C Support
Oscar: Hi, Kieran. How are you?
Kieran: What the… Oscar! How I loathe that name! Don’t give me such pleasant greetings! I care not for them!
Oscar: What did I do now?
Kieran: Oh ho! Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten our second year of enlistment! The year we completed horsemanship? There was a final race to end the year… My beloved horse and I were flawless, but you beat us by the smallest of margins!
Oscar: Huh? Oh, are you talking about that race you challenged me to? Yeah, that was fun… But I thought the distance between us was at least three lengths–
Kieran: Ha! LIAR! Deceitful, lying, squinty coward! That was the very moment I marked you as my archrival! Don’t pretend not to care!
Oscar: Uh…wow. I had no idea–
Kieran: But why!? I must know why you left the Crimean knighthood without a word of explanation! I devoted myself to training with my horse! I worked day and night so I could best my archrival… And thanks to my extreme devotion… I didn’t realize you were gone until six months later! Delinquent! Reneger!
Oscar: Wait a sec… Kieran. How is that my fault?
B Support
Kieran: Oscar!!
Oscar: Hi, Kieran. Still hanging in there, huh?
Kieran: I can’t take it anymore! Come back! Rejoin the proud brotherhood of the Crimean knights!
Oscar: This is sudden–
Kieran: As a former Crimean knight, surely you have some sense of loyalty! What say you!? Rejoin! For king and country! The homeland is in danger! Any who used to be Crimean knights should come rushing to her aid!
Oscar: You have a point. And I’m glad I’m able to help rebuild the homeland, even if it’s as a mercenary.
Kieran: I’m not here to make you glad! I’m here to convince you to be a knight again! You’re not fulfilling your allegiance to sweet Crimea by being a mercenary! How can you sleep at night?
Oscar: I love Crimea, but I’m happy here. I want to serve Ike as a member of the Greil Mercenaries. Forever.
Kieran: Darn! Why!? What draws you guys to such a life…? What could make the mercenary life so appealing that you would sell your loyalty to our glorious homeland, Crimea? A-ha! Could it be the nice fat salary!? That’s it! I remember you saying that you needed money! Ho! Loose lips sink ships!
Oscar: If I wanted money, I would have stayed with the Crimean knights. I only get about half of that now.
Kieran: What in the–!? Bah! Wake up, man! Can’t you see you’re being duped!? Honor! Fortune! Glory! It can be yours!
Oscar: I doubt it.
Kieran: Bah, I say! You’re hopeless!
Oscar: Who’s hopeless…?
A Support
Kieran: Oscar!!
Oscar: Hello, Kieran. Are you going to ask me to return to the Crimean knights again?
Kieran: You guessed it! I’m a Crimean knight… and I’m very proud of that fact! No better friend! No worse enemy! A knight distinguishes himself in battle, returning in triumph to hear adulation from the people and praise from his lord! When you make your name as a knight, everyone knows you! The world is laid at your feet! And above all else, you can defend our beloved Crimea and her people with your own two hands!!
Oscar: That certainly sounds nice.
Kieran: It’s better than the life of a mercenary, cavorting with outlaws and entering battles from which you never return! Why, Oscar? Why!? I just don’t get it!
Oscar: …
Kieran: You’re my archrival! That’s an honor! I know your true skills better than anyone. If you say you will come back, I’ll do everything I can to recommend your honorable return to the knights!
Oscar: Heh. Thanks, Kieran. But I’m not returning. After joining the mercenaries, I had a chance to see the world. I saw grief with my own eyes. People subjugated by the powerful, losing everything and dying alone… Countries can’t save people like that. It’s up to men like us–men who are in the thick of the action–to aid those who cannot aid themselves. Besides, I have no use for honor. As long as I can defend the family called the Greil Mercenaries, I’m happy.
Kieran: Bla… Blast! You’ve outdone me again! How can this be? I don’t know why or how, but… I feel you beat me yet again!
Oscar: You didn’t lose. There are many things that a brave knight like yourself can do that we mercenaries cannot. So let’s both do our best. We may stand on different sides of the field, but we aspire to the same ideal.
Kieran: I see… Then I will ask you no more!! Watch me! When Crimea is fully restored, my distinguished services will resonate throughout the ages! You’ll hear about it wherever you are! I’ll make sure of it!
Oscar: …Yes, I’m sure you will. And when I hear your brave tales, I’ll toast your success!