforest.net/fe1/inventory/staves/ will bring you to the same page. Since most of […]
Hey is there like a chat where people talk about their favorite FE games characters etc.?
yeah, the forums
Sry for posting about it here, but I can’t seem to post on the forum for some reason. On the Maximum Stats page of Awakening when looking at the classes for Laurent (MirielxRicken) Dark Mage and Sorcerer are not options, when in the game they actually are options. So, just something I’ve noticed. And again sry for not posting in the right place.
Thank you so much for posting Tearing saga music. Thank you again.
[…] Awakening […]
[…] begin with, we have the portraits of all the playable characters and soon portraits for the other characters, as well as map […]
[…] Awakening […]
[…] In which case, if you’re interested to know what’s hidden inside the game, but haven’t been following the developments or just want a refresher, then please point your browser to this wonderful page! […]
For some reason, the map reminds me of the Essos continent in A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones… just the general shape/outline.
When are you going to post the Morgan and Avatar map sprites?
I was thinking maybe Tellius for the lower left (maybe it looks somewhat different because map-makers weren’t working with satellite and aerial photography so there may be some inconsistencies… or it’s just x-thousand years later like Ylisse/Archanea)…
Maybe a map of Ike’s journey? Like he traveled the entire continent before settling in the lower right… I dunno.
Looks like Elibe to me. There are slight differences in the areas that would be Etruria and Ilia but the general shape is similar. It is worth mentioning that where Bern would be there is a name that looks to be 4 letters and is likely Bern. Many of the mountains are in similar places though they appear to be spaced out more.
[…] Tomorrow (4th December), Blazing Sword will finally be released on the Wii U Virtual Console in North America and Canada, after it was released in other territories, including Europe and Japan back in August. […]
This is the first FE game I played (Originally in simulator then I got the original). Perfect timing to play it again!
[…] Path of Radiance […]
[…] Radiant Dawn […]
Oh snap! Releases on my birthday! Hype!
Yes! This is great news! I’m hyped for this.
Wha-! No way, I want this.
[…] Awakening […]
[…] (More pics here) […]
[…] Update: A news entry can be found here! […]
[…] https://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-if/pre-release-news/ […]
Hell yeah, Schnabelteah!
[…] Update 2: Detailed analysis added here! […]
[…] A guy on Serenes forest did a analysis, of it, seems to work until GameXplain puts their video up whenever. January Nintendo Direct Analysis – Serenes Forest […]
[…] addition to the new game reveal yesterday, there were additional Fire Emblem-related announcements in the January Nintendo […]
[…] in the Japanese version of the Direct, Iwata revealed that a new version of the Fire Emblem: Trading Card Game will be releasing in Summer alongside Fire Emblem […]
I’m squealing with joy inside!! (FIRE EMBLEM’S SAVED!!! Send out good thoughts that it’ll be localized, people… Or I could just use this as an excuse to finally learn Japanese already…)
[…] with most new announcements, details are scarce at the moment, although from the available footage, the graphics and gameplay are very similar to the previous entry, Fire Emblem: Awakening. This […]
[…] is currently speculation, but it’s possible Kamui could be the Avatar character of this game, based on the current evidence. Bearing in mind in the first footage of Awakening, we […]
[…] Awakening […]
[…] are very similar to the previous entry, Fire Emblem: Awakening. This apparently includes the Dual System (Dual Strikes etc.) introduced in that […]
[…] Fire Emblem if […]
[…] Music […]
[…] Holy War […]
[…] If anybody managed to complete them all (or come close), do pop me an e-mail… […]
[…] https://serenesforest.net/awakening/characters/children/ […]
[…] https://serenesforest.net/awakening/miscellaneous/skills/ […]
[…] https://serenesforest.net/awakening/miscellaneous/dual-system/#Attack […]
[…] https://serenesforest.net/awakening/miscellaneous/pair-up/ […]
[…] Fire Emblem if […]
Here’s to another ten years!!! ^_^
(And another twenty-five years of FE!)
We’re one of the oldest FE sites still around at this point. It’s really impressive, when you think about it. Good work, Vincent!
Keep going strong!
“The strong survive!” -Priam
Happy Annneversary! I’ve visted this site a few times, but I think I’m gonna start hanging out here more often.
Looking forward to this game.
[…] New Mystery […]
[…] Fire Emblem if […]
Panty shot!
… I need to get to Japan. XD
Al is so cute! X3
Ah! Someone needs to put this on the internet somehow. For posterity, of course! We have a duty to those that follow us, after all.
I ought–I mean, they ought be able to experience the orgasmic orchestration. It must be immortalized upon the YouTubes, or a torrent site in a lossless format, or something!
No doubt they’ll play some songs from every game. 😀 Hoping for Land of Sorrow from FE2.
Feels good living in Japan 😀
I hope the tickets don’t sell out before I can get some.
On my birthday on the second day too. Haha.
H̶o̶o̶k̶ ̶m̶e̶ ̶u̶p̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶m̶-̶t̶h̶e̶r̶e̶ ̶s̶t̶u̶f̶f̶ ̶t̶o̶o̶?̶ ̶^̶_̶^̶;̶
A little underwhelming, to be honest. Especially for prices like that.
Ayyyyyeeee these 6 pins with pictures of some lords on them and those two posters! Very nice.
Im interested in that staff book, but I am sure that a certain creator will not even be mentioned.
shouldn’t the year be 2015???
Thanks. Still not used to the new year, haha.
[…] Source […]
Ahhh! Would love to buy the Soundtrack CD “Opening Song Collection” Heck, almost everything here I would buy, but alas..
Please add more detail when you can, I’d really appreciate it! 🙂 I currently live in South Korea, so I’d love to watch it!
[…] is the first day of Comiket Special 6 in Japan and, as reported earlier, event-goers will be able to visit a Fire Emblem booth selling a range of 25th Anniversary […]
[…] Fire Emblem if […]
[…] SMT x Fire Emblem […]
And a happy April Fool’s Day to you as well, Mr. Kozaki.
We don’t even know if FE is set on Earth in the first place! Where did Mars come from?
[…] cutscenes, we finally see some slices of gameplay. Most notably, enemies can now make use of the Dual system apparently, as a two on two battle can be […]
[…] SMT x Fire Emblem […]
[…] 2: Media page updated with pictures from Amazon. (OK, sleep time. Nearly 4 […]
Isn’t locking the other campaign and forcing the player to buy it the same as just having two separate copies and forcing you to buy the other as DLC?
There is no indication that it will be on-disc DLC, nor that each game won’t be a complete experience on its own. It seems to be more along the lines of the Zelda Oracle games, but with a more convenient means of getting the other version.
While the retail version does seem similar to the LoZ Oracle games, I was referring to the digital version, which was stated to “only be one version, unlike the packaged game. Once you reach a certain point, you must decide whether to side with Hoshido or Nohr. After making this choice, the other campaign will be permanently locked (until you buy it as DLC).”
Whoops, tried to delete that post after I read the whole thing. Sorry, totally derped on that one XD. I don’t know why they’re doing that digitally when they could’ve done the same version shenanigans, but I’m guessing it’s because it’s functionally no different and may somehow be more convenient. Though having to download an extra-large file could be a pain for some.
There’s that possibility. We just don’t know enough yet to draw a conclusion.
But that could be what’s going on.
So about as much content as Awakening? Disregarding DLC, Awakening had a decent amount of main game content and side stuff. Not quite as much as I would’ve liked from an FE game, but it was still a good amount.
So it’s not too bad of a price. Hopefully we get the bundled version, too. I don’t want to have to switch carts in order to experience the entire story.
Awakening not including DLC was 41 Chapters of Content, that’s actually more than previous games.
If it’s only 41 chapters, that actually just about matches Radiant Dawn’s content. With Awakening though, a massive chunk of that is side story content. All of Radiant Dawn’s content is main story. I want another FE with as much story content as RD.
This is some speculation on my part but I suspect that the Nohr path might resemble what you’re expecting while the Hoshidan path is more like the awakening route.
Wait, is the DLC where you don’t pick a side the same as the 3rd scenario DLC?
Yes there is that DLC scenario, which ultimately raises the cost of everything to $70 ish dollars, which costs less than everything than in awakening.
Interesting how both versions of the protagonist are barefoot, but male Kamui has armour on the inside of his legs whereas female Kamui doesn’t.
The female version has her thighs exposed because it’s sexy. Also she has two left feet
“the site emphasises that each of the two versions (Hoshido and Nohr) contains a similar amount of content as the previous game, Awakening. So you won’t be paying for half a game at all, if you buy just one of the versions”
Yeah right, IF they cut the world exploration on Nohr’s route (game) doesn’t that just make the game “shorter”. You can’t do anything else other than playing the main story. So that means if you bought the physical version of FE Nohr, you ARE missing some content when you compare it with Hoshido version. If that the case Nohr’s game SHOULD cost less than Hoshido because some content was CUT from the game.
At first I thought I’m going to choose Nohr, but if that means I’m getting a game that have less content, NO THANK YOU NINTENDO
I hope the NA will combine both version, I don’t mind if the price is a little bit higher because it’s better than buying a version of one of the game that have less content with the other. They can make the game harder in many ways, cutting content just to make it seems harder is BS
You seem to assume that because something isn’t featured, it means it was gonna be and was “cut.” Not every Fire Emblem game has a map and world exploration. And it’s quite possible that in place of the map, there will be other content.
Also, just because there’s no map does not mean there are no side stories. There are other ways to integrate them into the game.
Correct that Hoshido probably have more content but if you wanted to play Nohr side it would cost around 20$ and vice versa for Hoshido. The whole game would be around 60$ with both sides. I mean who would only buy one side of Fire Emblem am I right?
To be fair, assuming that they hold true to their words, that’s a little under 80 chapters of gameplay not including free DLC and I spent well over 200 hours with Awakening’s 73 chapters including DLC which totaled in value to $85.50 for everything. Actually now that I think about it, getting everything in IF costs LESS than getting everything in Awakening. What the hell Nintendo?
What exactly would they be cutting? If you mean paralogues, they’ve traditionally been linearly inserted into the story if you meet the conditions at the time. If you mean whatever the Risen fight equivalents would be, frankly, that’s a poor caliber of content.
If NA choose to follow Japan’s path, it’s more cost efficient buying Hoshido and then buy the DLC version of Nohr. Man, my mood just went from excitment to confusion to agitation in just a couple hours. Thanks a lot Nintendo.
So for choosing those that raised me I’m rewarded with choke-point battles and possibly less to see and do? Pretty obvious who Nintendo wants me to side with. Yeah, no, Nintendo I’m choosing loyalty.
…Hopefully NA just skips that mess and goes right to the special edition.
It just seems that they are being biased with the Hoshido faction.
Not to mention “Peaceful Hoshido” and “Glory seeking Noir” when Japan has always been glory seeking and stuck in civil wars for most (if not, entire) history until about 100 years ago.
Either way, I’m going to have fun with the Noire faction as it seems for the veterans of the series.
Honestly though, if I don’t get the special edition (or at least, both), I’ll just stick with one side of the game as Noir.
I’m probably just going to buy both of them even if we don’t get the special edition. Maybe we’ll also get some of those trading cards, am I right?
And I’m sort of hoping if they do the DLC characters thing like they did in Awakening, it’s a little more fleshed out and not just modeled Avatars made to somewhat resemble old characters that are in normal classes.
Japan was in a civil war, however this game is not the same as the real world, they are inspired by the Japanese culture, but i don’t think they really mean that they are. Japan also have been unified by Oda, which was prosperous then.
U.S will release both game separate, they wont bother to merge it, however the special package will release on the following day’s of Fire emblem IF 2 version (JP only). U.S will take some time to convert the third package, and will vary if they will include those mischievous items. Game might release on April 2016 for U.S, 11 month after the release of JP version.
I want to be excited for this game but making two versions with an expensive DLC add-on just reeks of a money grabbing ploy and less content for your money. You don’t just develop 2 games worth of content and release them at the same time.
I don’t have any friends, that I still routinely communicate with, that love Fire Emblem. But this information makes me incredibly excited. I appreciate the work you guys do.
To the left of the weapon names is what appears to be an HP bar for the weapons. Dragonstones, at least the one shown, seem to have infinite uses however.
The stat distribution seems to have been nerfed to normal levels, thankfully.
Also, why do people keep saying that the version with the world map is the traditional one? There’s nothing traditional about the world map and annoying infinite grinding.
Sorry, the traditional part refers to the story premise. Basically you’re fighting an invading kingdom : )
I really hope you’re right about the HP bar thing, because infinite weapon use would disappoint me quite a bit.
But, I don’t see how this would be an improvement. It’s much harder to read compared to plain numbers, if it is what you said it might be.
It is true, it shows the weapon type in a box that in some images is filled green and others the green is almost run out. As mentioned it is much harder to read compared to plain numbers, hopefully that will get changed
Lol, Happy April 1st. Good thing they aren’t jumping the shark here… XD
EDIT: Having a melee in a spacesuit is the dumbest concept ever…
I dunno if it’s been mentioned, but at the part where it mentions the digital version, there is a little typo. “Upon reaching Chapter 6–the point at which you must choose sides–after making your choice, the other campaign will be permanently unlocked ” It should say “locked” rather than unlocked?
The black boxes seem to suggest that Nintendo is expecting a CERO rating of C, higher than any other game in the series.
It seems like a lot of RPGS are getting CERO C. Xenoblade X is rated that, for one. Historically, 90% CERO C usually still equals T.
I’m not concerned about the game receiving anything higher than a T over here. I’m just curious about what bumped the game over Awakenings B rating.
If CERO is anything like the ESRB, it’s a small group of people, and a few staff changes spells different rating methods. It may be due to being required to kill off the other family that you don’t pick, as other people are saying. Not sure why anybody wouldn’t feel a tad put off by that.
people wanted a more traditional Fire Emblem; you got it!
Not that it’ll matter for Lunatic…
More like Hype? This Marketing Scheme is so freaking convoluted and Stupid, they should’ve just released the two games in a pack for the 6550 yen, instead of this weird two versions shite. I’m still gonna get the whole thing because its actually cheaper than Awakening’s total cost and appears to be a better designed game, but I’d rather they just went the simple route and be upfront about the cost of the game for the sake of the consumer.
Nah, straight hype. I’ve already used apparently-not-so-common-but-should-be-common sense to reason out why they’re doing what they are. If they were “up front” about the cost people would be spewing bullshit about how a single 3DS game is $59.99 or $79.99. Most people would NOT pay that much for one handheld game, so people would be bitching about something else/accusing Nintendo of milking us through inflated prices even when the pricing is actually pretty damn fair given how much content there is. The “passionate” fans are generally just never happy and are kind of the worst fans because of that (they spend more time complaining and whining about everything as opposed to the people who just sit back and enjoy the game).
Thanks for the info!
[…] SMT x Fire Emblem […]
Another thing, I think Felicia should be in the Hoshido characters rather than the Nohr characters.
So from what I understand, Kamui=Theon Greyjoy.
sounds about right
you missed the blue haired maid and Gantz
Ganz, I could write a tiny bit about, but I’ve got nothing to write about for the other maid : P
[…] a release window in 2016. The new Fire emblem has been code named Fire Emblem if by the community https://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-if/, and news on Shin Megami Tensai X Fire Emblem has been awaited since it was first mentioned back in […]
I really hate what they’ve chosen to do with this game. As far as I’m concerned, the special edition version is the only that should even exist period. I don’t take kindly to the idea of FE: Pokemon Edition, in which I will be squeezed and prodded for extra cash just to be able to enjoy the complete experience.
And I really hate that the Nohr campaign has no overworld. A massive amount of Awakening’s appeal is the ability to do whatever the fuck you want, instead of basically playing stages, hitting the credits, and *poof*. Roll credits. That leaves a bad taste in my mouth when games do that; it removes replay value along with fun. I thought *Choice* was supposed to be the central theme of If, but now if I want Nohr, I’m basically robbed of choice?
Say whatever you want about how grinding made Awakening too easy. But no matter how you feel about it, the fact still stands that nothing forced you to do so if you didn’t want to (Lunatic (+) doesn’t count). So if you didn’t want to grind, you didn’t have to, in which case you would still be getting your core FE experience. But it was the freedom and added content of that option to grind or do side stuff or shop or whatever that made Awakening last hundreds of hours for me.
But nope. If I want to have fun, I have no choice to side with Hoshido every single time. Call me a scrub and a newbie and an Awakening fag if you want, but I stand by that opinion. I’ll probably buy it anyways, but only if I can get the special edition.
So much for “If”.
But what else was there to do on Awakening’s world map besides grind? I mean, the DLC was better for that idea anyway.
It’s the principle of it, though.
It’s like the difference between driving a car when you’re in Driver’s Ed. (Nohr) and when you have your own (Hoshido).
In one case, sure, you’re behind the wheel, but you pretty much can only go where the instructor tells you to. In the other, you have complete and total freedom to go where you want, when you want with only traffic laws and your gas tank to guide you.
I greatly prefer the idea of a world map where I can say “well, I’ve done 5 story chapters, but that Paralogue over there looks interesting. I’m gonna do that instead“. Or “hey, I’m playing Lunatic+ and could use a little training; I’m gonna go grind in the DLC for a bit”. Yeah, it may admittedly not be the most incredibly amazing piece of side content ever, but at least you can tackle it on your terms.
To me, repeatedly emphasizing how FE:If is all about choice, but then removing a lot of that choice from me because I *chose* a different version is ridiculous and self-defeating, nevermind the bullshit of splitting the games in two to sucker me out of more money instead of just giving me the full experience in one.
To a certain extent I agree with you, I believe that there should’ve been one version of the game+ the DLC. I didn’t care for the world map at all in Awakening, others said it actually hurt the game’s design. But from an actual value proposition perspective as most people have as “problem” with this game, I actually don’t have that complaint as I have demonstrated in the other comments. I just hate this from a marketing standpoint and I hope the NA version is different. Otherwise, I’m actually quite happy that there’s some satiation of rabid fans who prefer the (generally harder) linear FE games vs the world Map FE’s.
The open world map design greatly hurt Awakening’s design, as it also screwed over Sacred Stones. It disallows maps from having too many gimmicks. Awakening barely has any treasure, lacks different objectives, has plenty of “square” and lineal maps, lacks fog of war and Arenas/Stores.
