C Support
Devdan: Yoo-hoo! Hey there, little one! Devdan has something to tell you.
Nephenee: What…is it?
Devdan: Devdan thinks that you look angry. Why are you always scowling? Small children will start to cry!
Nephenee: You…think so?
Devdan: It’s frightening to look at you! You had better start to smile more… or else! Being too serious is a bad business. Keep it up and your life will end much sooner than you like!
Nephenee: Um…you’re scaring me.
Devdan: Is that right? Hmm… What’s your name?
Nephenee: Nephenee…
Devdan: Well then, Devdan will now teach Nephenee how to laugh. Don’t be shy! It will be fun!
Nephenee: All…right… Please don’t hurt me.
B Support
Devdan: I have something to tell you, Nephenee.
Nephenee: AAAAH! Um…y-yes, Devdan?
Devdan: You have that stern look again… You had better start to smile more… Or else! Remember what Devdan taught you the other day? You can laugh for no reason at all!
Nephenee: I’m trying! I promise! I really am… See? Um… Heh heh…
Devdan: Trying? Oh, little one! All you have to do is to laugh like Devdan. Like this! Mua ha har hee ho hee hoo!
Nephenee: Well, it’s…it’s hard to laugh when you’re sad…and…terribly frightened.
Devdan: Nephenee always says things like that. Talking in such a quiet voice. It makes Devdan sad…and upset!
Nephenee: Eep!
Devdan: But more sad. Devdan once visited a village that was home to a girl like you. She was so good to poor Devdan… But one day, bandits came to the village…and they killed her.
Nephenee: T-that’s terrible!
Devdan: She took herself too seriously. She should have stayed hidden with everyone else. Instead, she came out from hiding while Devdan was fighting the bandits. She thought she had to do something herself… That’s why Devdan wants you to talk more, and smile more, too! One day…poof! It could be too late for poor Nephenee!
Nephenee: Um…C-Commander Ike! Titania? Anyone…?
A Support
Nephenee: Um… Hello, D-Devdan.
Devdan: Mua ha har hee ho hee hoo! Nephenee never says hello first. That makes Devdan happy!
Nephenee: I’m smiling! See! So…happy… Smiling…so…hard…
Devdan: It is hard for Devdan to hear Nephenee say such things…
Nephenee: I-I’m sorry–
Devdan: Devdan loves to see people smile! That’s why Devdan smiles, too. But seeing a pained smile is sad. You try to smile because Devdan asked you to, but you are still full of sorrow. It reminds Devdan of the dead child that you heard about the other day… The poor, dead child… Devdan is sorry, Nephenee. Let us speak no more of it. I will get…upset.
Nephenee: U-upset? D-don’t do that, Devdan!
Devdan: Mmmmm…
Nephenee: Maybe I’ve been…uh…too negative! If I think positive, I’ll smile a lot. Like you! See?!
Devdan: Of course you will! A smile helps you and your friends! Can you smile wider? Here, Devdan will help!
Nephenee: Ah! Wait! No! Look, I got it! Smile, Nephenee… Smile big… Smile and back away…