C Support
Zihark: Uh…Ilyana? What are you staring at?
Ilyana: Oh? Er… The bag on your hip.
Zihark: It’s nothing special. I just carry a vulnerary and some snacks in there. Why? Is there something wrong with it?
Ilyana: Oooh… It smells delicious…
Zihark: Really? That’s odd. It’s just some dried meat.
Ilyana: Dried meat! So…savory… I’m just…you know. I’m hungry.
Zihark: You’re hungry? But I just saw you shoveling down some roast rabbit a few minutes ago! You may look frail, but you can sure throw down the chow! Well, I’m off. Talk to you later!
Ilyana: Oh…good-bye.
Ilyana: What am I going to do? I should have told him I’m starving and nearly ready to collapse from hunger pains. Maybe then he would have given me some of his delicious-smelling snacks. I need food!
B Support
Ilyana: Er… Hello…
Zihark: Hello, Ilyana. You’re hungry again, aren’t you?
Ilyana: No. Maybe. Fine…yes. I’m starving!
Zihark: How can you possibly eat so much and still be hungry? Last night you swiped the chicken wing right out of my hands! Does casting a few spells really make you that hungry?
Ilyana: To be honest, I don’t know why I’m so hungry. I’m never full. I always get hungry as soon as I eat. Normally, I eat about as much food as five people. Today was tough because I only got enough food for three.
Zihark: What?! That’s just…incredible! That sounds like a serious problem. Well…good luck with that.
Ilyana: Er… Excuse me? Can you wait for a moment?
Zihark: What?
Ilyana: Er… Haven’t you forgotten something?
Zihark: Now, let me think… Nope! Didn’t forget anything.
Ilyana: Oh…my mistake, then.
Zihark: See you later!
Ilyana: … Everyone gave me something to eat but him…
A Support
Ilyana: Oh…
Zihark: Hi, Ilyana. I’m bumping into you all over the place these days.
Ilyana: Yes, you’re right. …
Zihark: What’s wrong? You look a little… different today.
Ilyana: Really? How so?
Zihark: Yes, definitely. You’re looking cuter than usual.
Ilyana: Really?!
Zihark: Yeah, definitely a little cuter.
Ilyana: …
Zihark: You’re hungry, though. I can tell from the feral look in your eyes.
Ilyana: Feral?! Excuse me?
Zihark: You’re a bit of a celebrity among the men in the unit. They say you lure them in with your cute face and then run off with their snacks.
Ilyana: They do?
Zihark: Oh, yes they do! You’re a beef jerky thief, aren’t you? I know about the apple pie incident, too. Yeah… I know your tricks. Is it true that you don’t remember their names, even after they buy you an expensive meal? That’s just terrible.
Ilyana: No! It’s just that… I collapse into a coma when I get too hungry! That’s why I’ve got to accept everyone’s generous food offers.
Zihark: Then at least remember their names! Even if you had ulterior motives, everyone likes… Er… Is kind to you.
Ilyana: Sorry…
Zihark: Don’t apologize to me. You didn’t take my apple tart.
Ilyana: All right.
Zihark: Well, shall we get going?
Ilyana: Pardon me?
Zihark: You’re hungry, right? I feel bad about preaching to you, so this dinner is on me.
Ilyana: Are you sure?
Zihark: I’m sure. I can’t have you going hungry on me. However, I’m not rich. All I can afford is two dinners.
Ilyana: That’s…so kind. That should be enough. I’m so happy! Oh, thank you so much… Um… Er… Ike? No, wait! Um… Bill? Lance? Sword guy?
Zihark: Zihark.
Ilyana: Zihark! Oh, I really appreciate it…