It also opens the game up for incredibly lazy design like Awkaening’s Lunatic and Lunatic +. You either have to cheese the game with Avatar/Chrom/Frederick or grind (with the DLC of course unless you want to be extremely patient and cheese the game) until your units are. In older games Hard Mode had to be actually balanced. Older games also had ranking systems to encourage value and FE7 had alternate maps and characters.
Awakening’s good but it shouldn’t be the game the design revolves around.
I don’t think any of those are things that couldn’t be fixed while still retaining the open map. Different objectives, for example, is literally as simple as providing a greater objective variety within the maps themselves? I mean, Awakening didn’t *need* to have “route the enemy” as the objective for 95% of its maps, nor did they need to be so simplistic in layout. The world map’s existence had nothing to do with the decision to do so.
I think Nohr’s heightened difficulty could be accomplished so much better if its maps featured more challenging layouts with more difficult enemy placement (i.e., don’the put all the Wyvern Riders into one group gaggle where a mage with a single wind tome can easily kill them all without threat of, say, Sorceror retaliation) ,and more difficult map objectives compared to the Hoshino campaign. Limited access to experience and money, to the point where it’s practically like being feed through a stomach tube, is artificial difficulty to me. There’s no need for Nohr’s difficulty to come from such methods, when more creative means would do the job infinitely better.
The same thing would also offer a way to balance higher difficulties. “Harder” should mean “more difficult”, not “now with 50% more bullshit per tile”. The existence of a world map has nothing to do with how well designed the missions it contains are designed; a better design will solve virtually all of Awakening’s problems, save for the grinding DLC, which I think should be maintained for those that want it. Properly designed difficulty won’t be as easily broken by gridning: after all, grinding can’t make smarter AI less smart, for example. If the enemy is difficult by nature (not just because it’s the Prologue and they’re using Steel weapons and have 5x your stats).
Bottom line: I want If to improve on Awakening, but at the same keep its freedoms. That’s why I’m upset about Nohr’s handling.
That’s the point, part of the difficulty of Fire Emblem is resource management, both equipment and monetary. The reason the map design is so flat in Awakening is so you can’t get into an unwinnable situation. Plus there was stupid RNG shit like the Barracks and tiles. Maps also have to be flat to allow them to be replayable. Critical Treasure are a non-factor in awakening.
The open world is what allowed the x5 your stats BS. A more lineal experience forces IS to not be lazy with their design. It’s like a Free to Play game, it inherently makes the devs lazier, and makes them not consider everything correctly. The biggest evidence is the unwinnable chapter 1 in Awakening plus all the random elements that game introduced.
I don’t see how an open world map should have any bearing on the design of chapter maps. If the game is designed without the DLC’s existence having any factor, then you can still design a competent map whilest still allowing for outside freedom.
I want to keep the freedom of Awakening, but make the maps themselves more challenging. As far as I care, chapter maps and the world map should two completely different aspects of the overall game; once you begin a chapter, you have walked into the lion’s den. It should challenge you, and providing a challenge should have nothing to do with also having an explorable world with side content.
The way you design a difficult map is by having a difficult game, but doing so fairly. I dislike the idea of flat limits on experience and funds because the completionist in me hates the idea that I can’t cap my army out. I also hate it because it feels like difficulty created by neglect. Difficulty should be entirely based on your skill as a player; you should have all the tools to win available to you, but actually winning should still be up to your skill. In other words, smarter AI that responds to your moves more like an opponent and less like an algorithm. I want to punished for my mistakes, not because I’m just not allowed to have enough experience to go around, meaning that the majority of my army is reduced to nothing but bench-warmers (I like unit variety, especially being able to bring different units for different situations). I want interesting map design that’s doesn’t just look like a random section of a math graph. If I do something stupid and get people killed, backing myself into an unwinnable corner, that’s my fault because I made it unwinnable; that’s not unwinnable by design.
I see absolutely no reason why If can’t fix the problems of Awakening while still retaining what it did well.
OK, sure Intelligent systems could make separate maps for story chapters and stupid grinding easy baby mode. Still the problem is that the world map in Awakening and Sacred Stones ended up affecting the overall design of the game. It takes time, resources and makes the devs less likely to balance the game correctly. This is why Awakening has a bullshit Lunatic mode and why some Sacred Stones missions spike the difficulty way too much.
The existence of grind-able maps makes the game pretty hard for having diverse maps or creating much unique situations. No doors or many chokepoints, because the enemy army has to throw itself at you like pikmins. No need for long winding maps or maps with various routes because that increases the time you need to reach the enemy so they can go kill themselves. Defend maps also have to go because again the properly designed ones make your units fight in a small face filled with chokepoints.
No climbable terrain, no traps. It’s not a coincidence Awakening and Sacred Stones had less gimmicks overall. Sacred Stones does have more varied elements than awakening, but it lacks them compared to its two GBA predecessors.
As I also mentioned, Resource management has always been an important part of the FE Experience and Awakening reduces it. No need to have iron weapons late in the game. Just deck out everyone in silver/brave forged weapon that never go away with Armsthrift. No real thoughtful choices about when to promote units. No need to save gold to recruit one or two units.
Don’t worry if the devs are doing their jobs correctly and not making stupid decisions that make them have time to not balance the game you could clear the game with the default units. If Fire Emblem 6 can be cleared with 0% growths so can the Nohr version (if it’s done properly).
The end point is this, as can be seen in Sacred Stones and Awakening the open world design causes:
1. Difficulty spikes (Chapter 15 in sacred stones and the unbalanced, unfair lunatic mode in Awakening)
2. Less importance of resource management, leading to less meaningful choices. (No need to choose who get’s Delphi’s shield or the boots, or when to promote, when to use the powerful staves)
3. More restricted map design (it has to be open so you can grind fast)
4. Far less gimmicks/Interesting map design (No traps, no fog of war, no treasure balancing, barely any Status effect enemies, no ballistas, barely any long ranged tomes, enemy AI very rarely retreats, no stealing, no need for NPCs that meatshield you, no need for objectives other than rout and kill commander)
5. Less importance in character roles. Although that’s solved if they remove the second seals.
The solution could be a sacred stones style zone(s) that are separate from the chapters but that still gives less time for the chapters to be truly polished. For 10 games the series has worked perfectly and the installments with the open world map design have always been controversial.
I don’t think you understand what I’m saying.
When I say “world map”, I’m referring to the existence of a world hub that you go to in between chapters, instead of going straight to the next chapter as if you playing levels in a Mario game. I see absolutely no reason why a competently designed game should need to worry at all about a hub world map: side content is side content, DLC is not even considered to be a factor PERIOD (meaning the game is designed with the assumption that you will NOT be using it), and the barracks mechanic is removed all together (I don’t feel it added anything to the game).
Now, on a completely different note, there is the actual chapter stages (read: “maps“) themselves. As in, the stages that are accessed when I walk over to Chapter X on the hub map and select it. At this point, I enter the stage map, and thus map has literally NOTHING dictating what it can and can’t be. You want a defense map? You can have a defense map. You want traps and choke points? Of course you can have them! Want Fog of War? So do I! And you can have it! Want a larger variety of enemy weaponry and tactics? Why the hell not? Nothing says you can’t! Interesting map design can absolutely be had, because when you’re in a stage map, you’re in a goddamn stage map, and there is absolutely nothing that says you can’t. It has nothing to do with being grindable or not; that’s what other maps are for!
I don’t understand your idea that just because Sacred Stones and Awakening faltered in their design, that automatically means that no future FE could ever do a hub world correctly. More to the point, I want a hub world because hub worlds offer choice. If I want go off and do a Paralogue just to take a break from the main story, why should the ability to do so automatically be required to completely ruin the game, as you claim?
I will always campaign for freedom and choice in games. I have always hated resource management-based difficulty with a burning passion, because I feel like difficulty by virtue of limitation is a poor substitute for evolving challenge. So what if I can armor units up with Silver and Brave weapons? If the enemy also has the same quality of gear, what’s the difference? I will agree that Armsthrift is overpowered, but that is easily solved by making it less accessible (make it a Second Tier skill, for crying out loud).
I don’t understand why so many FE veterans refuse to allow any good changes to their precious franchise as if the only way a new FE can be good is if it regressed back to GBA era and never, ever improves. It’s just like the people who refuse to allow the demon known as “optional Casual mode” into their beloved franchose, even though they can still select Classic and forget Casual even exists.
Even the Zelda fandom isn’t this resistant to change.
“I don’t think you understand what I’m saying.
When I say “world map”, I’m referring to the existence of a world hub that you go to in between chapters, instead of going straight to the next chapter as if you playing levels in a Mario game. I see absolutely no reason why a competently designed game should need to worry at all about a hub world map: side content is side content, DLC is not even considered to be a factor PERIOD (meaning the game is designed with the assumption that you willNOT be using it), and the barracks mechanic is removed all together (I don’t feel it added anything to the game).”
I understand it perfectly, the problem is that OK if you can only go to the next chapter what’s the point of adding that. No more heroes had barely anything in the world map so they removed it for the sequel.
I’m guessing you want to fight random trash mobs to gain resources, but this messes up a fundamental theme of the series. To feel like a tactician, managing an army with limited and valuable resources.
You don’t think people design games with DLC in mind, especially Awakening which had the Gold and Experience pack a month after release in Japan and are almost required if you want to use more units than Chrom+Avatar in Lunatic and Lunatic+.
“Now, on a completely different note, there is the actual chapter stages (read: “maps”) themselves. As in, the stages that are accessed when I walk over to Chapter X on the hub map and select it. At this point, I enter the stage map, and thus map has literally NOTHING dictating what it can and can’t be. You want a defense map? You can have a defense map. You want traps and choke points? Of course you can have them! Want Fog of War? So do I! And you canhave it! Want a larger variety of enemy weaponry and tactics? Why the hell not? Nothing says you can’t! Interesting map design can absolutely be had, because when you’re in a stage map, you’re in a goddamn stage map, and there is absolutely nothing that says you can’t. It has nothing to do with being grindable or not; that’s what other maps are for!”
OK, so you want grindable maps to be completely separate from the chapter maps, great so either the devs have to spend less time in each chapter map while making the grindable maps or they hire more people to make those. That’s the best solution but well it impacts costs and IS isn’t running a charity unfortunately.
“I don’t understand your idea that just because Sacred Stones and Awakening faltered in their design, that automatically means that no future FE couldever do a hub world correctly. More to the point, I want a hub world because hub worlds offer choice. If I want go off and do a Paralogue just to take a break from the main story, why should the ability to do so automatically berequired to completely ruin the game, as you claim?”
They can do a hub world, but my problems is if they started including trash mobs to grind and ruin the resource management aspects of the game. Ok, Nohr unlocks paralogues and can do them any time, just access them from your base menu or make a linear map that’s empty and you can sidestep and do the paralogues or distinct version of a chapter. My only problem with the hub world and map is the trash mobs.
“I will always campaign for freedom and choice in games. I have always hated resource management-based difficulty with a burning passion, because I feel like difficulty by virtue of limitation is a poor substitute for evolving challenge. So what if I can armor units up with Silver and Brave weapons? If the enemy also has the same quality of gear, what’s the difference? I willagree that Armsthrift is overpowered, but that is easily solved by making it less accessible (make it a Second Tier skill, for crying out loud).
So again you want to remove all individuality for units (I assume you want the second seal and reclassing to be brought back), the theme of overcoming struggles, the theme of meaningful, impactful choice (who do I promote?) and give the devs a lazy way to not properly balance the game for people who don’t want to grind. Besides you could sort of grind in FE 6 & 7 with the arenas, but it was more like gambling and screwed up your ranking and took forever to do. I don’t mind that.
“I don’t understand why so many FE veterans refuse to allow any good changes to their precious franchise as if the only way a new FE can be good is if it regressed back to GBA era and never, ever improves. It’s just like the people who refuse to allow the demon known as “optional Casual mode” into their beloved franchose, even though they can still select Classic and forget Casual even exists.”
They are not good changes, they are changes to make the game more like an RPG. Go play Final Fantasy Tactics, which is a great game by the way, but don’t start trampling on the fundamental themes and design of Fire Emblem and start crying when a title appeals to the themes and design that made the franchise successful.
Fire emblem 9 and 10 had the best base management system (You can buy equipment, you can use your BEXP, The supports were done the best in that game, You could have funny and insightful side conversations, you could get some fancy items). Awakening did the pair up and marriage system good and the skill system was OK. I don’t mind casual, but there should be a reward for playing on classic, just like Reflex mode in MGSV.
So basically:
– The trash mobs need to go, or at least not provide you with more resources.
– DLC is fine as long as again it doesn’t provide you with resources.
– World map is fine as long as you can’t get more resources. Make split paths. Make the paralogues (maybe not all) accessible when you want to tackle them. Have you choose from saving X or impacting Y storywise based on which of two or more chapters you choose.
– The arena system is fine, you can spend all day on that and grind and buy whatever gear you want, but if you fail prepare to restart… now that I think about it Casual mode ruins that a little.
– Make grindable maps (for the Hoshido version) separate from chapter maps.
– Make choices more meaningful by making top gear and promotion items more limited. There is a feeling glee when your Silver weapon you spent all your cash on helps you clear a chapter you were having trouble on. It also makes meaningful choices to see which units you promote. Awakening diluted the effect of promoting your units.
– Remove reclassing, ruins the characters designs and individuality of the characters IMO.
– Make supports based on chapters, not on turns spent together like glue.
– Put the ranking system back.
– Reward players for choosing classic mode.
So yeah make the game Fire Emblem again not Final Fantasy Tactics 2.
The point is to allow the player the freedom to go do other things between story chapters, such as Paralogues, shopping, arena grinding, DLC (IF they so desire), instead of simply being pushed along as though they were playing a Mario game (“alright, that chapter’s over, onto the next one”). I dislike the idea that I can’t have the freedom to fuck around or maybe enjoy side content—also known as spending more time with the game and characters—at my leisure. Awakening offered plenty of things to do besides just grinding Risen, and it’s that aspect of choice that I want preserved in If.
Enlighten me as to where exactly I stated as such. Oh wait: I didn’t. Why do you assume that just because I like Awakening means I somehow think it was absolutely perfect and demand If to be Awakening 2? In fact, it hasn’t happened in the timeline of this reply, but I’m going to agree with you on arena grinding.
Um…I’m completely lost here. I literally just stated in that paragraph that I’d like chapter maps to be created with a different design philosophy than “grinding” maps; I want chapter maps to feature enhanced variety and offer up a greater array of experiences. Bringing back some of those features I rather like the sound of, such as Fog of War, isn’t an issue of not having enough personnel; it’s about making an interesting map, and anyone can do that if they actually try (one of Awakening’s biggest flaws, in fact, was its uninspired map design and objectives; it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that maybe “rout the enemy” gets boring as an objective after so many repeats). It has nothing to do with labor force, and everything to do with creativity.
I will fully agree on this front; random Risen battles weren’t a good way of doing grinding, although we’ll always disagree on resource management. On that front, may as well agree to disagree.
Making a skill Second-Tier class exclusive =/= removing all individuality. I literally just stated that I want skills like Armsthrift to be less accessible, meaning that less units can get it. It’s the same reason Galeforce is so problematic; less because it’s a ridiculously powerful skill, and more because so many units have access to it that an optimized Awakening playthrough is literally all about getting as many Galeforce units as you can. The skill isn’t broken because it’s powerful; it’s broken because my entire army can consist of Galeforce units, which makes damn near any map a joke, no matter how well designed.
As for Second Seals, I don’t think they should be removed, but I do agree that they could use some tweaking. Second Seals are nice for allowing a unit to continue leveling within their class; the majority of my Second Seal use in Awakening was simply so that units could reach capped stats. I would remove the ability to go class hopping from Sage to Dark Flyer (instead making it so that you could simply change between the 2 promotions of the unit’s base class), and instead would simply retain it’s level-resetting properties (because believe it or not, some people like to cap units out because it gives them a feeling of completeness).
Oh, OK, I see. So because my idea of a good time in FE is different than yours, I shouldn’t be allowed to enjoy FE for anything else it offers besides the most controversial aspects. A lot of Casual-mode haters use the same logic: if you don’t like permadeath, play a different franchise. And that’s a stupid thing to say no matter what franchise (within reason) we’re talking about. How hard would it be to include extra modes distinct from actual difficulty that allowed you to turn certain things on or off? Such as a “True Classic Mode” in which resource grinding is impossible and Second Seals don’t exist? This way, the people that like it a little different can also have a slice of the cake, instead of there only being 1 slice.
So what? I very much like the idea of arena-based grinding, but playing on Casual or Classic is entirely up to the player. For example, I always play Causal not because I’m a shit tactician or don’t want a challenge, but more so because permadeath has never been my cup of tea for as long as it has existed (there are various reasons for that, but they don’t really matter here). If you don’t want arena to fucked up by Casual, play Classic and it won’t be an issue.
I disagree on removing it altogether, but agree on fixing it. The reason for reclassing in the first place was because many classes in Awakening had poor skills available. Get rid of every single last [Stat]+X skill and replace them with actually interesting ones. I honestly never once used a Rally ever either; either improve those, or do the same as with Stat+ skills. Additionally, rebalance Second-Tier classes so there aren’t just 6 classes that are all clearly better than the rest (that everyone has access to), leaving little reason to leave units within their original class family (those 6 being Hero, Falcon Knight, Sorcerer [because Nosferatu is broken as fuck], Manakete, Bride [DLC], and Dread Fighter [DLC]).
As for the characters themselves, how about we make the characters more interesting in the first place. I kinda liked Awakening’s cast, but very few of them did more than amuse me; I only really ended up loving a small select few, whereas the rest were there for entertainment value. Improve characterisation, and their individuality will improve along with it. Rebalance the promoted classes as mentioned before, and it will be more or less ideal; the problem was always that most base promotions just weren’t as good, not that I actually wanted half my army to be Heros.
