C Support
[Part 1]
Astrid: Good day, sir.
Makalov: Huh? Are you talking to me?
Astrid: Yes, sir. My name is Astrid. May I ask you your name, good sir?
Makalov: I’m not really a knight, so you can drop the whole sir thing. I’m Makalov. Nice to meet you.
Astrid: The feeling is mutual, Makalov. By the way, you dropped these flowers.
[Part 2 (Marcia is alive)]
Makalov: Ah! I didn’t even notice…
Astrid: They are so pretty!
Makalov: Not bad for some wildflowers growing in a ditch, right?
Astrid: You picked them yourself? That’s very sweet, Makalov.
Makalov: Um…well…how should I put this? I picked them to butter up my sister.
Astrid: You’re such a thoughtful brother! I’d better give them back to you, then… There you go!
Makalov: Go ahead and take a couple.
Astrid: Some flowers? Are you certain?
Makalov: It’s my way of saying thanks for picking them up. Besides, they look good on you. Now, if you’ll just excuse me, I have to run along now…
Astrid: Thank you! Oh, Makalov…
[Part 2 (Marcia died)]
Makalov: Oh… I didn’t notice…
Astrid: They are so pretty!
Makalov: Not bad for some wildflowers growing in a ditch, right?
Astrid: You picked them yourself? That’s very sweet, Makalov.
Makalov: Yeah. They’re for my sister. Well…for her grave… …She always liked flowers…
Astrid: Oh…that’s so sad. I’m sorry, Makalov. Here, take them back.
Makalov: Aw, it’s all right. Take one if you want.
Astrid: Are you sure?
Makalov: It’s my way of saying thanks for picking them up. Besides, they look good on you. Excuse me… I have to go…
Astrid: Thank you! Oh, Makalov…
B Support
Astrid: Good day, Makalov.
Makalov: Hi, Astrid. We sure bump into each other a lot, don’t we? Do you think we’re linked by fate?
Astrid: I’m not sure. Though…I’d be honored if that was the case.
Makalov: Speaking of fate… I have a little favor to ask of you.
Astrid: What is it? If there’s anything I can do for you, I’d be glad to help!
Makalov: Um… Well, the thing is… You see… Can you lend me some money?
Astrid: M-money?
Makalov: Yeah! Just a few hundred! That’s it!
Astrid: I don’t think I can help you… I don’t have a single gold piece to my name.
Makalov: What?! Not even one gold? What did you spend it all on?!
Astrid: The last time I went to town, I stumbled upon a destitute family. They hadn’t eaten in days… So, I gave it all to them.
Makalov: WHAT?! That’s madness!! If you’re feeling charitable, maybe you should think about helping out one of your comrades, and not some stranger! What were you thinking?!
Astrid: I’m sorry. I had no idea you were in need of aid.
Makalov: Arrgg! Fine. I’ll go hit up someone else.
Astrid: Wait…just a moment.
Makalov: Hmmm?
Astrid: Will this help?
Makalov: Whoooo! Hey, look at that beauty! This pendant looks expensive… Are you sure I can take it?
Astrid: Please do. Anything that will help.
Makalov: Wahooooo! Thanks, Astrid! You’re the best! I’ll see ya later!
Astrid: …
A Support
[Part 1]
Astrid: …
???: Hey! Astrid!
Astrid: …
Astrid: Hello, Makalov.
Makalov: Uh…yeah…look… Lemme give this back to you.
Astrid: Was there something wrong with my pendant?
Makalov: No! Not at all! That big gem alone could have fetched 5,000 gold, easy.
Astrid: Then why are you giving it back? Aren’t you desperately in need?
[Part 2 (Marcia is alive)]
Makalov: Well, it’s like this… Just as I was walking into the pawnshop, guess who I see? My stupid sister! She demanded to know where I got it! She got all angry and started yelling at me! Again!! She thought I stole it…
Astrid: But I gave it to you, Makalov.
Makalov: Of course! And I told her that! But then she started crying and stuff. Said that I ripped you off and I was a big swindler… So I thought I should give it back before she hits me on the head with her big lance again.
Astrid: I see.
Makalov: You’re quite lucky, you know. You can give away an expensive pendant like other people give away a sandwich! My sister doesn’t even have a cheap necklace, much less a huge whopper like that. The goddess is so unjust. She only favors the aristocracy.
Astrid: I’m…I’m sorry…
Makalov: Hey, I wasn’t asking for you to apologize.
Astrid: My pendant was really worth that much? I… I only wore it because my beloved grandmother gave it to me when I was just a girl. I had no idea…
Makalov: Whoa! It’s a memento!? Why the heck did you give me something so important?
Astrid: That pendant is just an object. Memories of my grandmother always remain in my heart, even if I let the pendant go. I suppose I thought it would do more good if I gave it to someone in need.
Makalov: You… You’re so…good. Look, I’m really sorry!! I’m just a crook. I tried to bum some money off of you so I could go gambling. Ah, Astrid! I’m a dirty, flea-ridden cur! I’m nothing more than a wet sack of trash! Please forgive me!!
[Part 2 (Marcia died)]
Makalov: Well, it’s like this… Just as I was walking into the pawnshop, guess who I see? IKE! What’s he doing in a pawnshop, anyway…? He demanded to know where I got it. And when I told him, he got furious! Started lecturing me about thievery and so forth…
Astrid: But I gave it to you, Makalov.
Makalov: And when I told him, he got MORE angry! He even told me that Marcia would be ashamed… What a low blow! So anyway, I thought I should give it back before he has Soren sneak into my tent and turn me into a newt or something.
Astrid: I see.
Makalov: You’re lucky, you know? You can give away an expensive pendant like other people give away a sandwich! My sister didn’t even own a cheap necklace, much less a huge whopper like that. The goddess is so unjust. She only favors the aristocracy.
Astrid: I’m…I’m sorry…
Makalov: Hey, I wasn’t asking for you to apologize.
Astrid: My pendant was really worth that much? I… I only wore it because my beloved grandmother gave it to me when I was just a girl. I had no idea…
Makalov: Whoa! It’s a memento!? Why the heck did you give me something so important?
Astrid: That pendant is just an object. Memories of my grandmother always remain in my heart, even if I let the pendant go. I suppose I thought it would do more good if I gave to someone in need.
Makalov: You… You’re so…good. Look, I’m really sorry!! I’m just a crook. I tried to bum some money off of you so I could go gambling. Ah, Astrid! I’m a dirty, flea-ridden cur! I’m nothing more than wet sack of trash! Please forgive me!!
[Part 3]
Astrid: Oh Makalov… I’m not upset.
Makalov: You’re more forgiving than the goddess herself!
Astrid: Oh… That’s nonsense.
Makalov: I’m serious! You’re practically a blinding beacon of moral greatness!
Astrid: Please, stop teasing me. When a fine gentleman like you stares at me like that… Oh, it makes me so… …I’m so embarrassed.
Makalov: Huh? A fine gentleman? Me?
Astrid: Oh, no… I can’t believe I said that… Excuse me! I’ve got to go!
Makalov: What was that all about? When you’re raised like she was, I bet you don’t even learn to like men.