C Support
Jill: Captain Haar! Where are you? Captain Haar!!!
Haar: Zzzzzzzzzz…huh?! Wha–?! Who?! Oh. Jill. Yaaaawn… Simmer down, Jill. Can’t you see I’m sleeping? And do you need to shout my name like that? You’re louder than a meat skewer salesman in a crowded market!
Jill: Maybe you should try responding when I call you!
Haar: I’ll do that as soon as you stop calling me captain.
Jill: How should I address you, then?
Haar: Whatever works for you.
Jill: Sir Haar, maybe?
Haar: Do I look like a knight to you?
Jill: All right. Mr. Haar.
Haar: Hah! That doesn’t sound right at all.
Jill: Fine. Just Haar, then.
Haar: Hey! That’s pretty good.
Jill: Sorry. I can’t address my superior like that. I’ll just call you Mr. Haar.
Haar: Well, I can live with that. Now, let me get back to my nap…
B Support
Jill: Mr. Haaaaaaaaar! Where are you!? Mr. Haar!!!
Haar: I’m right behind you.
Jill: Why can’t you just respond the first time I call for you? And didn’t you promise that you’d respond right away if I stopped calling you captain?
Haar: That was only if I wasn’t sleeping.
Jill: Well, that’s most of the time! By the way, it seems like the only time you acted like a professional soldier was when you were in front of my father.
Haar: And I recall the only time you weren’t so uptight was when you were around Lord Shiharam.
Jill: I… I couldn’t help it. He was my father. He was different.
Haar: I’m with you on that. Lord Shiharam was something special. I didn’t want him to see me as hopelessly lazy.
Jill: Mr. Haar…
Haar: Mmm… I think I’ll just stretch out here… Yeah…that’s it. This moss is nice and squishy. Leave me alone. It’s nap time.
A Support
Jill: Mr. Haar?
Haar: Yes?
Jill: That’s strange. I didn’t have to call for you a hundred times before you answered!
Haar: Well, I figured this way I don’t have to listen to your whining.
Jill: Oh, so that’s how it is? Well, whatever…
Haar: What are you going to do when this war is over, Jill?
Jill: Hopefully go back to Daein. I want to be near my father’s grave.
Haar: I see.
Jill: What about you?
Haar: If I survive sparring with Ashnard… I don’t know what I’ll do. I’ve already thought about guarding Lord Shiharam’s grave.
Jill: Does that mean you’re not happy being with me?
Haar: That’s not it. I was just thinking you probably don’t like being with me.
Jill: Why would I not like that?
Haar: Then if we both survive this war, let’s start a wyvern courier service. We’ll make a lot of loot.
Jill: Sure… If we survive.