In conclusion, I want to keep freedom, choice, and player options. I’m not saying make If Awakening 2; I’m saying Awakening had things it does right, and I’d like to keep them. My big issue with Nohr is simply the fact that it and Hoshido are built on 2 completely different philosophies. Perhaps you like a core FE experience; nothing wrong with that, but there are better ways to keep it than just forcing it down everyone’s throat and thus restricting its appeal (regardless of what you think, there’s no question Awakening was the most successful FE to date, and that’s entirely because it opened itself up and made the series more accessible to new players). I hate the way Nohr is being handled for this reason:
Let’s imagine that perhaps I’m someone who hasn’t been with FE since it’s infancy. Let’s imagine that I’m a guy whose first FE was Awakening. Now, let’s imagine that as a result Hoshido’s setup appeals to me because of the extra content it offers (I’m hoping its easier difficulty can be offset by actual difficulty modes). So I play the Hoshido campaign for a while and what not, but out of curiousity I decide to also check out the Nohr campaign just for a change of pace. Upon starting the Nohr campaign, I quickly discover that it is dumbed down and restrictive compared to Hoshido, meaning that if I happen to enjoy the freedom of the Hoshido campaign, but perhaps prefer the Nohr characters and units more, then I’m just shit out of luck. Don’t you see the problem there? I’m literally punished for wanting to experience the other side by getting less content (and there’s no 2 ways about it; Nohr has significantly less content than Hoshido as it stands)!
They can talk all they want about how “oh, well to make up for the lost content, Nohr has a more intriguing story”, but that stops being a factor after your first playthrough. Once you know all the twists and turns, “intriguing” is no longer a substitute for missing content when the other campaign very easily offers that missing content. If I want to enjoy Nohr for anything other than its story, I get punished for it. How is that a good design choice, no matter what you think FE should be like?
“The point is to allow the player the freedom to go do other things between story chapters, such as Paralogues, shopping, arena grinding, DLC (IF they so desire), instead of simply being pushed along as though they were playing a Mario game (“alright, that chapter’s over, onto the next one”). I dislike the idea that I can’t have the freedom to fuck around or maybe enjoy side content—also known as spending more time with the game and characters—at my leisure. Awakening offered plenty of things to do besides just grinding Risen, and it’s that aspect of choice that I want preserved in If.”
OK, great, do that and only remove the trash mobs, that’s my only problem, because like I’ve said a 100 times they screw up the resource management. Shit make things like Trial maps, Challenges with predetermined armies, DLC maps and other diversions but make them not consume or augement your resources in the main campaign. Even better make split routes within the split campaign or different versions of the same chapter a la FE7. Make a post game where you can grind a la Sacred Stones. There can be a map in the Nohr version, but again I only don’t want that map to allow me to cap my characters in mission 7 where I can one-shot all enemies with a bronze sword. Sure you want to have that option, but that’s what the Hoshido version’s exists to do.
“Enlighten me as to where exactly I stated as such. Oh wait: I didn’t. Why do you assume that just because I like Awakening means I somehow think it was absolutely perfect and demand If to be Awakening 2? In fact, it hasn’t happened in the timeline of this reply, but I’m going to agree with you on arena grinding.”
Then why are you so insistent on maintaining the framework of Awakening? Also looking further in your comment you also assume things of me, don’t be a hypocrite. (Here’s when you’re assuming things of me: “Oh, OK, I see. So because my idea of a good time in FE is different than yours, I shouldn’t be allowed to enjoy FE for anything else it offers besides the most controversial aspects.”)
“Um…I’m completely lost here. I literally just stated in that paragraph that I’d like chapter maps to be created with a different design philosophy than “grinding” maps; I want chapter maps to feature enhanced variety and offer up a greater array of experiences. Bringing back some of those features I rather like the sound of, such as Fog of War, isn’t an issue of not having enough personnel; it’s about making an interesting map, and anyone can do that if they actually try (one of Awakening’s biggest flaws, in fact, was its uninspired map design and objectives; it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that maybe “rout the enemy” gets boring as an objective after so many repeats). It has nothing to do with labor force, and everything to do with creativity.”
As I’ve also said, OK this is an assumption, but the fact that the maps makes me think that IS was making the game easier for people to grind and the maps and gameplay style were changed so that half the enemy army could surround you and die. There’s no explicit proof of it. I’m assuming the intentions of the map designers and well is there evidence to contradict my claims?
“I will fully agree on this front; random Risen battles weren’t a good way of doing grinding, although we’ll always disagree on resource management. On that front, may as well agree to disagree.”
Ok, great we agree that we’ll always have a different POV on this issue, but this is a franchise were weapons break all the time and your units have a limited amount of equipment they can have. There has to be a resource management element or the series will lose a part of the identity it forged. Same with permadeath and weapon triangle, that is always pushed in promotional materials.
“Making a skill Second-Tier class exclusive =/= removing all individuality. I literally just stated that I want skills like Armsthrift to be less accessible, meaning that less units can get it. It’s the same reason Galeforce is so problematic; less because it’s a ridiculously powerful skill, and more becauseso many units have access to it that an optimized Awakening playthrough is literally all about getting as many Galeforce units as you can. The skill isn’t broken because it’s powerful; it’s broken because my entire army can consist of Galeforce units, which makes damn near any map a joke, no matter how well designed.
As for Second Seals, I don’t think they should be removed, but I do agree that they could use some tweaking. Second Seals are nice for allowing a unit to continue leveling within their class; the majority of my Second Seal use in Awakening was simply so that units could reach capped stats. I would remove the ability to go class hopping from Sage to Dark Flyer (instead making it so that you could simply change between the 2 promotions of the unit’s base class), and instead would simply retain it’s level-resetting properties (because believe it or not, some people like to cap units out because it gives them a feeling of completeness).”
I meant in general that the design and personality Frederick has clashes with him being able to become a priest. Same with Chrom losing the ability to use swords when well he has 3 exclusive swords for him. Plus again, besides personality, you remember and like characters for what they can and can’t do and if they fit an archetype like Est. Canas is pretty much popular because he’s the only Dark Mage in his game. Awakening removes that with the reclassing. Cherche talking about Minerva all the time even if you reclassed her is just silly.
Second Seals could be left for the post-game. Sure I’ve gotten units maxed out, but there should also exist options that make the game enjoyable for people who want to clear the game the most optimal way possible (Spending funds, Turn counts, Exp gotten, no deaths).
“Oh, OK, I see. So because my idea of a good time in FE is different than yours, I shouldn’t be allowed to enjoy FE for anything else it offers besides the most controversial aspects. A lot of Casual-mode haters use the same logic: if you don’t like permadeath, play a different franchise. And that’s a stupid thing to say no matter what franchise (within reason) we’re talking about. How hard would it be to include extra modes distinct from actual difficulty that allowed you to turn certain things on or off? Such as a “True Classic Mode” in which resource grinding is impossible and Second Seals don’t exist? This way, the people that like it a little different can also have a slice of the cake, instead of there only being 1 slice.”
Ok, so why didn’t they put that in Awakening, I would be all over that mode? Apparently, you can’t have a game or mode like that like the Nohr campaign, because IS gets people making baseless complaints about “losing content” or “not being able to grind all day.” They are already giving options to different types of players, hell they are making games for different types of players, but now the more casual fans want to screw over the classic fans. I want the Nohr version to play like FE7 did and expand on all the good things that game did, but oh no, the casual fans who began with Awakening are gonna bitch and moan about it. I’m sure they’ll also blow a fuse if there’s no marriage and children like last game.
It’s like Persona fans moaning about SMT IV because there’s no social links and party members. I’ll enjoy both versions thank you, but at least let me enjoy the fact and have fun with the version tailor made for me.
“So what? I very much like the idea of arena-based grinding, but playing on Casual or Classic is entirely up to the player. For example, I always play Causal not because I’m a shit tactician or don’t want a challenge, but more so because permadeath has never been my cup of tea for as long as it has existed (there are various reasons for that, but they don’t really matter here). If you don’t want arena to fucked up by Casual, play Classic and it won’t be an issue.”
It’s a long and interesting video but Epic Name Bro nailed it why sometimes options screw games up.
The root is that easier or more lenient options can screw up the themes and message of a game. There should be space for food and music that’s an acquired taste and the same should be true of games. Don’t ask creators to water down their content, and if they do water down their content, heck make Casual players not get a star on their save file or have a lesser ending. MGS 5 handled the Reflex mode perfectly, you get a bonus on your score if you don’t use it.
Why can’t I have a version of a game I want? Seriously Awakening fans sound like Persona fans wanting all games in the franchise to appeal to them and them only.
I just want a game that handles itself like 10 of the 13 previous Fire Emblems. A playthrough that doesn’t allow me to max out my characters before the post game. I wouldn’t mind grinding post game and test myself against a similar mode like the Monster Ruins.
Why does “capped characters on Chapter 7 one-shotting everything with Bronze Swords” have to be the only possible outcome of having a map with designated arena grinding? Why couldn’t it just be there for the units I keep having to bench for particular missions because bringing them would be suicide (i.e.; leaving Pegasus Knights out of a map with 20+ Archers)? Or to bring lower level units up to speed who would otherwise be impossible to level in chapter maps (units like Donnel in Awakening, for example)? This is what I don’t get; you seem to believe that the mere existence of the ability to grind even a little automatically means the game is unfixably ruined, when in reality you as a player have the ability to consciously decide:
> 1) Whether or not you even want to do so in the first place. (Which is YOUR CHOICE)
> 2) When you’ve done it enough and are ready to stop.
> 3) How much is too much so that you don’t over do it.
This is not a hard concept. A player looking for a challenge in Xenoblade Chronicles can’t do every single side quest in the game, or else they’ll end up constantly overleveled. Does that mean side quests should be removed? No: it means you just have to find a balance that works. (And please don’t ignore this entire paragraph because I equated Xenoblade to FE when they’re obviously not the exact same).
Framework is not the same thing as making If completely identical on all gameplay fronts. Hell, I want a lot of things changed from Awakening. The presence of a world map in Nohr is not one of them. Another one is the ability to support with everyone, because it added a ton of extra content. Improve the quality of those supports, yes, but don’t reduce them in number.
At no point did I ever suggest that weapons shouldn’t break or that the weapon triangle should disappear. I love the weapon triangle and the fact that individual weapons break (with the exception of plot relevant signature weapons; I’m hoping Yatogami [Kamui’s sword], Marx’s sword, and Ryoma’s sword are infinite just because it would be awkward for them to break and yet continue to be featured in cutscenes). Hell, I want the Anima triangle back as well! I think Casual Mode should stay though, because it was one of the biggest things that allowed Awakening to sell the best of the entire franchise, and we both want FE to continue selling and thus have more games made. Casual Mode is entirely optional, and thus I can’t really agree with any argument that attempts to factor them as “ruining the game” when anyone who doesn’t want it can select Classic, and forget that Casual ever existed (we’ll come back to this later).
Didn’t you read what I said? I said that Second Seals should only allow reclassing between the inherent paths of the unit’s base class. So say I have an Archer who can promote to either Sniper or Bow Knight. I promote them to Sniper, and then later on use a Second Seal. That Second Seal should only enable that unit to either revert to a “Lv. 1” Sniper or change to Bow Knight, and that’s it. So in Fredrick’s case, he would only be able to either stay a Great Knight or change to Paladin; not cross over to Armor Knight or hell even Thief (as Kellam can). This would largely solve all those issues you mentioned with characters, and would also prevent Awakening’s biggest problem: the ability for damn near anyone to get damn near any skill (because skills are class specific, and thus if a unit can’t change to that class, they’ll never be able to get that skill. This prevents me from having an army of Heroes with Armsthrift and Galeforce).
My entire issue with Nohr is because Hoshido has so much more to offer than Nohr, and the choice seems frustratingly deliberate for non-gameplay reasons. What if I like Nohr’s units better, but also like what Hoshido has to offer in terms of side content? Does that mean I should just fuck off and never be able to enjoy Nohr to the same degree as Hoshido (note that I’m speaking hypothetically here as someone other than myself)? Doesn’t that seem unfair that the Hoshido campaign is full of freedom and choice, and yet the Nohr campaign is restricted and confined on a multitude of levels? As in, not in a good way? I’m perfectly OK with Nohr being more difficult, but it bothers me that the only way this can apparently be achieved is by removing the world map, thus likely removing side content as well, and thus placing all focus on a narrative that you will know all the twists to after your first playthrough and thus not be able to enjoy as much on future playthroughs. That’s what started this entire comment thread in the first place; I don’t like that Nohr is being gimped compared to Hoshido. It is missing content; they outright stated that Nohr’s “more intriguing story will make up for [bold is word for word what was said]” what ends up being lost compared to Hoshido (in other words, Nohr will have less replay value). And then they’re gonna charge the same amount of money for the standalone Nohr campaign as for the Hoshido campaign that offers all number of side content.
You can say whatever you want about Hoshido being easier. You can say whatever you want about it allowing grinding. But the fact still stands that it has more than Nohr for the same price. And that pisses me the hell off that IS would do that and screw over anyone who wants the content value of Hoshido in Nohr’s campaign. Talk about “Screwing over classic players”, but it’s not about being casual or classic; it’s about demanding equal content for an equal sales price. This is why the special edition is the only one that has any business existing, and the other 3 business models are utter shit. I will gladly pay extra for FE if it means I actually get my money’s worth.
There’s a reason options exist in video games, and that reason is most definitely not to “water them down”. In fact, quite the opposite; options expand the game for more players. I’m absolutely fine with rewarding those who go the extra mile in their playthroughs. I play Metal Gear Rising on Revengeance mode specifically because it rewards me for playing on max difficulty by increasing the Parry Counter’s damage by 10x, even if I still get my ass kicked. MGR also offers easier difficulty modes for other people as well, however, which allows them to enjoy the game just like I can. I don’t look down on anyone who plays it on Easy, because I recognize that perhaps some people want to play a Platinum Games game for fun, and not to have their ass handed to them on a silver platter. Just as you might recognize that people should be given the OPTION to enjoy FE without precise resource management and limited funds. Platinum Games games have always been about challenge, but they don’t force you to do so in order to have fun with their games. There is content in MGR that is locked behind higher difficulty modes, as well as greater BP (currency) being awarded from battle and Revengeance mode’s buffed Parry Counter (which you need).
On the subject of MGR, do you know how it handles different difficulty settings? By changing the game. On higher difficulties, enemies are not only more aggressive, but also appear in greater number. Revengeance mode even fundamentally changes the AI, which is normally set to only attack one at a time, so that everyone can attack you at once. In addition, enemies appear on higher difficulties (namely Very Hard and Revengeance) that wouldn’t be there otherwise. For example, the first real stage of the game normally has your first fight consist of 3 basic cyborgs. But play on Very Hard or Revengeance, and that fight will also throw in a free Mastiff; a tough enemy that’s hard as hell to fight on high difficulty, and which you normally wouldn’t encounter until the next scenario afterwards; a whole fifth of the game later.
That is how you handle difficulty modes. IS could take some serious notes from Platinum Games in terms of how to design alternative gameplay modes. It would not be hard to create the modes I mentioned before, such as “True Classic” mode which would simply need to alter coding so that grinding maps are closed off (thus preventing EXP, funds, and resource grinding all in one fell swoop). Nor would it be difficult to do what Bravely Default did, and allow a more deeply customizeable experience (the ability to outright turn off things such as money, EXP, or Job Points when you don’t want them, allowing you to grind for what you specifically want without overdoing everything else). Classic and Casual modes already exist for the player to turn permadeath on or off; I personally believe that while permadeath is the “true” FE experience, it can still be enjoyed without it. Options are not bad things; they are good. The better a game can tailor itself to multiple different play styles, the better. And FE doesn’t have to sacrifice anything to do that.
Will IS do that? Will IS add extensive options to FE that would do nothing but improve the game and allow more people to enjoy it in a greater variety of ways? I wish they would, but I have a sinking feeling they won’t.
Ah, OK. Wanting variety and expansive options so that FE can appeal to more people = (apparently) “I want FE to be Awakening always, and fuck everyone else, because I’m the only person who matters.” I was not aware that wanting IS to keep options open apparently makes me a self-entitled casual. But sure, I guess I am if you say I am.
Don’t give me that bullshit. I literally just gave off a list of ways that a “compromise” (except not even, because everyone wins this way) can be achieved. If anything, it’s the hardcore FE fans that piss me off because they like to dictate that their way to play is the only acceptable way to play, and anyone who doesn’t is just casual scum with no right to possess an opinion (not necessarily pointing at you, but I’ve met plenty in my time who act as such). “It’s my way or the highway” is the biggest cancer on gaming since linear level design, and the sooner it dies, the sooner the industry can achieve a new renaissance.
“Why does “capped characters on Chapter 7 one-shotting everything with Bronze Swords” have to be the only possible outcome of having a map with designated arena grinding? Why couldn’t it just be there for the units I keep having to bench for particular missions because bringing them would be suicide (i.e.; leaving Pegasus Knights out of a map with 20+ Archers)? Or to bring lower level units up to speed who would otherwise be impossible to level in chapter maps (units like Donnel in Awakening, for example)? This is what I don’t get; you seem to believe that the mereexistence of the ability to grind even a little automatically means the game is unfixably ruined, when in reality you as a player have the ability to consciously decide:
> 1) Whether or not you even want to do so in the first place. (Which is YOUR CHOICE)
> 2) When you’ve done it enough and are ready to stop.
> 3) How much is too much so that you don’t over do it.
This is not a hard concept. A player looking for a challenge in Xenoblade Chronicles can’t do every single side quest in the game, or else they’ll end up constantly overleveled. Does that mean side quests should be removed? No: it means you just have to find a balance that works. (And please don’t ignore this entire paragraph because I equated Xenoblade to FE when they’re obviously not the exact same).”
Sure it is a choice, can’t they give me a choice to not have that option present? Awakening didn’t, so I’ll have for now to assume they won’t give me that option if they include a world map in the Nohr version.
ENB said that the problem with it is that devs either assume that you grinded and balanced accordingly to keep the challenge or they assume you didn’t grind and when you take your grinded units they curbstomp. Like you said, give me a True Classic mode or allow me to turn weapon degradation and EXP for trash mobs. Even better, reward me for doing that for playing the proper way and don’t reward or punish players who do that.
Path of Radiance also presented a good choice for benched units. The BEXP system… which also gave you bonuses for being efficient or fulfilling secondary objectives. They can bring that back.
Hilariously I did do every quest in Xenoblade Chronicles, but it’s a false equivalency. Sidequests in Xenoblade Chronicles tend to be harder than the main game, Gaiden chapters in Fire Emblem are rewards for playing well. FE 6 and 7 did this really well. They are taken into account into the rankings of those games.
