C Support
Boyd: Hyaaa! Gyaaa! Hrrraaaa! … Phew… That’s enough for today. I just don’t feel into it. Maybe I’ll take a quick nap…
???: Done already, Boyd?!
Boyd: Huh? Um… Gyaaa! Hyaaa! Oh, Titania! I didn’t see you there. I’m training so hard that… Huh?
Mist: Tee hee!
Boyd: Who the–? Mist! Ooo! What a jerk!
Mist: Hey, you’re the one who tried to blow off training! If you keep ignoring your drills, I’m going to become a better mercenary than you!
Boyd: Better than me? Ha. HA! Dream on, kid! You’ve got some nerve saying that to me!
Mist: Kid? You better remember who my father is! Fighting ability runs in the blood, you know.
Boyd: Aw, that’s a bunch of hooey! Survival on a battlefield depends on experience and luck. Nothing more! If you dive into battle with a conceited attitude, you’ll end up dead no matter what blood is in your veins!
Mist: Gee, sorry, Boyd. I was just joking… Hey, don’t look so angry…
Boyd: This is no game! We don’t fight for fun! Now get out of here… I mean it! You’re in my way!
Mist: …Sorry.
Boyd: …Mist, wait… Ah, heck.
B Support
Mist: Ike! Brother! Where did he go?
Boyd: Ike? Hey, Ike! IIIKKKEEEE!! Man alive, where did that guy get to?
Mist: Oh… Hi, Boyd.
Boyd: Hey, Mist. Um…do you know where Ike is?
Mist: Nope. I was looking for him, too.
Boyd: Huh. Well, he’s been pretty busy lately. Maybe I should just give up and find someone else…
Mist: You need a training partner?
Boyd: Yeah. I’m just not motivated unless I’m sparring with someone.
Mist: Can I… Can I be your partner?
Boyd: What, you? Seriously? Why would you want to do that?
Mist: Because I want to prove that you’re no match for me! Um… Actually…I need to toughen up, or I might not survive these next battles. That’s why.
Boyd: That’s a good reason. Maybe you can be my partner, after all.
Mist: Really?
Boyd: Well, it’s better than hitting a scarecrow with a stick.
Mist: That’s terrible! After all, I am Greil’s–
Boyd: Yeah, yeah, you’re Greil’s daughter. I know. You won’t let me forget it!
Mist: …
Boyd: Hey, listen… I’m sorry about the other day. I was too harsh on you.
Mist: No, it’s fine. You were right. I was naive. You just opened my eyes a little… I’m grateful to you, Boyd.
Boyd: Don’t… Don’t thank me for insulting you! Sheesh!
Mist: But it was a good thing! You’re making me strong! You’re so good to me… Huh? Why are you blushing?
Boyd: Quiet! I’m not blushing! Uh… I gotta go!
Mist: Boyd! Wait! Where are you going? Aren’t we going to train?
A Support
Boyd: Hey, Mist.
Mist: Boyd…
Boyd: What’s wrong? You look depressed. Actually, you haven’t been yourself lately. Did something happen?
Mist: B-Boyd, I… Sniff…sniff… Whaaa! Whaaaaaaaa!
Boyd: Whoa! What is it?
Mist: Oh, Boyd, it’s…everything! Every…thing… Sniff… Boyd, I… Whaaaaaa!
Boyd: Um… Ah, geez… I’m not much good at this kind of thing, but if you need to cry, go ahead.
Mist: Whaaaaaa! …Snifff… Sniff… Awaaahaaahaaahaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Boyd: Um… Once you settle down, we can talk. All right? But go ahead and let it out. Let it all out. You’ll feel better.
Mist: Whaaaaaaa… Whaaa… Sniff… …Sniff… Tha-thanks…
Boyd: Hey, don’t worry. You have me and… everyone. You’re in good hands. We’ll take care of you.
Mist: …Sniff… Oh, Boyd…