C Support
Ranulf: Hey there, Lethe.
Lethe: Ah, Ranulf. Glad you could finally join us.
Ranulf: Yes, the tide has finally turned. How are you holding up, Lethe? You and Mordecai have shouldered all of the burden until now. I’m glad I can finally take some of the responsibility.
Lethe: Apologies are meaningless unless they are backed up with deeds.
Ranulf: Ha! I see you’re as friendly as ever. By the way, have you finally warmed up to this band of mercenaries?
Lethe: …In my own way. But there is still some occasional friction. I know they are beasts of habit, but must they always wear so much armor? They overwhelm our noses with the stink of iron and make it difficult to sniff out the enemy.
Ranulf: Well, there’s nothing you can do about that. You could go to Ike and ask them to fight in the buff, but you won’t have much luck.
Lethe: And their eyes are so useless! I’m amazed the species has lived this long. Being blind in the dark is lethal.
Ranulf: There’s nothing they can do about that, Lethe.
Lethe: I suppose not. Still, they’ve done better than I expected.
Ranulf: I’m glad to hear they haven’t completely let you down. You had quite the tragic look on your face when you first learned you’d have to travel with Ike and his merry band!
Lethe: Pah! Can you blame me?
B Support
Lethe: Ranulf, are my soldiers back in Gallia training hard in my absence?
Ranulf: Of course they are! They’re Gallian fighters! You can trust the defense of the country to them.
Lethe: I’m not nearly so confident. They train hard, but they also lack discipline. They are often at each other’s throats.
Ranulf: Well, they’re just…passionate. Don’t worry. It’ll work out in time.
Lethe: How can you be so sure?
Ranulf: Oh, relax. You shouldn’t be so uptight all the time. Why don’t you relax once in a while?
Lethe: Relaxing on the battlefield will get you killed. So…is Lyre in your unit now?
Ranulf: Yes, she is. She and her friend Kysha are giving me quite a hard time.
Lethe: Kysha is big and strong. You’ll have your hands full if they decide to give you trouble. Regardless, I’d still like you to show them the ropes.
Ranulf: So you haven’t seen Lyre in a long time?
Lethe: …
Ranulf: I see you’d rather not discuss it. Fine. But you should still try to settle your differences. She’s your only sister.
Lethe: Mind your business.
Ranulf: Fine, fine. Have it your way.
Lethe: My sister aside, I am a little worried about the unit back home. While you and I are here, the country is poorly defended.
Ranulf: You may have a point. Maybe I’ll mention it to my superior officer.
A Support
Ranulf: Hey, Lethe, about what we discussed the other day? Plans are in the works to bring some unit commanders back to Gallia. It’s not a done deal, but… I may be able to put in a word if you want to be transferred back to Gallia.
Lethe: Back to… No. I will stay here.
Ranulf: Stay here? Are you sure?
Lethe: …Er… I wouldn’t want something gruesome to happen to the humans as soon as I left. I think I’ll stay behind.
Ranulf: Heh…
Lethe: What?! What’s with that smirk?! You have something to say?!
Ranulf: Oh, nothing. It’s just that…when you used to say “human,” you’d curl your lip in disgust.
Lethe: Well, they are disgusting! I can’t stand them…
Ranulf: Hah! You always thrash your tail when you lie! It’s a dead giveaway. Don’t worry. I understand why you want to stay.
Lethe: …I have to get back to my training. I have to chew some straw out of a target dummy.
Ranulf: Whew! Must have hit a nerve.
Lethe: …Ranulf?
Ranulf: Yeeeees?
Lethe: I admit it. My feelings have changed.
Ranulf: They have, huh?
Lethe: I once thought your opinion about humans was weak and disgraceful… But now I see your viewpoint. They are strong allies. They fight by our side. That’s why I’ll stay with Ike.
Ranulf: I see… Well then, we’ll be here to party with Ike and his ragtag mercenary crew when they win this war!
Lethe: We can’t let our guard down yet. But…you’re right. I hope to celebrate with them one day.