“Framework is not the same thing as making If completely identical on all gameplay fronts. Hell, I want a lot of things changed from Awakening. The presence of a world map in Nohr is not one of them. Another one is the ability to support with everyone, because it added a ton of extra content. Improve the quality of those supports, yes, but don’t reduce them in number.”
I’d make them like FE 6-9 managed. It seems a little silly that Lon’qu who dislikes women can support with more women than man and can’t support Basilio and Flavia… Hell those two can’t support themselves. As I’ve said they can keep the map, the problem always comes around to… does the world map give me an easy way out of the game’s challenge? Not having that pressure for me lessens the experience and sense of achievement, especially if I had to resort to grinding.
“Didn’t you read what I said? I said that Second Seals should only allow reclassing between the inherent paths of the unit’s base class. So say I have an Archer who can promote to either Sniper or Bow Knight. I promote them to Sniper, and then later on use a Second Seal. That Second Seal should only enable that unit to either revert to a “Lv. 1″ Sniper or change to Bow Knight, and that’s it. So in Fredrick’s case, he would only be able to either stay a Great Knight or change to Paladin; not cross over to Armor Knight or hell even Thief (as Kellam can). This would largely solve all those issues you mentioned with characters, and would also prevent Awakening’s biggest problem: the ability for damn near anyone to get damn near any skill (because skills are class specific, and thus if a unit can’t change to that class, they’ll never be able to get that skill. This prevents me from having an army of Heroes with Armsthrift and Galeforce).”
This is a nice solution. Nothing to complain here and sorry if I understood you wrong.
“My entire issue with Nohr is because Hoshido has so much more to offer than Nohr, and the choice seems frustratingly deliberate for non-gameplay reasons. What if I like Nohr’s units better, but also like what Hoshido has to offer in terms of side content? Does that mean I should just fuck off and never be able to enjoy Nohr to the same degree as Hoshido (note that I’m speaking hypothetically here as someone other than myself)? Doesn’t that seem unfair that the Hoshido campaign is full of freedom and choice, and yet the Nohr campaign is restricted and confined on a multitude of levels? As in, not in a good way? I’m perfectly OK with Nohr being more difficult, but it bothers me that the only way this can apparently be achieved is by removing the world map, thus likely removing side content as well, and thus placing all focus on a narrative that you will know all the twists to after your first playthrough and thus not be able to enjoy as much on future playthroughs. That’s what started this entire comment thread in the first place; I don’t like that Nohr is being gimped compared to Hoshido. It ismissing content; they outright stated that Nohr’s “more intriguing story willmake up for [bold is word for word what was said]” what ends up being lost compared to Hoshido (in other words, Nohr will have less replay value). And then they’re gonna charge the same amount of money for the standalone Nohr campaign as for the Hoshido campaign that offers all number of side content.”
Why not try the Nohr version if you like the units battle? do you know if the third path will allow you to choice which units do you want? Freedom and choice aren’t always good in video games. Some of the best games are cinematic and linear and offer little choice. You can get the version that suits your needs.
How do you know Nohr is “gimped”? Do you know how they’re handling the side content in Nohr? What if there’s more replay value if they add alternate versons maps, different endings, Challenges, side chapters and other routes into it?
You don’t think that putting restrictions into a player’s game is a conscious decision by the makers of the game? You don’t think a better experience can be achieved if they balance the game to always put pressure on you?
All of this seems to stem from your hatred of limitations in games. Without limitations genres like survival horror lose their impact, luster and sense of achievement.
“You can say whatever you want about Hoshido being easier. You can say whatever you want about it allowing grinding. But the fact still stands that it has more than Nohr for the same price. And that pisses me the hell off that IS would do that and screw over anyone who wants the content value of Hoshido in Nohr’s campaign. Talk about “Screwing over classic players”, but it’s not about being casual or classic; it’s about demanding equal content for an equal sales price. This is why the special edition is the only one that has any business existing, and the other 3 business models are utter shit. I will gladly pay extra for FE if it means I actually get my money’s worth.”
This is hypotethical what if Nohr has 10 more chapters than Hoshido? Are you getting your money’s worth? What if the structure of Nohr allows for more replay value?
“There’s a reason options exist in video games, and that reason is most definitely not to “water them down”. In fact, quite the opposite; optionsexpand the game for more players. I’m absolutely fine with rewarding those who go the extra mile in their playthroughs. I play Metal Gear Rising on Revengeance mode specifically because it rewards me for playing on max difficulty by increasing the Parry Counter’s damage by 10x, even if I still get my ass kicked. MGR also offers easier difficulty modes for otherpeople as well, however, which allows them to enjoy the game just like I can. I don’t look down on anyone who plays it on Easy, because I recognize that perhaps some people want to play a Platinum Games game for fun, and not to have their ass handed to them on a silver platter. Just as you might recognize that people should be given the OPTION to enjoy FE without precise resource management and limited funds. Platinum Games games have always been about challenge, but they don’t force you to do so in order to have fun with their games. There is content in MGR that is locked behind higher difficulty modes, as well as greater BP (currency) being awarded from battle and Revengeance mode’s buffed Parry Counter (which you need).”
Not all games are made for everyone, I hate it when devs dumb down a franchise to appeal to more people. Awakening’s concessions to classic players watered down the game. Lunatic mode you have only two options: Either only use Fem!Robin and Chrom if you don’t want to grind or grind to get gameplay similar to the other games.
To paraphrase the video:
“The thing is that this statement that you need always control over the game is arrogant and close-minded and conceited, because it assumes that you know everything about fun and the devs can’t teach you anything new. Tastes can change. I don’t think you know everything fun. I want the devs to tell me what is fun. That’s why you vary your tastes in games and music for example. They don’t all need to be the same and have the same options. Give yourself a chance to experience something new.”
“On the subject of MGR, do you know how it handles different difficulty settings? By changing the game. On higher difficulties, enemies are not only more aggressive, but also appear in greater number. Revengeance mode even fundamentally changes the AI, which is normally set to only attack one at a time, so that everyone can attack you at once. In addition, enemies appear on higher difficulties (namely Very Hard and Revengeance) that wouldn’t be there otherwise. For example, the first real stage of the game normally has your first fight consist of 3 basic cyborgs. But play on Very Hard or Revengeance, and that fight will also throw in a free Mastiff; a tough enemy that’s hard as hell to fight on high difficulty, and which you normally wouldn’t encounter until the next scenario afterwards; a whole fifth of the game later.
That is how you handle difficulty modes. IS could take some serious notes from Platinum Games in terms of how to design alternative gameplay modes. It would not be hard to create the modes I mentioned before, such as “True Classic” mode which would simply need to alter coding so that grinding maps are closed off (thus preventing EXP, funds, and resource grinding all in one fell swoop). Nor would it be difficult to do what Bravely Default did, and allow a more deeply customizeable experience (the ability to outright turn off things such as money, EXP, or Job Points when you don’t want them, allowing you to grind for what you specifically want without overdoing everything else). Classic and Casual modes already exist for the player to turn permadeath on or off; I personally believe that while permadeath is the “true” FE experience, it can still be enjoyed without it. Options are not bad things; they are good. The better a game can tailor itself to multiple different play styles, the better. And FE doesn’t have to sacrifice anything to do that.
Will IS do that? Will IS add extensive options to FE that would do nothing but improve the game and allow more people to enjoy it in a greater variety of ways? I wish they would, but I have a sinking feeling they won’t.”
Sure but the last few FE games have abandoned that type of customization, again go back to the solutions they had for Lunatic: Either grind or cheese the game. This is what has Veteran players (not myself necessarily) angry, they’ve been pushing the casual angle too much and form half-baked concessions to the Veterans.
“Ah, OK. Wanting variety and expansive options so that FE can appeal tomore people = (apparently) “I want FE to be Awakening always, and fuck everyone else, because I’m the only person who matters.” I was not aware that wanting IS to keep options open apparently makes me a self-entitled casual. But sure, I guess I am if you say I am.
Don’t give me that bullshit. I literally just gave off a list of ways that a “compromise” (except not even, because everyone wins this way) can be achieved. If anything, it’s the hardcore FE fans that piss me off because they like to dictate that their way to play is the only acceptable way to play, and anyone who doesn’t is just casual scum with no right to possess an opinion (not necessarily pointing at you, but I’ve met plenty in my time who act as such). “It’s my way or the highway” is the biggest cancer on gaming since linear level design, and the sooner it dies, the sooner the industry can achieve a new renaissance.”
Oh please don’t play the victim and straw man my argument. Putting more options isn’t always the best solution for the game or the player. Restrictions, linearity can be the point of a game, they can force the player to be more careful or creative in their approaches.
I am only asking for a “True Classic” mode. I’ve also given some suggestions (re-adding BEXP, Rankings, Punishing or not rewarding players who choose casual or grind). Rankings can push more casual players to try the harder and more traditional modes.
You assume Nohr will be lesser for some hypothetical reason. the game’s not out, again what if it has way more missions or side missions or Trial Maps or has the Ranking system?
The hardcore FE fans are more likely pissed because they have a valid reasoning to why Options & Freedom > Good, Well balanced and considered game balance.
“It’s my way or the high way” also seems incredibly dogmatic and restrictive. Not all games have to appeal to all human beings, like linear level design, it’s a tool for the developers to make the art they want.
You would be clamoring for games that treat the games like babies, for example adding a Easy mode to Dark souls, when the whole point of the game is to “Prepare to die” and any sense of accomplishment is gone if you know you have an easy way out. Even worse, would you be in favor of games that remove all the gameplay like what Bioware was attempting? You don’t think the gameplay would suffer if they implemented that.
Also, Human beings are elitist, some people like to feel better because they can do something others can’t. Rankings and True Classic Mode would be a great way to satiate the elitist Fire Emblem fans.
To quote ENB once again:
“The addition of an easy mode would detract from the experience of a game like Dark Souls. The possibility of failure is exactly what makes victory rewarding. Adding easy outs for the player to reduce the risk of failure lessens the experience for everyone- not just the people who use it.
Some people believe that they should have absolute control over the media they consume. Some people don’t. I DO care about what I can learn from a game. There are in fact plenty of games that allow you to enjoy them on your own terms, but this one doesn’t. And that is not a flaw of the game- it’s a feature. You have to adapt to the game, or you don’t get rewarded. You either get it, or you don’t.
This is not an interactive movie with a foregone conclusion. It’s a FUNDAMENTALLY different experience. If you want a title that caters to your whims, you are looking in the wrong place. One major reason why people love this game is BECAUSE it doesn’t hand you anything in a menu. You wanna see the end boss? Either get good or summon someone who is.”
Just a minor issue but the “trading card game” tab doesn’t have a link to the cipher cards.
Will there be a seperate board for just discussing FE TCG whether its the old one or the new one coming out?
HOLY MOLY the one with Cherche looks so good…
So I just purchased 2 each of the starter decks, I assume they are the same cards in them? Then Two Booster Boxes of the Hero Swords along with Anya Kingdom Game. Can’t wait to see what I get.
Same here. I just hope there are not too many duplicates per box.
The Starter Decks I have a feeling they are the same cards. A friend asked me to order a pair of starter decks. (I have a feeling Chrom, Masked Lucina, Tharja and Cherche are in there) so I think they should have the same cards in it. It is a “Starter” Deck after all.
As for the Booster Box, of course there is a chance of doubles. 16 Booster Packs – 10 cards each = 160 cards in total. I’ll see how it goes when I get the cards.
I’m pretty certain about the starter deck being the same but I did buy two of the starter decks with Chrom and the awakening characters just for the hell of it.
Hey VincentASM! Are you ordering any of the cards?
Good to see that HACCAN has been commissioned to do some of the artwork.
hi admin, can you help me? i have logged in to sereneforum and but keep getting this error. What should i do to post something there? 🙁
[…] can download all 12 volumes of the manga directly from our gallery. (Note that most of the “Read Online” links are currently disabled, as I slowly upload […]
I hope America decides to just put the game in one version. The third campaign as DLC I can deal with, though i’d prefer it to be included from the get-go as well. Even though I love the box art for the two versions, I don’t want two versions. I can deal with it in Pokemon since story never been important and there’s never been a big difference between a game and it’s counterpart in the series, but this game is very story focused and two versions will pull apart and detract from the experience.
Still, love the boxart, so can we have a reversible cover for this game Nintendo? (Assuming NA gets it all in one version)
[…] Fire Emblem if […]
[…] Path of Radiance […]
“Fire Emblem if will feature DLC characters, accessible from download codes bundled with special packs of the TCG.”This troubles me…does that mean that the only way to obtain these characters will be from the TCG?Or will there also be standalone dlc in the nintendo e-shop?
I wouldn’t be surprised if they used amiibo cards internationally.
Presumably NoA and NoE would just sell them for money.
The art is godly and I’m definitively interested in the game itself, but I’m hoping they’ll do a more complete rule presentation sometime. I’d like to see a complete match or rule explanation: I won’t go collecting these cards (if they were in English, maybe) but I’d be willing to play a few matches of this with the starter decks for sure!
Thank you!
Thank you for the analysis! I really hope they keep the marriage and Japanese audio option in…
If they have a card of Stahl/Soru, I will be so happy and die in peace. :3
They do. Check out the rescent post about the card game play and click the Dengeki link to see it.
The cards are badass
[…] Binding Blade […]
[…] Dark Dragon […]
[…] Thracia 776, for being released on the then-defunct Super Famicom, and the uncertain development of Fire Emblem 64, the series’s long-term future became […]
[…] The Sacred Stones […]
[…] Fire Emblem if […]
[…] Binding Blade […]
[…] Mystery […]
[…] Akaneia Saga […]
[…] New Mystery […]
[…] Thracia 776 […]
[…] was at this point the higher ups concocted a plan to get the series back on track during this difficult era, by moving the series from home consoles […]
[…] Shadow Dragon […]
[…] Path of Radiance […]
“Thanks to the inclusion of Binding Blade’s Roy in the international release of Super Smash Bros. Melee”
Aren’t you forgetting someone?
Yes, yes, and Marphy too… (he needs to be in a better internationally released game… what am I saying!?!)
Thanks. I was mainly trying to tie Binding Blade and Melee in my head and forgot him for a moment : P
Now that the series has been saved, hopefully they’ll move away from the simplicity and general “un-FEness” of Awakening. I personally feel that game was more 75% generic fantasy anime and only 25% Fire Emblem. Which is probably why it did so well in sales in both Japan and in the west. With them splitting FE14 into two (or three) games, hopefully they can make it so White is the casual game like Awakening is and make Black the more complex, TRUE FE game. Something similar in complexity to the Jugdral games, or hopefully as complex as the Tellius games.
Happy 25th, FE!! Stay alive so we can have another 25 years (though the series jumping the shark sometime in the future may or may not be a fate worse than death– No, Awakening did not jump the shark, per se…)
“the series found itself in a downward spiral of sales, leading to Heroes of Light and Shadow being the first game in the series to skip the Western market.”
Might want to put “the first game in the series to skip the Western market, since.” Obviously all the games skipped the Western market until FE7.
Heroes of Light and Shadow is one of my favorites.
Haha, I wasn’t sure how people would read that. I’ve thought of how to fix that now.
[…] Radiant Dawn […]
[…] Awakening […]
[…] Fire Emblem if […]
Thanks for sharing and for all of your hard work!
R̶o̶y̶’̶s̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶s̶h̶o̶r̶t̶ ̶T̶_̶T̶
Is Ike supposed to be 6’8″?!? (203cm)
Ike is huge. XD He has to be, to wield that stupid giant sword.
Thank you for everything that you do for the FE community. We appreciate it!
Happy 25th Anniversary!!! I ended up pIaying FE1 today in its honor.
Very happy I got into the this series back in 2011.
My collection is still incomplete, and I haven’t really finished displaying everything yet, but since it’s time for celebration I thought I should share too!
This is my pride and joy, and took me several years of hard work, but it was worth every penny so far!
how much money have you spent on that ? i need to know tks. ^^
it would be nice if someone will good photoshop skills would colour this drawing.
Your first problem is that you need to seperate the color layer from the original lineart to color it. I’m not very good, but I could give it a shot. ^^
Like so: http://puu.sh/hmpxl/6e191a8fde.jpg Have fun. (The color is gone for the text. If I had time, I could prevent that, but… I’m being lazy~) Open that in something like Gimp, and it /should/ be transparent. If it isn’t, just look up a tutorial.
Why did they include Lucina and Ephraim, but they left out Celice? Celice deserves some love.
Jugdral has two characters shown, if anything Alm and Celica should be there.
I’ve been keeping up with this for a few months, and I wanna thank you for keeping up with it. Top notch job!
Honestly, reading the analysis, the SMT side of the analysis was definitely a bit off. The poppy, anime-influenced tone of the game is reasonably similar to the Persona and Devil Survivor games (both of which are spinoffs of SMT), but the core SMT games aren’t like this at all. Hell, the “Genei Ibunroku #FE” title is pretty similar to the Japanese title of the first Persona game, “Megami Ibunroku Persona.” And the battle system, from what we’ve seen of it, seems to be its own thing – none of the SMT games used a system like this game’s, even if they were turn-based. Honestly, the only SMT references I noticed were Atlus mascot Jack Frost appearing in a poster in the background, and the return of the Strike/Pierce/Slash attack types in a Fire Emblem-style triangle.
I mean, I’m giving it the benefit of the doubt as to whether or not the game itself will be good, but it’s doing a pretty horrible job as a crossover – it feels more like they just made an entirely new game with Fire Emblem themes. They could’ve avoided a lot of fuss if they’d described it as “an Atlus/Intelligent Systems collaboration” rather than setting it up as a crossover.
Wow, I didn’t know there were so many FE games in the eshop.
When are they going to localize them VC games!! DX
“The Nohr campaign features diverse victory conditions”
Ohhhhhhhhhhh Myyyyyyyyyyyy Gooooooooooood!
… But does that mean the Hoshido part dosen’t have win conditions outside of “Kill Everything” like in Awakening? I mean I wanted Nohr ever since I read that it plays more like a classic FE but if the Hoshido part won’t have different winning conditions it’ll be kind of disappointing. Hahaha…
I get the feeling IS is basically making two games for two purposes:
Hoshido for the casual gamer, to be a financial success like Awakening;
Nohr for the ancients, the veterans, who hark from past eras of blood, sweat and tears.
And the neither side one is for those that just want to fall flat on their faces. XD
*victory dance* (https://i.minus.com/iyEab4BrbK11a.gif)
Aghhhhhhhhhhh! so much excite!
