C Support
Mordecai: I have a question, Ulki.
Ulki: Yes? What is it?
Mordecai: The bird tribes fly the sky. How does it feel to fly?
Ulki: Huh… I never think about it. It’s just something that I do.
Mordecai: Hrrrrmm… I see. It is for you like running is for me. I have never flown. I wanted to know if it was different.
Ulki: That’s what I figured…
Mordecai: What kind of place is your home? Do you have to fly there?
Ulki: Well… Even if you were to arrive by ship, Phoenicis has no ports and no docks. We have no need for them. Without our help, it would be hard for you to visit Phoenicis.
Mordecai: I see… That is a shame.
Ulki: Do you want to come to Phoenicis?
Mordecai: I do indeed! I have met many beorc and laguz throughout this war. Our world is big, and I would see more of it.
Ulki: You would, huh?
B Support
Ulki: Mordecai…
Mordecai: Is something troubling you, Ulki?
Ulki: I want to ask you something.
Mordecai: Hm? What is it?
Ulki: I understand you beast tribes can see well even at night. With the exception of Janaff, my kind cannot see at all at night. Even with my eyes wide open, all I can see is the darkness.
Mordecai: In perfect darkness, I cannot see. If there is but a little light, however, I can see as clearly as in the day. I use the moonlight, as should you.
Ulki: I wish I could, but that is exactly what I mean. Your kind can see by moonlight, but the bird clans…
Mordecai: They cannot?
Ulki: I long to soar in the sky, looking down upon the moonlit world… I would love to see the forest at night. What do the trees look like as night falls? Why are there dewdrops on the leaves in the morning even when there’s no rain? The forest at night has so many mysteries. What light can you shed on them?
Mordecai: During the day, the forest teems with life. It is very different from the night forest. But the night forest is also alive in its way.
Ulki: Is that so? I would love to see that, even once.
A Support
Mordecai: I have an idea, Ulki.
Ulki: What is it?
Mordecai: Janaff is your king’s eyes. I will be yours. Carry me on your back. You will help me fly, and I will show you the night forest.
Ulki: …No, you’d be too heavy. I can’t carry you.
Mordecai: Hrrrm… I see. I am sorry to trouble you. I can see at night, and you can fly in the sky. I thought it was a good idea…
Ulki: …
Mordecai: It was a foolish thought.
Ulki: No, it was very kind. Well, what if… Yes, suppose I grow stronger, and you, well, lost some weight… Then we could give your idea a try.
Mordecai: I will! Then, you can take me to Phoenicis, and I will see your home! I will do what you have asked! Except…I must lose some weight. I do not like that. I like to eat… No! It will be worth not eating! I will see Phoenicis!
Ulki: …Uh… It was just a thought. Let’s not go overboard here…