C Support
Gatrie: …Huff… …Puff… Maybe I should… Oh! Or then again, I could… Hmm… No, I won’t do that…
Shinon: Hey.
Gatrie: Hm? Oh, hey, Shinon!
Shinon: What in the heck are you doing? It’s really annoying.
Gatrie: Shhh! It’s a secret!
Shinon: Whatever. See you around.
Gatrie: W-wait! I’m just joking! Stop being so mean and listen for a second!
Shinon: I will if you buy dinner tonight.
Gatrie: Mmmm… Oh, all right. But you better give me good advice!
Shinon: Of course, of course. So, what’s on your mind?
Gatrie: I’m thinking about the reward that we’re going to get. I’m not sure what to do with it.
Shinon: Up to you. Spend it however you please.
Gatrie: But every time I spend money, you give me a hard time!
Shinon: I do? How?
Gatrie: What about the other day, when I bought the Ultimate Shield?!
Shinon: Gatrie, that was a castle gate. Hey, did you ever give that back? That guard thought you were a thief.
Gatrie: And remember the SpeedBring 4000? That secret elixir that boosts speed just by sprinkling it over your body–
Shinon: You mean that putrid snake oil? You dumped the whole bottle on your head without smelling it first.
Gatrie: But that wonderful little potion worked! I DID move faster!
Shinon: You moved faster because thirty stray dogs were chasing you.
Gatrie: See! You’re giving me a hard time again!
Shinon: Oh, did I hurt your feelings? Wow, it sure is fun to tell you the truth and have you grumble at me in return.
Gatrie: No, no! I didn’t mean to… Er… Sorry…
Shinon: Hmm… You’re too honest sometimes…
Gatrie: Hee hee! You’re embarrassing me!
Shinon: All right, let’s go eat! Now that’s spending wisely!
Gatrie: Yeah, let’s… Wait a minute, Shinon! You didn’t help me at all! This isn’t part of the deal!
B Support
Gatrie: Say, Shinon!
Shinon: I’m busy. Come back later.
Gatrie: I really want to ask you something. Right now!
Shinon: No, Gatrie.
Gatrie: I’ll pay for dinner again.
Shinon: Get lost.
Gatrie: We’ll eat somewhere more expensive tonight.
Shinon: Appetizers?
Gatrie: Sure! You can order anything you want!
Shinon: All right, then. I think I can spare some time for my brother-in-arms.
Gatrie: Aw, thanks Shinon! I owe you one!
Shinon: …Well? What do you want?
Gatrie: Well, actually… What I need to ask you is…
Shinon: Spit it out!
Gatrie: Well, it’s… Oh, I don’t know. Do you really want to hear it?
Shinon: Do that one more time, and I’ll put an arrow through your eye!
Gatrie: W-wait! Just a minute! I’ll tell you now… Are you ready?
Shinon: Aaaaaarrrgh!
Gatrie: Ihaveanewgirlfriend!!!!
Shinon: A new girlfriend? Is she blind or something?
Gatrie: I met her in town yesterday! She’s soooo cute! I’m telling you, she’s the one for me!
Shinon: Well, I’m happy for you. Oh, I see. You want to ask me what kind of gift to give her, right?
Gatrie: Tee hee hee! Yeah, that’s right! What should I give her?
Shinon: I know everything there is to know about gift giving, my friend. I’ll tell you all about it over a fine meal.
Gatrie: Please do, romance master!
A Support
Gatrie: …
Shinon: What the…?
Shinon: Why are you standing out here like a scarecrow?
Gatrie: Hey, Shinon. I’m just waiting for my girlfriend.
Shinon: Oh. Her. Right. You’re still dating?
Gatrie: Yep! And when I gave her the gift that you picked out for me… boy, was she happy! In fact, I’ll tell you a secret… we’re getting married!
Shinon: Aren’t you rushing it a little?
Gatrie: Oh, no! You see, she’s terminally ill. She has Brain Stones. It’s really bad. She only had a few days left to live. And since she didn’t have enough money to pay for the treatment… I thought it was time to spend my gold!
Shinon: You paid for it?
Gatrie: Yep! Every last gold piece! And guess what? The treatment cost exactly as much as I had! It’s fate, isn’t it? Oh, with a coincidence like this, I know that we’re meant for each other!
Shinon: …You’ve got to be kidding me.
Gatrie: Between the war and her illness, times are pretty rough, so we decided to have the wedding right away. I was supposed to meet her here and then introduce her to the company. I wanted to do it in style, you know? But she’s not here yet… Oh, wait is that… No, that’s a horse. Hmm… I’m a little worried. I went to her house this morning, but I think I got the address wrong. All I found was an abandoned shack. But it’ll be all right! She knows I’m with this army, and… And…
Shinon: Gatrie? She’s not coming. You’ve been conned.
Gatrie: Whaaat!? No, I don’t believe it! She’s such a fine girl! So pure and kind! She’d never hornswoggle ol’ Gatrie!
Shinon: How can someone with only days left to live manage to walk the streets looking for a knight with lots of money?
Gatrie: Because… Because she needed to meet me! It’s fate! Remember?
Shinon: Then why isn’t she here?
Gatrie: B-because… Um… Wolves?
Shinon: No, Gatrie. It’s not wolves.
Gatrie: Oh… Hee hee! Hee hee hee! I guess ol’ Gatrie… Whaa ha ha! I guess I got taken again! Whaa ha ha ha… Whooo! Oh man, I’ll never learn.
Shinon: Tell me what she looks like.
Gatrie: Huh? Why?
Shinon: All your money? That’s going too far. I’ll find her and…get it back.
Gatrie: Well… Nah, that’s all right. I mean, it’s my fault anyway.
Shinon: Are you sure? She must be laughing her head off by now.
Gatrie: Well, at least it was a cute little head.
Shinon: Sigh… You’re hopeless, Gatrie. You know that?
Gatrie Yeah, I know. But I don’t mind so much. It makes me kinda charming, right?
Shinon: Well, I guess you don’t have to worry about what to do with your money anymore.
Gatrie: Yeah, that’s right. Hey, if you look at it that way, it’s a blessing in disguise!
Shinon: Let’s go find a watering hole with some cute waitresses. What do you say?
Gatrie: Hey, that’s a great idea! Oh, but… I don’t have any money. Sorry, Shinon. Maybe some other time.
Shinon: Forget it. It’s my treat.
Gatrie: Are…are you sure?
Shinon: Yep.
Gatrie: Hee hee hee!
Shinon: What’s so funny?
Gatrie: Supper on your gold piece? This is my lucky day!
Shinon: Hopeless.