So my wish came true, amiibo support. I really really hope Captain Falcon is compatibel with this game (For reference sake, look at the Smash 4 reveal trailer for Lucina)
Lol, can we expect some incest then? But seriously, I hope this means that the story is good (not that higher rating=better story).
Funny thing: Genealogy has an A (Everyone) rating in Japan. Clearly incest isn’t a big issue over there : P
PG 15 it´s really good, so we can expect a more “mature” and dense history ??
About the amiibo, its kinda obvious, but i really hope a far better work in DLC chars. I almost cried when i saw my beloved Lyn in FE awakening
If only they had skins for a plain old 3DS…. *sigh*
I just hope it isn’t rated M in America.
Not really sure if that would be good for sales.
But I really wonder why the rating increase. I imagine it won’t be for blood (Awakening didn’t have any and I’m sure this won’t either) and the violence is probably going to be the same as Awakening.
It could be that there are darker moments or that there are more characters with a design like Camilla.
I don’t know. Camilla’s design isn’t really much worse than many things we saw in Awakening. Heck, I’d consider Aversa’s to be more suggestive than Camilla’s.
Yeah. However, as I said in the other half of the sentence, this story can be the darkest so far out of the Fire Emblem games. I suppose we won’t know until it comes out, but it might have to do with the fact that you might kill your little brothers and sisters. (Mainly the sisters.)
That’s not likely to happen.
M requires any one of the following:
Extensive and Gratuitous Swearing (Not “Damn” or “Hell” either, we’re talking words that rhyme with “Tuck” or “Hit”).
Sex (and not jokes either. Think Mass Effect or Dragon Age) Games rated T can have cleavage/thigh/bared midriff (See Hyrule Warriors) and still be T.
Extensive Blood/violence/gore (Again, think Mass Effect, Dragon Age or Skyrim). Games rated T can have blood (See StarCraft and Warcraft) but it has to be far more persistent and not just blood to hit M territory (see Diablo series)
Something tells me we’re not in danger of seeing the game rated M. It will likely be T with a few more descriptors in the ESRB box.
Woo! Only $200! I can afford that! *opens wallet* … *moths fly out*…
The 15+ is probably due to the fact that it’s similar to FE:A, but it may have a bit of blood, it looks like some parts of it will be really dark (especially the Nohr side) and the mental trauma of trying to keep all of your units alive~ X3
hardly traumatic with Phoenix mode haha
X3 Even the mightest will fall on super-easy mode when you hit a heartbreaking chapter. (Which I have a feel that there will be a lot of.)
Hey . . . there are some characters on the ends there that we haven’t seen before! That white-haired well-dressed guy and that older-looking purple-haired man . . . I don’t remember seeing them before.
Imagine if they released a new wave of amiibo exclusive to fire emblem if! That would actually make me buy them for once!!! (plus Sakura amiibo would be adorable!!!)
I saw an amiibo of female Kamui here
I tried to find it’s relevant log but I couldn’t find it on that cluttered nightmare of a site.
What makes it a “fan” game? Isn’t he just making a strategy RPG?
Sorry, my wording was slightly off. He is making a “doujin”/indie game; I was tired and went with a different meaning.
in the case somebody wonders where his email is, below is it
infzeek [AT] mist [DOT] dti [DOT] ne [DOT] jp
Thanks, but I think the man wants to avoid spam, so I’ve edited your message a bit.
omg …. the Limited version from this Single seems awesome
CD + DVD with MVs
Aqua´s storyboard replica with character design *-*
I wonder if they have a card for rufure/robin(the avatar in awakening )?
Well looks like I’m buying Nohr
Unfortunately I didn’t get any pics either, but I can definitely confirm there are retail displays for If in multiple locations in Tokyo, notably several SoftMap stores, where you can also preorder a 3DS LL console with an If design.
@VincentASM and everyone else out there: Don’t know if you have found this one yet, but if not, definitely worth a readtrough.
We did not… no, we can not have… no way.
Are you the avatar from Lucina’s future or something?
Hmm, interesting facts about the character classes.
So more dragon worshipping. Though it looks like they worship the same thing unlike Awakening.
Hyper casual mode! I find that really funny.
The phoenix mode seems very silly, as if casual+easy was still too hard for ppl (and if it is then maybe they shouldn’t play these games).
I’m going to be brutally honest: if normal/casual was too hard for you in Awakening, you shouldn’t be playing videogames.
I’m going to be brutally honest with you: if you care that much about how other people play video games, you shouldn’t be playing video games
I just don’t see a reason for Phoenix mode to exist. WHO has actually said that normal/casual was too hard? The mode just seems pointless.
Then you don’t have to use it
I just fail to see the reason for its existence.
Hey little prick, you saying my son, who is 9 years old, incompetent? The game was hard for someone like him but your ugly think that he is stupid? Do yourself a favor and stop limiting yourself only to your ugly ass.
Your 9 year old son should not be playing video games especially not Fire Emblem. Fire Emblem is not a kids game. Be a responsible parent. People like you are the reason we don’t have nice things.
Dude, there’s no age in Fire Emblem! How old are you to believe that?
Compared to a similar game called Super Robot Wars, Fire Emblem had a LOT less innuendos. They both have the same age rating (Teen), and there were barely any in the first few Fire Emblem games. Super Robot Wars, however, was dropping them AT LEAST every other chapter. I didn’t understand them at the time, AS I WAS 5 when I played the game for the first time.
Are you being serious right now? Have you seen kids playing games like COD? I guess not because having my kids playing something other than COD is better.
I don’t think the target audience is 9 year olds. I’m saying that Phoenix mode really just came out of left field, and will attract minimal new fans or sales (if anything, it will become a ridicule point).
I started playing fire emblem before I was 9.. It isn’t an age specific game. I’m 21 and still love them. I mean yea Phoenix mode sounds ridiculously easy but what is the point in hating on it? Some people like more of a challenge than other do.
Lunatic+. even on casual, lunatic+ is a pain in awakening. and assuming it comes back, i might just use phoenix mode on it on my first playthrough through lunatic+… i dont think its confirmed to be back yet, but lunatic has.
Yeah how dare people not like a feature in a game, they must be demonized, mistreated and called salty whiners. This feature is going in everyone’s copy whether they like it or not. If you dare have the opinion (and it is an valid opinion, even if it’s regarding an option) that the game is lesser because it offers you options that remove pressure and sense of accomplishment. By the way, yes it does, even when you’re playing on super hardcore ultra super no casuals mode and you’re having your ass kicked, your first thought is… man I may want to lower the difficulty or if I was playing easy Mode I wouldn’t have so much trouble.
I would say that it’s a valid opinion to have that difficulty select screen are basically implanting the idea that you’re going or can complete the game, you’re just choosing how frustrating it will end up being. Not having a difficulty select option can be a feature for players, because it makes them uncertain if they can or will ever complete the game, making them more immersed and focused on the game. It’s the appeal of games like Nethack or any roguelike.
To paraphrase a wiser man than myself:
“When players say easy mode cheapens the game that’s what they mean it reduces the risk of failure which is an important tool the dev uses for having a sense of accomplishment so when a player player says even having the options cheapens the game, that’s what they mean. the risk of failure is not the same. If you put the easy way out it goes into everyone’s copy. “
Also all they’ve shown so far is how simplified the game is, so when are the features that appeal to the older fans gonna be shown, if they exist at all. The point of the versions was to have various flavors of Fire Emblem, hopefully they will show they care about the old fans soon or it will get frustrating.
I’m going to be brutally honest with you: if you care that much about
how other people play video games, you shouldn’t be playing video games
This changes affect players emotionally. It’s not entirely rational.
– People like to brag about things they can do others can do, if your friends.
– This is going into everyone’s copy.
– People like feeling like they’re between a rock and a hard place, having a way out affects them. Sure they can have self-control and not choose the easy mode. I still feel like it’s unnecessary annoyance that is present in the back of your mind, I’ve had this personally happen to me in some games, but rarely take the temptation.
– Difficulty select screens feels like, choose your victory for many players. I’ve never had that, but I think it’s a valid grievance. Some people like to be unsure if they’ll be able to clear the game.
– This doesn’t necessarily apply to Fire Emblem. It applies to genres like Roguelikes and horror games more.
– This doesn’t apply to me. It just ticks me off that people with valid feelings and grievances, even if they are partially irrational are demonized.
– If this was free day-one DLC few would have a problem.
So no, people don’t care how other people play game, people care about how their experience may be adversely affected. For the third time, it’s a valid way to feel about things, although not 100% rational.
Yeah how dare people like added features in a game, they must be demonized, mocked and called salty casuals who aren’t handsome hardcore Fire Emblemers like ME… I mean us.
Dude I love games like Kirby’s Epic Yarn. I personally don’t care, but I dislike it that people are being mean to people with valid complaints about the difficulty and am trying to explain why they may feel that way.
In quite the ‘shove in your face because I’m important’ way. I understand your point, but seriously. Mocking? EVERY FREAKING SERIES ADDS SOMETHING NEW. Not everyone is a hardcore gamer. And seriously: Casual was a major part of why people bought Awakening. Awakening saved the Fire Emblem franchise. Think about it before shoving your hard-boiled ‘ideas’ down people’s throats.
You really can’t expect games to be THAT perfect, can you? You never have to click that feature, and I’m sure that once you get the game and start playing it you’ll forget all about Phoenix Mode. If you’re seriously tempted to switch to a lower difficulty… do you have no willpower at all?
How many people do you think were attracted to Fire Emblem: Awakening because of Lunatic+ mode? I’d wager very few — less than the amount of custom generated by Phoenix Mode at least. Hell, how many people who bought Fire Emblem: Awakening do you think actually BEAT Lunatic+? Games shouldn’t cater to you, they should cater to everyone.
You don’t know what I’m thinking so how can you be sure that I’ll stop thinking of Phoenix/Casual Moce. Especially when you can lower it permanently if you fail. I do have willpower to not choose it, I never chose Causal mode in Awkening, even when playing in lunatic. It’s more of Navi nagging me about stuff in Ocarina of Time.
It’s knowing that even if I never touch it or use it I have a way out and not feel like I’m between a rock and a hard place. When I die in awakening, particularly my Lunatic playthrough, casual was the first thing that came too mind and I just shrugged it off. Ideally, I should’ve been thinking of how to do better next time.
For me having a difficulty select screen says that the game can be cleared and you’re choosing how hard the rock and hard place is. Roguelikes don’t give a fuck. They’ve been having a resurgence because of people getting tired of games being made with the purpose of being cleared. Hell, Super Mario Bros. also didn’t care, yet is still fun and no one complains about the lack of easy mode there.
I played Fire Emblem because the permadeath, breakable weapons and characters that managed a single role. That sounded cool when Fire Emblem 7 came out and I was 11, so I bought it. Note that all these features have been made optional or removed.
Similarly I bought the Europa Universalis Games not because of how casual they sounded, but because they seemed complex and willing to respect the dedicated player. Not because it has casual mode or “you can’t lose mode.” The difficulty or lack of options can be a selling point. I know this because that’s why I bought Fire Emblem 7.
Catering to everyone is a pointless endeavor and you end up with washed up video games like Resident Evil 6, Clash of Clans and Candy Crush. Catering to everyone is catering to nobody. It’s just bland and safe entertainment.
There are people who will hate Fire Emblem no matter what and catering to them is pointless. Still, it seems that IS is more concerned with them than their old fans like me who will still buy the product no matter what, that’s a little sad.
It stills disgusts me the treatment that people receive that when something that affects their enjoyment of the game negatively are treated with bile, disrespect, and condescension. Sorry it affects them, I don’t think they’re good at expressing it, but it’s similar to how I feel.
I feel more immersed because well it’s not gonna get easier, so I better pay attention, I also have to learn all the mechanics and systems, because well, if not I’m gonna get my ass kicked and lose, and there’s no way out of it. Every decision counts more, each turn is more nerve wracking, each advantage you manage to gain is more significant because again, there’s no way out. Even if I never turn the mode out or give it a glance it still is in the back of my mind when I lose, get frustrated or can’t think of anything else.
Plus human beings in general like to brag about things they do that others can’t and sure you may be more skilled and reach a secret mission on Lunatic and feel more accomplished than if another person did it on Phoenix mode. Still the way to be really accomplished s if the other player never even sees it. It’s selfish and greedy, but hey that’s why some people do X things in video games. I can brag about doing all the sidequests in Xenoblade Chronicles but would feel less accomplished if people did them with less effort on an easier difficulty setting.
Also pretty crappy that playing on the harder difficulties isn’t incentivized by IS, you’d think they’d want people to but apparently they want to coddle their players into barely learning to play the game optimally or with challenge.
I’d do with a glowing save file, rank system, achievement or trophy I can brag about to people. Anything that makes Is take note of my achievement instead of not caring how people play their game or what they managed to accomplish in it. Because I think that screwed up Awakening.
Your twin visions are equally useless.
Nobody’s right or false at this subject because it’s just an idiotic confrontation of opinions. However, something has to be say : considering video games like something else than pure entertainment is not bad and letting this media to become casual won’t be good for everyone in the future.
As others said, phoenix mode has no sense other than in lunatic (or lunatic+) difficulty; that is all. If someone needs phoenix mode to play fire emblem, this is nonsense (without saying a word about the spirit of the game, which could be discussed, I admit). Graphics, music, story aren’t the only thing that define a video game; there is the gameplay too. And the gameplay of this game in particular can only be apprehend with a certain degree of difficulty, a frustration, a mass of reflexion and a strategy. Without these elements, we don’t play the same game.
I don’t mind people who want to play with no frustration at all, but they could ask to themselves if they have chosen the appropriate game… In that way of thinking, The Danman has the right to defend the game and the media. It’s to casual people to adapt to the players who think video game is as serious as the cinema. In fact they have the right to apprehend the game in their way; not to depreciate the media because their way of playing.
No one said that they have to use casual or phoenix mode on only normal difficulty. Consider the difference in strategy for something like: phoenix/lunatic+.
EDIT: oh, now they have confirmed that phoenix mode is only for normal mode… lame.
Hey, if *Bunny-Phoenix-Slope-Mode* increases sales and keeps Fire Emblem alive for a few more years (or a decade even), I’m all for it.
As long as they don’t take away Classic Mode, I don’t think it’s really a problem (now if they did then that’d be something to get angry about).
…Of course I won’t ever use *Bunny-Slope-Mode*… (unless they have a secret Lunatic-Blithering-Madman++! Mode in which you fight Fomortiis, Grima, Nerge, and a Family-Sized Starship on the first chapter… then I’d consider it.)
And the Endgame of Secret Lunatic-Blithering-Madman++!, wanna take a guess? ALL Past Fire Emblem characters. Maxed-out stats, all with Limit Breaker. (That means HUNDREDS of enemies! Oh JOY!)
Don’t forget the thousands of generics you have to get through on that chapter before you get the *privilege* of fighting the characters who have a name and mugshot. And at the start of every player phase all your units’ HP is reduced to 1 and at the start of every enemy phase 8 generics all warp to surround your units with max’d out stats, limit breaker, and the LOLUDIEDEDLOSER skill equipped. Also, because of LOL, such skills as Sol, Counter, and any other skills remotely useful in a masochistic torture fest (such as this mode) suddenly disappear from your units’ skill slots.
Presumably Phoenix mode will be openly labeled just like the settings in Awakening, allowing you to point and laugh at people.
As a fan of Genealogy’s reforging, I honestly don’t mind the infinite use weapons one bit.
I just wish they could have had kept a smithy, to keep a similar level of complexity like where to focus funds that way. Holy War did it fine since gold wasn’t pooled, the battles were long, and the weapon ranks were fixed.
This makes me even more sure that Aqua won’t be a traditional dancer, but rather some kind of Dancer/Lancer/Lord Class. Seeing as the Avatar is a Dark Prince/Princess (Manakete/Sword/Lord), Wouldnt it make sense for Aqua to be a similar mix of classes, if she is designed to be Kamui’s foil? (Perhaps they’ll even go as far as calling her Light Princess?)
Well, Olivia wasn’t a traditional dancer either, seeing as she could use a sword. Units who can’t fight in a FE may (or may not) be a thing of the past…
Sylvia and Feena could use swords.
Do we happen to know the default name of the My Unit this time?
is Kamui
So i guess people are going to joke about phoenix mode like lunatic+ mode
I suppose I have mixed feelings about unbreakable weapons. On one hand, a unique bit of FE strategy has passed (“Don’t use the Rapier because we may need it later!!”)… but, on the other hand (provided Weapon Forging returns), forging Alm’s Blade or whatever other neat assorted weapons we’d get to play with isn’t a total waste of time!
On a related note, the weapon durability system was nearly completely broken in Awakening seeing as you could basically buy Hammerne staves from a shop towards the end of the game (a randomly generated Secret Shop, but a shop just the same)… not to mention just how many other things you could horde with the right DLC…. *Edit because I just remembered* AND the restocky-thingy too…
As for Phoenix Mode, I’m just grateful they only added it and didn’t take away Classic Mode.
Normally I might be confused at the utility of Phoenix Mode… Easy Casual was pretty hard to die in intentionally… but then I realized.
You know, Luna+ & Absolute Hit with a Hammer mode on poor Fredrick? I’m pretty sure we could all still manage to loose spectacularly in that mode assuming that it’s still Game Over for the Lord and other important characters.
So aqua is your adopted sister?
Don’t think so, I think you were raised in Nohr and she was raised in Hoshido, so you probably didn’t know each other
Sorta… If this information is right then you and her basically switched places, but in the end she chooses the same family as you. Which might mean she is your adopted sister, but I doubt they will actually classify it as such in game and you will probably be able to marry her(if marriage is in) since she is neither your blood sister and you weren’t raised with her as siblings.
“This particular detail hasn’t been confirmed, but it seems the
blue-haired songstress, Aqua, may be in a similar but reverse position
as the Avatar. According to reports, she is the princess of Nohr taken
prisoner by Hoshido.”
Hoping this gets confirmed ‘cuz I’m just laughing in my chair right now and will laugh all the way through all Mandark style if it is. Peace loving Hoshido my butt!
Also nine save files. They know what’s up.
Y’know, Phoenix mode sounds dumb but it offers a new way to play the game.
Like having a playthrough in which your goal is to beat the chapters while killing off all of your army as much as possible. Then we all share our records.
