C Support
Marcia: …Oh!
Tanith: Marcia. It’s been a while.
Marcia: Oh, chestnuts! D-Deputy Commander Tanith!? What…are you doing here?
Tanith: I was just about to ask you the same thing. As deputy commander of the Holy Guard, I took this position on imperial orders. I never would have thought I’d run into one of my former subordinates so soon…
Marcia: W-we’ve been together since we crossed into Daein?! Oh, I had no idea! Talk about strange luck! Heh…
Tanith: It certainly is. I’m so glad I’ve come across my…special subordinate. I’ve been looking for you for a long time, you know…
Marcia: D-Deputy Commander, your eyes… why are you squinting at me like that? Are you…angry?
Tanith: Oh, I’m angry. I am very angry. Very angry indeed. Right now I’m weighing my options… Which penalty should I inflict on you for deserting the Begnion Holy Guard?
Marcia: I’m… I’m no deserter! Didn’t you read the letter of resignation I wrote?
Tanith: Did you think you could cast off your sworn duty by scribbling on a piece of paper? You should know the weight of being a soldier in the service of the Begnion Holy Guard.
Marcia: I’m… I’m sorry! But I was in such a hurry…
Tanith: …Commander Sigrun is a charitable person. She says she is willing to overlook your desertion.
Marcia: Phew…
Tanith: However! I put an end to that nonsense! I told her that I would bring you back at any cost and deliver the appropriate penalty. I hope you’re ready!
Marcia: Oh! I just remembered I have to be somewhere! Somewhere really far away… Excuse me, ma’am! Yaaaaa!
Tanith: Stop right there! You’re not going to get away this time!
B Support
Tanith: Marcia!
Marcia: Eeeeeeek! D-Deputy Commander!
Tanith: What a disgraceful little scream! You should know how to behave in front of your former superior.
Marcia: But… Deputy Commander… Are you still upset with me?
Tanith: I certainly am! State your reason for deserting your duty as a pegasus knight! You were never one to run away! Even during the most intense missions… You were no coward, Marcia. I’ve even seen some knights leave because of a silly romantic distraction… but not you.
Marcia: Well, if you must know… My brother went missing after he accrued a massive debt.
Tanith: Debt?
Marcia: Yes. Men began coming to my barracks to collect their money instead of hunting down my brother. That’s why I went to find him. I met Ike and his company during my search, and I joined after they saved me from a vicious band of boat monkeys. But I still didn’t find my brother.
Tanith: …
Marcia: I figured that if I traveled with Ike, I’d eventually find my brother. That’s why I’m still with them.
Tanith: I see… So he skipped town because of his debts. As your former superior officer, I do feel some sympathy for you.
Marcia: Then–
Tanith: Nevertheless! You are still a deserter. It makes no difference why. You will still be punished once my mission is complete.
Marcia: Awww… Come on!
A Support
Marcia: So, you know… I was thinking… If possible… It would be great if you could overlook my punishment.
Tanith: Punishing deserters to the harshest degree of the law has always been an iron rule. I cannot make a special exception for you.
Marcia: Deputy Commander… Why do you have to be so mean?!
Tanith: Why am I mean!? Because you deserted, I had to–
Marcia: You were always like that. Unlike Commander Sigrun, you never once commended our unit. You think you understand us, but you don’t. You’re just heartless and frigid.
Tanith: Don’t you get it? Why do you think I’m coming down on you so hard!?
Marcia: Excuse me?
Tanith: I wouldn’t normally say this, but… I had high expectations for you, Marcia. I thought you could take the reigns and someday lead the Holy Guard.
Marcia: What!? Where did that come from? Back in Begnion, you said nothing about any of this.
Tanith: Do you think I would say something like that on my own? I have no choice now. I’ll offer counsel to the commander, and see to it that you have a place back on the Guard. If you come back, I might just forget all about your desertion.
Marcia: Deputy Commander… I… I appreciate it!