C Support
Boyd: Hey, there’s that big hawk laguz that joined our party. What’s his name again?
Ulki: …
Boyd: Oh! Hey there.
Ulki: Can I help you?
Boyd: Huh?
Ulki: I thought you called me. Is that not the case?
Boyd: Wha–? Are you talking about what I just said? You heard that?
Ulki: Clearly.
Boyd: Th-that’s incredible! I was just mumbling, and you were all the way over there!
Ulki: So. What do you want from me?
Boyd: Nothing. I was just noticing your features. You have such an interesting face!
Ulki: … Do you have a problem with my face? There’s nothing special about it.
Boyd: No, no problem! It’s so tough! Manly! It’s the best! I wish it was my face! Um…
Ulki: …
Boyd: …
Ulki: Well, you seem…healthy. And you have good hair. For a beorc. I also like your large arms.
Boyd: Really?
Ulki: Oh, I have an errand to run. Good-bye.
Boyd: Yeah, my arms are pretty tough, huh? You know what? I bet I’ll get along with these laguz just fine! Yeah.
B Support
Boyd: Hey, it’s you! What’s up, my hawk brother?
Ulki: Oh, it’s the…large-armed beorc. I…um…haven’t seen you lately. Unless we’re in battle.
Boyd: You got that right! Oh, I’m Boyd. We’re buddies now, so you can call me by name.
Ulki: Very well. I am Ulki. But I ask that you call me that name instead of…hawk brother.
Boyd: Yeah, sure. Whatever you want. So, Ulki. What are you doing in a place like this?
Ulki: I was listening to the little birds chirp. The song soothes me.
Boyd: Really? … Nope. I can’t hear anything. You must have really good ears.
Ulki: Mmm…
Boyd: You know, I really envy you bird tribes. Being able to fly is the greatest thing ever! You’re something else in a fight, too! I can’t believe how you tear through guys. Oh, and it’s weird how much we look alike! I mean, when you’re not shifted. And except for the wings and stuff…
Ulki: …
Boyd: Oh, hey, sorry. I’m doing all the talking. Sometimes I just start rambling on… If I’m bothering you, just say so.
Ulki: …Sorry…
Boyd: What’s wrong?
Ulki: I am…the worst.
Boyd: Huh? Hey! What’s gotten into you?
A Support
Boyd: There you are! Wait a sec, Ulki!
Ulki: …
Boyd: Why are you avoiding me? Did I make you mad or something?
Ulki: Boyd…
Boyd: I thought we were friends. I guess we can’t be friends because I’m a beorc. Is that it?
Ulki: No… You are…good. It’s me. I’m the worst.
Boyd: You called yourself that the other day, too. What are you getting at?
Ulki: Mmm… When you first spoke to me… I was suspicious. When a beorc like you speaks to a laguz like me… I thought you were plotting something.
Boyd: Er… But you said nice things about me when we first met! Were you lying?
Ulki: I thought the exchanging of lies upon a first meeting was a beorc tradition. You also gave me a series of flattering compliments that were not true, no?
Boyd: No, they were true! Well, mostly… Look, I was nervous! I’m not that good at talking to new people.
Ulki: I checked you out when we parted company. I investigated your name. Your background. I checked everything.
Boyd: Yowza! Really? So what did you find?
Ulki: Boyd of the Greil Mercenaries. You are a skilled fighter who says what’s on his mind. It is just as you seemed.
Boyd: …
Ulki: Even though you showed me goodwill from the very beginning… I had no trust in you. I thought you were…mocking me. Or setting me up for a trap. That’s why I am the worst. I am not worthy of being your friend.
Boyd: Ha ha ha!
Ulki: What is it?
Boyd: We’re so alike! At first, I was sure that you would hate me, or claw out my eyes, or…something. I didn’t think I could just hang out with you like Ike does. He’s just so darn natural about everything! But then I happened to talk to you, and it was really easy! That made me pretty happy. So after that, I tried to get to know you. I even followed you around the battlefield.
Ulki: I see.