So, these are just leaks right? Does this mean you might be able to get more info when the issue actually comes out?
Yes, hopefully : )
There is an interview in this week’s issue too.
Still no option to change skin color, I see. :/
Anyway, Phoenix Mode sounds silly, but then again it’s not aimed at players like me. Anyone who actually ridicules others for picking Phoenix Mode is just a dick.
It wouldn’t really work for this game since you have to look at least somewhat like your four siblings. Hopefully the next game with an Avatar allows you to pick skin color.
Still not likely. How many people with tan-dark skin do you see in Japan?
A lot of Asians are tan, actually (myself included). Tan Asians just aren’t as well-represented in Asian media because white skin is considered attractive in most East Asian countries.
Not sure how to feel about the whole “no durability on weapons” thing. I’m sure it’s something I’ll get used to. As for the Phoenix Mode, I don’t see why not? It’s just a silly thing for people to play with. If you don’t want it, stick to classic. I think the more options people have, the better. Overall, still really looking forward to this game!
If you’re playing Fire Emblem casual mode you are not playing Fire Emblem, you are playing Noob Emblem.
Nah. Maybe you just want to enjoy the fun gameplay without the worries. What’s wrong in that?
You can enjoy it while playing it the way it was made to be played.
The Phonix mode is AN OPTION !!
If u dont like, dont choose it, Its very simple. People really feel ashamed cause the game can be finished by casual players ??
This Phonix mode will make FE a more friendish game, and more people will come to like it. More popularity more games. Or these people didn’t know that the franchise was about to be discontinued by nintendo cause Fire emblem it wasn’t selling as they expected ??
the weapons durability was a nice system, but on the other hand, it´s suks to not use a cool-motherfuker-godlike weapon cause u dont want to break it (yea FE is dificult enough to make u use them), with this mode we all could enjoy a nice weapon at our content. it may be a nice implement (or not)!!
Seems like the unbreakable weapons thing will make it less of a challenge. I can see it working for legendary weapons, but not normal ones.
See when I first heard that the avatars dragonstone could not break I thought it would just be like that for certain items. I thought beast and dragon stones having a durability to be ridiculous. The +stones yeah I can see why, maybe not tikis but whatever. I also thought it weird you can buy them. Like Nah brings up to Cynthia that dragonstones are rare a precious and should be wasted on dumb things like looking like a bad ass. Like Nah, Ive got leaif blades, Inigo with rightful king, AND he has despoil. We have infinite money right there.
I wish regular weapons had durability still though. It added a point of strategy and made for some tense moments trying to get Chrom or someone over to a unit to give them a new weapon if theirs broke.
I agree with that, ’cause dealing with dragonstones has ALWAYS been a real pain. At least the Falchion was unbreakable…….
Gaiden had Unbreakable Weapons too, ya know.
(Edit: Alm is from Gaiden. Because some people don’t know which game he’s from)
Well, I can get why they rolled with Phoenix Mode and they’re not wrong per say. But people shouldn’t be afraid to challenge new things just because it seems a little daunting. They may end up liking it more than they thought.
Well, that’s just my take. More power to the devs and for those who go down this path. Classic Hard is always the way for me.
“With those hot topics behind us for now, there was a spicy rumour about the heroine, Aqua, which we can now confirm to be true.
Similar to the Avatar, Aqua was originally the princess of Nohr, taken
prisoner by Hoshido. The circumstances of her capture are unknown, but
it does raise a lot of questions.”
…Now if you’ll excuse me… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiGIQrt1IaE
Hoshido or Nhor ?? damn you Intelligent system, i never was as happy as pissed with a choice :v
i loved the Nohr’s royal family, but i want to protect Kamui’s hometown. It’s a a fuking dificult choice but i’ll probably chose Nhor and change the kingdom from inside.
Which side will you guys take ?
Currently planning on choosing Nohr, though it’s not like I’m in a rush.
Got all the way until 2016 to figure it out (grumble gumble)….
are roy and marth in this game?
This troll right here…
Yes they are, but you have to make them yourself. :3
So… I still don’t have something perfectly clear. Both campaigns are available in ONE game, right? it’s not going to be something like Pokemon where you have to chose a specific version of the game (FE if: Hoshido or FE if: Nohr), RIGHT?
That question has multiple answers:
In Japan, it’s being sold in two versions, plus a limited edition (that’s sold out) with both versions on-cart, plus a download code for the third campaign.
NOA however presented it as an in-game choice, so I don’t know.
Ditto with NOE, though there’s something that makes it seem like they’ll do multiple versions.
My best guess as to our silver-haired mystery man’s name is Aquinas (アキナス). キ and ス are visible, and then out of the letters with those bottoms, ア and ナ are the most probable, thus Aquinas.
The other new unit names are Suzukaze and Elfie.
“…while others may be extremely powerful, but difficult to attack twice
Interesting… so they’ll abolish durability but bring back weapon weight maybe??
More like weapons having straight up stat buffs/debuffs. For example:
Note the two green stats and the red stat. It’s quite possible that Yatogami buffed the green stats while it de-buffed the red stat, and the colors denote it.
Interesting… I guess I’ll have to actually play the game in order to wrap my head around how that would actually work. XD
Also, I guess dragonstones have a weapon rank now? (Probably already been noted… oh well…)
Oops, double posted. Sorry!
I was wondering if you could possibly get a larger scan or screenshot of the Nohr family like you did with the Hoshido? Unless you got it from another source, in which case, sorry for bothering you.
Edit: whoa, why aren’t my comments showing up on the list…
What are they doing to the by many beloved FE formula 🙁
I mean, I would still buy the game. I am going to buy it no matter what.
But major changes like this are. not. necessary.
yeah idk this seems like a bit too much, guess we’ll have to wait and see
It makes it more interesting, so older fans do not get bored.
They’re making things easier for casuals, while attempting to appeal to old fans but inserting artificial complexity.
Honestly I think these changes are hilarious and unnecessary. They feel like an afterthought.
Will still get the game though. Just doesn’t feel like this will be Fire Emblem.
Sounds like you just don’t like change in general. Aside from Phoenix mode, nothing is making the game “easier”. Honestly the new way of handling weapons brings a lot more stategic elements rather than the tedious item management of old.
It’s true the changes are not necessary, but having played all the games in the series up to now, I’m welcome to change. In my opinion, it’s better for the series to change and improve, rather than stay the same. Otherwise, I may as well play the older games.
Exactly because we are all gonna buy it anyway after Awakening is why this is an easy time for experimentation. I’m expecting some of these changes to return in later games, others not. It all depends how well they all work
can someone put higher resolution for the first scan?
Wait for famitsu article on 21.
They always do that: put picture for ants for tease first and later update it
New classes !! Maybe these are IF´s only classes, but i really love new classes.
Great Butler is obviously Buttler advanced class, im really loking into Maid´s and Ninja´s advanced ones.
That was actually an error. Gunther’s class is Great Knight instead.
is that so ??
hahah … its make sense
“He was a butler… no a Great Butler!!” (And the Jeigen)
So, does anyone know if that -2 to Str and Skl on Silver Weapons is cumulative? Like, do you reduce them after each attack, until you’re whittled down into dealing no damage? Because that’ll make them pretty bad for chokepoints, which, I admit, would be a shake-up to established tactics.
It says there that it is until next turn, so most likely it will just be restore at the end of the turn, you use it, you get the -2 leaving you vulnerable during the enemy phase, on your next phase you should have the Str and Skl again on normal.
I know it’ll be restored at the end of the turn. What I’m asking, is if you kill a guy, then another guy comes up to you and you kill him, does that mean that you’re down to -4 Str until the next turn? So that if more and more enemies throw themselves on you, that you’re Str gets worse and worse until you can’t hurt anything until the next turn?
Because that just kills choke point potential, which has been one of the main tactics for FE for a long, LONG time.
Wow, I actually did not think of it that way. Well, with the few information we have I’d assume that it would work that way, probably the it is only after you use the “attack” command, if so, no reductions should be done when being attacked. Hopefully this will get clarified once we have the full article translated or newer articles.
This assumes there will be choke points at all. Do we know if the maps are designed any better than Awakening? Although I guess being reduced to 0 damage in the middle of a wide, open field would also suck.
Don’t use Silver weapons at choke points then. I think that’s the point of this new system: some weapons are useful in certain situations but completely ill-suited in others. We have to determine which is the most suitable on our own.
I personally don’t think the debuffs would be accumulative though, I imagine it would be just once. But we’ll have to see…
To me it clearly means that every time you use it, your Str and Skl are reduced by 2. At the end of your turn they are back to normal, and then the next time you use it again they are reduced by 2 back to -2.
What I’m more interested to know is whether attacking with a silver sword twice in one fight will reduce it by 4, and whether, presuming something like Galeforce returns, using it 4 times in one turn (twice in two fights) will reduce by 8. It could get rather crippling, and I’m not sure if I like it or not yet.
I doubt it, I have a feeling the negative stats mentioned are applied when you EQUIP the weapon, not every time you use it.
Take another look.
Silver Sword: Critical Evade -5; AFTER USING, Strength and Skill -2 UNTIL NEXT TURN
Brave Sword: Allows 2 consecutive attacks, Defence and Resistance -4
The caps are my emphasis. There’s a pretty clear distinction between the Brave weapons (which appear to be exactly as you say) and the Silver.
I was hoping that someone who read Japanese had taken a look at the article to see if what I said was true, but I guess the author of the article had already given all the information available.
I definitely see what you mean now. Yeah most likely there is some sort of translation inconsistency there, we’ll have to wait and see.
Interesting changes. I like the additions to the Weapon Triangle. Sounds like an interesting shake-up. Old one was kind of stale anyway.
I have been rather perplexed with all changes they’ve made thus far. But this is good news, truly a marriage of the weapons and magic triangles. The balance seems good and if they limit the # of Weapons, I’m sold! You have my interest.IS. Also, I like Felicia and like that she’s on both sides! 🙂
I trust them. After all, they are the one who created fire emblem. They know what they’re doing
Oboro, Kagerou, Suzukaze? WWII Japanese ship names anyone?
And then they’ll be a guy named Yamato and… XD
Finally, bows have joined the triangle!
Are there any news if Light magic is back?
No confirmation yet, but frankly I think its for sure coming back. Dark and traditional Anima will be Nohr, and Light plus new Anima (like Ice Magic) will be Hoshido.
Depending on how Kozaki feels about releasing his work, to me I feel this weekly countdown to awakening on Famitsu would be a good as chance as any to reveal a full-bodied character (like around the size of the royal family official arts that were in the previous week). Like….this would have been a good chance as any to get a better look at either Cyrus or Oboro. Ergg! Well, I’m hoping there’s also an art book for If.
I am okay with this, actually. It’ll help create different strategies for my play style. Now I just hope that the map design isn’t as stale as Awakening’s was.
I think I might prefer it this way. Now I have incentive to use something other than a brave or steel sword. I probably still will 90% of the time anyway, but at least there’s something there instead of a direct tier progression with the only incentive being durability. Also I wonder if they’ll bring back the magic triangle.
Given magic’s spot in the weapon triangle, I doubt it. If there was such a triangle, you’d think they would announce it along with this one.
So, this is another early leak, correct? The rest comes tomorrow?
The real question is….will we be able to cross-promote our other units into maid’s and butlers (if they still decide to keep the second seal)?
I dont think so, i thik Butlers and Maids will be special ones, like Dancers, Bards and Lords
Change is good, it maybe won’t work out, but excluding the abolition of the weapon durability, none of the announced implements will actually change the core of Fire Emblem Gameplay, note that WE Gaiden also use this method. Still they are changing this aspect of the strategy to try a new one.
I see many people talking bad about they want to make FE if more casual, but they cant remember that exactly why FE franchise still exist. FE awakening was to be the last game, but because the changes, and the appeal to casual gamers the game was a fuking sucess, and now we have this great FE project.
damn, it’s really sad that Butler and Maid are promoted classes. It`s known that early promoted classes, are OP early game, and sucks late game … (cof frederick) Damn you Intelligent system D:
ps: R.I.P great butler
I agree! Frederick is amazing but heavily falls of late-game and doesn’t have much use then. If Maid and Butler are promotions, what’s the base class?
hard to know D:
but i reeeally hope they are not early promoted, they seems to be unique classes like Dancer and Lord.
Every FE has one early promoted to hold early game, but they are normaly Great Knight, and Noh already have one. hope still lives
Slave? Nah probably peasant or something
Well they’re almost purely support classes really, all they need is to not get hit and get their hits in to debuff the enemies. So its not like they won’t be totally useless especially if their levels aren’t capped at 30.
I don’t know. Honestly, I don’t really get what would promote to Maid or Butler. I’d put more money on them being special classes like Dancer, which would make sense because they focus on support overall.
I guess I’d like to have a Healer-Jeigen rather than a Jeigen that could actually steal my EXP if I wasn’t a veteran of FE enough to know to avoid said Jeigen like the plague.
Byakuya/Hoshido Ninjas
スズカゼ – Suzukaze
サイゾウ – Saizou
カゲロウ – Kagerou
omg, girl ninja OP
Their profiles and the rest of the scans were translated here, too!
I have a feeling that brave Hero is going to have a personality like Gaston….
Nobody loves himself more than Gaston or fails to take a hint like Gaston. <w<
That Hero looks like Captain N’s Simon Belmont.
Aren’t the ofudas the “new” tomes? As for Hoshido, of course.
Well, we haven’t fully seen much to confirm that theory. Our only instance of seeing the ofudas was that tiny scene from the first trailer.
It seems to me like Butlers/Maids are the Nohrian healer class whist Hoshido seems to be going more traditionally FE (Sakura the Priestess) with clerical healers… If that’s true, I think it’s brilliant, as in the tropes and classes actually have a hand in the storytelling and world building (as opposed to Bernese healers, Lycian healers, and Etrurian healers all using the same staves and are clerics/priests of the same church). They also seem to be doing well in that the new classes seem to be functioning the same way the healers did in the elder games; so storytelling elements and a continuity of gameplay-function at the same time!! ^_^
I hope I can have bright red hair in this game because for whatever reason you couldn’t have red hair in awaking. Oh and hot pink. Also hoping dudes get hair accessories has well. In Japan hair bands are popular with younger men and its not like the world will explode if a dude had a feminine hair piece. I want flowers in my hair.
In our hearts, it shall always be Great Butler.
In our hearts, it will always be the Great Butler.
I wonder if they’re going to be the Freddie of the franchise. Powerful to start with, then quickly fall off towards the mid-to-late game.
Taking the word ‘butler’ extremely literally, what would they wield? Canes concealing swords, fancy dinners to throw at the enemy, etc?
Cutlery. It worked for Sebastian from Black Butler. 😀
Then again, if they were geared entirely towards both serving and protecting their employer, they would have some martial skill and experience in subterfuge to go with it.
Sabotage wouldn’t be too far out of the question or information gathering-keeping an ear to the ground to ensure there are no threats within their staff and so on. Really it would depend on the person.
Concealable weaponry would be ideal so knives would be more appropriate, but think along the lines of maybe how royal butlers/guards are portrayed. Hand to hand combat perhaps? You wouldn’t mess with them regardless of the choice.
Yeah, a badass butler is definitely going to be more intimidating than a swordsman.
adding that to my FE:If ToDo roster.A whip cane is perfectly feasible if BloodBorne is anything to go by, and no one will even see it coming.
For anyone curious, the Dengeki character profiles were translated and put onto the page here:
Judging by the images, it seems like Aqua or her pendant has the power to control water. Perhaps it’s the Nohr’s equivilent to the Dragon’s Vein ability?
both royal families has the Dragon’s Vein ability … in theory all of them could use it, but only in special occasions.
But maybe, just maybe, each of them has one different Dragon´s Vein ability. Kamui coul control space time, and Aqua water (just a theory)
I find it odd that the royal family in Nohr have the same ability as the royal family of Hoshido. It’d make more sense if both were reffered to as Dragon’s Vein, but had different effects, like Aqua’s waterbending. (Not going to lie, that’s pretty much what it is.)
I think it’s cool. It suggests both families have the same roots, which could lead to complications further down the road.
the producers said that both families members will have Dragon Veins, and will only be an option in special ocasions, like rebuild a bridge ore start a water flood. More details are still unclear, but I think the effect will vary with the trigger not with the characters
i’m very curious about this images, i dont have the japanese skill to read this, but could it be about the relations between the families members ?
Nope, the characters are only used to illustrate Attack Stance/Guard Stance. In the “battle” on the left, Camilla is standing next to Marx who initiates an attack on Ryouma; Camilla would join the battle and Dual Strike. In the other image, pairing Sakura with Hinoka would boost the latter’s stats; however, Sakura cannot Dual Strike.
If I make any mistakes, please correct me.
I hope that helps! 🙂
you are right … it’s only exemples of pair up attaks
Just wondering, does anyone knows what the 7 customisation options are? In Awakening, there were the 5: build, face, hair, hair colour and voice, and we know there will be a hair accessory option. Does anyone know what the 7th option translates to?
You can choose “face details”, like the band aid on the customized male MC in the scans.
Hinoka is a lot larger than I thought… Why did she have to be Elder Sister? Sigh… Hopefully her lover options have great supports with her.
I’m loving all the great coverage on this game, it’s keeping my hype alive and well – keep up the great work!!
Their reasoning for the abolishing of weapons is terrible. I really hope the added depth adds complexity as opposed to makes things easier. I understand appealing to newcomers, but this change affects vets too… If anything, it should have been optional.
Don’t know, i like what they did with that.
Like i won’t give brave weapon for all units (-4 for def and res? it can be one dead unit after one turn). It isn;t what i’ll call *make game easier*. Without weapon durability game become *less tedious* yeah.
I like the new complexity too, but I don’t know if they’ll make good on their word. I hope it’s as complex as it sounds on paper AKA the units are actually affected by said buffs and debuffs.
I don’t think i follow. We can already see that units actually affected by buffs and debuffs. And what the point in removing features after telling that they are in game?
Not removing, I do apologize, I could have worded better. I’m fearful that units will be too powerful that the debuffs won’t be significant.
When they say they did it to make the game easier for newcomers, I still don’t see it. Like, with durability, all you had to think about is what weapon to use (though I can understand with Nohr because the lack of ability to earn money outside the main game. Hoshido on the other hand….it just depends on how much money you’re able to get), but with the buff system, it seems they’ll have to require more thinking in deciding what weapon to use for their unit. I mean I have no issue with the whole thing. It just seems like they didn’t make things easier despite what they claim because now newcomers have to worry about things like “Double Attack Threshold” numbers.
Fair enough. Hopefully the depth in the additions adds to the experience as a whole.
Again the Change the fe mechanics sometimes in the franchise especially the weapon mechanics. Ok first off sometimes a franchise need something new I can’t be the same thing over and over. Second you do realize there are thing in the game that still make it hard right.
Also stop complaining the same thing, dipshit. XD
I think there must be a lot of new items for each weapon types if they think newcomers will be overwhelmed by it.
Three things I noticed/liked~:
1) It was kind of obvious of them to get rid of hand-held ranged-weapons’ ability to double-attack. Because if you think about it realistically, once you throw your javelin over a wall….you’re not getting it back.
2) People/IGN can stop complaining about butler and maid classes as they promote into actual canon classes now.
3) MALE PEGASUS KNIGHTS!!!! TSUBAKI is most likely a guy now
I’m pretty sure Tsubaki is a guy since he uses the male pronoun “ore” in one of the scans. Can never be sure, though, he could be a really boyish girl since Sully used “boku”, another male pronoun. …I say he’s a guy.
Well, at least that trope lives on! (Sully, Libra, Lucius…… and so on)
You do realize there was tropes in other fe games too right?
More than can be counted, my good sir (no, really). The tropes make up half what FE truly is. I can live without weapon durability, but never take away my Jeigen’s, my Navarre’s, my Caeda’s, my Est’s, my Cain’s, my Abel’s, and my Gotoh’s (that was just the stuff I remember off the top of my head. A half hour from now, I’d have remembered twice that). XD
“More appealing for newcomers” seems like a blatant marketing tactic to me. There is just no way they would be so brutally honest with such a controversial subject as this, unless there’s a good reason. It’s just like them saying the Hoshido path is more appealing to Awakening players despite the fact that grinding costs like 1000+G each battle…
Compared to weapon durability, there are a lot of other much more lethal things like enemy dual-strikes, difficult/complex map objectives etc. that are easier to turn new players away than weapons having limited uses (which has rarely been a problem anyway unless in higher difficulty due to the massive amount of resources that we tend to get), yet they still had no problem including and CONSTANTLY ADVERTISING those stuffs.
Therefore, I’m of the opinion that they’re only using “new players” as an excuse to test out something new, yet still attract newcomers at the same time.
No it’s called easing up for the noobs.
1:Sometimes game developers will make a change so the newcomers can see what the game and it’s franchise is like.
2: you do realize to grind in awakening to grind is spend money on the zombie boxes duh.
3: sometimes in the franchise they some change the fe mechanics all the time.
4:if I’m correct weapon mechanic change some times too in the franchise.
It’s fine to disagree with somebody else, but let’s ease up on the name-calling. Opinions are just that: opinions.
…That is exactly my point. In case I haven’t made myself clear, I was saying that people shouldn’t read too much into their claim that certain options were added/removed just for the sake of new players (and thus having no concern about the veterans), while it isn’t necessarily always the case. Development changes happen, they wanted to test out new things, there didn’t even need to be a reason for that, they could very well just shake things up for the sake of having something new. But hey, saying that they’re considering the newcomers help sell the game, so why not?
Also, in Awakening, Risens pop up after a while so you can freely grind if you have enough patience, but that’s beside the point here.
I think that Fire Emblem:If will be a bit too easy. Like… Phoenix mode, a mode where your units never really die- that takes away the strategic and emotional challenge that IS Fire Emblem. Not to mention the removal of weapon durability. Instead of removing it all together, they should have given the players the option if they want to turn durability off/on. That way, they will be pleasing people who are worried about their weapon’s condition, AND the people who are looking for a bit of a challenge. What do you guys think?
I think its going to be really hard actually, enemy pair up alone makes everything more threatening and positioning vastly more important.
Oh oops, I forgot about the enemy pair ups, sorry about that… But one thing that I really wanted was the option to turn durability on/off. Tbh, I actually found the games to be a bit more thrilling with durability, cause in real life, weapons do break if they are overused time and time again. I understand that they would remove durability for the Nohr campaign, but what about Hoshido? We’ll probably be drowning in weapons, and I’m not sure selling them would kinda work out. I mean, we usually bought MORE weapons with our money though, right? We can buy more medicine and all that but I don’t know… It just doesn’t sound as challenging anymore…
I don’t really know, when I was doing my no grind runs in Awakening, Cash wasn’t exactly the easiest thing to come by and presumably with unbreakable weapons comes higher price point per weapon as well as shops not having unlimited weapons on sale. So with the more horizontal progression, buying weapons still retains that economic factor. This all comes down the execution which can’t be easily stated in interviews and the like so we’ll have to see how it turns out in june. There’s also the speculation that Hoshido’s “World map” isn’t actually a world map, just a method to take optional battles (Which also can put economic strain in ways the Nohr campaign does not).
Hm, I guess that’s true… Well, thanks for clearing that up! 😀
weapons do break in real life, but no self-respecting army would fail to do proper maintenance on their weapons to keep them from breaking. Outright unbreakable still seems kinda sketch, I would have liked it if it was like weapons get their durability reset at the end of battles, but I guess we’ll have to see the game before we know if it’s good or not.
I’m a little scared this is the case… Though we’ll find out in a month’s time.
Oh Shut up already about “being scared”, for fuck sake have you forgot the enemy pair ups and the option to make it difficult as you please.
Quit being such a faggot over the small things especially for the one mechanic that changes sometimes in the series.
There’s nothing to be scared of on an optional option. I’m assuming you’ve at least played another FE title before so would have no need to go on Phoenix. No one is losing anything by playing Phoenix. If those players thought the game was too easy or decide to write a bad review on it then it shouldn’t matter because 1) They paid for the game, not like they can return it 2) Everyone else will know they did it on the easy-as-all-hell Phoenix mode so their complaints will have zero standing.
I’m actually not scared of Phoenix in the slightest. I’m not a fan of it, but it really is what it is. I’m just wondering if the lack of durability is for the better as we’d have some replacement options, but they are untested meaning it could go great or horribly. It’s a case of tried and true vs the new, and as someone who likes the mechanics, I’m more on the side of tried and true. However, by a month from now we’ll have a good indication of the game and its new mechanics as a whole.
There’s already been a game without weapon durability. I think it was fe 3 or 4 but I can’t remember specifically. Admittedly, it was done differently and there was a very limited number of weapons but from what we’ve heard the weapons will have distinct drawbacks and advantages which will be enough to warrant having to bring different weapons with you and developing different strategies around each of their effects.
The game is about choices even the difficulty have you forgotten the different game visions, enemy pair ups, or the option for death and difficulty?
Duh dumbass
Er… ‘visions’? do you mean ‘versions’? I’m sorry, I was a bit confused there for a sec XD anyways, yeah I admit I kinda forgot about the enemy pair ups, but casual was already a bit easy enough. At least for casual, if your units die, they will stay out of the battle, thus making you change your plans and think a bit more. However, with the new Phoenix mode, the player doesn’t really need to change their battle tactics, only trying to keep the rest of their units alive for one turn. I know you don’t have to play Phoenix, but with that mode, it kinda takes away the whole challenge.. At least in my opinion..
Oh sorry i must have spelled “vision” on my phone by mistake, but hey I have to say that’s a pretty weak way to laugh at something.
1: yeah even in causal you can still lose, you just need to Protect the main characters. Also in causal they don’t stay dead dipshit they come back after your done.
2:in chess there is thing called back spacing were you can take back and it’s kind of like Phoenix.
3: it’s about learning.
1. Yes, I knew that they come back to life afterwards. I just didn’t feel like explaining it sorry.
2. Did not know that since I don’t have the chance to play chess that often
3. May you please be a bit more specific about ‘it’s about learning’? I don’t really think I understand what you mean… Do you mean learning about different strategies?
And I really apologize about prolonging this discussion. Also, one more thing-
May you please kinda stop it with the name-calling? Calling someone a ‘dipshit’ or a ‘dumbass’ can really hurt them.
1: yes because you had so much time on how funny the word “vision”.
2:do you know how some games play where the put you on easy at first ,but then they lead you to hard? anyway they are a lot of new players especially the younger gamers aka kids that might want to play a strategic game.
1. sorry about putting the ‘XD’ I have a tendency to kinda laugh (or at least put a lil laughing emoji/smiley) on conversations that I feel are getting a bit intense/heavy/you get the point so it can kinda lighten the atmosphere. I didn’t really laugh or find it at all funny.
2. I see your point. Thank you for clearing that up! 😀
Deal with it. You’ll be glad they implemented both of those when Lunatic+, or possibly Lunatic++ rolls around. That should be dificult enough for you. And the fact is, you don’t HAVE to use Phoenix mode, so don’t complain about it.
Haha, yes Lunatic+/Lunatic++ would be a bit of a nightmare XD
And I’m not really complaining about the new Phoenix mode. I just have some mixed feelings about it. Like yes, it makes our lives a whole lot easier since we know that our units will spring back to life on the next turn. But because of that fact, some players may have a tendency to not think about the battle too much (I may have worded that weirdly I don’t know XD), thus taking away it’s strategic challenge. Say for casual. We know our units will come back WHEN THE FIGHT IS OVER. However, in the meantime, the player must come up with another new plan on how to win the battle without those units who have just died.
If newcomers find the game boringly easy on Phoenix mode they could always just change the difficulty/start a new game. If they liked it as Phoenix then so be it. One can hope that they’ll like the game enough to replay/buy the other versions and play it on a higher difficulty. Though I got to say if they do get all three version and do Phoenix on all of them….well um….yeah…I guess if they truly felt like doing that its not in our position to stop them….but they’re really missing out by sheltering themselves through all that.
Huh… Guess that’s true. Thanks for clearing some things up! 😀
It’s optionally easy, there’ nothing wrong with that.
So as a neutral party towards Phoenix, I think it would be interesting/make things not as easy, if they reverted the starting units’ stats to its normal value after each revival. I mean if a character gained like 3 levels during a chapter but then died and revived on the following turn, that they would lose any stat gains and their level would be brought back down to the level they were when they started the chapter. But meh, whatever, if that’s not the case then I don’t really care.
Intelligent System is trying to make Fire Emblem more friendly to newcomers, this mean more people playing FE, more succeed, more money, and more GAMES. People forget thar FE awakening was supposed to be the LAST FE GAME, cause FE wasn’t very popular.
Phoenix mode may be a little too much, but it’s supposed to bring more players to Fire Emblem world, and that´s awesome for us. And one more time, it´s an option, you can always play classic and be happy, have an option is always a good idea.
And about the weapon durability … yeah it’s a major change to FE formula, but change is not always a bad thing. It sucks to have that awesome weapon and don’t use it, cause you don’t want to break it, im sure many players have some unused powerful weapon cause you wait to much to use it. It´s a waste. They are changing this aspect from weapons, but on counterpart they will (at least try) balance this change.
Awakening was a hit and I’m looking forward to what Fire Emblem if has in store.
I’m all for them fiddling around with the weapon system. The whole “javelin-can-only-attack-once” thing does add a little more depth to the game… Of course clearly every weapon is now made out of the same MEGAMETAL™ that Ragnell and Falchion are made of… Totally legit, that.
Of course they’ll realize their mistake and bring durability back… except they didn’t bring weight back… *sniffsniff* I guess we’ll never hear that triumphant ♪Wah-wah-wah-wah wah-wah♪ anymore. *cries*
I always wondered how javelins could be thrown twice…….and the hand axes seemed to be boomerangs……
For javelins, I always thought (back in the GBA era) that you got a set of 25 (hence 25 uses or whatever it actually was because my memory fails) and that if you were quick enough, you’d get two off instead of just one…
As for hand axes… yeah, they were totally boomerangs.
This is a very interesting interview. I only hope this game provides a strong challenge. Sure I know it wants to bring in newcomers but what about for the veteran players? I hope Intelligent Systems can give us something that is not only satisfying but also will have the AI kicking our butts at the same time.
Mario DLC Fire Emblem soldier!
I can see it now.
Maybe by Amiibo support they are referring to a line of Fire Emblem LF Amiibos though. If the game is anywhere near as popular as awakening that could be a great way to cash in on that.
“Since some players may consider it wasteful to use a particular weapon, they may end up not using it at all; at which point it’s as if the weapon doesn’t exist.”
And this is why I ended up playing Awakening using only Bronze pretty much weapons throughout the entire game (until someone got 50+ Luck and Armsthrift). Fun? Not really. But it wasn’t challenging either, as I quickly started to one shot pretty much everyone even with those Bronze weapons, with few exceptions. And that was playing on Hard (Normal).
There really wasn’t much strategy behind the breakage of weapons in Awakening, as you could easily stock up on as many as you needed if you wanted to. But for the sake of economy, I stuck to Bronze because I needed nothing more.
But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t want to have more fun with stronger weapons. And it sounds like I may be able to do that in FE: If.
Yeah, in earlier games when your convoy could only hold a hundred items, things became thrifty and a bit challenging (none of this 20+ iron/steel/silver/brave swords in stock nonsense)… I suppose the durability system went from being a strategic obstacle to being annoying to being non-existent.
Bronze weapons only? There’s a moderately interesting challenge for my next run (oh the smithing I’ll do…)
Maybe more powerful weapons will be more rare in these new games?
Finally, item durability has become more video-game-like!Not sure if that will be good in the long run, though……..I really think that ‘normal’ weapons should have a durability, while tomes and ‘special’ weapons are unbreakable (come on, how does a tome break from overuse?).Also, I want to see someone Game Over in Phoenix Mode during a normal level. Just because.
Books fall apart if you don’t take care of them (like reading them in the rain, the wind, the desert, on the road, and in a dirty battlefield). It’s inconceivable for us because we buy books, read’em once or twice inside a warm and dry house… and then put them on a shelf.
Ah, thematic skills sound so cool
I just hope there is an option to make an entire team of just maids and butlers.
You know it’s ironic that one of the butlers is named Joker in more ways than one.
The fixed skills are a really good idea and Gaston eeuh I mean Harold looks awesome
Well good to know they put an end to grinding-for-skills abuse and the potential abuse of male galeforce users. But if levels don’t reset, exactly how would a person get their 5 additional skills? Well, the way I see it is that if they needed any skills while pre-promoted, they would change their class at level 10?, and while promoted they would change to another promoted class at level 15 (totally forgot what level promoted units get their second skill at). I kind of forgot if this was the case in FE:A, but if you now changed your level 16 Great Knight to a level 16 Paladin, would you still be able to get both the natural and second skill of the Paladin?
ok, parallel seals will maintain the user levels, but how about the skills ?
apparently it will nerf the skills from other branch classes, unless it unlock all early levels skills …
There’s a whole-lot of gender confusion going on with If lol (now with Oboro). Got to blame the fact that a lot of the Hoshido guys like to grow out their hair.
Finally, arrogance is a good thing!
Can’t wait trying to be a maid myself. (Unless they locked the MU’s classes too, but I don’t think they did.)
Fixed skills… Huh. Kinda want to see this XD
Check out my Fire emblem T-shirt that I’m selling! 🙂
Make one with just Ike, and the words “I fight for my friends” and I’m sold
🙂 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Ike-T-shirt-Super-Smash-Bros-4-Fire-Emblem-small-X-Large-kid-adult-/131517500610?
The fixed skills are PERFECT.
Also, Tsukuyoma . . . a young spellcaster associated with wind? I think we’ve found our Merric archetype character.
Yay new favourite character.
I take it that your max stats are lower than in Awakening since we are now back to a maximum of 20/20 levels. I love that characters have their own unique skill that will make them stand out more and it would give you incentive to use some characters over others.
So; We cant downgrade levels..? I smell alot of soft resets because [X character] only got +1 during the level up instead of +8!
You probably can, but they haven’t confirmed it yet. There’s a suspicious quote in the magazine that says you can “class change as many times as you want!”. Which… could be referring to the Parallel Seal, I guess. So who knows? XD
Alright, now here’s the main question. Where is that beautiful Awakening Avatar focused I-can-marry-everyone Support system?
Full translations of the summarized Famitsu pages are here:
Pretty cool. 😀
I didn’t need to know Harold’s name, I waas always going to refer to him as Captain America
Oh yes, no level reset after class changing means no stupid endless grinding for overpowered units. That’s the best change from Awakening so far.
Some of us liked that. If you don’t, why just not do it?
Because it became pretty much necessary in some of the DLC chapters.
Taking out a mechanic a lot of people enjoy so post-game extras can be more easily accessible seems a little off to me. Or they could have just made said DLC chapters less difficult.
Intelligent Systems, as a follower of the FE series, I regret to inform you that the direction in which you lead now with the unlimited weapon uses category is corrosive. The FE formula is in the makings of achieving complete mastery over the 3DS system as it had was on the Gameboy with FE7 and FE:SS. It is an un-refuted fact that you had mastered the game boy system with those two aforementioned titles and showed the world what it was to craft a game on a limited system, and master a game with story and perfectly resonant mechanics that allowed the story and the game to merge resulting in the most richest interactive visual software experiences ever created inherently within the medium of hardware.
Please take this criticism positively; durabilities is a major concern! Truly, you must know that FE7 and FE8 are the most worshiped titles you’ve ever produced; the evidence of this is in youtube and forums all over the internet that to this day create mods for 7 & SS emulations. People have written all kinds of stories and developed all kinds of MUGS that they employ within the system you’ve created. The community is ripe. Just take a look at cedarnyx’s channel or MarkyJoe’s channel who single handed hosts mod competitions for those games. And one of the primary aspects of this is because people want to relive the experience that you delivered. They want to meet characters like Lynn, Eliwood, Hector, Ephraim and Erika again. They want to beat Ephidel again! Why because the system, the world and characters resonated with their hearts! They found humanity within the Fire Emblem world. You had made it into a reality with tiny clever and intelligent pieces of genius nuggets of code and UI design so well crafted, and weopon DURABILITY was one of those aspects that bound us to that reality! FIre Emblem is a bag full of nuggets of gold. And we don’t want to part with a single pebble. Durabilities is one of those pebbles!
If however, in the course of this argument, we, the fire emblem community have not afforded to convinced you to route this decision. Then we request that at least you let this feature lay to rest in classic mode or have an option to allow it to remain therein, as it, just like the entire system, has become for us an unrivaled poem that enchants us in every visit, with a warm welcome, and so we won’t part with a single word.
Please do not deprive us of that word, we’ve supported you throughout your creative endeavours, now we ask that you support us in kind.
Thank you.
P.S. Also, please include feet.
‘Vantage’ + ‘Deathmatch’ = Me worrying about overpowered skill mixing, again. And ‘Strength Seal’ will do what ‘Defense Seal’ did but reduce 6 Atk I’m guessing. I guess my problem is just Vantage’s balancing in general. Would it need a nerf? I’m just getting worried again, but remember ‘Miracle + Vantage + Vengeance’?
Dragonstone has never had a rank
Not a big fan of lack of Level reset but I imagine tons of people on here will love that you can’t grind characters to infinity.
You imagine correctly. The necessity of grinding to get through Awakening’s DLC almost ruined it for me.
I didn’t buy any of the DLC so for me it was never an issue XD.
This game looks so amazing.
Wow. I don’t know what to say. That video was something else. Hot springs with my boys? Hell yeah. Hot springs with my girls? Kazahana might disagree, but hell yeah. Petting my unit’s faces like pokemon amie? Hell yeah. Cool looking Marth and Ike art? Hell yeah, I am officially insanely hyped for this game, and it’s a damned shame because i have to wait till 2016.
They don’t know how hyped Fire Emblem is in NA.. Alot of JP companies it seems don’t know that their games are hyped..
On a side note, Intelligent systems is really riding on Awakening’s success to push out so many new features into the series. With high expectations, I cannot wait to see what they can come up with.
From what I’ve seen in the past, with manga, anime, and video games, Japan doesn’t really pay attention to what westerners think about their stuff. They appear to be only focused on their own localization, while having it being sold overseas is just a plus for them. Ie: I’ve know Japanese manga writers that don’t care about their stuff being leaked to westerners, put they have zero tolerance with easterners. Highschool of the dead (both anime and manga) surprisingly tanked in Japan, while it was more than welcomed in the west. Even the writer said he as surprised because he didn’t even realize his stuff was so popular in the west.
Reminds of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure where a character says to a mangaka that they want an english translation of their manga to makeit easier for them to read and the mangaka saying that they never translated his manga into english because they didn’t understand his genius. Of course that mangaka was a Jerk version of the author.
Also WataMote and other series have been sometimes catered to the west, but that stopped happening a lot since the economic recession.
The amiibo usage sounds fun….if they actually made them more readily available!
I’d like to hope they get a reprint for this game.
they will reprint them
Good. I’m trying to get Lucina soon. Perhaps get Marth and/or Ike when there’s more of them.
i loved how DLC chars like Marth was so perfectly adapted, its not ridiculous like Awakening ones. I’m hyped into to see Lucina and maybe Lyn ….
Those were amiibo, not DLC. So no Lyn.
i know, but i still can dream about it hahah
Ehh, don’t forget that Fire Emblem Cipher is giving us download codes for Marth, Lucina, and Pegasus Knight Minerva, so don’t say “not DLC” and “no Lyn” just yet.
We don’t know if the download codes are gonna work just like the Amiibo, but I honestly can’t see them being that different, and I don’t imagine them letting us recruit 2 Marths and 2 Lucinas.
I can say not DLC because the footage didnt show DLC, it showed Amiibo. I’m not sating their wont be DLC, just that we dont know if there is if it will work in a similar way. And i doubt the Cipher cards are coming out of Japan. Maybe we’ll get some other codes for the characters they get, but we definitely wont get the cards.
Awakening had a huge roster of dlc characters, all of them poorly made, so MAYBE we can see more characters from other Games in the same quality as Marth, Lucina, Robin and Ike
I hope there will be some special edition new 3DS when the game is released in NA
More characters information was released at the oficial site
Some translations i made …
Mikoto (cv: Ohara Sayaka)
Hoshido Empress. Peace Loving Queen
Kamui’s real Mother
The next to the throne, after the accidental death of her husband Sumeragi.
Now I am really torn on join nohr because I will now not only be betraying my blood siblings but also my own mother.:'(
Thanks a ton for the translation, dude.
I agree with the other guy, it’s gonna be hard to fight against your mom. Just imagine if you end up having to kill her too.
How much do you want to bet that the “accidental death” was not so “accidental”?
that’s the point, in the PV it seems Sumeragi was killed while protecting Kamui from Nohrian arrows, but we dont know for sure what happened there. Maybe it’s a mistake take Nohr as bad guys …
Or eye for an eye. Maybe the Nohrian queen was killed when Hoshido kidnapped Aqua.
Or perhaps the Nohrian emporer abducted the avatar in retaliation for Aqua’s abduction.
Garon may have launched an attack to retrieve Aqua from the Hoshido and came across Kamui and their father during said attack, thought, “well, in for a penny, in for a pound.” The only two questions that I haven’t seen asked is whether Aqua’s abduction came before or after the avatars, or whether or not either side tried to offer a straight up trade to get their relevant crotch spawn back, because so far it doesn’t look like either even thought of that, but time will tell.
It also occurs to me that someone had to have given the order to abduct her. The king, Sumeragi, or considering Sumeragi bites the dust, that would leave queen Mikoto as the sole culprit, because Ryouma would’ve been too young at the time himself. But this largely depends on whether she was taken before or after the avatar. On the other hand, maybe someone in the Hoshido army got a little too gung-hoe and jacked Aqua from her family as a bonus.
Dat FE-Amie? Stahp, tis is what the waifu sim fans wants!
I do hope those Streetpass options don’t really help you power grind… although it will be fine if it’s 40 levels max per character.
the download of the music doesnt work :
Yes it does, just right click and save file as whatever name you like.
oh nvm thaankksss
Full character profile translations here:
Full “System” page translations here:
The one thing I’m not happy about is the amiibo support, since it’s essentially just disc-locked content.
This game honestly feels likes it is getting better and better with each update. I just really hope the map and mission structure in the Nohr version is good, or at the very least better than what Awakening gave us. I kind of prefer these character designs over Awakening, but I’m wondering how much crossover they’ll be as far as who you can recruit. Like, will I be able to recruit Crimson even if I side with Nohr? Even if the campaigns are different, just how varied are the recruitment pools supposed to be. I know some are probably going to be locked into their side as that’s a given.
Also: Oh man, is that the Shenmue menu music I’m hearing? I can very much deal with something that is aesthetically similar to Shenmue’s soundtrack.
I regrettably can’t read Japanese… But I’ll guess what the four Amiibos are saying:
Nailed it.
Alternatively if you translate the characters backwards:
Marth: “You remind me of Kris.”
Ike: “You remind me of Soren.”
Robin: “You remind me of myself.”
Lucina: “You remind me of Robin.”
I approve of the last one.
O̶k̶a̶y̶,̶ ̶s̶o̶ ̶m̶a̶y̶b̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶l̶a̶s̶t̶ ̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶j̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶o̶n̶e̶
̶g̶u̶y̶’̶s̶ ̶h̶o̶p̶e̶l̶e̶s̶s̶ ̶d̶r̶e̶a̶m̶ ̶b̶u̶t̶ ̶i̶t̶’̶s̶
Don’t you worry, headcanon is best canon. (?
Great analysis! At the risk of sounding extremely nitpicky, though, I’m a little bit doubtful about this particular part:
”Here’s something new though that was hinted earlier: In Guard Stance, enemy Attack Stances are automatically negated.”
I guess it could be read that way, but wouldn’t it make a lot more sense to interpret the Japanese text on the website as simply stating that when the gauge has filled up an enemy attack will be completely blocked, including any additional attacks from enemy rear units in attack stance? Rather than negating attack stances altogether?
Glad you enjoyed it.
I guess it can be read either way, but the way they added it as a footnote makes me thing it’s meant to be read separately.
Plus there’s a screenshot where Kamui and Suzukaze are in an Attack Stance against a pair of enemies in a Guard Stance and Suzukaze has no battle stats. So I’m more leaning towards Guard Stance always negating Attack Stance.
It would add a lot more incentive to use Guard Stance too, since players are typically offensively-oriented and may dismiss Guard Stance for not providing follow-up attacks.
I see, I didn’t know about that screenshot! Was it in one of the recent Famitsu issues?
I must agree that your explanation makes a lot of sense from a gameplay perspective. It’d make the choice between the two stances a really interesting one. Come to think of it, it should be interesting to see how how well the AI will be able to use the stances to its advantage.
I had Charlotte pegged for trouble the moment I saw her and simply cannot figure out why that is.
Has there been any word on how we generate dragon vein points in the my castle area? Will it make use of the 3ds coin system? Have to admit that I am looking forward to this game even though we have to wait even longer for it to be released. I am also terribly amused and disgusted by the abhorant reaction of the veterans about the mofu mofu/Pokemon amie function.
Also: ‘accidental’? Hard to call being turned into a human pincushion an ‘accident.’ This only makes me even more suspiciousof the Hoshido. I suspect they jacked Aqua first and Garon retaliated trying to get her back. Only he came across the avatar and their father, killed him and abducted the mc.
ew, i’ll probably kill her along with camilla as soon as i can.
I just want to point out that this is a Japanese game first, so the characters and their designs will probably differ in the NA release, just like Tharja’s portrait from the Awakening DLC.
You mean the ridiculous overreaction to Tharja’s smallest sliver of a buttcrack image and their solution being the curtain? Yet they were quite content to let Nowi fly through the vetting process in her outfit. Yeah, actually I see your point in that regard.
I actually happen to like Camilla due to the whole overprotective big sister persona she’s got going on. Panty armour be damned. I do want to off Luna though. Severa was a character who got on my nerves and I can not deal with that behaviour a second time round.
With Charlotte I am willing to give her a chance. Benoit is going to be funny though. I thought they were siblings or he was her bodyguard or something.
After thinking about it, “untimely death” might be a better and more appropriate translation there ^^
Thank you for telling me, I was a bit confused and very suspicious about the “peaceful queen” calling her husbands death an accident.
that severa tho …
they are rlly messing with my head man …xD
So Luna really is a character that exists, huh.
Well, I’m sure that we will get more info on them. I’m actually surprised that they made Luna look so much like Severa. ._.
Well, Severa was a really popular character… Also, with a really large cast of characters some similar characters can be expected. But yeah, I did not expected that much similarity. I love Kusuke Kozaki’s designs and style, but that is not his best. However, sometimes these kind of things happen because Executive Meddling, and in these projects artists must do what their employers ask. Either way, not that it ruins the game or something, at least not for me.
Style I can agree on. Desgnwise is a whole different issue…
Also, Severa overall isn’t that popular. I believe she placed 23rd in the Japanese vote.
I didn’t say that the style was an excuse.
Oh, yes, you are right. Including all the cast, Severa was not that popular. So, my bets now are that some people in Intelligent Systems like her too much. As I said, it could be a case of just lazy design, but also lets take into account that the artists do not have total control of the designs, most of the time those things are requested or need approval. If they wanted a Severa’s clone, Kusuke Kozaki just did what they said (if that was really the case).
It’s more than that. She has the same voice actress (who is hosting the 25th anniversary concert, FYI).
IS is just pandering to the Awakening fans by making brazen clones of the popular child units, making the roster look bigger.
Pretty likely that she was planned like that since the beginning. However, lets wait for the entire rooster, if it is bigger than past Fire Emblems, a few clones would not be that much of an issue. But, if is not that big and there are a lot of clones, that would be lame.
…We’re discussing roster size and clones.
Yay. We’re the new Smash Bros. fandom.
Well, in my case this is not that important. Tactical RPG are my favorite kind of games. I am interested in the game as a whole, but the mechanics and the missions are my priority. Hehe, it seems that we are not going anywhere with this discussion. Lets end here.
Well, Severa is Selena in Japan but her name was changed in North America so she wouldn’t be confused with the character from Sacred Stones. Selena is a name relating to the moon, as is Luna. They both share the same class, and the same voice actor… this is definitely not coincidence and may be a Camus/Sirius situation minus the mask somehow. Or how Palla/Catria/Est have visited other nations together. Many of the children in Awakening implied that they could not go home to their own future but felt uncomfortable being around their parents, knowing their own selves would be born into the world later on. So in a way, knowing there is dimensional travel and a bunch of displaced kids, they go on a journey and end up in places like… this one.
…You do know that it’s been repeatedly stated that FEif has no connections to any previous games in the series, and is the start of a new world?
Tellius and Magvel are also different worlds but the dimensional gates allowed those characters to appear in Awakening… We also have confirmation that Marth, Ike, Robin and Lucina appear when you use their amiibos and there are concepts similar to alternate dimensions.
On the off chance that Luna is just an expy of Severa, then whatever, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she is a dimensional gate traveler either.
I definitely think dimensional gates will be a thing for FE series, as a way to connect all the different realms (it’ll just not be pivotal to the story and more DLC-related stuff). I get the feeling it definitely is Severa (Selena) just that she changed her name. Maybe perhaps she’s taking notes from Lucina like when she was pretending to be Marth (lol). FE: Awakening had Priam who is Ike’s son, so if FE: IF will have Cordelia’s (Tiamo in japanese) daughter Severa (Luna in IF), then we might just see a running trend of seeing previous games characters offsprings in the next game. I’m going to ignore the remakes like shadow dragon being the target game for Awakening to pull from, considering Awakening takes place in the same world and is 2000 years later (hell Chrom is Marth’s descendant if you want to nitpick).
The Outrealm Gate was just a way to cram DLC into Awakening. If it becomes canon, then we’ve delved into the level of bad fanfiction.
The outrealms, currently, are non-canon and hopefully stay that way.
must buy Hoshido and Nohr to get all the waifu
Need third path too as I’m sure it’ll have unique characters too.
I want an Owain look-alike right now.
Yeah, me too… XD
Actually I don’t because that’s not original and it’ll take some of Owain’s Owain-i-ness away from him…
Take it you haven’t seen Odin, then?
This just feels like a lazy way to pad out the character roster, as well as more Awakening pandering.
Now the Fire Emblem community can argue about clones.
I want to see unique characters, not clones.
Luna may just be a case of lazy writing and design. Kazahana’s skill is too much, especially compared to the others here.
This girl is taking no shit from anyone, not from adjacent enemies or Kamui walking in on her while she’s in the bathhouse.
Actually, Kazahana’s personal skill may not be as great as it sounds. Probably it only activates on your turn, and even if the skill applies on either turn, directly adjacent enemies is not something you see that much, especially on normal or easy difficulties.
Yeah, but you can easily guide enemies into being adjacent.
True, true! And there are missions when you have to do it, there it is going to help a lot. But for the rest of the chapters, not that much, unless you play like that. In my case, I don’t stall enemies unless is necessary. My point is that I don’t think is much better than other personal skills. However, some other’s personal skills can become useless at end game, unless these skills change or evolve, that is. This one seems useful from the beginning to the end.
I honestly think its too early to judge whether this skill is good or bad. However, considering now that enemy units can now “pair up,” they are probably revamping enemy AI to act in groups more so than previous FE games. While you might not be dealing massive damage to a lot of units simultaneously, this is still a good skill to counter against enemies units that act as a group. They already mentioned in the Nintendo Direct how you can set your characters in “My Castle” to act in groups or run around solo.
Indeed, is too early. My hopes are that every character is going to be useful. I do not like the idea of having characters with much better abilities than others. Of course, in other hand, the reclassing options and the max stats also could affect how good is an unit. But yeah, we can’t see the whole picture right now.
I hadn’t thought about the enemies’ IA, good point, there would be new things in that aspect.
Dive Bombing. With a tank built unit. Most of the time, I can see people going to use ranged units to reduce an opposing units Hp to near enough while grouped for Kazahana to clear. Taking Ike’s Eruption from Smash and making it a personal. But for now, we’ll have to say it does as great as it sounds.
Well, that requires a specific tactic. And we need to see if Kazahana actually gets more experience by killing enemies that way.
I am just saying this skill could be not that overpowered, especially if you have to use other units to set things like that and make it look cool. It would look cool though.
Any other wrestling fan hearing the summary of Benoit and feeling mixed opinions?
no fox waifu? me no buy
yeah, luna’s a lazy design. you know who else is a lazy design? Danved in radiant dawn! he looks just like devdan from path of radiance. super lazy imo.
and don’t even get me started on them reusing camus like three times in the first three games. Were they sirius with that?
Fox boy best boy.
I bet Luna… wait for it… will learn Luna. Huh?
Thanks for the updates
I’m definitely going to spend 90% of my game time tweaking and messing around with all these cool features while forgetting to save my country or whatever, lol…
To think there are people who just want to do campaigns. I can understand for like a few games/titles, but to actually want all games in the series to follow FE 7’s/8/everything else except for Awakenings’ formula would be redundant as all hell. I for one (along with the vast majority) welcome these changes that are coming to Fire Emblem. Because with stuff like this, we’re able to learn more little quirks of our characters and have them be more relevant than when compared to how characters in Awakening were treated. There is nothing wrong with getting to know the people in your army, it shows you care as a commander and you aren’t there to just “beat the game”. This game is going to be a god-send in occupying free time….plus if one out of the two copies of IF is going to cost this much, I would would rather get my money’s worth (BTW, having around 25 chapters of campaign is so not worth over$50, hence, all this extra content)
It’s like when they introduced the support system in FE6. I wonder how many people bickered because there was less left up to their f̶r̶e̶a̶k̶’̶d̶ ̶u̶p̶ ̶m̶a̶y̶b̶e̶ head-canons.
Finally, someone who gets it.
I welcome them bringing in more things to do than just the main campaign like previous games in the series. Not to mention, as you said, this kind of helps other characters be a bit more important.
These are the type of people who are comparable to those who bought pokemon x/y omega/alpha and only wanted to beat it as fast as they can and only doing gyms and the elite four, finishing the game within 3 days. If people just want to play a game for its main point and not explore or take their time, then its their prerogative. But its dumb that the same people will get angry at the fact that new features outside of the main game are added on, when in fact they won’t even bother doing them in the first place.
I really don’t get why most of the hardcore fans (well the more vocal ones) have to be such prudes. I’m as hardcore as the rest of them, playing FE 7 & 8 and then went out of my way to buy&play the Japanese copy of 6. Considering how similar those 3 (and the rest of them) were, I’m glad we have drastic changes.